Until the day arrived on which I was to entertain my newly-found old friends, I lived principally on Dora and coffee. —
直到那天到来,我才开始接待我的新老朋友,我主要靠多拉和咖啡度日。 —

In my love-lorn condition, my appetite languished; —
在我为爱而忧伤的状态下,我的食欲衰退; —

and I was glad of it, for I felt as though it would have been an act of perfidy towards Dora to have a natural relish for my dinner. —
我很高兴,因为我觉得如果我对晚餐有一种自然的享受,那对多拉来说就是一种背叛。 —

The quantity of walking exercise I took, was not in this respect attended with its usual consequence, as the disappointment counteracted the fresh air. —
我所做的大量步行运动在这方面没有产生通常的效果,因为失望抵消了新鲜空气。 —

I have my doubts, too, founded on the acute experience acquired at this period of my life, whether a sound enjoyment of animal food can develop itself freely in any human subject who is always in torment from tight boots. —
我有疑虑,也是基于我在这一生中获得的敏锐经验,怀疑一个始终被紧鞋困扰的任何人都无法自由地享受动物食物。 —

I think the extremities require to be at peace before the stomach will conduct itself with vigour.

On the occasion of this domestic little party, I did not repeat my former extensive preparations. —
在这次家庭小聚会上,我没有重复以往的广泛准备。 —

I merely provided a pair of soles, a small leg of mutton, and a pigeon-pie. —
我只准备了一对比目鱼、一小腿羊肉和一个鸽子派。 —

Mrs. Crupp broke out into rebellion on my first bashful hint in reference to the cooking of the fish and joint, and said, with a dignified sense of injury, ‘No! —
克鲁普夫人在我有关鱼和肉的烹饪的第一个害羞暗示时,就开始反抗,并且带着受伤的尊严感说:“不!不,先生!你不会询问我这样的事情,因为你更了解我,以至于不会认为我能做我不能得到自己感觉充分满意的事情!” —

No, sir! You will not ask me sich a thing, for you are better acquainted with me than to suppose me capable of doing what I cannot do with ampial satisfaction to my own feelings!’ —
但最后,达成了一个折衷方案; —

But, in the end, a compromise was effected; —
克鲁普夫人同意完成这项壮举的条件是我之后在家里吃饭两个星期。 —

and Mrs. Crupp consented to achieve this feat, on condition that I dined from home for a fortnight afterwards.

And here I may remark, that what I underwent from Mrs. Crupp, in consequence of the tyranny she established over me, was dreadful. —
我从未像害怕过任何人。我们对所有事情达成了妥协。 —

I never was so much afraid of anyone. We made a compromise of everything. —
如果我犹豫了,她就会患上那种一直潜伏在她体内,准备在最短时间内袭击她的生命的神奇疾病。 —

If I hesitated, she was taken with that wonderful disorder which was always lying in ambush in her system, ready, at the shortest notice, to prey upon her vitals. —
”` —

If I rang the bell impatiently, after half-a-dozen unavailing modest pulls, and she appeared at last - which was not by any means to be relied upon - she would appear with a reproachful aspect, sink breathless on a chair near the door, lay her hand upon her nankeen bosom, and become so ill, that I was glad, at any sacrifice of brandy or anything else, to get rid of her. —
如果我不耐烦地按铃,拉了六七次也没有得到任何结果,她最后才会出现 - 这可不能指望的 - 她会带着责备的表情出现, 气喘吁吁地坐在门边的椅子上, 手放在她的蓝青胸前, 然后变得如此虚弱,以至于不惜牺牲白兰地等等,也要摆脱她。 —

If I objected to having my bed made at five o’clock in the afternoon - which I do still think an uncomfortable arrangement - one motion of her hand towards the same nankeen region of wounded sensibility was enough to make me falter an apology. —
如果我反对下午五点就整理床铺 - 我现在仍然认为这是一种不舒服的安排 - 她一动手向那个蓝青色的敏感区域示意,就足以让我迟疑地道歉。 —

In short, I would have done anything in an honourable way rather than give Mrs. Crupp offence; —
总之,我宁愿用光荣的方式做任何事情,也不愿得罪克鲁普夫人; —

and she was the terror of my life.

I bought a second-hand dumb-waiter for this dinner-party, in preference to re-engaging the handy young man; —
我为这次宴会买了一个二手的餐车,而不是重新雇佣那位得力青年; —

against whom I had conceived a prejudice, in consequence of meeting him in the Strand, one Sunday morning, in a waistcoat remarkably like one of mine, which had been missing since the former occasion. —
我对他产生了偏见,因为曾在星期天早晨在街头遇到他,他穿了一件和我一件非常相似的背心,自那以来我的那件背心就不见了。 —

The ‘young gal’ was re-engaged; but on the stipulation that she should only bring in the dishes, and then withdraw to the landing-place, beyond the outer door; —
那位“年轻女孩”被重新雇佣;但在一个限制条件下,她只能端进菜肴,然后退到外门那边的楼梯平台; —

where a habit of sniffing she had contracted would be lost upon the guests, and where her retiring on the plates would be a physical impossibility.

Having laid in the materials for a bowl of punch, to be compounded by Mr. Micawber; —
我进了一碗水果酒的原材料,以便麦考伯先生拼合; —

having provided a bottle of lavender-water, two wax-candles, a paper of mixed pins, and a pincushion, to assist Mrs. Micawber in her toilette at my dressing-table; —
为了帮助米考伯夫人在我梳妆台上修饰,我准备了一瓶熏衣草水,两支蜡烛,一包杂色别针,和一个针垫; —

having also caused the fire in my bedroom to be lighted for Mrs. Micawber’s convenience; —
为了方便米考伯夫人,我自己点燃了我卧室里的火; —

and having laid the cloth with my own hands, I awaited the result with composure.

At the appointed time, my three visitors arrived together. —
在约定的时间,我的三个客人一起到了。 —

Mr. Micawber with more shirt-collar than usual, and a new ribbon to his eye-glass; —
麦考伯先生领子比平常更高,眼镜上有了一根新的丝带; —

Mrs. Micawber with her cap in a whitey-brown paper parcel; —
麦考伯夫人头巾装在一个白褐色的纸包里; —

Traddles carrying the parcel, and supporting Mrs. Micawber on his arm. —
特雷德尔斯提着包裹,搀扶着米考伯太太的手臂。 —

They were all delighted with my residence. —
他们对我的住所都感到高兴。 —

When I conducted Mrs. Micawber to my dressing-table, and she saw the scale on which it was prepared for her, she was in such raptures, that she called Mr. Micawber to come in and look.

‘My dear Copperfield,’ said Mr. Micawber, ‘this is luxurious. —
“我亲爱的柯波菲尔德,”麦考伯先生说,“这简直太奢华了。” —

This is a way of life which reminds me of the period when I was myself in a state of celibacy, and Mrs. Micawber had not yet been solicited to plight her faith at the Hymeneal altar.’

‘He means, solicited by him, Mr. Copperfield,’ said Mrs. Micawber, archly. —
“他的意思是,柯波菲尔德先生,”米考伯太太俏皮地说。 —

‘He cannot answer for others.’

‘My dear,’ returned Mr. Micawber with sudden seriousness, ‘I have no desire to answer for others. —
“亲爱的,”麦考伯先生突然严肃地说,“我并不想替别人回答。 —

I am too well aware that when, in the inscrutable decrees of Fate, you were reserved for me, it is possible you may have been reserved for one, destined, after a protracted struggle, at length to fall a victim to pecuniary involvements of a complicated nature. —
“我太清楚了,你们为我而存在,这可能意味着有人早已被选中,在漫长的挣扎后,最终成为复杂财政纠纷的牺牲品。 —

I understand your allusion, my love. I regret it, but I can bear it.’

‘Micawber!’ exclaimed Mrs. Micawber, in tears. ‘Have I deserved this! —
“麦考伯!”米考伯太太泪流满面,“我有这样的罪吗! —

I, who never have deserted you; who never WILL desert you, Micawber!’ —
“我从未抛弃过你;将永远不会抛弃你,麦考伯!” —

‘My love,’ said Mr. Micawber, much affected, ‘you will forgive, and our old and tried friend Copperfield will, I am sure, forgive, the momentary laceration of a wounded spirit, made sensitive by a recent collision with the Minion of Power - in other words, with a ribald Turncock attached to the water-works - and will pity, not condemn, its excesses.’

Mr. Micawber then embraced Mrs. Micawber, and pressed my hand; —
麦考伯先生随后拥抱了米考伯太太,握住了我的手; —

leaving me to infer from this broken allusion that his domestic supply of water had been cut off that afternoon, in consequence of default in the payment of the company’s rates.

To divert his thoughts from this melancholy subject, I informed Mr. Micawber that I relied upon him for a bowl of punch, and led him to the lemons. —
为了转移他对这个忧郁主题的思绪,我告诉米卡伯先生我指望他做一碗水果酒,然后领他去柠檬那里。 —

His recent despondency, not to say despair, was gone in a moment. —
他最近的消沉,甚至可以说是绝望,一瞬间消失了。 —

I never saw a man so thoroughly enjoy himself amid the fragrance of lemon-peel and sugar, the odour of burning rum, and the steam of boiling water, as Mr. Micawber did that afternoon. —
我从未见过一个人在柠檬皮和糖的芬芳、燃烧的兰姆酒的气味和沸水的蒸汽中如此充分享受,像那个下午米卡伯先生那样。 —

It was wonderful to see his face shining at us out of a thin cloud of these delicate fumes, as he stirred, and mixed, and tasted, and looked as if he were making, instead of punch, a fortune for his family down to the latest posterity. —
看到他在这些精致烟雾薄层中闪耀的脸,搅拌、混合、尝试,看起来像是在为他的家族赚钱,直到最后一代,真是不可思议。 —

As to Mrs. Micawber, I don’t know whether it was the effect of the cap, or the lavender-water, or the pins, or the fire, or the wax-candles, but she came out of my room, comparatively speaking, lovely. —
至于米卡伯夫人,我不知道是帽子的效果,还是薰衣草水,还是别针,还是火,还是蜡烛,但她从我的房间出来时,可以说相对美丽。 —

And the lark was never gayer than that excellent woman.

I suppose - I never ventured to inquire, but I suppose - that Mrs. Crupp, after frying the soles, was taken ill. —
我猜 - 我从未敢问,但我猜测 - 瑞普夫人炸过比目鱼之后生病了。 —

Because we broke down at that point. The leg of mutton came up very red within, and very pale without: —
因为我们在那个时候出了故障。羊腿里面非常红,外面非常苍白: —

besides having a foreign substance of a gritty nature sprinkled over it, as if if had had a fall into the ashes of that remarkable kitchen fireplace. —
而且还有一种带有磨砂质地的外来物质撒在上面,好像它掉进了那个引人注目的厨房壁炉的灰烬里。 —

But we were not in condition to judge of this fact from the appearance of the gravy, forasmuch as the ‘young gal’ had dropped it all upon the stairs - where it remained, by the by, in a long train, until it was worn out. —
但我们无法根据肉汁的外表来判断这个事实,因为这位“年轻女孩”把它全都弄落在楼梯上-顺便说一句,它一直呆在那里,形成一条长长的痕迹,直到被磨损为止。 —

The pigeon-pie was not bad, but it was a delusive pie: —
鸽子馅饼还不错,但是它是一个欺骗性的馅饼: —

the crust being like a disappointing head, phrenologically speaking: —
酥皮好像一个令人失望的头部,在相面学上说: —

full of lumps and bumps, with nothing particular underneath. —
坑坑洼洼,下面也没有什么特别的东西。 —

In short, the banquet was such a failure that I should have been quite unhappy - about the failure, I mean, for I was always unhappy about Dora - if I had not been relieved by the great good humour of my company, and by a bright suggestion from Mr. Micawber.

‘My dear friend Copperfield,’ said Mr. Micawber, ‘accidents will occur in the best-regulated families; —
‘我亲爱的朋友科波菲尔德,’麦考伯说,’最好管家的家庭里也会发生意外; —

and in families not regulated by that pervading influence which sanctifies while it enhances the - a - I would say, in short, by the influence of Woman, in the lofty character of Wife, they may be expected with confidence, and must be borne with philosophy. —
而在那些没有受到那种普遍影响支配并使之升华的家庭里-我想说,总而言之,女性的影响,在妻子这个崇高的角色中,它们可以被有信心地预期,并且必须以哲学的态度来承受。 —

If you will allow me to take the liberty of remarking that there are few comestibles better, in their way, than a Devil, and that I believe, with a little division of labour, we could accomplish a good one if the young person in attendance could produce a gridiron, I would put it to you, that this little misfortune may be easily repaired.’

There was a gridiron in the pantry, on which my morning rasher of bacon was cooked. —
屋子里的食物间里有一个铁架,我早上的培根就是在那上面煮的。 —

We had it in, in a twinkling, and immediately applied ourselves to carrying Mr. Micawber’s idea into effect. —
我们立刻准备好,并立即着手实施麦考伯先生的想法。 —

The division of labour to which he had referred was this: - Traddles cut the mutton into slices; —
他所指的分工是这样的: - 特拉德尔斯把羊肉切成片; —

Mr. Micawber (who could do anything of this sort to perfection) covered them with pepper, mustard, salt, and cayenne; —
麦考伯先生(在这方面无所不能)把它们撒上胡椒、芥末、盐和辣椒; —

I put them on the gridiron, turned them with a fork, and took them off, under Mr. Micawber’s direction; —
我把它们放在铁架上,用叉子翻面,根据麦考伯先生的指示把它们取下来; —

and Mrs. Micawber heated, and continually stirred, some mushroom ketchup in a little saucepan. —
米卡伯夫人在一个小锅里加热并不断搅拌着一些蘑菇酱。 —

When we had slices enough done to begin upon, we fell-to, with our sleeves still tucked up at the wrist, more slices sputtering and blazing on the fire, and our attention divided between the mutton on our plates, and the mutton then preparing.

What with the novelty of this cookery, the excellence of it, the bustle of it, the frequent starting up to look after it, the frequent sitting down to dispose of it as the crisp slices came off the gridiron hot and hot, the being so busy, so flushed with the fire, so amused, and in the midst of such a tempting noise and savour, we reduced the leg of mutton to the bone. —
这样一顿美食,烹调的精湛,煮菜的热闹,频繁地起身查看,又频繁地坐下品尝脆脆的烤片,忙忙碌碌、脸上泛着火光、被弄得高兴起来、沉浸在诱人的声音和香气中,我们将整条羊腿吃得干干净净。 —

My own appetite came back miraculously. I am ashamed to record it, but I really believe I forgot Dora for a little while. —
我的胃口奇迹般地恢复了。我很惭愧地记录下了这一点,但我实在相信我有一小段时间忘记了多拉。 —

I am satisfied that Mr. and Mrs. Micawber could not have enjoyed the feast more, if they had sold a bed to provide it. —
我确信米卡伯先生和夫人享受这顿盛宴程度堪比他们卖了一张床来准备它。 —

Traddles laughed as heartily, almost the whole time, as he ate and worked. —
崔德尔斯在几乎整个时间里,边笑边吃边工作。 —

Indeed we all did, all at once; and I dare say there was never a greater success.

We were at the height of our enjoyment, and were all busily engaged, in our several departments, endeavouring to bring the last batch of slices to a state of perfection that should crown the feast, when I was aware of a strange presence in the room, and my eyes encountered those of the staid Littimer, standing hat in hand before me.

‘What’s the matter?’ I involuntarily asked.

‘I beg your pardon, sir, I was directed to come in. Is my master not here, sir?’


‘Have you not seen him, sir?’

‘No; don’t you come from him?’

‘Not immediately so, sir.’

‘Did he tell you you would find him here?’

‘Not exactly so, sir. But I should think he might be here tomorrow, as he has not been here today.’ —
‘并非如此,先生。但我认为他明天可能会来,因为他今天没有来过。’ —

‘Is he coming up from Oxford?’

‘I beg, sir,’ he returned respectfully, ‘that you will be seated, and allow me to do this.’ —
‘先生,请您坐下,让我来干这个吧。’ —

With which he took the fork from my unresisting hand, and bent over the gridiron, as if his whole attention were concentrated on it.

We should not have been much discomposed, I dare say, by the appearance of Steerforth himself, but we became in a moment the meekest of the meek before his respectable serving-man. —
如果是斯提福本人出现,我们或许不会感到太不安,但在他那位令人尊敬的仆人面前,我们立刻变得谦卑起来。 —

Mr. Micawber, humming a tune, to show that he was quite at ease, subsided into his chair, with the handle of a hastily concealed fork sticking out of the bosom of his coat, as if he had stabbed himself. —
米考伯先生哼着一支曲子,显得很从容,坐回到椅子上,胸前伸出一把匆匆藏起的叉子柄,仿佛他刺伤了自己。 —

Mrs. Micawber put on her brown gloves, and assumed a genteel languor. —
米考伯夫人戴上她的棕色手套,装出一副文雅的疲倦模样。 —

Traddles ran his greasy hands through his hair, and stood it bolt upright, and stared in confusion on the table-cloth. —
特拉德尔斯把油腻的手梳过头发,使它笔直地竖立起来,迷惑地盯着桌布。 —

As for me, I was a mere infant at the head of my own table; —
至于我,我只是我自己餐桌的一位幼童; —

and hardly ventured to glance at the respectable phenomenon, who had come from Heaven knows where, to put my establishment to rights.

Meanwhile he took the mutton off the gridiron, and gravely handed it round. —
与此同时,他把羊肉从烤架上取下来,郑重其事地分发给大家。 —

We all took some, but our appreciation of it was gone, and we merely made a show of eating it. —
我们都吃了一些,但对它的欣赏已经消失了,我们只是在露出表面上吃的样子。 —

As we severally pushed away our plates, he noiselessly removed them, and set on the cheese. —
当我们各自推开餐盘时,他悄无声息地收拾了,拿出了奶酪。 —

He took that off, too, when it was done with; cleared the table; —
当奶酪吃完后,他也把它拿了走;清理了餐桌;把一切堆在传菜架上;给我们端上酒杯; —

piled everything on the dumb-waiter; gave us our wine-glasses; —
舒适地坐在另一头桌子边上喝酒。 —

and, of his own accord, wheeled the dumb-waiter into the pantry. —
并自己动手将餐具传送机推进了食品储藏室。 —

All this was done in a perfect manner, and he never raised his eyes from what he was about. —
所有这一切都做得完美无瑕,他从未从手头的事情上抬起眼睛。 —

Yet his very elbows, when he had his back towards me, seemed to teem with the expression of his fixed opinion that I was extremely young.

‘Can I do anything more, sir?’

I thanked him and said, No; but would he take no dinner himself?

‘None, I am obliged to you, sir.’

‘Is Mr. Steerforth coming from Oxford?’

‘I beg your pardon, sir?’

‘Is Mr. Steerforth coming from Oxford?’

‘I should imagine that he might be here tomorrow, sir. —
“我想他明天可能会到这里来,先生。” —

I rather thought he might have been here today, sir. —
“我本以为他今天可能会到这里来,先生。” —

The mistake is mine, no doubt, sir.’

‘If you should see him first -’ said I.

‘If you’ll excuse me, sir, I don’t think I shall see him first.’

‘In case you do,’ said I, ‘pray say that I am sorry he was not here today, as an old schoolfellow of his was here.’

‘Indeed, sir!’ and he divided a bow between me and Traddles, with a glance at the latter.

He was moving softly to the door, when, in a forlorn hope of saying something naturally - which I never could, to this man - I said:

‘Oh! Littimer!’


‘Did you remain long at Yarmouth, that time?’

‘Not particularly so, sir.’

‘You saw the boat completed?’

‘Yes, sir. I remained behind on purpose to see the boat completed.’

‘I know!’ He raised his eyes to mine respectfully.

‘Mr. Steerforth has not seen it yet, I suppose?’

‘I really can’t say, sir. I think - but I really can’t say, sir. I wish you good night, sir.’

He comprehended everybody present, in the respectful bow with which he followed these words, and disappeared. —
说完这些话,他恭敬地向在场的每个人鞠了个躬,然后消失了。 —

My visitors seemed to breathe more freely when he was gone; —
他走后,我的访客们似乎都松了口气; —

but my own relief was very great, for besides the constraint, arising from that extraordinary sense of being at a disadvantage which I always had in this man’s presence, my conscience had embarrassed me with whispers that I had mistrusted his master, and I could not repress a vague uneasy dread that he might find it out. —
但我的轻松感更甚,因为除了由于总是感觉在这个人面前处于劣势之外的约束外,我的良心还因为我曾不信任他的主人而让我感到困扰,我忍不住产生了一种难以名状的不安的恐惧,担心他会发现。 —

How was it, having so little in reality to conceal, that I always DID feel as if this man were finding me out?

Mr. Micawber roused me from this reflection, which was blended with a certain remorseful apprehension of seeing Steerforth himself, by bestowing many encomiums on the absent Littimer as a most respectable fellow, and a thoroughly admirable servant. —
麦卡伯先生的赞美唤醒了我对利蒂默不在场时混合着某种悔恨的担忧的思索,他称赞利蒂默是一个非常可敬的人,完全令人钦佩的仆人。 —

Mr. Micawber, I may remark, had taken his full share of the general bow, and had received it with infinite condescension.

‘But punch, my dear Copperfield,’ said Mr. Micawber, tasting it, ‘like time and tide, waits for no man. —
‘但是果汁,亲爱的柯波菲尔德先生,’麦卡伯先生尝了一口,‘就像时间和潮汐一样,不等人。 —

Ah! it is at the present moment in high flavour. —
啊!它此刻味道极佳。 —

My love, will you give me your opinion?’

Mrs. Micawber pronounced it excellent.

‘Then I will drink,’ said Mr. Micawber, ‘if my friend Copperfield will permit me to take that social liberty, to the days when my friend Copperfield and myself were younger, and fought our way in the world side by side. —
‘那我就喝了,’麦卡伯先生说,‘如果我这位朋友柯波菲尔德先生允许我这样社交自由,回到柯波菲尔德先生和我年轻时并肩战斗的日子。 —

I may say, of myself and Copperfield, in words we have sung together before now, that

We twa hae run about the braes And pu’d the gowans’ fine

  • in a figurative point of view - on several occasions. —
    - 从象征的角度看 - 在几个场合。 —

I am not exactly aware,’ said Mr. Micawber, with the old roll in his voice, and the old indescribable air of saying something genteel, ‘what gowans may be, but I have no doubt that Copperfield and myself would frequently have taken a pull at them, if it had been feasible.’
‘我不太清楚,’ 麦卡伯先生说,声音中有旧时的浑厚轻盈,以及说话时难以形容的高尚气派,‘雏菊可能是什么,但我毫不怀疑柯波菲尔德先生和我如果可能的话经常会吸几口。

Mr. Micawber, at the then present moment, took a pull at his punch. So we all did: —
麦卡伯先生,在那时的此刻,喝了一口他的果汁。我们也都是: —

Traddles evidently lost in wondering at what distant time Mr. Micawber and I could have been comrades in the battle of the world.

‘Ahem!’ said Mr. Micawber, clearing his throat, and warming with the punch and with the fire. —
‘啊咳嗽一声,’ 麦卡伯先生说,清嗓子并在果汁和火炉的温暖下。 —

‘My dear, another glass?’

Mrs. Micawber said it must be very little; but we couldn’t allow that, so it was a glassful.
弥赛亚夫人说这一定是量很少; 但我们不能接受这样,所以这是一杯。

‘As we are quite confidential here, Mr. Copperfield,’ said Mrs. Micawber, sipping her punch, ‘Mr. Traddles being a part of our domesticity, I should much like to have your opinion on Mr. Micawber’s prospects. —
“由于我们在这里是完全信任的,科波菲尔德先生,”弥赛亚夫人抿着她的朗姆酒说,“特拉德尔斯先生是我们家庭生活的一部分,我很想听听您对米考伯先生前景的看法。” —

For corn,’ said Mrs. Micawber argumentatively, ‘as I have repeatedly said to Mr. Micawber, may be gentlemanly, but it is not remunerative. —
“对于谷物,”弥赛亚夫人争辩道,“正如我多次对米考伯先生说过的,可能很绅士,但却不赚钱。 —

Commission to the extent of two and ninepence in a fortnight cannot, however limited our ideas, be considered remunerative.’

We were all agreed upon that.

‘Then,’ said Mrs. Micawber, who prided herself on taking a clear view of things, and keeping Mr. Micawber straight by her woman’s wisdom, when he might otherwise go a little crooked, ‘then I ask myself this question. —
“那么,”弥赛亚夫人说,她以清晰的目光看待事物,并通过她那位法定的女性智慧让米考伯先生迈出正道,而不致有些歪斜,“然后我问自己这个问题。” —

If corn is not to be relied upon, what is? Are coals to be relied upon? Not at all. —
如果谷物不可靠,那么什么可靠?煤炭可靠吗?根本不可靠。 —

We have turned our attention to that experiment, on the suggestion of my family, and we find it fallacious.’

Mr. Micawber, leaning back in his chair with his hands in his pockets, eyed us aside, and nodded his head, as much as to say that the case was very clearly put.

‘The articles of corn and coals,’ said Mrs. Micawber, still more argumentatively, ‘being equally out of the question, Mr. Copperfield, I naturally look round the world, and say, “What is there in which a person of Mr. Micawber’s talent is likely to succeed?” —
“谷物和煤炭两样东西,”弥赛亚夫人更有论据地说,“都不可能,科波菲尔德先生,我自然地环顾世界,说,“米考伯先生这样才华横溢的人很可能会成功的领域是什么?” —

And I exclude the doing anything on commission, because commission is not a certainty. —
我排除了按佣金做任何事情,因为佣金不是确定的。 —

What is best suited to a person of Mr. Micawber’s peculiar temperament is, I am convinced, a certainty.’

Traddles and I both expressed, by a feeling murmur, that this great discovery was no doubt true of Mr. Micawber, and that it did him much credit.

‘I will not conceal from you, my dear Mr. Copperfield,’ said Mrs. Micawber, ‘that I have long felt the Brewing business to be particularly adapted to Mr. Micawber. —
“我不会瞒着你,我亲爱的科波菲尔德先生,”弥赛亚夫人说,“我长期以来一直觉得酿酒业特别适合米考伯先生。 —

Look at Barclay and Perkins! Look at Truman, Hanbury, and Buxton! —
看看巴克莱和帕金斯!看看特鲁曼、汉伯里和巴克斯顿! —

It is on that extensive footing that Mr. Micawber, I know from my own knowledge of him, is calculated to shine; —
就是在这个广泛的基础上,我知道从我对他的了解来看,米考伯先生是注定会大放光彩的; —

and the profits, I am told, are e-NOR-MOUS! —
而且听说他的利润是非常巨大的! —

But if Mr. Micawber cannot get into those firms - which decline to answer his letters, when he offers his services even in an inferior capacity - what is the use of dwelling upon that idea? —
但是如果米考伯先生无法进入那些拒绝回复他求职信的公司,即使他愿意以次要职位提供服务,那么继续思考这个想法有什么用呢? —

None. I may have a conviction that Mr. Micawber’s manners -’
没有用。我可能确信米考伯先生的举止 -’

‘Hem! Really, my dear,’ interposed Mr. Micawber.

‘My love, be silent,’ said Mrs. Micawber, laying her brown glove on his hand. —
‘亲爱的,安静点,’米考伯夫人在他的手上放了她的棕色手套。 —

‘I may have a conviction, Mr. Copperfield, that Mr. Micawber’s manners peculiarly qualify him for the Banking business. —
‘我可能推断,科波菲尔德先生,米考伯先生的举止特别适合银行业务。 —

I may argue within myself, that if I had a deposit at a banking-house, the manners of Mr. Micawber, as representing that banking-house, would inspire confidence, and must extend the connexion. —
我可能在自己内心里争辩,如果我在一个银行家那里有存款,作为代表那个银行家的米考伯先生的举止会激发信任,并且必将延伸这种联系。 —

But if the various banking-houses refuse to avail themselves of Mr. Micawber’s abilities, or receive the offer of them with contumely, what is the use of dwelling upon THAT idea? —
但是如果各个银行不愿利用米考伯先生的才能,或者对他们的提议傲慢相待,那有什么意义呢? —

None. As to originating a banking-business, I may know that there are members of my family who, if they chose to place their money in Mr. Micawber’s hands, might found an establishment of that description. —
没有意义。至于创立一个银行业务,我可能知道我的家族中如果有人选择把他们的钱交给米考伯先生,可能会建立起这种业务。 —

But if they do NOT choose to place their money in Mr. Micawber’s hands - which they don’t - what is the use of that? —
但是如果他们不选择把他们的钱交给米考伯先生 - 他们就是不会这么做 - 那有什么意义呢? —

Again I contend that we are no farther advanced than we were before.’

I shook my head, and said, ‘Not a bit.’ Traddles also shook his head, and said, ‘Not a bit.’

‘What do I deduce from this?’ Mrs. Micawber went on to say, still with the same air of putting a case lucidly. —
‘从这点我能得出什么结论呢?’米考伯夫人继续说,依然神情清楚地表述。 —

‘What is the conclusion, my dear Mr. Copperfield, to which I am irresistibly brought? —
‘我亲爱的科波菲尔德先生,我欣然被带到的结论是什么呢?’ —

Am I wrong in saying, it is clear that we must live?’

I answered ‘Not at all!’ and Traddles answered ‘Not at all!’ —
我回答说“一点也不错!” 特拉德尔斯回答说“一点也不错!” —

and I found myself afterwards sagely adding, alone, that a person must either live or die.

‘Just so,’ returned Mrs. Micawber, ‘It is precisely that. —
“正是如此,”米考伯夫人说,“就是这样。” —

And the fact is, my dear Mr. Copperfield, that we can not live without something widely different from existing circumstances shortly turning up. —
事实上,我亲爱的科波菲尔德先生,我们不能没有某种与现状迥然不同的东西很快出现而生活。 —

Now I am convinced, myself, and this I have pointed out to Mr. Micawber several times of late, that things cannot be expected to turn up of themselves. —
现在我深信,并且最近几次已经向米考伯指出这一点,事情不可能自己出现。 —

We must, in a measure, assist to turn them up. —
我们必须在某种程度上帮助它们出现。 —

I may be wrong, but I have formed that opinion.’

Both Traddles and I applauded it highly.

‘Very well,’ said Mrs. Micawber. ‘Then what do I recommend? —
“好吧,”米考伯夫人说。“那我推荐什么? —

Here is Mr. Micawber with a variety of qualifications - with great talent -’

‘Really, my love,’ said Mr. Micawber.

‘Pray, my dear, allow me to conclude. Here is Mr. Micawber, with a variety of qualifications, with great talent - I should say, with genius, but that may be the partiality of a wife -’

Traddles and I both murmured ‘No.’

‘And here is Mr. Micawber without any suitable position or employment. —
“而这里是米考伯先生,没有适当的职位或工作。” —

Where does that responsibility rest? Clearly on society. —
这个责任落在哪里?显然是社会。 —

Then I would make a fact so disgraceful known, and boldly challenge society to set it right. —
那么我会公开揭示一件如此可耻的事实,并大胆挑战社会去纠正它。 —

It appears to me, my dear Mr. Copperfield,’ said Mrs. Micawber, forcibly, ‘that what Mr. Micawber has to do, is to throw down the gauntlet to society, and say, in effect, “Show me who will take that up. —
在我看来,亲爱的科波菲尔德先生,’强力地说道’,米考伯先生需要做的就是向社会发出挑战,实际上说,“谁来接受这个挑战,立刻站出来。” —

Let the party immediately step forward.”’

I ventured to ask Mrs. Micawber how this was to be done.

‘By advertising,’ said Mrs. Micawber - ‘in all the papers. —
‘通过广告,’米考伯夫人说道 - ‘在所有报纸上。 —

It appears to me, that what Mr. Micawber has to do, in justice to himself, in justice to his family, and I will even go so far as to say in justice to society, by which he has been hitherto overlooked, is to advertise in all the papers; —
在我看来,米考伯先生为了自己的利益,为了家人的利益,甚至我将进一步说为了社会的利益,他一直被忽视,他应该在所有报纸上做广告; —

to describe himself plainly as so-and-so, with such and such qualifications and to put it thus: —
明确地描述自己是某某人,具备某些资格,并这样写: —

“Now employ me, on remunerative terms, and address, post-paid, to W. M., Post Office, Camden Town.”’
“现在以有报酬的条件雇用我,并发送至邮费已付的W. M.,坎登镇邮局。”

‘This idea of Mrs. Micawber’s, my dear Copperfield,’ said Mr. Micawber, making his shirt-collar meet in front of his chin, and glancing at me sideways, ‘is, in fact, the Leap to which I alluded, when I last had the pleasure of seeing you.’

‘Advertising is rather expensive,’ I remarked, dubiously.

‘Exactly so!’ said Mrs. Micawber, preserving the same logical air. —
‘完全正确!’米考伯夫人说,保持着同样的逻辑氛围。 —

‘Quite true, my dear Mr. Copperfield! I have made the identical observation to Mr. Micawber. —
‘非常正确,我亲爱的科波菲尔德先生!我已经告诉过米考伯先生同样的观察。 —

It is for that reason especially, that I think Mr. Micawber ought (as I have already said, in justice to himself, in justice to his family, and in justice to society) to raise a certain sum of money - on a bill.’

Mr. Micawber, leaning back in his chair, trifled with his eye-glass and cast his eyes up at the ceiling; —
米考伯先生靠在椅子上,玩弄着他的眼镜,抬头看着天花板。 —

but I thought him observant of Traddles, too, who was looking at the fire.

‘If no member of my family,’ said Mrs. Micawber, ‘is possessed of sufficient natural feeling to negotiate that bill - I believe there is a better business-term to express what I mean -’
“如果我家没有任何一位家庭成员有足够的天赋来处理那张票据 - 我相信有一个更好的生意术语可以表达我的意思 -”

Mr. Micawber, with his eyes still cast up at the ceiling, suggested ‘Discount.’

‘To discount that bill,’ said Mrs. Micawber, ‘then my opinion is, that Mr. Micawber should go into the City, should take that bill into the Money Market, and should dispose of it for what he can get. —
“要贴现那张票据,”米考伯夫人说,“那么我的意见是,米考伯先生应该去城里,把那张票据拿到货币市场,无论能卖多少就卖多少。” —

If the individuals in the Money Market oblige Mr. Micawber to sustain a great sacrifice, that is between themselves and their consciences. —
如果货币市场的个人迫使米考伯承担巨大的牺牲,那是他们和他们良心之间的事。 —

I view it, steadily, as an investment. I recommend Mr. Micawber, my dear Mr. Copperfield, to do the same; —
我认为,这是个投资。我建议可爱的科波菲尔德先生做同样的事情; —

to regard it as an investment which is sure of return, and to make up his mind to any sacrifice.’

I felt, but I am sure I don’t know why, that this was self-denying and devoted in Mrs. Micawber, and I uttered a murmur to that effect. —
我感到,但我确实不知道为什么,这是米考伯夫人自我克制和奉献的表现。我发出了对此的低声喃喃。 —

Traddles, who took his tone from me, did likewise, still looking at the fire.

‘I will not,’ said Mrs. Micawber, finishing her punch, and gathering her scarf about her shoulders, preparatory to her withdrawal to my bedroom: —
“我不会,”米考伯夫人说完她的热饮,披上围巾绕在肩膀上,准备退到我的卧室: —

‘I will not protract these remarks on the subject of Mr. Micawber’s pecuniary affairs. —
“我不会就米考伯先生的金钱事务继续这些谈话。在你的壁炉边,我亲爱的科波菲尔德先生,在特拉德尔斯先生面前,虽然他不是那么老的朋友,但完全是我们自己人,我忍不住让你了解我建议米考伯应采取的方式。 —

At your fireside, my dear Mr. Copperfield, and in the presence of Mr. Traddles, who, though not so old a friend, is quite one of ourselves, I could not refrain from making you acquainted with the course I advise Mr. Micawber to take. —
我感觉到时机已经到了,米考伯应该努力 - 我可以补充 - 施加自己,而在我看来这就是方法。 —

I feel that the time is arrived when Mr. Micawber should exert himself and - I will add - assert himself, and it appears to me that these are the means. —
我知道我只是个女性,而且通常认为男性的判断力在讨论这类问题时更有能力; —

I am aware that I am merely a female, and that a masculine judgement is usually considered more competent to the discussion of such questions; —
不过我不能忘记,在我和爸爸妈妈一起住的时候,爸爸习惯说:“艾玛的体魄是脆弱的,但她对一个主题的把握力是无与伦比的。” —

still I must not forget that, when I lived at home with my papa and mama, my papa was in the habit of saying, “Emma’s form is fragile, but her grasp of a subject is inferior to none.” —
“Emma’s form is fragile, but her grasp of a subject is inferior to none.” —

That my papa was too partial, I well know; —
我深知我的父亲偏袒太过; —

but that he was an observer of character in some degree, my duty and my reason equally forbid me to doubt.’

With these words, and resisting our entreaties that she would grace the remaining circulation of the punch with her presence, Mrs. Micawber retired to my bedroom. —
说完这些话,尽管我们恳求她留下来与我们一起继续享用朗姆酒,密卡伯夫人还是退到了我的卧室里。 —

And really I felt that she was a noble woman - the sort of woman who might have been a Roman matron, and done all manner of heroic things, in times of public trouble.

In the fervour of this impression, I congratulated Mr. Micawber on the treasure he possessed. —
在这种强烈的印象下,我祝贺密卡伯先生拥有这样一位贵重的财产。 —

So did Traddles. Mr. Micawber extended his hand to each of us in succession, and then covered his face with his pocket-handkerchief, which I think had more snuff upon it than he was aware of. —
特拉德尔斯也是如此。密卡伯先生依次向我们每个人伸出手,然后用他的手帕掩面,我想上面有的鼻烟他自己并没有注意到。 —

He then returned to the punch, in the highest state of exhilaration.

He was full of eloquence. He gave us to understand that in our children we lived again, and that, under the pressure of pecuniary difficulties, any accession to their number was doubly welcome. —
他充满了雄辩。他让我们明白,在孩子们身上我们又活了一次,而在经济困难的压力下,增加他们的数量是双倍地受欢迎的。 —

He said that Mrs. Micawber had latterly had her doubts on this point, but that he had dispelled them, and reassured her. —
他说密卡伯夫人最近对这一点产生了疑虑,但他已经驱散了这些疑虑,并让她放心了。 —

As to her family, they were totally unworthy of her, and their sentiments were utterly indifferent to him, and they might - I quote his own expression - go to the Devil.

Mr. Micawber then delivered a warm eulogy on Traddles. —
随后,密卡伯先生对特拉德尔斯进行了热情的颂扬。 —

He said Traddles’s was a character, to the steady virtues of which he (Mr. Micawber) could lay no claim, but which, he thanked Heaven, he could admire. —
他说特拉德尔斯的是一个性格,对于其稳重的美德他(密卡伯先生)无法宣称,但他感谢上苍,自己能够欣赏。 —

He feelingly alluded to the young lady, unknown, whom Traddles had honoured with his affection, and who had reciprocated that affection by honouring and blessing Traddles with her affection. —
他感慨地提到了一位年轻女士,由于特拉德尔斯的爱而受到尊敬,而她也以爱回报了特拉德尔斯的爱。 —

Mr. Micawber pledged her. So did I. Traddles thanked us both, by saying, with a simplicity and honesty I had sense enough to be quite charmed with, ‘I am very much obliged to you indeed. —
密卡伯先生为她举杯,我也是。特拉德尔斯则以一种简朴和诚实让我深感欣慰的方式感谢我们俩:“真心感谢你们! —

And I do assure you, she’s the dearest girl! -’

Mr. Micawber took an early opportunity, after that, of hinting, with the utmost delicacy and ceremony, at the state of MY affections. —
麦考伯先生在之后的机会中立即以极度的礼貌和仪式感暗示了我的感情状态。 —

Nothing but the serious assurance of his friend Copperfield to the contrary, he observed, could deprive him of the impression that his friend Copperfield loved and was beloved. —
他观察到,只有他朋友科波菲尔德的郑重保证才能让他摆脱这样的印象,即他的朋友科波菲尔德是被爱着且爱着的。 —

After feeling very hot and uncomfortable for some time, and after a good deal of blushing, stammering, and denying, I said, having my glass in my hand, ‘Well! —
在感到很热和不舒服一段时间后,经过一番脸红、口吃和否认后,我拿着我的玻璃杯说:‘好吧! —

I would give them D.!’ which so excited and gratified Mr. Micawber, that he ran with a glass of punch into my bedroom, in order that Mrs. Micawber might drink D., who drank it with enthusiasm, crying from within, in a shrill voice, ‘Hear, hear! —
我将给他们D.!’这激动并满足了麦考伯先生,他端着一杯朗姆酒跑进我的卧室,以便让米考伯太太喝D,她满怀热情地喝下,从房间里尖声喊道:‘听着,听着! —

My dear Mr. Copperfield, I am delighted. Hear!’ —
我亲爱的科波菲尔德先生,我很高兴。听着!’ —

and tapping at the wall, by way of applause.

Our conversation, afterwards, took a more worldly turn; —
后来我们的谈话变得更加现实; —

Mr. Micawber telling us that he found Camden Town inconvenient, and that the first thing he contemplated doing, when the advertisement should have been the cause of something satisfactory turning up, was to move. —
麦考伯告诉我们他发现坎顿镇不方便,一旦广告有了满意的结果,他打算做的第一件事就是搬家。 —

He mentioned a terrace at the western end of Oxford Street, fronting Hyde Park, on which he had always had his eye, but which he did not expect to attain immediately, as it would require a large establishment. —
他提到了牛津街西端的一排房屋,面向海德公园,在他心目中一直留意着,但他不指望立刻能得到,因为那需要一座大规模的建筑。 —

There would probably be an interval, he explained, in which he should content himself with the upper part of a house, over some respectable place of business - say in Piccadilly, - which would be a cheerful situation for Mrs. Micawber; —
他解释道,会有一个间隔期,他会满足于一栋房子的上部,可能在一个体面的商业场所之上——比如在皮卡迪利——那对米考伯太太来说将是一个愉快的位置; —

and where, by throwing out a bow-window, or carrying up the roof another story, or making some little alteration of that sort, they might live, comfortably and reputably, for a few years. —
通过推出一个弓形窗户,或者再加一层屋顶,或者做一些小的改动,他们可以在那里舒适而体面地生活几年。 —

Whatever was reserved for him, he expressly said, or wherever his abode might be, we might rely on this - there would always be a room for Traddles, and a knife and fork for me. —
无论他保留了什么,他明确表示,或者他的居所在哪里,我们可以信赖这一点——特拉德尔斯会有一个房间,我会有一把刀叉。 —

We acknowledged his kindness; and he begged us to forgive his having launched into these practical and business-like details, and to excuse it as natural in one who was making entirely new arrangements in life.

Mrs. Micawber, tapping at the wall again to know if tea were ready, broke up this particular phase of our friendly conversation. —
米考伯太太再次敲击墙壁询问茶是否准备好,结束了我们友好谈话的这个特定阶段。 —

She made tea for us in a most agreeable manner; —
她以一种非常令人愉悦的方式为我们泡茶; —

and, whenever I went near her, in handing about the tea-cups and bread-and-butter, asked me, in a whisper, whether D. was fair, or dark, or whether she was short, or tall: —
每当我走近她时,在递茶杯和吐司的时候,她会轻声问我,D的皮肤是白的、黑的,她是个矮子还是个高个子: —

or something of that kind; which I think I liked. —
或者类似的问题;我觉得我是喜欢这种问法的。 —

After tea, we discussed a variety of topics before the fire; —
茶后,我们在壁炉前讨论了各种话题; —

and Mrs. Micawber was good enough to sing us (in a small, thin, flat voice, which I remembered to have considered, when I first knew her, the very table-beer of acoustics) the favourite ballads of ‘The Dashing White Sergeant’, and ‘Little Tafflin’. —
Micawber太太还好心地为我们演唱了《勇敢的白色中士》和《小塔夫林》这两首最喜欢的民谣(我记得当我第一次认识她的时候,她的声音又小又薄,很平平淡淡,我当时觉得声学上只值得一杯平常的小啤酒)。 —

For both of these songs Mrs. Micawber had been famous when she lived at home with her papa and mama. Mr. Micawber told us, that when he heard her sing the first one, on the first occasion of his seeing her beneath the parental roof, she had attracted his attention in an extraordinary degree; —
Mrs. Micawber在父母家时以这两首歌而闻名。Micawber先生告诉我们,当他第一次在父母家看到她时,她用那首歌引起了他非同寻常的注意; —

but that when it came to Little Tafflin, he had resolved to win that woman or perish in the attempt.

It was between ten and eleven o’clock when Mrs. Micawber rose to replace her cap in the whitey-brown paper parcel, and to put on her bonnet. —
大约十一点左右,Micawber太太站起来,整理下帽子装进黄白相间的纸袋里,戴上了帽子。 —

Mr. Micawber took the opportunity of Traddles putting on his great-coat, to slip a letter into my hand, with a whispered request that I would read it at my leisure. —
Micawber先生趁特拉德尔斯穿大衣的机会,悄悄在我手中塞进一封信,并低声请求我随意阅读。 —

I also took the opportunity of my holding a candle over the banisters to light them down, when Mr. Micawber was going first, leading Mrs. Micawber, and Traddles was following with the cap, to detain Traddles for a moment on the top of the stairs.

‘Traddles,’ said I, ‘Mr. Micawber don’t mean any harm, poor fellow: —
“特拉德尔斯,”我说,“Micawber先生并没有恶意,可怜的家伙; —

but, if I were you, I wouldn’t lend him anything.’

‘My dear Copperfield,’ returned Traddles, smiling, ‘I haven’t got anything to lend.’

‘You have got a name, you know,’ said I.

‘Oh! You call THAT something to lend?’ returned Traddles, with a thoughtful look.


‘Oh!’ said Traddles. ‘Yes, to be sure! I am very much obliged to you, Copperfield; —
‘哦!‘特拉德尔斯说,’是的!我非常感谢你,柯波菲尔德; —

but - I am afraid I have lent him that already.’

‘For the bill that is to be a certain investment?’ I inquired.

‘No,’ said Traddles. ‘Not for that one. This is the first I have heard of that one. —
‘不,’特拉德尔斯说,’不是那一张。这是我第一次听说那一张。 —

I have been thinking that he will most likely propose that one, on the way home. Mine’s another.’

‘I hope there will be nothing wrong about it,’ said I. ‘I hope not,’ said Traddles. —
‘希望它不会有什么问题,’我说。’我希望不会,’特拉德尔斯说。 —

‘I should think not, though, because he told me, only the other day, that it was provided for. —
‘不过我认为不会有问题,因为他只在前几天告诉我,那是已经准备好的。 —

That was Mr. Micawber’s expression, “Provided for.”’

Mr. Micawber looking up at this juncture to where we were standing, I had only time to repeat my caution. —
麦卡伯先生此时抬头看着我们站立的地方,我只来得及重复我之前的警告。 —

Traddles thanked me, and descended. But I was much afraid, when I observed the good-natured manner in which he went down with the cap in his hand, and gave Mrs. Micawber his arm, that he would be carried into the Money Market neck and heels.

I returned to my fireside, and was musing, half gravely and half laughing, on the character of Mr. Micawber and the old relations between us, when I heard a quick step ascending the stairs. —
我回到我的壁炉边,沉思着麦卡伯先生的性格和我们之间的旧关系,一半严肃,一半开心,这时听见了一个快速走动的脚步上楼的声音。 —

At first, I thought it was Traddles coming back for something Mrs. Micawber had left behind; —
起初,我以为是特拉德尔斯回来找米考伯太太遗忘的东西; —

but as the step approached, I knew it, and felt my heart beat high, and the blood rush to my face, for it was Steerforth’s.

I was never unmindful of Agnes, and she never left that sanctuary in my thoughts - if I may call it so - where I had placed her from the first. —
我从来没有忘记过艾格尼丝,她永远留在我思想的圣所,如果我可以这样称呼它的话-我一开始把她放在那里。 —

But when he entered, and stood before me with his hand out, the darkness that had fallen on him changed to light, and I felt confounded and ashamed of having doubted one I loved so heartily. —
但当他走进来,伸出手站在我面前,他身上的黑暗像是变成了光明,我感到困惑和羞愧,曾经怀疑过我那么衷心爱着的人。 —

I loved her none the less; I thought of her as the same benignant, gentle angel in my life; —
我依然爱着她;我把她看作是我生活中那位仁慈、温和的天使; —

I reproached myself, not her, with having done him an injury; —
我责备自己,而不是她,曾经伤害了他; —

and I would have made him any atonement if I had known what to make, and how to make it.

‘Why, Daisy, old boy, dumb-foundered!’ laughed Steerforth, shaking my hand heartily, and throwing it gaily away. —
“为什么,黛西,老兄,目瞪口呆!”史迪福哈哈大笑着握住我的手,愉快地甩开; —

‘Have I detected you in another feast, you Sybarite! —
“我又发现你在参加另一场盛宴了,你这个放荡不羁的人! —

These Doctors’ Commons fellows are the gayest men in town, I believe, and beat us sober Oxford people all to nothing!’ —
我相信这些专业人士是这座城市最快乐的人,简直比我们这些庄重的牛津人还强许多!” —

His bright glance went merrily round the room, as he took the seat on the sofa opposite to me, which Mrs. Micawber had recently vacated, and stirred the fire into a blaze.

‘I was so surprised at first,’ said I, giving him welcome with all the cordiality I felt, ‘that I had hardly breath to greet you with, Steerforth.’

‘Well, the sight of me is good for sore eyes, as the Scotch say,’ replied Steerforth, ‘and so is the sight of you, Daisy, in full bloom. —
“哦,对于苏格兰人来说,看到我是一剂良药”,史迪福斯回答说,“你处于最佳状态,黛西。” —

How are you, my Bacchanal?’

‘I am very well,’ said I; ‘and not at all Bacchanalian tonight, though I confess to another party of three.’

‘All of whom I met in the street, talking loud in your praise,’ returned Steerforth. —
“他们在大街上大声夸你,我遇到了他们”,史迪福斯回答说。 —

‘Who’s our friend in the tights?’

I gave him the best idea I could, in a few words, of Mr. Micawber. —
我用几句话描述了米考伯先生,最好的我想象出来的形象。 —

He laughed heartily at my feeble portrait of that gentleman, and said he was a man to know, and he must know him. —
他对我对那位绅士的贫乏描述大笑不止,并说他是一个值得交往的人,他一定想认识他。 —

‘But who do you suppose our other friend is?’ —
“可是,你认为我们的另一个朋友是谁呢?” —

said I, in my turn.

‘Heaven knows,’ said Steerforth. ‘Not a bore, I hope? I thought he looked a little like one.’
“只有天知道,” 斯提福斯说,“希望不是个烦人的人吧?我觉得他有点像。”

‘Traddles!’ I replied, triumphantly.

‘Who’s he?’ asked Steerforth, in his careless way.
“他是谁?” 斯提福斯漫不经心地问道。

‘Don’t you remember Traddles? Traddles in our room at Salem House?’

‘Oh! That fellow!’ said Steerforth, beating a lump of coal on the top of the fire, with the poker. —
“哦!那个家伙!” 斯提福斯边用火钳敲击着煤块,边说。 —

‘Is he as soft as ever? And where the deuce did you pick him up?’

I extolled Traddles in reply, as highly as I could; for I felt that Steerforth rather slighted him. —
我尽可能高度赞扬特拉德尔斯,因为我感觉到斯提福斯对他有些轻视。 —

Steerforth, dismissing the subject with a light nod, and a smile, and the remark that he would be glad to see the old fellow too, for he had always been an odd fish, inquired if I could give him anything to eat? —
斯提福斯随意地点了点头,微笑着说,他也很乐意见到那个老家伙,因为他总是很古怪,然后问我是否能给他些吃的? —

During most of this short dialogue, when he had not been speaking in a wild vivacious manner, he had sat idly beating on the lump of coal with the poker. —
在大部分这段短暂的对话中,当他没有以疯狂充满活力的方式说话时,他一直坐在那里用火钳敲打着那块煤炭。 —

I observed that he did the same thing while I was getting out the remains of the pigeon-pie, and so forth.

‘Why, Daisy, here’s a supper for a king!’ —
“我的天,黛西,这简直是国王的晚餐!” —

he exclaimed, starting out of his silence with a burst, and taking his seat at the table. —
他突然爆发地说,站起身来坐在桌旁。 —

‘I shall do it justice, for I have come from Yarmouth.’

‘I thought you came from Oxford?’ I returned.

‘Not I,’ said Steerforth. ‘I have been seafaring - better employed.’

‘Littimer was here today, to inquire for you,’ I remarked, ‘and I understood him that you were at Oxford; —
‘利蒂默今天来找过你,‘我说,‘我听他说你在牛津; —

though, now I think of it, he certainly did not say so.’

‘Littimer is a greater fool than I thought him, to have been inquiring for me at all,’ said Steerforth, jovially pouring out a glass of wine, and drinking to me. —
‘利蒂默比我想的更愚蠢,居然还来打听我,’ 斯提福思说着高兴地倒了一杯酒,朝我干杯。 —

‘As to understanding him, you are a cleverer fellow than most of us, Daisy, if you can do that.’

‘That’s true, indeed,’ said I, moving my chair to the table. —
‘确实如此,‘我说着,挪动椅子到桌前。 —

‘So you have been at Yarmouth, Steerforth!’ —
‘所以你在亚默斯福了,斯提福思!’ —

interested to know all about it. ‘Have you been there long?’

‘No,’ he returned. ‘An escapade of a week or so.’

‘And how are they all? Of course, little Emily is not married yet?’

‘Not yet. Going to be, I believe - in so many weeks, or months, or something or other. —
‘还没有。我相信快了,几个星期、或几个月,或其他什么的。 —

I have not seen much of ‘em. By the by’; —
我没有怎么见过他们。对了,’ —

he laid down his knife and fork, which he had been using with great diligence, and began feeling in his pockets; —
他放下他一直很勤奋使用的刀叉,开始在口袋里摸索; —

‘I have a letter for you.’

‘From whom?’

‘Why, from your old nurse,’ he returned, taking some papers out of his breast pocket. —
‘哦,是从你的老保姆那儿来的,’他说着,从胸前口袋里取出一些文件。 —

”‘J. Steerforth, Esquire, debtor, to The Willing Mind”; that’s not it. —
‘“J. 斯迪福斯先生,欠款给乐善心意”; 这不是。 —

Patience, and we’ll find it presently. Old what’s-his-name’s in a bad way, and it’s about that, I believe.’

‘Barkis, do you mean?’

‘Yes!’ still feeling in his pockets, and looking over their contents: —
‘是的!’ 他仍在口袋里摸索着,查看着里面的东西: —

‘it’s all over with poor Barkis, I am afraid. —
‘可惜了可怜的伯克斯,恐怕已经结束了。 —

I saw a little apothecary there - surgeon, or whatever he is - who brought your worship into the world. —
我在那里见到了一个小药剂师-外科医生,或者他是什么职业-他曾经为你服务。 —

He was mighty learned about the case, to me; —
他对我说的这个案子知识渊博; —

but the upshot of his opinion was, that the carrier was making his last journey rather fast. —
但他的意见最终是,这名运货者的最后旅程进行得相当迅速。 —

  • Put your hand into the breast pocket of my great-coat on the chair yonder, and I think you’ll find the letter. Is it there?’
    - 把手伸进那边椅子上我的大外套的胸袋里,我想你会找到那封信。在那里吗?’

‘Here it is!’ said I.

‘That’s right!’

It was from Peggotty; something less legible than usual, and brief. —
这是佩格蒂写的;字迹比平时差一些,内容简短。 —

It informed me of her husband’s hopeless state, and hinted at his being ‘a little nearer’ than heretofore, and consequently more difficult to manage for his own comfort. —
信上告诉我她丈夫绝望的状态,并暗示他比以往“更接近”,因此更难为了自己的舒适而管理。 —

It said nothing of her weariness and watching, and praised him highly. —
这封信完全没提到她的疲惫和守望之心,却对他大加赞扬。 —

It was written with a plain, unaffected, homely piety that I knew to be genuine, and ended with ‘my duty to my ever darling’ - meaning myself.
它写成了朴实、朴素、朴实的虔诚,我知道是真诚的,并以“我的永远亲爱的”结尾 - 意为我自己。

While I deciphered it, Steerforth continued to eat and drink.

‘It’s a bad job,’ he said, when I had done; —
“这是个糟糕的事情,”我说完后他说; —

‘but the sun sets every day, and people die every minute, and we mustn’t be scared by the common lot. —
“但是太阳每天都会落山,人们每分钟都会死去,我们不能被常见的命运吓倒。 —

If we failed to hold our own, because that equal foot at all men’s doors was heard knocking somewhere, every object in this world would slip from us. —
如果我们因为那个等著闷了所有人门口的平等脚步声而未能守住自己,世界上的每一件事物都会从我们手中溜走。 —

No! Ride on! Rough-shod if need be, smooth-shod if that will do, but ride on! —
不!骑着前进!有需要就骑得颠簸,如果方法管用就骑得平稳,但是要继续前进! —

Ride on over all obstacles, and win the race!’

‘And win what race?’ said I.

‘The race that one has started in,’ said he. ‘Ride on!’

I noticed, I remember, as he paused, looking at me with his handsome head a little thrown back, and his glass raised in his hand, that, though the freshness of the sea-wind was on his face, and it was ruddy, there were traces in it, made since I last saw it, as if he had applied himself to some habitual strain of the fervent energy which, when roused, was so passionately roused within him. —
我记得当他停顿时,抬起他那英俊的头,手中端着杯子看着我,尽管海风的清新洗过他的脸,使他变得红润,但是面容上有些痕迹是我上次见到他时没有的,似乎他在从事某种习以为常的、激烈的活力运动。 —

I had it in my thoughts to remonstrate with him upon his desperate way of pursuing any fancy that he took - such as this buffeting of rough seas, and braving of hard weather, for example - when my mind glanced off to the immediate subject of our conversation again, and pursued that instead.
我原本想谏诫他追求自己一时的任性方式的 - 如冲击汹涌的大海,挑战恶劣天气之类的 - 但是我的想法又转回了我们谈话的当下题目,并重新琢磨了起来。

‘I tell you what, Steerforth,’ said I, ‘if your high spirits will listen to me -’
“告诉你啊,史迪福,”我说,“如果你那高昂的精神肯听我的话 -”

‘They are potent spirits, and will do whatever you like,’ he answered, moving from the table to the fireside again.

‘Then I tell you what, Steerforth. I think I will go down and see my old nurse. —
“那我告诉你,史迪福。我想去看看我的老保姆。” —

It is not that I can do her any good, or render her any real service; —
我并不能带给她什么好处,或者提供什么真正的帮助; —

but she is so attached to me that my visit will have as much effect on her, as if I could do both. —
但她对我如此依恋,所以我的拜访对她有和我真的能帮助她一样的影响。 —

She will take it so kindly that it will be a comfort and support to her. —
她会非常感激,这对她来说将是一种慰藉和支持。 —

It is no great effort to make, I am sure, for such a friend as she has been to me. —
对我这样的一个朋友来说,这并不费什么力气, —

Wouldn’t you go a day’s journey, if you were in my place?’

His face was thoughtful, and he sat considering a little before he answered, in a low voice, ‘Well! —
他面带思索,低声考虑片刻后回答,’好了! —

Go. You can do no harm.’

‘You have just come back,’ said I, ‘and it would be in vain to ask you to go with me?’

‘Quite,’ he returned. ‘I am for Highgate tonight. —
‘完全正确,’他回答道。’我今晚要去海格特。 —

I have not seen my mother this long time, and it lies upon my conscience, for it’s something to be loved as she loves her prodigal son. —
我已经很久没有见过我的母亲了,这让我感到愧疚,因为她对她那逃跑的儿子的爱是如此之深。 —

  • Bah! Nonsense! - You mean to go tomorrow, I suppose?’ —
    - 哎呀!胡说八道!- 你是说你打算明天去吗?’ —

he said, holding me out at arm’s length, with a hand on each of my shoulders.

‘Yes, I think so.’

‘Well, then, don’t go till next day. I wanted you to come and stay a few days with us. —
‘那好,别到明天才走。我本来想你来和我们住几天。 —

Here I am, on purpose to bid you, and you fly off to Yarmouth!’

‘You are a nice fellow to talk of flying off, Steerforth, who are always running wild on some unknown expedition or other!’

He looked at me for a moment without speaking, and then rejoined, still holding me as before, and giving me a shake:

‘Come! Say the next day, and pass as much of tomorrow as you can with us! —
“来吧!说第二天,尽量多地与我们共度明天吧!” —

Who knows when we may meet again, else? Come! Say the next day! —
“谁知道我们何时再见面呢?来吧!说第二天!” —

I want you to stand between Rosa Dartle and me, and keep us asunder.’

‘Would you love each other too much, without me?’

‘Yes; or hate,’ laughed Steerforth; ‘no matter which. Come! Say the next day!’

I said the next day; and he put on his great-coat and lighted his cigar, and set off to walk home. —
我说了第二天;他穿上他的大衣,点燃了雪茄,然后出发回家。 —

Finding him in this intention, I put on my own great-coat (but did not light my own cigar, having had enough of that for one while) and walked with him as far as the open road: —
看到他有这个意图,我穿上自己的大衣(但没有点燃自己的雪茄,因为已经够了),和他一起走到了开阔的道路上: —

a dull road, then, at night. He was in great spirits all the way; —
一个晚上,这条路很冷清。他一路上都非常兴高采烈; —

and when we parted, and I looked after him going so gallantly and airily homeward, I thought of his saying, ‘Ride on over all obstacles, and win the race!’ —
当我们分开的时候,我看着他那么英姿飒爽地回家,我想起他说的“跨过一切障碍,赢得比赛!”, —

and wished, for the first time, that he had some worthy race to run.

I was undressing in my own room, when Mr. Micawber’s letter tumbled on the floor. —
我正在自己的房间脱衣服时,密考伯先生的信掉在地板上。 —

Thus reminded of it, I broke the seal and read as follows. —
于是我想起它,打开封印,读到以下内容。 —

It was dated an hour and a half before dinner. —
信上的时间是晚饭前一个半小时。 —

I am not sure whether I have mentioned that, when Mr. Micawber was at any particularly desperate crisis, he used a sort of legal phraseology, which he seemed to think equivalent to winding up his affairs.

‘SIR - for I dare not say my dear Copperfield,
先生 - 因我不敢说亲爱的柯波菲尔德,

‘It is expedient that I should inform you that the undersigned is Crushed. —
应该通知你,签名者已经崩溃了。 —

Some flickering efforts to spare you the premature knowledge of his calamitous position, you may observe in him this day; —
你可能会注意到他今天仍保留着一些试图避免你过早得知他灾难性状况的努力; —

but hope has sunk beneath the horizon, and the undersigned is Crushed.

‘The present communication is penned within the personal range (I cannot call it the society) of an individual, in a state closely bordering on intoxication, employed by a broker. —
现在这篇通信是在一个状态近乎醉酒的个人范围(我无法称之为交往)内撰写的,他是一位经纪人雇员。 —

That individual is in legal possession of the premises, under a distress for rent. —
那个人合法占有着这些房产,以拖欠租金为由。 —

His inventory includes, not only the chattels and effects of every description belonging to the undersigned, as yearly tenant of this habitation, but also those appertaining to Mr. Thomas Traddles, lodger, a member of the Honourable Society of the Inner Temple.

‘If any drop of gloom were wanting in the overflowing cup, which is now “commended” (in the language of an immortal Writer) to the lips of the undersigned, it would be found in the fact, that a friendly acceptance granted to the undersigned, by the before-mentioned Mr. Thomas Traddles, for the sum Of 23l 4s 9 1/2d is over due, and is NOT provided for. —
如果现在流溢的杯子之上还需要任何一滴忧郁之浆,那么就会发现,前述雷德尔斯先生曾慷慨接受签名者的23英镑4先令9便士半的欠款已经过期且未偿清。 —

Also, in the fact that the living responsibilities clinging to the undersigned will, in the course of nature, be increased by the sum of one more helpless victim; —
并且,事实上,签名者所负有的生活责任将会因为一名更多无助受害者而增加; —

whose miserable appearance may be looked for - in round numbers - at the expiration of a period not exceeding six lunar months from the present date.

‘After premising thus much, it would be a work of supererogation to add, that dust and ashes are for ever scattered

‘On ‘The ‘Head ‘Of ‘WILKINS MICAWBER.’

Poor Traddles! I knew enough of Mr. Micawber by this time, to foresee that he might be expected to recover the blow; —
但是我因为特拉德尔斯和那位牧师的女儿而夜不能寐,她是德文郡的十个孩子之一,是那么可爱的一个女孩,会等待特拉德尔斯(不祥预言! —

but my night’s rest was sorely distressed by thoughts of Traddles, and of the curate’s daughter, who was one of ten, down in Devonshire, and who was such a dear girl, and who would wait for Traddles (ominous praise! —
贫穷的特拉德尔斯将何去何从,它将是个众所周知的丑闻。 —

) until she was sixty, or any age that could be mentioned.
) 直到她六十岁,或者任何可以提及的年龄。