At length it was the eve of Old Lady-Day, and the agricultural world was in a fever of mobility such as only occurs at that particular date of the year. —
终于又到了老夫人日前夜,农业界像往常一样充满了一种只有在这个特定日期才会发生的流动性的狂热。 —

It is a day of fulfilment; agreements for outdoor service during the ensuing year, entered into at Candlemas, are to be now carried out. —
这是一个兑现承诺的日子;在上一个蜡烛节达成的户外劳动协议将在此时得以执行。 —

The labourers - or `workfolk’, as they used to call themselves immemorially till the other word was introduced from without - who wish to remain no longer in old places are removing to the new farms.
那些希望不再留在旧地方的劳动者 - 或者一向自己称呼为“工作民众”的人,直到被外部引入另一个词汇之前 - 正在搬迁到新的农场。

These annual migrations from farm to farm were on the increase here. —
这里的每年从农场到农场的迁徙正在增加。 —

When Tess’s mother was a child the majority of the field-folk about Marlott had remained all their lives on one farm, which had been the home also of their fathers and grandfathers; —
当Tess的母亲还是个孩子时,Marlott周围的大部分地方人终生留在同一个农场上,那也是他们的父亲和祖父的家园; —

but latterly the desire for yearly removal had risen to a high pitch. —
但近来,对每年搬迁的渴望已经高涨。 —

With the younger families it was a pleasant excitement which might possibly be an advantage. —
对于年轻家庭来说,这是一种愉快的兴奋,可能也是一种优势。 —

The Egypt of one family was the Land of Promise to the family who saw it from a distance, till by residence there it became in turn their Egypt also; —
一个家族的埃及对于从远处看到它的家庭来说是应许之地,直到住在那里后又成为他们的埃及; —

and so they changed and changed.

However, all the mutations so increasingly discernible in village life did not originate entirely in the agricultural unrest. —
不过,村庄生活中日益明显的所有这些变化并不完全源于农业上的不安。 —

A depopulation was also going on. The village had formerly contained, side by side with the agricultural labourers, an interesting and better informed class, ranking distinctly above the former - the class to which Tess’s father and mother had belonged - and including the carpenter, the smith, the shoemaker, the huckster, together with nondescript workers other than farm-labourers; —
人口也在减少。村庄曾经与农业劳动者并行的还有一个有趣且知识更丰富的阶层,明显高于前者 - 这个阶层包括了木匠、铁匠、鞋匠、百货商,以及除了农村劳动者之外的其他工人; —

a set of people who owed a certain stability of aim and conduct to the fact of their being life-holders like Tess’s father, or copyholders, or, occasionally, small freeholders. —
一个人群,归功于像Tess的父母一样作为终身房屋持有者、副产者,或者偶尔的小自由持有者,具有一定的目标和行为的稳定性。 —

But as the long holdings fell in they were seldom again let to similar tenants, and were mostly pulled down, if not absolutely required by the farmer for his hands. —
但随着长期的持有居所的过期,它们很少再次租给类似的租户,并且大多数被拆除,如果不是绝对需要被农民用于他的手下。 —

Cottagers who were not directly employed on the land were looked upon with disfavour, and the banishment of some starved the trade of others, who were thus obliged to follow. —
那些不直接在农地上工作的佃农被看作是不受欢迎的,而有些被赶走的佃农的生计受到了影响,他们因此被迫追随而去。 —

These families, who had formed the backbone of the village life in the past, who were the depositaries of the village traditions, had to seek refuge in the large centres; —
这些家庭过去曾是村庄生活的中坚力量,他们是村庄传统的代表者,被迫在大中心城市寻求庇护。 —

the process, humorously designated by statisticians as `the tendency of the rural population towards the large towns’, being really the tendency of water to flow uphill when forced by machinery.

The cottage accommodation at Marlott having been in this manner considerably curtailed by demolitions, every house which remained standing was required by the agriculturist for his workpeople. —
Marlott的小屋住宿因此被大大减少,每一幢还站立的房子都被农民用来安置工人。 —

Ever since the occurrence of the event which had cast such a shadow over Tess’s life, the Durbeyfield family (whose descent was not credited) had been tacitly looked on as one which would have to go when their lease ended, if only in the interests of morality. —
自从那件给Tess的生活投下阴影的事件发生后,德伯家族(他们的血统未被认可)一直默默地被视为一个在租约结束时必须离开的家庭,即使只是出于道德考虑。 —

It was, indeed, quite true that the household had not been shining examples either of temperance, soberness, or chastity. —
的确,这个家庭既不是节制、善良,也不是贞节的榜样。 —

The father, and even the mother, had got drunk at times, the younger children seldom had gone to church, and the eldest daughter had made queer unions. —
父亲,甚至母亲,有时喝得醉醺醺,年幼的孩子很少去教堂,而大女儿也曾结下了异样的婚姻。 —

By some means the village had to kept pure. —
村子必须以某种方式保持纯净。 —

So on this, the first Lady-Day on which the Durbeyfields were expellable, the house, being roomy, was required for a carter with a large family; —
因此,在这个第一个德伯家族需要搬迁的“贵妇日”,因为一个有大家庭的车夫需要这间宽敞的房子; —

and Widow Joan, her daughters Tess and ‘Liza-Lu, the boy Abraham and the younger children, had to go elsewhere.

On the evening preceding their removal it was getting dark betimes by reason of a drizzling rain which blurred the sky. —
在他们搬迁前的那个晚上,由于淅沥的雨水模糊了天空,夜幕很早就降临了。 —

As it was the last night they would spend in the village which had been their home and birthplace, Mrs Durbeyfield, ‘Liza-Lu, and Abraham had gone out to bid some friends good-bye, and Tess was keeping house till they should return.

She was kneeling in the window-bench, her face close to the casement, where an outer pane of rainwater was sliding down the inner pane of glass. —
她跪在窗台上,脸贴着窗户,外面的水滴在玻璃内部滑下。 —

Her eyes rested on the web of a spider, probably starved long ago, which had been mistakenly placed in a corner where no flies ever came, and shivered in the slight draught through the casement. —
她的目光停在一个蜘蛛的网上,很可能它早就挨饿了,因为它被误放在一个从来没有苍蝇飞来的角落,并在窗户的微风中颤抖着。 —

Tess was reflecting on the position of the household, in which she perceived her own evil influence. Had she not come home her mother and the children might probably have been allowed to stay on as weekly tenants. —
Tess在思考家庭的状况,她意识到自己的恶劣影响。如果她没有回家,她母亲和孩子们可能会被允许作为周住户留下来。 —

But she had been observed almost immediately on her return by some people of scrupulous character and great influence: —
但她回家后几乎立刻就被一些有慎重品行和很有影响力的人看到: —

they had seen her idling in the churchyard, restoring as well as she could with a little trowel a baby’s obliterated grave. —
他们看见她懒洋洋地在教堂墓地里修复一座被毁坏的婴儿坟墓,用一把小铲。 —

By this means they had found that she was living here again; —
通过这种方式,他们发现她再次住在这里; —

her mother was scolded for `harbouring’ her; —
她的母亲因为“窝藏”她而受到责骂; —

sharp retorts had ensued from Joan, who had independently offered to leave at once; she had been taken at her word; —
Joan 迅速做出了尖锐的回应,独立地表示愿意立刻离开;她的话被采纳了; —

and here was the result.

`I ought never to have come home,’ said Tess to herself, bitterly.

She was so intent upon these thoughts that she hardly at first took note of a man in a white mackintosh whom she saw riding down the street. —
她对这些想法如此专注,以至于一开始几乎没有注意到一个穿着白色雨衣的男人骑马沿街而行。 —

Possibly it was owing to her face being near to the pane that he saw her so quickly, and directed his horse so close to the cottage-front that his hoofs were almost upon the narrow border for plants growing under the wall. —
也许是因为她的脸靠近窗户,所以他很快就看见了她,并让他的马紧贴着小屋的前墙骑过,几乎是在那狭窄的植物边缘上。 —

It was not till he touched the window with his riding-crop that she observed him. —
直到他用骑鞭碰到窗户时,她才注意到他。 —

The rain had nearly ceased, and she opened the casement in obedience to his gesture.

`Didn’t you see me?’ asked d’Urberville.

I was not attending,' she said.I heard you, I believe, though I fancied it was a carriage and horses. —
“我没有在专心看,”她说。“我听到了,我想,虽然我以为是马车和马匹。 —

I was in a sort of dream.’

`Ah! you heard the d’Urberville Coach, perhaps. You know the legend, I suppose?’
“啊!也许你听到了 d’Urberville 的马车。你知不知道这个传说?”

`No. My - somebody was going to tell it me once, but didn’t.’
“不,我 - 有人曾经要告诉我,但没说。”

`If you are a genuine d’Urberville I ought not to tell you either, I suppose. —
“假如你是真正的 d’Urberville,我想我也不该告诉你。真的。” —

As for me, I’m a sham one, so it doesn’t matter. It is rather dismal. —
至于我,我是个伪君子,所以没关系。这相当令人沮丧。 —

It is that this sound of a non-existent coach can only be heard by one of d’Urberville blood, and it is held to be of ill-omen to the one who hears it. —
只有d’Urberville家族的血统可以听到这非存在的马车声音,据说对听到它的人是不祥的兆头。 —

It has to do with a murder, committed by one of the family, centuries ago.’

Now you have begun it finish it.' <span><tang1>既然你开始了,就把它说完吧。’

Very well. One of the family is said to have abducted some beautiful woman, who tried to escape from the coach in which he was carrying her off, and in the struggle he killed her - or she killed him - I forget which. --- <span><tang1>好吧。据说家族中有人绑架了一位美丽的女子,她设法逃离他所载着她的马车,在争执中他杀了她,或者她杀死了他——我忘记了。 —

Such is one version of the tale… . I see that your tubs and buckets are packed. —
这就是这个传说的一个版本……。我看到你的木桶和水桶都打包好了。 —

Going away, aren’t you?’

Yes, to-morrow - Old Lady-Day.' <span><tang1>是的,明天—老妇人节。

I heard you were, but could hardly believe it; it seems so sudden. Why is it?' <span><tang1>我听说你们要走,但几乎不敢相信;看起来来得好突然。原因是什么?

Father's was the last life on the property, and when that dropped we had no further right to stay. --- <span><tang1>父亲是这处产业上最后一位生还的,他去世后我们就没有继续留下去的权利。 —

Though we might, perhaps,have stayed as weekly tenants-if it had not been for me.’

What about you?' <span><tang1>你呢?

I am not a - proper woman.' <span><tang1>我不是—正经的女人。’

D’Urberville’s face flushed.

What a blasted shame! Miserable snobs! May their dirty souls be burnt to cinders!' --- <span><tang1>太可恶了!这些可恶的势利小人!愿他们那肮脏的灵魂被烧成灰烬!’ —

he exclaimed in tones of ironic resentment. —
他愤怒地以讽刺的口吻喊道。 —

That's why you are going, is it? Turned out?' <span><tang1>所以你是因为这个原因才走的吗?被赶出去?’

We are not turned out exactly; but as they said we should have to go soon, it was best to go now everybody was moving, because there are better chances.' <span><tang1>我们并不是被赶出去,但他们说我们不久就要走了,最好在大家都在动身的时候走,因为那样机会更好。’

Where are you going to?' <span><tang1>你们要去哪里?’

Kingsbere. We have taken rooms there. Mother is so foolish about father's people that she will go there.' <span><tang1>金斯贝尔。我们在那里租了房间。母亲总是对父亲的人这么傻,她会去那里。’

But your mother's family are not fit for lodgings, and in a little hole of a town like that. --- <span><tang1>但你母亲的家人不适合住宿,在那样一个小镇里。 —

Now why not come to my garden-house at Trantridge? —
为什么不来我在特兰里奇的花园别墅?’ —

There are hardly any poultry now, since my mother’s death; —
自从我母亲去世以来,几乎没有什么家禽了; —

but there’s the house, as you know it, and the garden. —
但那里有房子,你知道的,还有花园。 —

It can be whitewashed in a day, and your mother can live there quite comfortably; —
墙壁可以在一天内粉刷,你母亲可以在那里过得相当舒适; —

and I will put the children to a good school. —
我会把孩子送到一所好学校。 —

Really I ought to do something for you!’

But we have already taken the rooms at Kingsbere!' she declared.And we can wait there——’

Wait - what for? For that nice husband, no doubt. --- <span><tang1>等 - 等什么?等那个好丈夫,毫无疑问。 —

Now look here, Tess, I know what men are, and, bearing in mind the grounds of your separation, I am quite positive he will never make it up with you. —
现在听着,苔丝,我知道男人是什么样的,考虑到你们分开的原因,我非常确定他永远不会和你和好。’ —

Now, though I have been your enemy, I am your friend, even if you won’t believe it. —
现在,尽管我曾经是你的敌人,但我是你的朋友,即使你不相信。 —

Come to this cottage of mine. We’ll get up a regular colony of fowls, and your mother can attend to them excellently; —
来到我的小屋。我们将养一大群家禽,你母亲可以很好地照料它们; —

and the children can go to school.’

Tess breathed more and more quickly, and at length she said–
Tess的呼吸越来越急促,最终她说道 –

`How do I know that you would do all this? —
“我怎么知道你会这么做? —

Your views may change - and then - we should be - my mother would be homeless again.’
你的想法可能会改变 - 然后 - 我们会 - 我母亲又将无家可归。”

`O no - no. I would guarantee you against such as that in writing necessary. Think it over.’

Tess shook her head. But d’Urberville persisted; —
Tess摇了摇头。但达伯维尔坚持不懈; —

she had seldom seen him so determined; he would not take a negative.

`Please just tell your mother,’ he said, in emphatic tones. —
“请告诉你母亲,”他强调道。 —

`It is her business to judge - not yours. —
“判断权在她 - 不在你。 —

I shall get the house swept out and whitened to-morrow morning, and fires lit; —
我明天早上会让人打扫房子并刷白,点火; —

and it will be dry by the evening, so that you can come straight there. —
到晚上就会干燥,你们就可以直接过去了。 —

Now mind, I shall expect you.’

Tess again shook her head; her throat swelling with complicated emotion. —
Tess再次摇了摇头;她喉咙里涌动着复杂的情绪。 —

She could not look up at d’Urberville.

`I owe you something for the past, you know,’ he resumed. —
“我知道,过去我欠你一些东西,”他继续说道。 —

`And you cured me, too, of that craze; so I am glad–’

`I would rather you had kept the craze, so that you had kept the practice which went with it!’

`I am glad of this opportunity of repaying you a little. —
“我很高兴有这个机会能够稍微报答你。 —

Tomorrow I shall expect to hear your mother’s goods unloading… . —
“明天我期待听到你母亲的货物卸载…” —

Give me your hand on it now - dear, beautiful Tess!’

With the last sentence he had dropped his voice to a murmur, and put his hand in at the half-open casement. —
最后一句话他声音变得低沉,把手伸进半开的窗户。 —

With stormy eyes she pulled the stay-bar quickly, and, in doing so, caught his arm between the casement and the stone mullion.

Damnation - you are very cruel!' he said, snatching out his arm.No, no! —
“该死–你太残忍了!”他说着抽出手臂。“不,不! —

  • I know you didn’t do it on purpose. Well, I shall expect you, or your mother and the children at least.’

`I shall not come - I have plenty of money!’ she cried.


`At my father-in-law’s, if I ask for it.’

`If you ask for it. But you won’t, Tess; I know you; —
“如果你要的话。但你不会要,泰丝;我了解你;” —

you’ll never ask for it - you’ll starve first!’
你永远不会请求它 - 你宁愿挨饿!

With these words he rode off. just at the corner of the street he met the man with the paint-pot, who asked him if he had deserted the brethren.

You go to the devil!' said d'Urberville. <span><tang1>去你的吧!’ 杜伯维尔说。

Tess remained where she was a long while, till a sudden rebellious sense of injustice caused the region of her eyes to swell with the rush of hot tears thither. —
Tess 坐在那里很久,直到一种突如其来的不公感让她眼眶处充满了热泪。 —

Her husband, Angel Clare himself, had, like others, dealt out hard measure to her, surely he had! —
她的丈夫,安吉尔·克莱尔本人,像其他人一样,对她实施了严厉的对待,肯定是的! —

She had never before admitted such a thought; but he had surely! —
她以前从未承认这样的想法;但他肯定是的! —

Never in her life - she could swear it from the bottom of her soul had she ever intended to do wrong; —
在她一生中 - 她发誓,从她灵魂的深处发誓,她从未打算做错事; —

yet these hard judgments had come. Whatever her sins, they were not sins of intention, but of inadvertence, and why should she have been punished so persistently?

She passionately seized the first piece of paper that came to hand, and scribbled the following lines:

O why have you treated me so monstrously, Angel! I do not deserve it. —
哦,为什么你如此对待我,安吉尔!我实在不值得。 —

I have thought it all over carefully, and I can never, never forgive you! —
我仔细考虑过了,我永远,永远都无法原谅你! —

You know that I did not intend to wrong you - why have you so wronged me? —
你知道我并没有打算伤害你 - 你为什么这样伤害我? —

You are cruel, cruel indeed! I will try to forget you. —
你是残忍的,真的很残忍!我会尽力忘记你。 —

It is all injustice I have received at your hands! —
我在你手里受到的全都是不公! —

T.She watched till the postman passed by, ran out to him with her epistle, and then again took her listless place inside the window-panes. —
T. 她看着,直到邮递员经过,跑出去把她的信交给他,然后再次坐回窗前的椅子上。 —

It was just as well to write like that as to write tenderly. How could he give way to entreaty? —
写成那样和写得温柔一样好。他怎么能屈服于恳求呢? —

The facts had not changed: there was no new event to alter his opinion.

It grew darker, the fire-light shining over the room. —
房间里变得更暗了,火光照亮着整个房间。 —

The two biggest of the younger children had gone out with their mother; —
年纪最大的两个孩子和他们的母亲出去了; —

the four smallest, their ages ranging from three-and-a-half years to eleven, all in black frocks, were gathered round the hearth babbling their own little subjects. —
年纪最小的四个孩子,年龄从三岁半到十一岁不等,都穿着黑色的裙子,围着炉火聊着他们自己的小事。 —

Tess at length joined them, without lighting a candle.

This is the last night that we shall sleep here, dears, in the house where we were born,' she said quickly. --- <span><tang1>这是我们最后一晚在这儿睡觉,亲爱的,我们在这个出生的地方,’她匆忙地说道。 —

We ought to think of it, oughtn't we?' <span><tang1>我们应该想想这件事,不是吗?’

They all became silent; with the impressibility of their age they were ready to burst into tears at the picture of finality she had conjured up, though all the day hitherto they had been rejoicing in the idea of a new place. —
他们都沉默了下来;由于他们这一年纪的易感性,她勾画出的结束的画面会让他们立刻落泪,尽管整天以来他们都为新地方感到高兴。 —

Tess changed the subject.

Sing to me, dears,' she said. <span><tang1>唱给我听,亲爱的,’她说。

What shall we sing?' <span><tang1>我们唱什么?’

Anything you know; I don't mind.' <span><tang1>你们会的都可以;我都无所谓。’

There was a momentary pause; it was broken, first, by one little tentative note; —
有一短暂的停顿;先是一个小小的试探性音符开始; —

then a second voice strengthened it, and a third and a fourth chimed in unison, with words they had learnt at the Sunday-school–

Here we suffer grief and pain, Here we meet to part again; In Heaven we part no more.

The four sang on with the phlegmatic passivity of persons who had long ago settled the question, and there being no mistake about it, felt that further thought was not required. —
这四个人以一种冷漠的被动方式继续唱着,他们早已解决了这个问题,并且毫无疑问,认为不需要进一步思考。 —

With features strained hard to enunciate the syllables they continued to regard the centre of the flickering fire, the notes of the youngest straying over into the pauses of the rest. —
他们的面部绷紧着发出音节,继续注视着摇曳的火光中心,最年幼的孩子的音符在其他人的间歇中流淌。 —

Tess turned from them, and went to the window again. —
苔丝从他们身边转身走向窗户。 —

Darkness had now fallen without, but she put her face to the pane as though to peer into the gloom. —
外面已经陷入黑暗,但她把脸贴在窗格上,似乎要凝视黑暗。 —

It was really to hide her tears. If she could only believe what the children were singing; —
其实是为了掩饰她的眼泪。如果她只能相信孩子们唱的歌; —

if she were only sure, how different all would now be; —
如果她能确定,现在一切都会不同; —

how confidently she would leave them to Providence and their future kingdom! —
她会多么有信心把他们交给上天和他们未来的国度! —

But, in default of that, it behoved her to do something; to be their Providence; —
但由于实际情况不允许,她不得不做一些事情;成为他们的神明; —

for to Tess, as to not a few millions of others, there was ghastly satire in the poet’s lines–

Not in utter nakedness But trailing clouds of glory do we come.
不是光秃秃地降生 而是拖着光荣的云彩而来。

To her and her like, birth itself was an ordeal of degrading personal compulsion, whose gratuitousness nothing in the result seemed to justify, and at best could only palliate. —
对于她和她这样的人来说,出生本身就是一种屈辱的个人强迫,结果中的任何事物似乎都无法证明其合理性,充其量只能辩解。 —

In the shades of the wet road she soon discerned her mother with tall ‘Liza-Lu and Abraham. —
在湿漉漉的路上的阴影中,她很快就看到了她的母亲与高大的丽莎-露和亚伯拉罕。 —

Mrs Durbeyfield’s pattens clicked up to the door, and Tess opened it.

I see the tracks of a horse outside the window,' said Joan.Hev somebody called?’

`No,’ said Tess.

The children by the fire looked gravely at her, and one murmured –

`Why, Tess, the gentleman a-horseback!’

He didn't call,' said Tess.He spoke to me in passing.’

Who was the gentleman?' asked her mother.Your husband?’

`No. He’ll never, never come,’ answered Tess in stony hopelessness.

`Then who was it?’

`Oh, you needn’t ask. You’ve seen him before, and so have I.’

`Ah! What did he say?’ said Joan curiously.

`I will tell you when we are settled in our lodgings at Kingsbere to-morrow - every word.’

It was not her husband, she had said. Yet a consciousness that in a physical sense this man alone was her husband seemed to weigh on her more and more.