
The distance between Suez and Aden is precisely thirteen hundred and ten miles, and the regulations of the company allow the steamers one hundred and thirty-eight hours in which to traverse it. —
苏伊士和亚丁之间的距离恰好为一千三百一十英里,公司的规定允许轮船在一百三十八小时内完成航程。 —

The “Mongolia,” thanks to the vigorous exertions of the engineer, seemed likely, so rapid was her speed, to reach her destination considerably within that time. —
多亏了工程师的积极努力,“蒙古号”以其迅猛的速度似乎有可能在这个时间范围内到达目的地。 —

The greater part of the passengers from Brindisi were bound for India some for Bombay, others for Calcutta by way of Bombay, the nearest route thither, now that a railway crosses the Indian peninsula. —
从布林迪西来的大部分乘客要前往印度,有些要前往孟买,还有些要经孟买前往加尔各答,这是现在去往加尔各答最近的路线,因为铁路已经穿越了印度半岛。 —

Among the passengers was a number of officials and military officers of various grades, the latter being either attached to the regular British forces or commanding the Sepoy troops, and receiving high salaries ever since the central government has assumed the powers of the East India Company: —
在乘客中有一批各级官员和军官,后者或者隶属于英国正规军,或者指挥印度士兵,自中央政府接管东印度公司的权力以来,他们一直享受高薪。 —

for the sub-lieutenants get £280, brigadiers, £2,400, and generals of divisions, £4,000. —
对于海军下尉,薪水为280英镑,准将为2400英镑,而师级将军为4000英镑。 —

What with the military men, a number of rich young Englishmen on their travels, and the hospitable efforts of the purser, the time passed quickly on the “Mongolia. —
由于军官们和一些富有的年轻英国旅行者以及被保护人的好客努力,时间在“蒙古”上过得很快。 —

” The best of fare was spread upon the cabin tables at breakfast, lunch, dinner, and the eight o’clock supper, and the ladies scrupulously changed their toilets twice a day; —
早餐、午餐、晚餐和八点的晚餐上的餐桌上都摆满了最好的食物,女士们每天都会认真地更换自己的服装两次。 —

and the hours were whirled away, when the sea was tranquil, with music, dancing, and games.

But the Red Sea is full of caprice, and often boisterous, like most long and narrow gulfs. —
但红海充满了变幻莫测的性格,常常狂暴,就像大多数狭长的海湾一样。 —

When the wind came from the African or Asian coast the “Mongolia, ” with her long hull, rolled fearfully. —
当风来自非洲或亚洲海岸时,“蒙古”号由于其长长的船身而狂翻不止。 —

Then the ladies speedily disappeared below; the pianos were silent; —
然后女士们迅速消失在甲板下,钢琴也变得寂静。 —

singing and dancing suddenly ceased. Yet the good ship ploughed straight on, unretarded by wind or wave, towards the straits of Bab-el-Mandeb. —
歌唱和舞蹈突然停止。然而,这艘良好的船只毫不受风浪的阻碍,直奔巴卜尔曼德海峡。 —

What was Phileas Fogg doing all this time? —
菲利亚斯·福格一直在做什么呢? —

It might be thought that, in his anxiety, he would be constantly watching the changes of the wind, the disorderly raging of the billows—every chance, in short, which might force the “Mongolia” to slacken her speed, and thus interrupt his journey. —
或许可能认为,在他的焦虑中,他会一直观察风的变化,波浪的混乱愤怒,每一个可能使“蒙古号”减慢速度、打断他的旅行的机会,总之,他没有以任何外在的迹象泄露这些可能性的想法。 —

But, if he thought of these possibilities, he did not betray the fact by any outward sign.

Always the same impassible member of the Reform Club, whom no incident could surprise, as unvarying as the ship’s chronometers, and seldom having the curiosity even to go upon the deck, he passed through the memorable scenes of the Red Sea with cold indifference; —
作为改革俱乐部中冷静的成员,他总是保持不变,没有什么事件可以使他感到惊讶,像船上的计时器一样始终如一,甚至很少有兴趣走上甲板去看。他用冷漠的态度穿越了红海的众多令人难忘的景色。 —

did not care to recognise the historic towns and villages which, along its borders, raised their picturesque outlines against the sky; —
他并不在乎辨认那些沿着红海边境线勾勒出天际线的历史城镇和村庄。 —

and betrayed no fear of the dangers of the Arabic Gulf, which the old historians always spoke of with horror, and upon which the ancient navigators never ventured without propitiating the gods by ample sacrifices. —
他完全不畏惧亚拉伯湾的危险,老历史学家们总是对这个地方充满恐惧,而古代航海家们从来不敢在没有进行大量祭祀以示安抚神灵的情况下冒险。 —

How did this eccentric personage pass his time on the “Mongolia”? —
这个古怪的人在“蒙古号”上是怎么度过时间的? —

He made his four hearty meals every day, regardless of the most persistent rolling and pitching on the part of the steamer; —
不管轮船持续不断的晃动和颠簸,他每天都有四顿丰盛的饭,一点也不在意。 —

and he played whist indefatigably, for he had found partners as enthusiastic in the game as himself. —
而且他还极力参与卡牌游戏“Whist”,因为他找到了和他一样热衷于这个游戏的伙伴。一位前往果阿的税务人员,回到孟买的Decimus Smith牧师,以及一位将要重返他在班纳雷斯的英军大将, —

A tax-collector, on the way to his post at Goa; —
和福格先生一起,他们整整一小时都在沉默中打牌。 —

the Rev. Decimus Smith, returning to his parish at Bombay; —
至于帕斯帕图,他也没有晕船,很自觉地在船头小舱里吃饭。 —

and a brigadier-general of the English army, who was about to rejoin his brigade at Benares, made up the party, and, with Mr. Fogg, played whist by the hour together in absorbing silence.

As for Passepartout, he, too, had escaped sea-sickness, and took his meals conscientiously in the forward cabin. —
与M. Fogg一起打扑克的有一位前往果阿的税务官、一位回到孟买的牧师Decimus Smith以及一位准备重返班纳雷斯的英国陆军准将。 —

He rather enjoyed the voyage, for he was well fed and well lodged, took a great interest in the scenes through which they were passing, and consoled himself with the delusion that his master’s whim would end at Bombay. —
他对这次航行相当喜欢,因为他吃得好住得好,对经过的风景非常感兴趣,并且安慰自己说主人的古怪念头将在孟买结束。 —

He was pleased, on the day after leaving Suez, to find on deck the obliging person with whom he had walked and chatted on the quays.

“If I am not mistaken,” said he, approaching this person, with his most amiable smile, “you are the gentleman who so kindly volunteered to guide me at Suez?”
“如果我没记错的话,”他带着最亲切的笑容走近这个人说: “你是那位在苏伊士那里那么热心地愿意引导我的绅士吗?”

“Ah! I quite recognise you. You are the servant of the strange Englishman—”
“啊! 我认出你了。你是那位奇怪的英国人的仆人–”

“Just so, monsieur—”


“Monsieur Fix,” resumed Passepartout, “I’m charmed to find you on board. —
“菲克斯先生,”帕萨珀图继续说道,”见到你上船我很高兴。 —

Where are you bound?”

“Like you, to Bombay.”

“That’s capital! Have you made this trip before?”
“太好了! 你以前做过这次旅行吗?”

“Several times. I am one of the agents of the Peninsular Company.”

“Then you know India?”

“Why yes,” replied Fix, who spoke cautiously.

“A curious place, this India?”

“Oh, very curious. Mosques, minarets, temples, fakirs, pagodas, tigers, snakes, elephants! —
“哦,非常好奇。清真寺,尖塔,寺庙,福基尔,富饶的塔斯,蛇,大象! —

I hope you will have ample time to see the sights.”

“I hope so, Monsieur Fix. You see, a man of sound sense ought not to spend his life jumping from a steamer upon a railway train, and from a railway train upon a steamer again, pretending to make the tour of the world in eighty days! —
“我希望是这样,费克斯先生。你知道,一个理智的人不应该花一生时间从一艘轮船跳到一辆火车上,再从一辆火车跳回来,假装在八十天内环游世界! —

No; all these gymnastics, you may be sure, will cease at Bombay.”

“And Mr. Fogg is getting on well?” asked Fix, in the most natural tone in the world.

“Quite well, and I too. I eat like a famished ogre; it’s the sea air.”

“But I never see your master on deck.”

“Never; he hasn’t the least curiosity.”

“Do you know, Mr. Passepartout, that this pretended tour in eighty days may conceal some secret errand—perhaps a diplomatic mission?”

“Faith, Monsieur Fix, I assure you I know nothing about it, nor would I give half a crown to find out.”

After this meeting, Passepartout and Fix got into the habit of chatting together, the latter making it a point to gain the worthy man’s confidence. —
在这次会议之后,帕斯帕图和菲克斯开始养成了聊天的习惯,后者一直努力赢得这个可敬的人的信任。 —

He frequently offered him a glass of whiskey or pale ale in the steamer bar-room, which Passepartout never failed to accept with graceful alacrity, mentally pronouncing Fix the best of good fellows.

Meanwhile the “Mongolia” was pushing forward rapidly; —
与此同时,“蒙古号”正迅速推进。 —

on the 13th, Mocha, surrounded by its ruined walls whereon date-trees were growing, was sighted, and on the mountains beyond were espied vast coffee-fields. —
13日,他们发现了穆卡,周围是毁坏的城墙,上面长满了椰枣树,山上还有广阔的咖啡园。 —

Passepartout was ravished to behold this celebrated place, and thought that, with its circular walls and dismantled fort, it looked like an immense coffee-cup and saucer. —
帕斯帕图看到这个著名的地方非常兴奋,认为它的圆形城墙和废弃的要塞看起来像一个巨大的咖啡杯和碟子。 —

The following night they passed through the Strait of Bab-el-Mandeb, which means in Arabic “The Bridge of Tears, ” and the next day they put in at Steamer Point, north-west of Aden harbour, to take in coal. —
第二天晚上,他们通过了巴埃尔曼德布海峡,这在阿拉伯语中意思是“泪之桥”,第二天他们停靠在亚丁西北的蒸汽机点,补充煤炭。 —

This matter of fuelling steamers is a serious one at such distances from the coal-mines; —
在离煤矿那么远的地方给轮船加煤是一个严重的问题; —

it costs the Peninsular Company some eight hundred thousand pounds a year. —
这令半岛公司每年损失八十万英镑。 —

In these distant seas, coal is worth three or four pounds sterling a ton.

The “Mongolia” had still sixteen hundred and fifty miles to traverse before reaching Bombay, and was obliged to remain four hours at Steamer Point to coal up. —
在抵达孟买之前,“蒙古”号还要航行1650英里,必须在船舶码头停留四个小时加煤。 —

But this delay, as it was foreseen, did not affect Phileas Fogg’s programme; —
但是,正如预料的那样,这个延误并没有影响菲利亚斯·福格的计划; —

besides, the “Mongolia,” instead of reaching Aden on the morning of the 15th, when she was due, arrived there on the evening of the 14th, a gain of fifteen hours.

Mr. Fogg and his servant went ashore at Aden to have the passport again _visaed; —
福格先生和他的仆人在亚丁下了岸,再次办理了护照签证; —

_ Fix, unobserved, followed them. The visa procured, Mr. Fogg returned on board to resume his former habits; —
未被注意到的菲克斯则尾随他们。办理完签证后,福格先生回到船上恢复以前的习惯; —

while Passepartout, according to custom, sauntered about among the mixed population of Somalis, Banyans, Parsees, Jews, Arabs, and Europeans who comprise the twenty-five thousand inhabitants of Aden. He gazed with wonder upon the fortifications which make this place the Gibraltar of the Indian Ocean, and the vast cisterns where the English engineers were still at work, two thousand years after the engineers of Solomon.

“Very curious, very curious,” said Passepartout to himself, on returning to the steamer. —
“非常奇怪,非常奇怪。”帕斯帕图返回到轮船时自言自语道。 —

“I see that it is by no means useless to travel, if a man wants to see something new. —
“我明白了,旅行绝对不是无用的,如果一个人想要看见新鲜事物的话。 —

” At six p.m. the “Mongolia” slowly moved out of the roadstead, and was soon once more on the Indian Ocean. She had a hundred and sixty-eight hours in which to reach Bombay, and the sea was favourable, the wind being in the north-west, and all sails aiding the engine. —
“下午六点,“蒙古号”缓慢地离开了锚地,很快又回到了印度洋上。她还有168个小时可以到达孟买,海上条件良好,风向西北,所有帆都在辅助引擎。 —

The steamer rolled but little, the ladies, in fresh toilets, reappeared on deck, and the singing and dancing were resumed. —
蒸汽船几乎没有晃动,女士们换上了新的服装重新出现在甲板上,歌唱和跳舞重新开始。 —

The trip was being accomplished most successfully, and Passepartout was enchanted with the congenial companion which chance had secured him in the person of the delightful Fix. On Sunday, October 20th, towards noon, they came in sight of the Indian coast: —
航行非常顺利,帕斯帕图特在可爱的菲克斯身上找到了志趣相投的伴侣,他感到非常高兴。10月20日星期日中午,他们看到了印度的海岸线。 —

two hours later the pilot came on board. —
两个小时后,引航员上船了。 —

A range of hills lay against the sky in the horizon, and soon the rows of palms which adorn Bombay came distinctly into view. —
远处天际线上是一座山脉,不久后孟买周围装饰着棕榈树的行列清晰可见。 —

The steamer entered the road formed by the islands in the bay, and at half-past four she hauled up at the quays of Bombay.

Phileas Fogg was in the act of finishing the thirty-third rubber of the voyage, and his partner and himself having, by a bold stroke, captured all thirteen of the tricks, concluded this fine campaign with a brilliant victory.

The “Mongolia” was due at Bombay on the 22nd; she arrived on the 20th. —
“蒙古号”预定在22日抵达孟买,但她提前于20日抵达了。 —

This was a gain to Phileas Fogg of two days since his departure from London, and he calmly entered the fact in the itinerary, in the column of gains.