The author, by an extraordinary stratagem, prevents an invasion. —
作者通过一个非同寻常的计策,阻止了一次入侵。 —

A high title of honour is conferred upon him. —
他被授予一个高贵的荣耀头衔。 —

Ambassadors arrive from the emperor of Blefuscu, and sue for peace. —
使者从Blefuscu的皇帝处抵达,并请求和平。 —

The empress’s apartment on fire by an accident; —
女皇的公寓因一场事故而失火; —

the author instrumental in saving the rest of the palace.

The empire of Blefuscu is an island situated to the north-east of Lilliput, from which it is parted only by a channel of eight hundred yards wide. —
Blefuscu帝国是位于Lilliput东北部的一个岛屿,与之相隔仅有800码宽的海峡。 —

I had not yet seen it, and upon this notice of an intended invasion, I avoided appearing on that side of the coast, for fear of being discovered, by some of the enemy’s ships, who had received no intelligence of me; —
我尚未亲眼见过它,而当我听到即将来犯的消息时,我避免在海岸的那一边露面,以免被敌方的船只发现,因为他们没有收到关于我的消息; —

all intercourse between the two empires having been strictly forbidden during the war, upon pain of death, and an embargo laid by our emperor upon all vessels whatsoever. —
在战争期间,两个帝国之间的一切交往都被严格禁止,违者将受到死刑惩罚,而我们的皇帝也对所有船只实行了禁令。 —

I communicated to his majesty a project I had formed of seizing the enemy’s whole fleet; —
我向陛下传达了一个我已经制定的计划,即夺取敌方的全军舰队。 —

which, as our scouts assured us, lay at anchor in the harbour, ready to sail with the first fair wind. —
根据我们的侦察员所说,这艘船停泊在港口里,随时准备迎接顺风出航。 —

I consulted the most experienced seamen upon the depth of the channel, which they had often plumbed; who told me, that in the middle, at high-water, it was seventy glumgluffs deep, which is about six feet of European measure; —
我请教了最有经验的水手关于海峡的深度,他们曾多次测过,告诉我水深中央在高潮时为七十个格伦格拉夫,约合六英尺的欧洲计量单位; —

and the rest of it fifty glumgluffs at most. —
其余部分最多为五十个格伦格拉夫。 —

I walked towards the north-east coast, over against Blefuscu, where, lying down behind a hillock, I took out my small perspective glass, and viewed the enemy’s fleet at anchor, consisting of about fifty men of war, and a great number of transports: —
我往东北海岸走,对着布鲁福斯库躺在一个小丘后面,拿出我的小望远镜,观察敌方停泊的舰队,其中包括大约五十艘战舰和大量的运输船: —

I then came back to my house, and gave orders (for which I had a warrant) for a great quantity of the strongest cable and bars of iron. —
然后我回到家里,按照我得到的许可,下令购买大量最强的绳索和铁栏杆。 —

The cable was about as thick as packthread and the bars of the length and size of a knitting-needle. I trebled the cable to make it stronger, and for the same reason I twisted three of the iron bars together, bending the extremities into a hook. —
这根电缆与封线一样粗,而铁条的长度和大小则与编织针相当。我将电缆打了三股以增强其强度,出于同样的原因,我将三根铁条编织在一起,并把两端弯曲成钩。 —

Having thus fixed fifty hooks to as many cables, I went back to the north-east coast, and putting off my coat, shoes, and stockings, walked into the sea, in my leathern jerkin, about half an hour before high water. —
这样固定了五十个钩子到五十根电缆上后,我回到东北海岸,脱下外套、鞋子和袜子,穿上皮衣,在涨潮前大约半小时走进海里。 —

I waded with what haste I could, and swam in the middle about thirty yards, till I felt ground. —
我尽快疾行起来,在海中游了大约三十码,直到踩到了陆地。 —

I arrived at the fleet in less than half an hour. —
我不到半小时就到达了舰队。 —

The enemy was so frightened when they saw me, that they leaped out of their ships, and swam to shore, where there could not be fewer than thirty thousand souls. —
当敌人看到我时,他们非常恐惧,纷纷从船上跳下来,游向岸边。岸边至少有三万人。 —

I then took my tackling, and, fastening a hook to the hole at the prow of each, I tied all the cords together at the end. —
然后我拿起绳索,将一个钩子系在每艘船艏的孔上,最后将所有绳索都绑在一起。 —

While I was thus employed, the enemy discharged several thousand arrows, many of which stuck in my hands and face, and, beside the excessive smart, gave me much disturbance in my work. —
在我这样忙碌的同时,敌人射出了几千支箭,其中许多箭都刺入了我的手和脸,除了极度的疼痛外,也让我在工作上感到很不安。 —

My greatest apprehension was for mine eyes, which I should have infallibly lost, if I had not suddenly thought of an expedient. —
我最担心的是我的眼睛,如果我没有突然想到一个办法,它们肯定会被射瞎。 —

I kept, among other little necessaries, a pair of spectacles in a private pocket, which, as I observed before, had escaped the emperor’s searchers. —
我保留了一副眼镜在其他的一些小必需品中,正如我之前提到的,它们逃过了皇帝的搜查。 —

These I took out and fastened as strongly as I could upon my nose, and thus armed, went on boldly with my work, in spite of the enemy’s arrows, many of which struck against the glasses of my spectacles, but without any other effect, further than a little to discompose them. —
我把它们取出来,尽我所能地牢牢固定在鼻子上,这样装备好之后,就勇敢地继续我的工作,尽管敌人的箭矢经常击中我的眼镜镜片,但除了稍微有些颠簸外,并没有其他影响。 —

I had now fastened all the hooks, and, taking the knot in my hand, began to pull; —
现在我已经固定好了所有的钩子,然后拿起绳结开始拉动; —

but not a ship would stir, for they were all too fast held by their anchors, so that the boldest part of my enterprise remained. —
但没有一艘船能够动弹,因为它们都被锚牢牢地抓住了,所以我这次冒险的最大部分还留待解决。 —

I therefore let go the cord, and leaving the looks fixed to the ships, I resolutely cut with my knife the cables that fastened the anchors, receiving about two hundred shots in my face and hands; —
因此,我放开了绳索,将目光紧盯着战船,毅然使用刀子割断了系着锚的缆绳,我脸上和手上被打了大约两百枪; —

then I took up the knotted end of the cables, to which my hooks were tied, and with great ease drew fifty of the enemy’s largest men of war after me.

The Blefuscudians, who had not the least imagination of what I intended, were at first confounded with astonishment. —
布鲁弗斯克人对我打算做什么毫无想象力,他们刚开始感到惊讶。 —

They had seen me cut the cables, and thought my design was only to let the ships run adrift or fall foul on each other: —
他们看到我割断了缆绳,认为我只是让战船漂流或撞上彼此: —

but when they perceived the whole fleet moving in order, and saw me pulling at the end, they set up such a scream of grief and despair as it is almost impossible to describe or conceive. —
但当他们看到整个舰队有序移动,看到我在拖动缆绳的时候,他们发出了一声几乎无法形容或想象的悲伤和绝望的尖叫。 —

When I had got out of danger, I stopped awhile to pick out the arrows that stuck in my hands and face; —
当我脱离危险后,我停下来一会儿拔出扎在我的手和脸上的箭头。 —

and rubbed on some of the same ointment that was given me at my first arrival, as I have formerly mentioned. —
我涂抹了一些在我第一次抵达时给我的同样的药膏,就像我之前提到的那样。 —

I then took off my spectacles, and waiting about an hour, till the tide was a little fallen, I waded through the middle with my cargo, and arrived safe at the royal port of Lilliput.

The emperor and his whole court stood on the shore, expecting the issue of this great adventure. —
皇帝和他的整个朝廷站在岸边,期待这个伟大冒险的结果。 —

They saw the ships move forward in a large half-moon, but could not discern me, who was up to my breast in water. —
他们看到船只向前移动,形成一个大的半圆形,但无法看清我,因为我已经淹没到胸部。 —

When I advanced to the middle of the channel, they were yet more in pain, because I was under water to my neck. —
当我走到航道的中间时,他们更加担心,因为我已经淹没到脖子。 —

The emperor concluded me to be drowned, and that the enemy’s fleet was approaching in a hostile manner: —
皇帝认为我已经淹死了,并且敌方的舰队正在以敌意的方式靠近。 —

but he was soon eased of his fears; for the channel growing shallower every step I made, I came in a short time within hearing, and holding up the end of the cable, by which the fleet was fastened, I cried in a loud voice, “Long live the most puissant king of Lilliput! —
但他很快就消除了恐惧;因为每迈出一步,航道就变得更浅,很快我就能听到声音,我高举着船缆的尽头,大声喊道:“长命百岁,勇敢的利利普特国王! —

” This great prince received me at my landing with all possible encomiums, and created me a nardac upon the spot, which is the highest title of honour among them.

His majesty desired I would take some other opportunity of bringing all the rest of his enemy’s ships into his ports. —
陛下要求我找机会把他敌人的所有其他船只都带到他的港口。 —

And so unmeasureable is the ambition of princes, that he seemed to think of nothing less than reducing the whole empire of Blefuscu into a province, and governing it, by a viceroy; —
统治者的野心是无法估量的,他似乎心想不轨的事情,即将布鲁弗斯库帝国整个变成一个省份,并通过一位总督来管理它; —

of destroying the Big-endian exiles, and compelling that people to break the smaller end of their eggs, by which he would remain the sole monarch of the whole world. —
他想要消灭大小头的流亡者,并迫使他们打破蛋的小一端,这样他将成为整个世界的独一无二的君主。 —

But I endeavoured to divert him from this design, by many arguments drawn from the topics of policy as well as justice; —
但是,我努力从政策和公正的角度来阻止他这个计划,并提出了许多论证。 —

and I plainly protested, “that I would never be an instrument of bringing a free and brave people into slavery. —
我明确地表示,“我绝不会成为将一个自由而勇敢的人民带入奴隶制的工具。” —

” And, when the matter was debated in council, the wisest part of the ministry were of my opinion.

This open bold declaration of mine was so opposite to the schemes and politics of his imperial majesty, that he could never forgive me. —
我的这种公开大胆的声明与他的皇帝陛下的计划和政治观完全相反,他对此恨之入骨。 —

He mentioned it in a very artful manner at council, where I was told that some of the wisest appeared, at least by their silence, to be of my opinion; —
他在内阁会议上非常巧妙地提到了这一点,据告诉我,至少有一些聪明的人似乎支持我的观点,即使是通过沉默的方式。 —

but others, who were my secret enemies, could not forbear some expressions which, by a side-wind, reflected on me. —
但是其他一些敌人,他们是我的秘密敌人,不禁表达了一些侧面的话语,这些话语暗示了对我不利。 —

And from this time began an intrigue between his majesty and a junto of ministers, maliciously bent against me, which broke out in less than two months, and had like to have ended in my utter destruction. —
从那时起,他的陛下和一群对我怀有恶意的大臣之间开始了一场阴谋,这场阴谋在不到两个月的时间内爆发出来,差点把我毁灭了。 —

Of so little weight are the greatest services to princes, when put into the balance with a refusal to gratify their passions.

About three weeks after this exploit, there arrived a solemn embassy from Blefuscu, with humble offers of a peace, which was soon concluded, upon conditions very advantageous to our emperor, wherewith I shall not trouble the reader. —
在这次壮举之后,大约三个星期后,来自布勒夫斯库的一支庄严的使节团抵达,带来了恭敬的和平提议,很快就以对我们的皇帝非常有利的条件达成了和平协议。对此我不打扰读者。 —

There were six ambassadors, with a train of about five hundred persons, and their entry was very magnificent, suitable to the grandeur of their master, and the importance of their business. —
使节团由六位大使和大约五百名随从组成,他们的入场非常豪华,与他们的主人的宏伟以及任务的重要性相称。 —

When their treaty was finished, wherein I did them several good offices by the credit I now had, or at least appeared to have, at court, their excellencies, who were privately told how much I had been their friend, made me a visit in form. —
当他们完成了他们的条约,我在宫廷中现在拥有的声望或者至少表面上拥有的声望帮助了他们几次,他们的阁下受到私下告知我是他们的好友的影响,正式拜访了我。 —

They began with many compliments upon my valour and generosity, invited me to that kingdom in the emperor their master’s name, and desired me to show them some proofs of my prodigious strength, of which they had heard so many wonders; —
他们开始对我的勇气和慷慨大肆赞美,以他们主人——皇帝的名义邀请我到他们的王国,并希望我展示一些我惊人的力量的证据,他们听说了许多关于这些奇迹的事情; —

wherein I readily obliged them, but shall not trouble the reader with the particulars.

When I had for some time entertained their excellencies, to their infinite satisfaction and surprise, I desired they would do me the honour to present my most humble respects to the emperor their master, the renown of whose virtues had so justly filled the whole world with admiration, and whose royal person I resolved to attend, before I returned to my own country. —
在我让他们的优秀感到愉悦和惊讶一段时间后,我请求他们向他们的主人——那位素负盛名的皇帝——转达我最谦卑的敬意。他的崇高品德让整个世界都对他钦佩不已,而我则决定在返回自己的国家之前去拜访他的皇家人物。 —

Accordingly, the next time I had the honour to see our emperor, I desired his general license to wait on the Blefuscudian monarch, which he was pleased to grant me, as I could perceive, in a very cold manner; —
因此,下一次我有幸见到我们的皇帝时,我请求他批准我去拜访布列夫斯库德的君主。他似乎以一种非常冷漠的方式同意了我的请求。 —

but could not guess the reason, till I had a whisper from a certain person, “that Flimnap and Bolgolam had represented my intercourse with those ambassadors as a mark of disaffection; —
是我无法猜到原因,直到某人私下告诉我,“弗林那普和博尔高姆将我与那些大使的交往解释为不忠的标志; —

” from which I am sure my heart was wholly free. —
绝对不符合我的内心。 —

And this was the first time I began to conceive some imperfect idea of courts and ministers.

It is to be observed, that these ambassadors spoke to me, by an interpreter, the languages of both empires differing as much from each other as any two in Europe, and each nation priding itself upon the antiquity, beauty, and energy of their own tongue, with an avowed contempt for that of their neighbour; —
须注意的是,这些大使通过译员与我交谈,两个帝国的语言彼此之间的差异与欧洲的任何两种语言一样大,而且每个民族都以自己的语言的古老性、美丽性和力量感为荣,对邻国的语言公开蔑视。 —

yet our emperor, standing upon the advantage he had got by the seizure of their fleet, obliged them to deliver their credentials, and make their speech, in the Lilliputian tongue. —
然而,我们的皇帝凭借夺取他们的舰队所获得的优势,迫使他们用利利普特语递交他们的证件并发表演讲。 —

And it must be confessed, that from the great intercourse of trade and commerce between both realms, from the continual reception of exiles which is mutual among them, and from the custom, in each empire, to send their young nobility and richer gentry to the other, in order to polish themselves by seeing the world, and understanding men and manners; —
不可否认的是,由于两国之间贸易和商业的广泛往来、相互接收流亡者的惯例,以及两个帝国都派遣年轻贵族和富有绅士去对方那里,以便通过见世面和了解人与风俗来磨炼自己。 —

there are few persons of distinction, or merchants, or seamen, who dwell in the maritime parts, but what can hold conversation in both tongues; —
因此,在沿海地区几乎没有重要人物、商人或海员不会同时使用这两种语言进行交流。 —

as I found some weeks after, when I went to pay my respects to the emperor of Blefuscu, which, in the midst of great misfortunes, through the malice of my enemies, proved a very happy adventure to me, as I shall relate in its proper place.

The reader may remember, that when I signed those articles upon which I recovered my liberty, there were some which I disliked, upon account of their being too servile; —
读者可能还记得,当我签署那些恢复自由的条款时,有一些条款我不喜欢,因为它们过于奴性。 —

neither could anything but an extreme necessity have forced me to submit. —
除非极端的困境迫使我屈服,否则我是绝对不会接受的。 —

But being now a nardac of the highest rank in that empire, such offices were looked upon as below my dignity, and the emperor (to do him justice), never once mentioned them to me. —
但是现在作为帝国最高级别的纳达克,这些职位被视为不符合我的尊严,皇帝(公正地说)从来没有向我提及过这些职位。 —

However, it was not long before I had an opportunity of doing his majesty, at least as I then thought, a most signal service. —
然而,不久之后,我有了一个机会为陛下做出我至少当时认为是非常重要的贡献。 —

I was alarmed at midnight with the cries of many hundred people at my door; —
半夜我被门外成百上千人的呼喊声惊醒,这让我感到有些恐惧。 —

by which, being suddenly awaked, I was in some kind of terror. —
我听到不停重复的“布格拉姆”这个词。 —

I heard the word Burglum repeated incessantly: —
我听到不停重复的“布格拉姆”这个词。 —

several of the emperor’s court, making their way through the crowd, entreated me to come immediately to the palace, where her imperial majesty’s apartment was on fire, by the carelessness of a maid of honour, who fell asleep while she was reading a romance. —
几个皇帝的宫廷人穿过人群,请求我立即去宫殿,因为皇室陛下的公寓失火了,是一个贵人因为沉迷于阅读一本言情小说而疏忽不慎。 —

I got up in an instant; and orders being given to clear the way before me, and it being likewise a moonshine night, I made a shift to get to the palace without trampling on any of the people. —
我立刻起身。有人被派遣清理我前方的道路,而且那天晚上正好是月光明亮的夜晚,所以我设法在没有踩到人的情况下到达了宫殿。 —

I found they had already applied ladders to the walls of the apartment, and were well provided with buckets, but the water was at some distance. —
我发现他们已经在公寓的墙上放上了梯子,并且备有水桶,但水源离得有些远。 —

These buckets were about the size of large thimbles, and the poor people supplied me with them as fast as they could: —
这些水桶的尺寸只有大号的顶针那么大,可怜的人们尽可能快地为我提供水桶: —

but the flame was so violent that they did little good. —
但火势太猛烈了,他们几乎没有起到什么作用。 —

I might easily have stifled it with my coat, which I unfortunately left behind me for haste, and came away only in my leathern jerkin. —
我本可以用我的外套扑灭火势,但不幸的是我为了赶时间把它落在了后面,只穿着皮质上衣就来了。 —

The case seemed wholly desperate and deplorable; —
在这种情况下,一切似乎都是绝望和悲惨的。 —

and this magnificent palace would have infallibly been burnt down to the ground, if, by a presence of mind unusual to me, I had not suddenly thought of an expedient. —
如果不是因为我脑子里突然冒出了一个不寻常的主意,这座宏伟的宫殿肯定已经被烧毁了。 —

I had, the evening before, drunk plentifully of a most delicious wine called glimigrim, (the Blefuscudians call it flunec, but ours is esteemed the better sort,) which is very diuretic. —
前一天晚上,我大量地喝了一种非常美味的葡萄酒,叫做格里米格(布鲁斯库德人称之为弗吕内克,但我们的比较好),这种酒有很强的利尿作用。 —

By the luckiest chance in the world, I had not discharged myself of any part of it. —
幸运的是,我没有排泄出任何一部分。 —

The heat I had contracted by coming very near the flames, and by labouring to quench them, made the wine begin to operate by urine; —
我接近火焰并努力将其扑灭而产生的热量,使得酒开始通过尿液起作用。 —

which I voided in such a quantity, and applied so well to the proper places, that in three minutes the fire was wholly extinguished, and the rest of that noble pile, which had cost so many ages in erecting, preserved from destruction.

It was now day-light, and I returned to my house without waiting to congratulate with the emperor: —
此时已经是白天了,我没有等待去向皇帝道贺,便回到了自己的家中。 —

because, although I had done a very eminent piece of service, yet I could not tell how his majesty might resent the manner by which I had performed it: —
因为尽管我做了一件非常显赫的服务,但我无法确定国王会对我执行任务的方式作何反应。 —

for, by the fundamental laws of the realm, it is capital in any person, of what quality soever, to make water within the precincts of the palace. —
因为根据王国的基本法律,任何人,无论贵贱,若在宫殿范围内小便,都会被处以死刑。 —

But I was a little comforted by a message from his majesty, “that he would give orders to the grand justiciary for passing my pardon in form: —
但是我从国王陛下那里收到了一条消息,说他会下令给大法官传达我的赦免。 —

” which, however, I could not obtain; and I was privately assured, “that the empress, conceiving the greatest abhorrence of what I had done, removed to the most distant side of the court, firmly resolved that those buildings should never be repaired for her use: —
然而,我并没有得到这个赦免,并私下得知“皇后对我的所作所为感到极度的厌恶,她已经迁移到宫廷最远的一侧,坚决决定永远不修复那些建筑,不再使用。” —

and, in the presence of her chief confidents could not forbear vowing revenge.”