Steerforth and I stayed for more than a fortnight in that part of the country. —
斯提福斯和我在那个地方呆了两个多星期。 —

We were very much together, I need not say; —
我不用说我们在一起非常多; —

but occasionally we were asunder for some hours at a time. —
但偶尔我们会分开几个小时。 —

He was a good sailor, and I was but an indifferent one; —
他是个优秀的水手,而我只是个一般般; —

and when he went out boating with Mr. Peggotty, which was a favourite amusement of his, I generally remained ashore. —
当他和佩戈蒂先生一起出海划船时,我通常会留在岸上。 —

My occupation of Peggotty’s spare-room put a constraint upon me, from which he was free: —
佩戈蒂家的空房让我感到有些拘束,而他却自由自在; —

for, knowing how assiduously she attended on Mr. Barkis all day, I did not like to remain out late at night; —
因为我知道佩戈蒂整天都在照料巴克斯先生,所以我不喜欢深夜才回家; —

whereas Steerforth, lying at the Inn, had nothing to consult but his own humour. —
而斯提福斯住在客栈,只需顺着自己的心情行事。 —

Thus it came about, that I heard of his making little treats for the fishermen at Mr. Peggotty’s house of call, ‘The Willing Mind’, after I was in bed, and of his being afloat, wrapped in fishermen’s clothes, whole moonlight nights, and coming back when the morning tide was at flood. —
于是,我在睡觉后听说他在佩戈蒂的酒馆“心甘情愿”给渔民们准备小点心,或在月光之夜着渔夫的衣服划船,等早潮退去再返回。 —

By this time, however, I knew that his restless nature and bold spirits delighted to find a vent in rough toil and hard weather, as in any other means of excitement that presented itself freshly to him; —
然而,我知道他不安分的天性和大胆的精神乐于在艰苦的工作和暴风雨的天气中发泄,就像其他任何能刺激他新鲜感的方式一样; —

so none of his proceedings surprised me.

Another cause of our being sometimes apart, was, that I had naturally an interest in going over to Blunderstone, and revisiting the old familiar scenes of my childhood; —
我们偶尔分开的另一个原因是,我自然渴望去布兰德斯通,重温我童年时的熟悉场景; —

while Steerforth, after being there once, had naturally no great interest in going there again. —
而斯提福斯则去过一次后,自然不会有再去的兴趣。 —

Hence, on three or four days that I can at once recall, we went our several ways after an early breakfast, and met again at a late dinner. —
因此,在我记得的三四天中,我们会早餐后各自行动,晚饭时再聚首。 —

I had no idea how he employed his time in the interval, beyond a general knowledge that he was very popular in the place, and had twenty means of actively diverting himself where another man might not have found one.

For my own part, my occupation in my solitary pilgrimages was to recall every yard of the old road as I went along it, and to haunt the old spots, of which I never tired. —
就我自己而言,我在独自的朝圣中所从事的事情,就是沿着古老的道路走着,回忆着每一码,无论走多远都不会厌倦地徘徊在那些曾经的地点。 —

I haunted them, as my memory had often done, and lingered among them as my younger thoughts had lingered when I was far away. —
我像我的记忆经常做的那样,在这些地方徘徊,并在那里逗留,就像我的年轻时的思绪在我远离时逗留一样。 —

The grave beneath the tree, where both my parents lay - on which I had looked out, when it was my father’s only, with such curious feelings of compassion, and by which I had stood, so desolate, when it was opened to receive my pretty mother and her baby - the grave which Peggotty’s own faithful care had ever since kept neat, and made a garden of, I walked near, by the hour. —
树下的坟墓,那里躺着我的父母,我曾经看过当那仅是我父亲的坟墓时,感到一种奇怪的怜悯之情,以及当它被开启接收我漂亮的母亲和她的孩子时,我感到无比凄凉的时刻——这坟墓自此以后一直由佩吉蒂忠实照料,打理成花园,我常常在附近漫步,度过整整一小时。 —

It lay a little off the churchyard path, in a quiet corner, not so far removed but I could read the names upon the stone as I walked to and fro, startled by the sound of the church-bell when it struck the hour, for it was like a departed voice to me. —
它离教堂小径稍远,安静的一角,不过我可以在来回步履间看清墓碑上的名字,每当教堂钟声敲响,我惊讶之余,感到仿佛是一个逝去的声音。 —

My reflections at these times were always associated with the figure I was to make in life, and the distinguished things I was to do. —
这些时刻我的思考总是跟我未来的人生形象和我将要做的杰出事迹联系在一起。 —

My echoing footsteps went to no other tune, but were as constant to that as if I had come home to build my castles in the air at a living mother’s side.

There were great changes in my old home. The ragged nests, so long deserted by the rooks, were gone; —
我的故乡发生了巨大的变化。久已被乌鸦遗弃的破烂鸟窝已不复存在; —

and the trees were lopped and topped out of their remembered shapes. —
树木被修剪得变形不再如往日所记。 —

The garden had run wild, and half the windows of the house were shut up. —
花园变得荒芜,房子的一半窗户被封闭。 —

It was occupied, but only by a poor lunatic gentleman, and the people who took care of him. —
有人居住,但只有一个可怜的疯狂绅士和照顾他的人们。 —

He was always sitting at my little window, looking out into the churchyard; —
他总是坐在我小小的窗前,眺望教堂; —

and I wondered whether his rambling thoughts ever went upon any of the fancies that used to occupy mine, on the rosy mornings when I peeped out of that same little window in my night-clothes, and saw the sheep quietly feeding in the light of the rising sun.

Our old neighbours, Mr. and Mrs. Grayper, were gone to South America, and the rain had made its way through the roof of their empty house, and stained the outer walls. —
我们的老邻居格雷普先生和格雷普夫人去了南美洲,雨水渗入了他们空荡荡的房子的屋顶,染污了外墙。 —

Mr. Chillip was married again to a tall, raw-boned, high-nosed wife; —
奇利普先生再婚,娶了一个高个、瘦骨嶙峋、鼻子高的妻子; —

and they had a weazen little baby, with a heavy head that it couldn’t hold up, and two weak staring eyes, with which it seemed to be always wondering why it had ever been born.

It was with a singular jumble of sadness and pleasure that I used to linger about my native place, until the reddening winter sun admonished me that it was time to start on my returning walk. —
我常常徘徊在故乡的四处,心中充满了一种令人愉悦又伤感的感觉,直到冬日的夕阳渐红,提醒我该开始返回。 —

But, when the place was left behind, and especially when Steerforth and I were happily seated over our dinner by a blazing fire, it was delicious to think of having been there. —
但当我离开那个地方,特别是当我与史迪福坐在火炉旁享用晚餐时,想着曾经在那里感到幸福是多么美好。 —

So it was, though in a softened degree, when I went to my neat room at night; —
当我晚上回到整洁的房间时,那种感觉虽然有所减弱,但依然存在。 —

and, turning over the leaves of the crocodile-book (which was always there, upon a little table), remembered with a grateful heart how blest I was in having such a friend as Steerforth, such a friend as Peggotty, and such a substitute for what I had lost as my excellent and generous aunt.

MY nearest way to Yarmouth, in coming back from these long walks, was by a ferry. —
从这些长途徒步旅行回来时,前往亚茅斯的最近路线是乘渡轮。 —

It landed me on the flat between the town and the sea, which I could make straight across, and so save myself a considerable circuit by the high road. —
它会把我送到镇与海之间的平地上,我可以径直穿过,避开高路,这样可以节约一大段路程。 —

Mr. Peggotty’s house being on that waste-place, and not a hundred yards out of my track, I always looked in as I went by. —
佩戈蒂先生的家就在那片荒地上,离我路程不到一百码,我每次过去都会看看。 —

Steerforth was pretty sure to be there expecting me, and we went on together through the frosty air and gathering fog towards the twinkling lights of the town.

One dark evening, when I was later than usual - for I had, that day, been making my parting visit to Blunderstone, as we were now about to return home - I found him alone in Mr. Peggotty’s house, sitting thoughtfully before the fire. —
有一天暗黑的夜晚,我回来得比平时晚——因为那天我去了一趟布兰德斯通,因为我们即将回家——发现他独自一人坐在佩戈蒂先生的房子里,在火炉前若有所思。 —

He was so intent upon his own reflections that he was quite unconscious of my approach. —
他如此专注于自己的思考,完全没有注意到我的到来。 —

This, indeed, he might easily have been if he had been less absorbed, for footsteps fell noiselessly on the sandy ground outside; —
如果他没有被沉浸在那么深的思考中,他可能很容易就会意识到我的脚步声无声无息地在沙地上响起。 —

but even my entrance failed to rouse him. I was standing close to him, looking at him; —
但即使我进来了也没能引起他的注意。我站在他身旁,看着他; —

and still, with a heavy brow, he was lost in his meditations.

He gave such a start when I put my hand upon his shoulder, that he made me start too.

‘You come upon me,’ he said, almost angrily, ‘like a reproachful ghost!’

‘I was obliged to announce myself, somehow,’ I replied. ‘Have I called you down from the stars?’

‘No,’ he answered. ‘No.’

‘Up from anywhere, then?’ said I, taking my seat near him.

‘I was looking at the pictures in the fire,’ he returned.

‘But you are spoiling them for me,’ said I, as he stirred it quickly with a piece of burning wood, striking out of it a train of red-hot sparks that went careering up the little chimney, and roaring out into the air.

‘You would not have seen them,’ he returned. —
‘你本来也看不到的,’他回答道。 —

‘I detest this mongrel time, neither day nor night. —
‘我讨厌这种混合的时间,不是白天,也不是黑夜。 —

How late you are! Where have you been?’

‘I have been taking leave of my usual walk,’ said I.

‘And I have been sitting here,’ said Steerforth, glancing round the room, ‘thinking that all the people we found so glad on the night of our coming down, might - to judge from the present wasted air of the place - be dispersed, or dead, or come to I don’t know what harm. —
‘我一直坐在这里,’斯蒂尔福思说,环顾室内,’想着我们第一次来的那天晚上大家都开心,而现在这地方看起来那么荒芜,那些人可能已经散去,或者已经死了,或者遭受了我不知道什么样的危险。 —

David, I wish to God I had had a judicious father these last twenty years!’

‘My dear Steerforth, what is the matter?’

‘I wish with all my soul I had been better guided!’ he exclaimed. —
‘我脑子里默默希望我能被更好地引导!’他叫道。 —

‘I wish with all my soul I could guide myself better!’

There was a passionate dejection in his manner that quite amazed me. —
他的态度中充满了激烈的沮丧,让我感到十分惊讶。 —

He was more unlike himself than I could have supposed possible.

‘It would be better to be this poor Peggotty, or his lout of a nephew,’ he said, getting up and leaning moodily against the chimney-piece, with his face towards the fire, ‘than to be myself, twenty times richer and twenty times wiser, and be the torment to myself that I have been, in this Devil’s bark of a boat, within the last half-hour!’

I was so confounded by the alteration in him, that at first I could only observe him in silence, as he stood leaning his head upon his hand, and looking gloomily down at the fire. —
我被他的变化弄得不知所措,起初只能默默地观察他,他站在那里,手扶着头,阴郁地盯着火。 —

At length I begged him, with all the earnestness I felt, to tell me what had occurred to cross him so unusually, and to let me sympathize with him, if I could not hope to advise him. —
最终我恳求他告诉我到底发生了什么让他如此异常,让我感同身受,即使不能给他建议。 —

Before I had well concluded, he began to laugh - fretfully at first, but soon with returning gaiety.
在我刚说完之前,他开始笑了 - 起初是急躁的笑声,但很快又变得开朗起来。

‘Tut, it’s nothing, Daisy! nothing!’ he replied. —
“嘿,没事的,黛西!没事!”他回答说。 —

‘I told you at the inn in London, I am heavy company for myself, sometimes. —
“我在伦敦的旅馆里告诉过你,有时候我对自己也是个沉重的伴侣。 —

I have been a nightmare to myself, just now - must have had one, I think. —
刚才我对自己成了噩梦 - 我想是这个样子。 —

At odd dull times, nursery tales come up into the memory, unrecognized for what they are. —
在闷闷的时候,会有幼儿园的故事浮现在记忆中,未被识别为何物。 —

I believe I have been confounding myself with the bad boy who “didn’t care”, and became food for lions - a grander kind of going to the dogs, I suppose. —
我相信我一直在把自己和那个”无所谓”的坏男孩混为一谈,最后成了狮子的食物 - 我想是更高级的毁灭吧”。 —

What old women call the horrors, have been creeping over me from head to foot. —
老婆婆们所说的”恐怖”正从头到脚悄然袭来。 —

I have been afraid of myself.’

‘You are afraid of nothing else, I think,’ said I.

‘Perhaps not, and yet may have enough to be afraid of too,’ he answered. ‘Well! So it goes by! —
“也许吧,不过也许我有足够的东西可以害怕。”他回答说。“嗯!就这样子了! —

I am not about to be hipped again, David; —
我不会再郁闷了,大卫; —

but I tell you, my good fellow, once more, that it would have been well for me (and for more than me) if I had had a steadfast and judicious father!’

His face was always full of expression, but I never saw it express such a dark kind of earnestness as when he said these words, with his glance bent on the fire.

‘So much for that!’ he said, making as if he tossed something light into the air, with his hand. —
“就这样吧!”他说着,像是用手把一些轻盈的东西抛向空中。 —

”‘Why, being gone, I am a man again,” like Macbeth. And now for dinner! —
“‘身处他乡,我又重回男儿本色’,就像麦克白。现在是吃饭的时候了! —

If I have not (Macbeth-like) broken up the feast with most admired disorder, Daisy.’

‘But where are they all, I wonder!’ said I.

‘God knows,’ said Steerforth. ‘After strolling to the ferry looking for you, I strolled in here and found the place deserted. —
“天知道,”史迪福说。”我在渡口溜达,寻找你,来到这里才发现空无一人。 —

That set me thinking, and you found me thinking.’

The advent of Mrs. Gummidge with a basket, explained how the house had happened to be empty. —
嗯,果戈理太太带着一个篮子来了,解释了这个房子为何空无一人。 —

She had hurried out to buy something that was needed, against Mr. Peggotty’s return with the tide; —
她匆匆出门买些需要的东西,以备佩戈蒂先生潮水退去时能回来; —

and had left the door open in the meanwhile, lest Ham and little Em’ly, with whom it was an early night, should come home while she was gone. —
在此期间她临走时没有关上门,以免汉姆和小艾米莉,他们通常是早睡的,回来时找不到人。 —

Steerforth, after very much improving Mrs. Gummidge’s spirits by a cheerful salutation and a jocose embrace, took my arm, and hurried me away.

He had improved his own spirits, no less than Mrs. Gummidge’s, for they were again at their usual flow, and he was full of vivacious conversation as we went along.

‘And so,’ he said, gaily, ‘we abandon this buccaneer life tomorrow, do we?’

‘So we agreed,’ I returned. ‘And our places by the coach are taken, you know.’

‘Ay! there’s no help for it, I suppose,’ said Steerforth. —
‘唉!我想没什么办法了,’ 斯迪福斯说。 —

‘I have almost forgotten that there is anything to do in the world but to go out tossing on the sea here. —
‘我几乎忘记了这个世界上除了在海上摇晃之外还有其他事情要做。 —

I wish there was not.’

‘As long as the novelty should last,’ said I, laughing.

‘Like enough,’ he returned; ‘though there’s a sarcastic meaning in that observation for an amiable piece of innocence like my young friend. —
‘也许吧,’他回答道; ‘虽然对于像我这样一个善良的天真的朋友,这个观察有点讽刺的意思。 —

Well! I dare say I am a capricious fellow, David. I know I am; —
嗯! 我想我是一个反复无常的家伙,大卫。我知道我是; —

but while the iron is hot, I can strike it vigorously too. —
但只要时机成熟,我也可以果断地行动。 —

I could pass a reasonably good examination already, as a pilot in these waters, I think.’

‘Mr. Peggotty says you are a wonder,’ I returned.

‘A nautical phenomenon, eh?’ laughed Steerforth.
‘一个航海现象,对吧?’ 斯迪福斯笑了起来。

‘Indeed he does, and you know how truly; I know how ardent you are in any pursuit you follow, and how easily you can master it. —
‘确实是的,你也知道他说得多么准确;我知道你在追求中是多么热情,以及你能够轻松掌握它。 —

And that amazes me most in you, Steerforth- that you should be contented with such fitful uses of your powers.’

‘Contented?’ he answered, merrily. ‘I am never contented, except with your freshness, my gentle Daisy. As to fitfulness, I have never learnt the art of binding myself to any of the wheels on which the Ixions of these days are turning round and round. —
‘心满意足?‘他开心地回答道。’我从来都不心满意足,除了对你的新鲜感,我温柔的黛西。至于不稳定性,我从未学会将自己绑定在这个时代的伊克修恩们一直旋转不止的那些轮子上。 —

I missed it somehow in a bad apprenticeship, and now don’t care about it. —
我在一段糟糕的学徒期里错过了它,现在也不在乎。 —

  • You know I have bought a boat down here?’
    - 你知道我在这儿买了一艘小船?’

‘What an extraordinary fellow you are, Steerforth!’ —
“斯提福斯,你真是个了不起的家伙!”我赞叹道。 —

I exclaimed, stopping - for this was the first I had heard of it. —
我停下来惊讶地说:“这是我第一次听说。” —

‘When you may never care to come near the place again!’

‘I don’t know that,’ he returned. ‘I have taken a fancy to the place. —
他回答道:“这我可说不准。我对那个地方有点儿喜欢。 —

At all events,’ walking me briskly on, ‘I have bought a boat that was for sale - a clipper, Mr. Peggotty says; —
“无论如何,”他快步地带着我走,“我买了一条待售的船——一艘快船,佩各蒂先生说的; —

and so she is - and Mr. Peggotty will be master of her in my absence.’

‘Now I understand you, Steerforth!’ said I, exultingly. —
“现在我明白你了,斯提福斯!”我兴高采烈地说道。 —

‘You pretend to have bought it for yourself, but you have really done so to confer a benefit on him. I might have known as much at first, knowing you. —
“你假装是为自己买的,但实际上你是为了帮助他才这么做的。早该一开始就知道了,我知道你的心意。 —

My dear kind Steerforth, how can I tell you what I think of your generosity?’

‘Tush!’ he answered, turning red. ‘The less said, the better.’

‘Didn’t I know?’ cried I, ‘didn’t I say that there was not a joy, or sorrow, or any emotion of such honest hearts that was indifferent to you?’

‘Aye, aye,’ he answered, ‘you told me all that. There let it rest. We have said enough!’

Afraid of offending him by pursuing the subject when he made so light of it, I only pursued it in my thoughts as we went on at even a quicker pace than before.

‘She must be newly rigged,’ said Steerforth, ‘and I shall leave Littimer behind to see it done, that I may know she is quite complete. —
“她必须重新装配,”斯提福斯说,“我会留下利蒂默来确保这件事情完成,这样我就知道她是完整的。 —

Did I tell you Littimer had come down?’

’ No.’

‘Oh yes! came down this morning, with a letter from my mother.’

As our looks met, I observed that he was pale even to his lips, though he looked very steadily at me. I feared that some difference between him and his mother might have led to his being in the frame of mind in which I had found him at the solitary fireside. I hinted so.

‘Oh no!’ he said, shaking his head, and giving a slight laugh. —
‘哦不!’他摇着头,轻轻笑了一下。 —

‘Nothing of the sort! Yes. He is come down, that man of mine.’

‘The same as ever?’ said I.

‘The same as ever,’ said Steerforth. ‘Distant and quiet as the North Pole. He shall see to the boat being fresh named. —
‘一如既往,’史迪福斯说。’冷漠而安静得像北极。他会看着船被重新命名。 —

She’s the “Stormy Petrel” now. What does Mr. Peggotty care for Stormy Petrels! —
现在她叫“暴风海燕”。皮格蒂先生在乎什么暴风海燕! —

I’ll have her christened again.’

‘By what name?’ I asked.

‘The “Little Em’ly”.’

As he had continued to look steadily at me, I took it as a reminder that he objected to being extolled for his consideration. —
由于他继续注视着我,我认为这是他反对被赞美他的体贴。 —

I could not help showing in my face how much it pleased me, but I said little, and he resumed his usual smile, and seemed relieved.

‘But see here,’ he said, looking before us, ‘where the original little Em’ly comes! —
‘但看这里,’他说,看着我们前面,’原汁原味的小艾米丽来了! —

And that fellow with her, eh? Upon my soul, he’s a true knight. —
还有她身旁的那个家伙,对吧?我发誓,他是一位真正的骑士。 —

He never leaves her!’

Ham was a boat-builder in these days, having improved a natural ingenuity in that handicraft, until he had become a skilled workman. —
哈姆在那些日子里是一名船匠,他在这个手艺上有天赋且不断改进,直到成为一个技艺娴熟的工匠。 —

He was in his working-dress, and looked rugged enough, but manly withal, and a very fit protector for the blooming little creature at his side. —
他穿着工作服,看起来很粗犷,但又很有男子气概,是那位身旁盛开的小生命的合适守护者。 —

Indeed, there was a frankness in his face, an honesty, and an undisguised show of his pride in her, and his love for her, which were, to me, the best of good looks. —
他的脸上有一种坦率、诚实和毫不掩饰对她的自豪和爱,对我来说,这才是最好的相貌。 —

I thought, as they came towards us, that they were well matched even in that particular.

She withdrew her hand timidly from his arm as we stopped to speak to them, and blushed as she gave it to Steerforth and to me. —
当我们停下来和他们交谈时,她有些害羞地从他的胳膊上拿回手,在把手递给斯迪福斯和我时脸红了。 —

When they passed on, after we had exchanged a few words, she did not like to replace that hand, but, still appearing timid and constrained, walked by herself. —
当他们走过去后,她不想再放回那只手,但仍显得胆怯和不自在,一个人独自走着。 —

I thought all this very pretty and engaging, and Steerforth seemed to think so too, as we looked after them fading away in the light of a young moon.

Suddenly there passed us - evidently following them - a young woman whose approach we had not observed, but whose face I saw as she went by, and thought I had a faint remembrance of. —
突然有一个年轻女子从我们身边经过 - 显然在跟踪他们 - 我们没有注意到她的到来,但当她走过时,我看到她的脸,觉得有一丝熟悉。 —

She was lightly dressed; looked bold, and haggard, and flaunting, and poor; —
她穿得很轻盈;看起来大胆、憔悴、张扬和贫穷; —

but seemed, for the time, to have given all that to the wind which was blowing, and to have nothing in her mind but going after them. —
但看上去,那一刻她已经把一切都抛诸脑后,心无旁骛地跟随他们。 —

As the dark distant level, absorbing their figures into itself, left but itself visible between us and the sea and clouds, her figure disappeared in like manner, still no nearer to them than before.

‘That is a black shadow to be following the girl,’ said Steerforth, standing still; —
‘跟着那女孩的是一个黑黑的影子,’斯迪福斯站住说; —

‘what does it mean?’

He spoke in a low voice that sounded almost strange to Me.

‘She must have it in her mind to beg of them, I think,’ said I.

‘A beggar would be no novelty,’ said Steerforth; —
“一个乞丐并不是什么新奇事物,”Steerforth说道; —

‘but it is a strange thing that the beggar should take that shape tonight.’

‘Why?’ I asked.

‘For no better reason, truly, than because I was thinking,’ he said, after a pause, ‘of something like it, when it came by. —
“真的没有比这更好的理由,只不过因为我正想着类似的事情,当它路过时。”他停顿后说道。 —

Where the Devil did it come from, I wonder!’

‘From the shadow of this wall, I think,’ said I, as we emerged upon a road on which a wall abutted.

‘It’s gone!’ he returned, looking over his shoulder. ‘And all ill go with it. Now for our dinner!’

But he looked again over his shoulder towards the sea-line glimmering afar off, and yet again. —
但他又一次转过头去凝视着远处闪烁的海岸线,之后又再次转过头去看。 —

And he wondered about it, in some broken expressions, several times, in the short remainder of our walk; —
他在我们剩下的短暂步行中几次用一些断断续续的表达来想这件事情; —

and only seemed to forget it when the light of fire and candle shone upon us, seated warm and merry, at table.

Littimer was there, and had his usual effect upon me. —
Littimer也在那里,他对我产生了他通常的影响。 —

When I said to him that I hoped Mrs. Steerforth and Miss Dartle were well, he answered respectfully (and of course respectably), that they were tolerably well, he thanked me, and had sent their compliments. —
当我对他说我希望斯蒂福太太和达特尔小姐身体健康时,他恭敬地(当然也是符合礼数地)回答说他们还过得去,感谢我,并转达了她们的问候。 —

This was all, and yet he seemed to me to say as plainly as a man could say: —
这就是全部,但在我看来,他似乎在尽可能明确地告诉我: —

‘You are very young, sir; you are exceedingly young.’

We had almost finished dinner, when taking a step or two towards the table, from the corner where he kept watch upon us, or rather upon me, as I felt, he said to his master:

‘I beg your pardon, sir. Miss Mowcher is down here.’

‘Who?’ cried Steerforth, much astonished.

‘Miss Mowcher, sir.’

‘Why, what on earth does she do here?’ said Steerforth.

‘It appears to be her native part of the country, sir. —
“看起来这是她的故乡,先生。” —

She informs me that she makes one of her professional visits here, every year, sir. —
“她告诉我她每年都来这里进行一次专业拜访,先生。” —

I met her in the street this afternoon, and she wished to know if she might have the honour of waiting on you after dinner, sir.’

‘Do you know the Giantess in question, Daisy?’ inquired Steerforth.

I was obliged to confess - I felt ashamed, even of being at this disadvantage before Littimer - that Miss Mowcher and I were wholly unacquainted.
我不得不承认 - 我感到羞愧,甚至在面对利蒂默时都感到羞愧 - 莫彻小姐和我完全不相识。

‘Then you shall know her,’ said Steerforth, ‘for she is one of the seven wonders of the world. —
“那么你将认识她的,”史迪福斯说,“因为她是世界七大奇迹之一。 —

When Miss Mowcher comes, show her in.’

I felt some curiosity and excitement about this lady, especially as Steerforth burst into a fit of laughing when I referred to her, and positively refused to answer any question of which I made her the subject. —
对这位女士我感到一些好奇和兴奋,尤其是当我提到她时,史迪福斯突然大笑起来,并坚决拒绝回答任何关于她的问题。 —

I remained, therefore, in a state of considerable expectation until the cloth had been removed some half an hour, and we were sitting over our decanter of wine before the fire, when the door opened, and Littimer, with his habitual serenity quite undisturbed, announced:

‘Miss Mowcher!’

I looked at the doorway and saw nothing. I was still looking at the doorway, thinking that Miss Mowcher was a long while making her appearance, when, to my infinite astonishment, there came waddling round a sofa which stood between me and it, a pursy dwarf, of about forty or forty-five, with a very large head and face, a pair of roguish grey eyes, and such extremely little arms, that, to enable herself to lay a finger archly against her snub nose, as she ogled Steerforth, she was obliged to meet the finger half-way, and lay her nose against it. —
我看向门口,什么也没看到。当我仍然看着门口,想着莫奇小姐迟迟未现身时,出乎我的意料,一个胖乎乎的侏儒从一个与我相隔的沙发后面蹦蹦跳跳地走过来,大约四十或四十五岁,拥有一个非常大的头和脸,一双顽皮的灰眼睛,以及极小的手臂,以至于需要使自己的手指调皮地碰到她钩状的鼻子,以致于她不得不迎头而上,将鼻子靠在手指上。 —

Her chin, which was what is called a double chin, was so fat that it entirely swallowed up the strings of her bonnet, bow and all. —
她的下巴又称双下巴,如此肥胖以至于整个吊帽的带子被吞噬,蝴蝶结和一切。 —

Throat she had none; waist she had none; legs she had none, worth mentioning; —
没有喉咙;没有腰;腿也没有什么值得一提的; —

for though she was more than full-sized down to where her waist would have been, if she had had any, and though she terminated, as human beings generally do, in a pair of feet, she was so short that she stood at a common-sized chair as at a table, resting a bag she carried on the seat. —
虽然她的体型直到腰部位置会有的地方都是超大的,虽然她的脚根据一般人类一样地结尾,但由于她太矮了,以至于她站在一个普通大小的椅子边上就像站在一张桌子上一样,把她的包放在椅子上。 —

This lady - dressed in an off-hand, easy style; —
这位女士穿着一种随意舒适的风格; —

bringing her nose and her forefinger together, with the difficulty I have described; —
让她的鼻子和食指一起,如我所描述的困难; —

standing with her head necessarily on one side, and, with one of her sharp eyes shut up, making an uncommonly knowing face - after ogling Steerforth for a few moments, broke into a torrent of words.
站立,头必然向一边倾斜,一只尖锐的眼睛闭上,露出一副异常精明的脸 - 在盯着史迪福思几分钟后,她爆发出一连串的话语。

‘What! My flower!’ she pleasantly began, shaking her large head at him. ‘You’re there, are you! —
‘什么!我的花儿!’她愉快地开始,摇摇头,面对着他。’你在那里,对吧! —

Oh, you naughty boy, fie for shame, what do you do so far away from home? —
噢,你这个调皮孩子,好可耻,你为什么离家这么远? —

Up to mischief, I’ll be bound. Oh, you’re a downy fellow, Steerforth, so you are, and I’m another, ain’t I? —
调皮捣蛋了,我以为是这样。噢,你真是个精明的家伙,史迪福思,你是的,我也是,对吧? —

Ha, ha, ha! You’d have betted a hundred pound to five, now, that you wouldn’t have seen me here, wouldn’t you? —
哈哈,哈哈!你肯定打赌了一百磅对五磅,现在你不会看到我在这里,不是吗? —

Bless you, man alive, I’m everywhere. I’m here and there, and where not, like the conjurer’s half-crown in the lady’s handkercher. —
上帝保佑你,你这个活生生的男人,我无处不在。我到处都是,我在这里和那里,还有不在的地方,就像魔术师手绢中的半个皇冠。 —

Talking of handkerchers - and talking of ladies - what a comfort you are to your blessed mother, ain’t you, my dear boy, over one of my shoulders, and I don’t say which!’
谈到手绢 - 谈到女士们 - 你对你可爱的母亲真是一大安慰,对吧,我亲爱的孩子,在我肩膀上的一个,我不会说哪个!’

Miss Mowcher untied her bonnet, at this passage of her discourse, threw back the strings, and sat down, panting, on a footstool in front of the fire - making a kind of arbour of the dining table, which spread its mahogany shelter above her head.

‘Oh my stars and what’s-their-names!’ she went on, clapping a hand on each of her little knees, and glancing shrewdly at me, ‘I’m of too full a habit, that’s the fact, Steerforth. —
‘我的天哪和什么他们的名字!’她继续说着,一只手拍打着她的小膝盖,狡黠地瞥了我一眼,’我体格过于丰满,这就是事实,史迪福思。 —

After a flight of stairs, it gives me as much trouble to draw every breath I want, as if it was a bucket of water. —
爬完一段楼梯后,我觉得每次呼吸都像是要抽一桶水一样费劲。 —

If you saw me looking out of an upper window, you’d think I was a fine woman, wouldn’t you?’

‘I should think that, wherever I saw you,’ replied Steerforth.

‘Go along, you dog, do!’ cried the little creature, making a whisk at him with the handkerchief with which she was wiping her face, ‘and don’t be impudent! —
‘快滚开,你这只狗!’那个小家伙大声说,用手帕向他挥了一下,用它擦着脸,‘别无礼!’ —

But I give you my word and honour I was at Lady Mithers’s last week - THERE’S a woman! —
但是我向你发誓,我上周在密瑟夫人那里——那可是个女人! —

How SHE wears! - and Mithers himself came into the room where I was waiting for her - THERE’S a man! How HE wears! —
她穿着多么考究!——而密瑟自己走进了等待她的房间——真是个男人!他穿着多么讲究! —

and his wig too, for he’s had it these ten years - and he went on at that rate in the complimentary line, that I began to think I should be obliged to ring the bell. —
十年了他还带着那顶假发——他继续恭维不断,让我开始想我会不得不按铃。 —

Ha! ha! ha! He’s a pleasant wretch, but he wants principle.’

‘What were you doing for Lady Mithers?’ asked Steerforth.

‘That’s tellings, my blessed infant,’ she retorted, tapping her nose again, screwing up her face, and twinkling her eyes like an imp of supernatural intelligence. —
‘这是秘密,我亲爱的小孩,’她回答道,再次轻拍了一下鼻子,皱起脸,眼睛像神秘智慧的小恶魔一样闪光。 —

‘Never YOU mind! You’d like to know whether I stop her hair from falling off, or dye it, or touch up her complexion, or improve her eyebrows, wouldn’t you? —
‘不要你多事!你想知道我是帮她防止脱发、染发、化妆还是修饰眉毛,对吧? —

And so you shall, my darling - when I tell you! —
等我告诉你的时候,我的宝贝。 —

Do you know what my great grandfather’s name was?’

‘No,’ said Steerforth.

‘It was Walker, my sweet pet,’ replied Miss Mowcher, ‘and he came of a long line of Walkers, that I inherit all the Hookey estates from.’

I never beheld anything approaching to Miss Mowcher’s wink except Miss Mowcher’s self-possession. —
除了莫尔彻小姐本人沉稳的自制力外,我从未见过任何类似莫尔彻小姐的眨眼。 —

She had a wonderful way too, when listening to what was said to her, or when waiting for an answer to what she had said herself, of pausing with her head cunningly on one side, and one eye turned up like a magpie’s. —
她有一种奇妙的方式,当听别人对她说的话或者等待对她自己说的话的答复时,她会聪明地将头歪向一侧,一只眼睛瞪大,就像一只喜鹊。 —

Altogether I was lost in amazement, and sat staring at her, quite oblivious, I am afraid, of the laws of politeness.

She had by this time drawn the chair to her side, and was busily engaged in producing from the bag (plunging in her short arm to the shoulder, at every dive) a number of small bottles, sponges, combs, brushes, bits of flannel, little pairs of curling-irons, and other instruments, which she tumbled in a heap upon the chair. —
她此时已经把椅子拉到身边,忙着从袋子里拿出一些小瓶子、海绵、梳子、刷子、棉绒、小卷发夹和其他器具,每次伸手都深深地插进去,然后在椅子上堆成一堆。 —

From this employment she suddenly desisted, and said to Steerforth, much to my confusion:

‘Who’s your friend?’

‘Mr. Copperfield,’ said Steerforth; ‘he wants to know you.’

‘Well, then, he shall! I thought he looked as if he did!’ —
“嗯,那么,他就会啦!我觉得他看起来是这样的!” —

returned Miss Mowcher, waddling up to me, bag in hand, and laughing on me as she came. —
莫妮姐一边笑着一边朝我走过来,手里拿着袋子。 —

‘Face like a peach!’ standing on tiptoe to pinch my cheek as I sat. ‘Quite tempting! —
“像桃子一样的脸!”她站在脚尖上,想掐我的脸颊,“相当诱人呢! —

I’m very fond of peaches. Happy to make your acquaintance, Mr. Copperfield, I’m sure.’

I said that I congratulated myself on having the honour to make hers, and that the happiness was mutual.

‘Oh, my goodness, how polite we are!’ exclaimed Miss Mowcher, making a preposterous attempt to cover her large face with her morsel of a hand. —
“天啊,我们多么有礼貌啊!”莫妮姐叫道,试图用她那只小手遮住自己的大脸。 —

‘What a world of gammon and spinnage it is, though, ain’t it!’

This was addressed confidentially to both of us, as the morsel of a hand came away from the face, and buried itself, arm and all, in the bag again.

‘What do you mean, Miss Mowcher?’ said Steerforth.

‘Ha! ha! ha! What a refreshing set of humbugs we are, to be sure, ain’t we, my sweet child?’ —
“哈哈哈!我们是多么清新的一群骗子啊,不是吗,我亲爱的孩子?” —

replied that morsel of a woman, feeling in the bag with her head on one side and her eye in the air. ‘Look here!’ —
莫妮姐回答,一边歪着头,一边用目光扫视着袋子里的东西。“看这里!” —

taking something out. ‘Scraps of the Russian Prince’s nails. —
她拿出了一些东西。“俄罗斯王子的指甲剪啰。 —

Prince Alphabet turned topsy-turvy, I call him, for his name’s got all the letters in it, higgledy-piggledy.’

‘The Russian Prince is a client of yours, is he?’ said Steerforth.

‘I believe you, my pet,’ replied Miss Mowcher. —
“我相信你,亲爱的,”莫妮姐答道。 —

‘I keep his nails in order for him. Twice a week! —
“我每周为他整理指甲。两次!” —

Fingers and toes.’

‘He pays well, I hope?’ said Steerforth.

‘Pays, as he speaks, my dear child - through the nose,’ replied Miss Mowcher. —
莫琪小姐回答:“付款如他说话一样,亲爱的孩子 - 很贵。” —

‘None of your close shavers the Prince ain’t. —
“皇子不是个吝啬的人。 —

You’d say so, if you saw his moustachios. —
如果你看见他的胡子,你就会这么说。 —

Red by nature, black by art.’

‘By your art, of course,’ said Steerforth.

Miss Mowcher winked assent. ‘Forced to send for me. Couldn’t help it. The climate affected his dye; —
莫琪小姐眨眼表示同意。“不得不为此求助于我。 —

it did very well in Russia, but it was no go here. —
在俄罗斯还可以,但在这里不行。 —

You never saw such a rusty Prince in all your born days as he was. Like old iron!’ —
在这世上你绝对没见过像他这样的一个生锈的皇子。像铁一样!” —

‘Is that why you called him a humbug, just now?’ inquired Steerforth.

‘Oh, you’re a broth of a boy, ain’t you?’ returned Miss Mowcher, shaking her head violently. —
莫琪小姐摇头晃动说:“哦,你真是个了不起的小伙子,不是吗?” —

‘I said, what a set of humbugs we were in general, and I showed you the scraps of the Prince’s nails to prove it. —
“我说,我们大家一般都是些假货,我给你看了皇子的指甲碎片证明了这一点。 —

The Prince’s nails do more for me in private families of the genteel sort, than all my talents put together. —
皇子的指甲在上流社会的私人家庭中为我做的事情比我所有的才能加在一起都多。” —

I always carry ‘em about. They’re the best introduction. —
我总是带着它们。它们是最好的介绍。 —

If Miss Mowcher cuts the Prince’s nails, she must be all right. —
如果莫彻小姐给王子修剪指甲,她一定很好。 —

I give ‘em away to the young ladies. They put ‘em in albums, I believe. Ha! ha! ha! —
我送给年轻女士。她们把它们放在相册里,我相信。哈!哈!哈! —

Upon my life, “the whole social system” (as the men call it when they make speeches in Parliament) is a system of Prince’s nails!’ —
我要打赌,“整个社会体系”(男人们在议会讲话时如此称呼)就是由王子的指甲组成的体系!’ —

said this least of women, trying to fold her short arms, and nodding her large head.

Steerforth laughed heartily, and I laughed too. —
Steerforth 好大声笑,我也跟着笑。 —

Miss Mowcher continuing all the time to shake her head (which was very much on one side), and to look into the air with one eye, and to wink with the other.

‘Well, well!’ she said, smiting her small knees, and rising, ‘this is not business. —
‘好吧,好吧!’她说着,拍打着她那纤细的膝盖,站起身来,‘这不是正经事。 —

Come, Steerforth, let’s explore the polar regions, and have it over.’

She then selected two or three of the little instruments, and a little bottle, and asked (to my surprise) if the table would bear. —
然后她挑选了两三个小器具,和一个小瓶子,并出人我意料地,问桌子能不能承受。 —

On Steerforth’s replying in the affirmative, she pushed a chair against it, and begging the assistance of my hand, mounted up, pretty nimbly, to the top, as if it were a stage.

‘If either of you saw my ankles,’ she said, when she was safely elevated, ‘say so, and I’ll go home and destroy myself!’

‘I did not,’ said Steerforth.

‘I did not,’ said I.

‘Well then,’ cried Miss Mowcher,’ I’ll consent to live. —
‘那好吧,’莫彻小姐大声说,‘我同意活下去。’ —

Now, ducky, ducky, ducky, come to Mrs. Bond and be killed.’

This was an invocation to Steerforth to place himself under her hands; —
这是在召唤斯蒂尔弗斯,让他把头交给她处理; —

who, accordingly, sat himself down, with his back to the table, and his laughing face towards me, and submitted his head to her inspection, evidently for no other purpose than our entertainment. —
于是,他坐在那里,背对着桌子,笑脸朝着我,把头交给她检查,显然只是为了取悦我们。 —

To see Miss Mowcher standing over him, looking at his rich profusion of brown hair through a large round magnifying glass, which she took out of her pocket, was a most amazing spectacle.

‘You’re a pretty fellow!’ said Miss Mowcher, after a brief inspection. —
‘你这家伙真好看!’莫乔小姐在短暂检查之后说道。 —

‘You’d be as bald as a friar on the top of your head in twelve months, but for me. —
‘如果不是因为我,你头顶上的秃顶一年内就会如同修道士般光秃!’ —

just half a minute, my young friend, and we’ll give you a polishing that shall keep your curls on for the next ten years!’

With this, she tilted some of the contents of the little bottle on to one of the little bits of flannel, and, again imparting some of the virtues of that preparation to one of the little brushes, began rubbing and scraping away with both on the crown of Steerforth’s head in the busiest manner I ever witnessed, talking all the time.

‘There’s Charley Pyegrave, the duke’s son,’ she said. —
‘查理·派格雷夫在那里,公爵的儿子,’她说。 —

‘You know Charley?’ peeping round into his face.

‘A little,’ said Steerforth.

‘What a man HE is! THERE’S a whisker! As to Charley’s legs, if they were only a pair (which they ain’t), they’d defy competition. —
‘他是多么了不起!那上面的胡须!至于查理的腿,如果只有一对(但事实并非如此),它们将无人能及。 —

Would you believe he tried to do without me - in the Life-Guards, too?’

‘Mad!’ said Steerforth.

‘It looks like it. However, mad or sane, he tried,’ returned Miss Mowcher. —
‘看起来是这样。不过,不管是疯还是理智,他都尝试了,’莫乔小姐回答说。 —

‘What does he do, but, lo and behold you, he goes into a perfumer’s shop, and wants to buy a bottle of the Madagascar Liquid.’

‘Charley does?’ said Steerforth.
‘查理做什么?’ 斯蒂尔福斯问道。

‘Charley does. But they haven’t got any of the Madagascar Liquid.’

‘What is it? Something to drink?’ asked Steerforth.
‘那是什么?喝的吗?’ 斯蒂尔福斯问道。

‘To drink?’ returned Miss Mowcher, stopping to slap his cheek. —
‘喝的?’莫琪小姐回答道,停下来拍了一下他的脸。 —

‘To doctor his own moustachios with, you know. —
‘用来护理他自己的小胡子,你知道的。’ —

There was a woman in the shop - elderly female - quite a Griffin - who had never even heard of it by name. —
店里有一个女人 - 老年女性 - 完全是一个格里芬 - 甚至从来没有听说过这种东西的名字。 —

“Begging pardon, sir,” said the Griffin to Charley, “it’s not - not - not ROUGE, is it?” —
“请原谅,先生,” 格里芬对查理说:“这不是 - 不是 - 不是胭脂吧?” —

“Rouge,” said Charley to the Griffin. “What the unmentionable to ears polite, do you think I want with rouge?” —
“胭脂,”查理对格里芬说。“你以为我要用胭脂做什么?” —

“No offence, sir,” said the Griffin; “we have it asked for by so many names, I thought it might be.” —
“无意冒犯,先生,”格里芬说;”我们被问到这么多名字,我以为可能是这个。” —

Now that, my child,’ continued Miss Mowcher, rubbing all the time as busily as ever, ‘is another instance of the refreshing humbug I was speaking of. —
“那,亲爱的孩子,”莫琪小姐接着说,一边继续忙碌地搽着,“是我刚才说到的那种令人耳目一新的骗局的又一个实例。 —

I do something in that way myself - perhaps a good deal - perhaps a little - sharp’s the word, my dear boy - never mind!’
我自己在那方面也做了一些事情 - 或许很多 - 或许一点 - 尖锐是关键词,我亲爱的男孩 - 不要紧!”

‘In what way do you mean? In the rouge way?’ said Steerforth.
‘你是指什么方面?指胭脂那方面吗?’ 斯蒂尔福斯说。

‘Put this and that together, my tender pupil,’ returned the wary Mowcher, touching her nose, ‘work it by the rule of Secrets in all trades, and the product will give you the desired result. —
‘把这个和那个结合起来,我亲爱的学生,’狡猾的莫琪小姐回答,摸了摸自己的鼻子,’按照所有行业中的秘密规律加以运作,产物将得到你所期望的结果。 —

I say I do a little in that way myself. One Dowager, SHE calls it lip-salve. —
我说我自己也做一点这样的事情。一个上流妇人,她称之为唇膏。 —

Another, SHE calls it gloves. Another, SHE calls it tucker-edging. Another, SHE calls it a fan. —
另一个她称之为手套。另一个她称之为饰边围裙。另一个她称之为扇子。 —

I call it whatever THEY call it. I supply it for ‘em, but we keep up the trick so, to one another, and make believe with such a face, that they’d as soon think of laying it on, before a whole drawing-room, as before me. —
我称之为他们称之的任何东西。我为他们提供它,但我们之间保持这个把戏,假装得很真诚,使他们觉得最好在整个客厅之前,也不如在我面前露出。 —

And when I wait upon ‘em, they’ll say to me sometimes - WITH IT ON - thick, and no mistake - “How am I looking, Mowcher? —
当我等候他们,他们有时会对我说 - 戴着它 - 明显地,毫不掩饰 - “我看起来怎么样,莫彻? —

Am I pale?” Ha! ha! ha! ha! Isn’t THAT refreshing, my young friend!’

I never did in my days behold anything like Mowcher as she stood upon the dining table, intensely enjoying this refreshment, rubbing busily at Steerforth’s head, and winking at me over it.

‘Ah!’ she said. ‘Such things are not much in demand hereabouts. —
“啊!”她说。“这里这种东西不太受欢迎。” —

That sets me off again! I haven’t seen a pretty woman since I’ve been here, jemmy.’

‘No?’ said Steerforth.

‘Not the ghost of one,’ replied Miss Mowcher.

‘We could show her the substance of one, I think?’ —
“我们可以给她展示一个实体,我想?”斯提福斯说,把目光投向我的眼睛。“是吗,黛西?” —

said Steerforth, addressing his eyes to mine. ‘Eh, Daisy?’

‘Yes, indeed,’ said I.

‘Aha?’ cried the little creature, glancing sharply at my face, and then peeping round at Steerforth’s. ‘Umph?’

The first exclamation sounded like a question put to both of us, and the second like a question put to Steerforth only. —
她似乎找不到对任何一个问题的答案,但继续用倾斜的脑袋和往上翻的眼睛擦拭,仿佛她正在空中寻找答案,并且对它很快就会出现很有信心。 —

She seemed to have found no answer to either, but continued to rub, with her head on one side and her eye turned up, as if she were looking for an answer in the air and were confident of its appearing presently.

‘A sister of yours, Mr. Copperfield?’ she cried, after a pause, and still keeping the same look-out. ‘Aye, aye?’

‘No,’ said Steerforth, before I could reply. ‘Nothing of the sort. —
“没有,”在我来得及回答之前,斯蒂尔福说。“完全不是那样。” —

On the contrary, Mr. Copperfield used - or I am much mistaken - to have a great admiration for her.’

‘Why, hasn’t he now?’ returned Miss Mowcher. ‘Is he fickle? Oh, for shame! —
“为什么,难道现在不是吗?”莫彻小姐回答。“他是多变的吗?哦,真丢人!” —

Did he sip every flower, and change every hour, until Polly his passion requited? —
“他是一朵花都要尝尽,每个时辰都在变换,直到波莉回应了他的爱情吗?” —

  • Is her name Polly?’

The Elfin suddenness with which she pounced upon me with this question, and a searching look, quite disconcerted me for a moment.

‘No, Miss Mowcher,’ I replied. ‘Her name is Emily.’

‘Aha?’ she cried exactly as before. ‘Umph? What a rattle I am! Mr. Copperfield, ain’t I volatile?’

Her tone and look implied something that was not agreeable to me in connexion with the subject. —
她的语气和表情意味着我和这个话题相关的某件事对我来说不愉快。 —

So I said, in a graver manner than any of us had yet assumed: ‘She is as virtuous as she is pretty. —
于是我以比我们之前任何人都更为庄重的口吻说:‘她的品德和她的美貌一样令人钦佩。 —

She is engaged to be married to a most worthy and deserving man in her own station of life. —
她已经和一个她自己社会地位相当而又非常值得尊敬的男人订婚了。 —

I esteem her for her good sense, as much as I admire her for her good looks.’

‘Well said!’ cried Steerforth. ‘Hear, hear, hear! —
‘说得好!’史迪福斯说。‘听了真叫人舒坦!’ —

Now I’ll quench the curiosity of this little Fatima, my dear Daisy, by leaving her nothing to guess at. —
‘现在我要满足这位小法蒂玛的好奇心,我亲爱的黛西。别让她揣测了。 —

She is at present apprenticed, Miss Mowcher, or articled, or whatever it may be, to Omer and Joram, Haberdashers, Milliners, and so forth, in this town. —
她目前是这个镇上 Omer and Joram 的学徒,或者是见习生,或者无论叫什么的,绸缎商、服装设计师等等。 —

Do you observe? Omer and Joram. The promise of which my friend has spoken, is made and entered into with her cousin; —
你明白了吗?Omer and Joram。我朋友提到的那个承诺,是和她的表亲签订的; —

Christian name, Ham; surname, Peggotty; occupation, boat-builder; also of this town. —
名字是哈姆;姓氏是派格蒂;职业是造船工人;同样是这个镇上的。 —

She lives with a relative; Christian name, unknown; surname, Peggotty; occupation, seafaring; —
她和一个亲戚一起居住;名字不详;姓派格蒂,职业是航海; —

also of this town. She is the prettiest and most engaging little fairy in the world. —
同样也是这个镇上的。她是世界上最漂亮和最迷人的小仙女。 —

I admire her - as my friend does - exceedingly. —
我像我的朋友一样非常欣赏她。 —

If it were not that I might appear to disparage her Intended, which I know my friend would not like, I would add, that to me she seems to be throwing herself away; —
如果不是因为我可能会看起来贬低她的未婚夫,我知道我的朋友不会喜欢,我会补充说,对我来说她似乎是在把自己浪费掉。 —

that I am sure she might do better; and that I swear she was born to be a lady.’

Miss Mowcher listened to these words, which were very slowly and distinctly spoken, with her head on one side, and her eye in the air as if she were still looking for that answer. —
姆乌切小姐听着这些慢条斯理的话,把头歪在一边,一副仍在寻找答案的样子。 —

When he ceased she became brisk again in an instant, and rattled away with surprising volubility.

‘Oh! And that’s all about it, is it?’ she exclaimed, trimming his whiskers with a little restless pair of scissors, that went glancing round his head in all directions. —
‘哦!就这样了,是吗?’她边说边用一把小剪刀修剪着他的胡须,四处乱窜地在他头上转动。 —

‘Very well: very well! Quite a long story. Ought to end “and they lived happy ever afterwards”; —
‘很好:很好!故事蛮长的。应该以”从此过上幸福的生活”结束; —

oughtn’t it? Ah! What’s that game at forfeits? I love my love with an E, because she’s enticing; —
应该吧?啊!那个放弃的游戏该怎么玩?我爱我的爱人E,因为她很迷人; —

I hate her with an E, because she’s engaged. —
我恨她E,因为她已经订婚了。 —

I took her to the sign of the exquisite, and treated her with an elopement, her name’s Emily, and she lives in the east? —
我带她去了非常精致的地方,用私奔待她,她的名字叫Emily,她住在东边? —

Ha! ha! ha! Mr. Copperfield, ain’t I volatile?’

Merely looking at me with extravagant slyness, and not waiting for any reply, she continued, without drawing breath:

‘There! If ever any scapegrace was trimmed and touched up to perfection, you are, Steerforth. —
‘不错!如果有个调皮鬼能做得完美得像模像样,那就是你了,史迪福。 —

If I understand any noddle in the world, I understand yours. —
如果世界上有任何一个脑瓜懂的话,那就是我懂你的。 —

Do you hear me when I tell you that, my darling? I understand yours,’ peeping down into his face. —
宝贝,你听见我告诉你的话了吗?我懂你的,’她俯下身去看着他的脸。 —

‘Now you may mizzle, jemmy (as we say at Court), and if Mr. Copperfield will take the chair I’ll operate on him.’

‘What do you say, Daisy?’ inquired Steerforth, laughing, and resigning his seat. —
‘你要说什么,黛西?’,同时放弃了他的座位。 —

‘Will you be improved?’

‘Thank you, Miss Mowcher, not this evening.’

‘Don’t say no,’ returned the little woman, looking at me with the aspect of a connoisseur; —
‘不要拒绝,’小女人看着我说, —

‘a little bit more eyebrow?’

‘Thank you,’ I returned, ‘some other time.’

‘Have it carried half a quarter of an inch towards the temple,’ said Miss Mowcher. —
‘把它向太阳穴那边移动半分之一英寸,’莫切小姐说。 —

‘We can do it in a fortnight.’

‘No, I thank you. Not at present.’

‘Go in for a tip,’ she urged. ‘No? Let’s get the scaffolding up, then, for a pair of whiskers. Come!’

I could not help blushing as I declined, for I felt we were on my weak point, now. —
当我拒绝时,我情不自禁地红了脸,因为我觉得这是我的软肋。 —

But Miss Mowcher, finding that I was not at present disposed for any decoration within the range of her art, and that I was, for the time being, proof against the blandishments of the small bottle which she held up before one eye to enforce her persuasions, said we would make a beginning on an early day, and requested the aid of my hand to descend from her elevated station. —
但是莫切小姐发现我目前不愿意接受她的任何装饰品,而且我暂时抵抗了她在我的一只眼睛前面举起的小瓶子来劝说我的手法,并且说我们会在早日开始,并请求我的帮助,去帮她从高位下去。 —

Thus assisted, she skipped down with much agility, and began to tie her double chin into her bonnet.

‘The fee,’ said Steerforth, ‘is -’

‘Five bob,’ replied Miss Mowcher, ‘and dirt cheap, my chicken. Ain’t I volatile, Mr. Copperfield?’

I replied politely: ‘Not at all.’ But I thought she was rather so, when she tossed up his two half-crowns like a goblin pieman, caught them, dropped them in her pocket, and gave it a loud slap.

‘That’s the Till!’ observed Miss Mowcher, standing at the chair again, and replacing in the bag a miscellaneous collection of little objects she had emptied out of it. —
“这就是收银台!”莫妮卓小姐观察着,站在椅子边,把从包里倒出来的各种小物件重新装进去。 —

‘Have I got all my traps? It seems so. It won’t do to be like long Ned Beadwood, when they took him to church “to marry him to somebody”, as he says, and left the bride behind. —
“我的东西都带上了吗?看起来是的。不能像长腿尼德·比德伍德那样,当他们带他去教堂“和某人结婚”的时候,他说,把新娘落下了。 —

Ha! ha! ha! A wicked rascal, Ned, but droll! —
哈!哈!哈!尼德是个恶棍,但很滑稽! —

Now, I know I’m going to break your hearts, but I am forced to leave you. —
现在,我知道我要伤透你们的心,但我被迫离开你们。 —

You must call up all your fortitude, and try to bear it. Good-bye, Mr. Copperfield! —
你们一定要坚强,尽量忍受。再见,科波菲尔德先生! —

Take care of yourself, jockey of Norfolk! How I have been rattling on! —
照顾好自己,诺福克的赛马骑师!我说了这么多! —

It’s all the fault of you two wretches. I forgive you! “Bob swore!” —
这都是你们两个恶棍的错。我原谅你们!“鲍勃诅咒!” —

  • as the Englishman said for “Good night”, when he first learnt French, and thought it so like English. —
    - 就像那个英国人在学会法语时说“晚安”,认为它和英语很像。 —

“Bob swore,” my ducks!’

With the bag slung over her arm, and rattling as she waddled away, she waddled to the door, where she stopped to inquire if she should leave us a lock of her hair. —
随着挎在臂上的小提包发出叮当声,她摇摇晃晃地走到门口,停下来询问是否应该留下一绡发辫。 —

‘Ain’t I volatile?’ she added, as a commentary on this offer, and, with her finger on her nose, departed.

Steerforth laughed to that degree, that it was impossible for me to help laughing too; —
史迪福笑得那么厉害,我不得不跟着笑; —

though I am not sure I should have done so, but for this inducement. —
虽然我不确定如果没有这个诱因我是否会这样做。 —

When we had had our laugh quite out, which was after some time, he told me that Miss Mowcher had quite an extensive connexion, and made herself useful to a variety of people in a variety of ways. —
当我们完全笑够之后,过了一段时间,他告诉我莫妮卓小姐有着相当广泛的人脉,以各种方式对各种人有用。 —

Some people trifled with her as a mere oddity, he said; —
他说,有些人把她当作一个奇特的人而轻视她; —

but she was as shrewdly and sharply observant as anyone he knew, and as long-headed as she was short-armed. —
但她观察敏锐,头脑清晰,短手长头,堪称精明过人。 —

He told me that what she had said of being here, and there, and everywhere, was true enough; —
他告诉我她所说的到处活动是真实的; —

for she made little darts into the provinces, and seemed to pick up customers everywhere, and to know everybody. —
因为她频繁地进入各个省份,似乎在各处找到顾客,认识所有人。 —

I asked him what her disposition was: whether it was at all mischievous, and if her sympathies were generally on the right side of things: —
我问他她的性情如何:是否有一点恶作剧,她的同情心是否一般朝着正确的方向: —

but, not succeeding in attracting his attention to these questions after two or three attempts, I forbore or forgot to repeat them. —
但在两三次尝试后未能引起他对这些问题的注意,我就不再重复或忘记重复了。 —

He told me instead, with much rapidity, a good deal about her skill, and her profits; —
相反,他迅速向我介绍了她的技能和利润; —

and about her being a scientific cupper, if I should ever have occasion for her service in that capacity.

She was the principal theme of our conversation during the evening: —
她是我们整个晚上谈话的主题: —

and when we parted for the night Steerforth called after me over the banisters, ‘Bob swore!’ —
当我们分别晚上回家的时候,史迪福德在楼梯扶手上对我喊道,“鲍勃发誓了!” —

as I went downstairs.

I was surprised, when I came to Mr. Barkis’s house, to find Ham walking up and down in front of it, and still more surprised to learn from him that little Em’ly was inside. —
我很惊讶,当我来到巴基斯先生的房子时,发现汉姆在房子前来回走动,更令我惊讶的是,他告诉我小艾米莉在里面。 —

I naturally inquired why he was not there too, instead of pacing the streets by himself?

‘Why, you see, Mas’r Davy,’ he rejoined, in a hesitating manner, ‘Em’ly, she’s talking to some ‘un in here.’

‘I should have thought,’ said I, smiling, ‘that that was a reason for your being in here too, Ham.’

‘Well, Mas’r Davy, in a general way, so ’t would be,’ he returned; —
‘嗯,戴维先生,一般情况下,也是这样,’他回答说; —

‘but look’ee here, Mas’r Davy,’ lowering his voice, and speaking very gravely. —
‘但你看看这里,戴维先生,’他压低声音,非常严肃地说。 —

‘It’s a young woman, sir - a young woman, that Em’ly knowed once, and doen’t ought to know no more.’

When I heard these words, a light began to fall upon the figure I had seen following them, some hours ago.

‘It’s a poor wurem, Mas’r Davy,’ said Ham, ‘as is trod under foot by all the town. —
‘这是一个可怜的女人,戴维先生,’汉姆说,‘被全城的人踩在脚下。 —

Up street and down street. The mowld o’ the churchyard don’t hold any that the folk shrink away from, more.’

‘Did I see her tonight, Ham, on the sand, after we met you?’

‘Keeping us in sight?’ said Ham. ‘It’s like you did, Mas’r Davy. Not that I know’d then, she was theer, sir, but along of her creeping soon arterwards under Em’ly’s little winder, when she see the light come, and whispering “Em’ly, Em’ly, for Christ’s sake, have a woman’s heart towards me. —
‘跟踪我们?’汉姆说。‘我觉得你看见了,戴维先生。虽然那时我不知道她在那里,但在艾米莉家小窗户下面,看见灯光亮起后,她就在她后面悄悄地,低声说,“艾米莉,艾米莉,基督的名义,对我怀有一个女人的心吧。”’ —

I was once like you!” Those was solemn words, Mas’r Davy, fur to hear!’

‘They were indeed, Ham. What did Em’ly do?’ ‘Says Em’ly, “Martha, is it you? —
‘“的确是,汉姆。艾米莉做了什么?”“艾米莉说,‘玛莎,是你吗?哦,玛莎,真的是你吗?’ - 因为她们曾经在奥默先生那里一起工作过许多天。”’ —

Oh, Martha, can it be you?” - for they had sat at work together, many a day, at Mr. Omer’s.’

‘I recollect her now!’ cried I, recalling one of the two girls I had seen when I first went there. —
‘“我还挺清楚地记得她!” —

‘I recollect her quite well!’

‘Martha Endell,’ said Ham. ‘Two or three year older than Em’ly, but was at the school with her.’

‘I never heard her name,’ said I. ‘I didn’t mean to interrupt you.’

‘For the matter o’ that, Mas’r Davy,’ replied Ham, ‘all’s told a’most in them words, “Em’ly, Em’ly, for Christ’s sake, have a woman’s heart towards me. —
“这方面,大人戴维,’汉姆回答道,’几乎所有都在这些话里了,“艾米莉,艾米莉,为了基督的缘故,对我怀有女人的心。” —

I was once like you!” She wanted to speak to Em’ly. Em’ly couldn’t speak to her theer, for her loving uncle was come home, and he wouldn’t - no, Mas’r Davy,’ said Ham, with great earnestness, ‘he couldn’t, kind-natur’d, tender-hearted as he is, see them two together, side by side, for all the treasures that’s wrecked in the sea.’
“我曾经和你一样!” 她想和艾米莉说话。但艾米莉在那儿说不出话来,因为她疼爱的叔叔回来了,而他不会——不,大人戴维,’ 汉姆极其认真地说道,’他不会,就算他是如此善良,如此温柔,他也无法看到他们并肩在一起,哪怕是为了海底沉宝也不行。’

I felt how true this was. I knew it, on the instant, quite as well as Ham.

‘So Em’ly writes in pencil on a bit of paper,’ he pursued, ‘and gives it to her out o’ winder to bring here. —
“艾米莉沿着槳写了一句话,”他接着说,“并且把它递给她,让她把它带到这里。 —

“Show that,” she says, “to my aunt, Mrs. Barkis, and she’ll set you down by her fire, for the love of me, till uncle is gone out, and I can come.” —
“把这个给她看,”她说,“给我姨妈巴克斯太太看,她会让你坐在她的火炉旁,因为我对我的爱,直到叔叔走出去,我才可以来。” —

By and by she tells me what I tell you, Mas’r Davy, and asks me to bring her. What can I do? —
过了一会儿,她告诉我我告诉你的事情,大人戴维,然后让我带着她。我能怎么办? —

She doen’t ought to know any such, but I can’t deny her, when the tears is on her face.’

He put his hand into the breast of his shaggy jacket, and took out with great care a pretty little purse.

‘And if I could deny her when the tears was on her face, Mas’r Davy,’ said Ham, tenderly adjusting it on the rough palm of his hand, ‘how could I deny her when she give me this to carry for her - knowing what she brought it for? —
“如果当她脸上有泪水时我能否认她怎么办,戴维大人,”汉姆说,温柔地在粗糙的手掌上仔细调整,”当她给我这个带着,知道她带它来干什么? —

Such a toy as it is!’ said Ham, thoughtfully looking on it. —
“这是个多么小巧的玩意儿!”汉姆说,带着一种思考的神情。 —

‘With such a little money in it, Em’ly my dear.’

I shook him warmly by the hand when he had put it away again - for that was more satisfactory to me than saying anything - and we walked up and down, for a minute or two, in silence. —
当他再次把它放回去时,我热情地握住了他的手——这对我来说比说任何话更让人满意——我们便静静地走了一两分钟。 —

The door opened then, and Peggotty appeared, beckoning to Ham to come in. —
然后门打开了,佩戈蒂出现了,示意汉姆进来。 —

I would have kept away, but she came after me, entreating me to come in too. —
我本来想躲开的,但她跟着我来,请求我也进去。 —

Even then, I would have avoided the room where they all were, but for its being the neat-tiled kitchen I have mentioned more than once. —
即使那时我本想避开他们在的房间,但因为那是我已经多次提过的整洁瓷砖的厨房,所以我进去了。 —

The door opening immediately into it, I found myself among them before I considered whither I was going.

The girl - the same I had seen upon the sands - was near the fire. —
那个女孩——我在沙滩上见过的那个——就在火堆旁边。 —

She was sitting on the ground, with her head and one arm lying on a chair. —
她坐在地上,头和一只手搭在椅子上。 —

I fancied, from the disposition of her figure, that Em’ly had but newly risen from the chair, and that the forlorn head might perhaps have been lying on her lap. —
我觉得,从她的身姿来看,埃米莉可能是刚从椅子上起来的,那个凄凉的头或许曾经躺在她的膝上。 —

I saw but little of the girl’s face, over which her hair fell loose and scattered, as if she had been disordering it with her own hands; —
我看不清女孩的脸,她的头发散乱着落在脸上,看起来像是自己乱抓乱挠的。 —

but I saw that she was young, and of a fair complexion. Peggotty had been crying. —
但我看出她年轻,皮肤白皙。佩戈蒂哭过。 —

So had little Em’ly. Not a word was spoken when we first went in; —
小埃米莉也是。我们刚进去时一言不发; —

and the Dutch clock by the dresser seemed, in the silence, to tick twice as loud as usual. —
炉边的荷兰钟在沉默中似乎比平时响了一倍。 —

Em’ly spoke first.

‘Martha wants,’ she said to Ham, ‘to go to London.’

‘Why to London?’ returned Ham.

He stood between them, looking on the prostrate girl with a mixture of compassion for her, and of jealousy of her holding any companionship with her whom he loved so well, which I have always remembered distinctly. —
他站在他们之间,眼神中兼具对她的同情和对那个深爱的人与别人交往的妒忌,这一幕我至今清晰地记得。 —

They both spoke as if she were ill; in a soft, suppressed tone that was plainly heard, although it hardly rose above a whisper.

‘Better there than here,’ said a third voice aloud - Martha’s, though she did not move. —
‘在那里比在这里好,’第三个声音大声说—是玛莎,尽管她没有动。 —

‘No one knows me there. Everybody knows me here.’

‘What will she do there?’ inquired Ham.

She lifted up her head, and looked darkly round at him for a moment; —
她抬起头,暗暗地看了他一会儿; —

then laid it down again, and curved her right arm about her neck, as a woman in a fever, or in an agony of pain from a shot, might twist herself.

‘She will try to do well,’ said little Em’ly. ‘You don’t know what she has said to us. —
“她会努力做到好的。”小艾米莉说。“你不知道她对我们说过些什么。 —

Does he - do they - aunt?’
他会吗 - 他们会吗 - 阿姨?

Peggotty shook her head compassionately.

‘I’ll try,’ said Martha, ‘if you’ll help me away. I never can do worse than I have done here. —
“我会努力的,”玛莎说,“如果你能帮我离开这里。我再也不会表现得比我在这里表现得更差了。 —

I may do better. Oh!’ with a dreadful shiver, ‘take me out of these streets, where the whole town knows me from a child!’

As Em’ly held out her hand to Ham, I saw him put in it a little canvas bag. —
当艾米莉向汉姆伸出手时,我看见他把一个小帆布袋放进了她的手里。 —

She took it, as if she thought it were her purse, and made a step or two forward; —
她接过去,仿佛以为那是她的钱包,向前走了几步; —

but finding her mistake, came back to where he had retired near me, and showed it to him.

‘It’s all yourn, Em’ly,’ I could hear him say. —
“全部都是你的,艾米莉,” 我听见他说。 —

‘I haven’t nowt in all the wureld that ain’t yourn, my dear. —
“在这个世界上我没有任何东西不是属于你的,亲爱的。 —

It ain’t of no delight to me, except for you!’

The tears rose freshly in her eyes, but she turned away and went to Martha. —
她眼中又涌出了眼泪,但她转身走向了玛莎。 —

What she gave her, I don’t know. I saw her stooping over her, and putting money in her bosom. —
她给了她什么,我不知道。我看到她弯着身子,把钱放在她的胸前。 —

She whispered something, as she asked was that enough? —
她小声说着,问这是否足够了? —

‘More than enough,’ the other said, and took her hand and kissed it.

Then Martha arose, and gathering her shawl about her, covering her face with it, and weeping aloud, went slowly to the door. —
然后玛莎站起来,用披肩裹住自己,蒙着脸,哭泣着,慢慢走向门口。 —

She stopped a moment before going out, as if she would have uttered something or turned back; —
她在走出前停顿了一会,好像想说些什么或者回头; —

but no word passed her lips. Making the same low, dreary, wretched moaning in her shawl, she went away.

As the door closed, little Em’ly looked at us three in a hurried manner and then hid her face in her hands, and fell to sobbing.

‘Doen’t, Em’ly!’ said Ham, tapping her gently on the shoulder. —
‘别哭,艾米莉!’汉姆轻轻拍了拍她的肩膀。 —

‘Doen’t, my dear! You doen’t ought to cry so, pretty!’

‘Oh, Ham!’ she exclaimed, still weeping pitifully, ‘I am not so good a girl as I ought to be! I know I have not the thankful heart, sometimes, I ought to have!’

‘Yes, yes, you have, I’m sure,’ said Ham.

‘No! no! no!’ cried little Em’ly, sobbing, and shaking her head. —
‘不!不!不!’小艾米莉哭着,摇着头。 —

‘I am not as good a girl as I ought to be. Not near! not near!’ —
‘我不像我应该是的好姑娘。一点也不!一点也不!’ —

And still she cried, as if her heart would break.

‘I try your love too much. I know I do!’ she sobbed. —
‘我考验了你的爱太多了。我知道我这么做了!’她哭着说。 —

‘I’m often cross to you, and changeable with you, when I ought to be far different. —
我经常对你生气,对你反复无常,当我应该是完全不同的时候。 —

You are never so to me. Why am I ever so to you, when I should think of nothing but how to be grateful, and to make you happy!’

‘You always make me so,’ said Ham, ‘my dear! I am happy in the sight of you. —
“你总是让我开心的,”哈姆说,“亲爱的!看到你就让我很开心。 —

I am happy, all day long, in the thoughts of you.’

‘Ah! that’s not enough!’ she cried. ‘That is because you are good; not because I am! —
“啊!这还不够!”她哭道。“那是因为你是善良的;并不是因为我是! —

Oh, my dear, it might have been a better fortune for you, if you had been fond of someone else - of someone steadier and much worthier than me, who was all bound up in you, and never vain and changeable like me!’

‘Poor little tender-heart,’ said Ham, in a low voice. ‘Martha has overset her, altogether.’

‘Please, aunt,’ sobbed Em’ly, ‘come here, and let me lay my head upon you. —
“请,姨妈”,艾米丽抽泣着说,“过来,让我依靠一下你。 —

Oh, I am very miserable tonight, aunt! Oh, I am not as good a girl as I ought to be. —
噢,今晚我非常难过,姨妈!噢,我不像我应该的那样好。 —

I am not, I know!’

Peggotty had hastened to the chair before the fire. —
佩吉蒂赶紧坐到了火炉旁的椅子上。 —

Em’ly, with her arms around her neck, kneeled by her, looking up most earnestly into her face.

‘Oh, pray, aunt, try to help me! Ham, dear, try to help me! —
“噢,请,姨妈,帮帮我!哈姆,亲爱的,帮帮我! —

Mr. David, for the sake of old times, do, please, try to help me! —
大卫先生,为了旧时光的缘故,请,帮帮我! —

I want to be a better girl than I am. I want to feel a hundred times more thankful than I do. —
我想成为比我现在更好的女孩。我想比我现在感恩一百倍。” —

I want to feel more, what a blessed thing it is to be the wife of a good man, and to lead a peaceful life. —
我想更深切地感受,作为一个好男人的妻子是多么幸福,过着平静的生活。 —

Oh me, oh me! Oh my heart, my heart!’

She dropped her face on my old nurse’s breast, and, ceasing this supplication, which in its agony and grief was half a woman’s, half a child’s, as all her manner was (being, in that, more natural, and better suited to her beauty, as I thought, than any other manner could have been), wept silently, while my old nurse hushed her like an infant.

She got calmer by degrees, and then we soothed her; —
她逐渐变得冷静,然后我们安慰她; —

now talking encouragingly, and now jesting a little with her, until she began to raise her head and speak to us. —
有时鼓励地交谈,有时跟她开玩笑,直到她开始抬起头来跟我们说话。 —

So we got on, until she was able to smile, and then to laugh, and then to sit up, half ashamed; —
于是我们继续下去,直到她能够微笑,然后大笑,然后坐起来,有点羞愧; —

while Peggotty recalled her stray ringlets, dried her eyes, and made her neat again, lest her uncle should wonder, when she got home, why his darling had been crying.

I saw her do, that night, what I had never seen her do before. —
那晚我看到她做了以前从未见过的事。 —

I saw her innocently kiss her chosen husband on the cheek, and creep close to his bluff form as if it were her best support. —
我看到她天真地亲吻她所选择的丈夫的脸颊,紧靠在他笨拙的身边,仿佛那是她最好的支持。 —

When they went away together, in the waning moonlight, and I looked after them, comparing their departure in my mind with Martha’s, I saw that she held his arm with both her hands, and still kept close to him.