Let us turn back,–that is one of the story-teller’s rights,– and put ourselves once more in the year 1815, and even a little earlier than the epoch when the action narrated in the first part of this book took place.

If it had not rained in the night between the 17th and the 18th of June, 1815, the fate of Europe would have been different. —
如果1815年6月17日和18日之间的夜晚没有下雨,欧洲的命运将会不同。 —

A few drops of water, more or less, decided the downfall of Napoleon. —
几滴水多少,决定了拿破仑的失败。 —

All that Providence required in order to make Waterloo the end of Austerlitz was a little more rain, and a cloud traversing the sky out of season sufficed to make a world crumble.

The battle of Waterloo could not be begun until half-past eleven o’clock, and that gave Blucher time to come up. —
滑铁卢之战直到11点半才开始,而这给了布吕歇时间赶到。 —

Why? Because the ground was wet. The artillery had to wait until it became a little firmer before they could manoeuvre.

Napoleon was an artillery officer, and felt the effects of this. —
拿破仑是一位炮兵军官,他深受此影响。 —

The foundation of this wonderful captain was the man who, in the report to the Directory on Aboukir, said: —
这位了不起的统帅的基础就是在报告上告诉执政府关于亚历山大要塞的报告上说: —

Such a one of our balls killed six men. All his plans of battle were arranged for projectiles. —
我们的炮弹击杀了六名敌人。他的所有战斗计划都是为了炮弹而设计的。 —

The key to his victory was to make the artillery converge on one point. —
他的胜利关键是让火炮汇聚在一个点上。 —

He treated the strategy of the hostile general like a citadel, and made a breach in it. —
他把敌军指挥官的战略看待如同一座城堡,然后在其上开辟一条缺口。 —

He overwhelmed the weak point with grape-shot; he joined and dissolved battles with cannon. —
他用榴弹重创敌军的薄弱点;他用火炮打通和瓦解战斗。 —

There was something of the sharpshooter in his genius. —
他的天才中有些射手身手。 —

To beat in squares, to pulverize regiments, to break lines, to crush and disperse masses,–for him everything lay in this, to strike, strike, strike incessantly,– and he intrusted this task to the cannon-ball. —
打破方阵,粉碎军团,冲破阵线,粉碎和驱散大军,对于他来说一切都在于这点,不断地打击,打击,打击,而他把这个任务交给了炮弹。 —

A redoubtable method, and one which, united with genius, rendered this gloomy athlete of the pugilism of war invincible for the space of fifteen years.

On the 18th of June, 1815, he relied all the more on his artillery, because he had numbers on his side. —
1815年6月18日,由于人数占优势,他更加依赖自己的炮兵。 —

Wellington had only one hundred and fifty-nine mouths of fire; —
威灵顿只有一百五十九门火炮; —

Napoleon had two hundred and forty.

Suppose the soil dry, and the artillery capable of moving, the action would have begun at six o’clock in the morning. —
假设土壤干燥,火炮能够移动,战斗应该在早上六点开始。 —

The battle would have been won and ended at two o’clock, three hours before the change of fortune in favor of the Prussians. —
战斗应该在下午两点结束并取得胜利,比普鲁士人反扑的改变命运提前三个小时。 —

What amount of blame attaches to Napoleon for the loss of this battle? —
拿破仑在这场战斗中失利承担了多少责任? —

Is the shipwreck due to the pilot?

Was it the evident physical decline of Napoleon that complicated this epoch by an inward diminution of force? —
是拿破仑明显的体力衰退使这个时代复杂化,内在力量减少了吗? —

Had the twenty years of war worn out the blade as it had worn the scabbard, the soul as well as the body? —
二十年的战争已经像磨削剑鞘一样磨平了刀刃,灵魂和身体? —

Did the veteran make himself disastrously felt in the leader? —
那个老兵在领导者身上造成了灾难性的影响吗? —

In a word, was this genius, as many historians of note have thought, suffering from an eclipse? —
总而言之,正如很多著名历史学家所认为的那样,这位天才是否遭遇了一次日蚀? —

Did he go into a frenzy in order to disguise his weakened powers from himself? —
他是在为了掩饰自己衰弱的力量而发狂吗? —

Did he begin to waver under the delusion of a breath of adventure? —
他是出于冒险的幻想而开始犹豫吗? —

Had he become–a grave matter in a general–unconscious of peril? —
他已经变得在战争中毫无意识了吗? —

Is there an age, in this class of material great men, who may be called the giants of action, when genius grows short-sighted? —
在这类行动中的材料大人物中,是否有一定的年龄,可以称之为行动的巨人,天才变得短视了? —

Old age has no hold on the geniuses of the ideal; —
理想的天才不受年龄的限制; —

for the Dantes and Michael Angelos to grow old is to grow in greatness; —
对于但丁和米开朗基罗来说,年龄的增长是伟大的象征; —

is it to grow less for the Hannibals and the Bonapartes? —
对于汉尼拔和波拿巴来说,年龄增长是否意味着减少? —

Had Napoleon lost the direct sense of victory? —
拿破仑是否失去了胜利的直觉? —

Had he reached the point where he could no longer recognize the reef, could no longer divine the snare, no longer discern the crumbling brink of abysses? —
他是否到了不再识别暗礁、无法洞悉陷阱、不再辨认悬崖边缘的地步? —

Had he lost his power of scenting out catastrophes? —
他是否失去了预知灾难的能力? —

He who had in former days known all the roads to triumph, and who, from the summit of his chariot of lightning, pointed them out with a sovereign finger, had he now reached that state of sinister amazement when he could lead his tumultuous legions harnessed to it, to the precipice? —
曾经通往胜利的所有道路他都了如指掌,但现在是否已经陷入了无法领导汹涌的军队走向深渊的可怕惊愕状态? —

Was he seized at the age of forty-six with a supreme madness? —
他在四十六岁时是否陷入了最后的疯狂? —

Was that titanic charioteer of destiny no longer anything more than an immense dare-devil?

We do not think so.

His plan of battle was, by the confession of all, a masterpiece. —
他的战斗计划,众人都承认,是一部杰作。 —

To go straight to the centre of the Allies’ line, to make a breach in the enemy, to cut them in two, to drive the British half back on Hal, and the Prussian half on Tongres, to make two shattered fragments of Wellington and Blucher, to carry Mont-Saint-Jean, to seize Brussels, to hurl the German into the Rhine, and the Englishman into the sea. —
直接冲向联军阵线中央,击溃敌人,将他们一分为二,将英军半军拱回哈尔,普军半军赶回通格尔斯,并让惠灵顿和布吕歇尔支离破碎,占领蒙山,夺取布鲁塞尔,将德军扔进莱茵河,英军扔进海里。 —

All this was contained in that battle, according to Napoleon. —
所有这一切都包含在那场战斗中,拿破仑认为。 —

Afterwards people would see.

Of course, we do not here pretend to furnish a history of the battle of Waterloo; —
当然,我们在这里并不打算提供滑铁卢战役的历史记录。 —

one of the scenes of the foundation of the story which we are relating is connected with this battle, but this history is not our subject; —
我们讲述的故事中,其中一个场景与这场战役有关,但这个历史不是我们的主题; —

this history, moreover, has been finished, and finished in a masterly manner, from one point of view by Napoleon, and from another point of view by a whole pleiad of historians.[7]

[7] Walter Scott, Lamartine, Vaulabelle, Charras, Quinet, Thiers.

As for us, we leave the historians at loggerheads; —
至于我们,我们让历史学家们争论不休; —

we are but a distant witness, a passer-by on the plain, a seeker bending over that soil all made of human flesh, taking appearances for realities, perchance; —
我们只是远远地旁观者,平原上的过客,在那片由人类血肉铺就的土地上俯身,或许以表象为现实; —

we have no right to oppose, in the name of science, a collection of facts which contain illusions, no doubt; —
我们没有权利基于科学去反对一个包含幻想的事实集合; —

we possess neither military practice nor strategic ability which authorize a system; —
我们既没有军事实践,也没有战略能力来确立一个体系; —

in our opinion, a chain of accidents dominated the two leaders at Waterloo; —
在我们看来,一连串的意外压制了滑铁卢的两位领袖; —

and when it becomes a question of destiny, that mysterious culprit, we judge like that ingenious judge, the populace.