Whether I shall turn out to be the hero of my own life, or whether that station will be held by anybody else, these pages must show. —
是否我会成为自己生活中的英雄,或者这个位置将被其他人所拥有,这些页面必须展示。 —

To begin my life with the beginning of my life, I record that I was born (as I have been informed and believe) on a Friday, at twelve o’clock at night. —
要以我的生命开始来开始我的生命,我记录我是在一个星期五的午夜十二点出生的(据我所知与相信)。 —

It was remarked that the clock began to strike, and I began to cry, simultaneously.

In consideration of the day and hour of my birth, it was declared by the nurse, and by some sage women in the neighbourhood who had taken a lively interest in me several months before there was any possibility of our becoming personally acquainted, first, that I was destined to be unlucky in life; —
考虑到我的出生日期和时间,护士和附近一些明智的妇女在我们还没有可能个人相识的几个月前就对我产生了浓厚兴趣,首先宣称我注定在生活中不幸; —

and secondly, that I was privileged to see ghosts and spirits; —
其次,我有特权看到幽灵和灵魂; —

both these gifts inevitably attaching, as they believed, to all unlucky infants of either gender, born towards the small hours on a Friday night.

I need say nothing here, on the first head, because nothing can show better than my history whether that prediction was verified or falsified by the result. —
在第一个观点上,我在这里无需多言,因为没有什么比我的历史更能展示出那个预测是验证还是被证明错误了。 —

On the second branch of the question, I will only remark, that unless I ran through that part of my inheritance while I was still a baby, I have not come into it yet. —
关于第二个问题,我只想指出,除非我在还是婴儿时就用掉了这部分遗产,否则我现在还没有得到它。 —

But I do not at all complain of having been kept out of this property; —
但我一点也不抱怨被排除在这份财产之外; —

and if anybody else should be in the present enjoyment of it, he is heartily welcome to keep it.

I was born with a caul, which was advertised for sale, in the newspapers, at the low price of fifteen guineas. —
我出生时带着一个羊帘,当时这在报纸上以十五英镑的低价广告出售。 —

Whether sea-going people were short of money about that time, or were short of faith and preferred cork jackets, I don’t know; —
在那个时候海上的人或者是缺少钱财,或者是缺乏信仰,并更喜欢软木救生衣,我不知道; —

all I know is, that there was but one solitary bidding, and that was from an attorney connected with the bill-broking business, who offered two pounds in cash, and the balance in sherry, but declined to be guaranteed from drowning on any higher bargain. —
我只知道只有一个孤独的出价,那是一个与票据兑现业务相关的律师,他提供两磅现金,余下的部分用雪利酒支付,但拒绝对任何更高价格的交易作出保证免受溺水之苦。 —

Consequently the advertisement was withdrawn at a dead loss - for as to sherry, my poor dear mother’s own sherry was in the market then - and ten years afterwards, the caul was put up in a raffle down in our part of the country, to fifty members at half-a-crown a head, the winner to spend five shillings. —
结果这则广告是损失惨重的——因为至于雪利酒,我亲爱的母亲自己的雪利酒当时在市场上——十年以后,这块羊帘被在我们国家的某个地方以每人半冠的价格拍卖给了五十名会员,赢家要花费五先令。 —

I was present myself, and I remember to have felt quite uncomfortable and confused, at a part of myself being disposed of in that way. —
我亲自在场,我记得我感到相当不舒服和困惑,自己的一部分竟以这种方式被处置。 —

The caul was won, I recollect, by an old lady with a hand-basket, who, very reluctantly, produced from it the stipulated five shillings, all in halfpence, and twopence halfpenny short - as it took an immense time and a great waste of arithmetic, to endeavour without any effect to prove to her. —
我记得那块胎盘是被一个老太太用一个手篮赢得的,她非常不情愿地从中拿出了规定的五先令,都是半便士,并且少了两便士半 - 当她试图没能证明给她看的时候,她花了很长时间和很多算术。 —

It is a fact which will be long remembered as remarkable down there, that she was never drowned, but died triumphantly in bed, at ninety-two. —
人们长久以来都记得一个很显著的事实,她从未被淹死,而是在九十二岁时在床上得胜而归。 —

I have understood that it was, to the last, her proudest boast, that she never had been on the water in her life, except upon a bridge; —
我听说,她非常自豪地宣称,她一生中从未乘船,除了桥上; —

and that over her tea (to which she was extremely partial) she, to the last, expressed her indignation at the impiety of mariners and others, who had the presumption to go ‘meandering’ about the world. —
她在喝茶时(她非常喜欢喝茶)也向最后表示她对船员和其他人“漫游”世界的亵渎之情。 —

It was in vain to represent to her that some conveniences, tea perhaps included, resulted from this objectionable practice. —
对她来说,描绘一些便利之事(茶可能包括在内)都是徒劳无益的。 —

She always returned, with greater emphasis and with an instinctive knowledge of the strength of her objection, ‘Let us have no meandering.’

Not to meander myself, at present, I will go back to my birth.

I was born at Blunderstone, in Suffolk, or ‘there by’, as they say in Scotland. —
我出生于萨福克郡的布伦德斯通,或者说是“那附近”,就像他们在苏格兰所说的那样。 —

I was a posthumous child. My father’s eyes had closed upon the light of this world six months, when mine opened on it. —
我是一个晚出生的孩子。当我的眼睛第一次看到这个世界的光芒时,我父亲的眼睛已经在六个月前闭上了。 —

There is something strange to me, even now, in the reflection that he never saw me; —
现在想来,让我感到奇怪的是,他从未看见过我; —

and something stranger yet in the shadowy remembrance that I have of my first childish associations with his white grave-stone in the churchyard, and of the indefinable compassion I used to feel for it lying out alone there in the dark night, when our little parlour was warm and bright with fire and candle, and the doors of our house were - almost cruelly, it seemed to me sometimes - bolted and locked against it.

An aunt of my father’s, and consequently a great-aunt of mine, of whom I shall have more to relate by and by, was the principal magnate of our family. —
我父亲的一个姑姑,因此也就是我的一个曾祖母,是我们家族的主要人物。 —

Miss Trotwood, or Miss Betsey, as my poor mother always called her, when she sufficiently overcame her dread of this formidable personage to mention her at all (which was seldom), had been married to a husband younger than herself, who was very handsome, except in the sense of the homely adage, ‘handsome is, that handsome does’ - for he was strongly suspected of having beaten Miss Betsey, and even of having once, on a disputed question of supplies, made some hasty but determined arrangements to throw her out of a two pair of stairs’ window. —
特劳特伍德小姐,或者我可怜的母亲总是这样称呼她的贝茨小姐,当她终于克服了对这位可怕人物的恐惧,很少提及她的时候(这是很少发生的),贝茨小姐比我父亲小一点,据信曾殴打过贝茨小姐,甚至还有一次在贝茨小姐对资源问题有争论时,作出了一些匆忙但坚决的安排,试图把她扔下两层楼的窗户。 —

These evidences of an incompatibility of temper induced Miss Betsey to pay him off, and effect a separation by mutual consent. —
这些表明性情不合的证据促使贝茨小姐把他赶走,并以双方同意的方式实现了分手。 —

He went to India with his capital, and there, according to a wild legend in our family, he was once seen riding on an elephant, in company with a Baboon; —
他带着自己的资本去了印度,并且根据我们家族中的一个疯狂传说,他曾被看到与狒狒一起骑在大象上; —

but I think it must have been a Baboo - or a Begum. Anyhow, from India tidings of his death reached home, within ten years. —
但我认为他可能是一个巴布 - 或者是一个贝古姆。无论如何,十年内,从印度传来了他去世的消息。 —

How they affected my aunt, nobody knew; for immediately upon the separation, she took her maiden name again, bought a cottage in a hamlet on the sea-coast a long way off, established herself there as a single woman with one servant, and was understood to live secluded, ever afterwards, in an inflexible retirement.

My father had once been a favourite of hers, I believe; —
我相信我父亲曾经是她的宠儿; —

but she was mortally affronted by his marriage, on the ground that my mother was ‘a wax doll’. —
但她对他的婚姻感到深深的冒犯,理由是我母亲是“一个蜡偶”。 —

She had never seen my mother, but she knew her to be not yet twenty. —
她从未见过我母亲,但她知道我母亲还不到二十。 —

My father and Miss Betsey never met again. —
我父亲和贝茜小姐再也没有见过面。 —

He was double my mother’s age when he married, and of but a delicate constitution. —
他在结婚时比我母亲大一倍岁数,而且体质虚弱。 —

He died a year afterwards, and, as I have said, six months before I came into the world.

This was the state of matters, on the afternoon of, what I may be excused for calling, that eventful and important Friday. —
在那个充满事件和重要性的星期五的下午,情况就是这样。 —

I can make no claim therefore to have known, at that time, how matters stood; —
因此,当时我无法声称知道事情的真相; —

or to have any remembrance, founded on the evidence of my own senses, of what follows.

My mother was sitting by the fire, but poorly in health, and very low in spirits, looking at it through her tears, and desponding heavily about herself and the fatherless little stranger, who was already welcomed by some grosses of prophetic pins, in a drawer upstairs, to a world not at all excited on the subject of his arrival; —
我母亲坐在火炉旁,身体不好,心情低落,透过眼泪看着火,因自身和那个丧父的小陌生人而深感沮丧。楼上抽屉里已经用几打的预防针欢迎他来到一个对他的到来毫无兴奋的世界; —

my mother, I say, was sitting by the fire, that bright, windy March afternoon, very timid and sad, and very doubtful of ever coming alive out of the trial that was before her, when, lifting her eyes as she dried them, to the window opposite, she saw a strange lady coming up the garden.

MY mother had a sure foreboding at the second glance, that it was Miss Betsey. —
我母亲第二眼看到就有了一种准确的预感,那肯定是贝茜小姐。 —

The setting sun was glowing on the strange lady, over the garden-fence, and she came walking up to the door with a fell rigidity of figure and composure of countenance that could have belonged to nobody else.

When she reached the house, she gave another proof of her identity. —
她来到房子前,又给了我母亲一个确凿的证明。 —

My father had often hinted that she seldom conducted herself like any ordinary Christian; —
我父亲常常暗示她很少表现得像一个普通的基督徒; —

and now, instead of ringing the bell, she came and looked in at that identical window, pressing the end of her nose against the glass to that extent, that my poor dear mother used to say it became perfectly flat and white in a moment.

She gave my mother such a turn, that I have always been convinced I am indebted to Miss Betsey for having been born on a Friday.

My mother had left her chair in her agitation, and gone behind it in the corner. —
我母亲在慌乱中离开了椅子,走到角落里。 —

Miss Betsey, looking round the room, slowly and inquiringly, began on the other side, and carried her eyes on, like a Saracen’s Head in a Dutch clock, until they reached my mother. —
贝茜小姐慢慢地、询问地看了看房间另一边,然后继续眯着眼睛看,就像荷兰钟表里的一个萨拉森人头,直到看到我母亲。 —

Then she made a frown and a gesture to my mother, like one who was accustomed to be obeyed, to come and open the door. My mother went.

‘Mrs. David Copperfield, I think,’ said Miss Betsey; —
‘大卫·科波菲尔夫人,我想是吧,’贝茜小姐说; —

the emphasis referring, perhaps, to my mother’s mourning weeds, and her condition.

‘Yes,’ said my mother, faintly.

‘Miss Trotwood,’ said the visitor. ‘You have heard of her, I dare say?’

My mother answered she had had that pleasure. —
我母亲回答说她有过那个快乐。 —

And she had a disagreeable consciousness of not appearing to imply that it had been an overpowering pleasure.

‘Now you see her,’ said Miss Betsey. My mother bent her head, and begged her to walk in.

They went into the parlour my mother had come from, the fire in the best room on the other side of the passage not being lighted - not having been lighted, indeed, since my father’s funeral; —
她们走进了我母亲来自的客厅,过道另一侧的上好房里的火炉没有点着 - 自从我父亲的葬礼以来确实没有点着; —

and when they were both seated, and Miss Betsey said nothing, my mother, after vainly trying to restrain herself, began to cry. —
当她们坐下来后,贝茜小姐什么也没说,我母亲尽管试图抑制自己,却开始哭了。 —

‘Oh tut, tut, tut!’ said Miss Betsey, in a hurry. —
‘噢,啪啪啪!’贝茜小姐急忙说。 —

‘Don’t do that! Come, come!’

My mother couldn’t help it notwithstanding, so she cried until she had had her cry out.

‘Take off your cap, child,’ said Miss Betsey, ‘and let me see you.’

MY mother was too much afraid of her to refuse compliance with this odd request, if she had any disposition to do so. —
我母亲太害怕她了,以至于如果她有任何不愿意的倾向的话,也不敢拒绝这个古怪的要求。 —

Therefore she did as she was told, and did it with such nervous hands that her hair (which was luxuriant and beautiful) fell all about her face.

‘Why, bless my heart!’ exclaimed Miss Betsey. ‘You are a very Baby!’

My mother was, no doubt, unusually youthful in appearance even for her years; —
毫无疑问,我的母亲在外表上甚至比她的年龄更年轻。 —

she hung her head, as if it were her fault, poor thing, and said, sobbing, that indeed she was afraid she was but a childish widow, and would be but a childish mother if she lived. —
她低着头,仿佛一切都是她的错,可怜的东西,她抽泣着说,她真的害怕自己只是一个孩子般的寡妇,如果活下去也只会成为一个孩子般的母亲。 —

In a short pause which ensued, she had a fancy that she felt Miss Betsey touch her hair, and that with no ungentle hand; —
在接下来的短暂停顿中,她幻想自己感觉到贝茜小姐碰了碰她的头发,而且并不粗暴; —

but, looking at her, in her timid hope, she found that lady sitting with the skirt of her dress tucked up, her hands folded on one knee, and her feet upon the fender, frowning at the fire.

‘In the name of Heaven,’ said Miss Betsey, suddenly, ‘why Rookery?’

‘Do you mean the house, ma’am?’ asked my mother.

‘Why Rookery?’ said Miss Betsey. ‘Cookery would have been more to the purpose, if you had had any practical ideas of life, either of you.’

‘The name was Mr. Copperfield’s choice,’ returned my mother. —
“这个名字是柯波菲尔德先生选的,”我母亲回答道。 —

‘When he bought the house, he liked to think that there were rooks about it.’

The evening wind made such a disturbance just now, among some tall old elm-trees at the bottom of the garden, that neither my mother nor Miss Betsey could forbear glancing that way. —
刚才晚风在花园底部一些高大的老榆树间掀起了一阵骚动,以至于我母亲和贝茜小姐都不由得往那边看了一眼。 —

As the elms bent to one another, like giants who were whispering secrets, and after a few seconds of such repose, fell into a violent flurry, tossing their wild arms about, as if their late confidences were really too wicked for their peace of mind, some weatherbeaten ragged old rooks’-nests, burdening their higher branches, swung like wrecks upon a stormy sea.

‘Where are the birds?’ asked Miss Betsey.

‘The -? ’ My mother had been thinking of something else.

‘The rooks - what has become of them?’ asked Miss Betsey.

‘There have not been any since we have lived here,’ said my mother. —
“我们住在这儿时从未有过,”我妈妈说。 —

‘We thought - Mr. Copperfield thought - it was quite a large rookery; —
“我们以为——柯波菲尔德先生以为——那是一个相当大的乌鸦栖地; —

but the nests were very old ones, and the birds have deserted them a long while.’

‘David Copperfield all over!’ cried Miss Betsey. ‘David Copperfield from head to foot! —
“全是大卫·柯波菲尔德!”贝茜小姐叫道。“头到脚都是大卫·柯波菲尔德!” —

Calls a house a rookery when there’s not a rook near it, and takes the birds on trust, because he sees the nests!’

‘Mr. Copperfield,’ returned my mother, ‘is dead, and if you dare to speak unkindly of him to me -’

My poor dear mother, I suppose, had some momentary intention of committing an assault and battery upon my aunt, who could easily have settled her with one hand, even if my mother had been in far better training for such an encounter than she was that evening. —
可怜的母亲,我想,也许曾经有短暂的打算要攻击我姨母,即使那晚我母亲要是处于更好的状态,这场冲突也轻而易举地会被解决。 —

But it passed with the action of rising from her chair; —
但随着她从椅子上站起来,这个念头便消失了; —

and she sat down again very meekly, and fainted.

When she came to herself, or when Miss Betsey had restored her, whichever it was, she found the latter standing at the window. —
她清醒过来时,或者说是贝茜小姐使她清醒的,不管是哪一个,她发现后者站在窗前。 —

The twilight was by this time shading down into darkness; —
夕阳此时已经渐渐变暗; —

and dimly as they saw each other, they could not have done that without the aid of the fire.

‘Well?’ said Miss Betsey, coming back to her chair, as if she had only been taking a casual look at the prospect; —
“怎么样?”贝茜小姐回到椅子边,在窗外随意看了一眼好像; —

‘and when do you expect -’

‘I am all in a tremble,’ faltered my mother. —
“我全身发抖,”我妈妈结结巴巴地说。 —

‘I don’t know what’s the matter. I shall die, I am sure!’

‘No, no, no,’ said Miss Betsey. ‘Have some tea.’

‘Oh dear me, dear me, do you think it will do me any good?’ cried my mother in a helpless manner.

‘Of course it will,’ said Miss Betsey. ‘It’s nothing but fancy. What do you call your girl?’

‘I don’t know that it will be a girl, yet, ma’am,’ said my mother innocently.

‘Bless the Baby!’ exclaimed Miss Betsey, unconsciously quoting the second sentiment of the pincushion in the drawer upstairs, but applying it to my mother instead of me, ‘I don’t mean that. —
‘保佑这个孩子!’贝茜小姐不经意地引用了楼上抽屉里的针垫的第二句,但是却用在了我母亲身上而不是我身上,’我并不是指那个。 —

I mean your servant-girl.’

‘Peggotty,’ said my mother.

‘Peggotty!’ repeated Miss Betsey, with some indignation. —
‘佩格蒂!’贝茜小姐带着一些愤慨重复道。 —

‘Do you mean to say, child, that any human being has gone into a Christian church, and got herself named Peggotty?’ —
‘孩子,你是指说,有一个人走进基督教堂,给自己取名佩格蒂吗?’ —

‘It’s her surname,’ said my mother, faintly. —
‘这是她的姓氏,’我母亲虚弱地说。 —

‘Mr. Copperfield called her by it, because her Christian name was the same as mine.’

‘Here! Peggotty!’ cried Miss Betsey, opening the parlour door. —
‘佩格蒂!’贝茜小姐大声喊道,打开客厅的门。 —

‘Tea. Your mistress is a little unwell. Don’t dawdle.’

Having issued this mandate with as much potentiality as if she had been a recognized authority in the house ever since it had been a house, and having looked out to confront the amazed Peggotty coming along the passage with a candle at the sound of a strange voice, Miss Betsey shut the door again, and sat down as before: —
贝茜小姐发号施令的语气就像自己在这个房子里自古以来就是个公认的权威一样强烈,当她听到陌生声音走过来,看着惊讶的佩格蒂拿着蜡烛沿着走廊走来时,又关上门坐下了: —

with her feet on the fender, the skirt of her dress tucked up, and her hands folded on one knee.

‘You were speaking about its being a girl,’ said Miss Betsey. ‘I have no doubt it will be a girl. —
‘你刚才说的是一个女孩吧,‘贝茜小姐说道,‘我毫无疑问会是个女孩。 —

I have a presentiment that it must be a girl. —
我有一种预感,肯定是个女孩。 —

Now child, from the moment of the birth of this girl -’
现在孩子,从这个女孩出生的那一刻起 -’

‘Perhaps boy,’ my mother took the liberty of putting in.

‘I tell you I have a presentiment that it must be a girl,’ returned Miss Betsey. ‘Don’t contradict. —
‘我告诉你我有一种预感,肯定是个女孩,‘贝茜小姐回答道,‘别反驳。 —

From the moment of this girl’s birth, child, I intend to be her friend. —
从这个女孩出生的那一刻起,孩子,我打算成为她的朋友。 —

I intend to be her godmother, and I beg you’ll call her Betsey Trotwood Copperfield. —
我打算做她的教母,并且我请求你叫她贝茜·特洛特伍德·考珀菲尔德。 —

There must be no mistakes in life with THIS Betsey Trotwood. —
与这个贝茜·特洛特伍德毫不容许出现错误。 —

There must be no trifling with HER affections, poor dear. —
对于她的感情毫不马虎,可怜的宝贝。 —

She must be well brought up, and well guarded from reposing any foolish confidences where they are not deserved. —
她必须受到良好的教养,并要小心谨慎,不要把愚蠢的信任寄托在不值得的人身上。 —

I must make that MY care.’

There was a twitch of Miss Betsey’s head, after each of these sentences, as if her own old wrongs were working within her, and she repressed any plainer reference to them by strong constraint. —
每说完一句,贝茜小姐的头都会稍稍一动,仿佛她自己的旧怨在内心作祟,她通过强制的克制压制住对它们的明显提及。 —

So my mother suspected, at least, as she observed her by the low glimmer of the fire: —
至少我妈妈这么怀疑,当她透过火光微弱的闪烁观察到她时: —

too much scared by Miss Betsey, too uneasy in herself, and too subdued and bewildered altogether, to observe anything very clearly, or to know what to say.

‘And was David good to you, child?’ asked Miss Betsey, when she had been silent for a little while, and these motions of her head had gradually ceased. —
“戴维对你好吗,孩子?”当沉默了一会儿后,当她那些头部的动作逐渐停止时,贝茜小姐问道。 —

‘Were you comfortable together?’

‘We were very happy,’ said my mother. ‘Mr. Copperfield was only too good to me.’
“我们曾经非常幸福,”我母亲说。 “柯波菲尔德先生对我太好了。”

‘What, he spoilt you, I suppose?’ returned Miss Betsey.
“那么,我想他宠坏了你,是吧?” 贝茜小姐回答道。

‘For being quite alone and dependent on myself in this rough world again, yes, I fear he did indeed,’ sobbed my mother.

‘Well! Don’t cry!’ said Miss Betsey. ‘You were not equally matched, child - if any two people can be equally matched - and so I asked the question. —
“好了!别哭了!”贝茜小姐说。 “你们不是同等的,孩子 - 如果有任何两个人可以同等匹配的话 - 所以我问了这个问题。 —

You were an orphan, weren’t you?’ ‘Yes.’
“你是个孤儿,对吧?” “是的。”

‘And a governess?’

‘I was nursery-governess in a family where Mr. Copperfield came to visit. —
“我是在一个柯波菲尔德先生来拜访的家庭做保姆教师的。 —

Mr. Copperfield was very kind to me, and took a great deal of notice of me, and paid me a good deal of attention, and at last proposed to me. —
柯波菲尔德先生对我非常好,非常关注我,付出了很多关心,最后向我求婚。 —

And I accepted him. And so we were married,’ said my mother simply.

‘Ha! Poor Baby!’ mused Miss Betsey, with her frown still bent upon the fire. ‘Do you know anything?’
“哈!可怜的宝贝!”贝茜小姐若有所思地说,她的皱眉仍然朝着火焰。 “你懂点什么吗?”

‘I beg your pardon, ma’am,’ faltered my mother.

‘About keeping house, for instance,’ said Miss Betsey.

‘Not much, I fear,’ returned my mother. ‘Not so much as I could wish. —
“我怕不多,”我母亲回答道。 “没有我期望的那么多。” —

But Mr. Copperfield was teaching me -’

(‘Much he knew about it himself!’) said Miss Betsey in a parenthesis.
(‘他本身又知道多少呢!’) 伯茜小姐在括号中说。

  • ‘And I hope I should have improved, being very anxious to learn, and he very patient to teach me, if the great misfortune of his death’ - my mother broke down again here, and could get no farther.
    - ‘我希望我会有所提高,因为我渴望学习,而他很有耐心教我,如果不是他的巨大不幸’ - 我妈妈在这里再次崩溃,无法再说下去。

‘Well, well!’ said Miss Betsey.
‘好吧,好吧!’ 伯茜小姐说。

-‘I kept my housekeeping-book regularly, and balanced it with Mr. Copperfield every night,’ cried my mother in another burst of distress, and breaking down again.
- ‘我每天晚上会定期记账,并与库珀菲尔德先生平衡账目,’ 我妈妈在另一次崩溃中大喊。

‘Well, well!’ said Miss Betsey. ‘Don’t cry any more.’
‘好吧,好吧!’ 伯茜小姐说。 ‘不要再哭了。’

  • ‘And I am sure we never had a word of difference respecting it, except when Mr. Copperfield objected to my threes and fives being too much like each other, or to my putting curly tails to my sevens and nines,’ resumed my mother in another burst, and breaking down again.
    - ‘我敢肯定我们在这方面从未有过分歧之词,除非是库珀菲尔德先生反对我三和五看起来太像,或者反对我在七和九上加弯曲的尾巴,’ 我妈妈在另一次急躁和再次崩溃中继续说道。

‘You’ll make yourself ill,’ said Miss Betsey, ‘and you know that will not be good either for you or for my god-daughter. —
‘别让自己生病,’贝茜小姐说道,’你知道这对你和我的教女都不好。 —

Come! You mustn’t do it!’

This argument had some share in quieting my mother, though her increasing indisposition had a larger one. —
这个论点在一定程度上安抚了我妈妈,尽管她日益恶化的健康状况也起了更大的作用。 —

There was an interval of silence, only broken by Miss Betsey’s occasionally ejaculating ‘Ha!’ —
只有贝茜小姐时不时发出一声“哈!”打破了沉默。 —

as she sat with her feet upon the fender.

‘David had bought an annuity for himself with his money, I know,’ said she, by and by. —
‘我知道大卫用他的钱给自己买了一份年金,’她过了一会说。 —

‘What did he do for you?’

‘Mr. Copperfield,’ said my mother, answering with some difficulty, ‘was so considerate and good as to secure the reversion of a part of it to me.’

‘How much?’ asked Miss Betsey.

‘A hundred and five pounds a year,’ said my mother.

‘He might have done worse,’ said my aunt.

The word was appropriate to the moment. My mother was so much worse that Peggotty, coming in with the teaboard and candles, and seeing at a glance how ill she was, - as Miss Betsey might have done sooner if there had been light enough, - conveyed her upstairs to her own room with all speed; —
这个词刚好符合当时的情况。我妈妈病得更重了,珮格蒂拿着茶盘和蜡烛进来,一眼就看出她有多么病了,- 如果当时有足够的光线,贝茜小姐也可能早就看出来了,-连忙把她送到自己的房间里去; —

and immediately dispatched Ham Peggotty, her nephew, who had been for some days past secreted in the house, unknown to my mother, as a special messenger in case of emergency, to fetch the nurse and doctor.

Those allied powers were considerably astonished, when they arrived within a few minutes of each other, to find an unknown lady of portentous appearance, sitting before the fire, with her bonnet tied over her left arm, stopping her ears with jewellers’ cotton. —
当那两位联合的权力到达时,他们相继进入的几分钟内,发现一个神秘的外表奇异的女士坐在火炉前,帽子系在左臂上,用珠宝店的棉花堵住了耳朵。 —

Peggotty knowing nothing about her, and my mother saying nothing about her, she was quite a mystery in the parlour; —
珮格蒂对她一无所知,我妈妈也不提及她,她在客厅里完全是个谜。 —

and the fact of her having a magazine of jewellers’ cotton in her pocket, and sticking the article in her ears in that way, did not detract from the solemnity of her presence.

The doctor having been upstairs and come down again, and having satisfied himself, I suppose, that there was a probability of this unknown lady and himself having to sit there, face to face, for some hours, laid himself out to be polite and social. —
医生上了楼又下来,我想他已经确认这位陌生女士和他自己可能得面对面坐上几个小时,于是他开始变得礼貌和健谈。 —

He was the meekest of his sex, the mildest of little men. —
他是他那个性别中最温顺的,最温和的小男人。 —

He sidled in and out of a room, to take up the less space. —
他在房间里进进出出,不占用太多空间。 —

He walked as softly as the Ghost in Hamlet, and more slowly. —
他走路像《哈姆雷特》中的鬼魂一样轻盈,但更缓慢。 —

He carried his head on one side, partly in modest depreciation of himself, partly in modest propitiation of everybody else. —
他斜着头走,一部分是谦逊地贬低自己,一部分是谦逊地讨好别人。 —

It is nothing to say that he hadn’t a word to throw at a dog. —
他说话不着边际,连对狗也不吝啬一句。 —

He couldn’t have thrown a word at a mad dog. —
他连对疯狗也不会说一句话。 —

He might have offered him one gently, or half a one, or a fragment of one; —
他也许会轻轻地提供一句话,或者半句,或者一碎片; —

for he spoke as slowly as he walked; but he wouldn’t have been rude to him, and he couldn’t have been quick with him, for any earthly consideration.

Mr. Chillip, looking mildly at my aunt with his head on one side, and making her a little bow, said, in allusion to the jewellers’ cotton, as he softly touched his left ear:

‘Some local irritation, ma’am?’

‘What!’ replied my aunt, pulling the cotton out of one ear like a cork.

Mr. Chillip was so alarmed by her abruptness - as he told my mother afterwards - that it was a mercy he didn’t lose his presence of mind. —
奇利普先生后来告诉我妈妈,他被她的突然行为吓坏了,幸好没有失去冷静。 —

But he repeated sweetly:

‘Some local irritation, ma’am?’

‘Nonsense!’ replied my aunt, and corked herself again, at one blow.

Mr. Chillip could do nothing after this, but sit and look at her feebly, as she sat and looked at the fire, until he was called upstairs again. —
在这之后,奇里普先生无能为力,只能坐着微弱地看着她,就像她一样盯着火炉,直到再次被叫到楼上。 —

After some quarter of an hour’s absence, he returned.

‘Well?’ said my aunt, taking the cotton out of the ear nearest to him.

‘Well, ma’am,’ returned Mr. Chillip, ‘we are- we are progressing slowly, ma’am.’
“嗯,夫人,”奇里普先生回答道,“我们- 我们正在慢慢进展,夫人。”

‘Ba–a–ah!’ said my aunt, with a perfect shake on the contemptuous interjection. —
“呸–”我姨妈轻蔑地插嘴说。 —

And corked herself as before.

Really - really - as Mr. Chillip told my mother, he was almost shocked; —
真的 - 真的 - 正如奇利普先生告诉我母亲的那样,他几乎感到震惊; —

speaking in a professional point of view alone, he was almost shocked. —
从专业的角度来看,他几乎感到震惊。 —

But he sat and looked at her, notwithstanding, for nearly two hours, as she sat looking at the fire, until he was again called out. —
但是他还是坐在那里看着她,大约两个小时,就像她望着火焰一样,直到他再次被叫出去。 —

After another absence, he again returned.

‘Well?’ said my aunt, taking out the cotton on that side again.

‘Well, ma’am,’ returned Mr. Chillip, ‘we are - we are progressing
“嗯,夫人,”奇利普先生回答说, “我们 - 我们在缓慢进展,夫人。”

slowly, ma’am.’

‘Ya–a–ah!’ said my aunt. With such a snarl at him, that Mr. Chillip absolutely could not bear it. —
事实上,这真的能打击他的精神,之后他说。 —

It was really calculated to break his spirit, he said afterwards. —
他宁愿去坐在楼梯上,在黑暗中和强风中,直到再次被叫去。 —

He preferred to go and sit upon the stairs, in the dark and a strong draught, until he was again sent for.

Ham Peggotty, who went to the national school, and was a very dragon at his catechism, and who may therefore be regarded as a credible witness, reported next day, that happening to peep in at the parlour-door an hour after this, he was instantly descried by Miss Betsey, then walking to and fro in a state of agitation, and pounced upon before he could make his escape. —
他推测棉花无法阻止楼上偶尔传来的脚步声和声音,因为显然当这些声音最大的时候,他很明显被这位女士视为一个受害者,用以宣泄自己过剩的激动情绪。 —

That there were now occasional sounds of feet and voices overhead which he inferred the cotton did not exclude, from the circumstance of his evidently being clutched by the lady as a victim on whom to expend her superabundant agitation when the sounds were loudest. —
每当那时候,她不停地拽着他的衣领(好像他服用了太多鸦片),摇晃他,弄乱他的头发,对他的衬衣不予理睬,捂住他的耳朵,仿佛把他的耳朵和她自己的混淆了,而且还梳理和虐待他。 —

That, marching him constantly up and down by the collar (as if he had been taking too much laudanum), she, at those times, shook him, rumpled his hair, made light of his linen, stopped his ears as if she confounded them with her own, and otherwise tousled and maltreated him. —
他的姨妈部分证实了这一点,她在他获释后的十二点半时看到了他,断言他那时和我当时一样红。 —

This was in part confirmed by his aunt, who saw him at half past twelve o’clock, soon after his release, and affirmed that he was then as red as I was.

The mild Mr. Chillip could not possibly bear malice at such a time, if at any time. —
温和的奇里普先生在这个时候,如果有任何时候,都不可能心存恶意。 —

He sidled into the parlour as soon as he was at liberty, and said to my aunt in his meekest manner:

‘Well, ma’am, I am happy to congratulate you.’

‘What upon?’ said my aunt, sharply.

Mr. Chillip was fluttered again, by the extreme severity of my aunt’s manner; —
奇里普先生再次被我阿姨态度的极端严厉惊动了; —

so he made her a little bow and gave her a little smile, to mollify her.

‘Mercy on the man, what’s he doing!’ cried my aunt, impatiently. ‘Can’t he speak?’

‘Be calm, my dear ma’am,’ said Mr. Chillip, in his softest accents.

‘There is no longer any occasion for uneasiness, ma’am. Be calm.’

It has since been considered almost a miracle that my aunt didn’t shake him, and shake what he had to say, out of him. —
后来几乎被视为奇迹的是,我阿姨竟没有摇醒他,也没有把他说的话从他口中挤出来。 —

She only shook her own head at him, but in a way that made him quail.

‘Well, ma’am,’ resumed Mr. Chillip, as soon as he had courage, ‘I am happy to congratulate you. —
“好啊,太太,”奇里普先生勇气恢复时继续说道,”我很高兴能祝贺您。 —

All is now over, ma’am, and well over.’

During the five minutes or so that Mr. Chillip devoted to the delivery of this oration, my aunt eyed him narrowly.

‘How is she?’ said my aunt, folding her arms with her bonnet still tied on one of them.

‘Well, ma’am, she will soon be quite comfortable, I hope,’ returned Mr. Chillip. —
“嗯,夫人,我希望她很快会感到很舒服,”Chillip先生回答道。 —

‘Quite as comfortable as we can expect a young mother to be, under these melancholy domestic circumstances. —
“在这些悲伤的家庭环境下,我们可以预料到一个年轻母亲会有多舒适。 —

There cannot be any objection to your seeing her presently, ma’am. —
夫人,您很快可以去看她,这没有任何反对意见。 —

It may do her good.’

‘And SHE. How is SHE?’ said my aunt, sharply.

Mr. Chillip laid his head a little more on one side, and looked at my aunt like an amiable bird.

‘The baby,’ said my aunt. ‘How is she?’

‘Ma’am,’ returned Mr. Chillip, ‘I apprehended you had known. It’s a boy.’

My aunt said never a word, but took her bonnet by the strings, in the manner of a sling, aimed a blow at Mr. Chillip’s head with it, put it on bent, walked out, and never came back. —
我阿姨一言不发,只用绳子把她的帽子套在手中,像把套索一样朝着Chillip先生头顶挥去,然后戴上,弯下腰,走出去,再也没有回来。 —

She vanished like a discontented fairy; or like one of those supernatural beings, whom it was popularly supposed I was entitled to see; —
她像一位不满的仙女消失了;或者像那些普遍认为我有权见到的超自然存在之一; —

and never came back any more.

No. I lay in my basket, and my mother lay in her bed; —
不,我躺在我的篮子里,我母亲躺在她的床上; —

but Betsey Trotwood Copperfield was for ever in the land of dreams and shadows, the tremendous region whence I had so lately travelled; —
但贝茜·特洛特伍德·考珀菲尔德永远在梦境和幽影之地,我最近才穿越过的巨大地域之中; —

and the light upon the window of our room shone out upon the earthly bourne of all such travellers, and the mound above the ashes and the dust that once was he, without whom I had never been.