There was a great stir in the milk-house just after breakfast. —
早餐后,牛奶房里一片骚动。 —

The churn revolved as usual, but the butter would not come. —
搅拌桶像往常一样旋转,但黄油就是不出来。 —

Whenever this happened the dairy was paralyzed. —
每当发生这种情况,奶房就陷入瘫痪。 —

Squish, squash, echoed the milk in the great cylinder, but never arose the sound they waited for.

Dairyman Crick and his wife, the milkmaids Tess, Marian, Retty Priddle, Izz Huett, and the married ones from the cottages; —
奶工克里克夫妇,牧羊女苔丝、玛丽安、雷蒂、伊兹和那些住在小屋里的已婚者; —

also Mr Clare, Jonathan Kail, old Deborah, and the rest, stood gazing hopelessly at the churn; —
还有克莱尔先生、乔纳森·凯尔、老黛博拉和其他人,无助地凝视着搅拌桶; —

and the boy who kept the horse going outside put on moon-like eyes to show his sense of the situation. —
拉车维持运转的男孩在外面眨着像月亮般的眼睛,以显示他对局势的理解。 —

Even the melancholy horse himself seemed to look in at the window in inquiring despair at each walk round.

`‘Tis years since I went to Conjuror Trendle’s son in Egdon - years!’ said the dairyman bitterly. —
“自我去埃及邓特尔的儿子那儿已经有好几年了,好几年了!”奶工痛苦地说道。 —

`And he was nothing to what his father had been. —
“他根本不如他父亲那样有名声。我已经说了五十遍,如果我没说过一次,我是不信这些的; —

I have said fifty times, if I have said once, that I don’t believe in en; —
虽然他真的能灵验测人的水。但如果他还活着,我就得去找他。 —

though a’ do cast folks’ waters very true. But I shall have to go to ‘n if he’s alive. —
是的,如果这种情况继续下去,我就得去找他!” —

O yes, I shall have to go to ‘n, if this sort of thing continnys!’

Even Mr Clare began to feel tragical at the dairyman’s desperation.
“卡斯特布里奇对面的法术师福尔,他们过去称他为” Wide-O”,我小时候是位很好的人,”乔纳森·凯尔说。

Conjuror Fall, t'other side of Casterbridge that they used to call "Wide-O", was a very good man when I was a boy,' said Jonathan Kail.But he’s rotten as touchwood by now.’

My grandfather used to go to Conjuror Mynterne, out at Owlscombe, and a clever man a' were, so I've heard grandf'er say, continued Mr Crick.But there’s no such genuine folk about nowadays!’
我爷爷过去经常去Owlscombe的Conjuror Mynterne,他是个聪明人,我听我爷爷说过,'继续克里克先生。但是现在没这种真正的人了!’

Mrs Crick’s mind kept nearer to the matter in hand.

Perhaps somebody in the house is in love,' she said tentatively. --- <span><tang1>也许是房里有人恋爱了,’她试探性地说。 —

I've heard tell in my younger days that that will cause it. --- <span><tang1>我年轻的时候听说过那会引起这种情况。 —

Why, Crick - that maid we had years ago, do ye mind, and how the butter didn’t come then–’

Ah yes, yes! - but that isn't the rights o't. --- <span><tang1>啊,对,对!-但是这并不是原因。 —

It had nothing to do with the love-making. —
这和恋爱无关。 —

I can mind all about it–‘twas the damage to the churn.’

He turned to Clare.

Jack Dollop, a 'hore's-bird of a fellow we had here as milker at one time, sir, courted a young woman over at Mellstock, and deceived her as he had deceived many afore. --- <span><tang1>Jack Dollop,我们这儿有个像骡子一样的家伙,有段时间在这儿当挤奶工,先生,追求了Mellstock那边的一个年轻女子,并像之前欺骗过的许多女人一样欺骗了她。 —

But he had another sort o’ woman to reckon wi’ this time, and it was not the girl herself. —
但是这次他有另一种类型的女人要对付,并不是那个女孩本人。’ —

One Holy Thursday, of all days in the almanack, we was where as we mid be now, only there was no churning in hand, when we zid the girl’s mother coming up to the door, wi’ a great brass-mounted umbrella in her hand that would ha’ felled an ox, and saying “Do Jack Dollop work here? —
`在所有日历上的日子中,偏偏是一个圣周四,我们正在类似我们现在的地方,只是这时候没有搅拌正在进行,当我们看到那女孩的母亲走到门口,手里拿着一把可以击倒一头牛的大黄铜伞,说道”Jack Dollop在这儿工作吗? —

  • because I want him! I have a big bone to pick with he, I can assure ‘n!” —
    因为我要找他!我可以确保我和他要好好谈谈!’ —

And some way behind her mother walked Jack’s young woman, crying bitterly into her handkercher. —
她母亲背后有较迟缓的步伐的走着Jack的女朋友,用手绢擦着眼泪。 —

“O Lard, here’s a time!” said jack, looking out o’ winder at ‘em. “She’ll murder me! —
“哦,老天,这下麻烦大了!”Jack举着伞看着她们说。”她要杀了我!’ —

Where shall I get-where shall I - ? Don’t tell her where I be!” —
“我应该去哪里 - 我应该 -?不要告诉她我在哪里!” —

And with that he scrambled into the churn through the trap-door, and shut himself inside, just as the young woman’s mother busted into the milk-house. —
随着这句话,他匆匆跑进了奶桶,通过活板门将自己关在里面,就在年轻女人的母亲闯入了奶房之时。 —

“The villain - where is he?” says she, “I’ll claw his face for’n, let me only catch him!” —
“恶徒 - 他在哪里?”她说,“我要抓到他,一定要抓到他!” —

Well, she hunted about everywhere, ballyragging Jack by side and by seam, Jack lying a’most stifled inside the churn, and the poor maid - or young woman rather - standing at the door crying her eyes out. —
她到处搜索着,训斥着杰克,杰克几乎窒息在奶桶里,而可怜的姑娘 - 或者应该说是年轻女人 - 站在门口伤心地流泪。 —

I shall never forget it, never! ‘Twould have melted a marble stone! —
我永远不会忘记这一幕,永远不会!这会感动一块大理石! —

But she couldn’t find him nowhere at all.’

The dairyman paused, and one or two words of comment came from the listeners.

Dairyman Crick’s stories often seemed to be ended when they were not really so, and strangers were betrayed into premature interjections of finality; —
奶工克里克的故事常常在听起来结束时并没有真正结束,新来的人往往会过早地打断说话; —

though old friends knew better. The narrator went on–
而老朋友则知道得更清楚。讲述者接着说 -

`Well, how the old woman should have had the wit to guess it I could never tell, but she found out that he was inside that there churn. —
“老太太怎么会有聪明过人的想法我就永远说不清楚,但她发现他就躲在那个奶桶里面。 —

Without saying a word she took hold of the winch (it was turned by handpower then), and round she swung him, and jack began to flop about inside. —
她没有说一句话,就拽住绞盘(那时还是手动绞动),围着他转,杰克就在里面乱跳。 —

“O Lard! stop the churn! let me out!” says he, popping out his head, “I shall be churned into a pummy!” —
“哦,天啊!停下奶桶!放我出去!”他说,露出头,“我会被绞成饼的!” —

(he was a cowardly chap in his heart, as such men mostly be). —
(他实际上是个内心懦弱的家伙,这样的人大多如此)。 —

“Not till ye make amends for ravaging her virgin innocence!” says the old woman. —
“直到你弥补对她童真无暇的侵犯!”老太太说。 —

“Stop the churn, you old witch!” screams he. “You call me old witch, do ye, you deceiver!” —
“停下奶桶,你这个老巫婆!”他尖叫道。“你竟然叫我老巫婆,是吧,你这个骗子!” —

says she, “when ye ought to ha’ been calling me mother-law these last five months!” —
她说,“这五个月来你一直应该称呼我为婆母!” —

And on went the churn, and Jack’s bones rattled round again. —
搅奶桶继续转动,杰克的骨头又开始碰撞。 —

Well, none of us ventured to interfere; and at last ‘a promised to make it right wi’ her. —
我们谁也不敢插嘴;最后他答应会和她解决。 —

“Yes - I’ll be as good as my word!” he said. —
“是的 - 我说话算话!”他说。 —

And so it ended that day.’

While the listeners were smiling their comments there was a quick movement behind their backs, and they looked round. —
听众们正在笑着评论时,他们身后突然发生了一个快速的动作,他们回过头去看。 —

Tess, pale-faced, had gone to the door.

`How warm ‘tis to-day!’ she said, almost inaudibly.

It was warm, and none of them connected her withdrawal with the reminiscences of the dairyman. —
天气确实很热,他们没有把她的离开与牛奶工的回忆联系起来。 —

He went forward, and opened the door for her, saying with tender raillery–

Why, maidy' (he frequently, with unconscious irony, gave her this pet name),the prettiest milker I’ve got in my dairy; —
“小姑娘”(他经常无意识地讽刺地叫她这个昵称),“我牛奶场里最漂亮的挤奶工; —

you mustn’t get so fagged as this at the first breath of summer weather, or we shall be finely put to for want of ‘ee by dog-days, shan’t we, Mr Clare?’

`I was faint - and - I think I am better out o’ doors,’ she said mechanically; —
“我晕过去了 - 我觉得出去呼吸新鲜空气会好一些,”她机械地说道; —

and disappeared outside.

Fortunately for her the milk in the revolving churn at that moment changed its squashing for a decided flick-flack.

`‘Tis coming!’ cried Mrs Crick, and the attention of all was called off from Tess.

That fair sufferer soon recovered herself externally, but she remained much depressed all the afternoon. —
那位美丽的受害者很快从外表上恢复过来,但整个下午她都心情低落。 —

When the evening milking was done she did not care to be with the rest of them, and went out of doors wandering along she knew not whither. —
晚上挤奶结束后,她不想和其他人在一起,走到户外,不知走向何处。 —

She was wretched - O so wretched - at the perception that to her companions the dairyman’s story had been rather a humorous narration than otherwise; —
她感到十分痛苦-哦,如此痛苦-因为对她的同伴们来说,牧场主的故事只是一个幽默的叙述,而不是其他什么; —

none of them but herself seemed to see the sorrow of it; —
除她之外没有人似乎意识到这个故事的悲伤; —

to a certainty, not one knew how cruelly it touched the tender place in her experience. —
毫无疑问,没有人知道它是如何残忍地触及她经历中的柔软处。 —

The evening sun was now ugly to her, like a great inflamed wound in the sky. —
现在傍晚的太阳对她来说变得难看起来,就像天空中的一处巨大的发炎伤口。 —

Only a solitary cracked-voiced reed-sparrow greeted her from the bushes by the river, in a sad, machine-made tone, resembling that of a past friend whose friendship she had outworn.

In these long June days the milkmaids, and, indeed, most of the household, went to bed at sunset or sooner, the morning work before milking being so early and heavy at a time of full pails. —
在这些漫长的六月日子里,挤奶女工,实际上是家里大部分人在日落时候或更早就上床睡觉了,因为清晨挤奶前的工作都很早很重。 —

Tess usually accompanied her fellows upstairs. —
苔丝通常会和其他女工一起上楼。 —

To-night, however, she was the first to go to their common chamber; —
但是今晚,她是第一个来到他们共用房间的。 —

and she had dozed when the other girls came in. —
当其他女孩进来时,她已经打瞌睡了。 —

She saw them undressing in the orange light of the vanished sun, which flushed their forms with its colour; —
她看到她们在夕阳消失后的橙色光线中脱衣服,身体因为光线而泛红; —

she dozed again, but she was reawakened by their voices, and quietly turned her eyes towards them.

Neither of her three chamber-companions had got into bed. —
她的三个室友中没有一个上床睡觉。 —

They were standing in a group, in their nightgowns, barefooted, at the window, the last red rays of the west still warming their faces and necks, and the walls around them. —
他们站在一起,穿着睡衣,赤脚,站在窗前,西边最后的红光依然温暖着他们的脸颊和脖子,以及周围的墙壁。 —

All were watching somebody in the garden with deep interest, their three faces close together: —
所有人都在专心地看着花园里的某个人,他们三个的脸挨得很近: —

a jovial and round one, a pale one with dark hair and a fair one whose tresses were auburn.

`Don’t push! You can see as well as I,’ said Retty, the auburn-haired and youngest girl, without removing her eyes from the window.

`‘Tis no use for you to be in love with him any more than me, Retty Priddle,’ said jolly-faced Marian, the eldest, silly. —
“你对他着迷也没用,蕾提·普里德尔,” 大姐玛丽安开心地说道。 —

`His thoughts be of other cheeks than thine!’

Retty Priddle still looked, and the others looked again.

`There he is again!’ cried Izz Huett, the pale girl with dark damp hair and keenly cut lips.

You needn't say anything, Izz,' answered Retty.For I zid you kissing his shade.’

`What did you see her doing?’ asked Marian.

`Why - he was standing over the whey-tub to let off the whey, and the shade of his face came upon the wall behind, close to Izz, who was standing there filling a vat. —
“为什么——他站在拉制乳清的桶旁边,倒掉乳清,他的脸的影子出现在墙上,靠近伊茨,她站在那里在灌满一个桶。” —

She put her mouth against the wall and kissed the shade of his mouth; —
她把嘴凑到墙上,吻了他嘴的影子; —

I zid her, though he didn’t.’

`O Izz Huett!’ said Marian.

A rosy spot came into the middle of Izz Huett’s cheek.

`Well, there was no harm in it,’ she declared, with attempted coolness. —
“好吧,这没有什么坏处,”她试图保持冷静地说。 —

`And if I be in love wi’en, so is Retty, too; —
“如果我爱他,蕾蒂也是; —

and so be you, Marian, come to that.’

Marian’s full face could not blush past its chronic pinkness.

I!' she said.What a tale! Ah, there he is again! Dear eyes - dear face - dear Mr Clare!’
“我!”她说。“多么可笑的说法!啊,他又来了!亲爱的眼睛 – 亲爱的脸 – 亲爱的克莱尔先生!”

`There - you’ve owned it!’

`So have you - so have we all,’ said Marian, with the dry frankness of complete indifference to opinion. —
“你也承认了 – 我们所有人都承认了,”玛丽安以完全漠视他人看法的干脆直率说。 —

`It is silly to pretend otherwise amongst ourselves, though we need not own it to other folks. —
“在我们之间假装否认是愚蠢的,虽然我们不必向别人承认。 —

I would just marry ‘n to-morrow!’

`So would I - and more,’ murmured Izz Huett.
“我也是 – 还有更多,”伊兹·休特低语道。

`And I too,’ whispered the more timid Retty.

The listener grew warm.

`We can’t all marry him,’ said Izz.

We shan't, either of us; which is worse still,' said the eldest.There he is again!’

They all three blew him a silent kiss.

Why?' asked Retty quickly. <span><tang1>为什么?’瑞蒂迅速问道。

Because he likes Tess Durbeyfield best,' said Marian, lowering her voice. --- <span><tang1>因为他最喜欢的是苔丝·德北菲尔德,‘玛丽安压低声音说道。 —

I have watched him every day, and have found it out.' <span><tang1>我每天都在观察他,已经发现了这一点。’

There was a reflective silence.

But she don't care anything for 'n?' at length breathed Retty. <span><tang1>但她对他一点兴趣都没有?’最终瑞蒂轻声说道。

Well - I sometimes think that too.' <span><tang1>嗯-我有时也这么想。’

But how silly all this is!' said Izz Huett impatiently. --- <span><tang1>但这一切都太愚蠢了!’伊茨·休特不耐烦地说道。 —

Of course he won't marry any one of us, or Tess either - a gentleman's son, who's going to be a great landowner and farmer abroad! --- <span><tang1>当然他不会娶我们任何一个,也不会娶苔丝-他是绅士之子,即将成为海外的一位大地主和农场主! —

More likely to ask us to come wi’en as farm-hands at so much a year!’

One sighed, and another sighed, and Marian’s plump figure sighed biggest of all. —
一个人叹息,另一个叹息,而玛丽安丰满的身影叹息得最大。 —

Somebody in bed hard by sighed too. Tears came into the eyes of Retty Priddle, the pretty red-haired youngest - the last bud of the Paridelles, so important in the county annals. —
旁边床上可能也有人在叹息。红发漂亮的年轻的瑞蒂·普里德尔的眼里泪水涌现出来-她是帕里德勒家族的最后一个嫩芽,在郡志中非常重要。 —

They watched silently a little longer, their three faces still close together as before, and the triple hues of their hair mingling. —
他们继续默默地观看着,他们三个的脸仍然紧贴在一起,他们头发的三种颜色交织在一起。 —

But the unconscious Mr Clare had gone indoors, and they saw him no more; —
但毫无察觉的克莱尔先生已经走进了屋内,他们再也没有看到他; —

and, the shades beginning to deepen, they crept into their beds. —
开始变暗后,他们爬进了自己的床上。 —

In a few minutes they heard him ascend the ladder to his own room. —
几分钟后,他们听到他爬上梯子到自己的房间。 —

Marian was soon snoring, but Izz did not drop into forgetfulness for a long time. —
玛丽安很快就开始打呼噜了,但伊兹好一阵子才进入了睡眠状态。 —

Retty Priddle cried herself to sleep.

The deeper-passioned Tess was very far from sleeping even then. —
更热烈的忐忑离睡眠还很远。 —

This conversation was another of the bitter pills she had been obliged to swallow that day. —
这段谈话是她当天不得不接受的又一颗苦药。 —

Scarce the least feeling of jealousy arose in her breast. —
她心中几乎没有丝毫嫉妒之情。 —

For that matter she knew herself to have the preference. —
事实上,她知道自己更受偏爱。 —

Being more finely formed, better educated, and, though the youngest except Retty, more woman than either, she perceived that only the slightest ordinary care was necessary for holding her own in Angel Clare’s heart against these her candid friends. —
身材更好,受教育更好,尽管除了瑞蒂以外最年轻,却比任何人更有女人味,她意识到在安吉尔·克莱的心中,只需要非常普通的注意就能保持自己的位置,远胜过那些真诚的朋友们。 —

But the grave question was, ought she to do this? —
但重要的问题是,她是否应该这样做? —

There was, to be sure, hardly a ghost of a chance for either of them, in a serious sense; —
当然,在严肃的意义上,几乎没有任何机会, —

but there was, or had been, a chance of one or the other inspiring him with a passing fancy for her, and enjoying the pleasure of his attentions while he stayed here. —
但过去或许有过一丝可能,一方或另一方会让他为她有过一时的兴趣,享受他在这里时对她的关注所带来的快乐。 —

Such unequal attachments had led to marriage; —
这种不对等的感情关系曾经导致了婚姻; —

and she had heard from Mrs Crick that Mr Clare had one day asked, in a laughing way, what would be the use of his marrying a fine lady, and all the while ten thousand acres of Colonial pasture to feed, and cattle to rear, and corn to reap. —
她从克里克太太那里听说过,克莱先生曾经开玩笑地问过,如果他娶了一个上流女士,而自己却有上万英亩的殖民地牧场要养活,要饲养牲畜,要收割谷物,那会有什么用。 —

A farm-woman would be the only sensible kind of wife for him. —
对他来说,一个农场女人才是唯一明智的妻子。 —

But whether Mr Clare had spoken seriously or not, why should she, who could never conscientiously allow any man to marry her now, and who had religiously determined that she never would be tempted to do so, draw off Mr Clare’s attention from other women, for the brief happiness of sunning herself in his eyes while he remained at Talbothays?