Two peasant constables—one a stubby, black-bearded individual with such exceptionally short legs that if you looked at him from behind it seemed as though his legs began much lower down than in other people; —
两名农民警官,一个矮胖,黑胡子,腿 exceptionally 短,后面看起来好像他的腿比其他人低得多; —

the other, long, thin, and straight as a stick, with a scanty beard of dark reddish colour—were escorting to the district town a tramp who refused to remember his name. —
另一个瘦长直如树枝,留着淡红色的胡须,押送着一位不愿透露姓名的流浪汉前往区镇; —

The first waddled along, looking from side to side, chewing now a straw, now his own sleeve, slapping himself on the haunches and humming, and altogether had a careless and frivolous air; —
第一个东歪西倒地走着,时而嚼稻草,时而咬自己的袖子,拍打自己的屁股,哼着小曲,整个人显得漫不经心和轻浮; —

the other, in spite of his lean face and narrow shoulders, looked solid, grave, and substantial; —
而另一个,尽管面瘦肩窄,却看起来坚实,严肃和实在; —

in the lines and expression of his whole figure he was like the priests among the Old Believers, or the warriors who are painted on old-fashioned ikons. —
从他整个身体的线条和表情来看,他像是旧教徒中的神职人员,或是古老圣像上的战士; —

“For his wisdom God had added to his forehead”—that is, he was bald—which increased the resemblance referred to. —
“因为他的智慧,神把额头添上” — 即他是个光头 — 这一点增加了上述相似之处; —

The first was called Andrey Ptaha, the second Nikandr Sapozhnikov.

The man they were escorting did not in the least correspond with the conception everyone has of a tramp. —
他们押送的男子与每个人对流浪汉的概念完全不符; —

He was a frail little man, weak and sickly-looking, with small, colourless, and extremely indefinite features. —
他是个瘦弱的小家伙,看起来虚弱,病态,面部特征小巧,没有特色; —

His eyebrows were scanty, his expression mild and submissive; —
他眉毛稀疏,表情温和顺从; —

he had scarcely a trace of a moustache, though he was over thirty. —
他30多岁了,却几乎没有胡须; —

He walked along timidly, bent forward, with his hands thrust into his sleeves. —
他胆怯地弓着身子走着,双手插在袖子里; —

The collar of his shabby cloth overcoat, which did not look like a peasant’s, was turned up to the very brim of his cap, so that only his little red nose ventured to peep out into the light of day. —
他褴褛的呢子大衣领子完全翻起,看上去不像农民,只有他那红彤彤的小鼻子冒出来见光; —

He spoke in an ingratiating tenor, continually coughing. —
他说话声音嗲嗲的,时常咳嗽; —

It was very, very difficult to believe that he was a tramp concealing his surname. —
很难相信他是一个隐瞒姓名的流浪汉。 —

He was more like an unsuccessful priest’s son, stricken by God and reduced to beggary; —
他更像是一个未能成功的神父之子,受到上帝的惩罚而沦为乞丐; —

a clerk discharged for drunkenness; a merchant’s son or nephew who had tried his feeble powers in a theatrical career, and was now going home to play the last act in the parable of the prodigal son; —
一个因酗酒而被解雇的书记;一个商人的儿子或侄子,在戏剧事业中尝试过自己微薄的才华,如今正在回家演绎浪子回头的寓言结局; —

perhaps, judging by the dull patience with which he struggled with the hopeless autumn mud, he might have been a fanatical monk, wandering from one Russian monastery to another, continually seeking “a peaceful life, free from sin,” and not finding it….

The travellers had been a long while on their way, but they seemed to be always on the same small patch of ground. —
旅行者已经行进了很长一段时间,但似乎他们总是停留在同一小块地面上; —

In front of them there stretched thirty feet of muddy black-brown mud, behind them the same, and wherever one looked further, an impenetrable wall of white fog. —
在他们面前,延伸着三十英尺长的泥黑褐色泥泞,身后也是如此,无论往哪个方向看去,都是一堵白雾笼罩的墙壁,挡在了他们前进的路上; —

They went on and on, but the ground remained the same, the wall was no nearer, and the patch on which they walked seemed still the same patch. —
他们不断前行,但地面依然一片残缺,雾墙还是遥不可及,他们行走的小块地似乎仍是同一片地; —

They got a glimpse of a white, clumsy-looking stone, a small ravine, or a bundle of hay dropped by a passer-by, the brief glimmer of a great muddy puddle, or, suddenly, a shadow with vague outlines would come into view ahead of them; —
他们瞥见一块白色笨重的石头、一个小峡谷,或者是路人丢弃的一捆干草,一瞬即逝的巨大泥潭的映像,或突然之间,一阴影模糊的轮廓出现在他们前方; —

the nearer they got to it the smaller and darker it became; —
更接近时,它变得越发微小和阴暗; —

nearer still, and there stood up before the wayfarers a slanting milestone with the number rubbed off, or a wretched birch-tree drenched and bare like a wayside beggar. —
再靠近一些,路人前面会立起一根斜斜倚着、号码被磨擦掉的里程碑,或一棵破败的白桦树,像一位道旁的乞丐一样湿漉漉的光秃; —

The birch-tree would whisper something with what remained of its yellow leaves, one leaf would break off and float lazily to the ground. —
白桦树用残留的黄叶低语,一片叶子掉落,悠然飘落到地面; —

… And then again fog, mud, the brown grass at the edges of the road. —
然后又是一片雾气、泥潭、路边的褐色草; —

On the grass hung dingy, unfriendly tears. —
草上挂着暗淡、不友好的泪痕; —

They were not the tears of soft joy such as the earth weeps at welcoming the summer sun and parting from it, and such as she gives to drink at dawn to the corncrakes, quails, and graceful, long-beaked crested snipes. —
这些不是大地在夏日的阳光下欢畅流淌或在黎明时刻让卷尾杜鹃、鹌鹑和优雅长喙的冠群鹬畅饮的柔情泪水; —

The travellers’ feet stuck in the heavy, clinging mud. —
旅行者的脚陷入黏稠厚重的泥泞中; —

Every step cost an effort.

Andrey Ptaha was somewhat excited. He kept looking round at the tramp and trying to understand how a live, sober man could fail to remember his name.

“You are an orthodox Christian, aren’t you?” he asked.

“Yes,” the tramp answered mildly.

“H’m… then you’ve been christened?”

“Why, to be sure! I’m not a Turk. I go to church and to the sacrament, and do not eat meat when it is forbidden. —
“当然啦!我不是土耳其人。我去教堂,参加圣礼,禁食的时候我也不吃肉。 —

And I observe my religious duties punctually….”

“Well, what are you called, then?”

“Call me what you like, good man.”

Ptaha shrugged his shoulders and slapped himself on the haunches in extreme perplexity. —
普塔哈耸了耸肩,极度困惑地拍了拍自己的臀部。 —

The other constable, Nikandr Sapozhnikov, maintained a staid silence. —
另一名警察,尼坎德尔·萨波日尼科夫,保持着严肃的沉默。 —

He was not so naive as Ptaha, and apparently knew very well the reasons which might induce an orthodox Christian to conceal his name from other people. —
他不像普塔哈那样天真,显然清楚东正教徒可能有的原因隐藏自己的名字。 —

His expressive face was cold and stern. He walked apart and did not condescend to idle chatter with his companions, but, as it were, tried to show everyone, even the fog, his sedateness and discretion.

“God knows what to make of you,” Ptaha persisted in addressing the tramp. —
“天晓得你到底是什么样的人,”普塔哈坚持地对那个流浪汉说。 —

“Peasant you are not, and gentleman you are not, but some sort of a thing between. —
“你不是农民,也不是绅士,看起来像个夹在中间的东西。 —

… The other day I was washing a sieve in the pond and caught a reptile—see, as long as a finger, with gills and a tail. —
…前几天我在池塘里洗了个漏斗,捉到了一只爬行动物——瞧,有指头那么长,有鳃和尾巴。 —

The first minute I thought it was a fish, then I looked—and, blow it! if it hadn’t paws. —
第一分钟,我以为它是一条鱼,然后我看了一下——天哪!原来它有爪。 —

It was not a fish, it was a viper, and the deuce only knows what it was. —
不是一条鱼,是一条蝰蛇,谁也不知道那是什么东西。 —

… So that’s like you…. What’s your calling?”

“I am a peasant and of peasant family,” sighed the tramp. “My mamma was a house serf. —
“我是一个农民,出生在农民家庭。”流浪汉叹息道。“我的妈妈是一个家仆。 —

I don’t look like a peasant, that’s true, for such has been my lot, good man. —
我看起来不像一个农民,那是真的,这就是我的命运,好人。 —

My mamma was a nurse with the gentry, and had every comfort, and as I was of her flesh and blood, I lived with her in the master’s house. —
我的妈妈是有仆人身份的,和绅士一起生活得很舒适,因为我是她的血肉,我和她住在主人家。 —

She petted and spoiled me, and did her best to take me out of my humble class and make a gentleman of me. —
她宠爱我,溺爱我,尽力希望让我摆脱卑微的身份,成为绅士。 —

I slept in a bed, every day I ate a real dinner, I wore breeches and shoes like a gentleman’s child. —
我睡在床上,每天吃真正的晚餐,穿着裤子和鞋子像绅士的孩子一样。 —

What my mamma ate I was fed on, too; they gave her stuffs as a present, and she dressed me up in them. —
我妈妈吃什么我就吃什么;他们送她东西作为礼物,她让我也穿上他们给她的衣服。 —

… We lived well! I ate so many sweets and cakes in my childish years that if they could be sold now it would be enough to buy a good horse. —
……我们过得很好!在我童年时期,我吃了那么多糖果和蛋糕,如果现在能卖的话,足以买一匹好马。 —

Mamma taught me to read and write, she instilled the fear of God in me from my earliest years, and she so trained me that now I can’t bring myself to utter an unrefined peasant word. —
妈妈教我读写,从小灌输上帝的敬畏之心,她如此训练我,现在我不能说出粗俗的农民词。 —

And I don’t drink vodka, my lad, and am neat in my dress, and know how to behave with decorum in good society. —
我不喝伏特加,衣着整洁,懂得在好社交场合如何举止得体。 —

If she is still living, God give her health; —
如果她还活着,愿上帝赐她健康; —

and if she is dead, then, O Lord, give her soul peace in Thy Kingdom, wherein the just are at rest.”

The tramp bared his head with the scanty hair standing up like a brush on it, turned his eyes upward and crossed himself twice.

“Grant her, O Lord, a verdant and peaceful resting-place,” he said in a drawling voice, more like an old woman’s than a man’s. —
“上帝啊,赐予她一个翠绿而宁静的安息之地,”他用一种拖沓的声音说道,更像是一个老妇人而不是一个男人。 —

“Teach Thy servant Xenia Thy justifications, O Lord! —
“上主啊,教导你的仆人克西妮亚你的正义!” —

If it had not been for my beloved mamma I should have been a peasant with no sort of understanding! —
如果不是我亲爱的妈妈,我早就成了一个毫无理解力的农民! —

Now, young man, ask me about anything and I understand it all: —
现在,年轻人,问我任何问题我都能理解:神圣经文和世俗著作,每一篇祈祷和教义。 —

the holy Scriptures and profane writings, and every prayer and catechism. —
我按照经文的教导生活…… 我不伤害任何人,保持纯洁和节制,守着斋戒,按时进食。 —

I live according to the Scriptures…. I don’t injure anyone, I keep my flesh in purity and continence, I observe the fasts, I eat at fitting times. —
另一个人可能只对伏特加和下流谈话感兴趣,但我有空的时候就坐在角落里读书。 —

Another man will take no pleasure in anything but vodka and lewd talk, but when I have time I sit in a corner and read a book. —
但我有空的时候就坐在角落里读书。 —

I read and I weep and weep.”

“What do you weep for?”

“They write so pathetically! For some books one gives but a five-kopeck piece, and yet one weeps and sighs exceedingly over it.”

“Is your father dead?” asked Ptaha.

“I don’t know, good man. I don’t know my parent; it is no use concealing it. —
“我不知道,善良的人。我不认识我的父母;没必要隐瞒。 —

I judge that I was mamma’s illegitimate son. —
我猜我是妈妈的私生子。 —

My mamma lived all her life with the gentry, and did not want to marry a simple peasant….”

“And so she fell into the master’s hands,” laughed Ptaha.

“She did transgress, that’s true. She was pious, God-fearing, but she did not keep her maiden purity. —
“她犯了错,这是真的。她虔诚,敬畏上帝,但没有保持贞洁。 —

It is a sin, of course, a great sin, there’s no doubt about it, but to make up for it there is, maybe, noble blood in me. —
这是罪过,当然,是一个大罪过,毫无疑问,但为此,也许在我身上有着高贵的血统。 —

Maybe I am only a peasant by class, but in nature a noble gentleman.”

The “noble gentleman” uttered all this in a soft, sugary tenor, wrinkling up his narrow forehead and emitting creaking sounds from his red, frozen little nose. —
这位“高贵的绅士”用柔和、甜蜜的男高音说出了所有这些,皱起了他狭窄的额头,从他那红红的冻得发僵的小鼻子里发出吱吱作响的声音。 —

Ptaha listened and looked askance at him in wonder, continually shrugging his shoulders.

After going nearly five miles the constables and the tramp sat down on a mound to rest.

“Even a dog knows his name,” Ptaha muttered. “My name is Andryushka, his is Nikandr; —
“甚至狗都知道自己的名字,”Ptaha嘀咕道。“我的名字是Andryushka,他的是Nikandr;” —

every man has his holy name, and it can’t be forgotten. Nohow.”

“Who has any need to know my name?” sighed the tramp, leaning his cheek on his fist. —
“谁有必要知道我的名字?”乞丐叹了口气,把脸颊靠在拳头上。 —

“And what advantage would it be to me if they did know it? —
“如果他们知道了我的名字,对我有什么好处呢? —

If I were allowed to go where I would—but it would only make things worse. —
如果我可以随心所欲地去任何地方—但那只会让事情变得更糟。 —

I know the law, Christian brothers. Now I am a tramp who doesn’t remember his name, and it’s the very most if they send me to Eastern Siberia and give me thirty or forty lashes; —
我知道法律,基督教兄弟们。现在我是一个不记得自己名字的乞丐,如果他们把我送到远东西伯利亚,再给我三四十下鞭刑, —

but if I were to tell them my real name and description they would send me back to hard labour, I know!”

“Why, have you been a convict?”

“I have, dear friend. For four years I went about with my head shaved and fetters on my legs.”

“What for?”

“For murder, my good man! When I was still a boy of eighteen or so, my mamma accidentally poured arsenic instead of soda and acid into my master’s glass. —
“因为谋杀,我的好人!我还是个十八岁左右的小伙子时,我妈妈不小心把砷酸倒进了我主人的玻璃杯里。 —

There were boxes of all sorts in the storeroom, numbers of them; —
储藏室里有各种各样的箱子,很多; —

it was easy to make a mistake over them.”

The tramp sighed, shook his head, and said:

“She was a pious woman, but, who knows? another man’s soul is a slumbering forest! —
“她是个虔诚的女人,但是,谁知道呢?另一个人的灵魂是一片沉睡的森林! —

It may have been an accident, or maybe she could not endure the affront of seeing the master prefer another servant. —
这可能是意外,也可能是她无法忍受看到主人偏爱其他仆人的羞辱。 —

… Perhaps she put it in on purpose, God knows! I was young then, and did not understand it all. —
也许她是有意这么做的,只有上帝知道!那时我还年轻,不太明白。 —

.. now I remember that our master had taken another mistress and mamma was greatly disturbed. —
现在我记得我们的主人另外找了一个情妇,妈妈非常担忧。 —

Our trial lasted nearly two years…. Mamma was condemned to penal servitude for twenty years, and I, on account of my youth, only to seven.”

“And why were you sentenced?”

“As an accomplice. I handed the glass to the master. That was always the custom. —
“因为是共犯。我把玻璃递给了主人。这总是惯例。 —

Mamma prepared the soda and I handed it to him. —
妈妈调制苏打水,我递给了他。 —

Only I tell you all this as a Christian, brothers, as I would say it before God. Don’t you tell anybody….”

“Oh, nobody’s going to ask us,” said Ptaha. “So you’ve run away from prison, have you?”

“I have, dear friend. Fourteen of us ran away. Some folks, God bless them! —
“是的,亲爱的朋友。我们十四个人逃了出来。有些人,感谢上帝! —

ran away and took me with them. Now you tell me, on your conscience, good man, what reason have I to disclose my name? —
逃走了,还带上了我。现在你告诉我,凭你的良心,好人,我有什么理由透露自己的名字呢? —

They will send me back to penal servitude, you know! And I am not fit for penal servitude! —
他们会把我送回劳改所,你懂吗!而我受不了劳改! —

I am a refined man in delicate health. I like to sleep and eat in cleanliness. —
我是个举止优雅、健康娇嫩的人。我喜欢在干净的地方睡觉和进餐。 —

When I pray to God I like to light a little lamp or a candle, and not to have a noise around me. —
当我向上帝祈祷时,我喜欢点盏小灯或蜡烛,而不想周围有噪音。 —

When I bow down to the ground I like the floor not to be dirty or spat upon. —
我每天早晚会鞠躬四十次祷告,祈求为妈妈祝福。” —

And I bow down forty times every morning and evening, praying for mamma.”

The tramp took off his cap and crossed himself.

“And let them send me to Eastern Siberia,” he said; “I am not afraid of that.”

“Surely that’s no better?”

“It is quite a different thing. In penal servitude you are like a crab in a basket: —
“完全不同。在强制劳改中,你就像篮子里的螃蟹:拥挤、压迫、挤压,没有呼吸的空间; —

crowding, crushing, jostling, there’s no room to breathe; —
完完全全就是地狱,愿圣母玛利亚保佑我们远离那里! —

it’s downright hell—such hell, may the Queen of Heaven keep us from it! —
你是个强盗,被当成强盗对待——比任何狗还糟糕。 —

You are a robber and treated like a robber—worse than any dog. —
你睡不着觉,吃不饱饭,甚至不能祈祷。 —

You can’t sleep, you can’t eat or even say your prayers. —
但在一个定居点不会这样。 —

But it’s not like that in a settlement. —
在一个定居点里,我会像其他人一样成为一个公社的成员。 —

In a settlement I shall be a member of a commune like other people. —
当局必须依法给我我的一份…是的! —

The authorities are bound by law to give me my share… ye-es! —
他们说土地不值钱,不比雪贵;你想要什么就可以拿! —

They say the land costs nothing, no more than snow; you can take what you like! —
他们会给我农田和建地和花园。 —

They will give me corn land and building land and garden. —
…我会像其他人一样耕种我的田地,播种。 —

… I shall plough my fields like other people, sow seed. —
我会有牲畜和各种各样的存货,蜜蜂、羊和狗。 —

I shall have cattle and stock of all sorts, bees, sheep, and dogs. —
我会在那里过上我的生活。” —

… A Siberian cat, that rats and mice may not devour my goods. —
呵,不让老鼠吃掉我的财物,我要养只西伯利亚猫。 —

… I will put up a house, I shall buy ikons. —
我要盖房子,我要买圣像。 —

… Please God, I’ll get married, I shall have children….”

The tramp muttered and looked, not at his listeners, but away into the distance. —
流浪汉低声喃喃自语,目光不落在听众身上,而是远远望向远方。 —

Naive as his dreams were, they were uttered in such a genuine and heartfelt tone that it was difficult not to believe in them. —
这种幼稚的梦想,说出来却如此真诚而坦诚,令人难以不相信。 —

The tramp’s little mouth was screwed up in a smile. —
流浪汉嘴角微微上翘,散发出幸福的预感。 —

His eyes and little nose and his whole face were fixed and blank with blissful anticipation of happiness in the distant future. —
他的眼睛、小鼻子以及整张脸都充满了远方幸福的期盼,一脸痴迷。 —

The constables listened and looked at him gravely, not without sympathy. —
警察们认真地聆听,用同情的眼光看着他。 —

They, too, believed in his dreams.

“I am not afraid of Siberia,” the tramp went on muttering. —
“我不怕西伯利亚”,流浪汉继续嘟囔道。 —

“Siberia is just as much Russia and has the same God and Tsar as here. —
“西伯利亚也是俄罗斯的一部分,有同样的上帝和沙皇,和这里一样信奉东正教。 —

They are just as orthodox Christians as you and I. Only there is more freedom there and people are better off. —
他们和我们一样是正统基督徒。只是那边更自由,人们更富裕。 —

Everything is better there. Take the rivers there, for instance; —
那里的河流,比这里好太多了; —

they are far better than those here. There’s no end of fish; and all sorts of wild fowl. —
那里有数不尽的鱼类,各种野禽。 —

And my greatest pleasure, brothers, is fishing. —
而兄弟们,我最大的乐趣就是钓鱼。 —

Give me no bread to eat, but let me sit with a fishhook. Yes, indeed! —
不要给我面包吃,只让我拿着一个鱼钩坐着。是的,确实! —

I fish with a hook and with a wire line, and set creels, and when the ice comes I catch with a net. —
我用鱼钩和钢丝钓鱼,设置捕鱼篮,等到结冰时再用网捕鱼。 —

I am not strong to draw up the net, so I shall hire a man for five kopecks. —
我没有力气拉起网,所以我会雇一个人五戈比。 —

And, Lord, what a pleasure it is! You catch an eel-pout or a roach of some sort and are as pleased as though you had met your own brother. —
主啊,这是多么的愉悦!你钓到了一个鳗鳚或某种鲫鱼,就像遇到了自己的兄弟一样高兴。 —

And would you believe it, there’s a special art for every fish: —
你不会相信,每种鱼都有专门的技巧: —

you catch one with a live bait, you catch another with a grub, the third with a frog or a grasshopper. —
你用活饵钓一种,用虫子钓一种,用青蛙或蚱蜢钓第三种。 —

One has to understand all that, of course! For example, take the eel-pout. —
当然,必须要了解这一切!比如,拿鳗鳚来说。 —

It is not a delicate fish—it will take a perch; —
它不是一个娇气的鱼—它会吃鲈鱼; —

and a pike loves a gudgeon, the shilishper likes a butterfly. —
鳗鱼喜欢鲫鱼,鲌鱼喜欢蝴蝶。 —

If you fish for a roach in a rapid stream there is no greater pleasure. —
在湍急的河流中钓鲫鱼是一种无比的快乐。 —

You throw the line of seventy feet without lead, with a butterfly or a beetle, so that the bait floats on the surface; —
你不用铅,用蝴蝶或甲虫钓七十英尺的线,让鱼饵漂在水面上; —

you stand in the water without your trousers and let it go with the current, and tug! —
你站在水里,不穿裤子,让它随着水流漂,然后拉! —

the roach pulls at it! Only you have got to be artful that he doesn’t carry off the bait, the damned rascal. —
鲫鱼拉着它!只是你必须狡猾,别让它把鱼饵带走,可恶的流氓。 —

As soon as he tugs at your line you must whip it up; it’s no good waiting. —
他一拉你的线,你就得把它拉起来;等着是没用的。 —

It’s wonderful what a lot of fish I’ve caught in my time. —
我这一生钓到了多少鱼啊,真是太神奇了。 —

When we were running away the other convicts would sleep in the forest; —
当我们逃跑时,其他囚犯会在森林中睡觉; —

I could not sleep, but I was off to the river. —
我无法入睡,但我走向河边。 —

The rivers there are wide and rapid, the banks are steep—awfully! —
那里的河流又宽又湍急,河岸陡峭得可怕! —

It’s all slumbering forests on the bank. —
河岸上全是沉睡的森林。 —

The trees are so tall that if you look to the top it makes you dizzy. —
树木如此之高,如果你往上看,会让你头晕眼花。 —

Every pine would be worth ten roubles by the prices here.”

In the overwhelming rush of his fancies, of artistic images of the past and sweet presentiments of happiness in the future, the poor wretch sank into silence, merely moving his lips as though whispering to himself. —
在他奇思妙想的洪流中,过去的艺术形象和未来幸福的甜蜜预感,这个可怜的家伙沉默了下来,只是不停地嘴唇微动,仿佛在自言自语。 —

The vacant, blissful smile never left his lips. The constables were silent. —
愉快的空洞微笑从未离开他的嘴唇。巡警们保持着沉默。 —

They were pondering with bent heads. In the autumn stillness, when the cold, sullen mist that rises from the earth lies like a weight on the heart, when it stands like a prison wall before the eyes, and reminds man of the limitation of his freedom, it is sweet to think of the broad, rapid rivers, with steep banks wild and luxuriant, of the impenetrable forests, of the boundless steppes. —
他们低头沉思着。在秋日的寂静中,当从大地上升起的寒冷、愁闷的雾气像一块压在心头的重物一样时,当它像一堵囚牢的墙立在眼前时,提醒人们他的自由受到了限制,此时回想起那宽广、湍急的河流、陡峭蛮荒的河岸和无边的草原,是一种甜蜜。 —

Slowly and quietly the fancy pictures how early in the morning, before the flush of dawn has left the sky, a man makes his way along the steep deserted bank like a tiny speck: —
想象慢悠悠、渐渐如何,清晨的初晓还未褪去天空的红晕时,一个人在陡峭的空荡荡的河岸上如同一粒微尘前行: —

the ancient, mast-like pines rise up in terraces on both sides of the torrent, gaze sternly at the free man and murmur menacingly; —
古老的像桅杆一样的松树在瀑布两侧的台阶上直立,严厉地凝视着那自由的人,并且威胁地低语; —

rocks, huge stones, and thorny bushes bar his way, but he is strong in body and bold in spirit, and has no fear of the pine-trees, nor stones, nor of his solitude, nor of the reverberating echo which repeats the sound of every footstep that he takes.

The peasants called up a picture of a free life such as they had never lived; —
农民们描绘了一个自由生活的图景,他们从未过的生活; —

whether they vaguely recalled the images of stories heard long ago or whether notions of a free life had been handed down to them with their flesh and blood from far-off free ancestors, God knows!

The first to break the silence was Nikandr Sapozhnikov, who had not till then let fall a single word. Whether he envied the tramp’s transparent happiness, or whether he felt in his heart that dreams of happiness were out of keeping with the grey fog and the dirty brown mud—anyway, he looked sternly at the tramp and said:

“It’s all very well, to be sure, only you won’t reach those plenteous regions, brother. —
“这倒没错,但你达不到那些丰饶之地,兄弟。 —

How could you? Before you’d gone two hundred miles you’d give up your soul to God. Just look what a weakling you are! —
你怎么可能呢?走了没两百英里,你就会把灵魂献给上帝。看看你,多么软弱啊! —

Here you’ve hardly gone five miles and you can’t get your breath.”

The tramp turned slowly toward Nikandr, and the blissful smile vanished from his face. —
流浪汉慢慢转向尼坎德,脸上那幸福的微笑消失了。 —

He looked with a scared and guilty air at the peasant’s staid face, apparently remembered something, and bent his head. —
他带着恐惧和内疚的神情看着农民那严肃的脸,显然想起了什么,低下了头。 —

A silence followed again…. All three were pondering. —
又是一阵沉默….三个人都在思考。 —

The peasants were racking their brains in the effort to grasp in their imagination what can be grasped by none but God—that is, the vast expanse dividing them from the land of freedom. —
农民们费尽心思,试图用想象力领会只有上帝能够领会的广袤辽阔,将他们与自由之地隔绝的地带。 —

Into the tramp’s mind thronged clear and distinct pictures more terrible than that expanse. —
流浪汉脑海中涌现出比那片辽阔更加可怕、清晰明朗的画面。 —

Before him rose vividly the picture of the long legal delays and procrastinations, the temporary and permanent prisons, the convict boats, the wearisome stoppages on the way, the frozen winters, illnesses, deaths of companions….

The tramp blinked guiltily, wiped the tiny drops of sweat from his forehead with his sleeve, drew a deep breath as though he had just leapt out of a very hot bath, then wiped his forehead with the other sleeve and looked round fearfully.

“That’s true; you won’t get there!” Ptaha agreed. “You are not much of a walker! —
“没错,你去不了那里!”普塔哈表示同意。“你根本不是个好走的人! —

Look at you—nothing but skin and bone! —
看看你—瘦得不行! —

You’ll die, brother!”

“Of course he’ll die! What could he do?” said Nikandr. —
“他当然会死!他能怎么办?”尼坎德说。 —

“He’s fit for the hospital now…. For sure!”

The man who had forgotten his name looked at the stern, unconcerned faces of his sinister companions, and without taking off his cap, hurriedly crossed himself, staring with wide-open eyes. —
遗忘了自己姓名的男人看着他那凶狠、漠然的同伴们的脸,没有摘下帽子,匆匆背了一个十字,睁大眼睛凝视着。 —

… He trembled, his head shook, and he began twitching all over, like a caterpillar when it is stepped upon….
…… 他颤抖着,头摇得厉害,全身像是被人踩到的毛毛虫一样抽搐。

“Well, it’s time to go,” said Nikandr, getting up; “we’ve had a rest.”
“好了,是时候走了,” 尼坎德站起身来说,“我们休息过了。”

A minute later they were stepping along the muddy road. —
一分钟后,他们开始沿着泥泞的路走去。 —

The tramp was more bent than ever, and he thrust his hands further up his sleeves. Ptaha was silent.