The country described. A proposal for correcting modern maps. The king’s palace; —
这个国家被描述为国王的宫殿,并提出了修正现代地图的建议; —

and some account of the metropolis. The author’s way of travelling. —
同时还有对首都的一些介绍,以及作者的旅行方式; —

The chief temple described.

I now intend to give the reader a short description of this country, as far as I travelled in it, which was not above two thousand miles round Lorbrulgrud, the metropolis. —
我打算为读者简要描述一下这个国家,以我在洛布鲁格德周围旅行的范围为限,这个范围不超过两千英里; —

For the queen, whom I always attended, never went farther when she accompanied the king in his progresses, and there staid till his majesty returned from viewing his frontiers. —
因为我总是跟随女王,当她陪同国王巡视边境时,她从没有去过更远的地方,并且一直等到国王从视察返回后才离开; —

The whole extent of this prince’s dominions reaches about six thousand miles in length, and from three to five in breadth: —
这位国王的领土总面积大约有六千英里长,宽度从三到五不等; —

whence I cannot but conclude, that our geographers of Europe are in a great error, by supposing nothing but sea between Japan and California; —
因此我不得不得出结论,我们欧洲的地理学家在认为太平洋和加利福尼亚之间什么都没有的问题上犯了一个很大的错误; —

for it was ever my opinion, that there must be a balance of earth to counterpoise the great continent of Tartary; —
因为我一直认为,为了平衡大陆亚洲,日本和加利福尼亚之间一定存在一块陆地。 —

and therefore they ought to correct their maps and charts, by joining this vast tract of land to the north-west parts of America, wherein I shall be ready to lend them my assistance.

The kingdom is a peninsula, terminated to the north-east by a ridge of mountains thirty miles high, which are altogether impassable, by reason of the volcanoes upon the tops: —
这个王国是一个半岛,东北部终止于一条高达三十英里的山脉,由于山顶上的火山,这些山脉完全无法通行。 —

neither do the most learned know what sort of mortals inhabit beyond those mountains, or whether they be inhabited at all. —
即使是最博学的人也不知道那些山脉以外有什么样的人居住,或者它们是否有人居住。 —

On the three other sides, it is bounded by the ocean. —
它的其他三面被海洋所环绕。 —

There is not one seaport in the whole kingdom: —
整个王国没有一个海港。 —

and those parts of the coasts into which the rivers issue, are so full of pointed rocks, and the sea generally so rough, that there is no venturing with the smallest of their boats; —
河流注入海岸的那些地方,都充满了尖锐的岩石,而且海上通常非常汹涌,以至于他们不敢冒险使用最小的船只。 —

so that these people are wholly excluded from any commerce with the rest of the world. —
因此,这些人被完全排除在与世界其他地方的贸易往来之外。 —

But the large rivers are full of vessels, and abound with excellent fish; —
但是大河上满载着船只,并且盛产优质的鱼类。 —

for they seldom get any from the sea, because the sea fish are of the same size with those in Europe, and consequently not worth catching; —
因为它们很少从海中捕捞到鱼,因为海中的鱼与欧洲的鱼大小相同,因此不值得捕捞; —

whereby it is manifest, that nature, in the production of plants and animals of so extraordinary a bulk, is wholly confined to this continent, of which I leave the reasons to be determined by philosophers. —
由此可见,自然界在创造如此庞大的植物和动物方面,完全局限于这块大陆,其中的原因我留给哲学家们去解释。 —

However, now and then they take a whale that happens to be dashed against the rocks, which the common people feed on heartily. —
然而,偶尔他们会捕捞到被冲向岩石上的鲸鱼,这些鲜艳的民间食品非常的美味。 —

These whales I have known so large, that a man could hardly carry one upon his shoulders; —
我见过这些鲸鱼非常大,以至于一个人几乎无法扛起来; —

and sometimes, for curiosity, they are brought in hampers to Lorbrulgrud; —
有时为了好奇,它们会用筐子装载到洛布尔古尔德; —

I saw one of them in a dish at the king’s table, which passed for a rarity, but I did not observe he was fond of it; —
我在国王的餐桌上看到其中一只,被认为是一件稀有的物品,但我并没有觉察到他对此特别喜欢; —

for I think, indeed, the bigness disgusted him, although I have seen one somewhat larger in Greenland.

The country is well inhabited, for it contains fifty-one cities, near a hundred walled towns, and a great number of villages. —
这个国家人口稠密,因为它拥有五十一个城市,近百个有城墙的城镇以及大量的村庄。 —

To satisfy my curious reader, it may be sufficient to describe Lorbrulgrud. —
为了满足我的好奇读者,简要描述洛布鲁格德可能就足够了。 —

This city stands upon almost two equal parts, on each side the river that passes through. —
这座城市几乎被河流分割成两个差不多的部分,河流贯穿其中。 —

It contains above eighty thousand houses, and about six hundred thousand inhabitants. —
它拥有八万多座房屋,大约六十万居民。 —

It is in length three glomglungs (which make about fifty-four English miles,) and two and a half in breadth; —
它的长度是三个格隆格隆(大约相当于五十四英里),宽度是两个半。 —

as I measured it myself in the royal map made by the king’s order, which was laid on the ground on purpose for me, and extended a hundred feet: —
我亲自在国王命令下的皇家地图上测量过,那份地图被故意展开在地面上供我使用,它延伸了一百尺。 —

I paced the diameter and circumference several times barefoot, and, computing by the scale, measured it pretty exactly.

The king’s palace is no regular edifice, but a heap of buildings, about seven miles round: —
国王宫殿并不规整,而是一片建筑群,大约有七英里的周长。 —

the chief rooms are generally two hundred and forty feet high, and broad and long in proportion. —
主要房间通常高达两百四十英尺,并且按比例很宽敞和长。 —

A coach was allowed to Glumdalclitch and me, wherein her governess frequently took her out to see the town, or go among the shops; —
教练中允许了我和格伦达利克丘蒂公主,在那里她的女教师经常带她出去参观城市或逛商店; —

and I was always of the party, carried in my box; —
而我总是和他们一起,被装在我的盒子里; —

although the girl, at my own desire, would often take me out, and hold me in her hand, that I might more conveniently view the houses and the people, as we passed along the streets. —
虽然女孩常常按照我的要求把我拿出来,握在手中,这样我可以更方便地观看我们经过的街道上的房屋和人们。 —

I reckoned our coach to be about a square of Westminster-hall, but not altogether so high: —
我估计我们的马车大约有一座威斯敏斯特大厅那么大,但并不那么高; —

however, I cannot be very exact. One day the governess ordered our coachman to stop at several shops, where the beggars, watching their opportunity, crowded to the sides of the coach, and gave me the most horrible spectacle that ever a European eye beheld. —
然而,我不能确切地说。有一天,女教师命令我们的车夫在几家商店前停下来,乞丐们趁机挤到车边,给了我一个欧洲人眼中见过的最可怕的景象。 —

There was a woman with a cancer in her breast, swelled to a monstrous size, full of holes, in two or three of which I could have easily crept, and covered my whole body. —
有一个女人胸部长了一个巨大的癌症,膨胀到了一个怪物般的大小,里面有两三个洞口,我甚至可以轻松地钻进去,把自己整个身体都盖住。 —

There was a fellow with a wen in his neck, larger than five wool-packs; —
有一个家伙的脖子上长了一个比5个维尔包还大的疣; —

and another, with a couple of wooden legs, each about twenty feet high. —
另外还有一些木腿,每个大约有二十英尺高。 —

But the most hateful sight of all, was the lice crawling on their clothes. —
但最令人讨厌的景象是,虱子在他们的衣服上爬来爬去。 —

I could see distinctly the limbs of these vermin with my naked eye, much better than those of a European louse through a microscope, and their snouts with which they rooted like swine. —
我可以用肉眼清楚地看到这些虫子的躯干,比用显微镜看到的欧洲虱子要清楚得多,它们的鼻子像猪一样在寻找食物。 —

They were the first I had ever beheld, and I should have been curious enough to dissect one of them, if I had had proper instruments, which I unluckily left behind me in the ship, although, indeed, the sight was so nauseous, that it perfectly turned my stomach.

Besides the large box in which I was usually carried, the queen ordered a smaller one to be made for me, of about twelve feet square, and ten high, for the convenience of travelling; —
除了通常用来装载我的大箱子外,女王还要求制作一个仅有十二英尺见方高达十英尺的小箱子,以方便旅行。 —

because the other was somewhat too large for Glumdalclitch’s lap, and cumbersome in the coach; —
因为另一个在格兰姆达奇的腿上有些太大,而且在马车上很不方便。 —

it was made by the same artist, whom I directed in the whole contrivance. —
这个箱子由同一位艺术家制作,他在整个设计过程中都听从我的指示。 —

This travelling-closet was an exact square, with a window in the middle of three of the squares, and each window was latticed with iron wire on the outside, to prevent accidents in long journeys. —
这个旅行的衣橱是一个完全的正方形,中间有3个正方形的窗户,每个窗户的外面都有用铁丝编织的格子,以防在长途旅行中发生意外。 —

On the fourth side, which had no window, two strong staples were fixed, through which the person that carried me, when I had a mind to be on horseback, put a leathern belt, and buckled it about his waist. —
在第四面没有窗户的一侧,固定了两个牢固的铁钉,通过这些铁钉,当我想骑在马背上时,给我背着的人会把一个皮带穿过,然后在他的腰间扣上。 —

This was always the office of some grave trusty servant, in whom I could confide, whether I attended the king and queen in their progresses, or were disposed to see the gardens, or pay a visit to some great lady or minister of state in the court, when Glumdalclitch happened to be out of order; —
这总是由一个值得信任的、可靠的仆人负责,我可以信任他,无论我是陪同国王和皇后巡游,还是想看花园,或者去拜访法院里的一些大贵妇或部长,只要格兰达尔科奇不舒服的时候。 —

for I soon began to be known and esteemed among the greatest officers, I suppose more upon account of their majesties’ favour, than any merit of my own. —
因为我很快就在最高级别的官员中被认识和推崇起来,我想这更多是因为他们陛下的宠爱,而不是我的功绩。 —

In journeys, when I was weary of the coach, a servant on horseback would buckle on my box, and place it upon a cushion before him; —
在旅行途中,当我厌倦了坐马车,一个骑马的仆人会给我系上我的箱子,并将它放在他前面的垫子上。 —

and there I had a full prospect of the country on three sides, from my three windows. —
我在这里的三个窗户可以完整地俯瞰乡村的景色。 —

I had, in this closet, a field-bed and a hammock, hung from the ceiling, two chairs and a table, neatly screwed to the floor, to prevent being tossed about by the agitation of the horse or the coach. —
这个壁橱里有一张沙发床和一个挂在天花板上的吊床,还有两把椅子和一张桌子,都是固定在地板上的,以防止在马车摇晃时被甩来甩去。 —

And having been long used to sea-voyages, those motions, although sometimes very violent, did not much discompose me.

Whenever I had a mind to see the town, it was always in my travelling-closet; —
每当我想去城里看看的时候,我总是在我的移动壁橱里出行; —

which Glumdalclitch held in her lap in a kind of open sedan, after the fashion of the country, borne by four men, and attended by two others in the queen’s livery. —
这个移动壁橱就是格隆达尔克琪坐在她的膝盖上,一种国家的开放式轿车式样,由四个人抬着,还有两个穿着女王侍从服装的人跟随。 —

The people, who had often heard of me, were very curious to crowd about the sedan, and the girl was complaisant enough to make the bearers stop, and to take me in her hand, that I might be more conveniently seen.

I was very desirous to see the chief temple, and particularly the tower belonging to it, which is reckoned the highest in the kingdom. —
我非常渴望看到主要的神殿,特别是属于它的塔楼,据说是国家最高的。 —

Accordingly one day my nurse carried me thither, but I may truly say I came back disappointed; —
于是有一天,我的保姆带我去那里,但我可以真实地说我失望了; —

for the height is not above three thousand feet, reckoning from the ground to the highest pinnacle top; —
因为从地面到最高顶点,高度不超过三千英尺; —

which, allowing for the difference between the size of those people and us in Europe, is no great matter for admiration, nor at all equal in proportion (if I rightly remember) to Salisbury steeple. —
考虑到这些人与我们在欧洲的体型差异,这并不算什么令人惊叹的事情,也与索尔兹伯里教堂的塔楼(如果我没记错的话)相比毫不相称。 —

But, not to detract from a nation, to which, during my life, I shall acknowledge myself extremely obliged, it must be allowed, that whatever this famous tower wants in height, is amply made up in beauty and strength: —
但是,为了不贬低这个我终生将感激的国家,必须承认,这座著名的塔楼在高度上的缺陷,完全在美丽和强大上得到了弥补。 —

for the walls are near a hundred feet thick, built of hewn stone, whereof each is about forty feet square, and adorned on all sides with statues of gods and emperors, cut in marble, larger than the life, placed in their several niches. —
墙壁由凿成的石头建成,厚度接近一百英尺,每块石头大约四十英尺长,每一面都以大于真实尺寸的大理石雕刻的神像和皇帝塑像装饰,分布在各自的壁龛中。 —

I measured a little finger which had fallen down from one of these statues, and lay unperceived among some rubbish, and found it exactly four feet and an inch in length. —
我测量了一个从这些塑像之一上脱落下来、在垃圾中不为人察觉的小手指,发现它的长度正好是四英尺加一英寸。 —

Glumdalclitch wrapped it up in her handkerchief, and carried it home in her pocket, to keep among other trinkets, of which the girl was very fond, as children at her age usually are.

The king’s kitchen is indeed a noble building, vaulted at top, and about six hundred feet high. —
国王的厨房确实是一座宏伟的建筑,顶部拱形,高度约六百英尺。 —

The great oven is not so wide, by ten paces, as the cupola at St. Paul’s: —
大烤箱的宽度不及圣保罗大教堂的穹顶,前者比后者窄十步左右,这是我回来后特意测量的。 —

for I measured the latter on purpose, after my return. —
因为我特意在回来后进行了测量。 —

But if I should describe the kitchen grate, the prodigious pots and kettles, the joints of meat turning on the spits, with many other particulars, perhaps I should be hardly believed; —
但是如果我要描述厨房的炉台、巨大的锅和水壶,还有放在烤架上翻转的肉块,以及其他许多细节,也许我会难以被相信; —

at least a severe critic would be apt to think I enlarged a little, as travellers are often suspected to do. —
至少一个苛刻的评论家可能会认为我夸大了一点,正如常常怀疑旅行者所做的那样。 —

To avoid which censure I fear I have run too much into the other extreme; —
为了避免这种指责,恐怕我已经过分地偏向了反面极端; —

and that if this treatise should happen to be translated into the language of Brobdingnag (which is the general name of that kingdom,) and transmitted thither, the king and his people would have reason to complain that I had done them an injury, by a false and diminutive representation.

His majesty seldom keeps above six hundred horses in his stables: —
他的陛下很少在他的马厩里保有超过六百匹马。 —

they are generally from fifty-four to sixty feet high. —
它们通常有五十四到六十英尺高。 —

But, when he goes abroad on solemn days, he is attended, for state, by a military guard of five hundred horse, which, indeed, I thought was the most splendid sight that could be ever beheld, till I saw part of his army in battalia, whereof I shall find another occasion to speak.