A few moments later our poet found himself in a tiny arched chamber, very cosy, very warm, seated at a table which appeared to ask nothing better than to make some loans from a larder hanging near by, having a good bed in prospect, and alone with a pretty girl. —
过了片刻,我们的诗人发现自己身处一个小拱形的室内,非常舒适,非常温暖,坐在一张桌子旁边,附近还有一个挂着储藏食物的柜子,有一个舒适的床在眼前,而且还与一个漂亮的女孩独处。 —

The adventure smacked of enchantment. He began seriously to take himself for a personage in a fairy tale; —
这段经历充满了魔力。他开始认真地把自己看作是童话故事中的人物; —

he cast his eyes about him from time to time to time, as though to see if the chariot of fire, harnessed to two-winged chimeras, which alone could have so rapidly transported him from Tartarus to Paradise, were still there. —
他不时环视四周,仿佛要看看能将他从地狱迅速运送到天堂的马车,是否仍在那里,拉着两只有翅膀的怪兽。 —

At times, also, he fixed his eyes obstinately upon the holes in his doublet, in order to cling to reality, and not lose the ground from under his feet completely. —
有时,他死死地盯着上衣的破洞,以便保持现实,并不完全失去脚下的地面。 —

His reason, tossed about in imaginary space, now hung only by this thread.

The young girl did not appear to pay any attention to him; —
那位年轻女孩似乎没有注意到他; —

she went and came, displaced a stool, talked to her goat, and indulged in a pout now and then. —
她来来回回,移动着一把凳子,和她的山羊交谈,有时生气地噘着嘴。 —

At last she came and seated herself near the table, and Gringoire was able to scrutinize her at his ease.

You have been a child, reader, and you would, perhaps, be very happy to be one still. —
读者,你曾经是一个孩子,也许你仍然渴望回到那个时候。 —

It is quite certain that you have not, more than once (and for my part, I have passed whole days, the best employed of my life, at it) followed from thicket to thicket, by the side of running water, on a sunny day, a beautiful green or blue dragon-fly, breaking its flight in abrupt angles, and kissing the tips of all the branches. —
你肯定不止一次(就我而言,我曾经有过几天,我一生中最充实的日子,全都用来这样)在阳光明媚的日子里,沿着流水旁边穿过林间追逐一只美丽的绿色或蓝色蜻蜓,它的飞行中突然转弯,接吻所有树枝的尖端。 —

You recollect with what amorous curiosity your thought and your gaze were riveted upon this little whirlwind, hissing and humming with wings of purple and azure, in the midst of which floated an imperceptible body, veiled by the very rapidity of its movement. —
你是否记得,你对这个小旋风如何充满好奇心,你的思想和目光如何被吸引到这只挥舞紫色和蔚蓝色翅膀的小家伙,中间漂浮着一个在飞速移动中几乎看不见的身体。 —

The aerial being which was dimly outlined amid this quivering of wings, appeared to you chimerical, imaginary, impossible to touch, impossible to see. —
在这些振翅飞舞中勾勒出的虚影中,这只空中生物对你来说似乎虚幻,想象的,不可能触摸,不可能看到。 —

But when, at length, the dragon-fly alighted on the tip of a reed, and, holding your breath the while, you were able to examine the long, gauze wings, the long enamel robe, the two globes of crystal, what astonishment you felt, and what fear lest you should again behold the form disappear into a shade, and the creature into a chimera! —
但最后,当蜻蜓停在芦苇尖端时,你屏住呼吸,能够仔细观察它那长长的轻纱翅膀,长长的珐琅袍,两颗水晶球,你会感到多么惊讶,多么害怕再次看到这个形态消失在阴影中,生物变成幻象! —

Recall these impressions, and you will readily appreciate what Gringoire felt on contemplating, beneath her visible and palpable form, that Esmeralda of whom, up to that time, he had only caught a glimpse, amidst a whirlwind of dance, song, and tumult.

Sinking deeper and deeper into his revery: —
沉浸在他的沉思中,格林哥尔惊讶地发现艾斯梅拉达是如此平凡而真实。 —

“So this,” he said to himself, following her vaguely with his eyes, “is la Esmeralda! —
“这个,”他自言自语,随着她的身影迷迷糊糊地说道,”就是艾斯默拉达! —

a celestial creature! a street dancer! so much, and so little! —
一个天使般的存在!一个街头舞者!如此之多,又如此之少! —

‘Twas she who dealt the death-blow to my mystery this morning, ‘tis she who saves my life this evening! —
她是今早揭开我谜团的人,她是今晚拯救我性命的人! —

My evil genius! My good angel! A pretty woman, on my word! —
我的邪恶天使!我的善良天使!天哪,一个漂亮的女人! —

and who must needs love me madly to have taken me in that fashion. —
一定是疯狂地爱我才会以那种方式收留我。 —

By the way,” said he, rising suddenly, with that sentiment of the true which formed the foundation of his character and his philosophy, “I don’t know very well how it happens, but I am her husband!”

With this idea in his head and in his eyes, he stepped up to the young girl in a manner so military and so gallant that she drew back.

“What do you want of me?” said she.

“Can you ask me, adorable Esmeralda?” replied Gringoire, with so passionate an accent that he was himself astonished at it on hearing himself speak.

The gypsy opened her great eyes. “I don’t know what you mean.”

“What!” resumed Gringoire, growing warmer and warmer, and supposing that, after all, he had to deal merely with a virtue of the Cour des Miracles; —
“什么!”格林哥尔恢复了热情,认为毕竟他只是跟一位吉普赛人的美德打交道, —

“am I not thine, sweet friend, art thou not mine?”

And, quite ingenuously, he clasped her waist.

The gypsy’s corsage slipped through his hands like the skin of an eel. —
吉普赛人的上衣在他手中滑动得像一条鳗鱼的皮。 —

She bounded from one end of the tiny room to the other, stooped down, and raised herself again, with a little poniard in her hand, before Gringoire had even had time to see whence the poniard came; —
她在那狭小房间里跳跃着,弯下腰,再次站起来,手中拿着一把小匕首,格林哥尔甚至都没来得及看清匕首是从哪里拿来的; —

proud and angry, with swelling lips and inflated nostrils, her cheeks as red as an api apple,* and her eyes darting lightnings. —
骄傲和愤怒,嘴唇肿胀,鼻孔膨胀,她的脸颊像一个红彤彤的苹果一样红,眼睛闪着闪电。 —

At the same time, the white goat placed itself in front of her, and presented to Gringoire a hostile front, bristling with two pretty horns, gilded and very sharp. —
与此同时,白山羊站在她面前,向格兰哥尔展示着一副敌对的形象,两只漂亮的角上镀金,非常尖锐。 —

All this took place in the twinkling of an eye.

  • A small dessert apple, bright red on one side and greenish- white on the other.

The dragon-fly had turned into a wasp, and asked nothing better than to sting.

Our philosopher was speechless, and turned his astonished eyes from the goat to the young girl. —
我们的哲学家目瞪口呆,把惊讶的目光从山羊转向了年轻女孩。 —

“Holy Virgin!” he said at last, when surprise permitted him to speak, “here are two hearty dames!”

The gypsy broke the silence on her side.

“You must be a very bold knave!”

“Pardon, mademoiselle,” said Gringoire, with a smile. “But why did you take me for your husband?”

“Should I have allowed you to be hanged?”

“So,” said the poet, somewhat disappointed in his amorous hopes. —
“这样,”诗人有些失望地说。 —

“You had no other idea in marrying me than to save me from the gibbet?”

“And what other idea did you suppose that I had?”

Gringoire bit his lips. “Come,” said he, “I am not yet so triumphant in Cupido, as I thought. —
格兰哥尔咬了咬嘴唇。“来吧,”他说,“我在爱神丘比特身上还不如我想象中那样凯旋。” —

But then, what was the good of breaking that poor jug?”

Meanwhile Esmeralda’s dagger and the goat’s horns were still upon the defensive.

“Mademoiselle Esmeralda,” said the poet, “let us come to terms. —
“艾斯梅拉达小姐,”诗人说,“让我们达成协议吧。 —

I am not a clerk of the court, and I shall not go to law with you for thus carrying a dagger in Paris, in the teeth of the ordinances and prohibitions of M. the Provost. —
我并不是法庭的书记,我不会因你在巴黎携带匕首违反规定和警告而与你争论。 —

Nevertheless, you are not ignorant of the fact that Noel Lescrivain was condemned, a week ago, to pay ten Parisian sous, for having carried a cutlass. —
不过,你不无所知,诺埃尔·莱斯克里万一周前因携带短剑被判罚十枚巴黎苏。 —

But this is no affair of mine, and I will come to the point. —
但这不关我的事,我来说正题。 —

I swear to you, upon my share of Paradise, not to approach you without your leave and permission, but do give me some supper.”

The truth is, Gringoire was, like M. Despreaux, “not very voluptuous.” —
事实上,格林哥尔像德普罗一样,“不是很好色”。 —

He did not belong to that chevalier and musketeer species, who take young girls by assault. —
他不属于那种骑士和火枪手的类型,他们强取豪夺年轻女子。 —

In the matter of love, as in all other affairs, he willingly assented to temporizing and adjusting terms; —
在爱情事务中,如同其他事务一样,他乐于妥协和调整条件; —

and a good supper, and an amiable tête-a-tête appeared to him, especially when he was hungry, an excellent interlude between the prologue and the catastrophe of a love adventure.

The gypsy did not reply. She made her disdainful little grimace, drew up her head like a bird, then burst out laughing, and the tiny poniard disappeared as it had come, without Gringoire being able to see where the wasp concealed its sting.

A moment later, there stood upon the table a loaf of rye bread, a slice of bacon, some wrinkled apples and a jug of beer. —
一会儿,桌子上出现了一条黑面包、一片腌肉、一些皱巴巴的苹果和一罐啤酒。 —

Gringoire began to eat eagerly. One would have said, to hear the furious clashing of his iron fork and his earthenware plate, that all his love had turned to appetite.

The young girl seated opposite him, watched him in silence, visibly preoccupied with another thought, at which she smiled from time to time, while her soft hand caressed the intelligent head of the goat, gently pressed between her knees.

A candle of yellow wax illuminated this scene of voracity and revery.

Meanwhile, the first cravings of his stomach having been stilled, Gringoire felt some false shame at perceiving that nothing remained but one apple.

“You do not eat, Mademoiselle Esmeralda?”

She replied by a negative sign of the head, and her pensive glance fixed itself upon the vault of the ceiling.

“What the deuce is she thinking of?” thought Gringoire, staring at what she was gazing at; —
“她在想什么?”格林哥尔惊讶地看着她盯着的东西; —

”‘tis impossible that it can be that stone dwarf carved in the keystone of that arch, which thus absorbs her attention. —
“难道她关注的是那个雕刻在拱顶中石头侏儒?不可能的。我承受不了这种比较!” —

What the deuce! I can bear the comparison!”

He raised his voice, “Mademoiselle!”

She seemed not to hear him.

He repeated, still more loudly, “Mademoiselle Esmeralda!”

Trouble wasted. The young girl’s mind was elsewhere, and Gringoire’s voice had not the power to recall it. —
好在山羊插手干预。她开始轻轻地拉着主人的衣袖。 —

Fortunately, the goat interfered. She began to pull her mistress gently by the sleeve.

“What dost thou want, Djali?” said the gypsy, hastily, as though suddenly awakened.

“She is hungry,” said Gringoire, charmed to enter into conversation. —
埃斯梅拉达开始把面包弄碎,迪雅利优雅地从她手心里吃着。 —

Esmeralda began to crumble some bread, which Djali ate gracefully from the hollow of her hand.
Djali understands the sign and the sergeant sets him free.

Moreover, Gringoire did not give her time to resume her revery. He hazarded a delicate question.

“So you don’t want me for your husband?”

The young girl looked at him intently, and said, “No.”

“For your lover?” went on Gringoire.

She pouted, and replied, “No.”

“For your friend?” pursued Gringoire.

She gazed fixedly at him again, and said, after a momentary reflection, “Perhaps.”

This “perhaps,” so dear to philosophers, emboldened Gringoire.

“Do you know what friendship is?” he asked.

“Yes,” replied the gypsy; “it is to be brother and sister; —
“知道,”吉普赛女郎回答道,“那就是兄弟姐妹; —

two souls which touch without mingling, two fingers on one hand.”

“And love?” pursued Gringoire.

“Oh! love!” said she, and her voice trembled, and her eye beamed. —
“哦!爱!”她说,并且声音颤抖,眼神闪烁。 —

“That is to be two and to be but one. A man and a woman mingled into one angel. It is heaven.”

The street dancer had a beauty as she spoke thus, that struck Gringoire singularly, and seemed to him in perfect keeping with the almost oriental exaltation of her words. —
在说这些话时,这位街头舞者有一种美丽,让格林哥尔感到异常,她的话语几乎具有东方的飞扬激情。 —

Her pure, red lips half smiled; her serene and candid brow became troubled, at intervals, under her thoughts, like a mirror under the breath; —
她纯净的红唇微微一笑;她宁静率真的额头在思索时不时会有波动,就像镜子在微风中一样; —

and from beneath her long, drooping, black eyelashes, there escaped a sort of ineffable light, which gave to her profile that ideal serenity which Raphael found at the mystic point of intersection of virginity, maternity, and divinity.

Nevertheless, Gringoire continued,–

“What must one be then, in order to please you?”

“A man.”

“And I–” said he, “what, then, am I?”

“A man has a hemlet on his head, a sword in his hand, and golden spurs on his heels.”

“Good,” said Gringoire, “without a horse, no man. Do you love any one?”
“好,” 格林哥尔说,”没有马的话,就不算男人。你爱过任何人吗?”

“As a lover?–”


She remained thoughtful for a moment, then said with a peculiar expression: —
她沉思片刻,然后带着一种特殊的表情说: —

“That I shall know soon.”

“Why not this evening?” resumed the poet tenderly. “Why not me?”

She cast a grave glance upon him and said,–

“I can never love a man who cannot protect me.”

Gringoire colored, and took the hint. It was evident that the young girl was alluding to the slight assistance which he had rendered her in the critical situation in which she had found herself two hours previously. —
格林哥涨红了脸,然后明白了这个暗示。很明显,这位年轻女孩在提及两小时前他为她提供的轻微帮助。 —

This memory, effaced by his own adventures of the evening, now recurred to him. He smote his brow.

“By the way, mademoiselle, I ought to have begun there. —
“对了,小姐,我应该从这里开始。 —

Pardon my foolish absence of mind. How did you contrive to escape from the claws of Quasimodo?”

This question made the gypsy shudder.

“Oh! the horrible hunchback,” said she, hiding her face in her hands. —
“哦!那可怕的驼背,”她说着,用手遮住脸。 —

And she shuddered as though with violent cold.

“Horrible, in truth,” said Gringoire, who clung to his idea; “but how did you manage to escape him?”

La Esmeralda smiled, sighed, and remained silent.

“Do you know why he followed you?” began Gringoire again, seeking to return to his question by a circuitous route.

“I don’t know,” said the young girl, and she added hastily, “but you were following me also, why were you following me?”

“In good faith,” responded Gringoire, “I don’t know either.”

Silence ensued. Gringoire slashed the table with his knife. —
沉默降临。格林哥尔用刀子砍着桌子。 —

The young girl smiled and seemed to be gazing through the wall at something. —
年轻女孩微笑着,似乎在透过墙壁望着什么。 —

All at once she began to sing in a barely articulate voice,–

~Quando las pintadas aves, Mudas estan, y la tierra~–*

  • When the gay-plumaged birds grow weary, and the earth–
    * 当那些色彩斑斓的鸟儿感到疲倦,而大地–

She broke off abruptly, and began to caress Djali.

“That’s a pretty animal of yours,” said Gringoire.

“She is my sister,” she answered.

“Why are you called ‘la Esmeralda?’” asked the poet.
“你为什么被称为爱斯梅拉达?” 诗人问道。

“I do not know.”

“But why?”

She drew from her bosom a sort of little oblong bag, suspended from her neck by a string of adrézarach beads. —
她从胸前取出一种悬挂在脖子上由异国香料珠串成的长方形小袋。 —

This bag exhaled a strong odor of camphor. —
这个袋子散发着浓烈的樟脑气味。 —

It was covered with green silk, and bore in its centre a large piece of green glass, in imitation of an emerald.

“Perhaps it is because of this,” said she.

Gringoire was on the point of taking the bag in his hand. She drew back.

“Don’t touch it! It is an amulet. You would injure the charm or the charm would injure you.”

The poet’s curiosity was more and more aroused.

“Who gave it to you?”

She laid one finger on her mouth and concealed the amulet in her bosom. —
她用一根手指掩住嘴,把护身符藏在胸前。 —

He tried a few more questions, but she hardly replied.

“What is the meaning of the words, ‘la Esmeralda?’”
“‘la Esmeralda’这些词的意思是什么?”

“I don’t know,” said she.

“To what language do they belong?”

“They are Egyptian, I think.”

“I suspected as much,” said Gringoire, “you are not a native of France?”

“I don’t know.”

“Are your parents alive?”

She began to sing, to an ancient air,– ~Mon père est oiseau, Ma mère est oiselle. —
她开始唱起一首古老的曲调,–“我的父亲是鸟,我的母亲也是鸟。” —

B Je passe l’eau sans nacelle, Je passe l’eau sans bateau, Ma mère est oiselle, Mon père est oiseau~.*

  • My father is a bird, my mother is a bird. —
    “我的父亲是鸟,我的母亲是鸟。” —

I cross the water without a barque, I cross the water without a boat. —
“我在没有小船的情况下穿过水流,我在没有船只的情况下穿过水流。” —

My mother is a bird, my father is a bird.

“Good,” said Gringoire. “At what age did you come to France?”

“When I was very young.”

“And when to Paris?”

“Last year. At the moment when we were entering the papal gate I saw a reed warbler flit through the air, that was at the end of August; —
“去年。当我们穿过教皇门的时候,我看到一只芦莺在空中飞过,那是在八月底; —

I said, it will be a hard winter.”

“So it was,” said Gringoire, delighted at this beginning of a conversation. —
“果然是,“格林瓜尔高兴地接话。 —

“I passed it in blowing my fingers. So you have the gift of prophecy?”

She retired into her laconics again.

“Is that man whom you call the Duke of Egypt, the chief of your tribe?”


“But it was he who married us,” remarked the poet timidly.

She made her customary pretty grimace.

“I don’t even know your name.”

“My name? If you want it, here it is,–Pierre Gringoire.”

“I know a prettier one,” said she.

“Naughty girl!” retorted the poet. “Never mind, you shall not provoke me. —
“顽皮的女孩!“诗人反驳道。”算了吧,你不会惹怒我。 —

Wait, perhaps you will love me more when you know me better; —
等一下,也许当你更了解我时,你就会更爱我; —

and then, you have told me your story with so much confidence, that I owe you a little of mine. —
而且,你已经如此信任地告诉了我你的故事,我也该告诉你一点我的。 —

You must know, then, that my name is Pierre Gringoire, and that I am a son of the farmer of the notary’s office of Gonesse. —
你必须知道,我的名字叫皮埃尔·格兰哥瓦,我是戈内斯的公证处农民的儿子。 —

My father was hung by the Burgundians, and my mother disembowelled by the Picards, at the siege of Paris, twenty years ago. —
我的父亲被勃艮第人绞死,我母亲在巴黎围城时被皮卡迪人肠子掏出来,二十年前。 —

At six years of age, therefore, I was an orphan, without a sole to my foot except the pavements of Paris. I do not know how I passed the interval from six to sixteen. —
因此,在六岁时,我成了孤儿,除了巴黎的街道,脚底下没有一片土地。我不知道从六岁到十六岁的这段时间是怎么过去的。 —

A fruit dealer gave me a plum here, a baker flung me a crust there; —
一个水果商给了我一颗李子,一个面包师傅给了我一块面包皮; —

in the evening I got myself taken up by the watch, who threw me into prison, and there I found a bundle of straw. —
在晚上我被警卫抓住,他们把我扔进了监狱,里面有一捆稻草; —

All this did not prevent my growing up and growing thin, as you see. —
尽管这一切,我还是长大了,变得瘦弱,就像你看到的; —

In the winter I warmed myself in the sun, under the porch of the H? —
冬天,我在圣塞尔酒店的门廊下暖和自己,我觉得圣约翰节时生火很荒谬; —

tel de Sens, and I thought it very ridiculous that the fire on Saint John’s Day was reserved for the dog days. —
十六岁时,我希望选择一个职业。我试过各种行业。我当过士兵; —

At sixteen, I wished to choose a calling. I tried all in succession. I became a soldier; —
但我不够勇敢。我当过修道士;但我不够虔诚; —

but I was not brave enough. I became a monk; but I was not sufficiently devout; —
再者,我不擅长喝酒。绝望中,我当过伐木工人的学徒,但我不够强壮; —

and then I’m a bad hand at drinking. In despair, I became an apprentice of the woodcutters, but I was not strong enough; —
我更愿意当个教师; —

I had more of an inclination to become a schoolmaster; —
我明白过了一段时间,无论哪个方向我都缺少某种东西; —

‘tis true that I did not know how to read, but that’s no reason. —
发现自己庸碌无为,我自愿成为一名诗人和押韵诗人; —

I perceived at the end of a certain time, that I lacked something in every direction; —
这是一个流浪汉可以随时选择的职业,比我认识的一些小土匪建议我去偷东西要好; —

and seeing that I was good for nothing, of my own free will I became a poet and rhymester. —
有一天,我幸运地遇见了巴黎圣母院的尊敬的执事弗罗洛先生。他对我感兴趣,我今天才能成为一个真正的文人,懂得从西塞罗的《论官职》到Celestine Fathers的死者录,不论是在学术上,政治上还是韵律上,我都是个文雅之人,而不是蠢货。 —

That is a trade which one can always adopt when one is a vagabond, and it’s better than stealing, as some young brigands of my acquaintance advised me to do. —
我是今天在巴黎司法宫的大厅里以巨大胜利和大量人民群众参与表演的《神秘》的作者。 —

One day I met by luck, Dom Claude Frollo, the reverend archdeacon of Notre-Dame. He took an interest in me, and it is to him that I to-day owe it that I am a veritable man of letters, who knows Latin from the ~de Officiis~ of Cicero to the mortuology of the Celestine Fathers, and a barbarian neither in scholastics, nor in politics, nor in rhythmics, that sophism of sophisms. —
我是今天在巴黎司法宫的大厅里以巨大胜利和大量人民群众参与表演的《神秘》的作者。 —

I am the author of the Mystery which was presented to-day with great triumph and a great concourse of populace, in the grand hall of the Palais de Justice. —
我是今天在巴黎司法宫的大厅里以巨大胜利和大量人民群众参与表演的《神秘》的作者。 —

I have also made a book which will contain six hundred pages, on the wonderful comet of 1465, which sent one man mad. —
我还写了一本书,将会有六百页,讲述了1465年那颗奇妙的彗星,使一个人发疯。 —

I have enjoyed still other successes. Being somewhat of an artillery carpenter, I lent a hand to Jean Mangue’s great bombard, which burst, as you know, on the day when it was tested, on the Pont de Charenton, and killed four and twenty curious spectators. —
我也取得过其他一些成功。作为一名炮兵木匠,我曾帮助制造了让让·曼格的巨炮,在测试那天,你知道的,它在沙朗通桥上爆炸,炸死了二十四个好奇的观众。 —

You see that I am not a bad match in marriage. —
你看,我不是个不错的婚姻对象。 —

I know a great many sorts of very engaging tricks, which I will teach your goat; —
我知道很多非常有趣的戏法,我会教会你的山羊; —

for example, to mimic the Bishop of Paris, that cursed Pharisee whose mill wheels splash passers-by the whole length of the Pont aux Meuniers. —
比如模仿巴黎主教,那个该死的法利赛人,他的磨车喷溅到通过米尔齐桥的路人身上。 —

And then my mystery will bring me in a great deal of coined money, if they will only pay me. —
最后,只要他们肯付我报酬,我的神秘技巧会给我带来大量金钱。 —

And finally, I am at your orders, I and my wits, and my science and my letters, ready to live with you, damsel, as it shall please you, chastely or joyously; —
最后,我听候您的吩咐,我和我的智慧,我的科学和我的文学,随时愿意和您一起生活,姑娘,按您的意愿,贞洁或愉快; —

husband and wife, if you see fit; brother and sister, if you think that better.”

Gringoire ceased, awaiting the effect of his harangue on the young girl. —
格林哥尔停下来,等待着他的演讲对这位年轻女孩的影响。 —

Her eyes were fixed on the ground.

”‘Phoebus,’” she said in a low voice. Then, turning towards the poet, “‘Phoebus’,–what does that mean?”

Gringoire, without exactly understanding what the connection could be between his address and this question, was not sorry to display his erudition. —
虽然不完全理解他的演讲与这个问题之间的联系,但格林哥尔还是乐意展示自己的博学。 —

Assuming an air of importance, he replied,–

“It is a Latin word which means ‘sun.’”

“Sun!” she repeated.

“It is the name of a handsome archer, who was a god,” added Gringoire.

“A god!” repeated the gypsy, and there was something pensive and passionate in her tone.

At that moment, one of her bracelets became unfastened and fell. —
就在那时,她的一个手镯解开了,掉了下来。 —

Gringoire stooped quickly to pick it up; —
格林哥尔迅速弯腰捡起来; —

when he straightened up, the young girl and the goat had disappeared. He heard the sound of a bolt. —
当他站直时,那位年轻女孩和山羊已经消失了。他听到了一个闩的声音。 —

It was a little door, communicating, no doubt, with a neighboring cell, which was being fastened on the outside.

“Has she left me a bed, at least?” said our philosopher.

He made the tour of his cell. There was no piece of furniture adapted to sleeping purposes, except a tolerably long wooden coffer; —
他走到牢房里。除了一个相当长的木箱外,没有适合睡觉的家具; —

and its cover was carved, to boot; which afforded Gringoire, when he stretched himself out upon it, a sensation somewhat similar to that which Micromégas would feel if he were to lie down on the Alps.

“Come!” said he, adjusting himself as well as possible, “I must resign myself. —
“来吧!”他尽可能地调整自己,“我必须顺从。 —

But here’s a strange nuptial night. ‘Tis a pity. —
但这是奇怪的新婚之夜。真可惜。 —

There was something innocent and antediluvian about that broken crock, which quite pleased me.”