To begin with, he did not know how he could pay Monsieur Homais for all the physic supplied by him, and though, as a medical man, he was not obliged to pay for it, he nevertheless blushed a little at such an obligation. —
首先,他不知道自己该如何向奥麦先生支付他提供的所有药物,尽管作为医生他并不需要支付,但是他仍然对这样的责任感到有些尴尬。 —

Then the expenses of the household, now that the servant was mistress, became terrible. —
然后,家庭开销变得非常可怕,现在仆人成了女主人。 —

Bills rained in upon the house; the tradesmen grumbled; —
账单纷至沓来,各个商人都在抱怨。 —

Monsieur Lheureux especially harassed him. —
尤其是莱罗先生不断地骚扰他。 —

In fact, at the height of Emma’s illness, the latter, taking advantage of the circumstances to make his bill larger, had hurriedly brought the cloak, the travelling-bag, two trunks instead of one, and a number of other things. —
事实上,在爱玛病重的时候,莱罗利用这个机会让账单变得更大,匆忙带来了披肩、旅行袋,两个箱子而不是一个,以及其他一些东西。 —

It was very well for Charles to say he did not want them. —
查尔斯说自己不需要这些东西,这无济于事。 —

The tradesman answered arrogantly that these articles had been ordered, and that he would not take them back; —
商人傲慢地回答说这些物品已经被订购了,他不会把它们拿回去;此外,这会让女士在恢复期感到不愉快;医生最好好好考虑一下。 —

besides, it would vex madame in her convalescence; the doctor had better think it over; —
最终,他决定支付整个账单。 —

in short, he was resolved to sue him rather than give up his rights and take back his goods. —
简而言之,他决心起诉他而不是放弃他的权利并取回他的货物。 —

Charles subsequently ordered them to be sent back to the shop. Felicite forgot; —
查尔斯随后命令将它们送回商店。菲利切忘记了; —

he had other things to attend to; then thought no more about them. —
他有其他事情要忙;然后就把它们忘了。 —

Monsieur Lheureux returned to the charge, and, by turns threatening and whining, so managed that Bovary ended by signing a bill at six months. —
黎乌尔先生回到指责的过程中,通过威胁和哀求交替使用,以致于波韦里最终签下了一张为期六个月的票据。 —

But hardly had he signed this bill than a bold idea occurred to him: —
但他刚签下这张票据,就有了一个大胆的想法: —

it was to borrow a thousand francs from Lheureux. —
那就是向黎乌尔借一千法郎。 —

So, with an embarrassed air, he asked if it were possible to get them, adding that it would be for a year, at any interest he wished. —
所以他尴尬地问是否可能得到这笔钱,并补充说可以以任意的利息,借一年的时间。 —

Lheureux ran off to his shop, brought back the money, and dictated another bill, by which Bovary undertook to pay to his order on the 1st of September next the sum of one thousand and seventy francs, which, with the hundred and eighty already agreed to, made just twelve hundred and fifty, thus lending at six per cent in addition to one-fourth for commission: —
Lheureux跑回他的商店,取回了钱,并口述了另一张账单,波沃里承诺在明年9月1日按照他的指示支付1070法郎,在已经同意的180法郎之外,总计1250法郎,即以6%的利率贷款,并额外加收四分之一的佣金: —

and the things bringing him in a good third at the least, this ought in twelve months to give him a profit of a hundred and thirty francs. —
并且商品给他带来了至少三分之一的好处,这在一年内能给他带来130法郎的利润。 —

He hoped that the business would not stop there; that the bills would not be paid; —
他希望生意不会止步于此,账单不会被支付; —

that they would be renewed; and that his poor little money, having thriven at the doctor’s as at a hospital, would come back to him one day considerably more plump, and fat enough to burst his bag.

Everything, moreover, succeeded with him. —
此外,一切都顺利。 —

He was adjudicator for a supply of cider to the hospital at Neufchatel; —
他成为了纽费夏尔医院苹果酒供应商的裁决者。 —

Monsieur Guillaumin promised him some shares in the turf-pits of Gaumesnil, and he dreamt of establishing a new diligence service between Arcueil and Rouen, which no doubt would not be long in ruining the ramshackle van of the “Lion d’Or,” and that, travelling faster, at a cheaper rate, and carrying more luggage, would thus put into his hands the whole commerce of Yonville.
亲爱的Guillaumin先生答应给他一些Gaumesnil的草坑的股份,他梦想着在Arcueil和Rouen之间建立一条新的马车服务,毫无疑问,这将很快毁掉“Lion d’Or”那辆破旧的货车,并且以更快的速度、更便宜的价格和更多的行李,将整个Yonville的商业交给他。

Charles several times asked himself by what means he should next year be able to pay back so much money. —
查尔斯多次问自己明年该用什么办法偿还这么多钱。 —

He reflected, imagined expedients, such as applying to his father or selling something. —
他思考着,想象着一些办法,比如向父亲借钱或者卖掉一些东西。 —

But his father would be deaf, and he — he had nothing to sell. —
但他的父亲会熟视无睹,而他自己没有什么可以卖的。 —

Then he foresaw such worries that he quickly dismissed so disagreeable a subject of meditation from his mind. —
然后他预见到了许多困扰,于是迅速将这个令人不快的思考对象从脑海中抛出。 —

He reproached himself with forgetting Emma, as if, all his thoughts belonging to this woman, it was robbing her of something not to be constantly thinking of her.

The winter was severe, Madame Bovary’s convalescence slow. —
冬天很严寒,Madame Bovary的康复很慢。 —

When it was fine they wheeled her arm-chair to the window that overlooked the square, for she now had an antipathy to the garden, and the blinds on that side were always down. —
当她身体好的时候,他们将她的扶手椅推到了窗户边,可以俯瞰广场,因为她现在讨厌花园,而且窗帘总是拉住的。 —

She wished the horse to be sold; what she formerly liked now displeased her. —
她希望把马卖掉了,她曾经喜欢的现在不再令她高兴。 —

All her ideas seemed to be limited to the care of herself. —
她的所有想法似乎只限于照顾自己。 —

She stayed in bed taking little meals, rang for the servant to inquire about her gruel or to chat with her. —
她躺在床上吃点小食物,按铃让仆人去问问她的稀粥,或者和她聊天。 —

The snow on the market-roof threw a white, still light into the room; —
市场屋顶上的雪投进了房间里一片静谧的白光。 —

then the rain began to fall; —
然后雨开始下起来。 —

and Emma waited daily with a mind full of eagerness for the inevitable return of some trifling events which nevertheless had no relation to her. —
艾玛每天都怀着渴望的心情等待着一些与她毫无关系的琐事的必然发生。 —

The most important was the arrival of the “Hirondelle” in the evening. —
最重要的是“Hirondelle”傍晚的到达。 —

Then the landlady shouted out, and other voices answered, while Hippolyte’s lantern, as he fetched the boxes from the boot, was like a star in the darkness. —
然后房东大喊起来,其他人的声音回答着,当希波利特从车厢取行李时,他手持的灯笼犹如黑暗中的一颗星星。 —

At mid-day Charles came in; then he went out again; —
中午查尔斯进来了,然后又出去了。 —

next she took some beef-tea, and towards five o’clock, as the day drew in, the children coming back from school, dragging their wooden shoes along the pavement, knocked the clapper of the shutters with their rulers one after the other.

It was at this hour that Monsieur Bournisien came to see her. —
就是在这个时候,布尔尼森先生来看望她了。 —

He inquired after her health, gave her news, exhorted her to religion, in a coaxing little prattle that was not without its charm. —
他询问她的健康,告诉她一些消息,在撒娇的闲谈中劝她信仰宗教,这种方式颇具魅力。 —

The mere thought of his cassock comforted her.

One day, when at the height of her illness, she had thought herself dying, and had asked for the communion; —
有一天,她病得很重,以为自己快要死了,便请求领受圣餐; —

and, while they were making the preparations in her room for the sacrament, while they were turning the night table covered with syrups into an altar, and while Felicite was strewing dahlia flowers on the floor, Emma felt some power passing over her that freed her from her pains, from all perception, from all feeling. —
当他们在她房间为领受圣餐做准备时,将夜台布满了药水的桌子变成了祭坛,菲丽丝蒂在地板上撒着大丽花。 —

Her body, relieved, no longer thought; another life was beginning; —
艾玛感到一股力量经过她,解脱了她的痛苦、感知和感觉。她的身体得到解脱,不再思考;另一种生活开始了。 —

it seemed to her that her being, mounting toward God, would be annihilated in that love like a burning incense that melts into vapour. —
对她来说,她的存在似乎正在追寻上帝,将会在那燃烧的爱中被消灭,就像燃烧的香烟融入蒸汽中一样。 —

The bed-clothes were sprinkled with holy water, the priest drew from the holy pyx the white wafer; —
床上的床单被洒上了圣水,神父从神圣的金容器中取出了白色的圣饼。 —

and it was fainting with a celestial joy that she put out her lips to accept the body of the Saviour presented to her. —
她欣喜若狂地伸出双唇接受救世主的身体,感到一种超凡的喜悦。 —

The curtains of the alcove floated gently round her like clouds, and the rays of the two tapers burning on the night-table seemed to shine like dazzling halos. —
床幔像云朵一样轻轻地围绕着她,夜台上燃烧的两支蜡烛的光芒看起来闪耀如同耀眼的光环。 —

Then she let her head fall back, fancying she heard in space the music of seraphic harps, and perceived in an azure sky, on a golden throne in the midst of saints holding green palms, God the Father, resplendent with majesty, who with a sign sent to earth angels with wings of fire to carry her away in their arms.

This splendid vision dwelt in her memory as the most beautiful thing that it was possible to dream, so that now she strove to recall her sensation. —
这个辉煌的景象深深地烙在她的记忆中,成为最美丽的梦境,因此现在她努力回忆起自己当时的感觉。 —

That still lasted, however, but in a less exclusive fashion and with a deeper sweetness. —
尽管如此,它仍然持续了,但方式不再那么独占,并且有一种更深的甜蜜。 —

Her soul, tortured by pride, at length found rest in Christian humility, and, tasting the joy of weakness, she saw within herself the destruction of her will, that must have left a wide entrance for the inroads of heavenly grace. —
她的灵魂,在傲慢的折磨下,最终在基督教的谦卑中找到了安息,品味到了软弱的喜悦,并且看到了自己意志的毁灭,必定为天上的恩典开启了一扇广阔的大门。 —

There existed, then, in the place of happiness, still greater joys — another love beyond all loves, without pause and without end, one that would grow eternally! —
因此,存在着一个更大的快乐,更多的喜悦——一种超越一切爱情的另一种爱,没有停息,也没有终结,会永远不断地成长! —

She saw amid the illusions of her hope a state of purity floating above the earth mingling with heaven, to which she aspired. —
她看到了希望中的幻想之中,有一种纯洁的状态在地面上飘浮着,与天堂融为一体,而她正渴望着成为这种状态。 —

She wanted to become a saint. She bought chaplets and wore amulets; —
她想成为一个圣徒。她买了念珠,戴上护身符; —

she wished to have in her room, by the side of her bed, a reliquary set in emeralds that she might kiss it every evening.

The cure marvelled at this humour, although Emma’s religion, he thought, might, from its fervour, end by touching on heresy, extravagance. —
神父对这种心情感到惊奇,尽管他认为艾玛的宗教信仰由于其热情而可能最终触及异端、过度的境地。 —

But not being much versed in these matters, as soon as they went beyond a certain limit he wrote to Monsieur Boulard, bookseller to Monsignor, to send him “something good for a lady who was very clever. —
然而,对于这些事情并不太了解的他,在超过一定限度之后,给著名书商布拉尔先生写信,请他给一位非常聪明的女士送一本“好书”。 —

” The bookseller, with as much indifference as if he had been sending off hardware to niggers, packed up, pellmell, everything that was then the fashion in the pious book trade. —
书商毫不在意地像给黑人送去五金工具一样,将当时销声匿迹的虔诚图书混在一起打包。 —

There were little manuals in questions and answers, pamphlets of aggressive tone after the manner of Monsieur de Maistre, and certain novels in rose-coloured bindings and with a honied style, manufactured by troubadour seminarists or penitent blue-stockings. —
里面有一些问答小册子,模仿德·梅斯特大师的挑衅性小册子,以及一些粉红色封面、语言蜜汁的小说,这些都是修道院学生或悔过的女书迷们所制作的。 —

There were the “Think of it; the Man of the World at Mary’s Feet, by Monsieur de — decorated with many Orders”; —
还有“好好想想吧;那位名叫玛丽的世俗男人,作者是德——被授予许多勋章的人”; —

“The Errors of Voltaire, for the Use of the Young,” etc.

Madame Bovary’s mind was not yet sufficiently clear to apply herself seriously to anything; —
玛德琳·包弗莱的思维尚未足够清晰,无法认真专注地研读任何内容; —

moreover, she began this reading in too much hurry. —
此外,她开始读书时太过匆忙。 —

She grew provoked at the doctrines of religion; —
她对宗教的教条感到愤怒; —

the arrogance of the polemic writings displeased her by their inveteracy in attacking people she did not know; —
那些战斗性写作中的傲慢令她不悦,它们无休止地攻击她不认识的人; —

and the secular stories, relieved with religion, seemed to her written in such ignorance of the world, that they insensibly estranged her from the truths for whose proof she was looking. —
那些以宗教为基础的世俗故事,似乎对世界的无知写得让她对正在寻找证明的真理产生了难以察觉的疏离感; —

Nevertheless, she persevered; and when the volume slipped from her hands, she fancied herself seized with the finest Catholic melancholy that an ethereal soul could conceive.

As for the memory of Rodolphe, she had thrust it back to the bottom of her heart, and it remained there more solemn and more motionless than a king’s mummy in a catacomb. —
至于对罗道尔夫的记忆,她将其推到了心底最深处,它在那里静静地、庄严地,比国王坟墓中的木乃伊还要静止; —

An exhalation escaped from this embalmed love, that, penetrating through everything, perfumed with tenderness the immaculate atmosphere in which she longed to live. —
有一股暗香从这个经验丰富的爱情中散发出来,穿透一切,用温柔的气息香气使她渴望生活的清白洁净的氛围弥漫着。 —

When she knelt on her Gothic prie-Dieu, she addressed to the Lord the same suave words that she had murmured formerly to her lover in the outpourings of adultery. —
当她跪在哥特式祷告椅上时,她对上帝说出了和她以前对情人私通时所耳语的甜言蜜语。 —

It was to make faith come; but no delights descended from the heavens, and she arose with tired limbs and with a vague feeling of a gigantic dupery.

This searching after faith, she thought, was only one merit the more, and in the pride of her devoutness Emma compared herself to those grand ladies of long ago whose glory she, had dreamed of over a portrait of La Valliere, and who, trailing with so much majesty the lace-trimmed trains of their long gowns, retired into solitudes to shed at the feet of Christ all the tears of hearts that life had wounded.

Then she gave herself up to excessive charity. —
然后她沉溺于过度的慈善行为。 —

She sewed clothes for the poor, she sent wood to women in childbed; —
她为穷人缝制衣服,她给产妇送柴火; —

and Charles one day, on coming home, found three good-for-nothings in the kitchen seated at the table eating soup. —
有一天,查理回家时在厨房里发现三个无用的人坐在桌子前喝汤。 —

She had her little girl, whom during her illness her husband had sent back to the nurse, brought home. —
她生了她的小女孩,她的丈夫在她生病期间将她送回给护士,现在把她接回了家。 —

She wanted to teach her to read; even when Berthe cried, she was not vexed. —
她想教她读书,即使贝尔特哭了,她也没有生气。 —

She had made up her mind to resignation, to universal indulgence. —
她决心要顺从,对一切人都宽容。 —

Her language about everything was full of ideal expressions. —
她对一切事物的言辞都充满了理想主义的表达。 —

She said to her child, “Is your stomach-ache better, my angel?”

Madame Bovary senior found nothing to censure except perhaps this mania of knitting jackets for orphans instead of mending her own house-linen; —
波韦夫人认为除了她热衷给孤儿们织毛衣而不是修补自家的床单这点之外,没有什么可指责的了; —

but, harassed with domestic quarrels, the good woman took pleasure in this quiet house, and she even stayed there till after Easter, to escape the sarcasms of old Bovary, who never failed on Good Friday to order chitterlings.

Besides the companionship of her mother-in-law, who strengthened her a little by the rectitude of her judgment and her grave ways, Emma almost every day had other visitors. —
除了婆母的陪伴,她每天几乎都有其他的访客来事。 —

These were Madame Langlois, Madame Caron, Madame Dubreuil, Madame Tuvache, and regularly from two to five o’clock the excellent Madame Homais, who, for her part, had never believed any of the tittle-tattle about her neighbour. —
这五位夫人分别是朗格洛瓦夫人、卡伦夫人、迪布鲁伊夫人、蒂瓦什夫人,以及每天两点到五点准时出现的优秀的奥麦太太。至于她自己,从来没相信过对邻居的闲言碎语。 —

The little Homais also came to see her; Justin accompanied them. —
小奥麦家的孩子也来看望她,贾斯汀陪同他们。 —

He went up with them to her bedroom, and remained standing near the door, motionless and mute. —
他和他们一起上了她的卧室,并站在门口一动不动、一言不发。 —

Often even Madame Bovary; taking no heed of him, began her toilette. —
甚至艾玛波瓦里女士都经常没注意到他,开始梳洗。 —

She began by taking out her comb, shaking her head with a quick movement, and when he for the first time saw all this mass of hair that fell to her knees unrolling in black ringlets, it was to him, poor child! —
她首先拿出梳子,用快速的动作摇了摇头,当他第一次看到她的这一大把长发解开时,黑色卷发垂到膝盖,对他这个可怜的孩子来说,就像是突然进入了一个陌生而新奇的世界,那美丽使他惊叹不已。 —

like a sudden entrance into something new and strange, whose splendour terrified him.

Emma, no doubt, did not notice his silent attentions or his timidity. —
她并未注意到他默默的关注或者害羞。 —

She had no suspicion that the love vanished from her life was there, palpitating by her side, beneath that coarse holland shirt, in that youthful heart open to the emanations of her beauty. —
她怀疑的是,从她的生活中消失的爱存在着,就在她身边隆隆地跳动着,在那件粗犷的荷兰布衬衫下,在那颗年轻的心中,敞开着接受她美丽的气息。 —

Besides, she now enveloped all things with such indifference, she had words so affectionate with looks so haughty, such contradictory ways, that one could no longer distinguish egotism from charity, or corruption from virtue. —
此外,她现在对所有事物都带着如此的漠不关心,她的话语如此的深情却又目空一切,她的方式如此的矛盾,以至于人们再也无法区分自私和慈善,或者腐败和美德。 —

One evening, for example, she was angry with the servant, who had asked to go out, and stammered as she tried to find some pretext. Then suddenly —

“So you love him?” she said.

And without waiting for any answer from Felicite, who was blushing, she added, “There! —
而且不等费丽丝蒂回答,脸红的费丽丝蒂补充道,“去吧! —

run along; enjoy yourself!”

In the beginning of spring she had the garden turned up from end to end, despite Bovary’s remonstrances. —
初春时,她坚持要把花园从头到尾都翻起来,尽管波伏瑞提出异议。 —

However, he was glad to see her at last manifest a wish of any kind. —
然而,他很高兴她终于表达出了任何一种愿望。 —

As she grew stronger she displayed more wilfulness. —
随着她变得更加强壮,她展现出了更多的任性。 —

First, she found occasion to expel Mere Rollet, the nurse, who during her convalescence had contracted the habit of coming too often to the kitchen with her two nurslings and her boarder, better off for teeth than a cannibal. —
首先,她找到机会将梅尔·罗莱特驱逐出去,因为在康复期间她养成了总是带着两个孩子和那个天气比食人族还好的寄宿者来厨房的习惯。 —

Then she got rid of the Homais family, successively dismissed all the other visitors, and even frequented church less assiduously, to the great approval of the druggist, who said to her in a friendly way —

“You were going in a bit for the cassock!”

As formerly, Monsieur Bournisien dropped in every day when he came out after catechism class. —
和以前一样,当布尔尼西安先生在教义课后来到时,他每天都会来一趟。 —

He preferred staying out of doors to taking the air “in the grove,” as he called the arbour. —
他宁愿待在户外,也不愿意呆在象棋亭那里呼吸新鲜空气。 —

This was the time when Charles came home. They were hot; —
这个时候,查尔斯回家了。他们很热; —

some sweet cider was brought out, and they drank together to madame’s complete restoration.

Binet was there; that is to say, a little lower down against the terrace wall, fishing for crayfish. —
贝内特也在那里;也就是说,在靠近露台墙边的下面,他在钓小龙虾。 —

Bovary invited him to have a drink, and he thoroughly understood the uncorking of the stone bottles.

“You must,” he said, throwing a satisfied glance all round him, even to the very extremity of the landscape, “hold the bottle perpendicularly on the table, and after the strings are cut, press up the cork with little thrusts, gently, gently, as indeed they do seltzer-water at restaurants.”

But during his demonstration the cider often spurted right into their faces, and then the ecclesiastic, with a thick laugh, never missed this joke —
但在他的示范过程中,苹果酒经常喷溅到他们的脸上,然后教士厚厚地笑着,从不错过这个笑话 —

“Its goodness strikes the eye!”

He was, in fact, a good fellow and one day he was not even scandalised at the chemist, who advised Charles to give madame some distraction by taking her to the theatre at Rouen to hear the illustrious tenor, Lagardy. —
事实上,他是个好人,有一天他甚至没有对化学家的建议感到不满,后者建议查尔斯带夫人去鲁昂的剧院听著名男高音拉加尔迪的演唱会,以分散她的注意力。 —

Homais, surprised at this silence, wanted to know his opinion, and the priest declared that he considered music less dangerous for morals than literature.

But the chemist took up the defence of letters. —
但化学家为书信辩护。 —

The theatre, he contended, served for railing at prejudices, and, beneath a mask of pleasure, taught virtue.

“‘Castigat ridendo mores,’16 Monsieur Bournisien! —
“’嘲笑风俗’,布尔尼西恩先生!” —

Thus consider the greater part of Voltaire’s tragedies; —
因此,考虑到伏尔泰的大部分悲剧;它们巧妙地散布着哲学性的思考,使它们成为人民的道德和外交的广阔学校。 —

they are cleverly strewn with philosophical reflections, that made them a vast school of morals and diplomacy for the people.”

“I,” said Binet, “once saw a piece called the ‘Gamin de Paris,’ in which there was the character of an old general that is really hit off to a T. He sets down a young swell who had seduced a working girl, who at the ending —”

“Certainly,” continued Homais, “there is bad literature as there is bad pharmacy, but to condemn in a lump the most important of the fine arts seems to me a stupidity, a Gothic idea, worthy of the abominable times that imprisoned Galileo.”

“I know very well,” objected the cure, “that there are good works, good authors. —
“我很了解,”教区长反驳道,“有好作品,有好作者。 —

However, if it were only those persons of different sexes united in a bewitching apartment, decorated rouge, those lights, those effeminate voices, all this must, in the long-run, engender a certain mental libertinage, give rise to immodest thoughts and impure temptations. —
然而,如果只有那些异性组成的诱人公寓,红色装饰,那些灯光,那些娘娘腔的声音,长期下来,这一切都会产生某种思想放荡,引发不正派的想法和不纯洁的诱惑。 —

Such, at any rate, is the opinion of all the Fathers. —
这至少是众父们的观点。 —

Finally,” he added, suddenly assuming a mystic tone of voice while he rolled a pinch of snuff between his fingers, “if the Church has condemned the theatre, she must be right; —
最后,”他突然改变语调,一边在手指间揉捏着一撮鼻烟,“如果教会谴责戏剧,她一定是正确的; —

we must submit to her decrees.”

“Why,” asked the druggist, “should she excommunicate actors? —
药剂师问道:“她为什么要将演员逐出教籍? —

For formerly they openly took part in religious ceremonies. —
因为他们从前公开参与宗教仪式。 —

Yes, in the middle of the chancel they acted; —
是的,在圣所中间,他们表演; —

they performed a kind of farce called ‘Mysteries,’ which often offended against the laws of decency.”

The ecclesiastic contented himself with uttering a groan, and the chemist went on —

“It’s like it is in the Bible; there there are, you know, more than one piquant detail, matters really libidinous!”

And on a gesture of irritation from Monsieur Bournisien —

“Ah! you’ll admit that it is not a book to place in the hands of a young girl, and I should be sorry if Athalie —”

“But it is the Protestants, and not we,” cried the other impatiently, “who recommend the Bible.”

“No matter,” said Homais. “I am surprised that in our days, in this century of enlightenment, anyone should still persist in proscribing an intellectual relaxation that is inoffensive, moralising, and sometimes even hygienic; —
“没关系,”奥迈斯说。“我很惊讶,在现代,在这个充满启蒙的世纪,还有人坚持禁止一种无害、有道德教诲甚至有时有益健康的智力放松;医生,我说得对吗?” —

is it not, doctor?”

“No doubt,” replied the doctor carelessly, either because, sharing the same ideas, he wished to offend no one, or else because he had not any ideas.

The conversation seemed at an end when the chemist thought fit to shoot a Parthian arrow.

“I’ve known priests who put on ordinary clothes to go and see dancers kicking about.”

“Come, come!” said the cure.

“Ah! I’ve known some!” And separating the words of his sentence, Homais repeated, “I— have — known — some!”

“Well, they were wrong,” said Bournisien, resigned to anything.

“By Jove! they go in for more than that,” exclaimed the druggist.

“Sir!” replied the ecclesiastic, with such angry eyes that the druggist was intimidated by them.

“I only mean to say,” he replied in less brutal a tone, “that toleration is the surest way to draw people to religion.”

“That is true! that is true!” agreed the good fellow, sitting down again on his chair. —
“确实!确实!”好人赞同地坐回了椅子上。 —

But he stayed only a few moments.

Then, as soon as he had gone, Monsieur Homais said to the doctor —

“That’s what I call a cock-fight. I beat him, did you see, in a way! — Now take my advice. —
“那真是个激烈的辩论啊。我以一种方式打败了他!现在听我的建议吧。 —

Take madame to the theatre, if it were only for once in your life, to enrage one of these ravens, hang it! —
带夫人去剧院,即使只有一次,也要惹恼其中的一只乌鸦,将其绞死! —

If anyone could take my place, I would accompany you myself. Be quick about it. —
如果有人能替我去,我自己会陪你去的。赶快吧。 —

Lagardy is only going to give one performance; he’s engaged to go to England at a high salary. —
拉加迪只打算演一场;他已经答应高薪去英国了。 —

From what I hear, he’s a regular dog; he’s rolling in money; —
据我所听,他是个土豪;他有大把的钱; —

he’s taking three mistresses and a cook along with him. —
他要带三个情妇和一个厨师一同去。 —

All these great artists burn the candle at both ends; —
所有这些伟大的艺术家都隐约地糟蹋自己的生活; —

they require a dissolute life, that suits the imagination to some extent. —
他们需要放荡不羁的生活,这在某种程度上适合他们的想象力。 —

But they die at the hospital, because they haven’t the sense when young to lay by. —
但他们终会在医院里死去,因为年轻时没有明智地积蓄。 —

Well, a pleasant dinner! Goodbye till to-morrow.”

The idea of the theatre quickly germinated in Bovary’s head, for he at once communicated it to his wife, who at first refused, alleging the fatigue, the worry, the expense; —
剧院的想法很快在博瓦里的脑海中萌生,他立刻告诉了他的妻子,起初她拒绝了,以疲劳、担心和费用为借口; —

but, for a wonder, Charles did not give in, so sure was he that this recreation would be good for her. —
但令人惊讶的是,查尔斯没有屈服,因为他确信这次娱乐对妻子有好处。 —

He saw nothing to prevent it: his mother had sent them three hundred francs which he had no longer expected; —
他看到没有什么阻止他们的,他的母亲寄给他们三百法郎,他早已不再期望。 —

the current debts were not very large, and the falling in of Lheureux’s bills was still so far off that there was no need to think about them. —
目前的债务并不是很大,莱伊德先生的账单还远远没有到期,所以没必要考虑它们。 —

Besides, imagining that she was refusing from delicacy, he insisted the more; —
此外,他以为她是出于礼貌而拒绝,因此更加坚持。 —

so that by dint of worrying her she at last made up her mind, and the next day at eight o’clock they set out in the “Hirondelle.”

The druggist, whom nothing whatever kept at Yonville, but who thought himself bound not to budge from it, sighed as he saw them go.

“Well, a pleasant journey!” he said to them; “happy mortals that you are!”

Then addressing himself to Emma, who was wearing a blue silk gown with four flounces —

“You are as lovely as a Venus. You’ll cut a figure at Rouen.”

The diligence stopped at the “Croix-Rouge” in the Place Beauvoisine. —
公共汽车在布韦瓦兰广场的“Croix-Rouge”酒店停下来。 —

It was the inn that is in every provincial faubourg, with large stables and small bedrooms, where one sees in the middle of the court chickens pilfering the oats under the muddy gigs of the commercial travellers — a good old house, with worm-eaten balconies that creak in the wind on winter nights, always full of people, noise, and feeding, whose black tables are sticky with coffee and brandy, the thick windows made yellow by the flies, the damp napkins stained with cheap wine, and that always smells of the village, like ploughboys dressed in Sundayclothes, has a cafe on the street, and towards the countryside a kitchen-garden. —
这是每个省郊的客栈,有着宽敞的马厩和小卧室,在院中可以看到商人的马车下饲料被小鸡偷吃的情景——这是一家古老的好客之家,腐朽的阳台在寒冷的冬夜里发出嘎吱嘎吱的声音,总是挤满了人、噪音和饮食,黑色的桌子上沾满了咖啡和白兰地,厚厚的窗户因为苍蝇而发黄,湿漉漉的餐巾上染上了廉价红酒的色彩,总是散发着像穿着礼拜天衣服的农村少年那样的村庄气息,街上有一家咖啡馆,而朝乡村方向则是一片菜园子。 —

Charles at once set out. He muddled up the stage-boxes with the gallery, the pit with the boxes; —
查尔斯立刻出发。他把贵宾席弄混了,将楼座弄混了,把厅座弄混了; —

asked for explanations, did not understand them; —
他要求解释,但理解不了; —

was sent from the box-office to the acting-manager; —
被从售票处派到了演出经理那里; —

came back to the inn, returned to the theatre, and thus several times traversed the whole length of the town from the theatre to the boulevard.

Madame Bovary bought a bonnet, gloves, and a bouquet. —
玛德姆•包法利购买了一顶帽子、手套和一束花。 —

The doctor was much afraid of missing the beginning, and, without having had time to swallow a plate of soup, they presented themselves at the doors of the theatre, which were still closed.