In due time, Mr. Micawber’s petition was ripe for hearing; —
适时,米卡伯先生的请愿书得以审理; —

and that gentleman was ordered to be discharged under the Act, to my great joy. —
并且那位先生根据法令被宣告应受释放,这让我非常高兴。 —

His creditors were not implacable; and Mrs. Micawber informed me that even the revengeful boot-maker had declared in open court that he bore him no malice, but that when money was owing to him he liked to be paid. —
他的债权人并不铁石心肠;米卡伯夫人告诉我,即使是那位复仇心切的靴匠也在公开庭上宣称他并不怀恨,只是希望得到所欠的钱时便乐意接受。 —

He said he thought it was human nature.

M r Micawber returned to the King’s Bench when his case was over, as some fees were to be settled, and some formalities observed, before he could be actually released. —
米卡伯先生等案件完成后返回国王的凳子,因为还要处理一些费用并进行一些程序,才能真正释放他。 —

The club received him with transport, and held an harmonic meeting that evening in his honour; —
俱乐部欢迎他的到来,并当天晚上为他举办了一个和谐会议; —

while Mrs. Micawber and I had a lamb’s fry in private, surrounded by the sleeping family.

‘On such an occasion I will give you, Master Copperfield,’ said Mrs. Micawber, ‘in a little more flip,’ for we had been having some already, ‘the memory of my papa and mama.’

‘Are they dead, ma’am?’ I inquired, after drinking the toast in a wine-glass.

‘My mama departed this life,’ said Mrs. Micawber, ‘before Mr. Micawber’s difficulties commenced, or at least before they became pressing. —
“我母亲离世了,”米卡伯夫人说,“在米卡伯先生的困境出现之前,或者至少在困境变得紧迫之前。 —

My papa lived to bail Mr. Micawber several times, and then expired, regretted by a numerous circle.’

Mrs. Micawber shook her head, and dropped a pious tear upon the twin who happened to be in hand.

As I could hardly hope for a more favourable opportunity of putting a question in which I had a near interest, I said to Mrs. Micawber:

‘May I ask, ma’am, what you and Mr. Micawber intend to do, now that Mr. Micawber is out of his difficulties, and at liberty? —
“请问,夫人,您和米卡伯先生打算做什么,既然米卡伯先生已经摆脱了困境,获得自由了呢? —

Have you settled yet?’

‘My family,’ said Mrs. Micawber, who always said those two words with an air, though I never could discover who came under the denomination, ‘my family are of opinion that Mr. Micawber should quit London, and exert his talents in the country. —
“我家人,”米考伯夫人总是带着一种神气地说这两个字,虽然我从来没搞清楚到底谁算得上“家人”,“我家人认为米考伯先生应该离开伦敦,在乡下发挥他的才华。” —

Mr. Micawber is a man of great talent, Master Copperfield.’

I said I was sure of that.

‘Of great talent,’ repeated Mrs. Micawber. —
“才华横溢,”米考伯夫人重复道。 —

‘My family are of opinion, that, with a little interest, something might be done for a man of his ability in the Custom House. The influence of my family being local, it is their wish that Mr. Micawber should go down to Plymouth. —
“我家人认为,通过一点点影响力,可以为他的才能在海关办事处找到一席之地。我家人的影响力是在地方上的,他们希望米考伯先生去普利茅斯。 —

They think it indispensable that he should be upon the spot.’

‘That he may be ready?’ I suggested.

‘Exactly,’ returned Mrs. Micawber. ‘That he may be ready - in case of anything turning up.’
“正是,”米考伯夫人回答,“为了随时准备 - 万一有什么事发生。”

‘And do you go too, ma’am?’

The events of the day, in combination with the twins, if not with the flip, had made Mrs. Micawber hysterical, and she shed tears as she replied:

‘I never will desert Mr. Micawber. Mr. Micawber may have concealed his difficulties from me in the first instance, but his sanguine temper may have led him to expect that he would overcome them. —
“我永远不会背弃米考伯先生。米考伯先生也许一开始对我隐瞒了他的困境,但他那乐观的性格可能使他期待能够克服困难。 —

The pearl necklace and bracelets which I inherited from mama, have been disposed of for less than half their value; —
我从妈妈那里继承的珍珠项链和手镯已经低于一半的价值出售了; —

and the set of coral, which was the wedding gift of my papa, has been actually thrown away for nothing. —
而我爸爸的结婚礼物珊瑚套装实际上被白白丢弃了。 —

But I never will desert Mr. Micawber. No!’ —
但我永远不会背弃米考伯先生。不会!” —

cried Mrs. Micawber, more affected than before, ‘I never will do it! —
米考伯夫人比以往更为感动地喊道:“我永远不会做到这一点! —

It’s of no use asking me!’

I felt quite uncomfortable - as if Mrs. Micawber supposed I had asked her to do anything of the sort! —
我感到非常不舒服——仿佛麦卡伯夫人认为我要求她做这样的事情! —

  • and sat looking at her in alarm.

‘Mr. Micawber has his faults. I do not deny that he is improvident. —
‘麦卡伯先生也有缺点。我不否认他很不会持家。 —

I do not deny that he has kept me in the dark as to his resources and his liabilities both,’ she went on, looking at the wall; —
我不否认他对他的资源和债务都瞒着我,’她继续说,望着墙壁; —

‘but I never will desert Mr. Micawber!’

Mrs. Micawber having now raised her voice into a perfect scream, I was so frightened that I ran off to the club-room, and disturbed Mr. Micawber in the act of presiding at a long table, and leading the chorus of

Gee up, Dobbin, Gee ho, Dobbin, Gee up, Dobbin, Gee up, and gee ho - o - o!

with the tidings that Mrs. Micawber was in an alarming state, upon which he immediately burst into tears, and came away with me with his waistcoat full of the heads and tails of shrimps, of which he had been partaking.

‘Emma, my angel!’ cried Mr. Micawber, running into the room; ‘what is the matter?’

‘I never will desert you, Micawber!’ she exclaimed.

‘My life!’ said Mr. Micawber, taking her in his arms. ‘I am perfectly aware of it.’

‘He is the parent of my children! He is the father of my twins! —
“他是我的孩子的父亲!他是我的双胞胎的父亲! —

He is the husband of my affections,’ cried Mrs. Micawber, struggling; —
“他是我深爱的丈夫,”麦考伯夫人挣扎着说; —

‘and I ne - ver - will - desert Mr. Micawber!’

Mr. Micawber was so deeply affected by this proof of her devotion (as to me, I was dissolved in tears), that he hung over her in a passionate manner, imploring her to look up, and to be calm. —
麦考伯先生深受她对他的忠诚感动(对我而言,我已经泪流满面),他激动地俯身看着她,恳请她抬起头,保持冷静。 —

But the more he asked Mrs. Micawber to look up, the more she fixed her eyes on nothing; —
但是他越要求米考伯夫人抬头,她就越是定定地盯着空无一物; —

and the more he asked her to compose herself, the more she wouldn’t. —
他越让她平静下来,她就越是不肯。 —

Consequently Mr. Micawber was soon so overcome, that he mingled his tears with hers and mine; —
结果,米考伯先生很快也被深深感动,他的眼泪与她和我的眼泪交融在一起; —

until he begged me to do him the favour of taking a chair on the staircase, while he got her into bed. —
直到他请求我在楼梯上坐一把椅子,让他把她扶上床。 —

I would have taken my leave for the night, but he would not hear of my doing that until the strangers’ bell should ring. —
我原本想告辞离去,但他不同意,要等到陌生人门铃响起。 —

So I sat at the staircase window, until he came out with another chair and joined me.

‘How is Mrs. Micawber now, sir?’ I said.

‘Very low,’ said Mr. Micawber, shaking his head; ‘reaction. —
“非常低落,”米考伯先生摇了摇头,“反应过度。” —

Ah, this has been a dreadful day! We stand alone now - everything is gone from us!’
“啊,这是个可怕的一天!我们如今孤苦伶仃 - 一切都离我们而去了。”

Mr. Micawber pressed my hand, and groaned, and afterwards shed tears. —
米考伯先生握住我的手,抽泣起来,后来还流了泪。 —

I was greatly touched, and disappointed too, for I had expected that we should be quite gay on this happy and long-looked-for occasion. —
我被深深感动了,也感到失望,因为我本以为我们在这个幸福、期待已久的时刻应该很开心。 —

But Mr. and Mrs. Micawber were so used to their old difficulties, I think, that they felt quite shipwrecked when they came to consider that they were released from them. —
但我想,米考伯夫妇已经习惯了他们的旧困境,他们感到相当失望,因为意识到他们已经摆脱了困境。 —

All their elasticity was departed, and I never saw them half so wretched as on this night; —
他们失去了所有的活力,我从未见过他们像这个夜晚一样悲伤; —

insomuch that when the bell rang, and Mr. Micawber walked with me to the lodge, and parted from me there with a blessing, I felt quite afraid to leave him by himself, he was so profoundly miserable.

But through all the confusion and lowness of spirits in which we had been, so unexpectedly to me, involved, I plainly discerned that Mr. and Mrs. Micawber and their family were going away from London, and that a parting between us was near at hand. —
但在我们所陷入的混乱和情绪低落中,对我来说是完全出乎意料的,我清楚地看到米考伯夫妇和他们的家庭即将离开伦敦,我们之间的分别即将来临。 —

It was in my walk home that night, and in the sleepless hours which followed when I lay in bed, that the thought first occurred to me - though I don’t know how it came into my head - which afterwards shaped itself into a settled resolution.
就在那天晚上回家的路上,以及接下来的失眠之夜,当我躺在床上时,我第一次想到了这个念头 - 尽管我不知道它是怎么进入我的脑海的 - 后来变成了一个坚定的决心。

I had grown to be so accustomed to the Micawbers, and had been so intimate with them in their distresses, and was so utterly friendless without them, that the prospect of being thrown upon some new shift for a lodging, and going once more among unknown people, was like being that moment turned adrift into my present life, with such a knowledge of it ready made as experience had given me. —
我已经对米考伯夫妇习以为常,和他们在困难中如此亲密相处,没有他们我变得如此孤单无助,想到不得不靠一些新的措施找个住所,并再次置身于陌生人之间的前景,就像那一刻被投入到我的现在生活中去,对此经验给我的那种了解准备好了一样。 —

All the sensitive feelings it wounded so cruelly, all the shame and misery it kept alive within my breast, became more poignant as I thought of this; —
当我想到这一切时,所有伤害我如此残酷的敏感感情,所有在我胸中一直被活生生地保持着的羞耻和痛苦,都变得更加尖锐; —

and I determined that the life was unendurable.

That there was no hope of escape from it, unless the escape was my own act, I knew quite well. —
我很清楚,除非是我自己的行为,否则没有逃脱的希望。 —

I rarely heard from Miss Murdstone, and never from Mr. Murdstone: —
我很少收到姆德斯通小姐的来信,从来没有收到姆德斯通先生的来信。 —

but two or three parcels of made or mended clothes had come up for me, consigned to Mr. Quinion, and in each there was a scrap of paper to the effect that J. M. trusted D. C. was applying himself to business, and devoting himself wholly to his duties - not the least hint of my ever being anything else than the common drudge into which I was fast settling down.
但是,有两三包补好或制作好的衣服寄给了我,委托给了奎尼恩先生,每一包中都有一张纸片,上面写着J. M. 信任 D. C. 正在专心工作,全力投入职责 - 一点也没有暗示我会成为其他什么,只是一个普通的苦力,我正在迅速安定下来。

The very next day showed me, while my mind was in the first agitation of what it had conceived, that Mrs. Micawber had not spoken of their going away without warrant. —
接下来的一天,当我想象中的事情刚刚开始激动起来的时候,就向我表明了米考伯夫人没有不经许可就谈论他们要离开的事情。 —

They took a lodging in the house where I lived, for a week; —
他们在我住的房子里找了个地方住了一个星期; —

at the expiration of which time they were to start for Plymouth. —
一个星期后他们将启程去普利茅斯。 —

Mr. Micawber himself came down to the counting-house, in the afternoon, to tell Mr. Quinion that he must relinquish me on the day of his departure, and to give me a high character, which I am sure I deserved. —
米考伯先生本人在下午到了记账室告诉奎尼恩先生,他在启程当天必须放弃我,并给了我一个很好的评价,我相信我当之无愧。 —

And Mr. Quinion, calling in Tipp the carman, who was a married man, and had a room to let, quartered me prospectively on him - by our mutual consent, as he had every reason to think; —
奎尼恩先生找来了结过婚,有一间房子出租的运货工人蒂普,我们互相同意,他提前安排了我在他那居住; —

for I said nothing, though my resolution was now taken.

I passed my evenings with Mr. and Mrs. Micawber, during the remaining term of our residence under the same roof; —
在我们共处同一屋檐下的剩余时间里,我和米考伯夫妇度过了晚上; —

and I think we became fonder of one another as the time went on. —
我觉得随着时间的流逝,我们彼此更加喜欢。 —

On the last Sunday, they invited me to dinner; —
在最后一个星期天,他们邀请我吃晚餐; —

and we had a loin of pork and apple sauce, and a pudding. —
我们吃了一份带苹果酱的猪腰肉和一道布丁。 —

I had bought a spotted wooden horse over-night as a parting gift to little Wilkins Micawber - that was the boy - and a doll for little Emma. I had also bestowed a shilling on the Orfling, who was about to be disbanded.
前一天晚上,我买了一匹有斑点木马作为告别礼物送给小威尔金斯·米考伯 - 那就是那男孩 - 还有一个娃娃送给小爱玛。我还给了将要被解散的奥弗林一个先令。

We had a very pleasant day, though we were all in a tender state about our approaching separation.

‘I shall never, Master Copperfield,’ said Mrs. Micawber, ‘revert to the period when Mr. Micawber was in difficulties, without thinking of you. —
‘我永远不会忘记,科波菲尔德先生,’ 米考伯夫人说,’提到米考伯先生陷入困境的时期,就会想起你。你的行为一直都是最细致和乐于助人的。 —

Your conduct has always been of the most delicate and obliging description. —
你一直都表现得十分细致周到且乐于助人。’ —

You have never been a lodger. You have been a friend.’

‘My dear,’ said Mr. Micawber; ‘Copperfield,’ for so he had been accustomed to call me, of late, ‘has a heart to feel for the distresses of his fellow-creatures when they are behind a cloud, and a head to plan, and a hand to - in short, a general ability to dispose of such available property as could be made away with.’
‘我亲爱的,’米卡伯先生说道; ‘科波菲尔德,’这是他最近习惯称呼我的名字,’在别人遭遇困境时,他有颗感同身受的心,有头脑去规划,有能力处置可以变现的资产。

I expressed my sense of this commendation, and said I was very sorry we were going to lose one another.

‘My dear young friend,’ said Mr. Micawber, ‘I am older than you; —
‘我亲爱的年轻朋友,’米卡伯先生说道,’我比你年长; —

a man of some experience in life, and - and of some experience, in short, in difficulties, generally speaking. —
我在生活中有些经验,并且 - 总的来说,对困难也有一些经验。 —

At present, and until something turns up (which I am, I may say, hourly expecting), I have nothing to bestow but advice. —
目前,直到有突如其来的事情发生(我可以说,我时刻都在期待),我没有要分配出去的其他东西,只有建议。 —

Still my advice is so far worth taking, that - in short, that I have never taken it myself, and am the’ - here Mr. Micawber, who had been beaming and smiling, all over his head and face, up to the present moment, checked himself and frowned - ‘the miserable wretch you behold.’
虽然我未曾听从过自己的建议,并且 - 总的来说,我自己都没听从过,但是我的建议还是有一定参考价值的。

‘My dear Micawber!’ urged his wife.
‘我亲爱的米卡伯!’ 他的妻子催促道。

‘I say,’ returned Mr. Micawber, quite forgetting himself, and smiling again, ‘the miserable wretch you behold. —
‘我说,’米卡伯先生回答道,完全忘了自己,再次笑了起来,’你看到的可怜之人。 —

My advice is, never do tomorrow what you can do today. —
我的建议是,今天能做的事不要拖到明天。 —

Procrastination is the thief of time. Collar him!’

‘My poor papa’s maxim,’ Mrs. Micawber observed.

‘My dear,’ said Mr. Micawber, ‘your papa was very well in his way, and Heaven forbid that I should disparage him. —
‘我亲爱的,’米卡伯先生说道,’你爸爸也算是个不赖的人,但愿上苍不要让我贬低他。 —

Take him for all in all, we ne’er shall - in short, make the acquaintance, probably, of anybody else possessing, at his time of life, the same legs for gaiters, and able to read the same description of print, without spectacles. —
综合看来,我们可能再也不会- 总的来说,在他这个年纪,不会再见到同样能穿高筒袜的任何其他人,也不会再见到能不用眼镜阅读同样类型字体的人了。 —

But he applied that maxim to our marriage, my dear; —
但他把那句话用在了我们的婚姻上,亲爱的; —

and that was so far prematurely entered into, in consequence, that I never recovered the expense.’ —
因此,我们的婚姻算是过早地进行了,结果我永远也无法收回那些开支。 —

Mr. Micawber looked aside at Mrs. Micawber, and added: ‘Not that I am sorry for it. —
麦卡伯先生看着麦卡伯夫人,补充道:“并不是我为此感到抱歉。 —

Quite the contrary, my love.’ After which, he was grave for a minute or so.
相反,亲爱的。” 说完这句,他又沉默了一分钟左右。

‘My other piece of advice, Copperfield,’ said Mr. Micawber, ‘you know. —
“考珀菲尔德,我另一条建议,你知道的。 —

Annual income twenty pounds, annual expenditure nineteen nineteen and six, result happiness. —
每年收入二十英镑,每年支出十九英镑九先令六便士,结果是幸福。 —

Annual income twenty pounds, annual expenditure twenty pounds ought and six, result misery. —
每年收入二十英镑,每年支出二十英镑,结果是痛苦。 —

The blossom is blighted, the leaf is withered, the god of day goes down upon the dreary scene, and - and in short you are for ever floored. As I am!’

To make his example the more impressive, Mr. Micawber drank a glass of punch with an air of great enjoyment and satisfaction, and whistled the College Hornpipe.

I did not fail to assure him that I would store these precepts in my mind, though indeed I had no need to do so, for, at the time, they affected me visibly. —
我不失时机地向他保证,我会把这些建议牢记在心,尽管事实上我并不需要这样做,因为那时它们显然对我产生了影响。 —

Next morning I met the whole family at the coach office, and saw them, with a desolate heart, take their places outside, at the back.

‘Master Copperfield,’ said Mrs. Micawber, ‘God bless you! —
“考珀菲尔德先生”,麦卡伯夫人说,“上帝保佑你! —

I never can forget all that, you know, and I never would if I could.’

‘Copperfield,’ said Mr. Micawber, ‘farewell! Every happiness and prosperity! —
“考珀菲尔德”,麦卡伯先生说,“再见!一切幸福和繁荣! —

If, in the progress of revolving years, I could persuade myself that my blighted destiny had been a warning to you, I should feel that I had not occupied another man’s place in existence altogether in vain. —
若随着岁月的推移,我能使自己相信,我命运的挫折已给你敲响了警钟,那么我觉得我活在这个世界上并没有白白占用另一个人的位置。 —

In case of anything turning up (of which I am rather confident), I shall be extremely happy if it should be in my power to improve your prospects.’

I think, as Mrs. Micawber sat at the back of the coach, with the children, and I stood in the road looking wistfully at them, a mist cleared from her eyes, and she saw what a little creature I really was. —
当麦卡伯夫人坐在车厢的后排与孩子们在一起时,我站在路边望着他们,她眼中的迷雾消散,她看清了我真正是个多么微小的人物。 —

I think so, because she beckoned to me to climb up, with quite a new and motherly expression in her face, and put her arm round my neck, and gave me just such a kiss as she might have given to her own boy. —
我想是的,因为她招手叫我爬上去,脸上带着一种崭新而母爱的表情,搂着我的脖子,给了我一个正如她给自己儿子的吻。 —

I had barely time to get down again before the coach started, and I could hardly see the family for the handkerchiefs they waved. —
我几乎没时间下车,就看到他们挥舞着手绢,我几乎看不清这家人。 —

It was gone in a minute. The Orfling and I stood looking vacantly at each other in the middle of the road, and then shook hands and said good-bye; —
车很快就走了。孤儿和我站在路中间面面相觑,然后握手告别; —

she going back, I suppose, to St. Luke’s workhouse, as I went to begin my weary day at Murdstone and Grinby’s.

But with no intention of passing many more weary days there. No. I had resolved to run away. —
但我并没有打算在那里再过很多疲惫的日子。不,我已经决定要逃跑了。 —

  • To go, by some means or other, down into the country, to the only relation I had in the world, and tell my story to my aunt, Miss Betsey. —
    - 通过某种方式,下到乡下去,找到我在这个世界上唯一的亲戚,向我的姨妈贝茜小姐讲述我的故事。 —

I have already observed that I don’t know how this desperate idea came into my brain. —
我已经说过,我不知道这个绝望的念头是如何进入我的大脑的。 —

But, once there, it remained there; and hardened into a purpose than which I have never entertained a more determined purpose in my life. —
但一旦在那里,它就停留在那里;在我生命中的决心中硬化成了一个更加坚定的目标。 —

I am far from sure that I believed there was anything hopeful in it, but my mind was thoroughly made up that it must be carried into execution.

Again, and again, and a hundred times again, since the night when the thought had first occurred to me and banished sleep, I had gone over that old story of my poor mother’s about my birth, which it had been one of my great delights in the old time to hear her tell, and which I knew by heart. —
再一次,再一次,再一百次,自从那个夜晚,这个念头第一次出现在我的脑海里并驱散了睡意以来,我一遍又一遍地回想起我可怜母亲关于我的出生的那个故事,这在过去是我乐此不疲听她讲的故事之一,并且我已经背得滚瓜烂熟。 —

My aunt walked into that story, and walked out of it, a dread and awful personage; —
我的姨妈走进那个故事,又走出来,成为一个可怕而令人畏惧的角色; —

but there was one little trait in her behaviour which I liked to dwell on, and which gave me some faint shadow of encouragement. —
但她的行为中有一个小特点我喜欢回味,这给了我一丝微弱的鼓励。 —

I could not forget how my mother had thought that she felt her touch her pretty hair with no ungentle hand; —
我无法忘记我母亲以为感觉到她温柔地抚摸她的漂亮头发的这一情形; —

and though it might have been altogether my mother’s fancy, and might have had no foundation whatever in fact, I made a little picture, out of it, of my terrible aunt relenting towards the girlish beauty that I recollected so well and loved so much, which softened the whole narrative. —
即使这可能完全是我母亲的幻想,并没有任何事实根基,我为此制造了一个小画面,我可怕的姨妈对我那如此熟悉且深爱的姑娘般的美貌心软,软化了整个叙述。 —

It is very possible that it had been in my mind a long time, and had gradually engendered my determination.

As I did not even know where Miss Betsey lived, I wrote a long letter to Peggotty, and asked her, incidentally, if she remembered; —
由于我甚至不知道贝茨太太住在哪里,我给佩戈蒂写了一封长信,顺便问她是否记得; —

pretending that I had heard of such a lady living at a certain place I named at random, and had a curiosity to know if it were the same. —
假装我听说过一个我随意提到的某个地方住着这样一位夫人,并且好奇这是否是同一人。 —

In the course of that letter, I told Peggotty that I had a particular occasion for half a guinea; —
在那封信中,我告诉佩戈蒂我需要半吉尼,为此有一特殊场合; —

and that if she could lend me that sum until I could repay it, I should be very much obliged to her, and would tell her afterwards what I had wanted it for.

Peggotty’s answer soon arrived, and was, as usual, full of affectionate devotion. —
佩戈蒂的回信很快就到了,依旧充满了深情的献身。 —

She enclosed the half guinea (I was afraid she must have had a world of trouble to get it out of Mr. Barkis’s box), and told me that Miss Betsey lived near Dover, but whether at Dover itself, at Hythe, Sandgate, or Folkestone, she could not say. —
她随信附上了半吉尼(我担心她可能费了很多力气才从巴克斯先生的箱子里拿出来),告诉我贝茨太太住在多佛附近,但具体是在多佛本身、海伊斯、桑盖特还是福克斯通,她说不清楚。 —

One of our men, however, informing me on my asking him about these places, that they were all close together, I deemed this enough for my object, and resolved to set out at the end of that week.

Being a very honest little creature, and unwilling to disgrace the memory I was going to leave behind me at Murdstone and Grinby’s, I considered myself bound to remain until Saturday night; —
作为一个非常诚实的小家伙,不愿让我留在莫德斯通和格林比处的记忆受辱,我认为自己有义务留到周六晚上; —

and, as I had been paid a week’s wages in advance when I first came there, not to present myself in the counting-house at the usual hour, to receive my stipend. —
而且,因为我刚去那里时提前领到了一周的工资,因此不会在例行结算时间去办公室领取我的薪金。 —

For this express reason, I had borrowed the half-guinea, that I might not be without a fund for my travelling-expenses. —
正因为这个明确的原因,我借了半吉尼,免得旅行费用不足。 —

Accordingly, when the Saturday night came, and we were all waiting in the warehouse to be paid, and Tipp the carman, who always took precedence, went in first to draw his money, I shook Mick Walker by the hand; —
因此,当周六晚上到来时,我们都在仓库里等待领工资,提先领取的运货人提普走进去拿钱时,我跟麦克·沃克握了手; —

asked him, when it came to his turn to be paid, to say to Mr. Quinion that I had gone to move my box to Tipp’s; —
等轮到他领工资时,请他告诉奎尼恩先生我已经去把我的箱子搬到提普那里了; —

and, bidding a last good night to Mealy Potatoes, ran away.

My box was at my old lodging, over the water, and I had written a direction for it on the back of one of our address cards that we nailed on the casks: —
我的箱子在我老住的房子,过河那边,我已经在我们钉在木桶上的地址卡背面写好了地址: —

‘Master David, to be left till called for, at the Coach Office, Dover.’ This I had in my pocket ready to put on the box, after I should have got it out of the house; —
‘大卫先生,放在多佛客运站,待领取。’ 这张卡我已经准备好放在箱子上,等我把箱子搬出屋子后。 —

and as I went towards my lodging, I looked about me for someone who would help me to carry it to the booking-office.

There was a long-legged young man with a very little empty donkey-cart, standing near the Obelisk, in the Blackfriars Road, whose eye I caught as I was going by, and who, addressing me as ‘Sixpenn’orth of bad ha’pence,’ hoped ‘I should know him agin to swear to’ - in allusion, I have no doubt, to my staring at him. —
在布莱克弗里亚斯路的方尖碑附近,有个个子很高的年轻人站在那儿,他旁边有一辆空空如也的小驴车,当我路过时他看到了我,称呼着我是“‘六便士来历不明的铜钱’”,希望我“下次认得他”——我想他指的是我盯着他看的事情。 —

I stopped to assure him that I had not done so in bad manners, but uncertain whether he might or might not like a job.

‘Wot job?’ said the long-legged young man.

‘To move a box,’ I answered.

‘Wot box?’ said the long-legged young man.

I told him mine, which was down that street there, and which I wanted him to take to the Dover coach office for sixpence.

‘Done with you for a tanner!’ said the long-legged young man, and directly got upon his cart, which was nothing but a large wooden tray on wheels, and rattled away at such a rate, that it was as much as I could do to keep pace with the donkey.

There was a defiant manner about this young man, and particularly about the way in which he chewed straw as he spoke to me, that I did not much like; —
这个年轻人有一种挑衅的态度,特别是在跟我说话时还嚼着稻草,这让我不太喜欢; —

as the bargain was made, however, I took him upstairs to the room I was leaving, and we brought the box down, and put it on his cart. —
不过既然达成了交易,我还是把他带到我要搬出的房间,我们把箱子搬下楼,放进了他的小车。 —

Now, I was unwilling to put the direction-card on there, lest any of my landlord’s family should fathom what I was doing, and detain me; —
然而,我不愿意在箱子上贴寄送标签,以免房东的家人发现我在做什么而留住我; —

so I said to the young man that I would be glad if he would stop for a minute, when he came to the dead-wall of the King’s Bench prison. —
所以我告诉那个年轻人,当他到达国王审判法院的死墙时,我希望他能停一会儿。 —

The words were no sooner out of my mouth, than he rattled away as if he, my box, the cart, and the donkey, were all equally mad; —
我话刚出口,他就飞奔而去,就像是他、我的箱子、小车和那头驴都疯了一样; —

and I was quite out of breath with running and calling after him, when I caught him at the place appointed.

Being much flushed and excited, I tumbled my half-guinea out of my pocket in pulling the card out. —
我激动不已,把半圆形金币从口袋里掏出来的时候掉了出来。 —

I put it in my mouth for safety, and though my hands trembled a good deal, had just tied the card on very much to my satisfaction, when I felt myself violently chucked under the chin by the long-legged young man, and saw my half-guinea fly out of my mouth into his hand.

‘Wot!’ said the young man, seizing me by my jacket collar, with a frightful grin. —
“什么!”年轻人抓住我的夹克领子,露出可怕的笑容。 —

‘This is a pollis case, is it? You’re a-going to bolt, are you? —
“这是警察来的,是吗?你要逃跑,对吗? —

Come to the pollis, you young warmin, come to the pollis!’

‘You give me my money back, if you please,’ said I, very much frightened; ‘and leave me alone.’

‘Come to the pollis!’ said the young man. ‘You shall prove it yourn to the pollis.’

‘Give me my box and money, will you,’ I cried, bursting into tears.

The young man still replied: ‘Come to the pollis!’ —
年轻人仍然回答道:“到警察局去!” —

and was dragging me against the donkey in a violent manner, as if there were any affinity between that animal and a magistrate, when he changed his mind, jumped into the cart, sat upon my box, and, exclaiming that he would drive to the pollis straight, rattled away harder than ever.

I ran after him as fast as I could, but I had no breath to call out with, and should not have dared to call out, now, if I had. —
我尽可能地追赶他,但我喘不过气来呼喊,即使现在我也不敢呼喊了。 —

I narrowly escaped being run over, twenty times at least, in half a mile. —
在半英里的路程中,我至少被车子差点撞上20次。 —

Now I lost him, now I saw him, now I lost him, now I was cut at with a whip, now shouted at, now down in the mud, now up again, now running into somebody’s arms, now running headlong at a post. —
现在我追上他,现在我看不见他,现在我迷失了,现在被鞭子抽打,现在被喊道,现在陷入泥泞,现在站起来,现在撞向柱子。 —

At length, confused by fright and heat, and doubting whether half London might not by this time be turning out for my apprehension, I left the young man to go where he would with my box and money; —
最后,受惊吓和热量的困扰,怀疑半个伦敦是否此时已经为了逮捕我而动身,我放弃了那位年轻人,让他随意带着我的箱子和钱走; —

and, panting and crying, but never stopping, faced about for Greenwich, which I had understood was on the Dover Road: —
喘着气,哭着,但从未停下脚步,我将人生所剩不多,朝着我听说在多佛路上的姑姑伯特西的居所而来: —

taking very little more out of the world, towards the retreat of my aunt, Miss Betsey, than I had brought into it, on the night when my arrival gave her so much umbrage.