ON THE EVENING of the 1st of September, Count Rastoptchin had come away from his interview with Kutuzov mortified and offended at not having been invited to the council of war, and at Kutuzov’s having taken no notice of his offer to take part in the defence of the city, and astonished at the new view of things revealed to him in the camp, in which the tranquillity of the city and its patriotic fervour were treated as matters of quite secondary importance, if not altogether irrelevant and trivial. —
9月1日晚上,拉斯托普钦伯爵离开了他与库图佐夫的会面,感到受辱和冒犯,因为他没有被邀请参加作战会议,库图佐夫对他参与城市防御的提议没有予以重视,他在营地中看到的全新观点使他感到吃惊,城市的宁静和爱国热情被视为次要的、甚至无关紧要的事情。 —

Mortified, offended, and astonished at all this, Count Rastoptchin had returned to Moscow. —
对于所有这一切的受辱、冒犯和惊讶,拉斯托普钦伯爵回到了莫斯科。 —

After supper, he lay down on a sofa without undressing, and at one o’clock was waked by a courier bringing him a letter from Kutuzov. —
晚饭后,他躺在沙发上没有脱衣服,一点钟时被送来的信使叫醒他,带给他一封库图佐夫的信。 —

The letter asked the count, since the troops were retreating to the Ryazan road behind Moscow, to send police officials to escort troops through the town. —
信中要求伯爵派遣警察官员护送军队穿过城镇,因为部队正在向莫斯科背后的维亚扎尼公路撤退。 —

The letter told Rastoptchin nothing new. —
这封信对拉斯托普钦来说没有什么新鲜的内容。 —

He had known that Moscow would be abandoned not merely since his interview the previous day with Kutuzov on the Poklonny Hill, but ever since the battle of Borodino; —
他早就知道莫斯科将会被放弃,不仅仅是因为他前一天在Poklonny山与库图佐夫的会面,而是自从博罗季诺战役以来,到莫斯科来的所有将军都一致声称再次战斗是不可能的,拉斯托普钦也批准政府财产每晚被搬走,有一半的居民已经离开。 —

since when all the generals who had come to Moscow had with one voice declared that another battle was impossible, and with Rastoptchin’s sanction government property had been removed every night, and half the inhabitants had left. —
自博罗季诺战役以来,大家将离开莫斯科视为必然,这早已不是一个新鲜事,这位博洛蒂诺替身已经被释放了,只剩下半个驻地。 —

But nevertheless the fact, communicated in the form of a simple note, with a command from Kutuzov, and received at night, breaking in on his first sleep, surprised and irritated the governor.

In later days, Count Rastoptchin, by way of explaining his action during this time, wrote several times in his notes that his two great aims at that time were to maintain tranquillity in Moscow, and to make the inhabitants go out of it. —
在以后的日子里,拉斯托普钦伯爵曾多次在他的笔记中写道,他在那个时候的两个主要目标是保持莫斯科的安宁,以及让居民离开莫斯科。 —

If this twofold aim is admitted, every act of Rastoptchin’s appears irreproachable. —
如果这个双重目标被认可,拉斯托普钦的每一个行动都是无可非议的。 —

Why were not the holy relics, the arms, the ammunition, the powder, the stores of bread taken away? —
为什么不带走神圣的遗物、武器、弹药、火药和面包储备? —

Why were thousands of the inhabitants deceived into a belief that Moscow would not be abandoned and so ruined? —
为什么要让成千上万的居民以为莫斯科不会被抛弃,从而毁了他们? —

“To preserve the tranquillity of the city,” replies Count Rastoptchin’s explanation. —
“为了保持城市的安宁,”拉斯托普钦伯爵解释道。 —

Why were heaps of useless papers out of the government offices and Leppich’s balloon and other objects carried away? —
为什么要搬走政府办公室和勒皮克的气球等无用的文件和物品? —

“To leave the town empty,” replies Count Rastoptchin’s explanation. —
“为了让城市变空,”拉斯托普钦伯爵解释道。 —

One has but to admit some menace to public tranquillity and every sort of action is justified.

All the horrors of terrorism were based only on anxiety for public tranquillity.

What foundation was there for Count Rastoptchin’s dread of popular disturbance in Moscow in 1812? —
1812年,拉斯托普钦伯爵对莫斯科市民骚乱的担忧有何根据? —

What reason was there for assuming a disposition to revolution in the city? —
为何要假设城市存在革命的倾向? —

The inhabitants were leaving it; the retreating troops were filling Moscow. —
居民们正在离开莫斯科,撤退的部队正在填满莫斯科。 —

Why were the mob likely to riot in consequence?

Not in Moscow only, but everywhere else in Russia nothing like riots took place at the approach of the enemy. —
不仅仅是莫斯科,在俄罗斯的其他地方,敌军临近时也没有发生任何骚乱。 —

On the 1st and 2nd of September more than ten thousand people were left in Moscow, and except for the mob that gathered in the commander-in-chief’s courtyard, attracted there by himself, nothing happened. —
9月1日和2日,莫斯科有一万多人被留下,除了聚集在统帅庭院的人群,被统帅本人吸引而去,没有发生任何事情。 —

It is obvious that there would have been even less ground for anticipating disturbances among the populace if, after the battle of Borodino, when the surrender of Moscow became a certainty, or at least a probability, Rastoptchin had taken steps for the removal of all the holy relics, of the powder, ammunition, and treasury, and had told the people straight out that the town would be abandoned, instead of exciting the populace by posting up placards and distributing arms.

Rastoptchin, an impulsive, sanguine man, who had always moved in the highest spheres of the administration, was a patriot in feeling, but had not the faintest notion of the character of the people he supposed himself to be governing. —
拉斯托普钦是个冲动、乐观的人,他一直在最高层的管理领域工作,他对自己所认为的自己所统治的人民的性格根本没有一点了解。 —

From the time when the enemy first entered Smolensk, Rastoptchin had in his own imagination been playing the part of leader of popular feeling—of the heart of Russia. —
自敌人进入斯摩棱斯克以来,拉斯托普钦在自己的想象中一直扮演着民众感情的领袖——俄罗斯之心的角色。 —

He did not merely fancy—as every governing official always does fancy—that he was controlling the external acts of the inhabitants of Moscow, but fancied that he was shaping their mental attitude by means of his appeals and placards, written in that vulgar, slangy jargon which the people despise in their own class, and simply fail to understand when they hear it from persons of higher station. —
他不仅仅是想象自己能够控制莫斯科居民的外在行为,他还认为自己能够通过他以贫乏俗气的俚语写成的呼吁书和告示塑造他们的思维态度。这种俚语,人们在自己阶层中鄙视,而当他们从更高层次的人那里听到时,简直不能理解。 —

The picturesque figure of leader of the popular feeling was so much to Rastoptchin’s taste, and he so lived in it, that the necessity of abandoning it, the necessity of surrendering Moscow with no heroic effect of any kind, took him quite unawares; —
作为民众感情的领袖,这一如图的形象非常合拉斯托普钦的口味,他如此憧憬着它,以至于放弃它,放弃莫斯科,没有任何英雄般的效果,他完全没有准备。 —

the very ground he was standing on seemed slipping from under his feet, and he was utterly at a loss what to do. —
他踩踏的土地似乎从他脚下滑走了,他完全不知所措该怎么办。 —

Though he knew it was coming, he could not till the last minute fully believe in the abandonment of Moscow, and did nothing towards it. —
尽管他知道这一天终将到来,但直到最后一刻他仍无法完全相信莫斯科的被撤离,并对此事无所作为。 —

The inhabitants left the city against his wishes. —
居民们违背他的愿望离开了城市。 —

If the courts were removed, it was only due to the insistence of the officials, to which Rastoptchin reluctantly gave way. —
如果法院被撤销,那只是因为官员们坚持要求,而拉斯托普奇只得勉强妥协。 —

He was himself entirely absorbed by the role he had assumed. —
他自己完全沉浸在所扮演的角色中。 —

As is often the case with persons of heated imagination, he had known for a long while that Moscow would be abandoned; —
正如经常发生在富有想象力的人身上,他早就知道莫斯科将被遗弃; —

but he had known it only with his intellect, and refused with his whole soul to believe in it, and could not mentally adapt himself to the new position of affairs.

The whole course of his painstaking and vigorous activity—how far it was beneficial or had influence on the people is another question— aimed simply at awakening in the people the feeling he was himself possessed by—hatred of the French and confidence in himself.

But when the catastrophe had begun to take its true historic proportions; —
但当这场灾难开始展现其真正的历史规模时; —

when to express hatred of the French in words was plainly insufficient; —
当仅仅用言语表达对法国的仇恨显然是不够的时候; —

when it was impossible to express that hatred even by a battle; —
当甚至无法通过一场战斗来表达那种仇恨时; —

when self-confidence was of no avail in regard to the one question before Moscow; —
当自信对于莫斯科面临的唯一问题不再起作用; —

when the whole population, as one man, abandoning their property, streamed out of Moscow, in this negative fashion giving proof of the strength of their patriotism; —
当整个人口都一致地放弃财产涌出莫斯科,以这种否定的方式证明了他们爱国主义的力量; —

—then the part Rastoptchin had been playing suddenly became meaningless. —
——那么,拉斯托普奇一直在扮演的角色突然就变得毫无意义。 —

He felt suddenly deserted, weak, and absurd, with no ground to stand on.

On being waked out of his sleep to read Kutuzov’s cold and peremptory note, Rastoptchin felt the more irritated the more he felt himself to blame. —
在被从睡梦中吵醒以读库图佐夫冷漠而决绝的便条时,拉斯托普奇越感到愤怒,他发现自己越感到有过失。 —

There was still left in Moscow all that was under his charge, all the government property which it was his duty to have removed to safety. —
在莫斯科还有他负责的一切,所有政府财产都应该被转移至安全地。 —

There was no possibility of getting it all away. “Who is responsible for it? —
没有可能全部带走。“谁要负责? —

who has let it come to such a pass?” he wondered. “Of course, it’s not my doing. —
谁让事情变成这样?”他想。“当然,这与我无关。 —

I had everything in readiness; I held Moscow in my hand—like this! —
我已经准备好一切了;我像这样掌握着莫斯科! —

And see what they have brought things to! Scoundrels, traitors! —
可看看他们把事情搞成什么样子了!卑鄙的叛徒! —

” he thought, not exactly defining who were these scoundrels and traitors, but feeling a necessity to hate these vaguely imagined traitors, who were to blame for the false and ludicrous position in which he found himself.

All that night Rastoptchin was giving instructions, for which people were continually coming to him from every part of Moscow. —
整夜拉斯托普琴都在发号施令,每个莫斯科的地方都有人不断来找他。 —

His subordinates had never seen the count so gloomy and irascible.

“Your excellency, they have come from the Estates Department, from the director for instructions. —
“阁下,他们来自庄园部,从主管那里带来了指示。” —

… From the Consistory, from the Senate, from the university, from the Foundling Hospital, the vicar has sent … he is inquiring … what orders are to be given about the fire brigade? —
…来自宗教会、参议院、大学、救托婴儿院,牧师打电话来…他在询问…对于消防队应该给予什么指示? —

The overseer of the prison … the superintendent of the mad-house …” all night long, without pause, messages were being brought to the count.

To all these inquiries he gave brief and wrathful replies, the drift of which was that his instructions were now not needed, that all his careful preparations had now been ruined by somebody, and that that somebody would have to take all responsibility for anything that might happen now.

“Oh, tell that blockhead,” he replied to the inquiry from the Estates Department, “to stay and keep guard over his deeds. —
“哦,告诉那个蠢货,”他对庄园部来的询问回答道,“留下来看守他的行为。 —

Well, what nonsense are you asking about the fire brigade? —
好吧,你在胡说些什么关于消防队? —

There are horses, let them go off to Vladimir. —
有马,让它们去弗拉基米尔。 —

Don’t leave them for the French.”

“Your excellency, the superintendent of the madhouse has come; what are your commands?”

“My commands? Let them all go, that’s all.… And let the madmen out into the town. —
“我的吩咐?让他们都走,就这样…然后把疯子们放出来进城。 —

When we have madmen in command of our armies, it seems it’s God’s will they should be free.”

To the inquiry about the convicts in the prison, the count shouted angrily to the overseer:

“What, do you want me to give you two battalions for a convoy for them, when we haven’t any battalions at all? —
“什么,你想让我给他们派遣两个营的护送队伍,当我们根本没有任何营的时候? —

Let them all go, and that settles it!”

“Your excellency, there are political prisoners—Myeshkov, Vereshtchagin …”

“Vereshtchagin! He is not yet hanged?” cried Rastoptchin. “Send him to me.”