PRINCE ANDREY reached the headquarters of the army at the end of June. The first army, with which the Tsar was, was stationed in a fortified camp at Drissa. —
安德烈王子于6月底抵达了军部总部。与沙皇同在一起的第一军队驻扎在德里萨的一个要塞营地里。 —

The second army was retreating, striving to effect a junction with the first army, from which—so it was said—it had been cut off by immense forces of the French. —
第二军队正在撤退,努力与第一军队汇合,据说是因为法国军队的巨大力量将其切断了。 —

Every one was dissatisfied with the general course of events in the Russian army. —
每个人都对俄罗斯军队的整体局势表示不满。 —

But no one even dreamed of any danger of the Russian provinces being invaded, no one imagined the war could extend beyond the frontiers of the western Polish provinces.

Prince Andrey found Barclay de Tolly, to whom he was sent, on the bank of the Drissa. —
安德烈王子在被派去的德里萨岸边找到了巴克莱·德·托里将军。 —

Since there was not one large village nor dwelling-place in the neighbourhood of the camp, the immense multitude of generals and courtiers accompanying the army were distributed about the neighborhood for ten versts round in the best houses of the village on both sides of the river. —
由于在营地附近没有一个大村庄或住所,随军前来的众多将军和官员们分散在离营地河两岸十公里范围内的村庄最好的房屋里。 —

Barclay de Tolly was staying four versts away from the Tsar. He gave Bolkonsky a dry and frigid reception, and said in his German accent that he would mention him to the Tsar so that a definite appointment might be given him, and that meanwhile he begged him to remain on his staff. —
巴克莱·托利离沙皇有四英里远。他对波尔科斯基冷淡而疏远,用德国口音说,他会向沙皇提及他,以便给他一个确切的职位,同时恳请他留在他的幕僚团。 —

Anatole Kuragin, whom Prince Andrey had expected to find in the army, was not here. —
安娜托利·库拉金,安德烈亲王原以为能在军队里找到他,但他不在这里。 —

He was in Petersburg, and Bolkonsky was glad to hear it. —
他在彼得堡,波尔科斯基听到这个消息很高兴。 —

He was absorbed in the interest of being at the centre of the immense war that was in progress, and he was relieved to be free for a time from the irritability produced in him by the idea of Kuragin. —
他沉浸在参与这场巨大战争的兴趣中,暂时从库拉金这个想法中解脱出来,这个想法让他感到烦躁不安。 —

The first four days, during which he was not called upon to do anything, he spent in riding round the whole of the fortified camp, and by the aid of his experiences and his conversations with persons of greater experience, he tried to form a definite idea about it. —
在头四天里,他没有被要求做任何事情,他骑马绕着整个设防营地,通过他的经验和与更有经验的人的交谈,试图形成一个明确的想法。 —

But the question whether such a camp were of use at all or not remained an open one in his mind. —
但对于这个问题,即这样的营地是否有用或不是,在他心中仍然是一个悬而未决的问题。 —

He had already, from his own military experience, formed the conviction that in war the most deeply meditated plans are of no avail (as he had seen at Austerlitz), that everything depends on how unexpected actions of the enemy, actions that cannot possibly be foreseen, are met; —
他已经通过自己的军事经验得出结论,在战争中,即使是经过深思熟虑的计划也是无济于事的(正如他在奥斯特利茨战役中所见),一切都取决于如何应对敌人的意外行动,这些行动是无法预见的; —

that all depends on how, and by whom, the battle is led. —
一切都取决于战斗是如何进行以及由谁来领导。 —

In order to settle this last question to his own satisfaction, Prince Andrey took advantage of his position and his acquaintances to try to get an insight into the character of the persons and parties who had a hand in the organisation of the army. —
为了对此最后一个问题满意,安德烈王子利用自己的地位和熟人,试图了解参与军队组织的人和派别的性格。 —

This was the general idea he gained of the position of affairs.

While the Tsar had been at Vilna, the army had been divided into three. —
在沃尔纳期间,军队被分为三支。 —

The first army was under the command of Barclay de Tolly, the second under the command of Bagration, and the third under the command of Tormasov. —
第一支军队由巴克莱德托利指挥,第二支军队由巴格拉季昂指挥,第三支军队由托尔马索夫指挥。 —

The Tsar was with the first army, but not in the capacity of commander-in-chief. —
沙皇与第一军团一起,但并非担任总司令的职务。 —

In the proclamations, it was announced that the Tsar would be with the army, but it was not announced that he would take the command. —
在公告中宣布沙皇将随军出征,但并未宣布他将担任指挥职务。 —

Moreover, there was in attendance on the Tsar personally not a commander-in-chief’s staff, but the staff of the imperial headquarters. —
此外,沙皇个人所带的并非总司令部的参谋团队,而是帝国总部的工作人员。 —

The chief officer of the imperial staff was General-Quartermaster Volkonsky, and it contained generals, aides-de-camp, diplomatic officials, and an immense number of foreigners, but it was not a military staff. —
帝国总部的总参谋长是总軍務榷察官Volkonsky将军,团队中包括将军、总参谋团员、外交官员和大量外国人,但并非军事团队。 —

The Tsar had also in attendance on him in no definite capacity, Araktcheev, the late minister of war; —
沙皇还带着前国防部长Araktcheev出席,但没有确定的职务。 —

Count Bennigsen, by seniority the first of the generals; the Tsarevitch, Konstantin Pavlovitch; —
将军中资历最高的是Bennigsen伯爵,还有沙皇的儿子,Konstantin Pavlovitch沙皇储君。 —

Count Rumyantsev, the chancellor; Stein, the former Prussian minister; —
大学士Rumyantsev伯爵,前普鲁士大臣Stein, —

Armfeldt, the Swedish general; Pfuhl, the chief organiser of the plan of the campaign; —
瑞典将军Armfeldt,这次战役计划的主要组织者Pfuhl。 —

Paulucci, a Sardinian refugee, who had been made a general-adjutant; Woltzogen; and many others. —
保鲁奇(Paulucci)是撒丁岛的难民,被任命为将军助手; 沃尔佐根(Woltzogen); 还有许多其他人。 —

Though those personages had no definite posts in the army, yet, from their position, they had influence, and often the commander of a corps, or even one of the commanders-in-chief, did not know in what capacity Bennigsen or the Tsarevitch or Araktcheev or Prince Volkonsky addressed some advice or inquiry to him, and could not tell whether some command in the form of advice came directly from the person who got it or through him from the Tsar, and whether he ought or ought not to obey it. —
尽管这些人在军队中没有明确的职位,但是由于他们的地位,他们有影响力,有时一个军团的指挥官,甚至一个总指挥,不知道本尼根(Bennigsen)或沙皇(Tsarevitch)或阿拉赫切耶夫(Araktcheev)或沃尔孔斯基王子(Prince Volkonsky)以何种身份给他发出建议或咨询,也无法判断命令是否直接来自获取它的人,还是通过他从沙皇那里传达的,并且是否应该服从。 —

But all this formed simply the external aspect of the situation; —
但是,所有这一切仅仅构成了形势的外在方面; —

the inner import of the presence of the Tsar and all these great personages was, from a courtier’s point of view (and in the presence of a monarch all men become courtiers), plain to all. —
从朝臣的角度来看(在皇帝面前,所有人都成为朝臣),沙皇和所有这些重要人物的存在的内在意义对所有人来说都是明显的。 —

All grasped the fact that though the Tsar was not formally assuming the position of commander-in-chief, he did, in fact, hold the supreme control of all the armies in his hands, and the persons about him were his councillors. —
所有人都明白,尽管沙皇并未正式担任总司令的职位,但他实际上掌握了所有军队的最高控制权,身边的人都是他的顾问。 —

Araktcheev was a trusty administrator, a stern upholder of discipline, and careful of the safety of the Tsar. Bennigsen was a land-holder in the neighbourhood, and seemed to feel it his function to entertain the Tsar there; —
阿拉切夫是一个可靠的管理者,是纪律的坚定维护者,对沙皇的安全也非常关注。本尼根是附近的地主,似乎觉得接待沙皇是自己的责任;实际上,他也是一位优秀的将领,可以提供建议,并随时准备取代巴克莱。 —

while he was in reality, too, a good general, useful as an adviser, and useful to have in readiness to replace Barclay at any time. —
沙皇子在那里是因为他认为合适。 —

The Tsarevitch was there because he thought fit to be. —
前普鲁士部长斯坦因为他的建议可能会有用,亚历山大皇帝对他的个人品质评价很高。 —

The former Prussian minister, Stein, was there because his advice might be useful, and the Emperor Alexander had a high opinion of his personal qualities. —
阿姆菲尔德是拿破仑的痛恨者,他有自信,这种自信始终对亚历山大有影响。 —

Armfeldt was a bitter enemy of Napoleon, and had self-confidence, which never failed to have influence with Alexander. —
因此,所有人都能理解,尽管沙皇没有正式担任总司令的职位,但实际上他掌握了所有军队的最高控制权,并且身边的人都是他的顾问。阿拉切夫是一个值得信赖的行政官员,是纪律的坚定捍卫者,并且非常关心沙皇的安全。本尼根是附近的土地所有者,似乎觉得自己负责招待沙皇;实际上,他也是一个优秀的将领,可以提供建议,并随时准备替代巴克莱。沙皇子在那里是因为他认为合适。前普鲁士部长斯坦在那里是因为他的建议可能会有用,而亚历山大皇帝对他的个人品质评价很高。阿姆菲尔德是拿破仑的憎恨者,并且具有始终具有影响力的自信。 —

Paulucci was there because he was bold and decided in his utterances. —
Paulucci之所以在那里,是因为他勇敢地决定表达自己的意见。 —

The generals on the staff were there because they were always where the Emperor was; —
军方将领在团队中出现,是因为他们总是在皇帝所在的地方。 —

and the last and principal figure, Pfuhl, was there because he had created a plan of warfare against Napoleon, and having made Alexander believe in the consistency of this plan, was now conducting the plan of the whole campaign. —
而最后也是主要的人物Pfuhl在那里,是因为他制定了对抗拿破仑的战争计划,而且在让亚历山大相信这个计划的一致性之后,他现在正在执行整个战役的计划。 —

Pfuhl was accompanied by Woltzogen, who put Pfuhl’s ideas into a more easily comprehensible form than could be done by Pfuhl himself, who was a rigid theorist, with an implicit faith in his own views, and an absolute contempt for everything else.

The above-mentioned were the most prominent personages about the Tsar, and among them the foreigners were in the ascendant, and were every day making new and startling suggestions with the audacity characteristic of men who are acting in a sphere not their own. —
上述人物是在沙皇周围最突出的人物,其中外国人占据主导地位,他们每天都在以自己并非原有领域的特有大胆方式提出新奇而令人惊讶的建议。 —

But, besides those, there were many more persons of secondary importance, who were with the army because their principals were there.

In this vast, brilliant, haughty, and uneasy world, among all these conflicting voices, Prince Andrey detected the following sharply opposed parties and differences of opinion.

The first party consisted of Pfuhl and his followers; —
第一派别由普弗尔及其追随者组成; —

military theorists, who believe in a science of war, having its invariable laws—laws of oblique movements, out-flanking, etc. —
军事理论家们,他们相信战争是一门科学,有其不变的规律——斜线行动、包抄等等。 —

Pfuhl and his adherents demanded that the army should retreat into the heart of the country in accordance with the exact principles laid down by their theory of war, and in every departure from this theory they saw nothing but barbarism, ignorance, or evil intention. —
普弗尔及其追随者要求军队根据他们的战争理论准确的原则撤退到国家的核心地带,任何违背这个理论的行动他们都视为野蛮、无知或恶意。 —

To this party belonged Woltzogen, Wintzengerode, and others—principally Germans.

The second party was in direct opposition to the first. —
第二派别与第一派别完全相反。 —

As is always the case where there is one extreme opinion, representatives had come forward of the opposite extreme. —
正如通常情况下,有一种极端观点,代表们站出来反对另一种极端观点。 —

This party had urged an advance from Vilna into Poland regardless of all previous plans. —
这个政党敦促从维尔纳进军波兰,不顾以前的所有计划。 —

This party, while advocating bold action, consisted of the representatives of nationalism, which made them even more one-sided in their views. —
这个政党在主张大胆行动的同时,由民族主义代表组成,使他们的观点更加偏向一方。 —

They were Russians: Bagration, Yermolov, who was just beginning to make his mark, and some others. —
他们是俄国人:巴格拉季昂,开始崭露头角的耶尔莫洛夫,还有其他一些人。 —

Yermolov’s well-known joke was much quoted at the time—a supposed petition to the Tsar for promotion to be a “German. —
耶尔莫洛夫的众所周知的笑话在当时被广为引用——一封据称是向沙皇请愿晋升“德国人”的抗议信。 —

” The members of this party, recalling Suvorov, maintained that what was wanted was not reasoning and sticking pins into maps, but fighting, beating the enemy, preventing the enemy from getting into Russia, and keeping up the spirits of the army.

To the third party, in which the Tsar was disposed to place most confidence, belonged the courtiers, who tried to effect a compromise between the two contending sides. —
对于寻求妥协的两个对立方来说,沙皇最信任的是第三方,即朝臣们。 —

The members of this party—to which Araktcheev belonged—were mostly not military men, and they spoke and reasoned as men usually do who have no convictions, but wish to pass for having them. —
这个派别的成员——其中包括阿拉切夫——大多数都不是军人,他们说话和推理都像那些没有信念却想装得有信念的人一样。 —

They admitted that a war with such a genius as Bonaparte (they called him Bonaparte again now) did undoubtedly call for the profoundest tactical considerations and thorough scientific knowledge, and that on that side Pfuhl was a genius. —
他们承认,与像波拿巴(Bonaparte)这样的天才进行战争无疑需要深入的战术考虑和全面的科学知识,在这一方面,普富尔(Pfuhl)确实是个天才。 —

But, at the same time, they acknowledged that it could not be denied that theorists were often one-sided, and so one should not put implicit confidence in them, but should listen too to what Pfuhl’s opponents urged, and also to the views of practical men who had experience, and should take a middle course. —
但同时他们也承认,不可否认的是理论家常常是片面的,因此不应该完全相信他们,而应该听取普富尔的反对者所提出的观点,以及有经验的实践家的意见,并采取一个中间的道路。 —

They advocated maintaining the camp at Drissa on Pfuhl’s plan, but altering his disposition of the other two armies. —
他们主张按照普夫尔的计划继续保留德里萨营地,但对其他两支军队的部署进行改变。 —

Though by this course of action neither aim could be attained, this seemed to the party of compromise the best line to adopt.

Of the fourth section of opinions, the most prominent representative was the Grand Duke, and heir-apparent, who could not get over his rude awakening at Austerlitz. —
在第四个意见派别中,最具代表性的人物是大公爵和继承人,他无法忘记在奥斯特利茨遭遇的惊醒。 —

He had ridden out at the head of his guards in helmet and cuirass as though to a review, expecting gallantly to rout the French, and finding himself unexpectedly just in the line of the enemy’s fire, had with difficulty escaped in the general disorder. —
他曾戴着头盔和胸甲率领他的卫队出击,仿佛在进行一场检阅,期望能勇敢地击退法国人,但意外地发现自己正处在敌人的火线上,勉强在混乱中逃脱。 —

The members of this party had at once the merit and the defect of sincerity in their convictions. —
这个派别的成员在坚信自己的观点上既有真诚的优点,也有缺点。 —

They feared Napoleon; they saw his strength and their own weakness, and frankly admitted it. —
他们害怕拿破仑,看到他的力量和自己的弱点,并坦率地承认这一点。 —

They said: “Nothing but a huge disgrace and ruin can come of the war! —
他们说:“战争只会带来巨大的耻辱和毁灭!” —

We have abandoned Vilna, and abandoned Vitebsk, and we are abandoning the Drissa too. —
我们已经放弃了维尔纳,放弃了维捷布斯克,我们也将放弃德里萨。 —

The only sensible thing left for us to do is to conclude peace, and as soon as possible, before we have been driven out of Petersburg!”

This view was widely diffused in the higher military circles, and found adherents, too, in Petersburg—one of them being the chancellor Rumyantsev, who advocated peace on other political considerations.

A fifth section were the adherents of Barclay de Tolly, not so much from his qualities as a man, as a minister of war and commander-in-chief. —
第五部分是巴尔克莱·德托利的支持者,不仅仅因为他作为一个人的品质,而是作为战争部长和总司令。 —

“Whatever he may be,” they always began, “he is an honest, practical man, and there is nobody better. —
无论他是谁,他总是被认为是一个诚实、实际的人,并且没有人比他更好。 —

Let him have sole responsibility, since war can never be prosecuted successfully under divided authority and he will show what he can do, as he did in Finland. —
让他独自承担责任,因为战争在分权下永远无法成功进行,他将展示他的能力,就像他在芬兰那样。 —

We owe it simply to Barclay that our army is strong and well organised, and has retreated to the Drissa without disaster. —
我们要感谢巴尔克莱,因为我们的军队强大而有组织,并且没有遭受灾难地撤退到德里萨。 —

If Barclay is replaced by Bennigsen now, everything will be lost; —
如果巴克莱现在被本尼格森取代,一切都将会丧失; —

for Bennigsen has proved his incapacity already in 1807. —
因为本尼格森在1807年已经证明了他的无能。 —

” Such was the line of argument of the fifth party.

The sixth party, the partisans of Bennigsen, maintained on the contrary that there was after all no one more capable and experienced than Bennigsen, and that whatever else were done they would have to come back to him. —
第六派,本尼格森的支持者,则坚持相反的观点,认为没有人比本尼格森更能干且经验丰富,无论其他事情如何,他们最终都会回到他身边。 —

They maintained that the whole Russian retreat to Drissa had been an uninterrupted series of shameful disasters and blunders. —
他们认为整个俄军撤退到德里萨的过程是一连串可耻的灾难和失误。 —

“Let them blunder now if they will,” they said; —
“如果他们想要犯错误,让他们犯吧,”他们说; —

“the more blunders the better, at least it will teach them all the sooner that we can’t go on like this. —
“错误越多越好,至少这会让他们更早地认识到我们不能继续这样下去。 —

And we want none of your Barclays, but a man like Bennigsen, who showed what he was in 1807, so that Napoleon himself had to do him justice, and a man, too, is needed to whom all would readily intrust authority, and Bennigsen is the only such man.”

The seventh class were persons such as are always found in courts, and especially in the courts of young sovereigns, and were particularly plentiful in the suite of Alexander—generals and adjutants, who were passionately devoted to the Tsar, not merely as an emperor, but sincerely and disinterestedly adored him as a man, as Rostov had adored him in 1805, and saw in him every virtue and good quality of humanity. —
第七组人是那些经常在朝廷中出现的人,尤其是在年轻君王的朝廷中,也特别多见于亚历山大的随行人员中——将军和副官们对沙皇完全投入,不仅仅是作为皇帝,而是真诚无私地崇拜他作为一个人,就像罗斯托夫在1805年那样崇拜他,他们认为沙皇拥有人类的一切美德和优秀品质。 —

These persons, while they were ecstatic over the modesty of the Tsar in declining the chief command of the army, deplored that excess of modesty, and desired and urged one thing only, that their adored Tsar, conquering his excessive diffidence, would openly proclaim that he put himself at the head of the army, would gather the staff of the commander-in-chief about him, and, consulting experienced theorists and practical men where necessary, would himself lead his forces, who would be excited to the highest pitch of enthusiasm by this step.

The eighth and largest group, numbering ninety-nine to every one of the others, consisted of people who were eager neither for peace nor for war, neither for offensive operations nor defensive camps, neither at Drissa nor anywhere else; —
第八个也是最庞大的群体,与其他群体相比,其人数是其他群体的九十九倍,他们既不渴望和平也不渴望战争,既不支持进攻行动也不支持防御阵营,既不在德里萨也不在其他任何地方; —

who did not take the side of Barclay, nor of the Tsar, nor of Pfuhl, nor of Bennigsen, but cared only for the one thing most essential—their own greatest gain and enjoyment. —
他们不站在巴尔克莱、沙皇、普富尔或本尼根森的一边,只关心最重要的一件事情——他们自己的最大获益和享受; —

In the troubled waters of those cross-currents of intrigue, eddying about the Tsar’s headquarters, success could be attained in very many ways that would have been inconceivable at other times. —
在这些围绕沙皇指挥部的暗流涌动的混乱局势中,成功可以通过许多在其他时候难以想象的方式实现。 —

One courtier, with the single-hearted motive of retaining a lucrative position, would agree today with Pfuhl, and to-morrow with his opponents, and the day after to-morrow would declare that he had no opinion on the subject in question, simply to avoid responsibility and to gratify the Tsar. Another, in the hope of bettering his position, would seek to attract the Tsar’s attention by loudly clamouring a suggestion hinted at by the Tsar on the previous day, by quarrelling noisily at the council, striking himself on the chest and challenging opponents to a duel to prove his readiness to sacrifice himself for the common good. —
有一个官员,出于保住丰厚职位的纯洁动机,今天会支持Pfuhl,明天会支持他的对手,后天则会宣称对这个问题没有意见,只是为了逃避责任并迎合沙皇的心意。 —

A third simply took advantage of the absence of enemies between two councils to beg a grant from the Single Assistance Fund for his faithful service, knowing there would be no time now for a refusal. —
另一个干散结交,希望通过大声呼吁之前沙皇提出的暗示来吸引沙皇的注意,通过在议会上吵闹,拍胸脯挑衅对手,为了公共利益而准备牺牲自己。 —

A fourth took care to place himself where the Tsar might quite casually find him deeply engrossed in work. —
第三个则趁两次会议之间没有敌人的时候,为了他忠诚的服务向“单一援助基金”请求资金,因为现在没有时间来拒绝的余地。 —

A fifth tried to reach the long-desired goal of his ambition—a dinner at the Tsar’s table—by violently espousing one side or another and collecting more or less true and valid arguments in support of it.

All the members of this party were on the hunt after roubles, crosses, and promotions; —
这个党派的所有成员都在追逐鲁布尔、十字架和晋升; —

and in that chase they simply followed the scent given them by the fluctuations of imperial favour. —
在这场追逐中,他们只是根据帝国宠爱的波动来追踪,并且沿着这个趋势前进。 —

As soon as they saw the imperial weather-cock shifting to one quarter the whole swarm of these drones began buzzing away in the direction, making it more difficult for the Tsar to shift his course back again. —
一旦他们看到帝国风向标转向某个区域,这些蜜蜂的大群就开始朝着这个方向嗡嗡作响,这给沙皇改变方向增加了困难。 —

In the uncertainty of the position, with the menace of serious danger, which gave a peculiarly intense character to everything, in this whirlpool of ambitions, of conflicting vanities, and views, and feelings, and different nationalities, this eighth and largest party, absorbed only in the pursuit of personal interests, greatly increased the complexity and confusion. —
在这种不确定的局势下,在严重危险的威胁下,使一切都具有特别强烈的特点,在这个野心的漩涡中,相互冲突的虚荣、观点和感情以及不同的民族,这第八个也是最大的党派,仅仅为了追求个人利益,大大增加了复杂性和混乱。 —

Whatever question arose, the swarm of drones, still humming over the last subject, flew to the new one, and by their buzzing drowned and confused the voices of sincere disputants.

At the time when Prince Andrey reached the army yet another—a ninth party—was being formed out of all the rest, and was just making its voice heard. —
当安德烈亲王到达军队时,另一个——第九个派系——正在从其他所有的派系中形成,并且刚刚开始让自己的声音被听到。 —

It consisted of sensible men of age and political experience, sharing none of the conflicting opinions, and able to take a general view of all that was being done at headquarters, and to consider means for escaping from the vagueness, uncertainty, confusion, and feebleness.

The members of this party thought and said that the whole evil was primarily due to the presence of the Tsar with his military court in the army; —
该派系的成员认为,整个问题的根源首先是由于沙皇及其军事法庭在军队中的存在; —

that it brought into the army that indefinite, conditional, and fluctuating uncertainty of relations which is in place in a court, but mischievous in an army; —
他们认为,这使军队中出现了在法庭中适用的不明确、有条件和波动不定的关系,但对军队来说是有害的; —

that it was for the Tsar to govern and not to lead his troops; —
沙皇的责任是统治而不是带领他的部队。 —

that the only escape from the position was the departure of the Tsar and his court from the army; —
唯一逃脱这个困境的方法是沙皇及其宫廷离开军队; —

that the simple presence of the Tsar paralysed fifty thousand troops, which must be retained to secure his personal safety; —
沙皇的简单存在使五万名军队瘫痪,必须留下来确保他的安全; —

that the worst commander-in-chief, acting independently, would be better than the best commander-in-chief with his hands tied by the presence and authority of the Tsar.

While Prince Andrey was staying, with nothing to do, at Drissa, Sishkov, the secretary of state, one of the leading representatives of this last group, wrote to the Tsar a letter to which Balashov and Araktcheev agreed to add their signatures. —
当安德烈王子在德里萨闲呆时,西什科夫国务卿,作为这一派别的主要代表之一,写了一封信给沙皇,巴拉绍夫和阿拉克切耶夫赞同在上面签名; —

In this letter he took advantage of the Tsar’s permitting him to offer his opinion on the general question, and respectfully suggested the sovereign’s leaving the army, urging as a pretext for his doing so the absolute necessity of his presence to rouse public feeling in the capital.

To appeal to the people, and to rouse them in defence of their fatherland, was represented as urgently necessary to the Tsar, and was accepted by him as a sufficient reason for leaving. —
为了吸引人们,并激发他们为祖国的防御而奋斗,这被视为对沙皇至关重要的,因此他接受了这个足够的理由来离开。 —

The outburst of patriotism that followed that appeal (so far indeed as it can be said to have been produced by the Tsar’s visit to Moscow) was the principal cause of the subsequent triumph of Russia.