School began in earnest next day. A profound impression was made upon me, I remember, by the roar of voices in the schoolroom suddenly becoming hushed as death when Mr. Creakle entered after breakfast, and stood in the doorway looking round upon us like a giant in a story-book surveying his captives.

Tungay stood at Mr. Creakle’s elbow. He had no occasion, I thought, to cry out ‘Silence!’ —
汤加站在克里克尔先生身边。我认为他没有必要大喊“安静!”,因为我觉得那些男孩们都被吓得说不出话、一动不动。 —

so ferociously, for the boys were all struck speechless and motionless.

Mr. Creakle was seen to speak, and Tungay was heard, to this effect.

‘Now, boys, this is a new half. Take care what you’re about, in this new half. —
“现在,孩子们,这是一个新学期。在这个新学期,你们要小心地行事。 —

Come fresh up to the lessons, I advise you, for I come fresh up to the punishment. I won’t flinch. —
我建议你们要努力学习,因为我也会加强惩罚。我不会退缩。 —

It will be of no use your rubbing yourselves; —
摆脱束缚是没有用的; —

you won’t rub the marks out that I shall give you. —
你们无法擦去我要给你们的伤痕。 —

Now get to work, every boy!’

When this dreadful exordium was over, and Tungay had stumped out again, Mr. Creakle came to where I sat, and told me that if I were famous for biting, he was famous for biting, too. —
当这一可怕的开场白结束,汤加再次走出去的时候,克里克尔先生走到了我坐的地方,告诉我,如果我以咬人闻名,他也以咬人而出名。 —

He then showed me the cane, and asked me what I thought of THAT, for a tooth? —
然后他给我看了那根教鞭,问我觉得那个怎么样,作为一只牙齿? —

Was it a sharp tooth, hey? Was it a double tooth, hey? Had it a deep prong, hey? Did it bite, hey? —
是尖牙吗?是双齿吗?有深的尖端吗?会咬人吗? —

Did it bite? At every question he gave me a fleshy cut with it that made me writhe; —
会咬人吗?每问一次,他就用鞭子打我一下,让我痛苦得扭曲; —

so I was very soon made free of Salem House (as Steerforth said), and was very soon in tears also.

Not that I mean to say these were special marks of distinction, which only I received. —
我并不是说这些是只有我收到的特别标记。 —

On the contrary, a large majority of the boys (especially the smaller ones) were visited with similar instances of notice, as Mr. Creakle made the round of the schoolroom. —
与此相反,绝大多数男孩(尤其是那些较小的)在克里克尔先生走遍教室时也受到了类似的注意。 —

Half the establishment was writhing and crying, before the day’s work began; —
在一天工作开始之前,半个机构已经在扭动和哭泣; —

and how much of it had writhed and cried before the day’s work was over, I am really afraid to recollect, lest I should seem to exaggerate.

I should think there never can have been a man who enjoyed his profession more than Mr. Creakle did. —
我想没有人能比克里克尔先生更喜欢自己的职业了。 —

He had a delight in cutting at the boys, which was like the satisfaction of a craving appetite. —
他削打男孩们时有一种满足渴望的愉悦感。 —

I am confident that he couldn’t resist a chubby boy, especially; —
我确信他无法抗拒一个胖乎乎的男孩,特别是; —

that there was a fascination in such a subject, which made him restless in his mind, until he had scored and marked him for the day. —
这样一个主题具有一种迷人的吸引力,让他心烦意乱,直到他把他标记上并给他记上分为止。 —

I was chubby myself, and ought to know. I am sure when I think of the fellow now, my blood rises against him with the disinterested indignation I should feel if I could have known all about him without having ever been in his power; —
我自己也是个胖乎乎的孩子,应该最清楚。当我想起那家伙现在,我对他的愤怒肆意升腾,就像我如果可以在未曾受其控制的情况下完全了解他一样。 —

but it rises hotly, because I know him to have been an incapable brute, who had no more right to be possessed of the great trust he held, than to be Lord High Admiral, or Commander-in-Chief - in either of which capacities it is probable that he would have done infinitely less mischief.

Miserable little propitiators of a remorseless Idol, how abject we were to him! —
这些可怜的小奉承者们对一个无情的偶像是多么卑下啊! —

What a launch in life I think it now, on looking back, to be so mean and servile to a man of such parts and pretensions!

Here I sit at the desk again, watching his eye - humbly watching his eye, as he rules a ciphering-book for another victim whose hands have just been flattened by that identical ruler, and who is trying to wipe the sting out with a pocket-handkerchief. —
我又坐在书桌前,谦卑地看着他的眼睛—谦卑地看着他的眼睛,因为他为另一个受到那根尺子刚刚压平手掌的受害者统治着一本算术书,那个受害者正在试图用手绢擦去痛苦。 —

I have plenty to do. I don’t watch his eye in idleness, but because I am morbidly attracted to it, in a dread desire to know what he will do next, and whether it will be my turn to suffer, or somebody else’s. —
我有很多事情要做。我不是无所事事地盯着他的眼睛,而是因为我病态地被吸引,渴望知道他接下来会做什么,是否轮到我受苦,还是轮到别人。 —

A lane of small boys beyond me, with the same interest in his eye, watch it too. —
我身后是一排小男孩,他们也在他的眼睛中感受着同样的兴趣。 —

I think he knows it, though he pretends he don’t. —
我想他知道,尽管他假装不知道。 —

He makes dreadful mouths as he rules the ciphering-book; —
他在统治着算术书时,对着书翻来覆去地做鬼脸; —

and now he throws his eye sideways down our lane, and we all droop over our books and tremble. —
此刻他斜眼望向我们的巷子,我们都低头看书,战栗不已。 —

A moment afterwards we are again eyeing him. —
不一会儿我们又盯着他看。 —

An unhappy culprit, found guilty of imperfect exercise, approaches at his command. —
一个被判不完美作业的不幸罪犯应他的召唤走过来。 —

The culprit falters excuses, and professes a determination to do better tomorrow. —
罪犯支吾着找借口,并表示明天会做得更好。 —

Mr. Creakle cuts a joke before he beats him, and we laugh at it, - miserable little dogs, we laugh, with our visages as white as ashes, and our hearts sinking into our boots.

Here I sit at the desk again, on a drowsy summer afternoon. —
又是一个昏昏欲睡的夏日午后,我又坐在课桌前。 —

A buzz and hum go up around me, as if the boys were so many bluebottles. —
我周围嗡嗡声四起,仿佛男孩们都成了苍蝇。 —

A cloggy sensation of the lukewarm fat of meat is upon me (we dined an hour or two ago), and my head is as heavy as so much lead. —
一阵酥腻的肥肉的感觉袭来(我们一两个小时前吃过晚饭),我的头重如铅。 —

I would give the world to go to sleep. I sit with my eye on Mr. Creakle, blinking at him like a young owl; —
我多么想立刻睡去。我带着眼镜盯着克里克尔,像只小猫头鹰一样眨巴着眼睛; —

when sleep overpowers me for a minute, he still looms through my slumber, ruling those ciphering-books, until he softly comes behind me and wakes me to plainer perception of him, with a red ridge across my back.

Here I am in the playground, with my eye still fascinated by him, though I can’t see him. —
在操场上,我仍然被他迷住了目光,尽管我看不见他。 —

The window at a little distance from which I know he is having his dinner, stands for him, and I eye that instead. —
我知道他就在离我不远处的窗前吃他的晚餐,他的窗户替代了他的位置,我只盯着那个窗户。 —

If he shows his face near it, mine assumes an imploring and submissive expression. —
如果他从玻璃窗户里往外看,最勇猛的男孩(除了斯迪福斯)会在呼喊声或喊叫声中停下来,陷入凝思。 —

If he looks out through the glass, the boldest boy (Steerforth excepted) stops in the middle of a shout or yell, and becomes contemplative. —
在这里,我不停地瞄着那个窗户,虽然看不见他。 —

One day, Traddles (the most unfortunate boy in the world) breaks that window accidentally, with a ball. —
有一天,特莱德尔斯(世界上最不幸的男孩)不小心用球打破了那扇窗户。 —

I shudder at this moment with the tremendous sensation of seeing it done, and feeling that the ball has bounded on to Mr. Creakle’s sacred head.

Poor Traddles! In a tight sky-blue suit that made his arms and legs like German sausages, or roly-poly puddings, he was the merriest and most miserable of all the boys. —
可怜的特莱德尔斯!穿着一套紧身的天蓝色西装,使他的手臂和腿像德国香肠或肉丸布丁一样,他是所有男孩中最快乐也是最不幸的一个。 —

He was always being caned - I think he was caned every day that half-year, except one holiday Monday when he was only ruler’d on both hands - and was always going to write to his uncle about it, and never did. —
他总是被鞭打 - 我想他那半年里几乎每天都被鞭打一次,只有一个假日星期一没有被鞭打,只是在双手上受到了规矩,他总是想给他叔父写信告状,但从未这样做。 —

After laying his head on the desk for a little while, he would cheer up, somehow, begin to laugh again, and draw skeletons all over his slate, before his eyes were dry. —
在桌子上靠着头片刻后,他在某种方式下变得快乐起来,再次开始笑起来,并在他的板条上画满骷髅,直到他的眼睛变干。 —

I used at first to wonder what comfort Traddles found in drawing skeletons; —
我起初想知道特莱德尔斯在画骷髅时找到了什么安慰; —

and for some time looked upon him as a sort of hermit, who reminded himself by those symbols of mortality that caning couldn’t last for ever. —
有一段时间,我把他看作是一种隐士,通过这些死亡的象征来提醒自己,鞭打不会永远持续下去。 —

But I believe he only did it because they were easy, and didn’t want any features.

He was very honourable, Traddles was, and held it as a solemn duty in the boys to stand by one another. —
特莱德尔斯是非常诚实的,他认为男孩们团结互助是一种庄严的责任。 —

He suffered for this on several occasions; —
他为此受过几次苦; —

and particularly once, when Steerforth laughed in church, and the Beadle thought it was Traddles, and took him out. —
特别是有一次,当史迪福在教堂里笑的时候,巡礼把它误以为是特莱德尔斯,把他带了出去。 —

I see him now, going away in custody, despised by the congregation. —
我现在看见他,被执法逮捕,被全体教会轻视。 —

He never said who was the real offender, though he smarted for it next day, and was imprisoned so many hours that he came forth with a whole churchyard-full of skeletons swarming all over his Latin Dictionary. —
他从未说出真正的罪犯是谁,虽然他为此感到痛苦,第二天被拘留了很多小时,结果他的拉丁词典上爬满了一整个教堂的骷髅。 —

But he had his reward. Steerforth said there was nothing of the sneak in Traddles, and we all felt that to be the highest praise. —
但他有他的回报。史迪福说特莱德尔斯没有卑鄙之事,我们都觉得这是最高的赞美。 —

For my part, I could have gone through a good deal (though I was much less brave than Traddles, and nothing like so old) to have won such a recompense.

To see Steerforth walk to church before us, arm-in-arm with Miss Creakle, was one of the great sights of my life. —
在我们之前看到司达福特和克里克尔小姐手挽手走向教堂,是我一生中最伟大的景象之一。 —

I didn’t think Miss Creakle equal to little Em’ly in point of beauty, and I didn’t love her (I didn’t dare); —
我觉得克里克尔小姐的美貌不如小艾米莉,我也不爱她(我不敢); —

but I thought her a young lady of extraordinary attractions, and in point of gentility not to be surpassed. —
但我觉得她是一个极具吸引力的年轻女士,在优雅上是无与伦比的。 —

When Steerforth, in white trousers, carried her parasol for her, I felt proud to know him; —
当司达福特穿着白裤子为她撑阳伞时,我感到自豪认识他; —

and believed that she could not choose but adore him with all her heart. —
我相信她会全心全意地爱慕他。 —

Mr. Sharp and Mr. Mell were both notable personages in my eyes; —
夏普先生和梅尔先生在我眼中都是显赫的人物; —

but Steerforth was to them what the sun was to two stars.

Steerforth continued his protection of me, and proved a very useful friend; —
司达福特继续保护我,成为了一个非常有用的朋友; —

since nobody dared to annoy one whom he honoured with his countenance. —
因为没有人敢惹那位他用赞美凝视的人。 —

He couldn’t - or at all events he didn’t - defend me from Mr. Creakle, who was very severe with me; —
他不能 - 或者至少他没有 - 保护我不受到克里克尔先生的严厉对待; —

but whenever I had been treated worse than usual, he always told me that I wanted a little of his pluck, and that he wouldn’t have stood it himself; —
但每当我被对待比平时更糟时,他总是告诉我我需要一点他的胆量,他自己也不会容忍; —

which I felt he intended for encouragement, and considered to be very kind of him. —
我觉得他是在鼓励我,觉得他很好。 —

There was one advantage, and only one that I know of, in Mr. Creakle’s severity. —
在克里克尔先生的严厉中只有一个我所知的优点。 —

He found my placard in his way when he came up or down behind the form on which I sat, and wanted to make a cut at me in passing; —
他每次在我坐着的椅子后面上下时发现我的牌子挡了他的路,并想要在路过时对我划一下; —

for this reason it was soon taken off, and I saw it no more.

An accidental circumstance cemented the intimacy between Steerforth and me, in a manner that inspired me with great pride and satisfaction, though it sometimes led to inconvenience. —
一场意外事件巩固了我和斯提福斯之间的亲密关系,这种亲密关系让我感到非常自豪和满足,尽管有时会带来不便。 —

It happened on one occasion, when he was doing me the honour of talking to me in the playground, that I hazarded the observation that something or somebody - I forget what now - was like something or somebody in Peregrine Pickle. —
在一个场合,当他正在荣幸地与我在操场上交谈时,我冒险观察说,某事或某人 - 现在我忘了是什么 - 像《皮克格林・皮克尔》里的某事或某人。 —

He said nothing at the time; but when I was going to bed at night, asked me if I had got that book?

I told him no, and explained how it was that I had read it, and all those other books of which I have made mention.

‘And do you recollect them?’ Steerforth said.

‘Oh yes,’ I replied; I had a good memory, and I believed I recollected them very well.

‘Then I tell you what, young Copperfield,’ said Steerforth, ‘you shall tell ‘em to me. —
“那么我告诉你,小柯波菲尔德,”斯提福斯说,“你要把它们告诉我。 —

I can’t get to sleep very early at night, and I generally wake rather early in the morning. —
我晚上很晚才能入睡,早上通常醒得很早。 —

We’ll go over ‘em one after another. We’ll make some regular Arabian Nights of it.’

I felt extremely flattered by this arrangement, and we commenced carrying it into execution that very evening. —
我对这个安排感到非常荣幸,我们当晚立即开始执行。 —

What ravages I committed on my favourite authors in the course of my interpretation of them, I am not in a condition to say, and should be very unwilling to know; —
我在解释中对我最喜欢的作者所犯下的错误我无法说清楚,也不愿知道; —

but I had a profound faith in them, and I had, to the best of my belief, a simple, earnest manner of narrating what I did narrate; —
但我对他们深信不疑,而且我相信,我讲述时有着简单,真诚的方式; —

and these qualities went a long way.

The drawback was, that I was often sleepy at night, or out of spirits and indisposed to resume the story; —
不利之处是,我晚上经常感到困倦,或情绪低落,不想继续故事; —

and then it was rather hard work, and it must be done; —
这时就会有些困难,但它必须完成; —

for to disappoint or to displease Steerforth was of course out of the question. —
对失望或让斯迪福夫不高兴当然是不可能的。 —

In the morning, too, when I felt weary, and should have enjoyed another hour’s repose very much, it was a tiresome thing to be roused, like the Sultana Scheherazade, and forced into a long story before the getting-up bell rang; —
早上,当我感到疲倦,本应该享受另外一个小时的休息时,被像士兰达·谢赫拉扎德一样唤醒,并被迫在起床铃响之前听一个长故事,真是一件令人烦恼的事情; —

but Steerforth was resolute; and as he explained to me, in return, my sums and exercises, and anything in my tasks that was too hard for me, I was no loser by the transaction. —
但斯迪福德是坚决的;正如他向我解释的那样,我通过这种交易失去了我的习题和练习,还有对我来说太难的任务。 —

Let me do myself justice, however. I was moved by no interested or selfish motive, nor was I moved by fear of him. —
但请让我自我辩护。我被没有利益动机或自私的动机所驱使,也没有被对他感到恐惧所驱使。 —

I admired and loved him, and his approval was return enough. —
我钦佩和爱戴他,他的赞许已经足够了。 —

It was so precious to me that I look back on these trifles, now, with an aching heart.

Steerforth was considerate, too; and showed his consideration, in one particular instance, in an unflinching manner that was a little tantalizing, I suspect, to poor Traddles and the rest. —
斯迪福也很体贴;并且在某个特定的例子中,他以一种毫不畏缩的方式表现出他的体贴,我怀疑,对可怜的特拉德尔斯和其他人来说有点让人受挫。 —

Peggotty’s promised letter - what a comfortable letter it was! —
佩各蒂的承诺的信 - 真是一封多么舒适的信! —

  • arrived before ‘the half’ was many weeks old; —
    在’中场休息’还没过几周之前到达。 —

and with it a cake in a perfect nest of oranges, and two bottles of cowslip wine. —
并且附带了一个装有完整橘子的蛋糕,和两瓶鼓励社能的酒。 —

This treasure, as in duty bound, I laid at the feet of Steerforth, and begged him to dispense.

‘Now, I’ll tell you what, young Copperfield,’ said he: —
‘现在,我告诉你,年轻的柯波菲尔德,‘他说, —

‘the wine shall be kept to wet your whistle when you are story-telling.’

I blushed at the idea, and begged him, in my modesty, not to think of it. —
我被这个想法弄得很尴尬,谦卑地请求他不要考虑这个。 —

But he said he had observed I was sometimes hoarse - a little roopy was his exact expression - and it should be, every drop, devoted to the purpose he had mentioned. —
但他说他注意到我有时声音嘶哑 - 他的确切用词是’roopy’ - 并且应该每一滴都用于他提到的目的。 —

Accordingly, it was locked up in his box, and drawn off by himself in a phial, and administered to me through a piece of quill in the cork, when I was supposed to be in want of a restorative. —
因此,这种药水被锁在他的盒子里,他自己用瓶子灌出来,通过软管塞子中给我服用,当时我被认为需要强身健体。 —

Sometimes, to make it a more sovereign specific, he was so kind as to squeeze orange juice into it, or to stir it up with ginger, or dissolve a peppermint drop in it; —
有时,为了使它成为更为有效的药剂,他还会慷慨地挤些橙子汁进去,或者搅入姜末,或者在其中溶解一滴薄荷糖浆; —

and although I cannot assert that the flavour was improved by these experiments, or that it was exactly the compound one would have chosen for a stomachic, the last thing at night and the first thing in the morning, I drank it gratefully and was very sensible of his attention.

We seem, to me, to have been months over Peregrine, and months more over the other stories. —
对我来说,我们花了好几个月时间看完《漂泊者》的故事,然后又花了几个月时间看完其他的故事。 —

The institution never flagged for want of a story, I am certain; —
我确信这个组织从未因缺乏故事而消沉; —

and the wine lasted out almost as well as the matter. —
那瓶酒的持久性几乎与故事的数量一样好。 —

Poor Traddles - I never think of that boy but with a strange disposition to laugh, and with tears in my eyes - was a sort of chorus, in general; —
无情的特拉德尔斯 - 我想起那个男孩总是忍不住笑,眼泪却掉下来 - 通常是一个合唱团; —

and affected to be convulsed with mirth at the comic parts, and to be overcome with fear when there was any passage of an alarming character in the narrative. —
在一般情况下,他假装对喜剧部分感到癫狂不已,在叙述中有任何引起恐惧的部分时则被恐惧所克服。 —

This rather put me out, very often. It was a great jest of his, I recollect, to pretend that he couldn’t keep his teeth from chattering, whenever mention was made of an Alguazill in connexion with the adventures of Gil Blas; —
这经常让我感到不安。我记得他常常开玩笑地装假牙打颤,每当《吉尔·布拉斯》的故事提及与关于阿尔瓜西尔的冒险有关时; —

and I remember that when Gil Blas met the captain of the robbers in Madrid, this unlucky joker counterfeited such an ague of terror, that he was overheard by Mr. Creakle, who was prowling about the passage, and handsomely flogged for disorderly conduct in the bedroom. —
我记得当吉尔·布拉斯在马德里遇到强盗队长时,这个不走运的恶作剧者伪造出如此可怕的恐惧之感,以致被悄悄踱步经过走廊的克里克尔先生听到了,随后在卧室内因混乱行为而受到了漂亮的鞭打。 —

Whatever I had within me that was romantic and dreamy, was encouraged by so much story-telling in the dark; —
在黑暗中听来听去,对于我内心所怀有的那种浪漫和梦幻,这种对话无疑是在鼓励着它们; —

and in that respect the pursuit may not have been very profitable to me. —
在这方面,这种追求对我的益处可能不是很大。 —

But the being cherished as a kind of plaything in my room, and the consciousness that this accomplishment of mine was bruited about among the boys, and attracted a good deal of notice to me though I was the youngest there, stimulated me to exertion. —
但是,作为我房间里的一种玩物被珍爱,以及这种我自己的技能在男孩中传播开来,并吸引了很多人关注我,虽然我是最小的一个,这激励着我努力。 —

In a school carried on by sheer cruelty, whether it is presided over by a dunce or not, there is not likely to be much learnt. —
在一个充满残酷行为的学校里,无论是由一个蠢货还是其他人管理,是不可能学到什么东西的。 —

I believe our boys were, generally, as ignorant a set as any schoolboys in existence; —
我相信我们的男孩们一般来说跟世界上任何其他学生一样无知; —

they were too much troubled and knocked about to learn; —
他们身心疲惫,遭受摧残无法学习; —

they could no more do that to advantage, than any one can do anything to advantage in a life of constant misfortune, torment, and worry. —
他们在充满厄运、折磨和忧虑的生活中也无法做到此消彼长; —

But my little vanity, and Steerforth’s help, urged me on somehow; —
但我的虚荣心和斯提福斯的帮助,总是激励着我前进; —

and without saving me from much, if anything, in the way of punishment, made me, for the time I was there, an exception to the general body, insomuch that I did steadily pick up some crumbs of knowledge.

In this I was much assisted by Mr. Mell, who had a liking for me that I am grateful to remember. —
这方面我得到了梅尔先生的帮助,他对我有好感,这一点我铭记在心。 —

It always gave me pain to observe that Steerforth treated him with systematic disparagement, and seldom lost an occasion of wounding his feelings, or inducing others to do so. —
斯提福斯总是有条不紊地贬低他,并且很少错过伤害他的感情或诱使其他人这样做的机会,这让我感到难过。 —

This troubled me the more for a long time, because I had soon told Steerforth, from whom I could no more keep such a secret, than I could keep a cake or any other tangible possession, about the two old women Mr. Mell had taken me to see; —
由于我很快告诉了斯提福斯,这种事情我无法保守秘密,就像我无法保守蛋糕或其他有形的财产一样,关于梅尔先生带我去看的两位老太太; —

and I was always afraid that Steerforth would let it out, and twit him with it.

We little thought, any one of us, I dare say, when I ate my breakfast that first morning, and went to sleep under the shadow of the peacock’s feathers to the sound of the flute, what consequences would come of the introduction into those alms-houses of my insignificant person. —
我敢说,当我那天早上吃早餐,然后在孔雀羽毛的阴影下听着长笛入睡时,我们没有任何人想到,介绍我这个微不足道的人进入那些救济院会带来什么后果。 —

But the visit had its unforeseen consequences; —
但这次访问产生了意想不到的后果; —

and of a serious sort, too, in their way.

One day when Mr. Creakle kept the house from indisposition, which naturally diffused a lively joy through the school, there was a good deal of noise in the course of the morning’s work. —
有一天,当克里科尔先生因生病而留在家里,自然地使整个学校洋溢着欢乐,上午的工作中噪音很大。 —

The great relief and satisfaction experienced by the boys made them difficult to manage; —
男孩们感到巨大的轻松和满足,使他们难以管理; —

and though the dreaded Tungay brought his wooden leg in twice or thrice, and took notes of the principal offenders’ names, no great impression was made by it, as they were pretty sure of getting into trouble tomorrow, do what they would, and thought it wise, no doubt, to enjoy themselves today.

It was, properly, a half-holiday; being Saturday. —
这实际上是一个半假期,因为是星期六。 —

But as the noise in the playground would have disturbed Mr. Creakle, and the weather was not favourable for going out walking, we were ordered into school in the afternoon, and set some lighter tasks than usual, which were made for the occasion. —
但是操场上的噪音会打扰到里克尔先生,而且天气也不适合出去散步,所以下午我们被要求进入学校,并安排了一些比平常轻松的任务,专门为此准备。 —

It was the day of the week on which Mr. Sharp went out to get his wig curled; —
这是夏普先生出去烫假发的那一天; —

so Mr. Mell, who always did the drudgery, whatever it was, kept school by himself. —
所以梅尔先生,无论是什么工作,他总是做那些苦力活,只能独自管理学校。 —

If I could associate the idea of a bull or a bear with anyone so mild as Mr. Mell, I should think of him, in connexion with that afternoon when the uproar was at its height, as of one of those animals, baited by a thousand dogs. —
如果我能把牛或熊的形象与梅尔先生这样温和的人联系在一起,我会把他想象成那个下午,当时喧闹达到顶峰时的场面,就像是那些被千百只狗围攻的动物之一。 —

I recall him bending his aching head, supported on his bony hand, over the book on his desk, and wretchedly endeavouring to get on with his tiresome work, amidst an uproar that might have made the Speaker of the House of Commons giddy. —
我记得他弯着那颗弄痛的头,靠在瘦削的手上,努力在喧闹中完成他讨厌的工作,这会使下议院的发言人也晕头转向。 —

Boys started in and out of their places, playing at puss in the corner with other boys; —
男孩们在自己的座位上进进出出,和其他男孩们玩猫捉老鼠; —

there were laughing boys, singing boys, talking boys, dancing boys, howling boys; —
有笑着的男孩,唱歌着的男孩,聊天的男孩,跳舞的男孩,嚎叫的男孩; —

boys shuffled with their feet, boys whirled about him, grinning, making faces, mimicking him behind his back and before his eyes; —
男孩们拖着脚,男孩们在他周围旋转,咧嘴笑,做鬼脸,背后和眼前模仿着他; —

mimicking his poverty, his boots, his coat, his mother, everything belonging to him that they should have had consideration for.

‘Silence!’ cried Mr. Mell, suddenly rising up, and striking his desk with the book. —
‘安静!’梅尔先生突然站起来,用书敲着他的书桌。 —

‘What does this mean! It’s impossible to bear it. —
‘这是什么意思!简直无法忍受。 —

It’s maddening. How can you do it to me, boys?’

It was my book that he struck his desk with; —
他用我的书敲着书桌; —

and as I stood beside him, following his eye as it glanced round the room, I saw the boys all stop, some suddenly surprised, some half afraid, and some sorry perhaps.

Steerforth’s place was at the bottom of the school, at the opposite end of the long room. —
斯蒂尔福的位置在学校的底部,长教室的另一端。 —

He was lounging with his back against the wall, and his hands in his pockets, and looked at Mr. Mell with his mouth shut up as if he were whistling, when Mr. Mell looked at him.

‘Silence, Mr. Steerforth!’ said Mr. Mell.

‘Silence yourself,’ said Steerforth, turning red. ‘Whom are you talking to?’
“你闭嘴吧,”斯提福斯说着,脸红了。 “你在跟谁说话?”

‘Sit down,’ said Mr. Mell.

‘Sit down yourself,’ said Steerforth, ‘and mind your business.’

There was a titter, and some applause; but Mr. Mell was so white, that silence immediately succeeded; and one boy, who had darted out behind him to imitate his mother again, changed his mind, and pretended to want a pen mended.

‘If you think, Steerforth,’ said Mr. Mell, ‘that I am not acquainted with the power you can establish over any mind here’ - he laid his hand, without considering what he did (as I supposed), upon my head - ‘or that I have not observed you, within a few minutes, urging your juniors on to every sort of outrage against me, you are mistaken.’
“如果你认为,斯提福斯,”梅尔先生说,”以为我不知道你在这里能够对任何一个人施加的影响力 - “他的手不假思索地放在了我的头上 - “或者你不知道,几分钟之内,你怂恿你的下属对我进行各种种类的攻击,那你就错了。”

‘I don’t give myself the trouble of thinking at all about you,’ said Steerforth, coolly; —
“我根本不会费心去想你,”斯提福斯冷冷地说; —

‘so I’m not mistaken, as it happens.’

‘And when you make use of your position of favouritism here, sir,’ pursued Mr. Mell, with his lip trembling very much, ‘to insult a gentleman -’

‘A what? - where is he?’ said Steerforth.

Here somebody cried out, ‘Shame, J. Steerforth! Too bad!’ It was Traddles; —
在场有人叫道,’斯提福斯,真不要脸!太糟糕了!’那是特拉德尔斯; —

whom Mr. Mell instantly discomfited by bidding him hold his tongue.

  • ‘To insult one who is not fortunate in life, sir, and who never gave you the least offence, and the many reasons for not insulting whom you are old enough and wise enough to understand,’ said Mr. Mell, with his lips trembling more and more, ‘you commit a mean and base action. —
    - ‘去侮辱一个在生活中不幸运的人,先生,一个从未给您任何冒犯,并且您大的足够聪明足够明白不侮辱他的许多理由的人,’梅尔先生越来越说不过气,’你做了一件卑鄙下流的事情。 —

You can sit down or stand up as you please, sir. —
您随意坐下或站起,先生。 —

Copperfield, go on.’

‘Young Copperfield,’ said Steerforth, coming forward up the room, ‘stop a bit. —
“年轻的科波菲尔德,”斯提福德走到房间里说,“停一会儿。 —

I tell you what, Mr. Mell, once for all. —
“我告诉你,梅尔先生,一劳永逸。 —

When you take the liberty of calling me mean or base, or anything of that sort, you are an impudent beggar. —
“当你擅自称呼我卑鄙或卑劣,或者诸如此类,你就是一个厚颜无耻的乞丐。 —

You are always a beggar, you know; but when you do that, you are an impudent beggar.’

I am not clear whether he was going to strike Mr. Mell, or Mr. Mell was going to strike him, or there was any such intention on either side. —
我不清楚他是要打梅尔先生,还是梅尔先生要打他,或者双方都没有这样的意图。 —

I saw a rigidity come upon the whole school as if they had been turned into stone, and found Mr. Creakle in the midst of us, with Tungay at his side, and Mrs. and Miss Creakle looking in at the door as if they were frightened. —
我看到整个学校突然变得僵硬,仿佛都变成了石头,而克里克尔先生站在我们中间,旁边是汤盖,克里克尔夫人和克里克尔小姐在门口向里看,似乎很害怕。 —

Mr. Mell, with his elbows on his desk and his face in his hands, sat, for some moments, quite still.

‘Mr. Mell,’ said Mr. Creakle, shaking him by the arm; —
“梅尔先生,”克里克尔先生抓住他的胳膊说; —

and his whisper was so audible now, that Tungay felt it unnecessary to repeat his words; —
现在他的耳语声已经很清晰,所以汤盖觉得没必要重复他的话; —

‘you have not forgotten yourself, I hope?’

‘No, sir, no,’ returned the Master, showing his face, and shaking his head, and rubbing his hands in great agitation. —
“不,先生,不,”老师回答道,露出脸,并摇晃着头,手越来越紧张地揉着; —

‘No, sir. No. I have remembered myself, I - no, Mr. Creakle, I have not forgotten myself, I - I have remembered myself, sir. —
“不,先生。不。我记起自己了,我—不,克里克尔先生,我没有忘记自己,我一直记得自己,先生。 —

I - I - could wish you had remembered me a little sooner, Mr. Creakle. —
“我—我—希望您能稍稍早点记起我,克里克尔先生。 —

It - it - would have been more kind, sir, more just, sir. —
“这样—这样—会更善良,先生,更公正,先生。” —

It would have saved me something, sir.’

Mr. Creakle, looking hard at Mr. Mell, put his hand on Tungay’s shoulder, and got his feet upon the form close by, and sat upon the desk. —
克里克尔先生盯着梅尔先生,把手放在汤盖的肩膀上,然后脚踩在旁边的凳子上,坐在书桌上。 —

After still looking hard at Mr. Mell from his throne, as he shook his head, and rubbed his hands, and remained in the same state of agitation, Mr. Creakle turned to Steerforth, and said:

‘Now, sir, as he don’t condescend to tell me, what is this?’

Steerforth evaded the question for a little while; —
斯提福斯稍微回避了一下这个问题; —

looking in scorn and anger on his opponent, and remaining silent. —
愤怒地鄙视着他的对手,保持沉默。 —

I could not help thinking even in that interval, I remember, what a noble fellow he was in appearance, and how homely and plain Mr. Mell looked opposed to him.

‘What did he mean by talking about favourites, then?’ said Steerforth at length.

‘Favourites?’ repeated Mr. Creakle, with the veins in his forehead swelling quickly. —
“指的是什么?”克里克尔先生的额头血管迅速膨胀。 —

‘Who talked about favourites?’

‘He did,’ said Steerforth.

‘And pray, what did you mean by that, sir?’ demanded Mr. Creakle, turning angrily on his assistant.
“那么请问,你这是什么意思,先生?” 克里克尔先生生气地转向他的助手。

‘I meant, Mr. Creakle,’ he returned in a low voice, ‘as I said; —
“我是说,克里克尔先生,”他低声回答说,”正如我所说的; —

that no pupil had a right to avail himself of his position of favouritism to degrade me.’

‘To degrade YOU?’ said Mr. Creakle. ‘My stars! But give me leave to ask you, Mr. What’s-your-name’; —
“贬低你?”克里克尔先生说:”我的天呐!但请允许我问你,先生你的名字”。 —

and here Mr. Creakle folded his arms, cane and all, upon his chest, and made such a knot of his brows that his little eyes were hardly visible below them; —
在这里,克里克尔先生将双臂,手杖甚至整个人都交叉在胸前,皱起眉头,眼睛在眉毛下复杂地难以看清。 —

‘whether, when you talk about favourites, you showed proper respect to me? —
“当你说到喜爱的人时,你是否对我表示适当的尊敬呢? —

To me, sir,’ said Mr. Creakle, darting his head at him suddenly, and drawing it back again, ‘the principal of this establishment, and your employer.’

‘It was not judicious, sir, I am willing to admit,’ said Mr. Mell. ‘I should not have done so, if I had been cool.’

Here Steerforth struck in.

‘Then he said I was mean, and then he said I was base, and then I called him a beggar. —
“然后他说我卑鄙,然后他说我下贱,然后我叫他乞丐。 —

If I had been cool, perhaps I shouldn’t have called him a beggar. —
“也许如果我冷静的话,我不会叫他乞丐。 —

But I did, and I am ready to take the consequences of it.’

Without considering, perhaps, whether there were any consequences to be taken, I felt quite in a glow at this gallant speech. —
考虑不周,也许不知道是否有需要承担的后果,我对这番豪言壮举感到非常兴奋。 —

It made an impression on the boys too, for there was a low stir among them, though no one spoke a word.

‘I am surprised, Steerforth - although your candour does you honour,’ said Mr. Creakle, ‘does you honour, certainly - I am surprised, Steerforth, I must say, that you should attach such an epithet to any person employed and paid in Salem House, sir.’
“斯迪福斯,虽然你的坦率令人敬佩,”克里克尔先生说。“确实,这对你是光荣的 - 我要说,我对你这样将这种修辞用在所罗门学校雇员身上感到惊讶,先生。”

Steerforth gave a short laugh.

‘That’s not an answer, sir,’ said Mr. Creakle, ‘to my remark. —
“这不是个答案,先生,”克里克尔先生说,“对我的话。 —

I expect more than that from you, Steerforth.’

If Mr. Mell looked homely, in my eyes, before the handsome boy, it would be quite impossible to say how homely Mr. Creakle looked. —
如果在我眼中这个英俊的男孩之前梅尔先生看起来很朴素,那么很难说出克里克尔先生有多么朴素。 —

‘Let him deny it,’ said Steerforth.

‘Deny that he is a beggar, Steerforth?’ cried Mr. Creakle. ‘Why, where does he go a-begging?’

‘If he is not a beggar himself, his near relation’s one,’ said Steerforth. ‘It’s all the same.’

He glanced at me, and Mr. Mell’s hand gently patted me upon the shoulder. —
他瞥了我一眼,梅尔先生轻轻拍了拍我的肩膀。 —

I looked up with a flush upon my face and remorse in my heart, but Mr. Mell’s eyes were fixed on Steerforth. —
我抬起头,脸上涌上一阵红晕,心中愧疚,但梅尔先生的眼睛却盯着斯蒂尔福。 —

He continued to pat me kindly on the shoulder, but he looked at him.

‘Since you expect me, Mr. Creakle, to justify myself,’ said Steerforth, ‘and to say what I mean, - what I have to say is, that his mother lives on charity in an alms-house.’

Mr. Mell still looked at him, and still patted me kindly on the shoulder, and said to himself, in a whisper, if I heard right: —
梅尔先生仍然看着他,仍然友好地拍着我的肩膀,自言自语地对自己说: —

‘Yes, I thought so.’

Mr. Creakle turned to his assistant, with a severe frown and laboured politeness:

‘Now, you hear what this gentleman says, Mr. Mell. Have the goodness, if you please, to set him right before the assembled school.’

‘He is right, sir, without correction,’ returned Mr. Mell, in the midst of a dead silence; —
“他是对的,先生,不需要纠正,”梅尔先生在死一般的寂静中回答道; —

‘what he has said is true.’

‘Be so good then as declare publicly, will you,’ said Mr. Creakle, putting his head on one side, and rolling his eyes round the school, ‘whether it ever came to my knowledge until this moment?’

‘I believe not directly,’ he returned.

‘Why, you know not,’ said Mr. Creakle. ‘Don’t you, man?’

‘I apprehend you never supposed my worldly circumstances to be very good,’ replied the assistant. —
‘助手回答道:“我想你从来没有认为我的世俗状况很好。” —

‘You know what my position is, and always has been, here.’

‘I apprehend, if you come to that,’ said Mr. Creakle, with his veins swelling again bigger than ever, ‘that you’ve been in a wrong position altogether, and mistook this for a charity school. —
克里科尔先生又愤怒地说:“我觉得,说到这一点,你一直处在错误的位置上,把这里误以为是一个慈善学校。 —

Mr. Mell, we’ll part, if you please. The sooner the better.’

‘There is no time,’ answered Mr. Mell, rising, ‘like the present.’

‘Sir, to you!’ said Mr. Creakle.

‘I take my leave of you, Mr. Creakle, and all of you,’ said Mr. Mell, glancing round the room, and again patting me gently on the shoulders. —
‘克里科尔先生,还有各位,我告辞了,’梅尔先生环顾着房间说道,然后再次轻轻拍了拍我的肩膀。 —

‘James Steerforth, the best wish I can leave you is that you may come to be ashamed of what you have done today. —
‘詹姆斯·斯蒂尔福,我留给你最好的祝愿是希望你会为今天的所做所为感到羞愧。 —

At present I would prefer to see you anything rather than a friend, to me, or to anyone in whom I feel an interest.’

Once more he laid his hand upon my shoulder; —
他再次把手放在我的肩上; —

and then taking his flute and a few books from his desk, and leaving the key in it for his successor, he went out of the school, with his property under his arm. —
然后从桌子上拿起了他的长笛和几本书,把钥匙留给继任者,携带着自己的物品离开了学校。 —

Mr. Creakle then made a speech, through Tungay, in which he thanked Steerforth for asserting (though perhaps too warmly) the independence and respectability of Salem House; —
然后克里科尔先生通过汤噶倪发表了一篇演讲,感谢斯蒂尔福坚定地(尽管可能过于热情)捍卫塞勒姆学校的独立和尊严; —

and which he wound up by shaking hands with Steerforth, while we gave three cheers - I did not quite know what for, but I supposed for Steerforth, and so joined in them ardently, though I felt miserable. —
最后向斯蒂尔福握手,而我们则为他喝彩——我不太明白是为了什么,但我想大概是为了斯蒂尔福,于是我热情地加入其中,尽管自己感到痛苦。 —

Mr. Creakle then caned Tommy Traddles for being discovered in tears, instead of cheers, on account of Mr. Mell’s departure; —
接着克里科尔先生因为发现汤米·特拉德尔斯哭泣而不是欢呼,对他进行了鞭打,这是因为梅尔先生离开的缘故; —

and went back to his sofa, or his bed, or wherever he had come from.

We were left to ourselves now, and looked very blank, I recollect, on one another. —
我们现在被留给自己,相互之间看起来非常茫然,我记得。 —

For myself, I felt so much self-reproach and contrition for my part in what had happened, that nothing would have enabled me to keep back my tears but the fear that Steerforth, who often looked at me, I saw, might think it unfriendly - or, I should rather say, considering our relative ages, and the feeling with which I regarded him, undutiful - if I showed the emotion which distressed me. —
就我自己而言,我为我在发生的事情中所起的作用感到如此自责和懊悔,以至于没有什么能够阻止我潸然泪下,只是因为我怕斯迪福会觉得我表现出的情绪令人不快 - 或者我应该说,考虑到我们的年龄和我对他的感情,是不孝顺的。 —

He was very angry with Traddles, and said he was glad he had caught it.

Poor Traddles, who had passed the stage of lying with his head upon the desk, and was relieving himself as usual with a burst of skeletons, said he didn’t care. —
可怜的特拉德尔斯,已经过了头靠在桌子上的阶段,像往常一样发泄他自己,他说他不在乎。 —

Mr. Mell was ill-used.

‘Who has ill-used him, you girl?’ said Steerforth.

‘Why, you have,’ returned Traddles.

‘What have I done?’ said Steerforth.

‘What have you done?’ retorted Traddles. ‘Hurt his feelings, and lost him his situation.’

‘His feelings?’ repeated Steerforth disdainfully. —
‘他的感情?’斯迪福不屑一顾地重复道。 —

‘His feelings will soon get the better of it, I’ll be bound. —
‘他的感情很快就会好起来的,我敢说。 —

His feelings are not like yours, Miss Traddles. —
他的感情不像你的,特拉德尔斯小姐。 —

As to his situation - which was a precious one, wasn’t it? —
至于他的职位 - 那是珍贵的,不是吗? —

  • do you suppose I am not going to write home, and take care that he gets some money? Polly?’
    - 你以为我不会写信回家,照顾他拿到一些钱?波利?’

We thought this intention very noble in Steerforth, whose mother was a widow, and rich, and would do almost anything, it was said, that he asked her. —
我们认为斯提尔福的这种意图非常高尚,他的母亲是个寡妇,很有钱,据说几乎可以为他要求的任何事情。 —

We were all extremely glad to see Traddles so put down, and exalted Steerforth to the skies: —
我们都非常高兴看到特拉德尔斯被打击得体无完肤,将斯提尔福捧到了天上。 —

especially when he told us, as he condescended to do, that what he had done had been done expressly for us, and for our cause; —
特别是当他自愿告诉我们,他做的一切都是为了我们,为了我们的事业; —

and that he had conferred a great boon upon us by unselfishly doing it. —
他无私地这样做给了我们极大的恩惠。 —

But I must say that when I was going on with a story in the dark that night, Mr. Mell’s old flute seemed more than once to sound mournfully in my ears; —
但我必须说,在那个夜晚在黑暗中讲故事时,墨尔先生的旧长笛几次在我耳边哀伤地响起; —

and that when at last Steerforth was tired, and I lay down in my bed, I fancied it playing so sorrowfully somewhere, that I was quite wretched.

I soon forgot him in the contemplation of Steerforth, who, in an easy amateur way, and without any book (he seemed to me to know everything by heart), took some of his classes until a new master was found. —
我很快就忘记了他,因为我一直在思考斯提尔福,他以一种轻松的业余方式,在没有任何书籍的情况下(我觉得他什么都能背出来),教了一些他的课直到找到了新的老师。 —

The new master came from a grammar school; —
新的老师来自一所文法学校; —

and before he entered on his duties, dined in the parlour one day, to be introduced to Steerforth. —
在他开始工作之前的一天,在客厅进餐,跟斯提尔福见了面。 —

Steerforth approved of him highly, and told us he was a Brick. Without exactly understanding what learned distinction was meant by this, I respected him greatly for it, and had no doubt whatever of his superior knowledge: —
斯提尔福高度赞成他,并告诉我们他是个好样子。虽然我并不完全理解这个学术上的区别意味着什么,但我非常尊重他,对他的知识水平毫无疑问: —

though he never took the pains with me - not that I was anybody - that Mr. Mell had taken.
尽管他从未像墨尔先生那样费心教导我 - 不是因为我是谁 - 像墨尔先生那样。

There was only one other event in this half-year, out of the daily school-life, that made an impression upon me which still survives. —
在这半年中,除了每天的学校生活之外,只有一个事件对我产生了仍然存在的影响。 —

It survives for many reasons.

One afternoon, when we were all harassed into a state of dire confusion, and Mr. Creakle was laying about him dreadfully, Tungay came in, and called out in his usual strong way: —
一个下午,当我们都处于极度混乱的状态时,克里克尔老师正在疯狂地抽打身边的学生,汤加进来了,像往常一样大声喊道: —

‘Visitors for Copperfield!’

A few words were interchanged between him and Mr. Creakle, as, who the visitors were, and what room they were to be shown into; —
他和Creakle先生之间有几句话交换,询问来访者是谁,他们要被带到哪个房间; —

and then I, who had, according to custom, stood up on the announcement being made, and felt quite faint with astonishment, was told to go by the back stairs and get a clean frill on, before I repaired to the dining-room. —
按照惯例,当名字被宣布时,我站了起来,感到惊讶得几乎晕倒,然后被告知要从后楼梯上去换一条干净的衣领,然后去食堂; —

These orders I obeyed, in such a flutter and hurry of my young spirits as I had never known before; —
我以前从未有过的那种慌乱和兴奋,我服从了这些命令; —

and when I got to the parlour door, and the thought came into my head that it might be my mother - I had only thought of Mr. or Miss Murdstone until then - I drew back my hand from the lock, and stopped to have a sob before I went in.
当我走到客厅门口时,突然想到可能是我妈妈——之前我只想到过Murdstone先生或Miss Murdstone——我从锁上退了回去,在进去之前先哭了一会儿;

At first I saw nobody; but feeling a pressure against the door, I looked round it, and there, to my amazement, were Mr. Peggotty and Ham, ducking at me with their hats, and squeezing one another against the wall. —
起初我看不到任何人;但感觉到门口有压力,我环顾四周,哇,让我吃惊的是,Peggotty先生和Ham站在那,冲着我点头,紧贴着墙壁; —

I could not help laughing; but it was much more in the pleasure of seeing them, than at the appearance they made. —
我情不自禁地笑了起来;但更多的是因为看到他们而高兴,而不仅仅是因为他们的出现; —

We shook hands in a very cordial way; and I laughed and laughed, until I pulled out my pocket-handkerchief and wiped my eyes.

Mr. Peggotty (who never shut his mouth once, I remember, during the visit) showed great concern when he saw me do this, and nudged Ham to say something.

‘Cheer up, Mas’r Davy bor’!’ said Ham, in his simpering way. ‘Why, how you have growed!’
‘振作起来,大卫孩儿!’ Ham用他那可笑的口气说道,’咦,你长大了啊!’

‘Am I grown?’ I said, drying my eyes. I was not crying at anything in particular that I know of; —
‘我长大了吗?’ 我擦着眼泪说。我并不知道自己为什么哭泣; —

but somehow it made me cry, to see old friends.

‘Growed, Mas’r Davy bor’? Ain’t he growed!’ said Ham.
‘大卫孩儿长大了吧?’ Ham说。

‘Ain’t he growed!’ said Mr. Peggotty.
‘长大了!’ Peggotty先生说。

They made me laugh again by laughing at each other, and then we all three laughed until I was in danger of crying again.

‘Do you know how mama is, Mr. Peggotty?’ I said. ‘And how my dear, dear, old Peggotty is?’
‘你知道妈妈和亲爱的Peggotty老太太现在怎么样了,Peggotty先生?’ 我问道。

‘Oncommon,’ said Mr. Peggotty.
“不同寻常,” 佩格蒂先生说。

‘And little Em’ly, and Mrs. Gummidge?’

‘On - common,’ said Mr. Peggotty.
“不-同-寻-常,” 佩格蒂先生说。

There was a silence. Mr. Peggotty, to relieve it, took two prodigious lobsters, and an enormous crab, and a large canvas bag of shrimps, out of his pockets, and piled them up in Ham’s arms.

‘You see,’ said Mr. Peggotty, ‘knowing as you was partial to a little relish with your wittles when you was along with us, we took the liberty. —
“您知道,” 佩格蒂先生说,“知道您在我们家的时候喜欢饭菜配点调料,我们就冒昧了。” —

The old Mawther biled ‘em, she did. Mrs. Gummidge biled ‘em. —
“老玛瑟把它们煮熟了,她是。” 佩格蒂先生继续说。 “古米奇夫人也是。” —

Yes,’ said Mr. Peggotty, slowly, who I thought appeared to stick to the subject on account of having no other subject ready, ‘Mrs. Gummidge, I do assure you, she biled ‘em.’
“是的,” 佩格蒂先生慢慢说,我觉得他似乎因为没有其他话题而一直再说这个话题,“我向您保证,古米奇夫人,她把它们煮熟了。”

I expressed my thanks; and Mr. Peggotty, after looking at Ham, who stood smiling sheepishly over the shellfish, without making any attempt to help him, said:

‘We come, you see, the wind and tide making in our favour, in one of our Yarmouth lugs to Gravesen’. —
“您瞧,” 佩格蒂先生说,“风和潮水对我们有利,我们坐着我们的杨茂斯划艇来到格雷文。” —

My sister she wrote to me the name of this here place, and wrote to me as if ever I chanced to come to Gravesen’, I was to come over and inquire for Mas’r Davy and give her dooty, humbly wishing him well and reporting of the fam’ly as they was oncommon toe-be-sure. —
“我妹妹写信告诉我这个地方的名字,还说如果我偶然来到格雷文,就要过来打听戴维大人,并代表她臣服,虔诚地祝福他,并报告一切家人如何与自然游刃有余。” —

Little Em’ly, you see, she’ll write to my sister when I go back, as I see you and as you was similarly oncommon, and so we make it quite a merry- go-rounder.’

I was obliged to consider a little before I understood what Mr. Peggotty meant by this figure, expressive of a complete circle of intelligence. —
我必须花点时间才明白佩格蒂先生用这个表示完整情报圈的比喻。 —

I then thanked him heartily; and said, with a consciousness of reddening, that I supposed little Em’ly was altered too, since we used to pick up shells and pebbles on the beach?

‘She’s getting to be a woman, that’s wot she’s getting to be,’ said Mr. Peggotty. —
“她正在长大,她正在变成一个女人,” 佩格蒂先生说。 —

‘Ask HIM.’ He meant Ham, who beamed with delight and assent over the bag of shrimps.
“去问他。” 他指的是哈姆,哈姆对着虾袋欣喜地笑着表示同意。

‘Her pretty face!’ said Mr. Peggotty, with his own shining like a light.

‘Her learning!’ said Ham.

‘Her writing!’ said Mr. Peggotty. ‘Why it’s as black as jet! —
‘她的书法!‘佩格蒂先生说。’为什么这么黑,就像墨一样! —

And so large it is, you might see it anywheres.’

It was perfectly delightful to behold with what enthusiasm Mr. Peggotty became inspired when he thought of his little favourite. —
当佩格蒂先生想到他的小宠儿时,他变得多么热情,这简直太令人愉快了。 —

He stands before me again, his bluff hairy face irradiating with a joyful love and pride, for which I can find no description. —
他再次站在我面前,他那粗犷、多毛的脸上洋溢着一种无法描述的令人愉悦的爱和自豪。 —

His honest eyes fire up, and sparkle, as if their depths were stirred by something bright. —
他诚实的眼睛燃烧起来,闪闪发光,仿佛它们的深处被一些明亮的东西激发了起来。 —

His broad chest heaves with pleasure. His strong loose hands clench themselves, in his earnestness; —
他宽阔的胸膛因为愉悦而起伏。他结实的松弛的手在他的真诚中紧握在一起; —

and he emphasizes what he says with a right arm that shows, in my pigmy view, like a sledge-hammer.

Ham was quite as earnest as he. I dare say they would have said much more about her, if they had not been abashed by the unexpected coming in of Steerforth, who, seeing me in a corner speaking with two strangers, stopped in a song he was singing, and said: —
汉姆和他一样真诚。我敢说如果不是斯提尔福突然出现,他们本来会多说她很多; —

‘I didn’t know you were here, young Copperfield!’ —
‘我不知道你在这里,年轻的考珀菲尔德!’ —

(for it was not the usual visiting room) and crossed by us on his way out.

I am not sure whether it was in the pride of having such a friend as Steerforth, or in the desire to explain to him how I came to have such a friend as Mr. Peggotty, that I called to him as he was going away. —
我不确定是因为有斯提尔福这样的朋友的骄傲,还是因为想向他解释我是如何有佩格蒂先生这样的朋友,所以在他走开时我喊了他一声。 —

But I said, modestly - Good Heaven, how it all comes back to me this long time afterwards! -
但我谦逊地说 - 天哪,这一切后来都回到了我脑海中! -

‘Don’t go, Steerforth, if you please. These are two Yarmouth boatmen - very kind, good people - who are relations of my nurse, and have come from Gravesend to see me.’
‘斯提尔福,如果你愿意,请不要走。这是两位亲切友好的杨茅船工 - 是我的保姆的亲戚,从格雷夫森德来看我。’

‘Aye, aye?’ said Steerforth, returning. ‘I am glad to see them. How are you both?’

There was an ease in his manner - a gay and light manner it was, but not swaggering - which I still believe to have borne a kind of enchantment with it. —
他谈吐自如,轻松而愉快,不是自大张扬,我至今认为他的举止中蕴含着某种迷人的魅力。 —

I still believe him, in virtue of this carriage, his animal spirits, his delightful voice, his handsome face and figure, and, for aught I know, of some inborn power of attraction besides (which I think a few people possess), to have carried a spell with him to which it was a natural weakness to yield, and which not many persons could withstand. —
我依然相信,正因为他的这种态度、活力四射的精神、迷人的嗓音、英俊的容貌和身材,还有,我想,他那种天生的吸引力(我认为只有少数人具备),他身上带着一种我认为自然要向之屈服的魔力,少有人能抵挡。 —

I could not but see how pleased they were with him, and how they seemed to open their hearts to him in a moment.

‘You must let them know at home, if you please, Mr. Peggotty,’ I said, ‘when that letter is sent, that Mr. Steerforth is very kind to me, and that I don’t know what I should ever do here without him.’

‘Nonsense!’ said Steerforth, laughing. ‘You mustn’t tell them anything of the sort.’

‘And if Mr. Steerforth ever comes into Norfolk or Suffolk, Mr. Peggotty,’ I said, ‘while I am there, you may depend upon it I shall bring him to Yarmouth, if he will let me, to see your house. —
“如果斯蒂福思先生有朝一日来了诺福克或萨福克县,佩格蒂先生,”我说,“我在那儿的话,您尽管放心,我会把他带到雅茅斯去看看您的房子。” —

You never saw such a good house, Steerforth. —
“你从没见过这么好的房子,斯蒂福思。” —

It’s made out of a boat!’

‘Made out of a boat, is it?’ said Steerforth. —
“用小船做的吗?”斯蒂福思说。 —

‘It’s the right sort of a house for such a thorough-built boatman.’

‘So ‘tis, sir, so ‘tis, sir,’ said Ham, grinning. ‘You’re right, young gen’l’m’n! —
“确实,先生,确实,先生,”汉姆笑嘻嘻地说,“您说的对,小先生!大卫老爷,船工的确如此!” —

Mas’r Davy bor’, gen’l’m’n’s right. A thorough- built boatman! —
“哈哈!确实如此!”大佩格蒂说道。然而,他的谦虚使他无法像侄子那样大声地领受赞扬。 —

Hor, hor! That’s what he is, too!’

Mr. Peggotty was no less pleased than his nephew, though his modesty forbade him to claim a personal compliment so vociferously.

‘Well, sir,’ he said, bowing and chuckling, and tucking in the ends of his neckerchief at his breast: —
“好吧,先生,”他说着鞠躬笑着,把围巾的尾巴塞进胸前: —

‘I thankee, sir, I thankee! I do my endeavours in my line of life, sir.’

‘The best of men can do no more, Mr. Peggotty,’ said Steerforth. He had got his name already.

‘I’ll pound it, it’s wot you do yourself, sir,’ said Mr. Peggotty, shaking his head, ‘and wot you do well - right well! —
“我赌,这就是您的风格,先生,”佩戈蒂先生摇着头说,“而且您做得很好 - 非常好!” —

I thankee, sir. I’m obleeged to you, sir, for your welcoming manner of me. —
“谢谢您,先生。感谢您对我的欢迎方式。 —

I’m rough, sir, but I’m ready - least ways, I hope I’m ready, you unnerstand. —
“我粗鲁,先生,但我准备好了 - 至少,我希望我准备好了,您懂的。 —

My house ain’t much for to see, sir, but it’s hearty at your service if ever you should come along with Mas’r Davy to see it. —
“我的房子没什么好看的,先生,但是如果你和戴维先生一起来看的话,我们会诚心诚意接待的。 —

I’m a reg’lar Dodman, I am,’ said Mr. Peggotty, by which he meant snail, and this was in allusion to his being slow to go, for he had attempted to go after every sentence, and had somehow or other come back again; —
“我是一个真正的蜗牛,”佩戈蒂先生说,意思是蜗牛,这是因为他走得很慢,每说完一句就试图离开,但总是不知怎地又回来了; —

‘but I wish you both well, and I wish you happy!’

Ham echoed this sentiment, and we parted with them in the heartiest manner. —
哈姆附和着这种情感,我们以最热情的方式与他们告别。 —

I was almost tempted that evening to tell Steerforth about pretty little Em’ly, but I was too timid of mentioning her name, and too much afraid of his laughing at me. —
那天晚上,我几乎忍不住想告诉斯提福斯关于漂亮的小艾米丽,但我太胆怯提到她的名字,也太害怕他嘲笑我。 —

I remember that I thought a good deal, and in an uneasy sort of way, about Mr. Peggotty having said that she was getting on to be a woman; —
我记得我有点担心佩戈蒂先生说她已经长大成一个女人; —

but I decided that was nonsense.

We transported the shellfish, or the ‘relish’ as Mr. Peggotty had modestly called it, up into our room unobserved, and made a great supper that evening. —
我们把贝壳类食物,或者佩戈蒂先生谦虚地称之为“美味”的东西,悄悄地搬到我们的房间,那天晚上吃了一顿丰盛的晚餐。 —

But Traddles couldn’t get happily out of it. —
但是特拉德尔斯无法高兴起来。 —

He was too unfortunate even to come through a supper like anybody else. —
他太不幸了,甚至连像其他人一样吃顿晚餐也不能。 —

He was taken ill in the night - quite prostrate he was - in consequence of Crab; —
他在夜里病倒了,完全是被克蟹折磨得 - 由于这原因。 —

and after being drugged with black draughts and blue pills, to an extent which Demple (whose father was a doctor) said was enough to undermine a horse’s constitution, received a caning and six chapters of Greek Testament for refusing to confess.

The rest of the half-year is a jumble in my recollection of the daily strife and struggle of our lives; —
这学期的其余时间,我只记得我们生活里的日常斗争和挣扎一团糟; —

of the waning summer and the changing season; —
夏日渐晚和季节的变化; —

of the frosty mornings when we were rung out of bed, and the cold, cold smell of the dark nights when we were rung into bed again; —
阴冷的清晨我们被赶出床边,以及寒冷的夜晚,带有弥漫的冷气味,我们再被赶回床榻; —

of the evening schoolroom dimly lighted and indifferently warmed, and the morning schoolroom which was nothing but a great shivering-machine; —
微弱照明和暖气不足的晚间自习室,以及早间的自习室,简直是个冰冷的地方; —

of the alternation of boiled beef with roast beef, and boiled mutton with roast mutton; —
煮牛肉和烤牛肉的交替,煮羊肉和烤羊肉的轮换; —

of clods of bread-and-butter, dog’s-eared lesson-books, cracked slates, tear-blotted copy-books, canings, rulerings, hair-cuttings, rainy Sundays, suet-puddings, and a dirty atmosphere of ink, surrounding all.

I well remember though, how the distant idea of the holidays, after seeming for an immense time to be a stationary speck, began to come towards us, and to grow and grow. —
我清楚记得,遥远的假期概念,似乎经过很长一段时间停滞不前,开始向我们靠近、变大。 —

How from counting months, we came to weeks, and then to days; —
从数月开始,我们开始到数周,然后到天; —

and how I then began to be afraid that I should not be sent for and when I learnt from Steerforth that I had been sent for, and was certainly to go home, had dim forebodings that I might break my leg first. —
当我从史迪福那里得知我已被叫回去,并且确定要回家时,我开始担心自己可能会先摔断腿。 —

How the breaking-up day changed its place fast, at last, from the week after next to next week, this week, the day after tomorrow, tomorrow, today, tonight - when I was inside the Yarmouth mail, and going home.
打散的日子迅速改变了其日期,最后从下下周变为下周,这周,后天,明天,今天,今晚 - 当我在“雅茅斯马车”里,前往家乡。

I had many a broken sleep inside the Yarmouth mail, and many an incoherent dream of all these things. But when I awoke at intervals, the ground outside the window was not the playground of Salem House, and the sound in my ears was not the sound of Mr. Creakle giving it to Traddles, but the sound of the coachman touching up the horses.