He advanced a pace, closed the door mechanically behind him, and remained standing, contemplating what he saw.

It was a vast and badly lighted apartment, now full of uproar, now full of silence, where all the apparatus of a criminal case, with its petty and mournful gravity in the midst of the throng, was in process of development.

At the one end of the hall, the one where he was, were judges, with abstracted air, in threadbare robes, who were gnawing their nails or closing their eyelids; —
在大厅的一端,他所在的地方,有着一群神情恍惚、衣衫褴褛的法官,他们啃噬着指甲或合上了眼睛; —

at the other end, a ragged crowd; lawyers in all sorts of attitudes; —
在另一端,是一群衣冠不整的人群,各种不同姿势的律师; —

soldiers with hard but honest faces; ancient, spotted woodwork, a dirty ceiling, tables covered with serge that was yellow rather than green; —
带着坚毅但诚实面孔的士兵;古老斑点遍布的木制品,肮脏的天花板,被黄色罩布覆盖的桌子; —

doors blackened by handmarks; tap-room lamps which emitted more smoke than light, suspended from nails in the wainscot; —
门上被手印玷污;从木墙上的钉子悬挂的烟雾更胜于光亮的酒馆灯; —

on the tables candles in brass candlesticks; darkness, ugliness, sadness; —
桌子上的铜烛台上点着蜡烛;黑暗、丑陋、悲伤; —

and from all this there was disengaged an austere and august impression, for one there felt that grand human thing which is called the law, and that grand divine thing which is called justice.

No one in all that throng paid any attention to him; —
在那群人中没有人注意到他; —

all glances were directed towards a single point, a wooden bench placed against a small door, in the stretch of wall on the President’s left; —
所有目光都集中在一个地方,一个木制长凳,靠在总统左侧的一扇小门前; —

on this bench, illuminated by several candles, sat a man between two gendarmes.

This man was the man.

He did not seek him; he saw him; his eyes went thither naturally, as though they had known beforehand where that figure was.

He thought he was looking at himself, grown old; —
他觉得自己在看着一个年轻时的自己; —

not absolutely the same in face, of course, but exactly similar in attitude and aspect, with his bristling hair, with that wild and uneasy eye, with that blouse, just as it was on the day when he entered D—-, full of hatred, concealing his soul in that hideous mass of frightful thoughts which he had spent nineteen years in collecting on the floor of the prison.

He said to himself with a shudder, “Good God! shall I become like that again?”
他颤抖着对自己说:“天哪! 我会再像那样吗?”

This creature seemed to be at least sixty; —
这个人看起来至少有六十岁; —

there was something indescribably coarse, stupid, and frightened about him.

At the sound made by the opening door, people had drawn aside to make way for him; —
门一开,人们都退开让他过; —

the President had turned his head, and, understanding that the personage who had just entered was the mayor of M. sur M., he had bowed to him; —
总统转过头来,明白刚刚进来的这个人是M. sur M.的市长,向他点了头; —

the attorney-general, who had seen M. Madeleine at M. Sur M., whither the duties of his office had called him more than once, recognized him and saluted him also: —
总检察长,曾经在M. sur M.见过梅德琳,正如他的职责多次召唤他那样,也认出了他,向他致意; —

he had hardly perceived it; he was the victim of a sort of hallucination; he was watching.

Judges, clerks, gendarmes, a throng of cruelly curious heads, all these he had already beheld once, in days gone by, twenty-seven years before; —
法官,书记,武装警察,一大群残忍好奇的头颅,所有这一切他已经见过一次,那是在二十七年前; —

he had encountered those fatal things once more; there they were; they moved; they existed; —
他又遇见这些致命的东西;它们就在那里;它们移动着存在着; —

it was no longer an effort of his memory, a mirage of his thought; —
这不再是他的记忆努力,他思想的幻觉; —

they were real gendarmes and real judges, a real crowd, and real men of flesh and blood: —
他们是真实的武装警察和真实的法官,真实的人群和真实的血肉之躯; —

it was all over; he beheld the monstrous aspects of his past reappear and live once more around him, with all that there is formidable in reality.

All this was yawning before him.

He was horrified by it; he shut his eyes, and exclaimed in the deepest recesses of his soul, “Never!”

And by a tragic play of destiny which made all his ideas tremble, and rendered him nearly mad, it was another self of his that was there! —
命运的悲剧性演绎使他的思想动摇,使他几乎发疯,站在那里的是他的另一个自己! —

all called that man who was being tried Jean Valjean.

Under his very eyes, unheard-of vision, he had a sort of representation of the most horrible moment of his life, enacted by his spectre.

Everything was there; the apparatus was the same, the hour of the night, the faces of the judges, of soldiers, and of spectators; —
一切都在那里;装置是一样的,夜晚的时刻,法官、士兵和观众的脸孔; —

all were the same, only above the President’s head there hung a crucifix, something which the courts had lacked at the time of his condemnation: —
一切都是相同的,只是在总统头顶上有一个十字架,这是他被判决时法庭所缺乏的东西: —

God had been absent when he had been judged.

There was a chair behind him; he dropped into it, terrified at the thought that he might be seen; —
他身后有一把椅子;他害怕自己可能被看到,跌坐在椅子上; —

when he was seated, he took advantage of a pile of cardboard boxes, which stood on the judge’s desk, to conceal his face from the whole room; —
坐下后,他利用法官桌上的一堆纸板盒遮住脸,不让整个房间看见他; —

he could now see without being seen; he had fully regained consciousness of the reality of things; —
现在他能看见而不被看见;他完全恢复了对事物现实的意识; —

gradually he recovered; he attained that phase of composure where it is possible to listen.

M. Bamatabois was one of the jurors.

He looked for Javert, but did not see him; —
他寻找着让·瓦尔琴,但没看见他; —

the seat of the witnesses was hidden from him by the clerk’s table, and then, as we have just said, the hall was sparely lighted.

At the moment of this entrance, the defendant’s lawyer had just finished his plea.

The attention of all was excited to the highest pitch; the affair had lasted for three hours: —
所有人的注意力都被激发到了最高点;这个案件已经持续了三个小时; —

for three hours that crowd had been watching a strange man, a miserable specimen of humanity, either profoundly stupid or profoundly subtle, gradually bending beneath the weight of a terrible likeness. —
三个小时来,人群一直在看一个奇怪的人,一个人类的可怜样本,可能要么极端愚蠢,要么极端狡猾,逐渐在一个可怕相似之下弯曲。 —

This man, as the reader already knows, was a vagabond who had been found in a field carrying a branch laden with ripe apples, broken in the orchard of a neighbor, called the Pierron orchard. —
这个人,正如读者所知,是一个流浪汉,在一个邻居的果园里被发现,他正提着一根挂满成熟苹果的树枝,这树枝是从皮龙果园摘下来的。 —

Who was this man? an examination had been made; witnesses had been heard, and they were unanimous; —
这个人是谁?之前已经进行了审讯;目击者已经作证,而他们的证词是一致的; —

light had abounded throughout the entire debate; the accusation said: —
整场辩论中光线非常充足;控诉者说: —

“We have in our grasp not only a marauder, a stealer of fruit; —
“我们手里不仅掌握了一个偷果子的流窃,一个小偷; —

we have here, in our hands, a bandit, an old offender who has broken his ban, an ex-convict, a miscreant of the most dangerous description, a malefactor named Jean Valjean, whom justice has long been in search of, and who, eight years ago, on emerging from the galleys at Toulon, committed a highway robbery, accompanied by violence, on the person of a child, a Savoyard named Little Gervais; —
我们在这里掌握了一名土匪,一名违背被放逐令的老罪犯,一名老练恶徒,一个极度危险描述的罪犯,名叫尚·瓦尔让,这个人已经被司法机关长时间追捕,八年前,他刚从图伦的劳改营出狱就在一个叫利特·热维的萨瓦尔小男孩身上,实施了一桩伴有暴力的抢劫案件; —

a crime provided for by article 383 of the Penal Code, the right to try him for which we reserve hereafter, when his identity shall have been judicially established. —
这样一个罪行在刑法第383条内有明确规定,我们将保留审判他的权利,待其身份得到司法认定时。 —

He has just committed a fresh theft; it is a case of a second offence; —
他刚刚犯了一起新的盗窃案;这是第二次犯罪; —

condemn him for the fresh deed; later on he will be judged for the old crime.” —
因新罪行而定罪;以后再对他进行旧罪的审判。” —

In the face of this accusation, in the face of the unanimity of the witnesses, the accused appeared to be astonished more than anything else; —
面对这一指控,面对证人的一致性,被告似乎更多地感到惊讶; —

he made signs and gestures which were meant to convey No, or else he stared at the ceiling: —
他做出手势和动作,意在表达“不”;或者盯着天花板; —

he spoke with difficulty, replied with embarrassment, but his whole person, from head to foot, was a denial; —
他说话困难,回答迟疑,但他全身上下只表现出否认; —

he was an idiot in the presence of all these minds ranged in order of battle around him, and like a stranger in the midst of this society which was seizing fast upon him; —
在所有这些围绕在他身边,按顺序排列的思维中,他就像一个白痴,就像一个外来者,被紧紧包围在这个急于逮住他的社会中; —

nevertheless, it was a question of the most menacing future for him; —
然而,对他来说,面对的是一个最具威胁性的未来; —

the likeness increased every moment, and the entire crowd surveyed, with more anxiety than he did himself, that sentence freighted with calamity, which descended ever closer over his head; —
这种相似性逐渐加深,整个人群比他自己更焦虑地审视着那个充满灾难的宣判,这宣判越来越接近他的头顶; —

there was even a glimpse of a possibility afforded; —
甚至还存在一线希望; —

besides the galleys, a possible death penalty, in case his identity were established, and the affair of Little Gervais were to end thereafter in condemnation. —
除了被判处长舟刑之外,如果他的身份被确认,而小热瓦兹的事情最终以定罪告终,他可能会面临死刑。 —

Who was this man? what was the nature of his apathy? was it imbecility or craft? —
这个人是谁?他的冷漠是什么性质?是愚蠢还是狡猾? —

Did he understand too well, or did he not understand at all? —
他是太明了,还是一无所知? —

these were questions which divided the crowd, and seemed to divide the jury; —
这些问题在人群中产生了分歧,似乎也在陪审团中产生了分歧; —

there was something both terrible and puzzling in this case: —
这个案件既可怕又令人困惑: —

the drama was not only melancholy; it was also obscure.

The counsel for the defence had spoken tolerably well, in that provincial tongue which has long constituted the eloquence of the bar, and which was formerly employed by all advocates, at Paris as well as at Romorantin or at Montbrison, and which to-day, having become classic, is no longer spoken except by the official orators of magistracy, to whom it is suited on account of its grave sonorousness and its majestic stride; —
辩护方讲得相当不错,用那种长久以来一直是各大律师所使用的乡下方言,如今已经成为经典,除了官方的法庭演说者,再也没有人在巴黎、罗莫朗蒂或蒙布里松说这种方言,因为它的庄严声音和雄健步伐正适合用来从事法庭词令; —

a tongue in which a husband is called a consort, and a woman a spouse; —
一种用丈夫称呼丈夫,用妻子称呼妻子的语言; —

Paris, the centre of art and civilization; the king, the monarch; —
巴黎,艺术与文明的中心;国王,君主; —

Monseigneur the Bishop, a sainted pontiff; —
主教阁下,一位被尊崇的教皇; —

the district-attorney, the eloquent interpreter of public prosecution; —
县检察官,公诉机关雄辩的传达者; —

the arguments, the accents which we have just listened to; the age of Louis XIV., the grand age; —
刚才听到的论点,那些口吻;路易十四时代,伟大的时代; —

a theatre, the temple of Melpomene; the reigning family, the august blood of our kings; —
一个剧院,默波门女神的庙宇;在位的皇室,我们国王的威严血统; —

a concert, a musical solemnity; the General Commandant of the province, the illustrious warrior, who, etc. —
一个音乐厅,一个音乐的庄严仪式;这个省的总指挥,那个杰出的战士,等等。 —

; the pupils in the seminary, these tender levities; —
;修道院学生,这些儿戏;. —

errors imputed to newspapers, the imposture which distills its venom through the columns of those organs; —
报纸上错误的归咎,通过这些媒体的栏目传播其毒素的冒名顶替者; —

etc. The lawyer had, accordingly, begun with an explanation as to the theft of the apples,–an awkward matter couched in fine style; —
律师因此开始解释苹果被偷的事情,这是一个尴尬的问题,用精美的风格表达; —

but Benigne Bossuet himself was obliged to allude to a chicken in the midst of a funeral oration, and he extricated himself from the situation in stately fashion. —
但是,甚至巴维埃·博伊约本人也被迫在一场葬礼演说中提到一只小鸡,并且以端庄的方式摆脱了这种局面。 —

The lawyer established the fact that the theft of the apples had not been circumstantially proved. —
律师证实了苹果被偷的事实尚未被详细证明。 —

His client, whom he, in his character of counsel, persisted in calling Champmathieu, had not been seen scaling that wall nor breaking that branch by any one. —
他的客户,根据辩护律师的说法一直坚持称呼他为尚马蒂厄,没有被任何人看见攀爬那堵墙或打断那树枝。 —

He had been taken with that branch (which the lawyer preferred to call a bough) in his possession; —
他被发现带着那根树枝(律师更喜欢称之为大树枝); —

but he said that he had found it broken off and lying on the ground, and had picked it up. —
但他说他发现它被打断并且躺在地上,所以他捡了起来。 —

Where was there any proof to the contrary? —
难道有反驳的证据吗? —

No doubt that branch had been broken off and concealed after the scaling of the wall, then thrown away by the alarmed marauder; —
毫无疑问,那根树枝是在攀墙之后被打断和藏起,然后被惊慌的窃贼扔掉; —

there was no doubt that there had been a thief in the case. —
毫无疑问,在这个案件中确实有个小偷。 —

But what proof was there that that thief had been Champmathieu? One thing only. —
但有什么证据表明那个小偷就是尚马蒂厄吗?只有一件事。 —

His character as an ex-convict. The lawyer did not deny that that character appeared to be, unhappily, well attested; —
他作为一个前囚犯的形象。律师并不否认,不幸地,这种形象似乎被确凿证实; —

the accused had resided at Faverolles; the accused had exercised the calling of a tree-pruner there; the name of Champmathieu might well have had its origin in Jean Mathieu; —
被告曾经住在法夫罗尔;被告以那里的树木修剪工为职;尚马蒂厄这个名字很可能源于让·马蒂厄; —

all that was true,– in short, four witnesses recognize Champmathieu, positively and without hesitation, as that convict, Jean Valjean; —
这一切都是真的,- 简而言之,四名证人坚定地、毫不犹豫地认出尚马蒂厄,即那个囚犯让·瓦尔热; —

to these signs, to this testimony, the counsel could oppose nothing but the denial of his client, the denial of an interested party; —
对于这些迹象,这些证词,辩护律师除了当事人的否认什么也无法反对; —

but supposing that he was the convict Jean Valjean, did that prove that he was the thief of the apples? —
但假如他是逃犯让·瓦尔让,这是否证明他偷了苹果? —

that was a presumption at the most, not a proof. —
这只是最多的一个推测,而不是证据。 —

The prisoner, it was true, and his counsel, “in good faith,” was obliged to admit it, had adopted “a bad system of defence.” —
囚犯必须承认,他的辩护律师“本着诚实的精神”不得不承认,他采取了“糟糕的辩护系统”。 —

He obstinately denied everything, the theft and his character of convict. —
他顽固地否认了一切,偷窃和罪犯身份。 —

An admission upon this last point would certainly have been better, and would have won for him the indulgence of his judges; —
就这最后一点承认肯定会更好,并且会为他赢得法官的宽容; —

the counsel had advised him to do this; but the accused had obstinately refused, thinking, no doubt, that he would save everything by admitting nothing. —
律师已经建议他这样做;但被告顽固地拒绝了,毫无疑问认为通过一无所承认可以挽救一切。 —

It was an error; but ought not the paucity of this intelligence to be taken into consideration? —
这是一个错误;但是这个人的智商的贫乏难道不应该被考虑吗? —

This man was visibly stupid. Long-continued wretchedness in the galleys, long misery outside the galleys, had brutalized him, etc. —
这个人显然愚蠢。长期在监狱里饱受苦难,离开监狱后又饱受痛苦,使他变得野蛮,等等。 —

He defended himself badly; was that a reason for condemning him? —
他辩护得很差;这难道是定罪的理由吗? —

As for the affair with Little Gervais, the counsel need not discuss it; —
至于和小热歪之间的事情,律师不必讨论; —

it did not enter into the case. The lawyer wound up by beseeching the jury and the court, if the identity of Jean Valjean appeared to them to be evident, to apply to him the police penalties which are provided for a criminal who has broken his ban, and not the frightful chastisement which descends upon the convict guilty of a second offence.

The district-attorney answered the counsel for the defence. —
地方检察官回应了辩护律师。 —

He was violent and florid, as district-attorneys usually are.

He congratulated the counsel for the defence on his “loyalty,” and skilfully took advantage of this loyalty. —
他祝贺辩护律师“忠诚”,并巧妙地利用了这种忠诚。 —

He reached the accused through all the concessions made by his lawyer. —
他通过律师的一切让被告受到影响。 —

The advocate had seemed to admit that the prisoner was Jean Valjean. He took note of this. —
辩护律师似乎承认了囚犯是让·瓦尔让。他注意到了这一点。 —

So this man was Jean Valjean. This point had been conceded to the accusation and could no longer be disputed. —
因此,这个人就是让·瓦尔让。这一点已被指控的人接受,不再有争议。 —

Here, by means of a clever autonomasia which went back to the sources and causes of crime, the district-attorney thundered against the immorality of the romantic school, then dawning under the name of the Satanic school, which had been bestowed upon it by the critics of the Quotidienne and the Oriflamme; —
在这里,通过一种巧妙的格言,回溯罪犯的根源和原因,检察官谴责了罪恶的浪漫学派,那时正以撒旦学派的名义开端,这个名号由《每日快报》和《战旗报》的评论家们赋予。 —

he attributed, not without some probability, to the influence of this perverse literature the crime of Champmathieu, or rather, to speak more correctly, of Jean Valjean. —
他把香普马修的罪行归因于这种堕落文学的影响,而更正确地说,应该归因于让·瓦尔让。 —

Having exhausted these considerations, he passed on to Jean Valjean himself. —
在消耗了这些考虑后,他转向让·瓦尔让本人。 —

Who was this Jean Valjean? Description of Jean Valjean: a monster spewed forth, etc. —
这个让·瓦尔让是谁?让·瓦尔让的描述:一个被排斥出来的怪兽等等。 —

The model for this sort of description is contained in the tale of Theramene, which is not useful to tragedy, but which every day renders great services to judicial eloquence. —
这种描述的模式包含在泰雷米尼的故事中,这对悲剧没有用,但每天对法庭雄辩提供巨大的帮助。 —

The audience and the jury “shuddered.” The description finished, the district-attorney resumed with an oratorical turn calculated to raise the enthusiasm of the journal of the prefecture to the highest pitch on the following day: —
观众和陪审团“颤抖”着。描述结束后,检察官以雄辩的转折继续,旨在在隔天引起府报的热情。 —

And it is such a man, etc., etc., etc., vagabond, beggar, without means of existence, etc., etc. —
就是这样一个人,等等等等,游荡者,乞丐,生计无着等等。 —

, inured by his past life to culpable deeds, and but little reformed by his sojourn in the galleys, as was proved by the crime committed against Little Gervais, etc. —
他过去的生活使他习惯于可耻的行为,而在监狱中的经历几乎没有令他改邪归正,这从他对小热维的罪行可见一斑等等。 —

, etc.; it is such a man, caught upon the highway in the very act of theft, a few paces from a wall that had been scaled, still holding in his hand the object stolen, who denies the crime, the theft, the climbing the wall; —
等等;就是这样一个人,在公路上被抓住正从事盗窃行为,距离已经越过的一堵墙仅几步之遥,仍手握着被偷的物品,却否认罪行、盗窃、翻墙。 —

denies everything; denies even his own identity! —
否认一切;甚至否认自己的身份! —

In addition to a hundred other proofs, to which we will not recur, four witnesses recognize him–Javert, the upright inspector of police; —
除了其他上百的证据,我们不再详述,有四位证人承认他–廉直的警察局长雅韦,及他的三个前同伙,惩处、谌尼迪约和科谢贝耳。 —

Javert, and three of his former companions in infamy, the convicts Brevet, Chenildieu, and Cochepaille. —
他提出了什么来反驳这种压倒性的一致意见呢?他的否认。何等执拗! —

What does he offer in opposition to this overwhelming unanimity? His denial. What obduracy! —
他对此压倒性的一致意见提出了什么反对意见呢?他的否认。何等执拗! —

You will do justice, gentlemen of the jury, etc., etc. —
你们陪审团的各位将会做出公正的裁决,等等等等。 —

While the district-attorney was speaking, the accused listened to him open-mouthed, with a sort of amazement in which some admiration was assuredly blended. —
当检察官讲话时,被告着迷地张大嘴巴听着,其中必然掺杂着一些敬佩。 —

He was evidently surprised that a man could talk like that. —
他显然很惊讶一个人可以说出那样的话来。 —

From time to time, at those “energetic” moments of the prosecutor’s speech, when eloquence which cannot contain itself overflows in a flood of withering epithets and envelops the accused like a storm, he moved his head slowly from right to left and from left to right in the sort of mute and melancholy protest with which he had contented himself since the beginning of the argument. —
在检察官演讲中那些”充满能量”的时刻,当雄辩不能自持而以具有摧毁力的恶语大雨般覆盖被告时,他以无言的、忧郁的方式抗议自始至终。 —

Two or three times the spectators who were nearest to him heard him say in a low voice, “That is what comes of not having asked M. Baloup.” —
两三次离他最近的旁观者听到他低声说道,”这就是没有问过巴卢先生的后果。” —

The district-attorney directed the attention of the jury to this stupid attitude, evidently deliberate, which denoted not imbecility, but craft, skill, a habit of deceiving justice, and which set forth in all its nakedness the “profound perversity” of this man. —
检察官把注意力引到了这种愚蠢的姿态上,显然是故意的,它不是愚蠢,而是狡猾、熟练、一种愚弄司法的习惯,无情地揭示了这个人的”深层的堕落”。 —

He ended by making his reserves on the affair of Little Gervais and demanding a severe sentence.

At that time, as the reader will remember, it was penal servitude for life.

The counsel for the defence rose, began by complimenting Monsieur l’Avocat-General on his “admirable speech,” then replied as best he could; —
辩护律师起身,先是恭维了一番检察官的”出色演说”,然后尽力回复; —

but he weakened; the ground was evidently slipping away from under his feet.