ON RETURNING from a second careful inspection of the lines, Napoleon said:

“The pieces are on the board, the game will begin to-morrow.”

He ordered some punch, and sending for Beausset began talking of Paris with him, discussing various changes he intended to make in the Empress’s household, and surprising the prefect by his memory of the minutest details of court affairs.

He showed interest in trifles, jested at Beausset’s love of travel, and chatted carelessly, as some renowned, skilful and confident surgeon will often chat playfully while he tucks up his sleeves and puts on his apron, and the patient is being bound down on the operating-table. —
“我可以熟练地处理整个事务,我的头脑中一切都清晰明了。 —

“I have the whole business at my finger-tips, and it’s all clear and definite in my head. —
当我必须开始工作时,我将以没有人能比得上的方式去做,但现在我可以开玩笑,我开玩笑得越平静,你就应该越感到平静、自信和对我的才华的钦佩” —

When I have to set to work, I will do it as no one else could, but now I can jest, and the more serenely I jest the more calm and confidence and admiration for my genius you ought to feel.”

After emptying a second glass of punch, Napoleon went to seek repose before the grave business which, as he imagined, lay before him next day.

He was so preoccupied with what lay before him that he could not sleep, and in spite of his cold, which got worse with the damp of evening, he got up at three o’clock, and went out into the principal compartment of the tent, sneezing violently. —
他问俄国人是否已经撤退。 —

He asked whether the Russians had not retreated. —
有人告诉他敌人的火焰仍然在同样的地方。 —

He was told that the enemy’s fires were still in the same places. —
他点点头表示赞同。 —

He nodded approval.

The adjutant on duty came into the tent.

“Well, Rapp, do you think we shall do good business to-day?” he said to him.

“Without doubt, sire!” answered Rapp.

Napoleon looked at him.

“Do you remember what you did me the honour to say at Smolensk? —
“你还记得在斯摩棱斯克对我肯定说了些什么吗?” —

” said Rapp: “the wine is drawn, it must be drunk.”
Rapp 说:“酒已经倒了,必须得喝掉。”

Napoleon frowned, and sat for a long while in silence, his head in his hand.

“This poor army, it has greatly diminished since Smolensk. —
“这支可怜的军队,在斯摩棱斯克之后损失很大。 —

La fortune est une franche courtisane, Rapp. I have always said so, and I begin to feel it; but the Guard, Rapp, the Guard is intact? —
“命运是一个坦率的妓女,Rapp。我一直这么说,现在我开始感受到了;但是,卫队,Rapp,卫队还完整吗?” —

” he said inquiringly.

“Yes, sire,” replied Rapp.

Napoleon took a lozenge, put it in his mouth, and looked at his watch. —
拿破仑拿起一颗糖果,放进嘴里,看了看手表。 —

He was not sleepy, and morning was still far off; —
他不困,而且早晨还很遥远; —

and there were no instructions to be drawn up to get through the time, for all had been already given, and were even now being put into execution.

“Have the biscuits and the rice been distributed to the regiments of the Guard? —
“饼干和米已经分发给卫队的团吗? —

” Napoleon asked severely.

“Yes, sire.”

“The rice, too?”

Rapp answered that he had given the Emperor’s orders about the rice; —
Rapp回答说他已经按照皇帝的命令处理了米的事情; —

but Napoleon shook his head with a dissatisfied air, as though he doubted whether his command had been carried out. —
但拿破仑摇了摇头,带着不满的神情,仿佛他对自己的命令是否被执行存在怀疑。 —

A servant came in with punch. Napoleon ordered another glass for Rapp, and took a few sips from his own in silence. —
一名仆人端着冲击饮料进来。拿破仑为拉普尔德点了一杯,自己默默地喝了几口。 —

“I have neither taste nor smell,” he said, sniffing at the glass. “I am sick of this cold. —
“我既没有味觉也没有嗅觉,”他闻了闻杯子说道。”我讨厌这种寒冷。 —

They talk about medicine. What is medicine, when they can’t cure a cold? —
他们谈论药物。可是药物又能治好感冒吗? —

Corvisart gave me these lozenges, but they do no good. What can they cure? —
科尔维萨尔特给了我这些含片,但一点用都没有。它们能治什么病呢? —

They can’t cure anything. Our body is a machine for living. —
它们什么都治不了。我们的身体是一个用来生存的机器。 —

It is organised for that, it is its nature; —
它是为此而组织的,这是它的本性; —

leave life to it unhindered, let life defend itself in it; —
让生命自己保卫它,不要阻碍它; —

it will do more than if you paralyse it, encumbering it with remedies. —
它会比你使用大量药物来麻痹它更有作为。 —

Our body is a perfect watch, meant to go for a certain time; —
我们的身体是一台完美的钟表,设计为运行一段时间; —

the watchmaker has not the power of opening it, he can only handle it in fumbling fashion, blindfold. —
钟表师无法打开它,只能摸索着处理,像闭着眼睛一样。 —

Our body is a machine for living, that’s all. —
我们的身体只是一个用来生存的机器,而已。 —

” And apparently because he had dropped into making definitions, which he had a weakness for doing, he suddenly hazarded one on a fresh subject. —
“而由于他刚才突然爱起解释定义的毛病,他又突然冒险对一个新主题定义。 —

“Do you know, Rapp, what the military art consists in?” he asked. —
你知道吗,拉普尔德,军事艺术包括什么吗?”他问道。 —

“It is the art of being stronger than the enemy at a given moment. That is all.”

Rapp made no reply.

“To-morrow we shall have to do with Kutuzov,” said Napoleon. “We shall see! —
“明天我们将与库图佐夫交手,”拿破仑说。“我们将会看到的!” —

Do you remember, he was in command at Braunau, and never once in three weeks mounted a horse to inspect his entrenchments. We shall see!”

He looked at his watch. It was still only four o’clock. He was not sleepy; —
他看了看表,才四点钟。他并不困倦,而且热酒也喝完了,还没有任何事情可做。 —

the punch was finished, and there was still nothing to do. —
他站起来,来回走动,穿上一件厚外套和帽子,走出了帐篷。 —

He got up, walked up and down, put on a warm coat and hat and went out of the tent. —
夜色阑珊,湿气弥漫,微细的毛毛雨无声无息地降落。 —

The night was dark and damp; a slight drizzle was falling almost inaudibly. —
紧挨着法国营地,篝火暗淡地燃烧,而在远处,隔着浓烟,他们在俄军阵线上熊熊燃烧。 —

Close by in the French Guard, the camp-fires burned dimly, and far away they were blazing brightly through the smoke along the Russian line. —
空气静寂无声,从法军行进中可以清晰地听到微弱的喧嚣和脚步声。 —

The air was still, and a faint stir and tramp could be distinctly heard from the French troops beginning to move to occupy the position.

Napoleon walked to and fro before the tent, looked at the fires, listened to the tramp, and passed by a tall guardsman in a fur cap, a sentinel at his tent, who drew himself up like a black post on seeing the Emperor. —
皇帝停下脚步,面对着他。 —

The latter stood still, facing him.

“Since what year have you served?” he asked, with that affectation of military bluntness and geniality with which he always addressed the soldiers. —
士兵回答了。 —

The soldier answered.

“Ah! one of the veterans! Have you all had rice in the regiment?”

“Yes, your majesty.”

Napoleon nodded and walked away.

At half-past five Napoleon rode to the village of Shevardino.

It began to get light; the sky cleared, only a single storm cloud lay on the eastern horizon. —
天开始亮了,天空变得晴朗,只有一朵雷云横亘在东方的地平线上。 —

The deserted camp-fires burned down in the pale light of morning.

A solitary, deep cannon shot boomed out on the right, hovered in the air, and died away in the stillness. —
右边传来一声孤寂深沉的炮响,回荡在空中,最后在宁静中消失了。 —

Several minutes passed. A second, and a third shot was heard, the air was full of vibration; a fourth and a fifth boomed out majestically, closely on the right.

The first shots had not died away, when others rang out, and more and more, their notes blending and overtaking one another.

Napoleon rode with his suite to the Shevardino redoubt, and dismounted there. The game had begun.