Clare arose in the light of a dawn that was ashy and furtive, as though associated with crime. —
克莱尔在灰暗而隐秘的黎明中醒来,就像与犯罪有关。 —

The fireplace confronted him with its extinct embers; —
壁炉用灭了的余烬对视着他; —

the spread supper-table, whereon stood the two full glasses of untasted wine, now flat and filmy; —
摆在桌上的晚餐,两杯未尝的葡萄酒,如今变得平淡而朦胧; —

her vacated seat and his own; the other articles of furniture, with their eternal look of not being able to help it, their intolerable inquiry what was to be done? —
她空出的座位和他自己的座位;其他家具,永远看着像无能为力,让人无法忍受地问:该怎么办? —

From above there was no sound; but in a few minutes there came a knock at the door. —
从楼上没传来声音;但几分钟后,门外响起敲门声。 —

He remembered that it would be the neighbouring cottager’s wife, who was to minister to their wants while they remained here.

The presence of a third person in the house would be extremely awkward just now, and, being already dressed, he opened the window and informed her that they could manage to shift for themselves that morning. —
现在有第三人进入房子会非常尴尬,而且已经穿好衣服的他打开窗户告诉她,他们早晨的事情自己可以搞定。 —

She had a milk-can in her hand, which he told her to leave at the door. —
她手里拿着一只牛奶罐,他告诉她把它放在门口。 —

When the dame had gone away he searched in the back quarters of the house for fuel, and speedily lit a fire. —
当那位妇人离开后,他在房子的后面找了些燃料,很快点燃了火。 —

There was plenty of eggs, butter, bread, and so on in the larder, and Clare soon had breakfast laid, his experiences at the dairy having rendered him facile in domestic preparations. —
储藏室里有足够的鸡蛋、黄油、面包等食物,克莱尔很快就搭起了早餐,他在乳品场的经历让他在家务准备方面得心应手。 —

The smoke of the kindled wood rose from the chimney without like a lotus-headed column; —
点燃木头时产生的烟从烟囱里向外升起,形成一根荷花头柱; —

local people who were passing by saw it, and thought of the newly-married couple, and envied their happiness.

Angel cast a final glance round, and then going to the foot of the stairs, called in a conventional voice–

`Breakfast is ready!’

He opened the front door, and took a few steps in the morning air. —
他打开前门,走了几步进入清晨的空气。 —

When, after a short space, he came back she was already in the sitting-room, mechanically readjusting the breakfast things. —
当他短暂离开后回来时,她已经在客厅里,机械地重新摆放着早餐用具。 —

As she was fully attired, and the interval since his calling her had been but two or three minutes, she must have been dressed or nearly so before he went to summon her. —
由于她穿着整齐,并且他叫她的间隔只有两三分钟,她在他去叫她之前肯定已经穿好或接近穿好衣服了。 —

Her hair was twisted up in a large round mass at the back of her head, and she had put on one of the new frocks - a pale blue woollen garment with neck-frillings of white. —
她把头发盘在头后的一个大圆形发髻上,穿着其中一件新裙子——一件淡蓝色羊毛衣服,领口处有白色褶边。 —

Her hands and face appeared to be cold, and she had possibly been sitting dressed in the bedroom a long time without any fire. —
她的手和脸看起来很冷,可能已经穿着衣服坐在卧室里很久了而没有生火。 —

The marked civility of Clare’s tone in calling her seemed to have inspired her, for the moment, with a new glimmer of hope. —
克莱尔称她时的显著礼貌口吻似乎激发了她,暂时给予了她新的一线希望。 —

But it soon died when she looked at him.

The pair were, in truth, but the ashes of their former fires. —
事实上,他们俩只剩下残破的余渣。 —

To the hot sorrow of the previous night had succeeded heaviness; —
在之前激烈的悲伤之后,沉重感接踵而至; —

it seemed as if nothing could kindle either of them to fervour of sensation any more.

He spoke gently to her, and she replied with a like undemonstrativeness. —
他温柔地对她说话,她以同样平淡的方式回答。 —

At last she came up to him, looking in his sharply-defined face as one who had no consciousness that her own formed a visible object also.

`Angel!’ she said, and paused, touching him with her fingers lightly as a breeze, as though she could hardly believe to be there in the flesh the man who was once her lover. —
“安吉尔!”她说着停下,轻轻地用手指触摸着他,几乎像微风一样,仿佛她几乎不能相信曾经是她的情人的这个男人真的在这里。 —

Her eyes were bright, her pale cheek still showed its wonted roundness, though half-dried tears had left glistening traces thereon; —
她的眼睛闪闪发亮,她苍白的脸颊上仍然显现出它惯常的圆润,尽管半干的眼泪在上面留下闪闪发光的痕迹; —

and the usually ripe red mouth was almost as pale as her cheek. —
平时饱满红润的嘴唇几乎和她的脸颊一样苍白。 —

Throbbingly alive as she was still, under the stress of her mental grief the life beat so brokenly, that a little further pull upon it would cause real illness, dull her characteristic eyes, and make her mouth thin.

She looked absolutely pure. Nature, in her fantastic trickery, had set such a seal of maidenhood upon Tess’s countenance that he gazed at her with a stupefied air.

`Tess! Say it is not true! No, it is not true!’

It is true.'Every word?’
“这是真的。” “每个字吗?”

`Every word.’

He looked at her imploringly, as if he would willingly have taken a lie from her lips, knowing it to be one, and have made of it, by some sort of sophistry, a valid denial. —
他带着乞求的眼神看着她,就像愿意从她嘴里接受一个谎言,明知它是谎言,并通过某种诡辩将其变为有效的否认。 —

However, she only repeated–

`It is true.’

`Is he living?’ Angel then asked.

`The baby died.’

`But the man?’

`He is alive.’

A last despair passed over Clare’s face.

`Is he in England?’


He took a few vague steps.

My position - is this,' he said abruptly. --- <span><tang1>我的立场就是这样。’他突然说道。 —

I thought - any man would have thought - that by giving up all ambition to win a wife with social standing, with fortune, with knowledge of the world, I should secure rustic innocence as surely as I should secure pink cheeks; --- <span><tang1>我认为 - 任何人都会认为 - 放弃一切争取拥有社会地位、财富、世故的妻子的野心,我应该能够确保乡村纯真,就像我应该确保粉红的面颊一样; —

but - However, I am no man to reproach you, and I will not.’
但 - 无论如何,我不是来责备你的人,我也不想这样做。’

Tess felt his position so entirely that the remainder had not been needed. —
塞丝对他的立场感到非常了解,所以后面的话并不必要。 —

Therein lay just the distress of it; she saw that he had lost all round.

Angel - I should not have let it go on to marriage with you if I had not known that, after all, there was a last way out of it for you; --- <span><tang1>安吉尔 - 如果我不知道,在和你结婚之前,你还有最后一种方式摆脱这一切; —

though I hoped you would never——’

Her voice grew husky.

A last way?' <span><tang1>最后一种方式?’

I mean, to get rid of me. You can get rid of me.' <span><tang1>我是说,摆脱我。你可以摆脱我。’

How?' <span><tang1>怎么样?’

By divorcing me.' <span><tang1>通过离婚。’

Good heavens - how can you be so simple! How can I divorce you?' <span><tang1>天哪 - 你怎么能如此简单!我怎么可能和你离婚?’

Can't you - now I have told you? I thought my confession would give you grounds for that.' <span><tang1>难道你们 - 现在我告诉你了吗?我以为我的坦白会给你提供理由。’

O Tess - you are too, too - childish - unformed - crude, I suppose! --- <span><tang1>哦,塞丝 - 你太,太 - 幼稚 - 未成熟 - 粗糙,我想!’ —

I don’t know what you are. You don’t understand the law - you don’t understand!’
我不知道你是什么。你不懂法律 - 你不明白!

What - you cannot?' <span><tang1>什么 - 你不能?’

Indeed I cannot.' <span><tang1>确实我不能。’

A quick shame mixed with the misery upon his listener’s face.

I thought - I thought,' she whispered.O, now I see how wicked I seem to you! —
我以为 - 我以为,'她低声说。哦,现在我明白我在你眼中看起来是多么邪恶! —

Believe me - believe me, on my soul, I never thought but that you could! I hoped you would not; —
相信我 - 相信我,我发誓,我从来没有想过你不会!我希望你不会; —

yet I believed, without a doubt, that you could cast me off if you were determined, and didn’t love me at - at - all!’
但我毫无疑问地相信,如果你下定决心,且没有爱我 - 我会被抛弃!’

You were mistaken,' he said. <span><tang1>你误会了,’他说。

O, then I ought to have done it, to have done it last night! --- <span><tang1>哦,那么我本应该这样做的,昨晚就应该这样做! —

But I hadn’t the courage. That’s just like me!’

The courage to do what?' <span><tang1>勇气做什么?’

As she did not answer he took her by the hand.

What were you thinking of doing?' he inquired. <span><tang1>你在想做什么?’他问道。

Of putting an end to myself.' <span><tang1>想结束自己的生命。’

When?' <span><tang1>什么时候?’

She writhed under this inquisitorial manner of his. Last night,' she answered. <span><tang1>她在他这样审问的方式下扭动着身体。昨晚,’她回答道。

Where?' <span><tang1>在哪里?’

Under your mistletoe.' <span><tang1>在你的槲寄生下面。’

My good - ! How?' he asked sternly. <span><tang1>天哪 - ! 怎么会?’他严厉地问道。

I'll tell you, if you won't be angry with me!'she said, shrinking.It was with the cord of my box. —
我会告诉你,如果你不会对我生气的话!'她缩了缩身子。是用我箱子的绳子。 —

But I could not - do the last thing! I was afraid that it might cause a scandal to your name.’
但我没法 - 不敢做最后一步!我害怕可能会让你声名扫地。

The unexpected quality of this confession, wrung from her, and not volunteered, shook him perceptibly. —
她被挤出来的这个意外的自白的属性,而非自愿的,震撼了他。 —

But he still held her, and, letting his glance fall from her face downwards, he said,

Now, listen to this. You must not dare to think of such a horrible thing! --- <span><tang1>现在,听着。你绝对不能再想这么可怕的事情! —

How could you! You will promise me as your husband to attempt that no more.’

I am ready to promise. I saw how wicked it was.' <span><tang1>我愿意答应。我看到这是多么邪恶的事情。

Wicked! The idea was unworthy of you beyond description.' <span><tang1>邪恶!这个想法对你而言简直是不堪设想的。

But, Angel,' she pleaded, enlarging her eyes in calm unconcern upon him,it was thought of entirely on your account - to set you free without the scandal of the divorce that I thought you would have to get. —
但是,安吉尔,'她恳求着,眼睛微微放大注视着他,这完全是为了你考虑 - 为了让你摆脱不得不面对的离婚丑闻。 —

I should never have dreamt of doing it on mine. —
我永远不会想到为了我自己而这么做。 —

However, to do it with my own hand is too good for me, after all. —
无论如何,用我自己的手去做这件事对我来说也太优雅了。 —

It is you, my ruined husband, who ought to strike the blow. —
就是你,我的垮掉的丈夫,应该出手解决。 —

I think I should love you more, if that were possible, if you could bring yourself to do it, since there’s no other way of escape for ‘ee. —
我想如果可能的话,我会更爱你,如果你能够做到的话,因为这是唯一的逃脱之路。 —

I feel I am so utterly worthless! So very greatly in the way!’

Ssh!' <span><tang1>嘘!’

Well, since you say no, I won't. I have no wish opposed to yours.' <span><tang1>好吧,既然你说不,我就不会了。我没有任何与你相悖的愿望。’

He knew this to be true enough. Since the desperation of the night her activities had dropped to zero, and there was no further rashness to be feared.

Tess tried to busy herself again over the breakfast-table with more or less success, and they sat down both on the same side, so that their glances did not meet. —
塞丝试图再次忙碌起来,围绕着早餐桌,有多有少成功地做着,他们俩坐在同一侧,这样他们的目光不会相遇。 —

There was at first something awkward in hearing each other eat and drink, but this could not be escaped; —
听到对方吃喝的声音一开始有些尴尬,但无法避免; —

moreover, the amount of eating done was small on both sides. —
况且,双方的吃食量都很少。 —

Breakfast over he rose, and telling her the hour at which he might be expected to dinner, went off to the miller’s in a mechanical pursuance of the plan of studying that business, which had been his only practical reason for coming here.

When he was gone Tess stood at the window, and presently saw his form crossing the great stone bridge which conducted to the mill premises. —
当他走了之后,塞丝站在窗前,很快看见他的身影穿过通往磨坊场地的大石桥。 —

He sank behind it, crossed the railway beyond, and disappeared. —
他消失在桥后,穿过铁路,然后消失在远处。 —

Then, without a sigh, she turned her attention to the room, and began clearing the table and setting it in order.

The charwoman soon came. Her presence was at first a strain upon Tess, but afterwards an alleviation. At half-past twelve she left her assistant alone in the kitchen, and, returning to the sitting-room, waited for the reappearance of Angel’s form behind the bridge.

About one he showed himself. Her face flushed, although he was a quarter of a mile off. —
大约一点,他出现了。她的脸红了,虽然他离她有四分之一英里远。 —

She ran to the kitchen to get the dinner served by the time he should enter. —
她跑进厨房,希望能在他进来之前把晚饭准备好。 —

He went first to the room where they had washed their hands together the day before, and as he entered the sitting-room the dish-covers rose from the dishes as if by his own motion.

`How punctual!’ he said.

`Yes. I saw you coming over the bridge,’ said she.

The meal was passed in commonplace talk of what he had been doing during the morning at the Abbey Mill, of the methods of bolting and the old-fashioned machinery, which he feared would not enlighten him greatly on modern improved methods, some of it seeming to have been in use ever since the days it ground for the monks in the adjoining conventual buildings - now a heap of ruins. —
晚餐中,他们聊了些他上午在修道院磨坊所做的事情,关于过筛和那些老式的机器,他觉得这些会对他对现代改进的方法没有太大帮助,有些机器似乎从它为隔壁修道院建筑里的僧侣磨粮时起就一直在使用了,现在那里已经成了一堆废墟。 —

He left the house again in the course of an hour, coming home at dusk, and occupying himself through the evening with his papers. —
大约过了一个小时,他再次离开房子,黄昏时回来,整个晚上都在忙着整理文件。 —

She feared she was in the way, and, when the old woman was gone, retired to the kitchen, where she made herself busy as well as she could for more than an hour.

Clare’s shape appeared at the door.

You must not work like this,'he said.You are not my servant; you are my wife.’

She raised her eyes, and brightened somewhat. `I may think myself that - indeed?’ —
她抬起眼睛,神情稍微亮堂。“我可以这么认为吗-真的?” —

she murmured, in piteous raillery. `You mean in name! —
她轻声嘲讽地说。“你的意思是在名义上! —

Well, I don’t want to be anything more.’

`You may think so, Tess! You are. What do you mean?’

`I don’t know,’ she said hastily, with tears in her accents. —
“我不知道,”她匆忙地说,声音中带着泪水。 —

`I thought I - because I am not respectable, I mean. —
“我以为我-因为我不体面,我是说。” —

I told you I thought I was not respectable enough long ago - and on that account I didn’t want to marry you, only - only you urged me!’
我早就告诉过你,我觉得自己不够体面 - 正因为这个原因我不想嫁给你,只有你坚持!

She broke into sobs, and turned her back to him. —
她突然哭泣起来,背对着他。 —

It would almost have won round any man but Angel Clare. Within the remote depths of his constitution, so gentle and affectionate as he was in general, there lay hidden a hard logical deposit, like a vein of metal in a soft loam, which turned the edge of everything that attempted to traverse it. —
这几乎足以打动任何人了,但安吉尔·克莱尔除外。在他的性情远处,虽然通常温和和体贴,但却隐藏着一层坚硬的逻辑沉淀,就像软泥中的一层金属,阻挡着一切试图穿越它的东西。 —

It had blocked his acceptance of the Church; —
这阻碍了他对教会的接纳; —

it blocked his acceptance of Tess. Moreover, his affection itself was less fire than radiance, and, with regard to the other sex, when he ceased to believe he ceased to follow: —
这也阻碍了他对苔丝的接纳。此外,他的感情本身不是热情,而是辉煌,对于另一性别,一旦他不再相信,他就不再追随: —

contrasting in this with many impressionable natures, who remain sensuously infatuated with what they intellectually despise. —
在这方面,他与许多容易受影响的性情相反,他们对他们在智力上所鄙视的东西仍然感情用事。 —

He waited till her sobbing ceased.

`I wish half the women in England were as respectable as you,’ he said, in an ebullition of bitterness against womankind in general. —
“我希望英格兰有一半的女人像你这样体面”,他说,对全体女性感到痛苦的愤怒之情爆发了出来。 —

`It isn’t a question of respectability, but one of principle!’

He spoke such things as these and more of a kindred sort to her, being still swayed by the antipathetic wave which warps direct souls with such persistence when once their vision finds itself mocked by appearances. —
他对她说了这样更多类似的话,仍然被那种当视野一遭受嘲弄时如此扭曲坚定的潮流所影响。 —

There was, it is true, underneath, a back current of sympathy through which a woman of the world might have conquered him. —
在底层确实有一股同情的回流,通过这股回流,一个精明的女人也许会征服他。 —

But Tess did not think of this; she took everything as her deserts, and hardly opened her mouth. —
但苔丝没有考虑到这一点;她认为所有事情都是应得的,几乎不开口。 —

The firmness of her devotion to him was indeed almost pitiful; —
她对他的忠诚的坚定确实几乎令人怜悯; —

quick tempered as she naturally was, nothing that he could say made her unseemly; —
因为她本性易怒,但无论他说什么都不会失态; —

she sought not her own; was not provoked; thought no evil of his treatment of her. —
她不自私;不轻易发怒;对他的对待从不心生恶意。 —

She might just now have been Apostolic Charity herself returned to a self-seeking modern world.

This evening, night, and morning were passed precisely as the preceding ones had been passed. —
这个晚上,夜晚和早晨就像之前的几个一样度过。 —

On one, and only one, occasion did she - the formerly free and independent Tess - venture to make any advances. —
只有在一次,她 - 曾经自由独立的苔丝 - 敢主动一些。 —

It was on the third occasion of his starting after a meal to go out to the flour-mill. —
就在他吃完饭后第三次准备出去去磨坊的时候。 —

As he was leaving the table he said `Good-bye’, and she replied in the same words, at the same time inclining her mouth in the way of his. —
他离开餐桌时说“再见”,她以同样的话回答,同时朝他的嘴靠近。 —

He did not avail himself of the invitation, saying, as he turned hastily aside’–

`I shall be home punctually.’

Tess shrank into herself as if she had been struck. —
苔丝退缩,好像被打了。 —

Often enough had he tried to reach those lips against her consent - often had he said gaily that her mouth and breath tasted of the butter and eggs and milk and honey on which she mainly lived, that he drew sustenance from them, and other follies of that sort. —
他曾多次试图在没有得到她的同意的情况下接近那双唇,他曾欢快地说过,她的口气和呼吸味道像她主要靠的奶油、鸡蛋、牛奶和蜂蜜,他从中获得养分,以及其他这样的傻话。 —

But he did not care for them now. He observed her sudden shrinking, and said gently–

`You know, I have to think of a course. It was imperative that we should stay together a little while, to avoid the scandal to you that would have resulted from our immediate parting. —
“你知道,我必须考虑一下。我们必须在一起待一段时间,以避免你立即分开的丑闻。 —

But you must see it is only for form’s sake.’

`Yes,’ said Tess absently.

He went out, and on his way to the mill stood still, and wished for a moment that he had responded yet more kindly, and kissed her once at least.

Thus they lived through this despairing day or two; in the same house, truly; —
因此他们度过了这悲哀的一两天; 在同一栋房子里,确实; —

but more widely apart than before they were lovers. —
但现在他们之间的距离比以前更加遥远。 —

It was evident to her that he was, as he had said, living with paralyzed activities, in his endeavour to think of a plan of procedure. —
她明显感觉到,正如他所说的,他正生活在一种活动瘫痪的状态,努力想出一个行动计划。 —

She was awe-stricken to discover such determination under such apparent flexibility. —
她惊讶地发现在表面柔韧之下隐藏着如此坚定的决心。 —

His consistency was, indeed, too cruel. She no longer expected forgiveness now. —
他的坚定已经太残酷了。她不再指望得到宽恕。 —

More than once she thought of going away from him during his absence at the mill; —
她曾多次想在他去磨坊时离开他; —

but she feared that this, instead of benefiting him, might be the means of hampering and humiliating him yet more if it should become known.

Meanwhile Clare was meditating, verily. His thought had been unsuspended; —
与此同时,克莱尔在进行深思熟虑。他的思绪一直没有停歇; —

he was becoming ill with thinking; eaten out with thinking, withered by thinking; —
他开始因思虑而生病;被思虑消耗殆尽;被思虑腐蚀;被思虑吞噬,被思虑消瘦; —

scourged out of all his former pulsating flexuous domesticity. —
这一切都使他摆脱了他以往那种弹性的家庭生活。 —

He walked about saying to himself, `What’s to be done - what’s to be done?’ —
他走来走去,对自己说:“该怎么办 - 该怎么办?” —

and by chance she overheard him. It caused her to break the reserve about their future which had hitherto prevailed.

`I suppose - you are not going to live with me - long, are you, Angel?’ —
“我想 - 你应该不打算和我一起住太久了,对吧,安吉尔?”她问道,嘴角下沉的表情透露出她如何以纯粹机械的方式保持着脸上那种克制的宁静神色。 —

she asked, the sunk corners of her mouth betraying how purely mechanical were the means by which she retained that expression of chastened calm upon her face.

I cannot,' he said,without despising myself, and what is worse, perhaps, despising you. —
我是说,当然,不能以平常的方式和你在一起生活。 —

I mean, of course, cannot live with you in the ordinary sense. —
生活在一起意味着称我自己和你,不是吗。” —

At present, whatever I feel, I do not despise you. —
目前,无论我有什么感觉,我都不鄙视你。 —

And, let me speak plainly, or you may not see all my difficulties. —
让我直言不讳,否则你可能无法看到我所有的困难。 —

How can we live together while that man lives? —
当那个男人还活着的时候,我们怎么能一起生活呢? —

  • he being your husband in Nature, and not I. If he were dead it might be different… . —
    - 他在自然界中是你的丈夫,而不是我。如果他死了,情况可能会不同…。 —

Besides, that’s not all the difficulty; it lies in another consideration - one bearing upon the future of other people than ourselves. —
除此之外,还有一个困难;这关系到除我们之外的其他人的未来。 —

Think of years to come, and children being born to us, and this past matter getting known - for it must get known. —
想想未来的岁月,想想我们的孩子即将出生,这个过去的事情会被揭露出来 - 因为它必定会被揭露出来。 —

There is not an uttermost part of the earth but somebody comes from it or goes to it from elsewhere. Well, think of wretches of our flesh and blood growing up under a taunt which they will gradually get to feel the full force of with their expanding years. —
地球上没有绝对的一隅不会有人来自别处或前往别处。 想想我们的血脉中的孩子以及他们逐渐意识到这个耻辱并感受到其全力的过程。 —

What an awakening for them! What a prospect! —
对他们来说,这会是一种觉醒!多么可怕的前景! —

Can you honestly say Remain, after contemplating this contingency? —
在考虑到这种可能情况后,你能诚实地说保持不变吗? —

Don’t you think we had better endure the ills we have than fly to others?’

Her eyelids, weighted with trouble, continued drooping as before.

I cannot say Remain,' she answered.I cannot; I had not thought so far.’

Tess’s feminine hope - shall we confess it - had been so obstinately recuperative as to revive in her surreptitious visions of a domiciliary intimacy continued long enough to break down his coldness even against his judgment. —
塞丝笃信女性的希望 - 我们承认吧 - 一直如此顽强地复原,以至于她在暗中产生了持续足够长时间以战胜他的冷漠,即使违背他的判断。 —

Though unsophisticated in the usual sense, she was not incomplete; —
虽然在通常意义上并非老练,但她并非不完整; —

and it would have denoted deficiency of womanhood if she had not instinctively known what an argument lies in propinquity. —
如果她本能地不知道亲近的力量存在着怎样的说服力,那就表明她缺乏女性气质。 —

Nothing else would serve her, she knew, if this failed. —
她知道,如果这次失败,没有其他任何事情能够满足她。 —

It was wrong to hope in what was of the nature of strategy, she said to herself; —
以计谋之名寄希望是错误的,她对自己说; —

yet that sort of hope she could not extinguish. —
但她无法扼杀那种希望。 —

His last representation had now been made, and it was, as she said, a new view. —
他的最后陈述已经完成,正如她所说的,是一个新的观点。 —

She had truly never thought so far as that, and his lucid picture of possible offspring who would scorn her was one that brought deadly conviction to an honest heart which was humanitarian to its centre. —
她从未想到那么远,他清晰描绘出能够鄙视她的可能后代的画面让她这颗善良的、人道主义精神根源的心灵深信不疑。 —

Sheer experience had already taught her that, in some circumstances, there was one thing better than to lead a good life, and that was to be saved from leading any life whatever. —
纯粹的经验已经教给她,在某些情况下,有一件事比过上善良的生活更好,那就是被拯救免于过任何生活。 —

Like all who have been previsioned by suffering, she could, in the words of M. Sully-Prudhomme, hear a penal sentence in the fiat, You shall be born,' particularly if addressed to potential issue of hers. <span><tang1>像所有经历苦难的人一样,她可以像易子而食在你将要出生’的判决中听到一个惩罚。

Yet such is the vulpine slyness of Dame Nature, that, till now, Tess had been hoodwinked by her love for Clare into forgetting it might result in vitalizations that would inflict upon others what she had bewailed as a misfortune to herself.

She therefore could not withstand his argument. —
因此,她无法抵挡他的论点。 —

But with the self-combating proclivity of the super-sensitive, an answer thereto arose in Clare’s own mind, and he almost feared it. —
但像敏感超级敏感的人一样,克莱尔脑海中出现了一个答案,他几乎害怕。 —

It was based on her exceptional physical nature; and she might have used it promisingly. —
这基于她特殊的身体天性;她可以有希望地利用它。 —

She might have added besides: On an Australian upland or Texan plain, who is to know or care about my misfortunes, or to reproach me or you?' --- <span><tang1>她本可以补充说:在澳大利亚高地或得克萨斯平原上,谁会知道或在乎我的不幸,或责怪我或你?’ —

Yet, like the majority of women, she accepted the momentary presentment as if it were the inevitable. —
然而,像大多数女性一样,她把瞬时的表现看作是不可避免的。 —

And she may have been right. The intuitive heart of woman knoweth not only its own bitterness, but its husband’s, and even if these assumed reproaches were not likely to be addressed to him or to his by strangers, they might have reached his ears from his own fastidious brain.

It was the third day of the estrangement. —
这是疏远的第三天。 —

Some might risk the odd paradox that with more animalism he would have been the nobler man. —
有人可能冒着奇怪的悖论,认为更多的动物本性会让他变得更高尚。 —

We do not say it. Yet Clare’s love was doubtless ethereal to a fault, imaginative to impracticability. —
我们不这样说。然而,克莱尔的爱无疑是过分理想化的,富有想象力到了不切实际的地步。 —

With these natures, corporeal presence is sometimes less appealing than corporeal absence; —
对于这些性格,肉体的存在有时不如肉体的缺席引人。 —

the latter creating an ideal presence that conveniently drops the defects of the real. —
后者创造了一个便利地弃掉了现实缺陷的理想存在。 —

She found that her personality did not plead her cause so forcibly as she had anticipated. —
她发现她的个性并没有像她预期的那样有力地为自己辩护。 —

The figurative phrase was true: she was another woman than the one who had excited his desire.

`I have thought over what you say,’ she remarked to him, moving her forefinger over the tablecloth, her other hand, which bore the ring that mocked them both, supporting her forehead. —
“我考虑过你说的话,“她对他说,用食指在桌布上移动,另一只手托着额头,戴着那枚嘲笑他们两人的戒指。 —

`It is quite true all of it; it must be. —
“这完全正确;必须这么做。 —

You must go away from me.’

`But what can you do?’

`I can go home.’

Clare had not thought of that.

`Are you sure?’ he inquired.

`Quite sure. We ought to part, and we may as well get it past and done. —
“非常确定。我们应该分开,也许我们最好尽快结束。” —

You once said that I was apt to win men against their better judgment; —
“你曾经说过我很有可能打败男人的理智。” —

and if I am constantly before your eyes I may cause you to change your plans in opposition to your reason and wish; —
如果我一直出现在你眼前,可能会让你违背理智和意愿改变计划; —

and afterwards your repentance and my sorrow will be terrible.’

`And you would like to go home?’ he asked.

`I want to leave you, and go home.’

`Then it shall be so.’

Though she did not look up at him, she started. —
尽管她没有抬头看他,但她震惊了。 —

There was a difference between the proposition and the covenant, which she had felt only too quickly.

`I feared it would come to this,’ she murmured, her countenance meekly fixed. —
“我担心会发生这种情况,”她轻声说着,脸上的表情柔和而坚定。 —

`I don’t complain, Angel. I - I think it best. What you said has quite convinced me. —
“安吉尔,我不抱怨。-我认为这是最好的。你说的话完全说服了我。 —

Yes, though nobody else should reproach me if we should stay together, yet somewhen, years hence, you might get angry with me for any ordinary matter, and knowing what you do of my bygones you yourself might be tempted to say words, and they might be overheard, perhaps by my own children. —
即使别人不会因为我们在一起而责备我,但某一天,也许是几年后,你会因为一件普通的事和我生气,而且你了解我过去的事情,你自己可能会说出伤人的话,而且可能会被听到,也许是我自己的孩子。 —

O, what only hurts me now would torture and kill me then! —
现在只会伤害我的事物,那时会折磨我,杀死我! —

I will go - to-morrow.’

`And I shall not stay here. Though I didn’t like to initiate it, I have seen that it was advisable we should part - at least for a while, till I can better see the shape that things have taken, and can write to you.’

Tess stole a glance at her husband. He was pale, even tremulous; —
苔丝偷偷看了一眼她的丈夫。他脸色苍白,甚至有些颤抖; —

but, as before, she was appalled by the determination revealed in the depths of this gentle being she had married - the will to subdue the grosser to the subtler emotion, the substance to the conception, the flesh to the spirit. —
但与之前一样,她被这个曾经嫁给的温和的人深处所展现出来的决心所震撼 - 将粗俗的情感屈服于微妙的情感,将实质屈服于概念,将肉体屈服于精神。 —

Propensities, tendencies, habits, were as dead leaves upon the tyrannous wind of his imaginative ascendency.

He may have observed her look, for he explained–
也许他注意到了她的目光,因为他解释说 -

I think of people more kindly when I am away from them'; adding cynically,God knows; —
离开他人时,我会更善良地想待人'; 他愤世嫉俗地补充道,天晓得; —

perhaps we shall shake down together some day, for weariness; —
或许我们总有一天会一起消散,因为厌倦; —

thousands have done it!’

That day he began to pack up, and she went upstairs and began to pack also. —
那天,他开始收拾行李,她也上楼开始收拾。 —

Both knew that it was in their two minds that they might part the next morning for ever, despite the gloss of assuaging conjectures thrown over their proceeding because they were of the sort to whom any parting which has an air of finality is a torture. —
他知道,她也知道,尽管掩盖他们的行为的溺爱臆测被投上一层光泽,但他们俩可能明天早晨永远分开,因为他们是那种认为任何带有最终性气息的分别都是一种折磨的人。 —

He knew, and she knew, that, though the fascination which each had exercised over the other - on her part independently of accomplishments - would probably in the first days of their separation be even more potent than ever, time must attenuate that effect; —
他知道,她知道,尽管双方吸引对方的那种迷人魅力 - 尤其是她无需借助功绩 - 在分离的最初日子里可能会更加强大,时间会淡化那种效果; —

the practical arguments against accepting her as a housemate might pronounce themselves more strongly in the boreal light of a remoter view. —
接受她作为同居伴侣的现实论据可能在远处的北风中被更加坚定地表达出来。 —

Moreover, when two people are once parted have abandoned a common domicile and a common environment - new growths insensibly bud upward to fill each vacated place; —
此外,一旦两个人分开,放弃了共同的住所和环境 - 新的生长会不知不觉地涌现填补每个空缺的地方; —

unforeseen accidents hinder intentions, and old plans are forgotten.