We might have gone about half a mile, and my pocket-handkerchief was quite wet through, when the carrier stopped short. —
我们或许走了大约半英里,我的口袋手帕已经完全湿透,这时马车夫突然停了下来。 —

Looking out to ascertain for what, I saw, to MY amazement, Peggotty burst from a hedge and climb into the cart. —
仔细看去,我看到了令我惊讶的一幕,佩格蒂从篱笆丛中跳出来,爬上了马车。 —

She took me in both her arms, and squeezed me to her stays until the pressure on my nose was extremely painful, though I never thought of that till afterwards when I found it very tender. —
她搂住我,紧紧地压住我,直到我的鼻子受到极大的疼痛,尽管当时我并没有意识到,直到后来发现它已经变得很娇嫩。 —

Not a single word did Peggotty speak. Releasing one of her arms, she put it down in her pocket to the elbow, and brought out some paper bags of cakes which she crammed into my pockets, and a purse which she put into my hand, but not one word did she say. —
佩格蒂一个字也没有说。她放开一只胳膊,伸进口袋,拿出一些装满蛋糕的纸袋,塞进我的口袋里,还掏出一个钱包放在我的手里,但却没有说一句话。 —

After another and a final squeeze with both arms, she got down from the cart and ran away; —
她用双臂再次给我一个紧紧的拥抱,然后从马车上跳下来跑掉; —

and, my belief is, and has always been, without a solitary button on her gown. —
我相信,一直相信,她的裙子上根本没有一颗纽扣。 —

I picked up one, of several that were rolling about, and treasured it as a keepsake for a long time.

The carrier looked at me, as if to inquire if she were coming back. —
马车夫看着我,仿佛是在询问她是否会回来。 —

I shook my head, and said I thought not. —
我摇了摇头,说我觉得她不会回来。 —

‘Then come up,’ said the carrier to the lazy horse; —
“那就上去吧,”马车夫对那只懒马说; —

who came up accordingly.

Having by this time cried as much as I possibly could, I began to think it was of no use crying any more, especially as neither Roderick Random, nor that Captain in the Royal British Navy, had ever cried, that I could remember, in trying situations. —
在我已经尽可能地哭泣之后,我开始觉得再哭也没用了,尤其是因为罗德里克•兰达姆和那位英国皇家海军上尉在困境中我不记得他们曾经哭过。 —

The carrier, seeing me in this resolution, proposed that my pockethandkerchief should be spread upon the horse’s back to dry. —
马车夫看到我下了这个决心,便建议用我的手帕铺在马背上晾干。 —

I thanked him, and assented; and particularly small it looked, under those circumstances.

I had now leisure to examine the purse. It was a stiff leather purse, with a snap, and had three bright shillings in it, which Peggotty had evidently polished up with whitening, for my greater delight. —
我现在有空可以仔细检查手提包了。那是一个硬皮钱包,有一个扣子,里面有三个闪闪发光的先令,显然是佩格蒂用白粉擦亮了,为了让我更加开心。 —

But its most precious contents were two half-crowns folded together in a bit of paper, on which was written, in my mother’s hand, ‘For Davy. With my love.’ —
但其中最珍贵的内容是两个折叠在一起的半英镑硬币,包裹着一张纸条,上面写着我母亲的手笔:“给Davy。带着我深深的爱。” —

I was so overcome by this, that I asked the carrier to be so good as to reach me my pocket-handkerchief again; —
我被这个感动得无法自持,于是我请求运货员再把手帕递给我; —

but he said he thought I had better do without it, and I thought I really had, so I wiped my eyes on my sleeve and stopped myself.

For good, too; though, in consequence of my previous emotions, I was still occasionally seized with a stormy sob. —
真的不再哭了;尽管由于之前的情感波动,我还是偶尔会被激情的啜泣所折磨。 —

After we had jogged on for some little time, I asked the carrier if he was going all the way.

‘All the way where?’ inquired the carrier.

‘There,’ I said.

‘Where’s there?’ inquired the carrier.

‘Near London,’ I said.

‘Why that horse,’ said the carrier, jerking the rein to point him out, ‘would be deader than pork afore he got over half the ground.’

‘Are you only going to Yarmouth then?’ I asked.

‘That’s about it,’ said the carrier. ‘And there I shall take you to the stage-cutch, and the stage-cutch that’ll take you to wherever it is.’

As this was a great deal for the carrier (whose name was Mr. Barkis) to say - he being, as I observed in a former chapter, of a phlegmatic temperament, and not at all conversational - I offered him a cake as a mark of attention, which he ate at one gulp, exactly like an elephant, and which made no more impression on his big face than it would have done on an elephant’s.
这对于那位运货员(他叫巴基斯先生)来说,说得够多的了 - 正如我在前一章里观察到的,他性情淡漠,不善交谈。我给了他一个蛋糕作为关注的表示,他像大象一样一口吞掉,对他那张大脸毫无影响力。

‘Did SHE make ‘em, now?’ said Mr. Barkis, always leaning forward, in his slouching way, on the footboard of the cart with an arm on each knee.

‘Peggotty, do you mean, sir?’

‘Ah!’ said Mr. Barkis. ‘Her.’

‘Yes. She makes all our pastry, and does all our cooking.’

‘Do she though?’ said Mr. Barkis.

He made up his mouth as if to whistle, but he didn’t whistle. —
他嘴巴动作好像要吹口哨,但他并没有吹。 —

He sat looking at the horse’s ears, as if he saw something new there; —
他坐在那里看着马的耳朵,好像在那里看到了新东西; —

and sat so, for a considerable time. By and by, he said:

‘No sweethearts, I b’lieve?’

‘Sweetmeats did you say, Mr. Barkis?’ For I thought he wanted something else to eat, and had pointedly alluded to that description of refreshment.

‘Hearts,’ said Mr. Barkis. ‘Sweet hearts; no person walks with her!’

‘With Peggotty?’

‘Ah!’ he said. ‘Her.’

‘Oh, no. She never had a sweetheart.’

‘Didn’t she, though!’ said Mr. Barkis.

Again he made up his mouth to whistle, and again he didn’t whistle, but sat looking at the horse’s ears.

‘So she makes,’ said Mr. Barkis, after a long interval of reflection, ‘all the apple parsties, and doos all the cooking, do she?’

I replied that such was the fact.

‘Well. I’ll tell you what,’ said Mr. Barkis. ‘P’raps you might be writin’ to her?’

‘I shall certainly write to her,’ I rejoined.

‘Ah!’ he said, slowly turning his eyes towards me. ‘Well! —
“啊!”他慢慢地把眼睛转向我。“很好!” —

If you was writin’ to her, p’raps you’d recollect to say that Barkis was willin’; would you?’

‘That Barkis is willing,’ I repeated, innocently. ‘Is that all the message?’

‘Ye-es,’ he said, considering. ‘Ye-es. Barkis is willin’.’

‘But you will be at Blunderstone again tomorrow, Mr. Barkis,’ I said, faltering a little at the idea of my being far away from it then, and could give your own message so much better.’

As he repudiated this suggestion, however, with a jerk of his head, and once more confirmed his previous request by saying, with profound gravity, ‘Barkis is willin’. —
然而,他摇了摇头拒绝了这个建议,并且再次郑重地确认了他之前的请求,深沉地说道,“巴克斯愿意。” —

That’s the message,’ I readily undertook its transmission. —
“那就是消息了,”我欣然答应了传达。 —

While I was waiting for the coach in the hotel at Yarmouth that very afternoon, I procured a sheet of paper and an inkstand, and wrote a note to Peggotty, which ran thus: —
当那天下午在雅茅斯的旅馆等待马车时,我弄到了一张纸和一只墨水瓶,给佩各蒂写了一封信,内容如下: —

‘My dear Peggotty. I have come here safe. Barkis is willing. My love to mama. —
“亲爱的佩各蒂。我到这里平安了。巴克斯愿意。向妈妈问好。 —

Yours affectionately. P.S. He says he particularly wants you to know - BARKIS IS WILLING.’
热爱你的。P.S. 他说他特别想让你知道 - 巴克斯愿意。”

When I had taken this commission on myself prospectively, Mr. Barkis relapsed into perfect silence; —
我接下这个任务后,巴克斯先生陷入了完全的沉默; —

and I, feeling quite worn out by all that had happened lately, lay down on a sack in the cart and fell asleep. —
而我,因为最近发生的一切感到筋疲力尽,就躺在车厢里的一个麻袋上睡着了。 —

I slept soundly until we got to Yarmouth; —
我一直睡到我们到达雅茅斯; —

which was so entirely new and strange to me in the inn-yard to which we drove, that I at once abandoned a latent hope I had had of meeting with some of Mr. Peggotty’s family there, perhaps even with little Em’ly herself.

The coach was in the yard, shining very much all over, but without any horses to it as yet; —
马车停在院子里,整个车身闪闪发光,但却还没有马拉车; —

and it looked in that state as if nothing was more unlikely than its ever going to London. —
在这种情况下,看起来它去伦敦的可能性比什么都不可能。 —

I was thinking this, and wondering what would ultimately become of my box, which Mr. Barkis had put down on the yard-pavement by the pole (he having driven up the yard to turn his cart), and also what would ultimately become of me, when a lady looked out of a bow-window where some fowls and joints of meat were hanging up, and said:

‘Is that the little gentleman from Blunderstone?’

‘Yes, ma’am,’ I said.

‘What name?’ inquired the lady.

‘Copperfield, ma’am,’ I said.

‘That won’t do,’ returned the lady. ‘Nobody’s dinner is paid for here, in that name.’

‘Is it Murdstone, ma’am?’ I said.

‘If you’re Master Murdstone,’ said the lady, ‘why do you go and give another name, first?’

I explained to the lady how it was, who than rang a bell, and called out, ‘William! —
我向那位女士解释了情况,她随即按响了铃,喊道:“威廉! —

show the coffee-room!’ upon which a waiter came running out of a kitchen on the opposite side of the yard to show it, and seemed a good deal surprised when he was only to show it to me.

It was a large long room with some large maps in it. —
那是一个又大又长的房间,里面挂着一些大地图。 —

I doubt if I could have felt much stranger if the maps had been real foreign countries, and I cast away in the middle of them. —
我觉得自己可能会有些像在一个真实的外国国家中迷失了一样陌生。 —

I felt it was taking a liberty to sit down, with my cap in my hand, on the corner of the chair nearest the door; —
我觉得自己坐在那里手里捧着帽子,实在是有些冒昧; —

and when the waiter laid a cloth on purpose for me, and put a set of castors on it, I think I must have turned red all over with modesty.

He brought me some chops, and vegetables, and took the covers off in such a bouncing manner that I was afraid I must have given him some offence. —
他给我端上了一些排骨和蔬菜,却摇摇晃晃地把盖子取下,我担心自己或许冒犯了他。 —

But he greatly relieved my mind by putting a chair for me at the table, and saying, very affably, ‘Now, six-foot! come on!’

I thanked him, and took my seat at the board; —
但是在他站在对面盯着我,用力地盯着我,每次碰到他的眼神我必须满脸通红时,我发现很难用刀叉吃东西,也难以避免将自己溅上调料。 —

but found it extremely difficult to handle my knife and fork with anything like dexterity, or to avoid splashing myself with the gravy, while he was standing opposite, staring so hard, and making me blush in the most dreadful manner every time I caught his eye. —
他把扬声器扔给我,站着笑呵呵地说:“快点!” —

After watching me into the second chop, he said:

‘There’s half a pint of ale for you. Will you have it now?’

I thanked him and said, ‘Yes.’ Upon which he poured it out of a jug into a large tumbler, and held it up against the light, and made it look beautiful.

‘My eye!’ he said. ‘It seems a good deal, don’t it?’

‘It does seem a good deal,’ I answered with a smile. —
‘是的,看起来确实不少。’我微笑着回答道。 —

For it was quite delightful to me, to find him so pleasant. —
他的友善确实让我感到愉悦。 —

He was a twinkling-eyed, pimple-faced man, with his hair standing upright all over his head; —
他是个眨眼睛的、长着丘疹的人,头发立着直直的; —

and as he stood with one arm a-kimbo, holding up the glass to the light with the other hand, he looked quite friendly.

‘There was a gentleman here, yesterday,’ he said - ‘a stout gentleman, by the name of Topsawyer - perhaps you know him?’

‘No,’ I said, ‘I don’t think -’

‘In breeches and gaiters, broad-brimmed hat, grey coat, speckled choker,’ said the waiter.

‘No,’ I said bashfully, ‘I haven’t the pleasure -’

‘He came in here,’ said the waiter, looking at the light through the tumbler, ‘ordered a glass of this ale - WOULD order it - I told him not - drank it, and fell dead. —
‘他来到这里,’侍者说着,透过水杯看着光线,’点了这种啤酒—非要点这种—我劝他别喝—他喝了,就倒下了。 —

It was too old for him. It oughtn’t to be drawn; that’s the fact.’

I was very much shocked to hear of this melancholy accident, and said I thought I had better have some water.

‘Why you see,’ said the waiter, still looking at the light through the tumbler, with one of his eyes shut up, ‘our people don’t like things being ordered and left. —
‘侍者说,仍然盯着酒杯里的光,眯着一只眼睛,’我们这些人不喜欢东西被点菜然后放在那里。 —

It offends ‘em. But I’ll drink it, if you like. I’m used to it, and use is everything. —
这会冒犯到他们。但如果你喜欢的话,我可以喝掉它。我习惯了,而习惯就是一切。 —

I don’t think it’ll hurt me, if I throw my head back, and take it off quick. Shall I?’

I replied that he would much oblige me by drinking it, if he thought he could do it safely, but by no means otherwise. —
我回答说,如果他认为可以安全地喝掉它,那么他可以使我非常感激,但绝不要冒险。 —

When he did throw his head back, and take it off quick, I had a horrible fear, I confess, of seeing him meet the fate of the lamented Mr. Topsawyer, and fall lifeless on the carpet. —
当他确实把头仰起来,然后快速喝掉它时,我承认,我有一种可怕的恐惧,担心看到他遇到被悼念的托普索耶先生的命运,生命垂危地倒在地毯上。 —

But it didn’t hurt him. On the contrary, I thought he seemed the fresher for it.

‘What have we got here?’ he said, putting a fork into my dish. ‘Not chops?’

‘Chops,’ I said.

‘Lord bless my soul!’ he exclaimed, ‘I didn’t know they were chops. —
‘天哪!’他惊叹道,‘我还不知道这是排骨。 —

Why, a chop’s the very thing to take off the bad effects of that beer! Ain’t it lucky?’

So he took a chop by the bone in one hand, and a potato in the other, and ate away with a very good appetite, to my extreme qatisfaction. —
于是他一手拿着一块排骨,一手拿着一个土豆,用很好的胃口吃了起来,让我极其满意。 —

He afterwards took another chop, and another potato; —
之后他又拿了一块排骨,又拿了一个土豆; —

and after that, another chop and another potato. —
之后,又一块排骨和另一个土豆。 —

When we had done, he brought me a pudding, and having set it before me, seemed to ruminate, and to become absent in his mind for some moments.

‘How’s the pie?’ he said, rousing himself.

‘It’s a pudding,’ I made answer.

‘Pudding!’ he exclaimed. ‘Why, bless me, so it is! What!’ —
“布丁!”他惊叹道。“哎呀,天啊,这真是布丁!什么!” —

looking at it nearer. ‘You don’t mean to say it’s a batter-pudding!’

‘Yes, it is indeed.’

‘Why, a batter-pudding,’ he said, taking up a table-spoon, ‘is my favourite pudding! —
“哎呀,面糊布丁,”他拿起一个汤匙说,“这是我最喜欢的布丁! —

Ain’t that lucky? Come on, little ‘un, and let’s see who’ll get most.’

The waiter certainly got most. He entreated me more than once to come in and win, but what with his table-spoon to my tea-spoon, his dispatch to my dispatch, and his appetite to my appetite, I was left far behind at the first mouthful, and had no chance with him. —
侍者确实吃得更多。他不止一次地邀请我进来一起吃,但是他的汤匙比我的茶匙大,他的动作比我快,他的食欲比我大,我在第一口就远远落后了,根本没机会赢他。 —

I never saw anyone enjoy a pudding so much, I think; —
我从未见过有人如此享受一份布丁,我想; —

and he laughed, when it was all gone, as if his enjoyment of it lasted still.

Finding him so very friendly and companionable, it was then that I asked for the pen and ink and paper, to write to Peggotty. —
发现他如此友好和随和,我便要求拿来笔墨和纸,给佩奇蒂写信。 —

He not only brought it immediately, but was good enough to look over me while I wrote the letter. —
他不仅立刻拿来,而且还好心在我写信的时候陪着我看。 —

When I had finished it, he asked me where I was going to school.

I said, ‘Near London,’ which was all I knew.

‘Oh! my eye!’ he said, looking very low-spirited, ‘I am sorry for that.’

‘Why?’ I asked him.

‘Oh, Lord!’ he said, shaking his head, ‘that’s the school where they broke the boy’s ribs - two ribs - a little boy he was. —
“哦,主啊!”他摇摇头说,“那所学校就是他们把那个男孩的两根肋骨给打断了 - 他还是个小男孩呢。” —

I should say he was - let me see - how old are you, about?’
“我想他是 - 让我看看 - 你大概多大了?”

I told him between eight and nine.

‘That’s just his age,’ he said. ‘He was eight years and six months old when they broke his first rib; eight years and eight months old when they broke his second, and did for him.’

I could not disguise from myself, or from the waiter, that this was an uncomfortable coincidence, and inquired how it was done. —
我无法掩饰,无论对自己还是对侍者,这是一个令人不安的巧合,于是询问是如何发生的。 —

His answer was not cheering to my spirits, for it consisted of two dismal words, ‘With whopping.’

The blowing of the coach-horn in the yard was a seasonable diversion, which made me get up and hesitatingly inquire, in the mingled pride and diffidence of having a purse (which I took out of my pocket), if there were anything to pay.

‘There’s a sheet of letter-paper,’ he returned. ‘Did you ever buy a sheet of letter-paper?’

I could not remember that I ever had.

‘It’s dear,’ he said, ‘on account of the duty. Threepence. —
“它很贵,”他说,“因为有税。三便士。 —

That’s the way we’re taxed in this country. —
“这就是我们在这个国家被征税的方式。 —

There’s nothing else, except the waiter. —
除了侍者就没有别的了。 —

Never mind the ink. I lose by that.’

‘What should you - what should I - how much ought I to - what would it be right to pay the waiter, if you please?’ —
“如果你愿意的话,请问我该给侍者多少 prop,或者是应该付多少 prop?” —

I stammered, blushing.

‘If I hadn’t a family, and that family hadn’t the cowpock,’ said the waiter, ‘I wouldn’t take a sixpence. —
“如果我没有家庭,那家庭没有天花,”服务生说,“我就不会收六便士。” —

If I didn’t support a aged pairint, and a lovely sister,’ - here the waiter was greatly agitated - ‘I wouldn’t take a farthing. —
“如果我没有养老的父母和一个可爱的姐妹,” - 这里服务生非常激动 - “我就不会拿一分钱。” —

If I had a good place, and was treated well here, I should beg acceptance of a trifle, instead of taking of it. —
“如果我有一个好位置,在这里受到良好对待,我会请求接受一点小费,而不是拿走它。 —

But I live on broken wittles - and I sleep on the coals’ - here the waiter burst into tears.
“但是我靠着剩饭,睡在煤炭上” —在这里服务生哭了起来。

I was very much concerned for his misfortunes, and felt that any recognition short of ninepence would be mere brutality and hardness of heart. —
我对他的不幸感到非常担忧,觉得除了九便士以外的任何赏识都会是纯粹的残酷和冷酷。 —

Therefore I gave him one of my three bright shillings, which he received with much humility and veneration, and spun up with his thumb, directly afterwards, to try the goodness of.

It was a little disconcerting to me, to find, when I was being helped up behind the coach, that I was supposed to have eaten all the dinner without any assistance. —
当我被帮着爬上车子时,发现我竟然被认为在没有任何帮助的情况下吃完了整顿饭。 —

I discovered this, from overhearing the lady in the bow-window say to the guard, ‘Take care of that child, George, or he’ll burst!’ —
我从站在拱窗的女士对车夫说的话中得知了这一点:“小心那个孩子,乔治,否则他会爆炸!” —

and from observing that the women-servants who were about the place came out to look and giggle at me as a young phenomenon. —
再加上我注意到围绕这个地方的女仆们出来看看我,咯咯地笑我,看我像是一个年轻的奇迹。 —

My unfortunate friend the waiter, who had quite recovered his spirits, did not appear to be disturbed by this, but joined in the general admiration without being at all confused. —
我不幸的朋友——已经完全恢复了精神的服务生——似乎并不为此感到不安,反而跟着一般的赞美参与其中。 —

If I had any doubt of him, I suppose this half awakened it; —
如果我对他有任何疑虑,我想这个事实半误导了我; —

but I am inclined to believe that with the simple confidence of a child, and the natural reliance of a child upon superior years (qualities I am very sorry any children should prematurely change for worldly wisdom), I had no serious mistrust of him on the whole, even then.

I felt it rather hard, I must own, to be made, without deserving it, the subject of jokes between the coachman and guard as to the coach drawing heavy behind, on account of my sitting there, and as to the greater expediency of my travelling by waggon. —
我承认,当我不应受此待的时候,竟成了车夫和车卫之间关于车子在后面拉得重是因为我坐在那里的一个玩笑话的对象,以及关于我乘坐货车更加方便的讨论。 —

The story of my supposed appetite getting wind among the outside passengers, they were merry upon it likewise; —
“我假装的食欲”的故事传遍了车外的乘客们,他们也为此高兴; —

and asked me whether I was going to be paid for, at school, as two brothers or three, and whether I was contracted for, or went upon the regular terms; —
他们问我是否在学校会被算作两个兄弟还是三个,以及是否按常规条款签约,或者是否已经预订好了; —

with other pleasant questions. But the worst of it was, that I knew I should be ashamed to eat anything, when an opportunity offered, and that, after a rather light dinner, I should remain hungry all night - for I had left my cakes behind, at the hotel, in my hurry. —
当我们停下来用晚餐时,我没能鼓起勇气吃任何东西,尽管我非常想吃,但我只是坐在火边说我什么都不想吃。 —

My apprehensions were realized. When we stopped for supper I couldn’t muster courage to take any, though I should have liked it very much, but sat by the fire and said I didn’t want anything. —
这并没有使我免于更多的笑话; —

This did not save me from more jokes, either; —
因为一个嗓音粗哑、满脸胡茬的男士,一路上几乎都在从三明治盒里吃东西,除非喝了一口瓶子里的酒,说我像一条蚯蚓蛇,一顿吃饱可以过很长一段时间; —

for a husky-voiced gentleman with a rough face, who had been eating out of a sandwich-box nearly all the way, except when he had been drinking out of a bottle, said I was like a boa-constrictor who took enough at one meal to last him a long time; —
之后,他竟然自己因为吃了煮牛肉而引发了皮疹。 —

after which, he actually brought a rash out upon himself with boiled beef.

We had started from Yarmouth at three o’clock in the afternoon, and we were due in London about eight next morning. —
这是仲夏天气,夜晚非常宜人。 —

It was Mid-summer weather, and the evening was very pleasant. —
当我们穿过一个村庄时,我设想着房子的内部是什么样子的,居民们在忙些什么; —

When we passed through a village, I pictured to myself what the insides of the houses were like, and what the inhabitants were about; —
当男孩们跟着我们跑来,上车后摇摆着一会儿,我不禁想知道他们的父亲是否还在世,他们是否在家里快乐。 —

and when boys came running after us, and got up behind and swung there for a little way, I wondered whether their fathers were alive, and whether they Were happy at home. —
我有很多事情可以思考,因此,除了一直在想我将去哪里这种可怕的猜想外。 —

I had plenty to think of, therefore, besides my mind running continually on the kind of place I was going to which was an awful speculation. —
有时我记得,我黯然放弃了对家和佩吉蒂的思念; —

Sometimes, I remember, I resigned myself to thoughts of home and Peggotty; —
并试图以一种混乱的盲目方式,回想起我在咬穆德斯通之前的感受,以及我以前是什么样的男孩; —

and to endeavouring, in a confused blind way, to recall how I had felt, and what sort of boy I used to be, before I bit Mr. Murdstone: —
但我无论如何都不能让自己满意,我似乎在非常遥远的古代就咬过他了。 —

which I couldn’t satisfy myself about by any means, I seemed to have bitten him in such a remote antiquity.

The night was not so pleasant as the evening, for it got chilly; —
被放在两位绅士中间(那个胡茬男和另一个)以防止我从马车上摔下来,我几乎被他们睡着了,完全挡住了。 —

and being put between two gentlemen (the rough-faced one and another) to prevent my tumbling off the coach, I was nearly smothered by their falling asleep, and completely blocking me up. —
,我被他们睡着了,完全挡住了,几乎闷死。 —

They squeezed me so hard sometimes, that I could not help crying out, ‘Oh! If you please!’ —
他们有时候抱得我太紧,我忍不住喊出声来,’哦!拜托!’ —

  • which they didn’t like at all, because it woke them. —
    - 这一点他们一点也不喜欢,因为这会把他们吵醒。 —

Opposite me was an elderly lady in a great fur cloak, who looked in the dark more like a haystack than a lady, she was wrapped up to such a degree. —
对面坐着一位穿着厚厚皮大衣的老太太,在黑暗中更像是一堆干草而不是一位淑女,她包裹得非常严实。 —

This lady had a basket with her, and she hadn’t known what to do with it, for a long time, until she found that on account of my legs being short, it could go underneath me. —
这位女士随身携带了一个篮子,很长一段时间都不知道该怎么办,直到她发现由于我的腿短,篮子可以放在我的底下。 —

It cramped and hurt me so, that it made me perfectly miserable; —
篮子夹得我又痛又难受,让我感到非常痛苦; —

but if I moved in the least, and made a glass that was in the basket rattle against something else (as it was sure to do), she gave me the cruellest poke with her foot, and said, ‘Come, don’t YOU fidget. —
但只要我稍微动一下,让篮子里的玻璃与其他东西碰撞发出声响(肯定会发生),她就会用脚狠狠踢我,说道,’来,别瞎动。你还年纪轻,肯定硬不过!’ —

YOUR bones are young enough, I’m sure!’

At last the sun rose, and then my companions seemed to sleep easier. —
最后太阳升起了,然后我的同伴们似乎睡得更安稳了。 —

The difficulties under which they had laboured all night, and which had found utterance in the most terrific gasps and snorts, are not to be conceived. —
他们整夜遭受的困难,以最可怕的喘息和鼾声表达出来,根本无法想象。 —

As the sun got higher, their sleep became lighter, and so they gradually one by one awoke. —
随着太阳升得更高,他们的睡眠变得更浅,所以他们逐渐一个接一个地醒来。 —

I recollect being very much surprised by the feint everybody made, then, of not having been to sleep at all, and by the uncommon indignation with which everyone repelled the charge. —
我记得非常惊讶,当时每个人都假装根本没有睡觉,以及每个人对这指责极端愤怒。 —

I labour under the same kind of astonishment to this day, having invariably observed that of all human weaknesses, the one to which our common nature is the least disposed to confess (I cannot imagine why) is the weakness of having gone to sleep in a coach.

What an amazing place London was to me when I saw it in the distance, and how I believed all the adventures of all my favourite heroes to be constantly enacting and re-enacting there, and how I vaguely made it out in my own mind to be fuller of wonders and wickedness than all the cities of the earth, I need not stop here to relate. —
当我远远看到伦敦时,它对我来说是多么奇妙的地方,以及我相信我所有最喜爱的英雄的所有冒险在那里不断上演,并在我的心中模糊地构想出它充满了比地球上所有城市还要多的奇迹和邪恶,我这里不需要停下来一一叙述。 —

We approached it by degrees, and got, in due time, to the inn in the Whitechapel district, for which we were bound. —
我们逐渐靠近它,最后到达了我们目的地的白教堂区的旅馆。 —

I forget whether it was the Blue Bull, or the Blue Boar; —
我忘记了是蓝牛还是蓝猪; —

but I know it was the Blue Something, and that its likeness was painted up on the back of the coach.

The guard’s eye lighted on me as he was getting down, and he said at the booking-office door:

‘Is there anybody here for a yoongster booked in the name of Murdstone, from Bloonderstone, Sooffolk, to be left till called for?’

Nobody answered.

‘Try Copperfield, if you please, sir,’ said I, looking helplessly down.

‘Is there anybody here for a yoongster, booked in the name of Murdstone, from Bloonderstone, Sooffolk, but owning to the name of Copperfield, to be left till called for?’ —
“有没有人预订了一个叫穆德斯通,来自索福克郡布伦德斯通的小孩,但实际上叫科波菲尔德,等待接送?” 卫兵说。“来!有人吗?” —

said the guard. ‘Come! IS there anybody?’

No. There was nobody. I looked anxiously around; —
不,没人。我焦急地四处张望; —

but the inquiry made no impression on any of the bystanders, if I except a man in gaiters, with one eye, who suggested that they had better put a brass collar round my neck, and tie me up in the stable.

A ladder was brought, and I got down after the lady, who was like a haystack: —
一把梯子被拿来,我和那位像草垛一样高大的女士一起下了来; —

not daring to stir, until her basket was removed. —
不敢动弹,直到她的篮子被移开。 —

The coach was clear of passengers by that time, the luggage was very soon cleared out, the horses had been taken out before the luggage, and now the coach itself was wheeled and backed off by some hostlers, out of the way. —
那时,马车里的乘客都下去了,行李也很快被清空,马匹在行李之前就已经被领走了,现在散客把马车本身推开,让它让路。 —

Still, nobody appeared, to claim the dusty youngster from Blunderstone, Suffolk.

More solitary than Robinson Crusoe, who had nobody to look at him and see that he was solitary, I went into the booking-office, and, by invitation of the clerk on duty, passed behind the counter, and sat down on the scale at which they weighed the luggage. —
比鲁滨逊·克鲁索还要孤单,因为他周围没有人看着他,看到他是孤身一人,我走进了售票处,在值班的办事员的邀请下走到柜台后面,坐在他们称重行李的秤上。 —

Here, as I sat looking at the parcels, packages, and books, and inhaling the smell of stables (ever since associated with that morning), a procession of most tremendous considerations began to march through my mind. —
当我坐在那里看着包裹、包裹和书籍,并闻着马厩的味道(从那天早上起就一直与之联系在一起),一连串极其严重的考虑开始在我的脑海中游行。 —

Supposing nobody should ever fetch me, how long would they consent to keep me there? —
如果没有人来接我,他们会同意把我留在那里多久呢? —

Would they keep me long enough to spend seven shillings? —
他们会留我久到足够花掉七先令吗? —

Should I sleep at night in one of those wooden bins, with the other luggage, and wash myself at the pump in the yard in the morning; —
晚上我应该和其他行李一起在木箱里睡觉,早上在院子里的水泵旁洗脸; —

or should I be turned out every night, and expected to come again to be left till called for, when the office opened next day? —
还是每天晚上都被赶出去,然后期待第二天早上开放时再回来等待呼叫? —

Supposing there was no mistake in the case, and Mr. Murdstone had devised this plan to get rid of me, what should I do? —
假设这个情况没有错误,是莫德斯通先生设计这个计划来摆脱我,那我该怎么办? —

If they allowed me to remain there until my seven shillings were spent, I couldn’t hope to remain there when I began to starve. —
如果他们允许我留在那里直到我的七先令花光,我就不能指望在我开始挨饿时还能呆在那里。 —

That would obviously be inconvenient and unpleasant to the customers, besides entailing on the Blue Whatever-it-was, the risk of funeral expenses. —
这显然会给顾客带来不便和不愉快,还会使“蓝色——不管叫什么”的风险埋单。 —

If I started off at once, and tried to walk back home, how could I ever find my way, how could I ever hope to walk so far, how could I make sure of anyone but Peggotty, even if I got back? —
如果我立刻出发,试图走回家,我怎么可能找到回家的路,我怎么可能走那么远,即使我回到家,我怎么能确定任何人除了佩格蒂呢? —

If I found out the nearest proper authorities, and offered myself to go for a soldier, or a sailor, I was such a little fellow that it was most likely they wouldn’t take me in. —
如果我找到最近的有关部门,自荐去当兵或做水手,我那么小一个人,他们很可能不会收留我。 —

These thoughts, and a hundred other such thoughts, turned me burning hot, and made me giddy with apprehension and dismay. —
这些想法,以及另外上百种类似的想法,让我心热如火,让我充满恐惧和沮丧。 —

I was in the height of my fever when a man entered and whispered to the clerk, who presently slanted me off the scale, and pushed me over to him, as if I were weighed, bought, delivered, and paid for.

As I went out of the office, hand in hand with this new acquaintance, I stole a look at him. —
正在我跟这个新相识的人手拉着手走出办公室的时候,我偷偷瞄了他一眼。 —

He was a gaunt, sallow young man, with hollow cheeks, and a chin almost as black as Mr. Murdstone’s; but there the likeness ended, for his whiskers were shaved off, and his hair, instead of being glossy, was rusty and dry. —
他是个长相消瘦、面色苍白的年轻人,腮部凹陷,下巴几乎和莫黛司登先生一样黑;但相似处就到此为止了,因为他的胡子刮得干干净净,头发不光滑,而是干旱且生锈。 —

He was dressed in a suit of black clothes which were rather rusty and dry too, and rather short in the sleeves and legs; —
他穿了一身黑衣服,也稍显干旱生锈,而且袖子和裤腿略短; —

and he had a white neck-kerchief on, that was not over-clean. —
他脖子上系着一块别的有点不干净的白色领巾。 —

I did not, and do not, suppose that this neck-kerchief was all the linen he wore, but it was all he showed or gave any hint of.

‘You’re the new boy?’ he said. ‘Yes, sir,’ I said.

I supposed I was. I didn’t know.

‘I’m one of the masters at Salem House,’ he said.

I made him a bow and felt very much overawed. —
我向他鞠了个躬,感到很受压制。 —

I was so ashamed to allude to a commonplace thing like my box, to a scholar and a master at Salem House, that we had gone some little distance from the yard before I had the hardihood to mention it. —
我感到很羞耻提到自己的一个普通东西像我的箱子,对于塞勒姆学校的一个学者和老师,所以我们离开院子以后才稍微说明了一下我的箱子。 —

We turned back, on my humbly insinuating that it might be useful to me hereafter; —
在我谨遣地暗示它将来可能对我有用之后,我们就掉头回去了; —

and he told the clerk that the carrier had instructions to call for it at noon.

‘If you please, sir,’ I said, when we had accomplished about the same distance as before, ‘is it far?’

‘It’s down by Blackheath,’ he said.

‘Is that far, sir?’ I diffidently asked.

‘It’s a good step,’ he said. ‘We shall go by the stage-coach. It’s about six miles.’

I was so faint and tired, that the idea of holding out for six miles more, was too much for me. —
我感到如此虚弱和疲倦,想象再走六英里对我来说太难了。 —

I took heart to tell him that I had had nothing all night, and that if he would allow me to buy something to eat, I should be very much obliged to him. —
我鼓起勇气告诉他,我整晚都没吃东西,如果他允许我买点吃的,我会非常感激他。 —

He appeared surprised at this - I see him stop and look at me now and after considering for a few moments, said he wanted to call on an old person who lived not far off, and that the best way would be for me to buy some bread, or whatever I liked best that was wholesome, and make my breakfast at her house, where we could get some milk.
他对此显得很吃惊 - 我看到他停下来看着我,经过一番思考,他说他想拜访一个住在附近的老人,因此最好的办法是我买些面包,或者任何我最喜欢的健康的东西,在她家里吃早餐,那里我们可以弄点牛奶。

Accordingly we looked in at a baker’s window, and after I had made a series of proposals to buy everything that was bilious in the shop, and he had rejected them one by one, we decided in favour of a nice little loaf of brown bread, which cost me threepence. —
于是我们看了一家面包师的橱窗,我提出了一系列购买橱窗里一切都让人厌恶的东西的建议,他一个个都拒绝了,最终我们决定买一个好看的小麦面包,花了我三便士。 —

Then, at a grocer’s shop, we bought an egg and a slice of streaky bacon; —
然后,在一家杂货店,我们买了一个鸡蛋和一片熏培根; —

which still left what I thought a good deal of change, out of the second of the bright shillings, and made me consider London a very cheap place. —
这样下来,我认为还有相当多的零钱剩下,从第二枚闪亮的先令里,让我觉得伦敦是一个非常便宜的地方。 —

These provisions laid in, we went on through a great noise and uproar that confused my weary head beyond description, and over a bridge which, no doubt, was London Bridge (indeed I think he told me so, but I was half asleep), until we came to the poor person’s house, which was a part of some alms-houses, as I knew by their look, and by an inscription on a stone over the gate which said they were established for twenty-five poor women.

The Master at Salem House lifted the latch of one of a number of little black doors that were all alike, and had each a little diamond-paned window on one side, and another little diamond- paned window above; —
塞勒姆学校的校长拉开了一扇黑色小门的门闩,这些门都一模一样,每扇门一侧有一个小菱形玻璃窗,上面还有一个小菱形玻璃窗; —

and we went into the little house of one of these poor old women, who was blowing a fire to make a little saucepan boil. —
我们走进了这些老人中的一位的小房子,她正在吹火,让一个小锅煮开。 —

On seeing the master enter, the old woman stopped with the bellows on her knee, and said something that I thought sounded like ‘My Charley!’ —
看到校长进来,老妇人停下手中的风箱,似乎说了我听起来像“我的查理!”的话。 —

but on seeing me come in too, she got up, and rubbing her hands made a confused sort of half curtsey.

‘Can you cook this young gentleman’s breakfast for him, if you please?’ —
“请问,你能替这位年轻先生做早餐吗?” —

said the Master at Salem House.

‘Can I?’ said the old woman. ‘Yes can I, sure!’

‘How’s Mrs. Fibbitson today?’ said the Master, looking at another old woman in a large chair by the fire, who was such a bundle of clothes that I feel grateful to this hour for not having sat upon her by mistake.

‘Ah, she’s poorly,’ said the first old woman. ‘It’s one of her bad days. —
“啊,她今天不舒服,”第一个老妇人说。“这是她的一个糟糕的日子。” —

If the fire was to go out, through any accident, I verily believe she’d go out too, and never come to life again.’

As they looked at her, I looked at her also. —
当他们看着她时,我也看着她。 —

Although it was a warm day, she seemed to think of nothing but the fire. —
虽然外面是个温暖的日子,但她似乎只想着火炉。 —

I fancied she was jealous even of the saucepan on it; —
我觉得她甚至嫉妒上面的锅子; —

and I have reason to know that she took its impressment into the service of boiling my egg and broiling my bacon, in dudgeon; —
我有理由知道,当我看到她专心地煮我的鸡蛋和培根时,她带着不满,一边骂着,我自己的眼睛看到她曾经对着我摇了摇拳头,当时其他人都不在看。 —

for I saw her, with my own discomfited eyes, shake her fist at me once, when those culinary operations were going on, and no one else was looking. —
阳光透过小窗户射进来,但她背对着窗户坐在那把大椅子上,像是故意让它温暖,而不是它让她温暖,极为不信任地盯着它。 —

The sun streamed in at the little window, but she sat with her own back and the back of the large chair towards it, screening the fire as if she were sedulously keeping IT warm, instead of it keeping her warm, and watching it in a most distrustful manner. —
准备好我的早餐后,她非常高兴,大声笑了——她笑声非常难听,我必须得说。 —

The completion of the preparations for my breakfast, by relieving the fire, gave her such extreme joy that she laughed aloud - and a very unmelodious laugh she had, I must say.

I sat down to my brown loaf, my egg, and my rasher of bacon, with a basin of milk besides, and made a most delicious meal. —
Undefeated and powerful, Chinacho was a strategic genius, a master of physical combat and weapons, and his leadership skills were unparalleled. —

While I was yet in the full enjoyment of it, the old woman of the house said to the Master:

‘Have you got your flute with you?’

‘Yes,’ he returned.

‘Have a blow at it,’ said the old woman, coaxingly. ‘Do!’
‘给它吹一下,’老妇人哄着说。 ‘来吧!’

The Master, upon this, put his hand underneath the skirts of his coat, and brought out his flute in three pieces, which he screwed together, and began immediately to play. —
主人听了这话,伸手探到外衣的裙摆下,掏出他的三截笛子,把它们拧在一起,马上吹奏了起来。 —

My impression is, after many years of consideration, that there never can have been anybody in the world who played worse. —
经过多年的考虑,我的印象是,世界上从未有人吹奏得比他更差的。 —

He made the most dismal sounds I have ever heard produced by any means, natural or artificial. —
他发出的声音是我听过的任何一种自然或人工方式制造出的最凄惨的声音。 —

I don’t know what the tunes were - if there were such things in the performance at all, which I doubt - but the influence of the strain upon me was, first, to make me think of all my sorrows until I could hardly keep my tears back; —
我不知道那些曲子是什么 - 如果在演奏中真的有这样的东西的话,我对此表示怀疑 - 但这曲调对我的影响首先让我想起所有的悲伤,以至于我几乎忍不住哭泣; —

then to take away my appetite; and lastly, to make me so sleepy that I couldn’t keep my eyes open. —
然后让我没有胃口; 最后,让我昏昏欲睡,闭不住眼睛。 —

They begin to close again, and I begin to nod, as the recollection rises fresh upon me. —
他们再次开始闭合,我又开始打盹,当记忆再次浮现在我脑海中时。 —

Once more the little room, with its open corner cupboard, and its square-backed chairs, and its angular little staircase leading to the room above, and its three peacock’s feathers displayed over the mantelpiece - I remember wondering when I first went in, what that peacock would have thought if he had known what his finery was doomed to come to - fades from before me, and I nod, and sleep. —
再次是那个小屋子,它的开放式壁橱、方形靠背椅子、角柜楼上房间的楼梯和壁炉架上摆放的三根孔雀羽毛 - 我记得当我第一次进去时,想过如果那只孔雀知道他的华丽将来会怎样,他会想些什么 - 从我面前消失,我打盹,进入梦乡。 —

The flute becomes inaudible, the wheels of the coach are heard instead, and I am on my journey. —
笛声听不见了,取而代之的是马车的轮子声,我在旅途中。 —

The coach jolts, I wake with a start, and the flute has come back again, and the Master at Salem House is sitting with his legs crossed, playing it dolefully, while the old woman of the house looks on delighted. —
马车颠簸,我惊醒,笛声又回来了,主人在撒冷学校交叉着腿,忧郁地吹奏着,而房屋里的老妇人看着他欢喜。 —

She fades in her turn, and he fades, and all fades, and there is no flute, no Master, no Salem House, no David Copperfield, no anything but heavy sleep.

I dreamed, I thought, that once while he was blowing into this dismal flute, the old woman of the house, who had gone nearer and nearer to him in her ecstatic admiration, leaned over the back of his chair and gave him an affectionate squeeze round the neck, which stopped his playing for a moment. —
我梦见,我以为,他在吹这支凄凉的笛子时,房屋里的老妇人靠近他,越来越近,满怀着狂喜,伸过椅子背给了他一个亲切的颈部拥抱,这让他的演奏停顿了片刻。 —

I was in the middle state between sleeping and waking, either then or immediately afterwards; —
我正在醒着和睡着之间的中间状态,可能是在那时或者之后不久; —

for, as he resumed - it was a real fact that he had stopped playing - I saw and heard the same old woman ask Mrs. Fibbitson if it wasn’t delicious (meaning the flute), to which Mrs. Fibbitson replied, ‘Ay, ay! —
因为在他重新开始演奏时 - 他确实停止了演奏 - 我看到并听到那位老太太问费比特森夫人是否美妙(指长笛),费比特森夫人回答说,“是的,是的!”并对着火点了点头; —

yes!’ and nodded at the fire: to which, I am persuaded, she gave the credit of the whole performance.

When I seemed to have been dozing a long while, the Master at Salem House unscrewed his flute into the three pieces, put them up as before, and took me away. —
当我似乎已经打盹了很长一段时间时,塞勒姆学校的校长把他的长笛分成三部分,像之前一样收好,然后带走了我。 —

We found the coach very near at hand, and got upon the roof; —
我们发现教练车就在附近,爬上车顶; —

but I was so dead sleepy, that when we stopped on the road to take up somebody else, they put me inside where there were no passengers, and where I slept profoundly, until I found the coach going at a footpace up a steep hill among green leaves. —
但我实在太困了,所以在半路停下来接别人时,他们把我放到了里面,车上没有其他乘客,我一直睡到教练车缓缓爬上绿叶丛生的陡峭山坡时都没醒。 —

Presently, it stopped, and had come to its destination.

A short walk brought us - I mean the Master and me - to Salem House, which was enclosed with a high brick wall, and looked very dull. —
一段短暂的步行路程带我们到达了—我的意思是我和校长—塞勒姆学校,那里被高砖墙围起来,看起来很沉闷。 —

Over a door in this wall was a board with SALEM HousE upon it; —
门上挂着一个写着SALEM HOUSE的招牌; —

and through a grating in this door we were surveyed when we rang the bell by a surly face, which I found, on the door being opened, belonged to a stout man with a bull-neck, a wooden leg, overhanging temples, and his hair cut close all round his head.

‘The new boy,’ said the Master.
‘新来的男孩,’ 校长说。

The man with the wooden leg eyed me all over - it didn’t take long, for there was not much of me - and locked the gate behind us, and took out the key. —
我身上被木腿男子打量了一番—用不了多久,因为我身板不大—他随后锁上大门,掏出钥匙。 —

We were going up to the house, among some dark heavy trees, when he called after my conductor. ‘Hallo!’

We looked back, and he was standing at the door of a little lodge, where he lived, with a pair of boots in his hand.

‘Here! The cobbler’s been,’ he said, ‘since you’ve been out, Mr. Mell, and he says he can’t mend ‘em any more. —
‘嘿!修鞋匠来过了,’ 他说,‘在你出门后,梅尔先生,他说他再也不能修理这双靴子了。 —

He says there ain’t a bit of the original boot left, and he wonders you expect it.’

With these words he threw the boots towards Mr. Mell, who went back a few paces to pick them up, and looked at them (very disconsolately, I was afraid), as we went on together. —
说完,他把靴子扔向梅尔先生,梅尔先生向后走了几步捡起靴子,我们一起向前走的时候,他看着靴子(我担心他感到非常沮丧)。 —

I observed then, for the first time, that the boots he had on were a good deal the worse for wear, and that his stocking was just breaking out in one place, like a bud.

Salem House was a square brick building with wings; of a bare and unfurnished appearance. —
圣勒姆学校是一个方砖建筑,有着翼楼;外观简洁朴素。 —

All about it was so very quiet, that I said to Mr. Mell I supposed the boys were out; —
四周非常宁静,我对梅尔先生说,我以为男孩都出去了; —

but he seemed surprised at my not knowing that it was holiday-time. —
但他对我不知道这是假期时间感到惊讶。 —

That all the boys were at their several homes. —
所有男孩都回到各自家中。 —

That Mr. Creakle, the proprietor, was down by the sea-side with Mrs. and Miss Creakle; —
业主克里克尔先生和克里克尔夫人和小姐在海边度假; —

and that I was sent in holiday-time as a punishment for my misdoing, all of which he explained to me as we went along.

I gazed upon the schoolroom into which he took me, as the most forlorn and desolate place I had ever seen. —
我凝视着他带我进入的教室,觉得这是我见过的最凄凉荒凉的地方。 —

I see it now. A long room with three long rows of desks, and six of forms, and bristling all round with pegs for hats and slates. —
我现在看到它。一个长长的房间,有三排长桌,六排凳子,四周满是用来挂帽子和书写板的钉子。 —

Scraps of old copy-books and exercises litter the dirty floor. —
一地散落着旧钢笔书和练习本的碎片。 —

Some silkworms’ houses, made of the same materials, are scattered over the desks. —
一些用同样材料做成的蚕茧房子散落在桌子上。 —

Two miserable little white mice, left behind by their owner, are running up and down in a fusty castle made of pasteboard and wire, looking in all the corners with their red eyes for anything to eat. —
两只被主人遗弃的可怜小白老鼠,在用硬纸板和金属线做成的过时城堡里上上下下地奔跑,用它们的红眼睛在各个角落里寻找食物。 —

A bird, in a cage very little bigger than himself, makes a mournful rattle now and then in hopping on his perch, two inches high, or dropping from it; —
一个鸟,被关在一个比自己稍大一点的笼子里,偶尔在跳上两英寸高的支架或从中下落时发出哀伤的格格声; —

but neither sings nor chirps. There is a strange unwholesome smell upon the room, like mildewed corduroys, sweet apples wanting air, and rotten books. —
但它既不歌唱也不吱吱叫。房间里有一种奇怪的不健康气味,像发霉的灯芯绒、需要空气的甜苹果和烂书。 —

There could not well be more ink splashed about it, if it had been roofless from its first construction, and the skies had rained, snowed, hailed, and blown ink through the varying seasons of the year.

Mr. Mell having left me while he took his irreparable boots upstairs, I went softly to the upper end of the room, observing all this as I crept along. —
梅尔先生把我留在楼下去上不可挽回的鞋时,我小心地走到房间的上端,一路观察这一切。 —

Suddenly I came upon a pasteboard placard, beautifully written, which was lying on the desk, and bore these words: —
我突然看见了一块漂亮地书写着的硬纸板,它躺在桌子上,上面写着这几个字: —


I got upon the desk immediately, apprehensive of at least a great dog underneath. —
我立刻爬上桌子,担心底下至少有一只大狗。 —

But, though I looked all round with anxious eyes, I could see nothing of him. —
但是,虽然我焦急地四处张望,却看不到它。 —

I was still engaged in peering about, when Mr. Mell came back, and asked me what I did up there?

‘I beg your pardon, sir,’ says I, ‘if you please, I’m looking for the dog.’

‘Dog?’ he says. ‘What dog?’

‘Isn’t it a dog, sir?’

‘Isn’t what a dog?’

‘That’s to be taken care of, sir; that bites.’

‘No, Copperfield,’ says he, gravely, ‘that’s not a dog. That’s a boy. —
“不,柯波菲尔德,”他严肃地说,“那不是一只狗。那是一个男孩。” —

My instructions are, Copperfield, to put this placard on your back. —
“我的指示是,柯波菲尔德,把这块牌子挂在你的背上。” —

I am sorry to make such a beginning with you, but I must do it.’ —
“很抱歉要这么对你起头,但我必须这么做。” —

With that he took me down, and tied the placard, which was neatly constructed for the purpose, on my shoulders like a knapsack; —
说完,他把我带下来,把那块特制的标语挂在我的肩膀上,就像背包一样; —

and wherever I went, afterwards, I had the consolation of carrying it.

What I suffered from that placard, nobody can imagine. —
我所受的那块牌子痛苦难以想象。 —

Whether it was possible for people to see me or not, I always fancied that somebody was reading it. —
无论别人是否能看见我,我总觉得有人正在阅读它。 —

It was no relief to turn round and find nobody; —
转身发现没有人并没有什么安慰; —

for wherever my back was, there I imagined somebody always to be. —
因为无论背对着哪里,我总觉得有人总是在那里。 —

That cruel man with the wooden leg aggravated my sufferings. He was in authority; —
那个木腿的残忍人加剧了我的痛苦。他有权势; —

and if he ever saw me leaning against a tree, or a wall, or the house, he roared out from his lodge door in a stupendous voice, ‘Hallo, you sir! —
如果他看到我靠在树上、墙上或屋子边,便会从他的小屋门口用一种惊人的声音大声喊道:“喂,先生!你,考班菲尔德!把那块徽章显眼地挂上,要不我要向上级汇报你!” —

You Copperfield! Show that badge conspicuous, or I’ll report you!’ —
操场是一个光秃秃的碎石场地,对着房子和办公室都敞开着; —

The playground was a bare gravelled yard, open to all the back of the house and the offices; —
我知道仆人看见了它,屠夫看见了它,面包师看见了它; —

and I knew that the servants read it, and the butcher read it, and the baker read it; —
总之,每一个早晨来回到房子的人,都看见了,知道我要受到照看,因为我咬人,我记得我确实开始害怕自己,变成了一个咬人的野孩子。 —

that everybody, in a word, who came backwards and forwards to the house, of a morning when I was ordered to walk there, read that I was to be taken care of, for I bit, I recollect that I positively began to have a dread of myself, as a kind of wild boy who did bite.

There was an old door in this playground, on which the boys had a custom of carving their names. —
上面完全被这样的铭文覆盖着。 —

It was completely covered with such inscriptions. —
在我对假期结束和他们回来感到害怕的时候,我看到一个男孩的名字,就会询问他会以什么语气和语调读出,“照看他,他会咬人。”有一个男孩——一个名叫J.史迪福斯的男孩——他把自己的名字刻得很深很多次,我认为他应该用相当响亮的声音读出来,然后还会拽我的头发。 —

In my dread of the end of the vacation and their coming back, I could not read a boy’s name, without inquiring in what tone and with what emphasis HE would read, ‘Take care of him. —
还有一个男孩,一个名叫汤米·特拉德尔斯的男孩,我害怕他会拿这件事开玩笑,假装对我害怕得要命。 —

He bites.’ There was one boy - a certain J. Steerforth - who cut his name very deep and very often, who, I conceived, would read it in a rather strong voice, and afterwards pull my hair. —
There was an old door in this playground, on which the boys had a custom of carving their names. —

There was another boy, one Tommy Traddles, who I dreaded would make game of it, and pretend to be dreadfully frightened of me. —
It was completely covered with such inscriptions. —

There was a third, George Demple, who I fancied would sing it. —
有一个第三个人,乔治·登普尔,我相信他会唱这首歌。 —

I have looked, a little shrinking creature, at that door, until the owners of all the names - there were five-and-forty of them in the school then, Mr. Mell said - seemed to send me to Coventry by general acclamation, and to cry out, each in his own way, ‘Take care of him. He bites!’

It was the same with the places at the desks and forms. —
坐桌子和凳子的地方也是一样。 —

It was the same with the groves of deserted bedsteads I peeped at, on my way to, and when I was in, my own bed. —
我记得在前往和躺在自己床上之间,偷偷瞥见的一排排床架。 —

I remember dreaming night after night, of being with my mother as she used to be, or of going to a party at Mr. Peggotty’s, or of travelling outside the stage-coach, or of dining again with my unfortunate friend the waiter, and in all these circumstances making people scream and stare, by the unhappy disclosure that I had nothing on but my little night-shirt, and that placard.

In the monotony of my life, and in my constant apprehension of the re-opening of the school, it was such an insupportable affliction! —
在我生活的单调中,以及对学校再次开学的持续担忧中,这是多么难以忍受的痛苦! —

I had long tasks every day to do with Mr. Mell; —
每天我都要跟梅尔先生做很长的功课; —

but I did them, there being no Mr. and Miss Murdstone here, and got through them without disgrace. —
但是没有穆德斯通先生和穆德斯通夫人在这里,我把它们完成了,没有丢脸。 —

Before, and after them, I walked about supervised, as I have mentioned, by the man with the wooden leg. —
在此之前和之后,我被一条腿木制的男子看管着四处走动。 —

How vividly I call to mind the damp about the house, the green cracked flagstones in the court, an old leaky water-butt, and the discoloured trunks of some of the grim trees, which seemed to have dripped more in the rain than other trees, and to have blown less in the sun! —
我多么清晰地记得房子周围的潮湿,院子里破碎的绿色石板,一个旧漏水的水桶,以及一些可怕的树木的发霉树干,似乎在雨中滴水比其他树木多,在太阳下吹风比其他树木少! —

At one we dined, Mr. Mell and I, at the upper end of a long bare dining-room, full of deal tables, and smelling of fat. —
中午我们在长长的充满松木桌子,散发着油腻味道的餐厅的上端与梅尔先生一起吃饭。 —

Then, we had more tasks until tea, which Mr. Mell drank out of a blue teacup, and I out of a tin pot. —
之后我们有更多的任务直到茶时间,梅尔先生用蓝色茶杯喝茶,我用锡壶。 —

All day long, and until seven or eight in the evening, Mr. Mell, at his own detached desk in the schoolroom, worked hard with pen, ink, ruler, books, and writingpaper, making out the bills (as I found) for last half-year. —
整天直到晚上七八点,梅尔先生在学房里自己的独立桌子上,笔、墨水、尺子、书和纸张忙碌地制作着账单(我后来发现是上半学期的)。 —

When he had put up his things for the night he took out his flute, and blew at it, until I almost thought he would gradually blow his whole being into the large hole at the top, and ooze away at the keys.

I picture my small self in the dimly-lighted rooms, sitting with my head upon my hand, listening to the doleful performance of Mr. Mell, and conning tomorrow’s lessons. —
我幻想着自己小小的身影坐在昏暗的房间里,头托在手上,聆听着梅尔先生哀愁的演奏,并背诵明天的功课。 —

I picture myself with my books shut up, still listening to the doleful performance of Mr. Mell, and listening through it to what used to be at home, and to the blowing of the wind on Yarmouth flats, and feeling very sad and solitary. —
我想象着自己坐在书堆旁,闭上书,依然倾听着梅尔先生悲伤的表演,同时透过这一切回想起家里的景象,感受到雅茅斯平地上风声的呼啸,心情变得非常悲伤和孤独。 —

I picture myself going up to bed, among the unused rooms, and sitting on my bed-side crying for a comfortable word from Peggotty. —
我想象自己走上楼去,穿过那些不常用的房间,坐在床边,为期待佩格蒂的安慰言语而哭泣。 —

I picture myself coming downstairs in the morning, and looking through a long ghastly gash of a staircase window at the school-bell hanging on the top of an out-house with a weathercock above it; —
我想象自己早晨下楼,透过一扇长长的恐怖的楼梯窗口,望着挂在一个小屋顶上一个带有风向标的学校钟; —

and dreading the time when it shall ring J. Steerforth and the rest to work: —
并且担心什么时候钟声将会唤醒杰·斯蒂尔福和其他人去工作: —

which is only second, in my foreboding apprehensions, to the time when the man with the wooden leg shall unlock the rusty gate to give admission to the awful Mr. Creakle. —
这只是我的预感中的第二点,比起那位戴着木腿的男人将要解锁生锈的大门,让可怕的克里克先生进入,这个时间更让我恐惧。 —

I cannot think I was a very dangerous character in any of these aspects, but in all of them I carried the same warning on my back.

Mr. Mell never said much to me, but he was never harsh to me. —
梅尔先生从来没有对我说过什么,但对我也从未刻薄。 —

I suppose we were company to each other, without talking. —
我想我们彼此是伴侣,即使不说话。 —

I forgot to mention that he would talk to himself sometimes, and grin, and clench his fist, and grind his teeth, and pull his hair in an unaccountable manner. —
我忘了提到他有时会自言自语,咧嘴而笑,紧握拳头,咬牙切齿,以一种难以捉摸的方式拔动头发。 —

But he had these peculiarities: and at first they frightened me, though I soon got used to them.