OVER THE BRIDGE two of the enemy’s shots had already flown and there was a crush on the bridge. —
敌人的两枪已经射出来了,在桥上人山人海。 —

In the middle of the bridge stood Nesvitsky. —
桥中央站着尼斯维茨基。 —

He had dismounted and stood with his stout person jammed against the railings. —
他下了马,笔挺的身躯紧贴着栏杆。 —

He looked laughingly back at his Cossack, who was standing several paces behind him holding the two horses by their bridles. —
他笑着望着自己的哥萨克,后者站在他几步之后用缰绳牵着两匹马。 —

Every time Nesvitsky tried to move on, the advancing soldiers and waggons bore down upon him and shoved him back against the railings. —
每次尼斯维茨基试图往前走,前进的士兵和车队都会冲撞而来将他挤回栏杆。 —

There was nothing for him to do but to smile.

“Hi there, my lad,” said the Cossack to a soldier in charge of a waggon-load who was forcing his way through the foot-soldiers that pressed right up to his wheels and his horses; —
“嘿,小伙子,”哥萨克对一位负责马车的士兵说道,后者正在挤过挤到轮子和马旁的步兵们。“你在干嘛?不,你等一下; —

“what are you about? No, you wait a bit; —
你看,将军要经过。” —

you see the general wants to pass.”

But the convoy soldier, taking no notice of the allusion to the general, bawled to the soldiers who blocked the way: —
“嘿!伙计们,靠左边!等一会! —

“Hi! fellows, keep to the left! wait a bit! —
请稍等!请让将军通过。” —

” But the fellows, shoulder to shoulder, with their bayonets interlocked, moved over the bridge in one compact mass. —
“但这些战士们,肩并肩,他们的刺刀互相锁在一起,以一片紧凑的队列走过桥头。 —

Looking down over the rails, Prince Nesvitsky saw the noisy, rapid, but not high waves of the Enns, which, swirling in eddies round the piles of the bridge, chased one another down stream. —
从桥栏上俯视,涅斯维茨基亲王看到了恩斯河那喧闹而急流的水波,它们在桥桩周围旋转激荡,接连而下。 —

Looking on the bridge he saw the living waves of the soldiers, all alike as they streamed by: —
注视着桥上,他看到一波波活生生的士兵,他们以相同的模样汹涌而过: —

shakoes with covers on them, knapsacks, bayonets, long rifles, and under the shakoes broad-jawed faces, sunken cheeks, and looks of listless weariness, and legs moving over the boards of the bridge, that were coated with sticky mud. —
那些帽子上有罩子的一个个军帽,背上扛着行囊,他们手持刺刀和长步枪,而在军帽下面,是一张张宽颌,面颊凹陷,愁苦倦怠的表情,他们挪动着沾满粘乎乎泥泞的桥板上的双腿。 —

Sometimes among the monotonous streams of soldiers, like a crest of white foam on the waves of the Enns, an officer forced his way through, in a cloak, with a face of a different type from the soldiers. —
有时候在这单调的士兵队伍之间,像恩斯河波浪上的白色浪峰一样,一名穿着斗篷的军官穿梭而行,他的面貌与士兵们截然不同。” —

Sometimes, like a chip whirling on the river, there passed over the bridge among the waves of infantry a dismounted hussar, an orderly, or an inhabitant of the town. —
有时候,就像一片在河上旋转的木片,有一匹骑兵、一个侍从或者一个镇民穿过桥梁。 —

Sometimes, like a log floating down the river, there moved over the bridge, hemmed in on all sides, a baggage-waggon, piled up high and covered with leather covers.

“Why, they’re like a river bursting its banks,” said the Cossack, stopping hopelessly. —
“噢,他们就像冲破堤岸的河水一样。”哥萨克人无助地停下说道。 —

“Are there many more over there?”

“A million, all but one!” said a cheerful soldier in a torn coat, winking, as he passed out of sight; —
“一百万人,差一个不到!”一个穿着破烂外衣的士兵愉快地眨眼睛说着,随即消失在视线里。 —

after him came another soldier, an older man.

“If he” (he meant the enemy) “starts popping at the bridge just now,” said the old soldier dismally, addressing his companion, “you’ll forget to scratch yourself. —
“如果他们”(指敌人)“现在开始朝桥上射击,”老兵忧郁地对同伴说道,“你都会忘了抓痒痒。” —

” And he passed on. After him came another soldier riding on a waggon.

“Where the devil did you put the leg-wrappers? —
“你把护腿放在哪儿了,该死的?” —

” said an orderly, running after the waggon and fumbling in the back part of it. —
“请等一下。”一个助理喊着,追赶着马车,在车厢后边慌乱地摸索着。 —

And he too passed on with the waggon.

Then came some hilarious soldiers, who had unmistakably been drinking.

“And didn’t he up with the butt end of his gun and give him one right in the teeth,” one soldier was saying gleefully with a wide sweep of his arm.

“It just was a delicious ham,” answered the other with a chuckle. —
“这真是一块美味的火腿,”另一个人笑着回答道。 —

And they passed on, so that Nesvitsky never knew who had received the blow in his teeth, and what the ham had to do with it.

“Yes, they’re in a hurry now! When he let fly a bit of cold lead, one would have thought they were all being killed,” said an under officer, angrily and reproachfully.

“When it whizzed by me, uncle, the bullet,” said a young soldier with a huge mouth, scarcely able to keep from laughing, “I turned fairly numb. —
“当子弹从我身边飞过时,叔叔,”一个嘴巴很大的年轻士兵几乎笑不住,“我简直麻木了。 —

Upon my soul, wasn’t I in a fright, to be sure! —
“看在上帝的份上,我害怕得要命! —

” said the soldier, making a sort of boast of his terror.

He, too, passed on. After him came a waggon unlike all that had passed over before. —
他也去世了。在他之后来了一辆前所未见的马车。 —

It was a German Vorspann with two horses, loaded, it seemed, with the goods of a whole household. —
这是一辆德国的Vorspann车,有两匹马,似乎装满了一个整个家庭的货物。 —

The horses were led by a German, and behind was fastened a handsome, brindled cow with an immense udder. —
这两匹马由一名德国人牵着,后面拴着一头漂亮的斑纹母牛,奶袋巨大。 —

On piled-up feather-beds sat a woman with a small baby, an old woman, and a good-looking, rosy-cheeked German girl. —
堆满羽毛床垫的上面坐着一名女人和一个小宝宝,还有一位老太太和一个容貌姣好、红润的德国姑娘。 —

They were evidently country people, moving, who had been allowed through by special permit. —
他们显然是乡下人,正在搬家,得到了特别许可才能通过。 —

The eyes of all the soldiers were turned upon the women, and, while the waggon moved by, a step at a time, all the soldiers’ remarks related to the two women. —
所有士兵的目光都投向了这两个女人,而且马车一点一点地移动时,所有士兵的言论都涉及这两个女人。 —

Every face wore almost the same smile, reflecting indecent ideas about the women.

“Hey, the sausage, he’s moving away!”

“Sell us your missis,” said another soldier, addressing the German, who strode along with downcast eyes, looking wrathful and alarmed.

“See how she’s dressed herself up! Ah, you devils!”

“I say, wouldn’t you like to be billeted on them, Fedotov!”

“I know a thing or two, mate!”

“Where are you going?” asked the infantry officer, who was eating an apple. —
步兵军官吃着苹果问道,“你要去哪里?” —

He too was half smiling and staring at the handsome girl. —
他也微笑着盯着那个漂亮的女孩。 —

The German, shutting his eyes, signified that he did not understand.

“Take it, if you like,” said the officer, giving the girl an apple. The girl smiled and took it. —
“喜欢的话,拿去吧”,军官给女孩一个苹果。女孩微笑着接过了。 —

Nesvitsky, like all the men on the bridge, never took his eyes off the women till they had passed by. —
涅斯维茨基和桥上的所有人一样,一直不肯移开目光,直到女人们走过。 —

When they had passed by, again there moved by the same soldiers, with the same talk, and at last all came to a standstill. —
当她们走过后,又有同样的士兵们走动着,说着同样的话,最后都停了下来。 —

As often happens, the horses in a convoy-waggon became unmanageable at the end of the bridge, and the whole crowd had to wait.

“What are they standing still for? There’s no order kept!” said the soldiers. —
“他们为什么停下来了?没有秩序!”士兵们说道。 —

“Where are you shoving?” “Damn it!” “Can’t you wait a little? —
“你挤什么?该死!”“你不能稍等一下吗?” —

” “It’ll be a bad look-out if he sets light to the bridge.”

“Look, there’s an officer jammed in too,” the soldiers said in different parts of the stationary crowd, as they looked about them and kept pressing forward to the end of the bridge. —
“看,也有一个军官被困在里面了,”士兵们在站立的人群中不同的位置说道,他们环顾四周,继续向桥的尽头挤压前进。 —

Looking round at the waters of the Enns under the bridge, Nesvitsky suddenly heard a sound new to him, the sound of something rapidly coming nearer … something big, and then a splash in the water.

“Look where it reaches to!” a soldier standing near said sternly, looking round at the sound.

“He’s encouraging us to get on quicker,” said another uneasily. —
“他在鼓励我们更快上去,”另一个不安地说道。 —

The crowd moved again. Nesvitsky grasped that it was a cannon ball.

“Hey, Cossack, give me my horse!” he said. “Now then, stand aside! stand aside! make way!”

With a mighty effort he succeeded in getting to his horse. Shouting continually, he moved forward. —
他竭尽全力挤到他的马旁。不断喊叫着,他向前移动。 —

The soldiers pressed together to make way for him, but jammed upon him again, so that they squeezed his leg, and those nearest him were not to blame, for they were pressed forward even more violently from behind.

“Nesvitsky! Nesvitsky! You, old chap!” he heard a husky voice shouting from behind at that instant.

Nesvitsky looked round and saw, fifteen paces away, separated from him by a living mass of moving infantry, the red and black and tousled face of Vaska Denisov with a forage-cap on the back of his head, and a pelisse swung jauntily over his shoulder.

“Tell them to make way, the damned devils! —
“让他们让路,该死的混蛋们! —

” roared Denisov, who was evidently in a great state of excitement. —
”德尼索夫怒吼道,显然非常兴奋。 —

He rolled his flashing, coal-black eyes, showing the bloodshot whites, and waved a sheathed sword, which he held in a bare hand as red as his face.

“Eh! Vaska!” Nesvitsky responded joyfully. “But what are you about?”

“The squadron can’t advance!” roared Vaska Denisov, viciously showing his white teeth, and spurring his handsome, raven thoroughbred “Bedouin,” which, twitching its ears at the bayonets against which it pricked itself, snorting and shooting froth from its bit, tramped with metallic clang on the boards of the bridge, and seemed ready to leap over the railings, if its rider would let it.

“What next! like sheep! for all the world like sheep; back … make way! … Stand there! —
“接下来呢!像羊一样!真像一群羊;退后……让路!……站在那里! —

go to the devil with the waggon! I’ll cut you down with my sword! —
请你和那辆破车见鬼去吧!我会用剑把你砍倒的! —

” he roared, actually drawing his sword out of the sheath and beginning to brandish it.

The soldiers, with terrified faces, squeezed together, and Denisov joined Nesvitsky.

“How is it you’re not drunk to-day?” said Nesvitsky, when he came up.

“They don’t even give us time to drink!” answered Vaska Denisov. —
“他们甚至都不给我们喝酒的时间!”瓦斯卡·德尼索夫回答道。 —

“They’ve been dragging the regiment to and fro the whole day. —
“他们整天把这个团队拖来拖去。” —

Fighting’s all very well, but who the devil’s to know what this is!”

“How smart you are to-day!” said Nesvitsky, looking at his new pelisse and fur saddle-cloth.

Denisov smiled, pulled out of his sabretache a handkerchief that diffused a smell of scent, and put it to Nesvitsky’s nose.

“To be sure, I’m going into action! I’ve shaved, and cleaned my teeth and scented myself!”

Nesvitsky’s imposing figure, accompanied by his Cossack, and the determination of Denisov, waving his sword and shouting desperately, produced so much effect that they stopped the infantry and got to the other end of the bridge. —
涅斯维茨基雄伟的身影,带着他的哥萨克人,还有德尼索夫挥舞着剑,绝望地喊叫,产生了相当大的影响,他们阻拦了步兵队,走到了桥的另一端。 —

Nesvitsky found at the entry the colonel, to whom he had to deliver the command, and having executed his commission he rode back.

Having cleared the way for him, Denisov stopped at the entrance of the bridge. —
为了给他让路,德尼索夫停在了桥口。 —

Carelessly holding in his horse, who neighed to get to his companions, and stamped with its foot, he looked at the squadron moving towards him. —
他随意地牵住自己的马,那匹与伙伴争鸣并且扬起蹄子的马,他注视着向他走来的骑兵队。 —

The clang of the hoofs on the boards of the bridge sounded as though several horses were galloping, and the squadron, with the officers in front, drew out four men abreast across the bridge and began emerging on the other side.

The infantry soldiers, who had been forced to stop, crowding in the trampled mud of the bridge, looked at the clean, smart hussars, passing them in good order, with that special feeling of aloofness and irony with which different branches of the service usually meet.

“They’re a smart lot! They ought to be on the Podnovinsky!”

“They’re a great deal of use! They’re only for show!” said another.

“Infantry, don’t you kick up a dust!” jested a hussar, whose horse, prancing, sent a spurt of mud on an infantry soldier.

“I should like to see you after two long marches with the knapsack on your shoulder. —
“我倒想看看你带着背包进行两次长途行军之后的样子。 —

Your frogs would be a bit shabby,” said the foot-soldier, rubbing the mud off his face with his sleeve; —
你的青蛙恐怕会有点破烂。”步兵士兵用袖子擦去脸上的泥浆说道。 —

“perched up there you’re more like a bird than a man!”

“Wouldn’t you like to be popped on a horse, Zikin; —
“齐金,你想不想骑上一匹马呀; —

you’d make an elegant rider,” jested a corporal at a thin soldier, bowed down by the weight of his knapsack.

“Put a stick between your legs and you’d have a horse to suit you,” responded the hussar.