The basket was heavy and the bundle was large, but she lugged them along like a person who did not find her especial burden in material things. —
篮子很重,绑成一大捆,但她像一个不认为自己在物质负担方面特别重的人一样拖着它们向前走。 —

Occasionally she stopped to rest in a mechanical way by some gate or post; —
偶尔她会像机械一样停下来休息在某个门或柱子旁; —

and then, giving the baggage another hitch upon her full round arm, went steadily on again.

It was a Sunday morning in late October, about four months after Tess Durbeyfield’s arrival at Trantridge, and some few weeks subsequent to the night ride in The Chase. The time was not long past daybreak, and the yellow luminosity upon the horizon behind her back lighted the ridge towards which her face was set - the barrier of the vale wherein she had of late been a stranger - which she would have to climb over to reach her birthplace. —
这是十月下旬的一个星期天早晨,距离苔丝·德比菲尔德抵达特兰特里奇已经过去大约四个月,距离她在崎岖地区的夜间骑行还有几个星期。现在刚刚破晓,她背后的地平线上泛黄的妍光照亮了她面朝的山脊-这是她要爬过去到达自己的故乡的山脉。 —

The ascent was gradual on this side, and the soil and scenery differed much from those within Blakemore Vale. Even the character and accent of the two peoples had shades of difference, despite the amalgamating effects of a roundabout railway; —
这一侧的上升是逐渐的,土壤和景色与Blakemore Vale内部大不相同。即使是两种民族的性格和口音也有细微的差别,尽管有环绕铁路的融合效果; —

so that, though less than twenty miles from the place of her sojourn at Trantridge, her native village had seemed a far-away spot. —
因此,尽管距离她在特兰特里奇停留的地方不到二十英里,她的故乡村庄似乎变得遥远了。 —

The field-folk shut in there traded northward and westward, travelled, courted, and married northward and westward, thought northward and westward; —
闭门的乡土民间向北和向西贸易,向北和向西旅行,向北和向西求爱和结婚; —

those on this side mainly directed their energies and attention to the east and south.

The incline was the same down which d’Urberville had driven with her so wildly on that day in June. Tess went up the remainder of its length without stopping, and on reaching the edge of the escarpment gazed over the familiar green world beyond, now half-veiled in mist. —
爬坡道与d’Urberville当年6月那天与她狂奔的路段相同。苔丝毫不停顿地走完剩下的路程,当她到达悬崖边缘时,凝视着远处熟悉的绿色世界,现在被薄雾半掩盖。 —

It was always beautiful from here; it was terribly beautiful to Tess to day, for since her eyes last fell upon it she had learnt that the serpent hisses where the sweet birds sing, and her views of life had been totally changed for her by the lesson. —
从这里看,它总是美丽的;今天对于苔丝来说更是美得可怕,因为自她上次看到它以来,她已经学会了在甜蜜的鸟鸣处蛇在嘶嘶,她对生活的看法已因这个教训而完全改变。 —

Verily another girl than the simple one she had been at home was she who, bowed by thought, stood still here, and turned to look behind her. —
当身心俱疲的她静静地站在这里回首时,她并非是家中那个简单的女孩了。 —

She could not bear to look forward into the Vale.

Ascending by the long white road that Tess herself had just laboured up, she saw a two-wheeled vehicle, beside which walked a man, who held up his hand to attract her attention.

She obeyed the signal to wait for him with unspeculative repose, and in a few minutes man and horse stopped beside her.

`Why did you slip away by stealth like this?’ said d’Urberville, with upbraiding breathlessness; —
“你为什么偷偷溜走呢?”d’Urberville喘着气责备道; —

`on a Sunday morning, too, when people were all in bed! —
在一个星期天早晨,人们都还在床上! —

I only discovered it by accident, and I have been driving like the deuce to overtake you. —
我只是碰巧发现了,一直开得飞快才赶上你。 —

Just look at the mare. Why go off like this? You know that nobody wished to hinder your going. —
看看那匹母马,为什么要这样匆忙?你知道没人想阻止你离开。 —

And how unnecessary it has been for you to toll along on foot, and encumber yourself with this heavy load! —
你需要这么辛苦地步行,还负担着这么重的东西,实在是没必要! —

I have followed like a madman, simply to drive you the rest of the distance, if you won’t come back.’

`I shan’t come back,’ said she.

`I thought you wouldn’t - I said so! Well, then, put up your baskets, and let me help you on.’

She listlessly placed her basket and bundle within the dog-cart, and stepped up, and they sat side by side. —
她懒散地把篮子和包放到了狗车上,然后跨上车,他们并排坐着。 —

She had no fear of him now, and in the cause of her confidence her sorrow lay.

D’Urberville mechanically lit a cigar, and the journey was continued with broken unemotional conversation on the commonplace objects by the wayside. —
德伯维尔机械地点燃了一支雪茄,两人间的交谈变得毫无情感,只是谈论路边的普通风景。 —

He had quite forgotten his struggle to kiss her when, in the early summer, they had driven in the opposite direction along the same road. —
他完全忘记了之前在初夏时分,他们朝相反的方向驶过同一条路时争执要亲吻她的事。 —

But she had not, and she sat now, like a puppet, replying to his remarks in monosyllables. —
但她并没有忘记,现在像个木偶一样,用单音节回答他的发言。 —

After some miles they came in view of the clump of trees beyond which the village of Marlott stood. —
经过几英里地路程后,他们看到了那片树林,村子马洛特就在树林的那边。 —

It was only then that her still face showed the least emotion, a tear or two beginning to trickle down.

`What are you crying for?’ he coldly asked.

I was only thinking that I was born over there,' murmured Tess. <span><tang1>我只是在想,我是在那儿出生的,’ Tess 小声说。

Well - we must all be born somewhere.' <span><tang1>嗯 - 我们都必须在某个地方出生。’

I wish I had never been born - there or anywhere else!'Pooh! —
我希望自己从来没有出生过 - 不是在那里,也不是在任何其他地方!'哼! —

Well, if you didn’t wish to come to Trantridge why did you come,’

She did not reply.

You didn't come for love of me, that I'll swear.' <span><tang1>你不是为了爱我才来的,我可以发誓。’

'Tis quite true. If I had gone for love o' you, if I had ever sincerely loved you, if I loved you still, I should not so loathe and hate myself for my weakness as I do now! --- <span><tang1>‘那是完全正确的。如果我是出于对你的爱来的,如果我曾真心爱过你,如果我现在还爱你,那我就不会像现在这样因为自己的软弱而如此厌恶和憎恶自己! —

… My eyes were dazed by you for a little, and that was all.’

He shrugged his shoulders. She resumed–

I didn't understand your meaning till it was too late.' <span><tang1>我直到为时已晚才明白你的含义。’

That's what every woman says.' <span><tang1>每个女人都会这么说。’

How can you dare to use such words!' she cried, turning impetuously upon him, her eyes flashing as the latent spirit (of which he was to see more some day) awoke in her. --- <span><tang1>你怎么敢说出这样的话!‘她冲着他急躁地说,眼睛闪闪发光,她潜在的精神(某一天他会看到更多)在她身上醒来。 —

My God! I could knock you out of the gig! --- <span><tang1>我的天!我简直想把你从车上扔出去! —

Did it never strike your mind that what every woman says some women may feel?’

Very well,' he said, laughing;I am sorry to wound you. I did wrong - I admit it.’ —
好吧,'他笑着说,我很抱歉伤害了你。我做错了-我承认。’ —

He dropped into some little bitterness as he continued: —
他继续说的时候有些带点苦涩: —

Only you needn't be so everlastingly flinging it in my face. --- <span><tang1>只是你不必老是对我口口声声地提起。 —

I am ready to pay to the uttermost farthing. —
我愿意付出最后一分钱。 —

You know you need not work in the fields or the dairies again. —
你知道你不需要再在田间或牛奶场工作了。 —

You know you may clothe yourself with the best, instead of in the bald plain way you have lately affected, as if you couldn’t get a ribbon more than you earn.’

Her lip lifted slightly, though there was little scorn, as a rule, in her large and impulsive nature.

I have said I will not take anything more from you, and I will not - I cannot! --- <span><tang1> 我已经说过我不会再接受你的任何东西,我不会 - 我不能! —

I should be your creature to go on doing that, and I won’t!’

One would think you were a princess from your manner, in addition to a true and original d'Urberville - ha! --- <span><tang1> 从你的举止来看,人们会认为你是一位公主,而且还是一个真正有原则的德伯尔 - 哈! —

ha! Well, Tess, dear, I can say no more. I suppose I am a bad fellow - a damn bad fellow. —
哈! 嗯,苔丝,亲爱的,我不能再说什么了。我想我是个坏家伙 - 一个该死的坏家伙。 —

I was born bad, and I have lived bad, and I shall die bad in all probability. —
我生来就是坏的,我一直过着坏日子,到死也可能会是个坏人。 —

But, upon my lost soul, I won’t be bad towards you again, Tess. And if certain circumstances should arise - you understand - in which you are in the least need, the least difficulty, send me one line, and you shall have by, return whatever you require. —
但是,以我已失去的灵魂发誓,我不会再对你坏。如果某种情况发生 - 你懂的 - 如果你有任何需要、任何困难,给我写一封信,你需要的一切我都会马上送给你。 —

I may not be at Trantridge - I am going to London for a time - I can’t stand the old woman. —
我可能不在特兰里奇 - 我要去伦敦一段时间 - 我忍受不了老太婆。 —

But all letters will be forwarded.’

She said that she did not wish him to drive her further, and they stopped lust under the clump of trees. —
她说她不希望他再送她,他们停在了树丛下。 —

D’Urberville alighted, and lifted her down bodily in his arms, afterwards placing her articles on the ground beside her. —
杜伯维尔下了车,亲手将她从车上抱了下来,然后把她的行李放在她身边的地上。 —

She bowed to him slightly, her eye just lingering in his; —
她微微向他鞠了一个躬,眼神在他身上停留了一下; —

and then she turned to take the parcels for departure.

Alec d’Urberville removed his cigar, bent towards her, and said–

You are not going to turn away like that, dear? Come!' <span><tang1>亲爱的,你不打算就这样走开吧?来!’

If you wish,' she answered indifferently.See how you’ve mastered me!’

She thereupon turned round and lifted her face to his, and remained like a marble term while he imprinted a kiss upon her cheek-half perfunctorily, half as if zest had not yet quite died out. —
说完她转过身,抬起脸让他亲吻,并像一尊大理石雕像一样保持不动,当他在她的脸颊上印上一个吻时,半是敷衍,半是好像热情还未完全消失。 —

Her eyes vaguely rested upon the remotest trees in the lane while the kiss was given, as though she were nearly unconscious of what he did.

Now the other side, for old acquaintance' sake.' <span><tang1>现在换另一边,为了过去的熟人情谊。’

She turned her head in the same passive way, as one might turn at the request of a sketcher or hairdresser, and he kissed the other side, his lips touching cheeks that were damp and smoothly chill as the skin of the mushrooms in the fields around.

You don't give me your mouth and kiss me back. --- <span><tang1>你不会给我你的嘴,回吻我。 —

You never willingly do that - you’ll never love me, I fear.’
你从未情愿这样做过 - 我恐怕你永远不会爱我。’

I have said so, often. It is true. I have never really and truly loved you, and I think I never can.' She added mournfully,Perhaps, of all things, a lie on this thing would do the most good to me now; —
我常说过。这是真的。我从来没有真正地爱过你,我想我永远不能。'她悲伤地补充道,也许,在所有事情中,现在对此撒一个谎言会对我有最大的好处; —

but I have honour enough left, little as ‘tis, not to tell that lie. —
但我还有足够的荣誉,虽然不多,也不至于说谎。 —

If I did love you I may have the best o’ causes for letting you know it. But I don’t.’

He emitted a laboured breath, as if the scene were getting rather oppressive to his heart, or to his conscience, or to his gentility.

Well, you are absurdly melancholy, Tess. I have no reason for flattering you now, and I can say plainly that you need not be so sad. --- <span><tang1>唉,你太沮丧了,苔丝。我现在没有夸奖你的理由,可以坦率地说,你没必要如此悲伤。 —

You can hold your own for beauty against any woman of these parts, gentle or simple; —
你在美丽上可以与这个地方的任何一个女人媲美,不论是温柔的还是简单的; —

I say, it to you as a practical man and well-wisher. —
我说出这句话是出于实际情况的人和一个善意的劝告者的身份。 —

If you are wise you will it to the world more than you do before it fades. —
如果你聪明的话,你就会将它展示给世界,它会更加耀眼。 —

.. And yet, Tess, will you come back to me? —
..然而,苔丝,你会回到我身边吗? —

Upon my soul I don’t like to let you go like this!’

Never, never! I made up my mind as soon as I saw - what I ought to have seen sooner; --- <span><tang1>永远不会!我一看到 - 我早该早点看到的东西,我就已经下了决心; —

and I won’t come.’

Then good morning, my four months' cousin - good-bye!' <span><tang1>那么,早上好,我的四个月的表亲 - 再见!’

He leapt up lightly, arranged the reins, and was gone between the tall red-berried hedges.

Tess did not look after him, but slowly wound along the crooked lane. —
苔丝没有回头看他,而是缓缓地穿过迂回曲折的小路。 —

It was still early, and though the sun’s lower limb was just free of the hill, his rays, ungenial and peering, addressed the eye rather than the touch as yet. —
时间还很早,虽然太阳的低边刚刚脱离山顶,他的光芒,尚未变得温暖而迷人,暂时只是刺眼而不触及肌肤。 —

There was not a human soul near. Sad October and her sadder self seemed the only two existences haunting that lane.

As she walked, however, some footsteps approached behind her, the footsteps of a man; —
当她走时,有人的脚步声逐渐靠近,一位男子的脚步声; —

and owing to the briskness of his advance he was close at her heels and had said `Good morning’ before she had been long aware of his propinquity. —
由于他迅速的前进,他几乎就在她的脚后跟,还未察觉到他的靠近,他就已经说“早上好”了。 —

He appeared to be an artisan of some sort, and carried a tin pot of red paint in his hand. —
他看起来像是某种工匠,手里拿着一罐红漆。 —

He asked in a business-like manner if he should take her basket, which she permitted him to do, walking beside him.

`It is early to be astir this Sabbath morn!’ he said cheerfully.

`Yes,’ said Tess.

`When most people are at rest from their week’s work.’

She also assented to this.

`Though I do more real work to-day than all the week besides.’

`Do you?’

`All the week I work for the glory of man, and on Sunday for the glory of God. That’s more real than the other - hey? —
“整个周我为人的荣耀工作,而星期天为上帝的荣耀工作。这才是更为真实的 - 是吧?” —

I have a little to do here at this stile.’ —
“我在这个栅栏上有一点事要做。” —

The man turned as he spoke to an opening at the roadside leading into a pasture.’ —
说着,他转身朝着路边通往牧场的开口走去。 —

If you’ll wait a moment,‘he added, `I shall not be long.’

As he had her basket she could not well do otherwise; and she waited, observing him. —
因为他拿着她的篮子,她也无法做其他的事情;于是她静静地等着,观察着他。 —

He set down her basket and the tin pot, and stirring the paint with the brush that was in it began painting large square letters on the middle board of the three composing the stile, placing a comma after each word, as if to give pause while that word was driven well home to the reader’s heart–

你的诅咒永远不会消逝。 彼得后书ii. 3.

Against the peaceful landscape, the pale, decaying tints of the copses, the blue air of the horizon, and the lichened stile-boards, these staring vermilion words shone forth. —
在宁静的风景中,林木逐渐褪色的苍白色,地平线上的蓝色空气和苔藓覆盖的风车板旁,这些鲜红色的字眼闪亮着。 —

They seemed to shout themselves out and make the atmosphere ring. —
它们似乎在高呼,使空气响亮。 —

Some people might have cried `Alas, poor Theology!’ —
有些人可能会因为这可怕的毁坏而哭泣:“唉,可怜的神学!” —

at the hideous defacement - the last grotesque phase of a creed which had served mankind well in its time. —
这是一个曾经为人类服务良久的信仰的最后怪诞阶段。 —

But the words entered Tess with accusatory horror. —
但这些字眼却给苔丝带来了一种控诉的恐惧。 —

It was as if this man had known her recent history; yet he was a total stranger. —
䶁如这个人知道了她最近的经历;然而他却是一个完全陌生的人。 —

Having finished his text he picked up her basket, and she mechanically resumed her walk beside him.

`Do you believe what you paint?’ she asked in low tones.

`Believe that tex? Do I believe in my own existence!’

But,' said she tremulously,suppose your sin was not of your seeking?’

He shook his head.

`I cannot split hairs on that burning query,’ he said. —
“我不能就这个燃烧的问题纠缠不清,”他说。 —

`I have walked hundreds of miles this past summer, painting these texes on every wall, gate, and stile in the length and breadth of this district. —
“这个夏天我走了数百英里,将这些文字画在这个地区的每一堵墙、每一个门和每一道栅栏上。 —

I leave their application to the hearts of the people who read ‘em.’

I think they are horrible,' said Tess.Crushing! killing!’

`That’s what they are meant to be!’ he replied in a trade voice. —
“它们就是为了那个目的!”他用一种商业的声音回答。 —

`But you should read my hottest ones - them I kips for slums and seaports. They’d make ye wriggle! —
“但是你应该读一读我最火爆的那些–我把它们留给贫民窟和海港。它们会让你感到不安!” —

Not but what this is a very good tex for rural districts. —
“不过这个对于农村地区来说也是一篇很好的文字。” —

.. Ah - there’s a nice bit of blank wall up by that barn standing to waste. —
“啊–那个谷仓旁边有一块好好利用的空白墙。” —

I must put one there - one that it will be good for dangerous young females like yerself to heed. —
“我得在那里写一个–一个对像你这样危险的年轻女性有用的文字。” —

Will ye wait, missy?’

`No,’ said she; and taking her basket Tess trudged on. A little way forward she turned her head. —
“不,”她说着,提起篮子,泰丝继续前行。走了一小段路后,她回头看了一眼。 —

The old gray wall began to advertise a similar fiery lettering to the first, with a strange and unwonted mien, as if distressed at duties it had never before been called upon to perform. —
老灰色墙开始出现类似第一行那种火红色的字迹,带着一种奇怪而不同往常的神情,仿佛对自己从未被召唤去执行的职责感到痛苦。 —

It was with a sudden flush that she read and realized what was to be the inscription he was now half-way through–

THOU, SHALT, NOT, COMMIT -Her cheerful friend saw her looking, stopped his brush, and shouted– `If you want to ask for edification on these things of moment, there’s a very earnest good man going to preach a charity-sermon to-day in the parish you are going to - Mr Clare of Emminster. —
“YOU, SHALT, NOT, COMMIT” - 她那友好的朋友看见她在看,停下笔刷,喊道 - “如果你想对这些重要事情询问建议,今天在你要去的教区里有一个非常热心的好人会讲慈善布道 - 是埃明斯特的克莱尔先生。 —

I’m not of his persuasion now, but he’s a good man, and he’ll expound as well as any parson I know. —
我现在不信奉他的理念,但他是一个好人,他会解释这些事情和我认识的任何教区牧师一样好。 —

‘Twas he began the work in me.’

But Tess did not answer; she throbbingly resumed her walk, her eyes fixed on the ground. —
但泰丝没有回答,她颤抖地继续走路,眼睛盯着地面。 —

`Pooh - I don’t believe God said such things!’ —
“哼 - 我不相信上帝会说这种话!” —

she murmured contemptuously when her flush had died away.

A plume of smoke soared up suddenly from her father’s chimney, the sight of which made her heart ache. —
一股烟雾突然从她父亲的烟囱里升起,这一景象让她的心痛。 —

The aspect of the interior, when she reached it, made her heart ache more. —
她到达内部时的景象让她心痛更甚。 —

Her mother, who had just come down stairs, turned to greet her from the fireplace, where she was kindling barked-oak twigs under the breakfast kettle. —
她刚从楼上走下来,正从壁炉前回过头来问候她,她在烧早餐壶下面的橡木树皮碎屑。 —

The young children were still above, as was also her father, it being Sunday morning, when he felt justified in lying an additional half-hour.

Well! - my dear Tess!' exclaimed her surprised mother, jumping up and kissing the girl.How be ye? —
“哦!- 我亲爱的泰丝!”她惊讶地说着,跳起来亲吻了女孩。“你好吗? —

I didn’t see you till you was in upon me! —
刚才我一直没看见你进来呢! —

Have you come home to be married?’

`No, I have not come for that, mother.’

`Then for a holiday?’

`Yes - for a holiday; for a long holiday,’ said Tess.
“是的 - 为了度假;长时间的度假,” Tess说。

`What, isn’t your cousin going to do the handsome thing?’

`He’s not my cousin and he’s not going to marry me.’

Her mother eyed her narrowly.

`Come, you have not told me all,’ she said.

Then Tess went up to her mother, put her face upon Joan’s neck, and told.
然后 Tess 走到她母亲跟前,把脸贴在 Joan 的脖子上,然后说了。

`And yet th’st not got him to marry ‘ee!’ reiterated her mother. —
“可是你还没有让他娶你!”她的母亲重复道。 —

`Any woman would have done it but you, after that!’

`Perhaps any woman would except me.’

`It would have been something like a story to come back with, if you had!’ —
“如果你做到了,回来时这倒是一个相当有趣的故事!” —

continued Mrs Durbeyfield, ready to burst into tears of vexation. —
Mrs Durbeyfield 继续说,几乎要被恼怒的泪水吞没。 —

`After all the talk about you and him which has reached us here, who would have expected it to end like this! —
“在这里我们听到了关于你和他的一切闲话,谁会料到会以这种方式结束!” —

Why didn’t ye think of doing some good for your family instead o’ thinking only of yourself? —
为什么你不考虑为家人做一些好事,而只想着自己? —

See how I’ve got to teave and slave, and your poor weak father with his heart clogged like a dripping-pan. —
看看我现在不得不拼命工作,你可怜的虚弱父亲心脏像堵塞的漏勺一样。 —

I did hope for something to come out o’this! —
我本希望这件事能有所收获! —

To see what a pretty pair you and he made that day when you drove away together four months ago! —
你们那天一起离开时,看看你们多么合适! —

See what he has given us - all, as we thought, because we were his kin. —
看看他给了我们什么 -所有的一切,我们曾以为是因为我们是他的亲人。 —

But if he’s not, it must have been done because of his love for ‘ee. —
但如果他不是,那么一切可能都是因为他对你的爱。 —

And yet you’ve not got him to marry!’

Get Alec d’Urberville in the mind to marry her! He marry her! —
让亚历克斯·德伯维尔心甘情愿地娶她!他娶她! —

On matrimony he had never once said a word. And what if he had? —
关于婚姻,他从未说过一句话。即使他说了呢? —

How a convulsive snatching at social salvation might have impelled her to answer him she could not say. —
她对社会的拯救感到了强烈的渴求,也许这迫使她回答他的话。 —

But her poor foolish mother little knew her present feeling towards this man. —
但她可怜愚蠢的母亲并不了解她对这个男人的当前感受。 —

Perhaps it was unusual in the circumstances, unlucky, unaccountable; but there it was; —
也许在那种情况下这很不寻常,不幸,不能解释;但事实就是如此; —

and this, as she had said, was what made her detest herself. —
正如她所说,这就是使她厌恶自己的原因。 —

She had never wholly cared for him, she did not at all care for him now. —
她从来没有完全喜欢过他,现在也一点都不喜欢他。 —

She had dreaded him, winced before him, succumbed to adroit advantages he took of her helplessness; —
她曾害怕过他,退避他,屈服于他利用她无助的优势的手段。 —

then, temporarily blinded by his ardent manners, had been stirred to confused surrender awhile: —
非常地被他热切的态度冲动,她一度陷入困惑的投降: —

had suddenly despised and disliked him, and had run away. That was all. Hate him she did not quite; —
突然间对他感到厌恶和厌恶,然后逃跑了。就是这样。虽然她并没有憎恨他; —

but he was dust and ashes to her, and even for her name’s sake she scarcely wished to marry him.

You ought to have been more careful if you didn't mean to get him to make you his wife!' <span><tang1>如果你不是想让他娶你的妻子,你应该更小心!’

O mother, my mother!' cried the agonized girl, turning passionately upon her parent as if her poor heart would break. --- <span><tang1>哦,母亲,我母亲!’ 悲痛欲绝的女孩哭诉道,情绪激动地转向她的父母,仿佛她的可怜心灵都要崩溃了。 —

How could I be expected to know? I was a child when I left this house four months ago. --- <span><tang1>我怎么可能知道呢?四个月前我离开这房子时我还是个孩子。 —

Why didn’t you tell me there was danger in men-folk? Why didn’t you warn me? —
你为什么不告诉我男人是危险的?为什么不警告我? —

Ladies know what to fend hands against, because they read novels that tell them of these tricks; —
女士们知道如何防范这些,因为她们读过讲述这些诡计的小说; —

but I never had the chance o’ learning in that way, and you did not help me!’

Her mother was subdued.

I thought if I spoke of his fond feelings and what they might lead to, you would be hontish wi' him and lose your chance,' she murmured, wiping her eyes with her apron. --- <span><tang1>我想如果我谈到他的深情和可能导致的后果,你会对他有所保持而失去机会,’她低声说着,用围裙擦拭着眼睛。 —

Well, we must make the best of it, I suppose. --- <span><tang1>嗯,我们必须将其最大限度地利用,我想。 —

‘Tis nater, after all, and what do please God!’