For many days now the fag-end of the army had been straggling through the town. —
已经有好些天了,军队的残部踉跄地穿过小镇。 —

They were not troops,but a disbanded horde. —
他们不再是有组织的部队,而是一群解散的乌合之众。 —

The beards of the men were long and filthy,their uniforms in tatters,and they advanced at an easy pace without flag or regiment. —
这些男人胡须蓬乱、肮脏,制服破烂不堪,他们无旗帜、无编制地悠闲前行。 —

All seemed worn-out and back-broken,incapable of a thought or a resolution,marching by habit solely,and falling from fatigue as soon as they stopped. —
他们看上去筋疲力尽、脊背佝偻,似乎没有任何思考或决断的能力,完全出于惯性行军,一旦停下就会因疲惫倒地。 —

In short,they were a mobilized,pacific people,bending under the weight of the gun; —
简而言之,他们就是被征召的、平和的百姓,背负着沉重的枪支; —

some little squads on the alert,easy to take alarm and prompt in enthusiasm,ready to attack or to flee;and in the midst of them,some red breeches,the remains of a division broken up in a great battle; —
一些警觉的小队,容易惊慌,激情敏捷,随时准备进攻或撤退;在它们中间,一些红裤子,大战中破碎的一个师的残余; —

some somber artillery men in line with these varied kinds of foot soldiers; —
一些阴郁的炮兵与这些不同类型的步兵排成一线; —

and,sometimes the brilliant helmet of a dragoon on foot who followed with difficulty the shortest march of the lines.

Some legions of free-shooters,under the heroic names of“Avengers of the Defeat,”“Citizens of the Tomb,”“Partakers of Death,”passed in their turn with the air of bandits.

Their leaders were former cloth or grain merchants,exmerchants in tallow or soap,warriors of circumstance,elected officers on account of their escutcheons and the length of their mustaches,covered with arms and with braid,speaking in constrained voices,discussing plans of campaign,and pretending to carry agonized France alone on their swaggering shoulders,but sometimes fearing their own soldiers,prison-birds,that were often brave at first and later proved to be plunderers and debauchees.

It was said that the Prussians were going to enter Rouen.

The National Guard who for two months had been carefully reconnoitering in the neighboring woods,shooting sometimes their own sentinels,and ready for a combat whenever a little wolf stirred in the thicket,had now returned to their firesides.Their arms,their uniforms,all the murderous accoutrements with which they had lately struck fear into the national heart for three leagues in every direction,had suddenly disappeared.

The last French soldiers finally came across the Seine to reach the Audemer bridge through Saint-Sever and Bourg-Achard; —
最后的法国士兵终于穿过塞纳河,通过Saint-Sever和Bourg-Achard到达奥德美桥; —

and,marching behind,on foot,between two officers of ordnance,the General,in despair,unable to do anything with these incongruous tatters,himself lost in the breaking-up of a people accustomed to conquer and disastrously beaten,in spite of his legendary bravery.

A profound calm,a frightful,silent expectancy had spread over the city. —
一股深沉的宁静,一种可怕的无声期待笼罩了整座城市。 —

Many of the heavy citizens,emasculated by commerce,anxiously awaited the conquerors,trembling lest their roasting spits or kitchen knives be considered arms.

All life seemed stopped;shops were closed,the streets dumb.Sometimes an inhabitant,intimidated by this silence,moved rapidly along next the walls. —
城市的生活似乎全都停滞了;商铺紧闭,街道沉寂无声。偶尔有居民,被这肃杀的气氛吓得沿着墙边快步行走。 —

The agony of waiting made them wish the enemy would come.

In the afternoon of the day which followed the departure of the French troops,some uhlans,coming from one knows not where,crossed the town with celerity.Then,a little later,a black mass descended the side of St. Catharine,while two other invading bands appeared by the way of Darnetal and Boisguillaume. —
在法国军队撤离的次日下午,一些不知从哪里来的乌兰骑兵迅速穿过了小镇。随后不久,一个黑色的群体沿着圣卡瑟琳坡下而来,同时另外两股入侵的队伍也分别从达恩塔尔和布瓦吉约姆方向出现。 —

The advance guard of the three bodies joined one another at the same moment in Hotel de Ville square and,by all the neigh-boring streets,the German army continued to arrive,spreading out its battalions,making the pavement re-sound under their hard,rhythmic step.

Some orders of the commander,in a foreign guttural voice,reached the houses which seemed dead and deserted,while behind closed shutters,eyes were watching these victorious men,masters of the city, of fortunes,of lives,through the“rights of war.”The in-habitants,shut up in their rooms,were visited with the kind of excitement that a cataclysm,or some fatal upheaval of the earth.brings to us,against which all force is useless. —
一些指挥官的命令,以一种外国的嘶哑声音,传到了那些看似死气沉沉、荒废的房屋,而在紧闭的百叶窗后,有双眼睛正通过“战争权利”监视着这些胜利者,他们掌握着城市、财富、生命。居民们关在自己的房间里,体验着一种由灾难或者是对于大地的某种致命动荡带来的刺激,对此所有的力量都显得无用。 —

For the same sensation is produced each time that the established order of things is overturned,when security no longer exists,and all that protect the laws of man and of nature find themselves at the mercy of unreasoning,ferocious brutality.The trembling of the earth crushing the houses and burying an entire people; —
因为每当既定的事物秩序被颠覆,当安全不复存在,当所有保护人类和自然法则的东西都处于无理、野蛮的暴行之下时,都会产生同样的感觉。地球的颤抖摧毁了房屋,掩埋了整个民族; —

a river overflowing its banks and carrying in its course the drowned peasants,carcasses of beeves,and girders snatched from roofs,or a glorious army massacring those trying to defend themselves,leading others prisoners,pillaging in the name of the sword and thanking God to the sound of the cannon,all are alike frightful scourges which disconnect all belief in eternal justice,all the confidence that we have in the protection of Heaven and the reason of man.