Connie and Clifford came home to Wragby in the autumn of 1920. —
康妮和克利福德于1920年秋天回到了拉格比。 —

Miss Chatterley, still disgusted at her brother’s defection, had departed and was living in a little flat in London. —
查泰莱小姐对她兄弟的叛变仍感到厌恶,她已离开并在伦敦的一间小公寓中生活着。 —

Wragby was a long low old house in brown stone, begun about the middle of the eighteenth century, and added on to, till it was a warren of a place without much distinction. —
拉格比是一座低矮的古老石头房子,始建于18世纪中叶,后来不断扩建,成为一个并不太出众的地方。 —

It stood on an eminence in a rather line old park of oak trees, but alas, one could see in the near distance the chimney of Tevershall pit, with its clouds of steam and smoke, and on the damp, hazy distance of the hill the raw straggle of Tevershall village, a village which began almost at the park gates, and trailed in utter hopeless ugliness for a long and gruesome mile: —
它坐落在一个相当平坦的古老橡树公园的一个突起处,但遗憾的是,近处可以看到特弗沙尔矿井的烟囱,伴随着升腾的蒸汽和烟雾,在潮湿模糊的山丘上有特弗沙尔村的散乱景象,这个村庄几乎从公园大门开始,延续了一英里,呈现出绝望的丑陋: —

houses, rows of wretched, small, begrimed, brick houses, with black slate roofs for lids, sharp angles and wilful, blank dreariness.

Connie was accustomed to Kensington or the Scotch hills or the Sussex downs: that was her England. —
康妮习惯了肯辛顿或苏格兰山区或苏塞克斯山丘:那是她的英格兰。 —

With the stoicism of the young she took in the utter, soulless ugliness of the coal-and-iron Midlands at a glance, and left it at what it was: —
她带着年轻人的 stoicism 一瞥之间就看到了这个煤铁之乡无可救药的丑陋,并毫不多想地将其抛之脑后: —

unbelievable and not to be thought about. —
无法相信,也不值得思考。 —

From the rather dismal rooms at Wragby she heard the rattle-rattle of the screens at the pit, the puff of the winding-engine, the clink-clink of shunting trucks, and the hoarse little whistle of the colliery locomotives. —
在 Wragby 的相当凄凉的房间里,她听到了矿场振屏的咔嗒声、卷绕机的喷气声、调车卡车的叮当声,以及煤矿火车沙哑的小号声。 —

Tevershall pit-bank was burning, had been burning for years, and it would cost thousands to put it out. —
Tevershall 的矿山坑口正在燃烧,已经燃烧了多年,将花费数千英镑才能将其扑灭。 —

So it had to burn. And when the wind was that way, which was often, the house was full of the stench of this sulphurous combustion of the earth’s excrement. —
所以它只能继续燃烧。当风朝那个方向吹的时候,这个房子充满了地球排泄物的这种含硫燃烧的恶臭。 —

But even on windless days the air always smelt of something under-earth: —
但即使在无风的日子里,空气始终散发着地底下的某种气味:硫磺、铁、煤或酸。即使在圣诞玫瑰上,煤渣也执着地沉积,难以置信,就像来自末日天空的黑色花粉。 —

sulphur, iron, coal, or acid. And even on the Christmas roses the smuts settled persistently, incredible, like black manna from the skies of doom.

Well, there it was: fated like the rest of things! It was rather awful, but why kick? —
请君随行。 —

You couldn’t kick it away. It just went on. Life, like all the rest! —
你无法把它踢走。它就这样继续。生活,就像其他一切一样! —

On the low dark ceiling of cloud at night red blotches burned and quavered, dappling and swelling and contracting, like burns that give pain. —
在黑暗的云层低吊的天花板上,红色的斑点燃烧着,颤动着,点缀着,膨胀着和收缩着,犹如疼痛的烧伤。 —

It was the furnaces. At first they fascinated Connie with a sort of horror; —
就是那些炉子。一开始,它们以一种令康妮着迷又恐惧的方式吸引着她; —

she felt she was living underground. Then she got used to them. —
她觉得自己就像住在地下。然后她习惯了它们。 —

And in the morning it rained.

Clifford professed to like Wragby better than London. —
克里福德声称喜欢拉格比胜过伦敦。 —

This country had a grim will of its own, and the people had guts. —
这个国家有自己的坚定意志,而人们则有勇气。 —

Connie wondered what else they had: certainly neither eyes nor minds. —
康妮想知道他们还拥有什么:显然不是眼睛也不是头脑。 —

The people were as haggard, shapeless, and dreary as the countryside, and as unfriendly. —
人们和乡村一样憔悴、形体单薄和阴郁,也同样不友好。 —

Only there was something in their deep-mouthed slurring of the dialect, and the thresh-thresh of their hob-nailed pit-boots as they trailed home in gangs on the asphalt from work, that was terrible and a bit mysterious.

There had been no welcome home for the young squire, no festivities, no deputation, not even a single flower. —
年轻的侍从回到家中并没有受到欢迎,没有庆祝活动,没有迎接团队,甚至没有一朵鲜花。 —

Only a dank ride in a motor-car up a dark, damp drive, burrowing through gloomy trees, out to the slope of the park where grey damp sheep were feeding, to the knoll where the house spread its dark brown facade, and the housekeeper and her husband were hovering, like unsure tenants on the face of the earth, ready to stammer a welcome.

There was no communication between Wragby Hall and Tevershall village, none. —
Wragby庄园与Tevershall村之间没有任何交流。 —

No caps were touched, no curtseys bobbed. The colliers merely stared; —
没有帽子被拿起,没有屈膝下拜。煤矿工只是盯着看; —

the tradesmen lifted their caps to Connie as to an acquaintance, and nodded awkwardly to Clifford; —
小商小贩向康妮抬起帽子,像对待熟人一样,对克利福德则生硬地点了点头; —

that was all. Gulf impassable, and a quiet sort of resentment on either side. —
仅此而已。双方之间形成了无法逾越的鸿沟,彼此间满是心中的怨恨。 —

At first Connie suffered from the steady drizzle of resentment that came from the village. —
起初,康妮受到来自村里的持续的怨愤折磨。 —

Then she hardened herself to it, and it became a sort of tonic, something to live up to. —
然后她对此变得坚强,它成为了一种类似滋补品的东西,一种要达到的目标。 —

It was not that she and Clifford were unpopular, they merely belonged to another species altogether from the colliers. —
并不是说她和克利福德不受欢迎,只是他们属于与煤矿工人完全不同的物种。 —

Gulf impassable, breach indescribable, such as is perhaps nonexistent south of the Trent. But in the Midlands and the industrial North gulf impassable, across which no communication could take place. —
不可逾越的鸿沟,无法形容的裂痕,或许在特伦特河南部根本不存在。但在中部地区和工业化的北方,有着无法逾越的沟壑,无法进行任何交流。 —

You stick to your side, I’ll stick to mine! —
你守住你的那一边,我守住我的那一边! —

A strange denial of the common pulse of humanity.

Yet the village sympathized with Clifford and Connie in the abstract. —
然而,村子里人们抽象地同情着克利福德和康妮。 —

In the flesh it was—You leave me alone!—on either side.

The rector was a nice man of about sixty, full of his duty, and reduced, personally, almost to a nonentity by the silent—You leave me alone! —
教区牧师是一个约六十岁的好人,一心尽职尽责,而由于那无声的—你别管我!—几乎成为一个不存在的人。 —

—of the village. The miners’ wives were nearly all Methodists. The miners were nothing. —
—那个村子的人几乎全都是卫理公会教徒。矿工们什么都不是。 —

But even so much official uniform as the clergyman wore was enough to obscure entirely the fact that he was a man like any other man. —
但是,即使神职人员穿着如此正式的制服,也完全看不出他是一个与其他人一样的男人。 —

No, he was Mester Ashby, a sort of automatic preaching and praying concern.

This stubborn, instinctive—We think ourselves as good as you, if you are Lady Chatterley! —
这种顽固的、本能的——我们认为自己和你一样好,如果你是查泰莱夫人的话! —

—puzzled and baffled Connie at first extremely. —
这最初使康妮感到困惑和迷惑。 —

The curious, suspicious, false amiability with which the miners’ wives met her overtures; —
矿工妻子们见到她的友好姿态时,表现出的好奇、怀疑和虚伪的亲切; —

the curiously offensive tinge of—Oh dear me! —
有些令人讨厌的东西——哦,天哪! —

I am somebody now, with Lady Chatterley talking to me! —
现在我是个重要人物了,查泰莱夫人在和我说话! —

But she needn’t think I’m not as good as her for all that! —
但她不必以为我不如她好! —

—which she always heard twanging in the women’s half-fawning voices, was impossible. —
她总是听到女人们半伪善的声音中传出的吱吱声,这是不可接受的。 —

There was no getting past it. It was hopelessly and offensively nonconformist.

Clifford left them alone, and she learnt to do the same: —
克利福德把她们单独留下,她也学会了同样做: —

she just went by without looking at them, and they stared as if she were a walking wax figure. —
她只是径直走过,不看着他们,而他们则像她是个走动的蜡像一样地凝视着。 —

When he had to deal with them, Clifford was rather haughty and contemptuous; —
当他不得不处理他们时,克利福德显得相当傲慢和蔑视的; —

one could no longer afford to be friendly. —
友善的态度已经无法承担。 —

In fact he was altogether rather supercilious and contemptuous of anyone not in his own class. —
实际上,他对不属于自己阶级的人都显得高傲和蔑视。 —

He stood his ground, without any attempt at conciliation. —
他毫不退缩地站在原地,没有任何劝解的尝试。 —

And he was neither liked nor disliked by the people: —
他不被人喜欢或讨厌: —

he was just part of things, like the pit-bank and Wragby itself.

But Clifford was really extremely shy and self-conscious now he was lamed. —
但是现在他残废了,克利福德真的非常害羞和自我意识过剩。 —

He hated seeing anyone except just the personal servants. —
除了个人仆人之外,他讨厌见任何人。 —

For he had to sit in a wheeled chair or a sort of bath-chair. —
因为他不得不坐在轮椅或一种类似浴缸椅的东西上。 —

Nevertheless he was just as carefully dressed as ever, by his expensive tailors, and he wore the careful Bond Street neckties just as before, and from the top he looked just as smart and impressive as ever. —
尽管如此,他仍然像往常一样穿得非常讲究,由他那昂贵的裁缝们打扮着,他依然戴着Bond Street的精心系的领带,从头上看起来依然那么时髦和令人印象深刻。 —

He had never been one of the modern ladylike young men: —
他从来不像现代的淑女般的年轻人: —

rather bucolic even, with his ruddy face and broad shoulders. —
他的脸红扑扑,肩膀宽阔,看起来相当乡村风情。 —

But his very quiet, hesitating voice, and his eyes, at the same time bold and frightened, assured and uncertain, revealed his nature. —
然而,他非常安静,犹豫的声音和同时勇敢又害怕、有信心又不确定的眼神透露出了他的本性。 —

His manner was often offensively supercilious, and then again modest and self-effacing, almost tremulous.

Connie and he were attached to one another, in the aloof modern way. —
康妮和他之间有一种疏离的现代情感。 —

He was much too hurt in himself, the great shock of his maiming, to be easy and flippant. —
他在自己内心受了太大的伤害,被残害的巨大冲击力使他无法轻松和轻率。 —

He was a hurt thing. And as such Connie stuck to him passionately.

But she could not help feeling how little connexion he really had with people. —
但她无法不感受到他与人们之间真正的联系是多么少。 —

The miners were, in a sense, his own men; —
这些矿工,在某种意义上来说,是他的人; —

but he saw them as objects rather than men, parts of the pit rather than parts of life, crude raw phenomena rather than human beings along with him. —
但他把他们看作是对象而不是人,是矿井的一部分而不是生活的一部分,是粗糙的原始现象而不是与他一起存在的人类。 —

He was in some way afraid of them, he could not bear to have them look at him now he was lame. And their queer, crude life seemed as unnatural as that of hedgehogs.

He was remotely interested; but like a man looking down a microscope, or up a telescope. —
他对此并不是极感兴趣;好比一个透过显微镜或望远镜的人。 —

He was not in touch. He was not in actual touch with anybody, save, traditionally, with Wragby, and, through the close bond of family defence, with Emma. Beyond this nothing really touched him. —
他与人没有接触。除了传统上与Wragby,以及通过家庭防卫的紧密联系与Emma之外,他与任何人都没有实际接触。除此之外,没有什么能真正触及他。 —

Connie felt that she herself didn’t really, not really touch him; —
康妮感觉自己并没有真正地与他接触; —

perhaps there was nothing to get at ultimately; —
也许最终没有什么可以达到的; —

just a negation of human contact.

Yet he was absolutely dependent on her, he needed her every moment. —
然而,他完全依赖她,他每一刻都需要她。 —

Big and strong as he was, he was helpless. —
尽管他又高又壮,但他却是无助的。 —

He could wheel himself about in a wheeled chair, and he had a sort of bath-chair with a motor attachment, in which he could puff slowly round the park. —
他可以在轮椅上自由行走,他还有一辆带有电动装置的小推车,可以慢慢地在公园里溜达。 —

But alone he was like a lost thing. He needed Connie to be there, to assure him he existed at all.

Still he was ambitious. He had taken to writing stories; —
但他有雄心壮志。他开始写故事; —

curious, very personal stories about people he had known. —
奇怪的、非常私人的故事,关于他认识的人们。 —

Clever, rather spiteful, and yet, in some mysterious way, meaningless. —
聪明、有点恶意,然而,在某种神秘的方式上,毫无意义。 —

The observation was extraordinary and peculiar. But there was no touch, no actual contact. —
观察非凡而奇特。但没有接触,没有实际上的接触。 —

It was as if the whole thing took place in a vacuum. —
好像整件事情发生在真空中。 —

And since the field of life is largely an artificially-lighted stage today, the stories were curiously true to modern life, to the modern psychology, that is.

Clifford was almost morbidly sensitive about these stories. —
克利福德对这些故事几乎病态地敏感。 —

He wanted everyone to think them good, of the best, ne plus ultra. —
他希望每个人都认为它们很好,是最好的,无与伦比的。 —

They appeared in the most modern magazines, and were praised and blamed as usual. —
它们发表在最现代的杂志上,像往常一样受到赞扬和批评。 —

But to Clifford the blame was torture, like knives goading him. —
但对于克利福德来说,责备就像是折磨他一样,刺激着他。 —

It was as if the whole of his being were in his stories.

Connie helped him as much as she could. At first she was thrilled. —
康妮尽力帮助他。起初,她感到非常兴奋。 —

He talked everything over with her monotonously, insistently, persistently, and she had to respond with all her might. —
他枯燥乏味地、执着地与她谈论一切,而她不得不全力以赴回应。 —

It was as if her whole soul and body and sex had to rouse up and pass into theme stories of his. —
似乎她整个灵魂、身体和性都必须振奋起来,融入他的故事主题之中。 —

This thrilled her and absorbed her.

Of physical life they lived very little. She had to superintend the house. —
他们几乎没有实际的生活。她不得不管理这座房子。 —

But the housekeeper had served Sir Geoffrey for many years, arid the dried-up, elderly, superlatively correct female you could hardly call her a parlour-maid, or even a woman. —
但是这位女管家已经为杰弗里爵士服务了许多年,她干燥、年老、极其正确的样子,你几乎不能称她为客厅女仆,甚至不能称她为一个女人。 —

..who waited at table, had been in the house for forty years. —
等候餐桌的女仆已经在这个家里待了四十年。 —

Even the very housemaids were no longer young. It was awful! —
即使是年轻的女仆也已不再年轻了。简直太可怕了! —

What could you do with such a place, but leave it alone! —
在这样的地方,你能做什么呢,只能放任不管! —

All these endless rooms that nobody used, all the Midlands routine, the mechanical cleanliness and the mechanical order! —
所有这些无人使用的无尽房间,整个中部地区的例行公事,机械化的清洁和机械化的秩序! —

Clifford had insisted on a new cook, an experienced woman who had served him in his rooms in London. For the rest the place seemed run by mechanical anarchy. —
克利福德坚持要请一个新的厨师,一个在伦敦他的房间里为他服务过的有经验的女人。除此之外,这个地方似乎是由机械无政府状态经营的。 —

Everything went on in pretty good order, strict cleanliness, and strict punctuality; —
一切都按照相当好的秩序进行,严格的清洁和准时; —

even pretty strict honesty. And yet, to Connie, it was a methodical anarchy. —
甚至相当严格的诚实。然而,在康妮看来,这是一个有条不紊的无政府状态。 —

No warmth of feeling united it organically. —
没有温暖的情感有机地将它联系在一起。 —

The house seemed as dreary as a disused street.

What could she do but leave it alone? So she left it alone. —
她能做的除了不去碰它?所以她就不去碰它了。 —

Miss Chatterley came sometimes, with her aristocratic thin face, and triumphed, finding nothing altered. —
夏洛特·查泰莱女士有时会来,她那贵族般的瘦脸也就突出了,发现没有什么改变。 —

She would never forgive Connie for ousting her from her union in consciousness with her brother. —
她永远不会原谅康妮把她从与她兄弟心灵联结中赶走。 —

It was she, Emma, who should be bringing forth the stories, these books, with him; —
正是她,艾玛,应该与他一起创作这些故事、这些书籍; —

the Chatterley stories, something new in the world, that they, the Chatterleys, had put there. —
查泰莱的故事,是世界上的新鲜事物,是查特利一家引入的。 —

There was no other standard. There was no organic connexion with the thought and expression that had gone before. —
没有其他的标准。与之前的思想和表达没有有机的联系。 —

Only something new in the world: the Chatterley books, entirely personal.

Connie’s father, where he paid a flying visit to Wragby, and in private to his daughter: —
康妮的父亲,当他飞速访问拉格比,并私下里见到了他的女儿: —

As for Clifford’s writing, it’s smart, but there’s nothing in it. It won’t last! —
至于克利福德的写作,它很精明,但里面没有什么深度。它不会持久! —

Connie looked at the burly Scottish knight who had done himself well all his life, and her eyes, her big, still-wondering blue eyes became vague. —
康妮看着那个长年饱享人生的苏格兰骑士,她的眼睛,她那大大地仍然惊奇的蓝眼睛变得迷茫起来。 —

Nothing in it! What did he mean by nothing in it? —
里面没有什么!他说的“里面没有什么”是什么意思? —

If the critics praised it, and Clifford’s name was almost famous, and it even brought in money. —
如果评论家们赞扬它,克利福德的名字几乎出名,甚至还可以赚钱。 —

..what did her father mean by saying there was nothing in Clifford’s writing? —
…她父亲说克利福德的写作里面没有什么,他指的是什么? —

What else could there be?

For Connie had adopted the standard of the young: what there was in the moment was everything. —
因为康妮采用了年轻人的标准:眼下的事情就是一切。 —

And moments followed one another without necessarily belonging to one another.

It was in her second winter at Wragby her father said to her: —
在Wragby庄园的第二个冬天,她父亲对她说: —

‘I hope, Connie, you won’t let circumstances force you into being a demi-vierge.’

‘A demi-vierge!’ replied Connie vaguely. ‘Why? Why not?’

‘Unless you like it, of course!’ said her father hastily. —
“除非你喜欢这种状态!”她父亲急忙说道。 —

To Clifford he said the same, when the two men were alone: —
在克利福德独处时,他也这样对他说: —

‘I’m afraid it doesn’t quite suit Connie to be a demi-vierge.’

‘A half-virgin!’ replied Clifford, translating the phrase to be sure of it.

He thought for a moment, then flushed very red. He was angry and offended.

‘In what way doesn’t it suit her?’ he asked stiffly.

‘She’s getting thin…angular. It’s not her style. —
“她越来越瘦了…而且有点尖锐。这不是她的风格。” —

She’s not the pilchard sort of little slip of a girl, she’s a bonny Scotch trout.’

‘Without the spots, of course!’ said Clifford.

He wanted to say something later to Connie about the demi-vierge business. —
他想事后跟康妮谈谈那个“半处女”的事情。 —

..the half-virgin state of her affairs. But he could not bring himself to do it. —
..她的事情是处于半处女状态。但他无法开口。 —

He was at once too intimate with her and not intimate enough. —
他与她非常亲密,但又不够亲密。 —

He was so very much at one with her, in his mind and hers, but bodily they were non-existent to one another, and neither could bear to drag in the corpus delicti. —
在他们的心里,他们彼此非常亲密,但在身体上,他们却对彼此不存在,两人都不愿意提这个实体。 —

They were so intimate, and utterly out of touch.

Connie guessed, however, that her father had said something, and that something was in Clifford’s mind. —
康妮猜到,她的父亲肯定说了些什么,克利福德的心里也肯定想着点什么。 —

She knew that he didn’t mind whether she were demi-vierge or demi-monde, so long as he didn’t absolutely know, and wasn’t made to see. —
她知道他不在乎她是半处女还是妓女,只要他不知道真相,不去了解就行。 —

What the eye doesn’t see and the mind doesn’t know, doesn’t exist.

Connie and Clifford had now been nearly two years at Wragby, living their vague life of absorption in Clifford and his work. —
康妮和克利福德已经在拉格比生活了接近两年,他们过着对克利福德和他的工作全神贯注的模糊生活。 —

Their interests had never ceased to flow together over his work. —
他们的兴趣从未停止与克利福德的工作相融合。 —

They talked and wrestled in the throes of composition, and felt as if something were happening, really happening, really in the void.

And thus far it was a life: in the void. For the rest it was non-existence. —
到目前为止,只是过着虚无中的生活。其他方面就是不存在。 —

Wragby was there, the servants…but spectral, not really existing. —
拉格比在那里,仆人们也在那里…但是像幽灵一样,真的并不存在。 —

Connie went for walks in the park, and in the woods that joined the park, and enjoyed the solitude and the mystery, kicking the brown leaves of autumn, and picking the primroses of spring. —
康妮去公园散步,在与公园相连的树林中享受这份孤独和神秘,踢踏着秋天的棕色落叶,摘取春天的报春花。 —

But it was all a dream; or rather it was like the simulacrum of reality. —
但这都是一个梦,或者说是现实的幻象。 —

The oak-leaves were to her like oak-leaves seen ruffling in a mirror, she herself was a figure somebody had read about, picking primroses that were only shadows or memories, or words. —
对她来说,橡树叶就像在镜子里波动的橡树叶,她自己就是别人读到的一个人物形象,摘取的报春花只是影子或记忆,或文字。 —

No substance to her or anything…no touch, no contact! —
她没有任何内涵,没有任何接触! —

Only this life with Clifford, this endless spinning of webs of yarn, of the minutiae of consciousness, these stories Sir Malcolm said there was nothing in, and they wouldn’t last. —
只有与克利福德一起的这种生活,这个无休止的纺纱网,意识的琐事,这些马尔科姆爵士说其中不包含任何东西,而且它们不会持久。 —

Why should there be anything in them, why should they last? —
为什么它们应该包含任何东西,为什么它们应该持久? —

Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof. —
当日的苦难足够了。 —

Sufficient unto the moment is the appearance of reality.

Clifford had quite a number of friends, acquaintances really, and he invited them to Wragby. —
克利福德有相当多的朋友,其实是些熟人,他邀请他们来瓦拉韦。 —

He invited all sorts of people, critics and writers, people who would help to praise his books. —
他邀请各种各样的人,评论家和作家,帮助赞扬他的书的人。 —

And they were flattered at being asked to Wragby, and they praised. —
他们被邀请到瓦拉韦感到很荣幸,然后赞扬了。 —

Connie understood it all perfectly. But why not? —
康妮完全明白这一切。但为什么不呢? —

This was one of the fleeting patterns in the mirror. —
这只是镜子中的一种短暂图案。 —

What was wrong with it?

She was hostess to these people…mostly men. —
她是这些人的女主人…大多是男人。 —

She was hostess also to Clifford’s occasional aristocratic relations. —
她也是克利福德偶尔的贵族亲戚的女主人。 —

Being a soft, ruddy, country-looking girl, inclined to freckles, with big blue eyes, and curling, brown hair, and a soft voice, and rather strong, female loins she was considered a little old-fashioned and ‘womanly’. —
作为一个容易长雀斑的姑娘,她看起来柔和而健康,带着大大的蓝眼睛和卷曲的棕色头发,嗓音柔和,臀部稍微有些强壮,所以她被认为有些保守和”女人味”。 —

She was not a ‘little pilchard sort of fish’, like a boy, with a boy’s flat breast and little buttocks. —
她并不像个”小凯鲱鱼一样的家伙”,没有男孩子的平胸和小屁股。 —

She was too feminine to be quite smart.

So the men, especially those no longer young, were very nice to her indeed. —
因此,男人们,尤其是那些已经不太年轻的人,对她非常友善。 —

But, knowing what torture poor Clifford would feel at the slightest sign of flirting on her part, she gave them no encouragement at all. —
但是,她深知克利福德对她稍微有点儿调情都会感到折磨,所以她没有给他们任何鼓励。 —

She was quiet and vague, she had no contact with them and intended to have none. —
她沉默而模糊,几乎没有与他们接触的意愿。 —

Clifford was extraordinarily proud of himself.

His relatives treated her quite kindly. She knew that the kindliness indicated a lack of fear, and that these people had no respect for you unless you could frighten them a little. —
克利福德的亲戚们对她相当友善。她知道这种友善意味着他们没有恐惧感,以及这些人除非你能让他们有点害怕,否则对你没有尊重。 —

But again she had no contact. She let them be kindly and disdainful, she let them feel they had no need to draw their steel in readiness. —
但她再次没有接触。她友好而轻蔑地让他们自愿离开,让他们感到没有必要准备好他们的钢铁。 —

She had no real connexion with them.

Time went on. Whatever happened, nothing happened, because she was so beautifully out of contact. —
时间过去了。无论发生了什么,没发生什么,因为她与世隔绝得如此美丽。 —

She and Clifford lived in their ideas and his books. She entertained. —
她和克利福德生活在他们的思想和他的书本中。她招待着客人。 —

..there were always people in the house. Time went on as the clock does, half past eight instead of half past seven.