Already we are boldly launched upon the deep; —
我们已经大胆地启航在汪洋深处; —

but soon we shall be lost in its unshored harborless immensities. Ere that come to pass; —
但很快我们将迷失在那无港口无港湾的辽阔无垠之中。在那之前; —

ere the Pequod’s weedy hull rolls side by side with the barnacled hulls of the leviathan; —
在白头鲸的苔藤缠绕的船身与巨兽们的壳并肩的时刻到来之前; —

at the outset it is but well to attend to a matter almost indispensable to a thorough appreciative understanding of the more special leviathanic revelations and allusions of all sorts which are to follow.

It is some systematized exhibition of the whale in his broad genera, that I would now fain put before you. —
现在我想向你们展示一点广义白头鲸的分类系统。 —

Yet is it no easy task. The classification of the constituents of a chaos, nothing less is here essayed. —
然而这并非易事。试图分类混乱的元素,这里要尝试的是无可小觑的。 —

Listen to what the best and latest authorities have laid down.

“No branch of Zoology is so much involved as that which is entitled Cetology,” says Captain Scoresby, A.D. 1820.

“It is not my intention, were it in my power, to enter into the inquiry as to the true method of dividing the cetacea into groups and families. —
“如果我能做到,也不打算进入将鲸类划分为一些组和科的真正方法的研究”(抹香鲸),1839年的外科医生比尔说。 —

… Utter confusion exists among the historians of this animal” (sperm whale), says Surgeon Beale, A.D. 1839.

“Unfitness to pursue our research in the unfathomable waters.” —
“无法在深不可测的水下进行我们的研究”。 —

“Impenetrable veil covering our knowledge of the cetacea.” “A field strewn with thorns.” —
“盖在我们对鲸类的认识之上的一层无法穿透的面纱”。”一片枪刺的领域”。 —

“All these incomplete indications but serve to torture us naturalists.”

Thus speak of the whale, the great Cuvier, and John Hunter, and Lesson, those lights of zoology and anatomy. —
这些生物学和解剖学之光白头鲸的大居维耶,约翰亨特和勒松如此说。 —

Nevertheless, though of real knowledge there be little, yet of books there are a plenty; —
尽管真正的知识很少,但是书籍却很多。 —

and so in some small degree, with cetology, or the science of whales. —
因此在某种小程度上,也涉及鲸类学,或者说是关于鲸鱼的科学。 —

Many are the men, small and great, old and new, landsmen and seamen, who have at large or in little, written of the whale. —
许多人,无论大小,古今,海员或凡人,都曾或详尽或零碎地写过关于鲸鱼的作品。 —

Run over a few:– The Authors of the Bible; Aristotle; Pliny; Aldrovandi; Sir Thomas Browne; —
简要提及几位作者:《圣经》的撰写者们;亚里士多德;普林尼;阿尔多朗迪;托马斯·布朗爵士; —

Gesner; Ray; Linnaeus; Rondeletius; Willoughby; Green; Artedi; Sibbald; Brisson; Marten; Lacepede; —
盖斯纳;雷伊;林奈;隆德莱里特;威洛比;格林;阿泰迪;西布尔德;布里松;马滕;拉赛班; —

Bonneterre; Desmarest; Baron Cuvier; Frederick Cuvier; John Hunter; Owen; Scoresby; Beale; Bennett; —
博内泰尔;德马雷斯特;库维耶男爵;弗雷德里克·库维耶;约翰·亨特;欧文;斯科奇斯比;比尔;贝内特; —

J. Ross Browne; the Author of Miriam Coffin; Olmstead; and the Rev. T. Cheever. —
J·罗斯·布朗;《米丽安·科芬》的作者;奥姆斯特德;和切弗牧师。 —

But to what ultimate generalizing purpose all these have written, the above cited extracts will show.

Of the names in this list of whale authors only those following Owen ever saw living whales; —
在这份鲸鱼作者名单中,只有欧文之后的人们见过活着的鲸鱼; —

and but one of them was a real professional harpooneer and whaleman. I mean Captain Scoresby. —
而且他们当中只有一个是真正的职业鱼鱼夫和鲸鱼船员。我指的是斯考斯比船长。 —

On the separate subject of the Greenland or right-whale, he is the best existing authority. —
关于格陵兰鲸或震旦鲸的专题,他是现有的最佳权威。 —

But Scoresby knew nothing and says nothing of the great sperm whale, compared with which the Greenland whale is almost unworthy mentioning. —
但斯考斯比对于伟大的抹香鲸一无所知,也没有提到,而与之相比,格陵兰鲸几乎不值一提。 —

And here be it said, that the Greenland whale is an usurper upon the throne of the seas. —
在这里不得不说,格陵兰鲸是海洋之王的篡位者。 —

He is not even by any means the largest of the whales. —
他甚至远非鲸鱼中最大的一种。 —

Yet, owing to the long priority of his claims, and the profound ignorance which till some seventy years back, invested the then fabulous and utterly unknown sperm-whale, and which ignorance to this present day still reigns in all but some few scientific retreats and whale-ports; —
然而,由于他的权利优先性的长期存在,以及直到七十年前还完全掩盖了当时传说般并完全未知的抹香鲸的深深无知,而至今在除了极少数科学研究机构和港口以外,这种无知仍在盛行; —

this usurpation has been every way complete. —
这种篡位已经完全成功。 —

Reference to nearly all the leviathanic allusions in the great poets of past days, will satisfy you that the Greenland whale, without one rival, was to them the monarch of the seas. —
参考过去伟大诗人几乎所有关于利维坦的暗示,你会满足于发现,没有一个能与格陵兰鲸相提并论,它是海洋的君主。 —

But the time has at last come for a new proclamation. This is Charing Cross; hear ye! —
但现在是一个发布全新声明的时刻。这里是查令十字; 听着! —

good people all,–the Greenland whale is deposed,– the great sperm whale now reigneth!
各位好人们,– 格陵兰鲸被废黜了,现在伟大的抹香鲸在位!

There are only two books in being which at all pretend to put the living sperm whale before you, and at the same time, in the remotest degree succeed in the attempt. —
目前只有两部书可以假装将活着的抹香鲸展示给你,并在远处的程度上成功了。 —

Those books are Beale’s and Bennett’s; both in their time surgeons to the English South-Sea whale-ships, and both exact and reliable men. —
这两本书是比尔和本内特的,他们都曾经是英国南海抢捕鲸船的外科医生,都是精确可靠的人。 —

The original matter touching the sperm whale to be found in their volumes is necessarily small; —
在他们的著作中关于抹香鲸的原始材料必然很有限; —

but so far as it goes, it is of excellent quality, though mostly confined to scientific description. As yet, however, the sperm whale, scientific or poetic, lives not complete in any literature. —
但就内容而言很不错,大部分是科学描述。然而,迄今为止,无论是科学的还是诗意的抹香鲸在任何文献中都没有完整呈现。 —

Far above all other hunted whales, his is an unwritten life.

Now the various species of whales need some sort of popular comprehensive classification, if only an easy outline one for the present, hereafter to be filled in all-outward its departments by subsequent laborers. —
现在,各种鲸鱼需要一种普及性的分类,即使是一个简单的轮廓分类,也需要一些目前的人物填充,以便未来的研究者完善它的各方面。 —

As no better man advances to take this matter in hand, I hereupon offer my own poor endeavors. —
由于没有更好的人选择来处理这个问题,因此我现在提出了我的努力。 —

I promise nothing complete; because any human thing supposed to be complete must for that very reason infallibly be faulty. —
我不保证完整; 因为任何被认为是完整的人类事物,正因为那个理由,它必然是有缺陷的。 —

I shall not pretend to a minute anatomical description of the various species, or–in this space at least– to much of any description. —
我不会假装对各种物种进行详细的解剖描述,或者–至少在这个空间里–进行任何描写。 —

My object here is simply to project the draught of a systematization of cetology. —
我在这里的目的只是拟定一个鲸类学的系统化构想。 —

I am the architect, not the builder.

But it is a ponderous task; no ordinary letter-sorter in the Post-Office is equal to it. —
但这是一项繁重的任务; 邮局里任何普通的信件分类员都无法胜任。 —

To grope down into the bottom of the sea after them; —
鞭长莫及海底,试图抓住它们; —

to have one’s hands among the unspeakable foundations, ribs, and very pelvis of the world; —
把手伸进世界无法言说的基础、肋骨和骨盆; —

this is a fearful thing. What am I that I should essay to hook the nose of this leviathan! —
这是一件可怕的事情。我算什么,竟敢试图勾住这头大鱼的鼻子! —

The awful tauntings in Job might well appal me. “Will he (the leviathan) make a covenant with thee? —
约伯书里的恐吓可能会吓到我。“他与你立约吗? —

Behold the hope of him is vain! But I have swam through libraries and sailed through oceans; —
看哪,指望他是空虚的!但我游遍了图书馆,航行过了大海; —

I have had to do with whales with these visible hands; I am in earnest; —
我与这些大鲸鱼亲手打过交道;我认真的; —

and I will try. There are some preliminaries to settle.

First: The uncertain, unsettled condition of this science of Cetology is in the very vestibule attested by the fact, that in some quarters it still remains a moot point whether a whale be a fish. —
首先:鲸学这门科学的不确定、未解决的状态,直接由事实在入口处证明,某些地方仍然存在争议,鲸是否为鱼。 —

In his System of Nature, A.D. 1776, Linnaeus declares, “I hereby separate the whales from the fish.” —
林奈在他的《自然论》(公元1776年)中声明,“我现在将鲸类与鱼类分开。” —

But of my own knowledge, I know that down to the year 1850, sharks and shad, alewives and herring, against Linnaeus’s express edict, were still found dividing the possession of the same seas with the Leviathan.

The grounds upon which Linnaeus would fain have banished the whales from the waters, he states as follows: —
林奈试图驱逐鲸鱼离水域的理由如下: —

“On account of their warm bilocular heart, their lungs, their movable eyelids, their hollow ears, penem intrantem feminam mammis lactantem,” and finally, “ex lege naturae jure meritoque.” —
“因为它们拥有温暖的双叶心脏、肺部、活动的眼皮、空洞的耳朵、可进入雌性乳房喂奶的阴茎”,最后,“按照大自然的法则和应得的权利。” —

I submitted all this to my friends Simeon Macey and Charley Coffin, of Nantucket, both messmates of mine in a certain voyage, and they united in the opinion that the reasons set forth were altogether insufficient. —
我把这一切提交给我的朋友西蒙·梅西和查理·科芬,他们都是我的同伴,一同参加过某次航行,他们一致认为所提出的理由完全不足以说服他们。 —

Charley profanely hinted they were humbug.

Be it known that, waiving all argument, I take the good old fashioned ground that the whale is a fish, and call upon holy Jonah to back me. —
务请知道,放弃一切争论,我坚定地认为鲸鱼是鱼,号召约拿来支持我。 —

This fundamental thing settled, the next point is, in what internal respect does the whale differ from other fish. —
解决了这个基本问题之后,下一个问题是,鲸鱼在内部方面与其他鱼类有何不同。 —

Above, Linnaeus has given you those items. But in brief they are these: —
林奈已经为您列出了这些项目。但简而言之,它们是: —

lungs and warm blood; whereas, all other fish are lungless and cold blooded.

Next: how shall we define the whale, by his obvious externals, so as conspicuously to label him for all time to come. —
接下来:我们如何定义鲸鱼,通过其明显的外部特征,以便永久地将其标记出来。 —

To be short, then, a whale is a spouting fish with a horizontal tail. There you have him. —
简而言之,鲸鱼是一种喷水的鱼,带有水平尾巴。你就可以把他辨认出来了。 —

However contracted, that definition is the result of expanded meditation. —
然而简明的这个定义是经过深思熟虑得出的结果。 —

A walrus spouts much like a whale, but the walrus is not a fish, because he is amphibious. —
海象喷水很像鲸鱼,但海象不是鱼,因为它是两栖动物。 —

But the last term of the definition is still more cogent, as coupled with the first. —
但定义的最后一个术语更具有说服力,因为它与第一个术语相衔接。 —

Almost any one must have noticed that all the fish familiar to landsmen have not a flat, but a vertical, or up-and-down tail. —
几乎任何人都会注意到,所有熟悉的陸地居民的鱼类都不是扁平的,而是竖直的,或者上下摆动的尾巴。 —

Whereas, among spouting fish the tail, though it may be similarly shaped, invariably assumes a horizontal position.

By the above definition of what a whale is, I do by no means exclude from the leviathanic brotherhood any sea creature hitherto identified with the whale by the best informed Nantucketers; —
通过上述对鲸鱼是什么的定义,我决不会排除任何迄今为止由最了解南塔克特人所认定的与鲸鱼有关的海洋生物; —

nor, on the other hand, link with it any fish hitherto authoritatively regarded as alien. —
也不会将迄今为止被权威认定为外来的任何鱼类与之联系在一起。 —

  • Hence, all the smaller, spouting and horizontal tailed fish must be included in this ground-plan of Cetology. —
    因此,所有更小的,喷水和水平尾巴的鱼都必须包括在这个鲸类学的基本规划中。 —

Now, then, come the grand divisions of the entire whale host.

*I am aware that down to the present time, the fish styled Lamatins and Dugongs (Pig-fish and Sow-fish of the Coffins of Nantucket) are included by many naturalists among the whales. —
我们知道,直到现在,许多自然学家将被称为海牛的鱼类(南塔其诺棺椁中的猪鱼和母猪鱼)包括在鲸类中。 —

But as these pig-fish are a noisy, contemptible set, mostly lurking in the mouths of rivers, and feeding on wet hay, and especially as they do not spout, I deny their credentials as whales; —
但由于这些猪鱼是一群吵闹、卑鄙的家伙,大多藏身在河口,并以湿草为食,尤其是它们不喷水,我否认它们作为鲸鱼的资格; —

and have presented them with their passports to quit the Kingdom of Cetology.

First: According to magnitude I divide the whales into three primary BOOKS (subdivisible into CHAPTERS), and these shall comprehend them all, both small and large.

I. 大册鲸;II. 八开鲸;III. 十二开鲸;

As the type of the FOLIO I present the Sperm Whale; —
作为大册鲸的代表,我展示抹香鲸; —

of the OCTAVO, the Grampus; of the DUODECIMO, the Porpoise.

FOLIOS. Among these I here include the following chapters:– I. The Sperm Whale; —
大册:这里包括以下章节:I. 抹香鲸; —

II. the Right Whale; III. the Fin Back Whale; IV. the Humpbacked Whale; —
II. 右鲸;III. 翅背鲸;IV. 座头鲸; —

V. the Razor Back Whale; VI. the Sulphur Bottom Whale.
V. 刀背鲸;VI. 硫底鲸;

BOOK I. (Folio), CHAPTER I. (Sperm Whale). —
册I.(大册),第I章(抹香鲸); —

–This whale, among the English of old vaguely known as the Trumpa whale and the Physeter whale, and the Anvil Headed whale, is the present Cachalot of the French, and the Pottsfich of the Germans, and the Macrocephalus of the Long Words. He is, without doubt, the largest inhabitant of the globe; —
–这种鲸,古代英国人模糊地称为Trumpa鲸、Physeter鲸、Anvil Headed鲸,是法国人现在称之为Cachalot,德国人称之为Pottsfich,长字眼的人称之为Macrocephalus。毫无疑问,他是地球上最大的居民; —

the most formidable of all whales to encounter; the most majestic in aspect; —
是遇到的所有鲸鱼中最可怕的;在外观上是最威严的; —

and lastly, by far the most valuable in commerce; —
最后,他在商业上价值最高; —

he being the only creature from which that valuable substance, spermaceti, is obtained. —
因为只有从这种鲸鱼身上才能获得那珍贵的物质,鲸蜡; —

All his peculiarities will, in many other places, be enlarged upon. —
他的所有特点将在很多其他地方被放大。 —

It is chiefly with his name that I now have to do. Philologically considered, it is absurd. —
我现在主要要处理的就是他的名字。从语言学角度来看,这是荒谬的。 —

Some centuries ago, when the Sperm whale was almost wholly unknown in his own proper individuality, and when his oil was only accidentally obtained from the stranded fish; —
几个世纪以前,抹香鲸几乎完全不为人所知,他的鲸油只是偶然从搁浅的鱼获得; —

in those days spermaceti, it would seem, was popularly supposed to be derived from a creature identical with the one then known in England as the Greenland or Right Whale. It was the idea also, that this same spermaceti was that quickening humor of the Greenland Whale which the first syllable of the word literally expresses. —
在那些日子里,似乎普遍认为,抹香鲸蜡烛就是从一种与当时在英格兰称为格陵兰鲸或震旦鲸的动物所得到。同时,这种抹香脂也被认为是格陵兰鲸那种字面上表达的迅速精神。 —

In those times, also, spermaceti was exceedingly scarce, not being used for light, but only as an ointment and medicament. —
在那个时代,抹香脂也极为稀缺,不用来照明,只被用作药膏和药物。 —

It was only to be had from the druggists as you nowadays buy an ounce of rhubarb. —
只能从药商那里买到,就像你们现在买一盎司大黄一样。 —

When, as I opine, in the course of time, the true nature of spermaceti became known, its original name was still retained by the dealers; —
当我推测,在漫长的时间里,抹香脂的真实本质被认识,它原来的名字仍然被商家保留; —

no doubt to enhance its value by a notion so strangely significant of its scarcity. —
毫无疑问,是为了通过这个奇怪地显著标记其稀缺性而增加其价值。 —

And so the appellation must at last have come to be bestowed upon the whale from which this spermaceti was really derived.

BOOK I. (Folio), CHAPTER II. (Right Whale). —
书一。(大册),第二章。(震旦鲸)。 —

–In one respect this is the most venerable of the leviathans, being the one first regularly hunted by man. —
–在这个方面,这是鲸鱼中最古老的,是人类第一次正式捕猎的鲸。 —

It yields the article commonly known as whalebone or baleen; —
它产出通常被称为鲸骨或鲸须的物品; —

and the oil specially known as “whale oil,” an inferior article in commerce. —
以及特别被称为“鲸油”的油,在商业上是一种次品。 —

Among the fishermen, he is indiscriminately designated by all the following titles: The Whale; —
在渔民中,无论如何他们都称呼他为:鲸; —

the Greenland Whale; the Black Whale; the Great Whale; the True Whale; —
格陵兰鲸;黑鲸;大鲸;真实鲸; —

the Right Whale. There is a deal of obscurity concerning the Identity of the species thus multitudinously baptized. —
震旦鲸。关于这个被如此众多地命名的物种的身份存在许多不明确之处。 —

What then is the whale, which I include in the second species of my Folios? —
那么鲸鱼是什么,我将其包括在我的《我的册页》第二种物种中? —

It is the Great Mysticetus of the English naturalists; the Greenland Whale of the English Whalemen; —
它是英国自然学家所称的大鲸鲶;英国捕鲸人所称的格陵兰鲸; —

the Baliene Ordinaire of the French whalemen; the Growlands Walfish of the Swedes. —
法国捕鲸人所称的普通巴利纳鲸;瑞典人所称的格罗兰德鲸。 —

It is the whale which for more than two centuries past has been hunted by the Dutch and English in the Arctic seas; —
它是荷兰人和英国人在北极海洋捕猎了两个多世纪的鲸鱼; —

it is the whale which the American fishermen have long pursued in the Indian ocean, on the Brazil Banks, on the Nor’ West Coast, and various other parts of the world, designated by them Right Whale Cruising Grounds.

Some pretend to see a difference between the Greenland whale of the English and the right whale of the Americans. —
有些人假装在英国的格陵兰鲸和美国的正鲸之间看到了差异。 —

But they precisely agree in all their grand features; —
但它们在所有重要特征上都完全一致; —

nor has there yet been presented a single determinate fact upon which to ground a radical distinction. —
并且尚未提出一个单一明确的事实来证明根本的区别。 —

It is by endless subdivisions based upon the most inconclusive differences, that some departments of natural history become so repellingly intricate. —
某些部分的自然历史因基于毫无意义的差异对其进行无穷无尽的细分而变得令人难以理解。 —

The right whale will be elsewhere treated of at some length, with reference to elucidating the sperm whale.

BOOK I. (Folio), CHAPTER III. (Fin-Back).–Under this head I reckon a monster which, by the various names of Fin-Back, Tall-Spout, and Long-John, has been seen almost in every sea and is commonly the whale whose distant jet is so often descried by passengers crossing the Atlantic, in the New York packet-tracks. —
第一册 (大册页), 第三章 (鳍背鲸).–在这个标题下,我排除了一个几乎在每海洋中都被看到的怪物,常被称为鳍背鲸、高喷鲸和长约翰,常见于横越大西洋的纽约船只航线上被乘客发现。 —

In the length he attains, and in his baleen, the Fin-back resembles the right whale, but is of a less portly girth, and a lighter color, approaching to olive. —
在长度和须鲸上,鳍背鲸类似于正鲸,但身形较瘦,颜色较浅,接近橄榄色。 —

His great lips present a cable-like aspect, formed by the intertwisting, slanting folds of large wrinkles. —
他的巨唇呈现出由大皱纹倾斜交织而成的电缆状外观。 —

His grand distinguishing feature, the fin, from which he derives his name, is often a conspicuous object. —
他的显著特征,即得名的鳍,通常是一个显眼的物体。 —

This fin is some three or four feet long, growing vertically from the hinder part of the back, of an angular shape, and with a very sharp pointed end. —
这个鳍长约三到四英尺,垂直长在背部后部,呈角状,末端非常尖锐。 —

Even if not the slightest other part of the creature be visible, this isolated fin will, at times, be seen plainly projecting from the surface. —
即使看不见生物的任何部分,有时也会清晰地看到这个孤立的鳍从水面上突出。 —

When the sea is moderately calm, and slightly marked with spherical ripples, and this gnomon-like fin stands up and casts shadows upon the wrinkled surface, it may well be supposed that the watery circle surrounding it somewhat resembles a dial, with its style and wavy hour-lines graved on it. —
当海面比较平静,略带球形涟漪时,这个类日晷的鳍直立起来,在皱褶的表面投下影子,可以想象周围的水圆有点像一个日晷,上面刻有钟样和波纹的时线。 —

On that Ahaz-dial the shadow often goes back. The Fin-Back is not gregarious. —
在那个阿哈斯日晷上,影子经常退回。鳍背不是群居动物。 —

He seems a whale-hater, as some men are man-haters. Very shy; always going solitary; —
他似乎讨厌鲸鱼,就像有些人讨厌人类一样。非常害羞;总是独自行动; —

unexpectedly rising to the surface in the remotest and most sullen waters; —
在最遥远、最阴郁的水域里意外地浮出水面; —

his straight and single lofty jet rising like a tall misanthropic spear upon a barren plain; —
他笔直而独立的高喷射,像在贫瘠平原上高耸的厌世长矛; —

gifted with such wondrous power and velocity in swimming, as to defy all present pursuit from man; —
在游泳时具有如此惊人的力量和速度,以至于无人能追得上; —

this leviathan seems the banished and unconquerable Cain of his race, bearing for his mark that style upon his back. —
这头大白鲸似乎是被放逐的、不可战胜的该隐,背上挂着那个标记。 —

From having the baleen in his mouth, the Fin-Back is sometimes included with the right whale, among a theoretic species denominated Whalebone whales, that is, whales with baleen. —
由于口中有鲸须,鳍背有时被列为须鲸之一,归为理论种类之一的鲸须鲸,即具有鲸须的鲸类。 —

Of these so-called Whalebone whales, there would seem to be several varieties, most of which, however, are little known. —
据说这些所谓的鲸须鲸有几种不同的变种,然而大部分并不为人所知。 —

Broad-nosed whales and beaked whales; pike-headed whales; bunched whales; —
宽鼻鲸和鹪嘴鲸;尖头鲸;密集鲸; —

under-jawed whales and rostrated whales, are the fisherman’s names for a few sorts.

In connexion with this appellative of “Whalebone whales,” it is of great importance to mention, that however such a nomenclature may be convenient in facilitating allusions to some kind of whales, yet it is in vain to attempt a clear classification of the Leviathan, founded upon either his baleen, or hump, or fin, or teeth; —
与这个“鲸须鲸”称呼相关的重要一点是,尽管这种命名对于便于提及某种类型的鲸类是方便的,但基于鲸须、驼背、背鳍或牙齿而建立起来的鲸类学的清晰分类是徒劳的; —

notwithstanding that those marked parts or features very obviously seem better adapted to afford the basis for a regular system of Cetology than any other detached bodily distinctions, which the whale, in his kinds, presents. —
尽管这些明显标记的部位或特征似乎更适合作为鲸在种类中呈现的任何其他分离身体特征的正规鲸类学系统的基础。 —

How then? The baleen, hump, back-fin, and teeth; —
那么呢?鲸须、驼峰、背鳍和牙齿; —

these are things whose peculiarities are indiscriminately dispersed among all sorts of whales, without any regard to what may be the nature of their structure in other and more essential particulars. —
这些是那些特异性被随意分散在各种鲸鱼之间的事物,而不考虑它们在其他更重要方面结构可能是什么样的。 —

Thus, the sperm whale and the humpbacked whale, each has a hump; but there the similitude ceases. —
因此,抹香鲸和座头鲸,每一种都有一个驼峰;但相似之处就到此结束。 —

Then this same humpbacked whale and the Greenland whale, each of these has baleen; —
然后这头座头鲸和格陵兰鲸,它们每一种都有须板; —

but there again the similitude ceases. And it is just the same with the other parts above mentioned. In various sorts of whales, they form such irregular combinations; —
但在这一点上相似之处再次结束。而且其他上述部分也是一样。在各种鲸鲨中,它们形成了如此不规则的组合; —

or, in the case of any one of them detached, such an irregular isolation; —
或者,在它们中的任何一个被剔除后,如此不规则的孤立; —

as utterly to defy all general methodization formed upon such a basis. —
以至于完全无法基于这样的基础形成任何一般的系统。 —

On this rock every one of the whale-naturalists has split.

But it may possibly be conceived that, in the internal parts of the whale, in his anatomy–there, at least, we shall be able to hit the right classification. —
但可能可以想象,在鲸鱼的内部部分,在他的解剖结构中–至少在那里,我们应该能够找到正确的分类。 —

Nay; what thing, for example, is there in the Greenland whale’s anatomy more striking than his baleen? —
那么,例如,格陵兰鲸解剖结构中有什么比他的鲸须更引人注目的呢? —

Yet we have seen that by his baleen it is impossible correctly to classify the Greenland whale. —
然而我们已经看到,通过他的鲸须,不可能正确分类格陵兰鲸。 —

And if you descend into the bowels of the various leviathans, why there you will not find distinctions a fiftieth part as available to the systematizer as those external ones already enumerated. —
而如果你深入到各种庞然大物的腹内,那里你将找不到比上述外部特征能更好地服务于系统构建者的区别。 —

What then remains? nothing but to take hold of the whales bodily, in their entire liberal volume, and boldly sort them that way. —
那么还剩下什么?只能抓住鲸鱼的整个丰富体量,大胆地用这种方式进行分类。 —

And this is the Bibliographical system here adopted; —
这就是这里采用的文献系统; —

and it is the only one that can possibly succeed, for it alone is practicable. To proceed.

BOOK I. (Folio) CHAPTER IV. (Hump Back).–This whale is often seen on the northern American coast. —
书 I.(大册)第 IV 章(驼背)–这种鲸经常出现在北美海岸。 —

He has been frequently captured there, and towed into harbor. —
他经常被捕获到那里,并被拖入港口。 —

He has a great pack on him like a peddler; or you might call him the Elephant and Castle whale. —
他身上背负着一个像小贩一样的大包;或者你可以称他为“大象与城堡鲸”。 —

At any rate, the popular name for him does not sufficiently distinguish him, since the sperm whale also has a hump though a smaller one. —
无论如何,他的通俗名称并不能充分区分他,因为抹香鲸也有一个鼓起的背部,虽然较小。 —

His oil is not very valuable. He has baleen. —
他的鲸油价值不高。他有鲸须。 —

He is the most gamesome and light-hearted of all the whales, making more gay foam and white water generally than any other of them.

BOOK I. (Folio), CHAPTER V. ( Razor Back).–Of this whale little is known but his name. —
第一卷(大册),第五章(锥尾鲸)–这种鲸鱼知之甚少,只知其名。 —

I have seen him at a distance off Cape Horn. Of a retiring nature, he eludes both hunters and philosophers. —
我曾在好望角遥远处见过他。性情隐秘的他,躲过了猎人和哲学家。 —

Though no coward, he has never yet shown any part of him but his back, which rises in a long sharp ridge. —
虽然他并非懦夫,但始终只露出背部,形成一个长而尖锐的脊背。 —

Let him go. I know little more of him, nor does anybody else.

BOOK I. (Folio), CHAPTER VI. (Sulphur Bottom). —
第一卷(大册),第六章(硫底鲸)。 —

–Another retiring gentleman, with a brimstone belly, doubtless got by scraping along the Tartarian tiles in some of his profounder divings. —
–另一个隐居的绅士,肚子里有硫磺,毫无疑问是通过在一些更深处的索菲亚瓷瓦上摩擦所得。 —

He is seldom seen; at least I have never seen him except in the remoter southern seas, and then always at too great a distance to study his countenance. —
他很少被看见;至少我从未见过他,除了在更遥远的南部海域,那时总是距离太远,无法研究他的面容。 —

He is never chased; he would run away with rope-walks of line. Prodigies are told of him. —
他从未被追逐过;他会带走一整条绳索。关于他的奇事很多。 —

Adieu, Sulphur Bottom! I can say nothing more that is true of ye, nor can the oldest Nantucketer.

Thus ends BOOK I. (Folio), and now begins BOOK II. (Octavo).

OCTAVOES.* These embrace the whales of middling magnitude, among which at present may be numbered: —
八分之一。*这些包括了中等大小的鲸,目前可以列举如下: —

–I., the Grampus; II., the Black Fish; III., the Narwhale; —
–I.,灰鲸;II.,黑鱼;III.,独角鲸; —

IV., the Thrasher; V., the Killer.

Why this book of whales is not denominated the Quarto is very plain. —
为什么这本关于鲸鱼的书不被称为四分之一是很明显的。 —

Because, while the whales of this order, though smaller than those of the former order, nevertheless retain a proportionate likeness to them in figure, yet the bookbinder’s Quarto volume in its dimensioned form does not preserve the shape of the Folio volume, but the Octavo volume does.

BOOK II. (Octavo), CHAPTER I. (Grampus).–Though this fish, whose loud sonorous breathing, or rather blowing, has furnished a proverb to landsmen, is so well known a denizen of the deep, yet is he not popularly classed among whales. —
第二本书(八分之一),第一章(灰鲸)。–尽管这种鱼,其响亮的呼吸声,或者更确切地说,喷气声,已为陆地上的人提供了一句谚语,但他却并未被广泛归类为鲸鱼。 —

But possessing all the grand distinctive features of the leviathan, most naturalists have recognised him for one. —
但由于拥有所有巨大的特征,大多数自然学家都认定他是其中之一。 —

He is of moderate octavo size, varying from fifteen to twenty-five feet in length, and of corresponding dimensions round the waist. —
他的体型适中,长约十五至二十五英尺,腰部的尺寸相应。 —

He swims in herds; he is never regularly hunted, though his oil is considerable in quantity, and pretty good for light. —
他成群结队游泳;他从未被定期捕猎过,尽管他的鱼油数量相当可观,而且很适合照明使用。 —

By some fishermen his approach is regarded as premonitory of the advance of the great sperm whale.

BOOK II. (Octavo), CHAPTER II. (Black Fish).–I give the popular fishermen’s names for all these fish, for generally they are the best. —
第二本书(八分之一),第二章(黑鱼)。–我为所有这些鱼提供了渔夫们常用的名称,因为一般来说它们是最合适的。 —

Where any name happens to be vague or inexpressive, I shall say so, and suggest another. —
如果有任何名称含糊不清或无法表达,我会指出并提出另一个。 —

I do so now touching the Black Fish, so called because blackness is the rule among almost all whales. —
现在来谈谈黑鱼,因为几乎所有鲸鱼都是黑色的,所以称之为黑鱼。 —

So, call him the Hyena Whale, if you please. —
所以,如果你愿意,可以称呼他为鬣狗鲸。 —

His voracity is well known and from the circumstance that the inner angles of his lips are curved upwards, he carries an everlasting Mephistophelean grin on his face. —
他的贪婪是众所周知的,由于他嘴唇的内角向上弯曲这个事实,他脸上永远挂着一种魔鬼般的狞笑。 —

This whale averages some sixteen or eighteen feet in length. He is found in almost all latitudes. —
这种鲸鱼平均约有十六到十八英尺长。他在几乎所有的纬度都可以找到。 —

He has a peculiar way of showing his dorsal hooked fin in swimming, which looks something like a Roman nose. —
他游泳时有一种独特的方式展示他的背部弯曲鳍,看起来有点像罗马鼻子。 —

When not more profitably employed, the sperm whale hunters sometimes capture the Hyena whale, to keep up the supply of cheap oil for domestic employment– as some frugal housekeepers, in the absence of company, and quite alone by themselves, burn unsavory tallow instead of odorous wax. —
当捕鲸者们没有更有利可图的工作时,他们有时会捕捉鬣狗鲸,以保持廉价鲸油的供应,用于家庭使用–就像一些勤俭的主妇在没有客人的时候,独自一人燃烧难闻的牛脂,而不是芬芳的蜡。 —

Though their blubber is very thin, some of these whales will yield you upwards of thirty gallons of oil.

BOOK II. (Octavo), CHAPTER III. (Narwhale), that is, Nostril whale. —
书II.(八开),第III章(独角鲸),也就是,鼻孔鲸。 —

– Another instance of a curiously named whale, so named I suppose from his peculiar horn being originally mistaken for a peaked nose. —
–另一个名字奇特的鲸鱼例子,我认为它的名字源于它独特的角最初被误认为是尖锐的鼻子。 —

The creature is some sixteen feet in length, while its horn averages five feet, though some exceed ten, and even attain to fifteen feet. —
这个生物大约有十六英尺长,而它的角平均有五英尺,而有些甚至超过十英尺,甚至达到十五英尺。 —

Strictly speaking, this horn is but a lengthened tusk, growing out from the jaw in a line a little depressed from the horizontal. —
严格来说,这根角只是从下颌延伸出来的加长犬齿,位于一个略微向下倾斜的水平线上。 —

But it is only found on the sinister side, which has an ill effect, giving its owner something analogous to the aspect of a clumsy left-handed man. —
但它只能在邪恶的一侧找到,这样会产生一个不好的效果,让它的所有者显得有点类似于笨拙的左撇子。 —

What precise purpose this ivory horn or lance answers, it would be hard to say. —
这根象牙角或长矛到底有什么具体用途,很难说清楚。 —

It does not seem to be used like the blade of the sword-fish and bill-fish; —
它似乎并不像旗鱼和矛鱼的刀刃那样被使用; —

though some sailors tell me that the Narwhale employs it for a rake in turning over the bottom of the sea for food. —
尽管一些水手告诉我,独角鲸会用它来翻转海底搜寻食物。 —

Charley Coffin said it was used for an ice-piercer; —
查理·考夫因说这是用来穿冰的; —

for the Narwhale, rising to the surface of the Polar Sea, and finding it sheeted with ice, thrusts his horn up, and so breaks through. —
因为独角鲸在极地海域的海面上升起,发现被冰覆盖,就会用角刺破。 —

But you cannot prove either of these surmises to be correct. —
但你无法证明这两种推测中的任何一种是正确的。 —

My own opinion is, that however this one-sided horn may really be used by the Narwhale–however that may be–it would certainly be very convenient to him for a folder in reading pamphlets. —
我个人认为,不管这个单边的角究竟是如何被独角鲸使用的–不管怎样–对他来说肯定在阅读小册子时非常方便。 —

The Narwhale I have heard called the Tusked whale, the Horned whale, and the Unicorn whale. —
我听说独角鲸被称为长牙鲸、有角鲸和独角兽鲸。 —

He is certainly a curious example of the Unicornism to be found in almost every kingdom of animated nature. —
他无疑是几乎在每个动物王国中都能找到的独角兽主义的一个有趣例子。 —

From certain cloistered old authors I have gathered that this same sea-unicorn’s horn was in ancient days regarded as the great antidote against poison, and as such, preparations of it brought immense prices. —
我从某些封闭老作者那里得知,这种海独角兽的角在古代被认为是解毒的绝佳途径,因此它的制剂价格极高。 —

It was also distilled to a volatile salts for fainting ladies the same way that the horns of the male deer are manufactured into hartshorn. —
它还被提炼成一种挥发性盐,用来救治昏厥的女士,就像公鹿的角被制成制水罐一样。 —

Originally it was in itself accounted an object of great curiosity. —
最初它本身就被认为是一个非常引人好奇的物体。 —

Black Letter tells me that Sir Martin Frobisher on his return from that voyage, when Queen Bess did gallantly wave her jewelled hand to him from a window of Greenwich Palace, as his bold ship sailed down the Thames; —
黑体字告诉我,弗罗比舍尔爵士从那次航行归来时,当伊丽莎白女王在格林威治宫的一扇窗户里向他挥舞她的珠宝手时,他大胆的船在泰晤士河下游航行; —

“when Sir Martin returned from that voyage,” saith Black Letter, “on bended knees he presented to her highness a prodigious long horn of the Narwhale, which for a long period after hung in the castle at Windsor.” —
“当弗罗比舍尔爵士从那次航行回来时,”黑体字说,“他跪下向高贵的女王献上了独角鲸的一个怪异长角,之后有很长一段时间挂在温莎城堡里。” —

An Irish author avers that the Earl of Leicester, on bended knees, did likewise present to her highness another horn, pertaining to a land beast of the unicorn nature.

The Narwhale has a very picturesque, leopard-like look, being of a milk-white ground color, dotted with round and oblong spots of black. —
独角鲸外观非常像豹,是乳白色的底色,点缀着黑色的圆形和椭圆形斑点。 —

His oil is very superior, clear and fine; —
他的油非常优秀,清澈细腻; —

but there is little of it, and he is seldom hunted. —
但产量很少,很少被捕猎。 —

He is mostly found in the circumpolar seas.

BOOK II. (Octavo), CHAPTER IV. (Killer).–Of this whale little is precisely known to the Nantucketer, and nothing at all to the professed naturalists. —
第二册(八开),第四章(虎鲸)–这种鲸鱼对南塔基特人几乎一无所知,专业的自然学家则更加不了解。 —

From what I have seen of him at a distance, I should say that he was about the bigness of a grampus. He is very savage–a sort of Feegee fish. —
从我远处看到的他,我会说他的大小大约和大熊鲸差不多。他非常凶猛–是一种类似斐济鱼的鱼类。 —

He sometimes takes the great Folio whales by the lip, and hangs there like a leech, till the mighty brute is worried to death. —
有时他用嘴唇勾住巨大的板鲸,像吸血虫一样挂在那里,直到这只巨兽被折磨致死。 —

The Killer is never hunted. I never heard what sort of oil he has. —
杀手鲸从不被捕猎。我从未听说过它有什么样的鱼油。 —

Exception might be taken to the name bestowed upon this whale, on the ground of its indistinctness. —
人们可能会对这只鲸鱼被赋予的名字提出异议,认为名字不明确。 —

For we are all killers, on land and on sea; —
因为我们所有人,无论在陆地上还是海中,都是捕食者; —

Bonapartes and Sharks included.

BOOK II. (Octavo), CHAPTER V. (Thrasher). —
第二卷(八开),第五章(刺鲨)。 —

–This gentleman is famous for his tail which he uses for a ferule in thrashing his foes. —
– 这位绅士以他的尾巴闻名,用它在打败敌人时当手杖。 —

He mounts the Folio whale’s back, and as he swims, he works his passage by flogging him; —
他骑在板鲸的背上,随着他的游动,通过抽打它来走他的路; —

as some schoolmasters get along in the world by a similar process. —
正如有些教师通过类似的过程在世界上前进一样。 —

Still less is known of the Thrasher than of the Killer. —
人们对刺鲨了解还比对杀手鲸了解少。 —

Both are outlaws, even in the lawless seas.

Thus ends BOOK II. (Octavo), and begins BOOK III, (Duodecimo.)

DUODECIMOES.–These include the smaller whales. I. The Huzza Porpoise. —
二十四开书——这些包括较小的鲸鱼。I. 欢呼海豚。 —

II. The Algerine Porpoise. III. The Mealy-mouthed Porpoise.
II. 阿尔及利亚海豚。III. 假仁假义的海豚。

To those who have not chanced specially to study the subject, it may possibly seem strange, that fishes not commonly exceeding four or five feet should be marshalled among WHALES–a word, which, in the popular sense, always conveys an idea of hugeness. —
对于那些没有特别研究过这个主题的人来说,可能觉得,通常不超过四五英尺的鱼类被列为鲸鱼中可能有些奇怪–在通俗意义上,鲸鱼总是传达一种巨大的概念。 —

But the creatures set down above as Duodecimoes are infallibly whales, by the terms of my definition of what a whale is–i. —
但是根据我对鲸鱼的定义,那些被称为十二鱼的生物无疑是鲸鱼-即一种喷水的鱼,带有横向尾巴。 —

e. a spouting fish, with a horizontal tail.

BOOK III. (Duodecimo), CHAPTER 1. (Huzza Porpoise). —
书三(十二开),章一(欢呼海豚)。 —

–This is the common porpoise found almost all over the globe. The name is of my own bestowal; —
–这是到处都能找到的常见海豚。这个名字是我自己起的; —

for there are more than one sort of porpoises, and something must be done to distinguish them. —
因为海豚种类不止一种,必须有所区分。 —

I call him thus, because he always swims in hilarious shoals, which upon the broad sea keep tossing themselves to heaven like caps in a Fourth-of-July crowd. —
我把它叫做这个名字,因为它总是在欢乐的鱼群中游泳,这些鱼在宽广的海面上像七月四日的人群一样向天空抛撒。 —

Their appearance is generally hailed with delight by the mariner. —
水手们通常都对它们的出现感到高兴。 —

Full of fine spirits, they invariably come from the breezy billows to windward. —
充满精神气的,它们总是来自向风的微风。 —

They are the lads that always live before the wind. They are accounted a lucky omen. —
它们是永远顺风而行的伙伴。它们被视为幸运的预兆。 —

If you yourself can withstand three cheers at beholding these vivacious fish, then heaven help ye; —
如果你自己能忍受看到这些充满活力的鱼,那么愿上帝帮助你; —

the spirit of godly gamesomeness is not in ye. —
看不到上帝的游戏精神在你身上。 —

A well-fed, plump Huzza Porpoise will yield you one good gallon of good oil. —
一个吃饱了的胖胖的欢呼鼠海豚将会为你提供一加仑好油。 —

But the fine and delicate fluid extracted from his jaws is exceedingly valuable. —
但从他的口中提取的精致液体是非常有价值的。 —

It is in request among jewellers and watchmakers. Sailors put it on their hones. —
这是珠宝商和钟表匠们所需要的。水手们把它放在磨刀石上。 —

Porpoise meat is good eating, you know. It may never have occurred to you that a porpoise spouts. —
海豚肉是好吃的,你知道的。也许你从未想过海豚会喷水。 —

Indeed, his spout is so small that it is not very readily discernible. —
的确,他的鼻喷孔是如此之小,不太容易被看到。 —

But the next time you have a chance, watch him; —
但下次有机会时,留意他; —

and you will then see the great Sperm whale himself in miniature.

BOOK III. (Duodecimo), CHAPTER II. (Algerine Porpoise).–A pirate. Very savage. —
第三部 (二十四开), 第二章 (阿尔及利亚海豚)–一名海盗。非常野蛮。 —

He is only found, I think, in the Pacific. —
我想他只存在于太平洋。 —

He is somewhat larger than the Huzza Porpoise, but much of the same general make. —
他比欢呼鼠海豚稍大,但总体上构造很相似。 —

Provoke him, and he will buckle to a shark. —
惹怒他,他会和鲨鱼交战。 —

I have lowered for him many times, but never yet saw him captured.

BOOK III. (Duodecimo), CHAPTER III. (Mealy-mouthed Porpoise).–The largest kind of Porpoise; —
第三册(十二开),第三章(粉嘴鲸)——最大型的鼠海豚; —

and only found in the Pacific, so far as it is known. —
仅在太平洋发现,就目前所知。 —

The only English name, by which he has hitherto been designated, is that of the fisher–Right-Whale Porpoise, from the circumstance that he is chiefly found in the vicinity of that Folio. In shape, he differs in some degree from the Huzza Porpoise, being of a less rotund and jolly girth; —
他迄今为止所使用的唯一英文名称是“捕鲸者海豚”,因为他主要出现在捕鲸地点附近。在形状上,他与欢呼海豚略有不同,身材没有那么圆胖和快活; —

indeed, he is of quite a neat and gentleman-like figure. —
实际上,他的身材相当整洁和有绅士风度。 —

He has no fins on his back (most other porpoises have), he has a lovely tail, and sentimental Indian eyes of a hazel hue. —
他的背部没有鳍(大多数其他海豚有),拥有一条可爱的尾巴,以及深榛色的富有感情的印第安眼睛。 —

But his mealy-mouth spoils all. Though his entire back down to his side fins is of a deep sable, yet a boundary line, distinct as the mark in a ship’s hull, called the “bright waist,” that line streaks him from stem to stern, with two separate colors, black above and white below. —
但他那粉嘴毁了一切。虽然他从整个背部延伸至侧鳍都是深沉的黑色,但是一条明显的边界线,就像船舷上的标记,被称为“明亮的腰部”,用两种不同的颜色使他从头到尾带有黑色上半部和白色下半部。 —

The white comprises part of his head, and the whole of his mouth, which makes him look as if he had just escaped from a felonious visit to a meal-bag. —
白色部分包括了他的头部一部分,以及整个嘴巴,这让他看起来好像刚从偷来的食物袋中逃脱出来。 —

A most mean and mealy aspect! His oil is much like that of the common porpoise.

Beyond the DUODECIMO, this system does not proceed, inasmuch as the Porpoise is the smallest of the whales. —
超过十二开,该系统不再继续,因为海豚是鲸中最小的。 —

Above, you have all the Leviathans of note. —
上面列出了所有值得一提的大型鲸鱼。 —

But there are a rabble of uncertain, fugitive, half-fabulous whales, which, as an American whaleman, I know by reputation, but not personally. —
但还有一群不确定的、逃遁的、半神话般的鲸鱼,作为一名美国捕鲸人,我只知道他们的名声,但没有亲自看到过。 —

I shall enumerate them by their fore-castle appellations; —
我将按照它们船头的名称一一列出; —

for possibly such a list may be valuable to future investigators, who may complete what I have here but begun. —
因为也许这样一份清单对将来的调查者可能很有价值,他们可以继续我这里刚刚开始的工作。 —

If any of the following whales, shall hereafter be caught and marked, then he can readily be incorporated into this System, according to his Folio, Octavo, or Duodecimo magnitude: —
如果以下任何鲸鱼将来被捕获并标记,那么他可以方便地根据他的folio、octavo或duodecimo大小并入这个系统: —

– The Bottle-Nose Whale; the Junk Whale; the Pudding-Headed Whale; the Cape Whale; —
– 瓶鼻鲸;破烂鲸;布丁头鲸;开普鲸; —

the Leading Whale; the Cannon Whale; the Scragg Whale; the Coppered Whale; the Elephant Whale; —
领导鲸;加农炮鲸;脖颈鲸;铜覆鲸;大象鲸; —

the Iceberg Whale; the Quog Whale; the Blue Whale; &c. —
冰山鲸;奎格鲸;蓝鲸;等等。 —

From Icelandic, Dutch, and old English authorities, there might be quoted other lists of uncertain whales, blessed with all manner of uncouth names. —
根据冰岛、荷兰和古英国的权威,可能还有其他一些名为不定的鲸的名单。 —

But I omit them as altogether obsolete; and can hardly help suspecting them for mere sounds, full of Leviathanism, but signifying nothing.

Finally: It was stated at the outset, that this system would not be here, and at once, perfected. —
最后:一开始就声明过,这个系统不会立刻完善。 —

You cannot but plainly see that I have kept my word. —
您当然可以清楚地看到我信守了诺言。 —

But I now leave my cetological System standing thus unfinished, even as the great Cathedral of Cologne was left, with the cranes still standing upon the top of the uncompleted tower. —
但我现在留下我的鲸类学系统仍然未完成,正如科隆大教堂一样,顶部仍然留有未完成塔楼的塔吊。 —

For small erections may be finished by their first architects; —
小型建筑可能会被首席建筑师完成; —

grand ones, true ones, ever leave the copestone to posterity. —
而宏伟的、真实的建筑永远将顶石留给后人。 —

God keep me from ever completing anything. —
愿上帝保佑我永远不要完成任何事情。 —

This whole book is but a draught–nay, but the draught of a draught. —
整本书不过是一个草稿–不,只是一个草稿的草稿。 —

Oh, Time, Strength, Cash, and Patience!