My aunt, beginning, I imagine, to be made seriously uncomfortable by my prolonged dejection, made a pretence of being anxious that I should go to Dover, to see that all was working well at the cottage, which was let; —
我的姑姑看到我久久的忧郁,开始感到不安,便假装担心我去多佛,看看小屋的情况是否良好,因为小屋已经出租了; —

and to conclude an agreement, with the same tenant, for a longer term of occupation. —
以及与同一租户达成长期租约。 —

Janet was drafted into the service of Mrs. Strong, where I saw her every day. —
珍妮特被派到斯特朗夫人的服务中,我每天都可以见到她。 —

She had been undecided, on leaving Dover, whether or no to give the finishing touch to that renunciation of mankind in which she had been educated, by marrying a pilot; —
离开多佛时,她曾犹豫是否要通过嫁给一名领航员来完成她受教育时所奉行的男性放弃的原则,但她最终决定不去冒险。我相信,她这样做不是因为原则,而是因为她并不喜欢他。 —

but she decided against that venture. Not so much for the sake of principle, I believe, as because she happened not to like him.

Although it required an effort to leave Miss Mills, I fell rather willingly into my aunt’s pretence, as a means of enabling me to pass a few tranquil hours with Agnes. I consulted the good Doctor relative to an absence of three days; —
医生希望我多休息一下,但我的精力无法承受,我决定去了。 —

and the Doctor wishing me to take that relaxation, - he wished me to take more; —
至于下议院,我的职责并不是太重要。 —

but my energy could not bear that, - I made up my mind to go.

As to the Commons, I had no great occasion to be particular about my duties in that quarter. —
在约金斯先生任期前,业务就已经走下坡路了; —

To say the truth, we were getting in no very good odour among the tip-top proctors, and were rapidly sliding down to but a doubtful position. —
虽然新鲜血液的注入和斯潘罗先生的表现使业务有所改善,但仍未建立在足够坚实的基础上,无法在没有被动经理人的情况下承受如此沉重的打击。 —

The business had been indifferent under Mr. jorkins, before Mr. Spenlow’s time; —
业务下滑的非常厉害。约金斯先生尽管在公司中声誉不错,但他是个懒散、无能的人,其名声在外也无法支持他。 —

and although it had been quickened by the infusion of new blood, and by the display which Mr. Spenlow made, still it was not established on a sufficiently strong basis to bear, without being shaken, such a blow as the sudden loss of its active manager. —
现在轮到他了,当我看到他摄取鼻烟,听任业务的失败时,我比以往更加后悔我姑姑的一千镑。 —

It fell off very much. Mr. jorkins, notwithstanding his reputation in the firm, was an easy-going, incapable sort of man, whose reputation out of doors was not calculated to back it up. —
但这还不是最糟糕的。在下议院周围有许多一直想混水摸鱼而不是专业律师,他们通过真正的律师来完成常规业务,而这些真正的律师则以分享战利品为代价借用他们的名字; —

I was turned over to him now, and when I saw him take his snuff and let the business go, I regretted my aunt’s thousand pounds more than ever.

But this was not the worst of it. There were a number of hangers-on and outsiders about the Commons, who, without being proctors themselves, dabbled in common-form business, and got it done by real proctors, who lent their names in consideration of a share in the spoil; —
但这还不是最糟糕的。在下议院周围有许多一直想混水摸鱼而不是专业律师,他们通过真正的律师来完成常规业务,而这些真正的律师则以分享战利品为代价借用他们的名字; —

  • and there were a good many of these too. —
    - 而且这些人也不少。 —

As our house now wanted business on any terms, we joined this noble band; —
由于我们家现在急需业务,我们加入了这个高尚的队伍; —

and threw out lures to the hangers-on and outsiders, to bring their business to us. —
并向那些跟风者和外来者投出鱼钩,吸引他们把业务带到我们这里。 —

Marriage licences and small probates were what we all looked for, and what paid us best; —
结婚许可证和小额遗嘱是我们所有人都寻找的,也是给我们带来最好收益的; —

and the competition for these ran very high indeed. —
而为了竞争这些,我们的竞争非常激烈。 —

Kidnappers and inveiglers were planted in all the avenues of entrance to the Commons, with instructions to do their utmost to cut off all persons in mourning, and all gentlemen with anything bashful in their appearance, and entice them to the offices in which their respective employers were interested; —
绑架者和诱骗者被放置在通往议会大厦的各个入口处,并指示他们尽最大努力拦截所有穿着丧服的人,以及所有外表有些羞怯的绅士,并引诱他们前往各自雇主感兴趣的办公室; —

which instructions were so well observed, that I myself, before I was known by sight, was twice hustled into the premises of our principal opponent. —
这些指示被遵守得如此严谨,以至于在我被认出之前,我自己在我们主要对手的办公室险遭两次推挤。 —

The conflicting interests of these touting gentlemen being of a nature to irritate their feelings, personal collisions took place; —
这些招揽的人的利益冲突引发了个人冲突; —

and the Commons was even scandalized by our principal inveigler (who had formerly been in the wine trade, and afterwards in the sworn brokery line) walking about for some days with a black eye. —
甚至我们主要诱惑者 (他以前在酒类行业,后来从事宣誓破产经纪行业) 在议会周围行走了几天带着一只黑眼睛,这使议会大为震惊。 —

Any one of these scouts used to think nothing of politely assisting an old lady in black out of a vehicle, killing any proctor whom she inquired for, representing his employer as the lawful successor and representative of that proctor, and bearing the old lady off (sometimes greatly affected) to his employer’s office. —
这些侦探中的任何一个都不指望礼貌地协助一位穿黑色服装的老太太下车,消除她询问的任何当事人,表示他的雇主是该当事人的合法继承人和代表,并把老太太(有时受到很大震惊)带到他雇主的办公室。 —

Many captives were brought to me in this way. —
许多俘虏是这样被带到我这里的。 —

As to marriage licences, the competition rose to such a pitch, that a shy gentleman in want of one, had nothing to do but submit himself to the first inveigler, or be fought for, and become the prey of the strongest. —
至于结婚许可证,竞争达到了如此激烈的程度,以至于一位需要这种证件的内向绅士只能顺从第一个招揽者,或者被人抢夺,并成为最强者的猎物。 —

One of our clerks, who was an outsider, used, in the height of this contest, to sit with his hat on, that he might be ready to rush out and swear before a surrogate any victim who was brought in. —
我们其中一个外行的办事员在这场争斗的高潮时期,常坐着戴着帽子,以便随时冲出去,在陪审法官面前为任何被带来的受害者作证。 —

The system of inveigling continues, I believe, to this day. —
我相信招揽的系统直到今天仍在继续。 —

The last time I was in the Commons, a civil able-bodied person in a white apron pounced out upon me from a doorway, and whispering the word ‘Marriage-licence’ in my ear, was with great difficulty prevented from taking me up in his arms and lifting me into a proctor’s. —
上次我在议会大厦时,一个穿白围裙的文雅健壮的人从一扇门口冲出来,悄声在我耳边说了一声“结婚许可证”,几乎要把我抱起来送进某位律师的办公室。 —

From this digression, let me proceed to Dover.

I found everything in a satisfactory state at the cottage; —
我发现小屋里的一切都处于令人满意的状态; —

and was enabled to gratify my aunt exceedingly by reporting that the tenant inherited her feud, and waged incessant war against donkeys. —
我能够通过报告说租户继承了她的仇恨,并不断对驴子发动战争,从而让我阿姨非常高兴。 —

Having settled the little business I had to transact there, and slept there one night, I walked on to Canterbury early in the morning. —
在那里办完了我要处理的小事,并在那里住了一晚后,我一早走向坎特伯雷。 —

It was now winter again; and the fresh, cold windy day, and the sweeping downland, brightened up my hopes a little.

Coming into Canterbury, I loitered through the old streets with a sober pleasure that calmed my spirits, and eased my heart. —
走进坎特伯雷,我在那些老街道上慢慢闲逛,这种淡定的快乐使我的精神平静了下来,我的心也得到舒缓。 —

There were the old signs, the old names over the shops, the old people serving in them. —
有着老招牌、店铺上的老名字、在店里工作的老人们。 —

It appeared so long, since I had been a schoolboy there, that I wondered the place was so little changed, until I reflected how little I was changed myself. —
我觉得自己已经很久没在那里上学了,所以惊讶这个地方变化如此之小,直到我意识到自己也变化很小。 —

Strange to say, that quiet influence which was inseparable in my mind from Agnes, seemed to pervade even the city where she dwelt. —
奇怪的是,我心中与贞节交织在一起的那种宁静影响,似乎甚至渗透到她居住的这座城市。 —

The venerable cathedral towers, and the old jackdaws and rooks whose airy voices made them more retired than perfect silence would have done; —
庄严的大教堂塔楼,还有那些叫声让它们比完全安静更加隐秘的老寒鸦和乌鸦; —

the battered gateways, one stuck full with statues, long thrown down, and crumbled away, like the reverential pilgrims who had gazed upon them; —
那些破旧的城门,其中一个插满了被推倒和踰毁已久的雕像,就像那些虔诚的朝圣者们一样; —

the still nooks, where the ivied growth of centuries crept over gabled ends and ruined walls; —
那些安静的角落,常年爬满了常青的长出檐和废墟墙壁; —

the ancient houses, the pastoral landscape of field, orchard, and garden; —
古老的房子,田野、果园和花园的田园风光; —

everywhere - on everything - I felt the same serener air, the same calm, thoughtful, softening spirit.

Arrived at Mr. Wickfield’s house, I found, in the little lower room on the ground floor, where Uriah Heep had been of old accustomed to sit, Mr. Micawber plying his pen with great assiduity. —
到了韦克菲尔德先生的家,我发现,在底层地板的小小房间里,乌里亚·希普过去常坐的地方,米卡伯先生非常努力地挥舞着他的笔。 —

He was dressed in a legal-looking suit of black, and loomed, burly and large, in that small office.

Mr. Micawber was extremely glad to see me, but a little confused too. —
米考伯先生见到我非常高兴,但也有点困惑。 —

He would have conducted me immediately into the presence of Uriah, but I declined.

‘I know the house of old, you recollect,’ said I, ‘and will find my way upstairs. —
‘你还记得,我对这幢房子很熟悉,’我说,’我可以自己找上楼。 —

How do you like the law, Mr. Micawber?’

‘My dear Copperfield,’ he replied. ‘To a man possessed of the higher imaginative powers, the objection to legal studies is the amount of detail which they involve. —
‘我亲爱的柯波菲尔德,’他回答说,’对于那些拥有更高想象力的人来说,学习法律会碰到的困难就是牵涉的细节太多了。 —

Even in our professional correspondence,’ said Mr. Micawber, glancing at some letters he was writing, ‘the mind is not at liberty to soar to any exalted form of expression. —
甚至在我们的职业信函中,’米考伯瞥了一眼自己在写的信说,’思维也无法自由飞翔到任何崇高表达的层面。 —

Still, it is a great pursuit. A great pursuit!’

He then told me that he had become the tenant of Uriah Heep’s old house; —
然后他告诉我,他已经成为了乌里亚·希普的旧房子租客; —

and that Mrs. Micawber would be delighted to receive me, once more, under her own roof.

‘It is humble,’ said Mr. Micawber, ‘- to quote a favourite expression of my friend Heep; —
‘这地方很不起眼,’米考伯说,’引用朋友希普喜欢说的话; —

but it may prove the stepping-stone to more ambitious domiciliary accommodation.’

I asked him whether he had reason, so far, to be satisfied with his friend Heep’s treatment of him? —
我问他,到目前为止,他对希普朋友对待他的方式是否满意? —

He got up to ascertain if the door were close shut, before he replied, in a lower voice:

‘My dear Copperfield, a man who labours under the pressure of pecuniary embarrassments, is, with the generality of people, at a disadvantage. —
‘我亲爱的柯波菲尔德,一个深陷金钱困境的人,在大多数情况下处于不利地位。 —

That disadvantage is not diminished, when that pressure necessitates the drawing of stipendiary emoluments, before those emoluments are strictly due and payable. —
当这种压力需要在应得之前提取养老金时,这种劣势并没有减少。 —

All I can say is, that my friend Heep has responded to appeals to which I need not more particularly refer, in a manner calculated to redound equally to the honour of his head, and of his heart.’

‘I should not have supposed him to be very free with his money either,’ I observed.
“我本以为他也不会很慷慨,” 我观察到说。

‘Pardon me!’ said Mr. Micawber, with an air of constraint, ‘I speak of my friend Heep as I have experience.’
“请原谅!” 米卡伯先生说,带着一种拘谨的空气,“我说的是我对我的朋友希普的了解。”

‘I am glad your experience is so favourable,’ I returned.

‘You are very obliging, my dear Copperfield,’ said Mr. Micawber; and hummed a tune.

‘Do you see much of Mr. Wickfield?’ I asked, to change the subject.

‘Not much,’ said Mr. Micawber, slightingly. —
“不多,”米卡伯先生漫不经心地说。 —

‘Mr. Wickfield is, I dare say, a man of very excellent intentions; —
“我敢说维克菲尔德先生的意图非常优良; —

but he is - in short, he is obsolete.’
但他实际上是- 简言之,他已经过时了。”

‘I am afraid his partner seeks to make him so,’ said I.

‘My dear Copperfield!’ returned Mr. Micawber, after some uneasy evolutions on his stool, ‘allow me to offer a remark! —
“我亲爱的科波菲尔德!” 米卡伯先生在凳子上有些不安地转来转去后回答说,“请允许我发表一些看法! —

I am here, in a capacity of confidence. I am here, in a position of trust. —
我在这里,担任信任的角色。我在这里,承担着信任的责任。 —

The discussion of some topics, even with Mrs. Micawber herself (so long the partner of my various vicissitudes, and a woman of a remarkable lucidity of intellect), is, I am led to consider, incompatible with the functions now devolving on me. —
对于一些话题的讨论,即使是与米卡伯夫人本人(她长期以来是我各种变迁的伴侣,也是一个头脑极为清晰的女人)的讨论,我认为与我现在的职责是不相容的。 —

I would therefore take the liberty of suggesting that in our friendly intercourse - which I trust will never be disturbed! —
因此,我要提出一个建议,那就是在我们友好的互动中- 我希望永远不会受到干扰! —

  • we draw a line. On one side of this line,’ said Mr. Micawber, representing it on the desk with the office ruler, ‘is the whole range of the human intellect, with a trifling exception; —
    -我们划出了一条线。 此线的一侧,’米卡伯先生说道,用办公室的尺在桌子上代表它,是整个人类智慧的范围,有一个微不足道的例外; —

on the other, IS that exception; that is to say, the affairs of Messrs Wickfield and Heep, with all belonging and appertaining thereunto. —
另一侧,是那个例外;也就是说,威克菲尔德先生和希普先生的事务,以及所有相关事项。 —

I trust I give no offence to the companion of my youth, in submitting this proposition to his cooler judgement?’

Though I saw an uneasy change in Mr. Micawber, which sat tightly on him, as if his new duties were a misfit, I felt I had no right to be offended. —
虽然我看到米卡伯先生有些不自在的变化,仿佛新的职责不太适合他,但我觉得我没有权利生气。 —

My telling him so, appeared to relieve him; —
我这样告诉他,似乎让他感到轻松; —

and he shook hands with me.

‘I am charmed, Copperfield,’ said Mr. Micawber, ‘let me assure you, with Miss Wickfield. —
‘我很高兴,科波菲尔德先生,’米卡博先生说,’让我向你保证,和维克菲尔德小姐在一起是多么令人愉悦。 —

She is a very superior young lady, of very remarkable attractions, graces, and virtues. —
她是一位非常优秀的年轻女士,具有非凡的吸引力、风度和美德。 —

Upon my honour,’ said Mr. Micawber, indefinitely kissing his hand and bowing with his genteelest air, ‘I do Homage to Miss Wickfield! —
我以我的荣誉向维克菲尔德小姐致敬!’ —

Hem!’ ‘I am glad of that, at least,’ said I.
‘嗯!’ ‘至少我很高兴,’我说。

‘If you had not assured us, my dear Copperfield, on the occasion of that agreeable afternoon we had the happiness of passing with you, that D. was your favourite letter,’ said Mr. Micawber, ‘I should unquestionably have supposed that A. had been so.’
‘如果你在那次我们和你一起度过的愉快的下午的场合中没有向我们保证过,我亲爱的科波菲尔德,D. 是你最喜欢的字母,’米卡伯先生说,’那我无疑会认为A. 是你最喜欢的字母。’

We have all some experience of a feeling, that comes over us occasionally, of what we are saying and doing having been said and done before, in a remote time - of our having been surrounded, dim ages ago, by the same faces, objects, and circumstances - of our knowing perfectly what will be said next, as if we suddenly remembered it! —
我们都有一些经验,偶尔会有这样一种感觉,我们正在说和做的事情曾经在很久以前说过或做过——我们被相同的面孔、物体和环境环绕——我们完全知道接下来会说什么,仿佛我们突然记起了! —

I never had this mysterious impression more strongly in my life, than before he uttered those words.

I took my leave of Mr. Micawber, for the time, charging him with my best remembrances to all at home. As I left him, resuming his stool and his pen, and rolling his head in his stock, to get it into easier writing order, I clearly perceived that there was something interposed between him and me, since he had come into his new functions, which prevented our getting at each other as we used to do, and quite altered the character of our intercourse.

There was no one in the quaint old drawing-room, though it presented tokens of Mrs. Heep’s whereabouts. —
古雅的客厅里没有人,尽管它展示了希普太太的痕迹。 —

I looked into the room still belonging to Agnes, and saw her sitting by the fire, at a pretty old-fashioned desk she had, writing.

My darkening the light made her look up. What a pleasure to be the cause of that bright change in her attentive face, and the object of that sweet regard and welcome!

‘Ah, Agnes!’ said I, when we were sitting together, side by side; —
‘啊,Agnes!’我说,当我们坐在一起,肩并肩。 —

‘I have missed you so much, lately!’

‘Indeed?’ she replied. ‘Again! And so soon?’

I shook my head.

‘I don’t know how it is, Agnes; I seem to want some faculty of mind that I ought to have. —
‘我不知道怎么了,Agnes;我似乎缺乏了些我应该有的心智能力。 —

You were so much in the habit of thinking for me, in the happy old days here, and I came so naturally to you for counsel and support, that I really think I have missed acquiring it.’

‘And what is it?’ said Agnes, cheerfully.

‘I don’t know what to call it,’ I replied. ‘I think I am earnest and persevering?’

‘I am sure of it,’ said Agnes.

‘And patient, Agnes?’ I inquired, with a little hesitation.

‘Yes,’ returned Agnes, laughing. ‘Pretty well.’

‘And yet,’ said I, ‘I get so miserable and worried, and am so unsteady and irresolute in my power of assuring myself, that I know I must want - shall I call it - reliance, of some kind?’
‘可是,’我说,’我变得如此痛苦和困扰,我在自我保证的能力上如此不稳定和优柔寡断,我知道我一定缺乏某种 - 可以叫做 - 依赖,对吧?’

‘Call it so, if you will,’ said Agnes.

‘Well!’ I returned. ‘See here! You come to London, I rely on you, and I have an object and a course at once. —
“好!”我回答道。“听我说!你来到伦敦,我信赖你,我立即就有了目标和方向。 —

I am driven out of it, I come here, and in a moment I feel an altered person. —
我被逼离开那里,来到这里,转眼间感觉自己变了一个人。 —

The circumstances that distressed me are not changed, since I came into this room; —
困扰我的情况自我进入这个房间以来并没有改变; —

but an influence comes over me in that short interval that alters me, oh, how much for the better! —
但是在这短短的时间里,却有一种影响降临在我身上,让我改善了很多! —

What is it? What is your secret, Agnes?’

Her head was bent down, looking at the fire.

‘It’s the old story,’ said I. ‘Don’t laugh, when I say it was always the same in little things as it is in greater ones. —
‘这是老生常谈,’我说道。“当我说小事情和大事情是一样的时候,别笑。 —

My old troubles were nonsense, and now they are serious; —
我的旧问题只是无稽之谈,现在已经变得严重; —

but whenever I have gone away from my adopted sister -’

Agnes looked up - with such a Heavenly face! - and gave me her hand, which I kissed.

‘Whenever I have not had you, Agnes, to advise and approve in the beginning, I have seemed to go wild, and to get into all sorts of difficulty. —
‘每当我在开始时没有你的建议和认可时,我似乎就变得狂野,陷入各种困境。 —

When I have come to you, at last (as I have always done), I have come to peace and happiness. —
当我最终来找你(正如我一直所做的那样)时,我找到了平和和幸福。 —

I come home, now, like a tired traveller, and find such a blessed sense of rest!’

I felt so deeply what I said, it affected me so sincerely, that my voice failed, and I covered my face with my hand, and broke into tears. —
我说的话让我如此深感动,如此真挚地影响着我,以至于我的声音戛然而止,我用手掩面,泪如泉涌。 —

I write the truth. Whatever contradictions and inconsistencies there were within me, as there are within so many of us; —
我写的是真实的。在我内心产生的矛盾和不一致性,正如我们许多人内心的存在一样; —

whatever might have been so different, and so much better; —
无论事情可能是如此不同,如此更美好; —

whatever I had done, in which I had perversely wandered away from the voice of my own heart; —
不论我做过什么,是我任性地偏离了自己内心的声音; —

I knew nothing of. I only knew that I was fervently in earnest, when I felt the rest and peace of having Agnes near me.

In her placid sisterly manner; with her beaming eyes; with her tender voice; —
她以平静的姐妹般的方式;带着她灿烂的眼睛;用她温柔的声音; —

and with that sweet composure, which had long ago made the house that held her quite a sacred place to me; —
还有她那种甜美的镇定,令这个容纳她的家早已成为对我来说一个神圣的地方; —

she soon won me from this weakness, and led me on to tell all that had happened since our last meeting.

‘And there is not another word to tell, Agnes,’ said I, when I had made an end of my confidence. —
‘而后面就没有别的话要告诉你了,艾格尼丝,’我坦诚相告之后说。 —

‘Now, my reliance is on you.’

‘But it must not be on me, Trotwood,’ returned Agnes, with a pleasant smile. —
‘可是不能只依靠我,特洛特伍德,’艾格尼丝带着愉快的微笑回答。 —

‘It must be on someone else.’

‘On Dora?’ said I.


‘Why, I have not mentioned, Agnes,’ said I, a little embarrassed, ‘that Dora is rather difficult to - I would not, for the world, say, to rely upon, because she is the soul of purity and truth - but rather difficult to - I hardly know how to express it, really, Agnes. She is a timid little thing, and easily disturbed and frightened. —
‘但我还没提到,艾格尼丝,’我有点尴尬地说,’多拉有点难以-我绝不会为了世界上的任何事情说,难以依靠,因为她是纯洁和真理的化身-但有点难以-我真不知道如何表达,实在是,艾格尼丝。她是一个胆小的小东西,容易受到惊扰和害怕。 —

Some time ago, before her father’s death, when I thought it right to mention to her - but I’ll tell you, if you will bear with me, how it was.’

Accordingly, I told Agnes about my declaration of poverty, about the cookery-book, the housekeeping accounts, and all the rest of it.

‘Oh, Trotwood!’ she remonstrated, with a smile. ‘Just your old headlong way! —
‘哦,特洛特伍德!’她带着微笑抗议道。’你老是这样冲动! —

You might have been in earnest in striving to get on in the world, without being so very sudden with a timid, loving, inexperienced girl. Poor Dora!’

I never heard such sweet forbearing kindness expressed in a voice, as she expressed in making this reply. —
‘我从她回答中听不到过去有过的那种甜蜜和宽容的温柔表达。’ —

It was as if I had seen her admiringly and tenderly embracing Dora, and tacitly reproving me, by her considerate protection, for my hot haste in fluttering that little heart. —
‘就好像我看到她赞赏地、柔情地拥抱着朵拉,默默地责备我,用她慎重的保护对我在轻率地使那颗小心脏悸动的时刻进行警告。’ —

It was as if I had seen Dora, in all her fascinating artlessness, caressing Agnes, and thanking her, and coaxingly appealing against me, and loving me with all her childish innocence.

I felt so grateful to Agnes, and admired her so! —
‘我对艾格尼丝感激不尽,对她的钦佩无以言表!’ —

I saw those two together, in a bright perspective, such well-associated friends, each adorning the other so much!

‘What ought I to do then, Agnes?’ I inquired, after looking at the fire a little while. —
‘那么,我该怎么办呢,艾格尼丝?’我看了一会儿火后询问道。 —

‘What would it be right to do?’

‘I think,’ said Agnes, ‘that the honourable course to take, would be to write to those two ladies. —
‘我认为,’艾格尼丝说,’要采取光荣的行动,将信写给那两位女士。 —

Don’t you think that any secret course is an unworthy one?’

‘Yes. If YOU think so,’ said I.

‘I am poorly qualified to judge of such matters,’ replied Agnes, with a modest hesitation, ‘but I certainly feel - in short, I feel that your being secret and clandestine, is not being like yourself.’
‘对于这类事情,我不太有资格来评判,’艾格尼丝谦虚地回答道,’但我确实感觉到 - 简而言之,我感觉到你的隐瞒和秘密,不像是你自己。’

‘Like myself, in the too high opinion you have of me, Agnes, I am afraid,’ said I.

‘Like yourself, in the candour of your nature,’ she returned; —
‘像你本来的那样,像你的天性中的坦率,’她回答说; —

‘and therefore I would write to those two ladies. —
因此,我会写信给那两位女士。 —

I would relate, as plainly and as openly as possible, all that has taken place; —
我会尽可能地坦诚地讲述所有发生过的事情; —

and I would ask their permission to visit sometimes, at their house. —
并请求他们允许我有时去他们家做客。 —

Considering that you are young, and striving for a place in life, I think it would be well to say that you would readily abide by any conditions they might impose upon you. —
考虑到你年轻,正努力在生活中找到一席之地,我认为最好说你会欣然接受他们可能给你的任何条件。 —

I would entreat them not to dismiss your request, without a reference to Dora; —
我会恳求他们不要在没有向多拉请示的情况下拒绝你的请求; —

and to discuss it with her when they should think the time suitable. —
并在他们认为合适的时候与她讨论。 —

I would not be too vehement,’ said Agnes, gently, ‘or propose too much. —
我不会太过激烈,’爱吉斯温柔地说,’或者提出太多要求。 —

I would trust to my fidelity and perseverance - and to Dora.’
我会相信我的忠诚和执着 - 还有多拉。

‘But if they were to frighten Dora again, Agnes, by speaking to her,’ said I. ‘And if Dora were to cry, and say nothing about me!’

‘Is that likely?’ inquired Agnes, with the same sweet consideration in her face.

‘God bless her, she is as easily scared as a bird,’ said I. ‘It might be! —
‘上帝保佑她,她像只小鸟一样容易受惊,’我说,‘这可能吧! —

Or if the two Miss Spenlows (elderly ladies of that sort are odd characters sometimes) should not be likely persons to address in that way!’
或者如果那两位斯潘洛(Miss Spenlow)小姐(那种年长的女士有时候性格古怪)不太可能以那种方式与你交谈!’

‘I don’t think, Trotwood,’ returned Agnes, raising her soft eyes to mine, ‘I would consider that. —
‘我不认为,特洛特,’爱吉斯说着,抬起柔和的眼睛看着我,‘我会考虑这些。 —

Perhaps it would be better only to consider whether it is right to do this; —
也许最好只考虑是否做这件事是正确的; —

and, if it is, to do it.’

I had no longer any doubt on the subject. —
在这个问题上,我不再有任何疑问了。 —

With a lightened heart, though with a profound sense of the weighty importance of my task, I devoted the whole afternoon to the composition of the draft of this letter; —
轻松的心情,但又深感我的任务的重要性,我把整个下午都用来起草这封信; —

for which great purpose, Agnes relinquished her desk to me. —
为了这个伟大的目的,阿格尼丝把她的写字台让给了我。 —

But first I went downstairs to see Mr. Wickfield and Uriah Heep.

I found Uriah in possession of a new, plaster-smelling office, built out in the garden; —
我发现乌里亚正在花园里建造的一个新的,充满灰泥味道的办公室里; —

looking extraordinarily mean, in the midst of a quantity of books and papers. —
他在一堆书籍和文件中显得极其卑贱。 —

He received me in his usual fawning way, and pretended not to have heard of my arrival from Mr. Micawber; —
他用他那常见的阿谀奉承的方式接待我,并假装没有从米考伯先生那里听说我来访的消息。 —

a pretence I took the liberty of disbelieving. —
我基于怀疑自行放弃了这个假装。 —

He accompanied me into Mr. Wickfield’s room, which was the shadow of its former self - having been divested of a variety of conveniences, for the accommodation of the new partner - and stood before the fire, warming his back, and shaving his chin with his bony hand, while Mr. Wickfield and I exchanged greetings.

‘You stay with us, Trotwood, while you remain in Canterbury?’ —
“你在坎特伯雷的时候会跟我们呆在一起吗,特罗特伍德?” —

said Mr. Wickfield, not without a glance at Uriah for his approval.

‘Is there room for me?’ said I.

‘I am sure, Master Copperfield - I should say Mister, but the other comes so natural,’ said Uriah, -‘I would turn out of your old room with pleasure, if it would be agreeable.’

‘No, no,’ said Mr. Wickfield. ‘Why should you be inconvenienced? There’s another room. —
“不,不,”维克菲尔德先生说。“为什么要让你不方便呢?还有另一个房间,还有另一个房间。” —

There’s another room.’ ‘Oh, but you know,’ returned Uriah, with a grin, ‘I should really be delighted!’

To cut the matter short, I said I would have the other room or none at all; —
为了简化问题,我说要么就给我另一个房间,要么就不要了; —

so it was settled that I should have the other room; —
所以就决定给我另一个房间; —

and, taking my leave of the firm until dinner, I went upstairs again.

I had hoped to have no other companion than Agnes. But Mrs. Heep had asked permission to bring herself and her knitting near the fire, in that room; —
我本希望只有阿格尼丝作伴。但希望也没有,希普太太请求可以带着她自己和她的编织靠近火炉,在那间房间; —

on pretence of its having an aspect more favourable for her rheumatics, as the wind then was, than the drawing-room or dining-parlour. —
借口是这间房间对她的风湿病更有利,因为当时的风比起客厅或餐厅更温和。 —

Though I could almost have consigned her to the mercies of the wind on the topmost pinnacle of the Cathedral, without remorse, I made a virtue of necessity, and gave her a friendly salutation.

‘I’m umbly thankful to you, sir,’ said Mrs. Heep, in acknowledgement of my inquiries concerning her health, ‘but I’m only pretty well. —
“谢谢您,先生,”希普太太对我关心她健康的询问表示感激,“但我只是稍微好些而已。” —

I haven’t much to boast of. If I could see my Uriah well settled in life, I couldn’t expect much more I think. —
我没有什么可以自夸的。如果我能看到我的乌里亚生活得很好,我想我就不能再期望更多了。 —

How do you think my Ury looking, sir?’

I thought him looking as villainous as ever, and I replied that I saw no change in him.

‘Oh, don’t you think he’s changed?’ said Mrs. Heep. ‘There I must umbly beg leave to differ from you. —
“哦,你不觉得他变了吗?”希普夫人说,“那我就谦卑地请假与你意见不同。” —

Don’t you see a thinness in him?’

‘Not more than usual,’ I replied.

‘Don’t you though!’ said Mrs. Heep. ‘But you don’t take notice of him with a mother’s eye!’

His mother’s eye was an evil eye to the rest of the world, I thought as it met mine, howsoever affectionate to him; —
她的那只母亲的眼睛对于世界上其他人来说是邪恶的,我想当它遇上我的眼睛时,对尽管对他很亲切; —

and I believe she and her son were devoted to one another. —
我相信她和她的儿子是彼此忠诚的。 —

It passed me, and went on to Agnes.

‘Don’t YOU see a wasting and a wearing in him, Miss Wickfield?’ inquired Mrs. Heep.

‘No,’ said Agnes, quietly pursuing the work on which she was engaged. —
“没有,”艾格尼丝平静地继续她正在做的工作。 —

‘You are too solicitous about him. He is very well.’

Mrs. Heep, with a prodigious sniff, resumed her knitting.

She never left off, or left us for a moment. —
她从不停下来,或者离开我们一会儿。 —

I had arrived early in the day, and we had still three or four hours before dinner; —
我当天早早就到了,还有三四个小时才到晚饭时间; —

but she sat there, plying her knitting-needles as monotonously as an hour-glass might have poured out its sands. —
但她坐在那里,像沙漏不停地滴落出织针般单调地织着; —

She sat on one side of the fire; I sat at the desk in front of it; —
她坐在火炉一侧;我坐在它前面的桌子旁; —

a little beyond me, on the other side, sat Agnes. Whensoever, slowly pondering over my letter, I lifted up my eyes, and meeting the thoughtful face of Agnes, saw it clear, and beam encouragement upon me, with its own angelic expression, I was conscious presently of the evil eye passing me, and going on to her, and coming back to me again, and dropping furtively upon the knitting. —
在我慢慢地思考着我的信件时,抬起眼睛,遇见了思考的阿格尼丝,看到她那清澈的脸上充满鼓励的表情,我意识到邪眼立刻从我身上移开,朝她那里移去,然后又回到我身上,偷偷盯着织物; —

What the knitting was, I don’t know, not being learned in that art; but it looked like a net; —
我不懂织毛衣的技艺,所以不知道她在织什么,但看起来像一张网; —

and as she worked away with those Chinese chopsticks of knitting-needles, she showed in the firelight like an ill-looking enchantress, baulked as yet by the radiant goodness opposite, but getting ready for a cast of her net by and by.

At dinner she maintained her watch, with the same unwinking eyes. —
晚饭时,她依旧保持着警惕,眼睛不眨地注视着; —

After dinner, her son took his turn; and when Mr. Wickfield, himself, and I were left alone together, leered at me, and writhed until I could hardly bear it. —
晚饭后,她的儿子接替了她的任务,并在我和威克菲尔先生独处时对我媚笑,扭动,以至于我几乎无法忍受; —

In the drawing-room, there was the mother knitting and watching again. —
在客厅里,母亲又开始织毛衣并注视着; —

All the time that Agnes sang and played, the mother sat at the piano. —
每当阿格尼丝唱歌弹琴时,母亲坐在钢琴旁; —

Once she asked for a particular ballad, which she said her Ury (who was yawning in a great chair) doted on; —
有一次她要求唱一首特定的小曲,她说她的乌里(正在一把大椅子上打哈欠)特别喜欢; —

and at intervals she looked round at him, and reported to Agnes that he was in raptures with the music. —
偶尔她看看他,告诉阿格尼丝他对音乐感到陶醉; —

But she hardly ever spoke - I question if she ever did - without making some mention of him. —
但她几乎说话都会提到他 - 我怀疑她是否真的有过不提他的时候; —

It was evident to me that this was the duty assigned to her.

This lasted until bedtime. To have seen the mother and son, like two great bats hanging over the whole house, and darkening it with their ugly forms, made me so uncomfortable, that I would rather have remained downstairs, knitting and all, than gone to bed. —
这种情况一直持续到睡觉时间。看到母子两人像两只大蝙蝠悬挂在整个房子上空,并用他们丑陋的身影使房子昏暗,让我感到非常不舒服,我宁愿留在楼下,继续织毛衣,也不想上床睡觉。 —

I hardly got any sleep. Next day the knitting and watching began again, and lasted all day.

I had not an opportunity of speaking to Agnes, for ten minutes. I could barely show her my letter. —
我没有机会和阿格尼丝交谈十分钟。我几乎没能给她看我的信。 —

I proposed to her to walk out with me; but Mrs. Heep repeatedly complaining that she was worse, Agnes charitably remained within, to bear her company. —
我提议她和我一起出去散步;但希普太太一再抱怨她病得更重了,阿格尼丝慈悲地留在屋里陪伴她。 —

Towards the twilight I went out by myself, musing on what I ought to do, and whether I was justified in withholding from Agnes, any longer, what Uriah Heep had told me in London; —
黄昏时分,我一个人出去散步,思考我应该怎么做,是否有理由再不告诉阿格尼丝伦敦的乌瑞亚·希普告诉我的事情; —

for that began to trouble me again, very much.

I had not walked out far enough to be quite clear of the town, upon the Ramsgate road, where there was a good path, when I was hailed, through the dust, by somebody behind me. —
我还没有走到离城镇很远的地方,就在通往兰斯盖特的道路上,那里有一条很好的路径,有人在我的身后的尘埃中呼喊着我。 —

The shambling figure, and the scanty great-coat, were not to be mistaken. —
那跛跛蹒跚的身影,和那件稀疏的大衣,是不会弄错的。 —

I stopped, and Uriah Heep came up.

‘Well?’ said I.

‘How fast you walk!’ said he. ‘My legs are pretty long, but you’ve given ‘em quite a job.’

‘Where are you going?’ said I.

‘I am going with you, Master Copperfield, if you’ll allow me the pleasure of a walk with an old acquaintance.’ —
“如果你愿意,我就跟你一起走,考班哥,好让我有幸和一个老相识散步。” —

Saying this, with a jerk of his body, which might have been either propitiatory or derisive, he fell into step beside me.

‘Uriah!’ said I, as civilly as I could, after a silence.

‘Master Copperfield!’ said Uriah.

‘To tell you the truth (at which you will not be offended), I came Out to walk alone, because I have had so much company.’

He looked at me sideways, and said with his hardest grin, ‘You mean mother.’

‘Why yes, I do,’ said I.

‘Ah! But you know we’re so very umble,’ he returned. —
“啊!但你知道我们都非常谦卑。”他回答说。 —

‘And having such a knowledge of our own umbleness, we must really take care that we’re not pushed to the wall by them as isn’t umble. —
“对于自己的谦卑,我们必须小心,确保不被那些不谦卑的人逼到墙角。” —

All stratagems are fair in love, sir.’

Raising his great hands until they touched his chin, he rubbed them softly, and softly chuckled; —
他把他的大手举起直到碰到下巴,轻轻搓动,轻声笑着; —

looking as like a malevolent baboon, I thought, as anything human could look.

‘You see,’ he said, still hugging himself in that unpleasant way, and shaking his head at me, ‘you’re quite a dangerous rival, Master Copperfield. —
“你知道吗,”他仍然以那种令人不快的方式拥抱着自己,对我摇头说,“你是一个相当危险的竞争对手,科波菲尔德先生。 —

You always was, you know.’

‘Do you set a watch upon Miss Wickfield, and make her home no home, because of me?’ said I.

‘Oh! Master Copperfield! Those are very arsh words,’ he replied.

‘Put my meaning into any words you like,’ said I. ‘You know what it is, Uriah, as well as I do.’

‘Oh no! You must put it into words,’ he said. ‘Oh, really! I couldn’t myself.’

‘Do you suppose,’ said I, constraining myself to be very temperate and quiet with him, on account of Agnes, ‘that I regard Miss Wickfield otherwise than as a very dear sister?’

‘Well, Master Copperfield,’ he replied, ‘you perceive I am not bound to answer that question. —
“康柏菲尔德先生,”他回答说,“你知道我并不需要回答那个问题。” —

You may not, you know. But then, you see, you may!’

Anything to equal the low cunning of his visage, and of his shadowless eyes without the ghost of an eyelash, I never saw.

‘Come then!’ said I. ‘For the sake of Miss Wickfield -’
“那么!”我说。“为了威克菲尔德小姐的缘故 -”

‘My Agnes!’ he exclaimed, with a sickly, angular contortion of himself. —
“我的阿格尼丝!”他说,一副虚弱并扭曲的模样。 —

‘Would you be so good as call her Agnes, Master Copperfield!’

‘For the sake of Agnes Wickfield - Heaven bless her!’
“为了阿格尼丝·威克菲尔德 - 上帝保佑她!”

‘Thank you for that blessing, Master Copperfield!‘he interposed.

‘I will tell you what I should, under any other circumstances, as soon have thought of telling to - Jack Ketch.’
“在其他情况下,我绝对不会如此轻易地告诉谁 - 杰克·凯奇。”

‘To who, sir?’ said Uriah, stretching out his neck, and shading his ear with his hand.

‘To the hangman,’ I returned. ‘The most unlikely person I could think of,’ - though his own face had suggested the allusion quite as a natural sequence. —
“告诉執行绞刑的执行者,”我说。“我想不到更不可能的人选。” - 尽管他自己的面孔像自然的连续一样暗示了这个比喻。 —

‘I am engaged to another young lady. I hope that contents you.’

‘Upon your soul?’ said Uriah.

I was about indignantly to give my assertion the confirmation he required, when he caught hold of my hand, and gave it a squeeze.

‘Oh, Master Copperfield!’ he said. ‘If you had only had the condescension to return my confidence when I poured out the fulness of my art, the night I put you so much out of the way by sleeping before your sitting-room fire, I never should have doubted you. —
“啊,康柏菲尔德先生!”他说。“如果你当初在我倾诉我艺术的全部时候回报了我的信任,那个晚上,我因为在你客厅的壁炉前睡了而让你很不开心,我就永远不会怀疑你。 —

As it is, I’m sure I’ll take off mother directly, and only too appy. —
照现在这样,我可以肯定地直接带上母亲,只会更加快乐。 —

I know you’ll excuse the precautions of affection, won’t you? —
我知道你会原谅我这种充满感情的预防措施,对吧? —

What a pity, Master Copperfield, that you didn’t condescend to return my confidence! —
可惜啊,考珀菲尔德先生,你没有屈尊告诉我你的秘密! —

I’m sure I gave you every opportunity. But you never have condescended to me, as much as I could have wished. —
我确定我给了你足够的机会。但你从来没有屈尊怜悯我,像我希望的那样。 —

I know you have never liked me, as I have liked you!’

All this time he was squeezing my hand with his damp fishy fingers, while I made every effort I decently could to get it away. —
他用湿漉漉的鱼儿般的手紧握着我的手,而我尽力想抽回来。 —

But I was quite unsuccessful. He drew it under the sleeve of his mulberry-coloured great-coat, and I walked on, almost upon compulsion, arm-in-arm with him.

‘Shall we turn?’ said Uriah, by and by wheeling me face about towards the town, on which the early moon was now shining, silvering the distant windows.

‘Before we leave the subject, you ought to understand,’ said I, breaking a pretty long silence, ‘that I believe Agnes Wickfield to be as far above you, and as far removed from all your aspirations, as that moon herself!’

‘Peaceful! Ain’t she!’ said Uriah. ‘Very! —
“宁静!是吧!”乌里亚说。 “非常! —

Now confess, Master Copperfield, that you haven’t liked me quite as I have liked you. —
现在承认,考珀菲尔德先生,你并没有像我那样喜欢过我。 —

All along you’ve thought me too umble now, I shouldn’t wonder?’
一直以来你都认为我太谦卑了吧,现在, 我猜想?”

‘I am not fond of professions of humility,’ I returned, ‘or professions of anything else.’ —
“我不喜欢谦卑的表白,”我回答道,”也不喜欢其他任何表白。” —

‘There now!’ said Uriah, looking flabby and lead-coloured in the moonlight. ‘Didn’t I know it! —
“看吧!”乌里亚在月光下看起来慵懒而铅灰色。 “我难道不知道吗! —

But how little you think of the rightful umbleness of a person in my station, Master Copperfield! —
但你多么看不起我这种地位如此卑微的人的合理谦卑,考珀菲尔德先生!” —

Father and me was both brought up at a foundation school for boys; —
父亲和我都在男子基金会学校里长大; —

and mother, she was likewise brought up at a public, sort of charitable, establishment. —
母亲也是在一个公立的、类似慈善机构的地方长大; —

They taught us all a deal of umbleness - not much else that I know of, from morning to night. —
他们教我们许多谦卑之道 - 从早到晚别的我不了解; —

We was to be umble to this person, and umble to that; —
我们要对这个人谦卑,对那个人谦卑; —

and to pull off our caps here, and to make bows there; —
把帽子取下来这里,向那里鞠躬; —

and always to know our place, and abase ourselves before our betters. —
要知道自己的位置,在优越者面前屈服; —

And we had such a lot of betters! Father got the monitor-medal by being umble. —
我们确实有很多优越者!父亲因为谦卑得到了监督奖章; —

So did I. Father got made a sexton by being umble. —
我也是。父亲因为谦卑被任为教堂司库; —

He had the character, among the gentlefolks, of being such a well-behaved man, that they were determined to bring him in. —
在上流社会中,他有一个良好的品德,人们决定拉他进去; —

“Be umble, Uriah,” says father to me, “and you’ll get on. —
“谦卑,乌利亚,” 父亲对我说, “你会成功的。 —

It was what was always being dinned into you and me at school; it’s what goes down best. —
这总是被我们学校灌输的;这是最受欢迎的。 —

Be umble,” says father,” and you’ll do!” —
“谦卑,”父亲说,“你就行了!” —

And really it ain’t done bad!’

It was the first time it had ever occurred to me, that this detestable cant of false humility might have originated out of the Heep family. —
这是我第一次想到这种可恶的虚伪谦逊说辞可能源自希普家族。 —

I had seen the harvest, but had never thought of the seed.

‘When I was quite a young boy,’ said Uriah, ‘I got to know what umbleness did, and I took to it. —
“我还是个小男孩的时候,”尤里亚说,“我开始懂得谦逊,于是我接受了它。 —

I ate umble pie with an appetite. I stopped at the umble point of my learning, and says I, “Hold hard!” —
我饱口福地吃下了谦逊派。我在学习的过程中停在了谦逊的一点,我说,“慢点!” —

When you offered to teach me Latin, I knew better. —
当你提出要教我拉丁文时,我知道了更好的选择。 —

“People like to be above you,” says father, “keep yourself down.” —
“人们喜欢凌驾于你之上,”父亲说,“保持低调。” —

I am very umble to the present moment, Master Copperfield, but I’ve got a little power!’

And he said all this - I knew, as I saw his face in the moonlight - that I might understand he was resolved to recompense himself by using his power. —
他说出了所有这些——我知道,当我在月光中看到他的脸时——我可以理解他已决心利用自己的权力来弥补。 —

I had never doubted his meanness, his craft and malice; —
我从未怀疑过他的卑鄙,他的狡诈和恶意; —

but I fully comprehended now, for the first time, what a base, unrelenting, and revengeful spirit, must have been engendered by this early, and this long, suppression.

His account of himself was so far attended with an agreeable result, that it led to his withdrawing his hand in order that he might have another hug of himself under the chin. —
他对自己的描述最终得到了一个愉快的结果,他随后收了手,以便他可以在下巴下再次拥抱自己一下。 —

Once apart from him, I was determined to keep apart; —
一旦离开他,我决心保持疏远; —

and we walked back, side by side, saying very little more by the way. —
我们肩并肩走回去,沿途说的话很少。 —

Whether his spirits were elevated by the communication I had made to him, or by his having indulged in this retrospect, I don’t know; —
他的情绪是被我向他倾诉所激励的吗,还是被他回忆过去所启发的,我不知道; —

but they were raised by some influence. He talked more at dinner than was usual with him; —
但是他受到某种影响。他在晚餐时说话比平时多; —

asked his mother (off duty, from the moment of our re-entering the house) whether he was not growing too old for a bachelor; —
他问他母亲(从我们重新进屋开始,她就再也没有工作)他是不是已经太老单身; —

and once looked at Agnes so, that I would have given all I had, for leave to knock him down.

When we three males were left alone after dinner, he got into a more adventurous state. —
当我们三个男人在晚饭后独处时,他变得更加冒险。 —

He had taken little or no wine; and I presume it was the mere insolence of triumph that was upon him, flushed perhaps by the temptation my presence furnished to its exhibition.

I had observed yesterday, that he tried to entice Mr. Wickfield to drink; —
我昨天注意到他试图诱使威克菲尔德先生喝酒; —

and, interpreting the look which Agnes had given me as she went out, had limited myself to one glass, and then proposed that we should follow her. —
并且,从阿格尼丝出去时给我的眼神来解释,我只喝了一杯,然后建议我们跟着她。 —

I would have done so again today; but Uriah was too quick for me.

‘We seldom see our present visitor, sir,’ he said, addressing Mr. Wickfield, sitting, such a contrast to him, at the end of the table, ‘and I should propose to give him welcome in another glass or two of wine, if you have no objections. —
“我们很少见到我们的现在的客人,先生,”他对坐在桌子另一端的威克菲尔德先生说,形成了鲜明的对比,”我建议再给他一两杯酒来欢迎他,如果您没有意见的话。 —

Mr. Copperfield, your elth and appiness!’

I was obliged to make a show of taking the hand he stretched across to me; —
我被迫假装握住他伸过来的手; —

and then, with very different emotions, I took the hand of the broken gentleman, his partner.

‘Come, fellow-partner,’ said Uriah, ‘if I may take the liberty, - now, suppose you give us something or another appropriate to Copperfield!’

I pass over Mr. Wickfield’s proposing my aunt, his proposing Mr. Dick, his proposing Doctors’ Commons, his proposing Uriah, his drinking everything twice; —
我不提及威克菲尔德先生提议我阿姨,他提议迪克先生,他提议律师公会,他提议乌利亚,他双倍喝下所有酒的场景; —

his consciousness of his own weakness, the ineffectual effort that he made against it; —
他对自己软弱的意识,他无效的反抗努力; —

the struggle between his shame in Uriah’s deportment, and his desire to conciliate him; —
他羞耻乌利亚的举止,却又希望讨好他之间的挣扎; —

the manifest exultation with which Uriah twisted and turned, and held him up before me. —
乌利亚转来转去、炫耀自己的喜悦,将他在我面前高高举起,让我看到的情景,让我心痛得要命。 —

It made me sick at heart to see, and my hand recoils from writing it.

‘Come, fellow-partner!’ said Uriah, at last, ‘I’ll give you another one, and I umbly ask for bumpers, seeing I intend to make it the divinest of her sex.’

Her father had his empty glass in his hand. —
她父亲手里拿着一个空杯子。 —

I saw him set it down, look at the picture she was so like, put his hand to his forehead, and shrink back in his elbow-chair.

‘I’m an umble individual to give you her elth,’ proceeded Uriah, ‘but I admire - adore her.’
“我是一个谦卑的个体来向你加给她的祝福,”乌赖亚接着说,“但我钦佩 - 崇拜她。”

No physical pain that her father’s grey head could have borne, I think, could have been more terrible to me, than the mental endurance I saw compressed now within both his hands.

‘Agnes,’ said Uriah, either not regarding him, or not knowing what the nature of his action was, ‘Agnes Wickfield is, I am safe to say, the divinest of her sex. —
“艾格尼丝,”乌赖亚说,不管是没注意他,还是不知道他的行为本质是什么,“可以很肯定地说,阿格尼丝·维克菲尔德是她性别中最神圣的。” —

May I speak out, among friends? To be her father is a proud distinction, but to be her usband -’

Spare me from ever again hearing such a cry, as that with which her father rose up from the table! —
求你不要再让我听到那样一个呼喊声,就像她的父亲从餐桌前站起来时那样! —

‘What’s the matter?’ said Uriah, turning of a deadly colour. —
‘怎么了?’乌利亚变得脸色苍白。 —

‘You are not gone mad, after all, Mr. Wickfield, I hope? —
‘希望你没有发疯,韦克菲尔德先生? —

If I say I’ve an ambition to make your Agnes my Agnes, I have as good a right to it as another man. —
如果我说我有一个愿望,让你的艾格尼丝成为我的艾格尼丝,我和其他人一样有权利。 —

I have a better right to it than any other man!’

I had my arms round Mr. Wickfield, imploring him by everything that I could think of, oftenest of all by his love for Agnes, to calm himself a little. —
我搂着韦克菲尔德先生,哀求他减轻一点自己的情绪,我想到的一切都试图劝他冷静下来,最重要的还是通过他对艾格尼丝的爱,不时恳求他。 —

He was mad for the moment; tearing out his hair, beating his head, trying to force me from him, and to force himself from me, not answering a word, not looking at or seeing anyone; —
他那一刻发狂;拔掉头发,敲打头部,试图把我挤开,把自己推开,不说一句话,也不看任何人; —

blindly striving for he knew not what, his face all staring and distorted - a frightful spectacle.
盲目地努力着,他自己也不知道在争取什么,他的脸全是瞪大而扭曲的 - 一个可怕的景象。

I conjured him, incoherently, but in the most impassioned manner, not to abandon himself to this wildness, but to hear me. —
我毫无条理地、但极其慷慨激昂地恳求他不要沉湎于狂乱中,而是听我说。 —

I besought him to think of Agnes, to connect me with Agnes, to recollect how Agnes and I had grown up together, how I honoured her and loved her, how she was his pride and joy. —
我恳求他想想艾格尼丝,把我与艾格尼丝联系起来,回想艾格尼丝和我的共同成长,我如何尊敬和爱她,她是他的骄傲和快乐。 —

I tried to bring her idea before him in any form; —
我试图以任何形式将她的形象呈现在他面前; —

I even reproached him with not having firmness to spare her the knowledge of such a scene as this. —
我甚至责备他没有足够的坚定决心保护她不让她知道这样的场面。 —

I may have effected something, or his wildness may have spent itself; —
我可能起了点作用,或者他的狂热可能已经消退; —

but by degrees he struggled less, and began to look at me - strangely at first, then with recognition in his eyes. —
但逐渐地,他挣扎得少了,开始看着我 - 起初感到奇怪,然后眼中带着承认。 —

At length he said, ‘I know, Trotwood! My darling child and you - I know! But look at him!’
最后他说,’我知道,特洛特!我心爱的孩子和你 - 我知道了!但看他!’

He pointed to Uriah, pale and glowering in a corner, evidently very much out in his calculations, and taken by surprise.

‘Look at my torturer,’ he replied. ‘Before him I have step by step abandoned name and reputation, peace and quiet, house and home.’
“看看我的折磨者,“他回答道。 “在他面前,我一步步放弃了名誉和声誉,平静和安宁,房屋和家园。”

‘I have kept your name and reputation for you, and your peace and quiet, and your house and home too,’ said Uriah, with a sulky, hurried, defeated air of compromise. —
“我替你保留了名誉和声誉,你的平静和安宁,还有你的房屋和家园,“乌里亚说着,带着一种愤怒、匆匆和失败的妥协气氛。 —

‘Don’t be foolish, Mr. Wickfield. If I have gone a little beyond what you were prepared for, I can go back, I suppose? —
“不要犯傻,卫克菲尔德先生。如果我有一点超出您的准备范围,我可以回头,我想?没有什么伤害。” —

There’s no harm done.’

‘I looked for single motives in everyone,’ said Mr. Wickfield, and I was satisfied I had bound him to me by motives of interest. —
“但是看看他现在是什么样子 - 哦,看看他现在是什么样子!” —

But see what he is - oh, see what he is!’
“我得到了你说过的。 我已经做好了。”

‘You had better stop him, Copperfield, if you can,’ cried Uriah, with his long forefinger pointing towards me. —
‘如果你能的话,你最好阻止他,考珀菲尔德,’乌里亚喊道,用他的长指着我。 —

‘He’ll say something presently - mind you! —
‘他马上会说些什么 - 你要小心!’- 他会后悔说过的话的,你听到后也会后悔! —

  • he’ll be sorry to have said afterwards, and you’ll be sorry to have heard!’

‘I’ll say anything!’ cried Mr. Wickfield, with a desperate air. —
‘我为什么不能被世界掌握,如果我被你掌握?’ —

‘Why should I not be in all the world’s power if I am in yours?’

‘Mind! I tell you!’ said Uriah, continuing to warn me. —
‘如果你不堵住他的嘴,你不是他的朋友! —

‘If you don’t stop his mouth, you’re not his friend! —
‘为什么你不能被世界掌握,威克菲尔德先生?因为你有一个女儿。 —

Why shouldn’t you be in all the world’s power, Mr. Wickfield? Because you have got a daughter. —
你和我知道我们知道的,不是吗?让沉睡的狗躺下吧 - 谁想吵醒它们?我不想。 —

You and me know what we know, don’t we? Let sleeping dogs lie - who wants to rouse ‘em? I don’t. —
‘你难道看不出我现在非常谦逊吗? —

Can’t you see I am as umble as I can be? —
‘我告诉你,如果我说得过火了,我很抱歉。 —

I tell you, if I’ve gone too far, I’m sorry. —
‘你要什么,先生?’ —

What would you have, sir?’

‘Oh, Trotwood, Trotwood!‘exclaimed Mr. Wickfield, wringing his hands. —
‘自从我第一次在这所房子里见到你以来,我已经走下坡路了! —

‘What I have come down to be, since I first saw you in this house! —
当时我已经走在下坡路上了,但是自那时以来我所走过的荒凉、荒凉的道路! —

I was on my downward way then, but the dreary, dreary road I have traversed since! —
’ —

Weak indulgence has ruined me. Indulgence in remembrance, and indulgence in forgetfulness. —
虚弱的放纵毁了我。放纵于回忆,放纵于遗忘。 —

My natural grief for my child’s mother turned to disease; —
我对孩子的母亲的自然悲伤变成了疾病; —

my natural love for my child turned to disease. I have infected everything I touched. —
我对孩子的自然爱变成了疾病。我感染了我所触碰到的一切。 —

I have brought misery on what I dearly love, I know -you know! —
我给我深爱的东西带来了痛苦,我知道-上帝知道! —

I thought it possible that I could truly love one creature in the world, and not love the rest; —
我曾以为我可以真正爱世界上一个生物,而不爱其他一切; —

I thought it possible that I could truly mourn for one creature gone out of the world, and not have some part in the grief of all who mourned. —
我曾以为我可以真正为世界上一个消失的生物而哀伤,而不会在所有哀伤的人中带有一部分。 —

Thus the lessons of my life have been perverted! —
如此我的生活教训已被曲解! —

I have preyed on my own morbid coward heart, and it has preyed on me. —
我捕食自己的病态懦弱心,而它也在捕食我。 —

Sordid in my grief, sordid in my love, sordid in my miserable escape from the darker side of both, oh see the ruin I am, and hate me, shun me!’

He dropped into a chair, and weakly sobbed. —
他跌坐在椅子上,虚弱地抽泣。 —

The excitement into which he had been roused was leaving him. —
他被激动所激发的情绪正在离开他。 —

Uriah came out of his corner.

‘I don’t know all I have done, in my fatuity,’ said Mr. Wickfield, putting out his hands, as if to deprecate my condemnation. —
‘因我的愚昧,我所做的一切我都不知道,’威克菲尔德先生说,伸出手,仿佛在抗议我的谴责。 —

‘He knows best,’ meaning Uriah Heep, ‘for he has always been at my elbow, whispering me. —
‘他最懂,’指着乌里亚希普,’因为他一直在我身边低声私语。 —

You see the millstone that he is about my neck. —
你看他是我脖子上的房屋大石。 —

You find him in my house, you find him in my business. —
你在我的家里找到他,你在我的生意中也找到他。 —

You heard him, but a little time ago. What need have I to say more!’

‘You haven’t need to say so much, nor half so much, nor anything at all,’ observed Uriah, half defiant, and half fawning. —
“你没必要说那么多,也不必说一半,甚至干脆什么都不说。”Uriah半挑衅地说,半讨好地说。 —

‘You wouldn’t have took it up so, if it hadn’t been for the wine. —
“你要不是喝了酒,也不会这么冲动地接纳它。” —

You’ll think better of it tomorrow, sir. —
“明天您会改变主意的,先生。” —

If I have said too much, or more than I meant, what of it? —
如果我说得太多了,或者超出了本意,那又怎样? —

I haven’t stood by it!’

The door opened, and Agnes, gliding in, without a vestige of colour in her face, put her arm round his neck, and steadily said, ‘Papa, you are not well. Come with me!’

He laid his head upon her shoulder, as if he were oppressed with heavy shame, and went out with her. —
他把头埋在她的肩膀上,仿佛深受羞愧之苦,跟着她走出了房间。 —

Her eyes met mine for but an instant, yet I saw how much she knew of what had passed.

‘I didn’t expect he’d cut up so rough, Master Copperfield,’ said Uriah. ‘But it’s nothing. —
‘我没有想到库伯菲尔德先生会这么激动,’尤赖亚说,’但没什么大不了的。明天我会和他做朋友。这是为了他好。我真诚地关心他的幸福。’ —

I’ll be friends with him tomorrow. It’s for his good. —
我没有回答他,走上楼,来到安静的房间,艾格尼丝经常在那里陪我读书。 —

I’m umbly anxious for his good.’

I gave him no answer, and went upstairs into the quiet room where Agnes had so often sat beside me at my books. —
我听到钟声敲响了十二下,还在读着,却不知道在读些什么时,艾格尼丝碰了碰我。 —

Nobody came near me until late at night. I took up a book, and tried to read. —
‘特洛特伍德,明天你会早早出发。现在让我们说声再见吧!’ —

I heard the clocks strike twelve, and was still reading, without knowing what I read, when Agnes touched me.

‘You will be going early in the morning, Trotwood! Let us say good-bye, now!’

She had been weeping, but her face then was so calm and beautiful!
‘最亲爱的艾格尼丝!’我回答道,’我知道你不想谈今晚的事 - 但难道真的无计可施吗?’

‘Heaven bless you!’ she said, giving me her hand.

‘Dearest Agnes!’ I returned, ‘I see you ask me not to speak of tonight - but is there nothing to be done?’

‘There is God to trust in!’ she replied.

‘Can I do nothing- I, who come to you with my poor sorrows?’

‘And make mine so much lighter,’ she replied. ‘Dear Trotwood, no!’

‘Dear Agnes,’ I said, ‘it is presumptuous for me, who am so poor in all in which you are so rich - goodness, resolution, all noble qualities - to doubt or direct you; —
“亲爱的艾格尼丝,”我说,“我这个在你拥有的一切美德、坚韧、所有高尚品质方面都如此贫瘠的人质疑或指导你是傲慢的; —

but you know how much I love you, and how much I owe you. —
但你知道我有多么爱你,又欠你多少。 —

You will never sacrifice yourself to a mistaken sense of duty, Agnes?’

More agitated for a moment than I had ever seen her, she took her hands from me, and moved a step back.

‘Say you have no such thought, dear Agnes! Much more than sister! —
“说你没有这样的想法,亲爱的艾格尼丝!比亲爱的妹妹还要亲!’ —

Think of the priceless gift of such a heart as yours, of such a love as yours!’

Oh! long, long afterwards, I saw that face rise up before me, with its momentary look, not wondering, not accusing, not regretting. —
哦!很久以后,我看到那张脸在我面前浮现,带着那瞬间的表情,不惊讶,不指责,不后悔。 —

Oh, long, long afterwards, I saw that look subside, as it did now, into the lovely smile, with which she told me she had no fear for herself - I need have none for her - and parted from me by the name of Brother, and was gone!
哦,很久很久以后,我看到她的表情渐渐变得温和,如今一样,变成了可爱的微笑,告诉我她不为自己担心 - 我也不必为她担心 - 并以兄弟的名义与我告别,然后消失了!

It was dark in the morning, when I got upon the coach at the inn door. —
当我在旅馆门口上了马车时,天还很黑。 —

The day was just breaking when we were about to start, and then, as I sat thinking of her, came struggling up the coach side, through the mingled day and night, Uriah’s head.

‘Copperfield!’ said he, in a croaking whisper, as he hung by the iron on the roof, ‘I thought you’d be glad to hear before you went off, that there are no squares broke between us. —
‘科波菲尔德!’他用嘶哑的低语说,他攀在车顶的铁上,’我以为你在离开之前听到这个消息会高兴,我们之间没有破绽。 —

I’ve been into his room already, and we’ve made it all smooth. —
我已经进过他的房间,我们已经把一切都解决了。 —

Why, though I’m umble, I’m useful to him, you know; —
虽然我谦卑,但我对他有用,你知道; —

and he understands his interest when he isn’t in liquor! —
当他没有喝醉酒时,他懂得自己的利益! —

What an agreeable man he is, after all, Master Copperfield!’

I obliged myself to say that I was glad he had made his apology.

‘Oh, to be sure!’ said Uriah. ‘When a person’s umble, you know, what’s an apology? So easy! I say! —
‘噢,当然!’乌利亚说。’一个谦卑之人,你知道,道歉算得了什么?太容易了!我说! —

I suppose,’ with a jerk, ‘you have sometimes plucked a pear before it was ripe, Master Copperfield?’

‘I suppose I have,’ I replied.

‘I did that last night,’ said Uriah; ‘but it’ll ripen yet! It only wants attending to. I can wait!’

Profuse in his farewells, he got down again as the coachman got up. —
他在告别中表达了丰富的祝福,就在车夫上车的时候又下来了。 —

For anything I know, he was eating something to keep the raw morning air out; —
就我所知,他正在吃东西来抵挡生锈的早晨空气; —

but he made motions with his mouth as if the pear were ripe already, and he were smacking his lips over it.