
November 2d.

This day is consecrated to the commemoration of the dead. —
这一天是用来纪念逝去的人。 —

Do you know, Enrico, that all you boys should, on this day, devote a thought to those who are dead? —
你知道,恩里科,你们所有的男孩都应该在这一天想到那些已故的人吗? —

To those who have died for you,—for boys and little children. —
为了你们——为男孩和小孩而去世的人。 —

How many have died, and how many are dying continually! —
有多少人已经去世,还有多少人正在不断地去世! —

Have you ever reflected how many fathers have worn out their lives in toil? —
你有没有想过有多少父亲为了辛苦劳作而耗尽了自己的一生? —

how many mothers have descended to the grave before their time, exhausted by the privations to which they have condemned themselves for the sake of sustaining their children? —
有多少母亲因为不得不忍受苦难以养活自己的孩子而过早地逝世? —

Do you know how many men have planted a knife in their hearts in despair at beholding their children in misery? —
你知道有多少男人因为看到自己的孩子苦楚而绝望地在心脏插刀自尽吗? —

how many women have drowned themselves or have died of sorrow, or have gone mad, through having lost a child? —
有多少女人因为失去了孩子而溺死、因为悲伤而去世,或因为失去了理智而疯狂? —

Think of all these dead on this day, Enrico. —
在这一天,恩里科,请想想所有这些已故的人。 —

Think of how many schoolmistresses have died young, have pined away through the fatigues of the school, through love of the children, from whom they had not the heart to tear themselves[23] away; —
想想有多少年轻的女教师因为上学的辛劳、对孩子们的爱而憔悴萎靡,而无法割舍她们自己? —

think of the doctors who have perished of contagious diseases, having courageously sacrificed themselves to cure the children; —
想想那些因冒着感染疾病而去世的医生,他们勇敢地牺牲自己为了治愈孩子们。 —

think of all those who in shipwrecks, in conflagrations, in famines, in moments of supreme danger, have yielded to infancy the last morsel of bread, the last place of safety, the last rope of escape from the flames, to expire content with their sacrifice, since they preserved the life of a little innocent. —
想想那些在海难、火灾、饥荒、生命垂危时刻中,把最后一口面包、最后一块安全之地、最后一根逃生绳拱手让给幼小无辜,心满意足地献出生命,因为他们保存了一个无辜孩子的生命。 —

Such dead as these are innumerable, Enrico; —
这样的已故人数无法计数,恩里科; —

every graveyard contains hundreds of these sainted beings, who, if they could rise for a moment from their graves, would cry the name of a child to whom they sacrificed the pleasures of youth, the peace of old age, their affections, their intelligence, their life: —
每个墓园里都葬有数百位被尊崇的存在,如果他们能从坟墓里站起来一刻,他们会呼唤一个孩子的名字,为了这个孩子,他们牺牲了青春的快乐,年老时的平静,他们的情感,智慧,生命。 —

wives of twenty, men in the flower of their strength, octogenarians, youths,—heroic and obscure martyrs of infancy,—so grand and so noble, that the earth does not produce as many flowers as should strew their graves. —
二十岁的妻子,风华正茂的男子,八旬老人,青年们,英雄般的和不为人知的婴儿殉道者们——他们是如此伟大,如此高贵,以至于大地上鲜花的数目也无法像应该的那样铺满他们的坟墓。 —

To such a degree are ye loved, O children! —
子女啊,你们是如此被爱! —

Think to-day on those dead with gratitude, and you will be kinder and more affectionate to all those who love you, and who toil for you, my dear, fortunate son, who, on the day of the dead, have, as yet, no one to grieve for.

Thy Mother.