THERE were formerly a king and a queen, who were so sorry that they had no children; —
从前有一个国王和一位王后,他们非常遗憾没有孩子; —

so sorry that it cannot be expressed. —
非常遗憾以至于难以表达出来; —

They went to all the waters in the world; —
他们走遍了世界上所有的水域; —

vows, pilgrimages, all ways were tried, and all to no purpose.

At last, however, the Queen had a daughter. —
最后,王后生下了一个女儿; —

There was a very fine christening; —
举行了一次非常盛大的洗礼; —

and the Princess had for her god-mothers all the fairies they could find in the whole kingdom (they found seven), that every one of them might give her a gift, as was the custom of fairies in those days. —
公主的教母都是整个王国里能找到的所有仙女(总共找到了七位),她们每个人都要给她一个礼物,这是那个时代仙女的习俗; —

By this means the Princess had all the perfections imaginable.

After the ceremonies of the christening were over, all the company returned to the King’s palace, where was prepared a great feast for the fairies. —
洗礼仪式结束后,所有人都返回国王的宫殿,为仙女们准备了一场盛大的盛宴; —

There was placed before every one of them a magnificent cover with a case of massive gold, wherein were a spoon, knife, and fork, all of pure gold set with diamonds and rubies. —
每个仙女面前都放置了一张华丽的餐具,内含一套纯金的勺子、刀子和叉子,镶嵌着钻石和红宝石。 —

But as they were all sitting down at table they saw come into the hall a very old fairy, whom they had not invited, because it was above fifty years since she had been out of a certain tower, and she was believed to be either dead or enchanted.

The King ordered her a cover, but could not furnish her with a case of gold as the others, because they had only seven made for the seven fairies. —
国王给了她一张餐盘,但不能像其他人一样给她一只金盒子,因为他们只有为七个仙女准备了七个。 —

The old Fairy fancied she was slighted, and muttered some threats between her teeth. —
这位老仙女觉得自己被轻视了,嘟囔了些威胁的话。 —

One of the young fairies who sat by her overheard how she grumbled; —
坐在她旁边的一个年轻仙女听到了她的抱怨; —

and, judging that she might give the little Princess some unlucky gift, went, as soon as they rose from table, and hid herself behind the hangings, that she might speak last, and repair, as much as she could, the evil which the old Fairy might intend.

In the meanwhile all the fairies began to give their gifts to the Princess. —
与此同时,所有的仙女都开始给公主送上她们的礼物。 —

The youngest gave her for gift that she should be the most beautiful person in the world; —
最年轻的仙女送给她的礼物是,她将成为世界上最美丽的人。 —

the next, that she should have the wit of an angel; —
接下来,她应该具有天使一样的机智; —

the third, that she should have a wonderful grace in everything she did; —
第三个,她在所做的每一件事情上都应该有令人惊叹的优雅; —

the fourth, that she should dance perfectly well; —
第四个,她应该能够完美地跳舞; —

the fifth, that she should sing like a nightingale; —
第五个,她应该像夜莺一样歌唱; —

and the sixth, that she should play all kinds of music to the utmost perfection.

The old Fairy’s turn coming next, with a head shaking more with spite than age, she said that the Princess should have her hand pierced with a spindle and die of the wound. —
接下来轮到年老的仙女,她怨恨而不是衰老地摇了摇头,说公主将会被纺锤刺破手指,并因此而死亡。 —

This terrible gift made the whole company tremble, and everybody fell a-crying.

At this very instant the young Fairy came out from behind the hangings, and spake these words aloud:

“Assure yourselves, O King and Queen, that your daughter shall not die of this disaster. —
“请放心,国王和王后,你们的女儿不会因为这个灾难而死亡。 —

It is true, I have no power to undo entirely what my elder has done. —
的确,我没有完全撤销我的前辈所做的。 —

The Princess shall indeed pierce her hand with a spindle; —
公主的确会用纺锤刺破手指; —

but, instead of dying, she shall only fall into a profound sleep, which shall last a hundred years, at the expiration of which a king’s son shall come and awake her.”

The King, to avoid the misfortune foretold by the old Fairy, caused immediately proclamation to be made, whereby everybody was forbidden, on pain of death, to spin with a distaff and spindle, or to have so much as any spindle in their houses. —
为了避免老仙女所预言的不幸,国王立即发布公告,要求人们严禁用纺锤纺线,严禁家中拥有纺锤,违者将受到死刑惩罚。 —

About fifteen or sixteen years after, the King and Queen being gone to one of their houses of pleasure, the young Princess happened one day to divert herself in running up and down the palace; —
大约十五六年后,国王和王后去他们的一个乐园时,小公主一天在宫殿里自己玩耍; —

when going up from one apartment to another, she came into a little room on the top of the tower, where a good old woman, alone, was spinning with her spindle. —
在从一个房间走向另一个房间的时候,她进入了一个小塔楼的顶层房间,那里有一位善良的老妇人独自一人用纺锤纺线。 —

This good woman had never heard of the King’s proclamation against spindles.

“What are you doing there, goody?” said the Princess.

“I am spinning, my pretty child,” said the old woman, who did not know who she was.

“Ha!” said the Princess, “this is very pretty; —
“哈!”公主说,“这太漂亮了; —

how do you do it? Give it to me, that I may see if I can do so.”

She had no sooner taken it into her hand than, whether being very hasty at it, somewhat unhandy, or that the decree of the Fairy had so ordained it, it ran into her hand, and she fell down in a swoon.

The good old woman, not knowing very well what to do in this affair, cried out for help. —
好心的老婆婆不知道该怎么办,大声呼救。 —

People came in from every quarter in great numbers; —
人们纷纷赶来帮忙。 —

they threw water upon the Princess’s face, unlaced her, struck her on the palms of her hands, and rubbed her temples with Hungary-water; —
他们往公主脸上泼水,解开她的衣带,拍打她的手掌,用香水擦拭她的太阳穴; —

but nothing would bring her to herself.

And now the King, who came up at the noise, bethought himself of the prediction of the fairies, and, judging very well that this must necessarily come to pass, since the fairies had said it, caused the Princess to be carried into the finest apartment in his palace, and to be laid upon a bed all embroidered with gold and silver.

One would have taken her for a little angel, she was so very beautiful; —
有人看她会以为她是一个小天使,她是如此美丽; —

for her swooning away had not diminished one bit of her complexion; —
而她昏倒并没有减少她的一丝容貌; —

her cheeks were carnation, and her lips were coral; —
她的脸颊像蔷薇红,嘴唇像珊瑚; —

indeed, her eyes were shut, but she was heard to breathe softly, which satisfied those about her that she was not dead. —
虽然她的眼睛闭着,但人们能听到她轻轻地呼吸,这让她周围的人们知道她没有死去。 —

The King commanded that they should not disturb her, but let her sleep quietly till her hour of awaking was come.

The good Fairy who had saved her life by condemning her to sleep a hundred years was in the kingdom of Matakin, twelve thousand leagues off, when this accident befell the Princess; —
那位拯救她一命并让她沉睡一百年的好仙女在玛塔金王国,也就是一万两千里之外,当公主发生这一幕时并不在场; —

but she was instantly informed of it by a little dwarf, who had boots of seven leagues, that is, boots with which he could tread over seven leagues of ground in one stride. —
但是一个拥有七里靴的小矮人立刻将此消息告知了她,七里靴就是一双可以一步跨越七里地的靴子。 —

The Fairy came away immediately, and she arrived, about an hour after, in a fiery chariot drawn by dragons.

The King handed her out of the chariot, and she approved everything he had done, but as she had very great foresight, she thought when the Princess should awake she might not know what to do with herself, being all alone in this old palace; —
国王帮她下了马车,她赞同他所做的一切,但她有非常强烈的洞察力,她想到当公主醒来时可能会不知所措,因为她会独自一人在这座古老的宫殿里。 —

and this was what she did: —
她所做的事情是这样的: —

she touched with her wand everything in the palace (except the King and Queen)— governesses, maids of honor, ladies of the bedchamber, gentlemen, officers, stewards, cooks, undercooks, scullions, guards, with their beefeaters, pages, footmen; —
她用魔杖触摸了宫殿里的一切(除了国王和皇后)——教师、女官、女室、绅士、官员、管家、厨师、低级厨师、小厨师、卫兵,和他们的侍卫、侍从、跑腿的人们。 —

she likewise touched all the horses which were in the stables, pads as well as others, the great dogs in the outward court and pretty little Mopsey too, the Princess’s little spaniel, which lay by her on the bed.

Immediately upon her touching them they all fell asleep, that they might not awake before their mistress and that they might be ready to wait upon her when she wanted them. —
她触摸它们后,它们都立即睡着了,这样它们在主人醒来之前不会醒来,并且在她需要的时候能够为她提供侍奉。 —

The very spits at the fire, as full as they could hold of partridges and pheasants, did fall asleep also. —
火旁边的壁炉上,墙上挂着满满的野鸡和野鸭,也睡着了。 —

All this was done in a moment. —
这一切都在一瞬间发生。 —

Fairies are not long in doing their business.

And now the King and the Queen, having kissed their dear child without waking her, went out of the palace and put forth a proclamation that nobody should dare to come near it.

This, however, was not necessary, for in a quarter of an hour’s time there grew up all round about the park such a vast number of trees, great and small, bushes and brambles, twining one within another, that neither man nor beast could pass through; —
然而,这一举措实际上是多余的,因为大约15分钟后,公园里陆续长出了大大小小的树木、灌木丛和荆棘,纠缠在一起,使人和动物都无法通过; —

so that nothing could be seen but the very top of the towers of the palace; —
以至于只能看到宫殿塔楼的顶端,而且只有离得很远才能看到。没人怀疑仙女在这里展示了她非凡的技艺,让公主在继续沉睡时不用担心任何好奇的人。 —

and that, too, not unless it was a good way off. Nobody; —
所以,只能看到宫殿的塔楼顶端,而且只有离得很远才能看到。 —

doubted but the Fairy gave herein a very extraordinary sample of her art, that the Princess, while she continued sleeping, might have nothing to fear from any curious people.

When a hundred years were gone and passed the son of the King then reigning, and who was of another family from that of the sleeping Princess, being gone a-hunting on that side of the country, asked:

What those towers were which he saw in the middle of a great thick wood?

Everyone answered according as they had heard. Some said:

That it was a ruinous old castle, haunted by spirits.

Others, That all the sorcerers and witches of the country kept there their sabbath or night’s meeting.

The common opinion was: That an ogre lived there, and that he carried thither all the little children he could catch, that he might eat them up at his leisure, without anybody being able to follow him, as having himself only the power to pass through the wood.

The Prince was at a stand, not knowing what to believe, when a very good countryman spake to him thus:

“May it please your royal highness, it is now about fifty years since I heard from my father, who heard my grandfather say, that there was then in this castle a princess, the most beautiful was ever seen; —
“请允许臣献上对殿下的最崇高敬意,从我父亲那里听说已经有五十年了,我父亲又听我祖父说,这座城堡曾住着一位公主,是有史以来最美丽的; —

that she must sleep there a hundred years, and should be waked by a king’s son, for whom she was reserved.”

The young Prince was all on fire at these words, believing, without weighing the matter, that he could put an end to this rare adventure; —
年轻的王子听到这些话后,内心燃起了激情,他毫不考虑地相信自己能结束这个罕见的冒险; —

and, pushed on by love and honor, resolved that moment to look into it.

Scarce had he advanced toward the wood when all the great trees, the bushes, and brambles gave way of themselves to let him pass through; —
他刚向树林前进,所有的大树、灌木和荆棘便主动让开,为他让路; —

he walked up to the castle which he saw at the end of a large avenue which he went into; —
他走到了城堡前,城堡就在一条大道的尽头,他走了进去; —

and what a little surprised him was that he saw none of his people could follow him, because the trees closed again as soon as he had passed through them. —
让他有些吃惊的是,跟随他的人都无法进来,因为他刚过去的那些树木又合拢了。 —

However, he did not cease from continuing his way; —
然而,他依然继续前行; —

a young and amorous prince is always valiant.

He came into a spacious outward court, where everything he saw might have frozen the most fearless person with horror. —
他进入了一个宽敞的外庭,他所看到的一切都可能让最勇敢的人陷入恐惧。 —

There reigned all over a most frightful silence; —
那里弥漫着一种可怕的寂静; —

the image of death everywhere showed itself, and there was nothing to be seen but stretched-out bodies of men and animals, all seeming to be dead. —
死亡的形象无处不在,只能看到人和动物的尸体,看起来都已经死了。 —

He, however, very well knew, by the ruby faces and pimpled noses of the beefeaters, that they were only asleep; —
然而,通过守卫们的红宝石般的脸庞和长着红痘子的鼻子,他非常清楚他们只是在睡觉; —

and their goblets, wherein still remained some drops of wine, showed plainly that they fell asleep in their cups.

He then crossed a court paved with marble, went up the stairs and came into the guard chamber, where guards were standing in their ranks, with their muskets upon their shoulders, and snoring as loud as they could. —
然后他穿过一座铺满大理石的庭院,上了楼梯,进入了警卫室,在那里警卫们以站队的形式站着,肩上扛着他们的步枪,大声打呼噜。 —

After that he went through several rooms full of gentlemen and ladies, all asleep, some standing, others sitting. —
之后他穿过几个房间,里面都是睡着的贵族男女,有的站着,有的坐着。 —

At last he came into a chamber all gilded with gold, where he saw upon a bed, the curtains of which were all open, the finest sight was ever beheld — a princess, who appeared to be about fifteen or sixteen years of age, and whose bright and, in a manner, resplendent beauty, had somewhat in it divine. —
最后他走进一个镀金的房间,在那里他看到了一张打开的帷幕下最美的景象-一个公主,看起来大约十五到十六岁,她的明亮而光辉的美丽有些像神一样。 —

He approached with trembling and admiration, and fell down before her upon his knees.

And now, as the enchantment was at an end, the Princess awaked, and looking on him with eyes more tender than the first view might seem to admit of:

“Is it you, my Prince?” said she to him. —
“是你吗,我的王子?”她对他说。 —

“You have waited a long while.”

The Prince, charmed with these words, and much more with the manner in which they were spoken, knew not how to show his joy and gratitude; —
王子被这些话和说话方式所陶醉,不知道如何表达他的喜悦和感激; —

he assured her that he loved her better than he did himself; their discourse was not well connected, they did weep more than talk — little eloquence, a great deal of love. —
他向她保证,他比自己还爱着她;他们的对话不太连贯,更多的是哭泣而不是说话-很少的雄辩,大量的爱。 —

He was more at a loss than she, and we need not wonder at it; —
他比她更迷茫,我们不用对此感到惊讶; —

she had time to think on what to say to him; —
她有时间思考如何对他说话; —

for it is very probable (though history mentions nothing of it) that the good Fairy, during so long a sleep, had given her very agreeable dreams. —
因为很可能(尽管历史没有提到)在那么长的睡眠期间,善良的仙女给她带来了非常愉快的梦境。 —

In short, they talked four hours together, and yet they said not half what they had to say.

In the meanwhile all the palace awaked; —
与此同时,整个宫殿都醒来了; —

everyone thought upon their particular business, and as all of them were not in love they were ready to die for hunger. —
每个人都想着自己的事情,由于并不是所有人都在恋爱,他们准备饿死了。 —

The chief lady of honor, being as sharp set as other folks, grew very impatient, and told the Princess aloud that supper was served up. —
贵妇阁下和其他人一样的饥饿,变得非常不耐烦,大声告诉公主晚餐已经准备好了。 —

The Prince helped the Princess to rise; —
王子帮助公主站起来; —

she was entirely dressed, and very magnificently, but his royal highness took care not to tell her that she was dressed like his great-grandmother, and had a point band peeping over a high collar; —
她已经完全穿好了,而且非常华丽,但皇室陛下小心翼翼地没有告诉她她穿得像他的曾祖母一样,高领上还露出一块腰封; —

she looked not a bit less charming and beautiful for all that.

They went into the great hall of looking-glasses, where they supped, and were served by the Princess’s officers, the violins and hautboys played old tunes, but very excellent, though it was now above a hundred years since they had played; —
他们走进了大理石大厅,在那里进餐,由公主的官员们为他们服务,小提琴和双簧管演奏着古老的曲调,虽然他们已经有一百多年没有演奏了。 —

and after supper, without losing any time, the lord almoner married them in the chapel of the castle, and the chief lady of honor drew the curtains. —
晚饭后,不耽误时间,领袖国的教官在城堡的小教堂为他们举行了婚礼,首席女官拉上了帷幕。 —

They had but very little sleep — the Princess had no occasion; —
他们几乎没有睡觉 - 公主没有这个必要; —

and the Prince left her next morning to return to the city, where his father must needs have been in pain for him. —
第二天早上,王子告别她回到了城市,他的父亲一定为他担心。 —

The Prince told him:

That he lost his way in the forest as he was hunting, and that he had lain in the cottage of a charcoal-burner, who gave him cheese and brown bread.

The King, his father, who was a good man, believed him; —
他的父亲国王是个善良的人,相信了他。 —

but his mother could not be persuaded it was true; —
但他的母亲无法相信这是真的。 —

and seeing that he went almost every day a-hunting, and that he always had some excuse ready for so doing, though he had lain out three or four nights together, she began to suspect that he was married, for he lived with the Princess above two whole years, and had by her two children, the eldest of which, who was a daughter, was named Morning, and the youngest, who was a son, they called Day, because he was a great deal handsomer and more beautiful than his sister.

The Queen spoke several times to her son, to inform herself after what manner he did pass his time, and that in this he ought in duty to satisfy her. —
女王多次与她的儿子交谈,想了解他是如何度过时间的,她认为这是他应尽的责任。 —

But he never dared to trust her with his secret; —
但是他从来不敢告诉她他的秘密。 —

he feared her, though he loved her, for she was of the race of the Ogres, and the King would never have married her had it not been for her vast riches; —
他害怕她,尽管他爱她,因为她是食人魔的后裔,如果不是因为她的巨大财富,国王永远不会和她结婚。 —

it was even whispered about the Court that she had Ogreish inclinations, and that, whenever she saw little children passing by, she had all the difficulty in the world to avoid falling upon them. —
在宫廷流传着有关她具有食人魔倾向的传闻,每当她看到小孩经过时,她都非常难以控制住自己,不去攻击他们。 —

And so the Prince would never tell her one word.

But when the King was dead, which happened about two years afterward, and he saw himself lord and master, he openly declared his marriage; —
但当国王去世时(大约两年后),成为了所有人的主宰,他公开宣布了他们的婚姻; —

and he went in great ceremony to conduct his Queen to the palace. —
并且他隆重地去迎接他的王后回宫。 —

They made a magnificent entry into the capital city, she riding between her two children.

Soon after the King went to make war with the Emperor Contalabutte, his neighbor. —
国王随后与邻国的皇帝康塔拉布特开战。 —

He left the government of the kingdom to the Queen his mother, and earnestly recommended to her care his wife and children. —
他把王国的统治交给了王母,并亲切地要求她照顾好他的妻子和孩子们。 —

He was obliged to continue his expedition all the summer, and as soon as he departed the Queen-mother sent her daughter-in-law to a country house among the woods, that she might with the more ease gratify her horrible longing.

Some few days afterward she went thither herself, and said to her clerk of the kitchen:

“I have a mind to eat little Morning for my dinner tomorrow.”

“Ah! madam,” cried the clerk of the kitchen.

“I will have it so,” replied the Queen (and this she spoke in the tone of an Ogress who had a strong desire to eat fresh meat), “and will eat her with a sauce Robert.”

The poor man, knowing very well that he must not play tricks with Ogresses, took his great knife and went up into little Morning’s chamber. —
这个可怜的人非常清楚他不能玩弄食人魔,于是他拿起他的大刀走进了小晨的房间。 —

She was then four years old, and came up to him jumping and laughing, to take him about the neck, and ask him for some sugar-candy. —
那时她四岁了,跳着笑着迎上去,搂住他的脖子,要他给她一些糖果。 —

Upon which he began to weep, the great knife fell out of his hand, and he went into the back yard, and killed a little lamb, and dressed it with such good sauce that his mistress assured him that she had never eaten anything so good in her life. —
在她这么做的时候,他开始哭泣,大刀从他的手中掉落,他走进后院,杀了只小羊,并加上了如此美妙的调料,以至于他的女主人向他保证她从未吃过这么好的东西。 —

He had at the same time taken up little Morning, and carried her to his wife, to conceal her in the lodging he had at the bottom of the courtyard.

About eight days afterward the wicked Queen said to the clerk of the kitchen, “I will sup on little Day.”

He answered not a word, being resolved to cheat her as he had done before. —
他不回答,下定决心要像以前那样欺骗她。 —

He went to find out little Day, and saw him with a little foil in his hand, with which he was fencing with a great monkey, the child being then only three years of age. —
他去找小日,看到他手里拿着小剑,正在和一只大猴子击剑,那时孩子只有三岁。 —

He took him up in his arms and carried him to his wife, that she might conceal him in her chamber along with his sister, and in the room of little Day cooked up a young kid, very tender, which the Ogress found to be wonderfully good.

This was hitherto all mighty well; —
这到目前为止一切都非常顺利; —

but one evening this wicked Queen said to her clerk of the kitchen:

“I will eat the Queen with the same sauce I had with her children.”

It was now that the poor clerk of the kitchen despaired of being able to deceive her. —
现在,厨房的可怜职员已经绝望地发现自己无法欺骗她了。 —

The young Queen was turned of twenty, not reckoning the hundred years she had been asleep; —
这位年轻的女王已经二十岁了,不算上她沉睡的百年; —

and how to find in the yard a beast so firm was what puzzled him. —
要在庭院里找到一只如此强壮的野兽对他来说确实很困扰。 —

He took then a resolution, that he might save his own life, to cut the Queen’s throat; —
为了保住自己的性命,他下定决心要割断女王的喉咙; —

and going up into her chamber, with intent to do it at once, he put himself into as great fury as he could possibly, and came into the young Queen’s room with his dagger in his hand. —
他进入她的房间,手持匕首,内心充满了愤怒,试图一次性解决掉她。 —

He would not, however, surprise her, but told her, with a great deal of respect, the orders he had received from the Queen-mother.

“Do it; do it” (said she, stretching out her neck). —
“那就来吧,杀了我吧”(她伸出了脖子)。 —

“Execute your orders, and then I shall go and see my children, my poor children, whom I so much and so tenderly loved.”

For she thought them dead ever since they had been taken away without her knowledge.

“No, no, madam” (cried the poor clerk of the kitchen, all in tears); —
“不,不,夫人”(厨房里可怜的职员哭泣着); —

“you shall not die, and yet you shall see your children again; —
“你不会死的,而且你还会再见到你的孩子; —

but then you must go home with me to my lodgings, where I have concealed them, and I shall deceive the Queen once more, by giving her in your stead a young hind.”

Upon this he forthwith conducted her to his chamber, where, leaving her to embrace her children, and cry along with them, he went and dressed a young hind, which the Queen had for her supper, and devoured it with the same appetite as if it had been the young Queen. Exceedingly was she delighted with her cruelty, and she had invented a story to tell the King, at his return, how the mad wolves had eaten up the Queen his wife and her two children.

One evening, as she was, according to her custom, rambling round about the courts and yards of the palace to see if she could smell any fresh meat, she heard, in a ground room, little Day crying, for his mamma was going to whip him, because he had been naughty; —
一天晚上,按照她的习惯,她在宫殿的庭院和院子里闲逛,看看是否能闻到新鲜的肉香,她听到一个地下的房间里小日子哭泣,因为他的妈妈要打他,因为他调皮; —

and she heard, at the same time, little Morning begging pardon for her brother.

The Ogress presently knew the voice of the Queen and her children, and being quite mad that she had been thus deceived, she commanded next morning, by break of day (with a most horrible voice, which made everybody tremble), that they should bring into the middle of the great court a large tub, which she caused to be filled with toads, vipers, snakes, and all sorts of serpents, in order to have thrown into it the Queen and her children, the clerk of the kitchen, his wife and maid; —
食人魔立刻辨认出了女王和她的孩子们的声音,她被愤怒填满,因为她被这样欺骗了,她命令第二天清晨(用一种让每个人都颤抖的可怕声音)将一个大桶带到大庭院的中间,她让人们把桶里装满蟾蜍、毒蛇、蛇和各种各样的蛇类,准备将女王和她的孩子、厨房的写字员、他的妻子和女仆都扔进去; —

all whom she had given orders should be brought thither with their hands tied behind them.

They were brought out accordingly, and the executioners were just going to throw them into the tub, when the King (who was not so soon expected) entered the court on horseback (for he came post) and asked, with the utmost astonishment, what was the meaning of that horrible spectacle.

No one dared to tell him, when the Ogress, all enraged to see what had happened, threw herself head foremost into the tub, and was instantly devoured by the ugly creatures she had ordered to be thrown into it for others. —
没有人敢告诉他,这时暴怒的女食人魔自己头朝下跳进了水槽,立刻被她命令投入其中的丑陋生物们吞噬。 —

The King could not but be very sorry, for she was his mother; —
国王不禁非常伤心,因为她是他的母亲; —

but he soon comforted himself with his beautiful wife and his pretty children.