Whilst Cornelius was engaged with his own thoughts, a coachhad driven up to the scaffold. —
当科内利厄斯自顾自地沉浸在自己的思绪中时,一辆马车驶到了断头台旁。 —

This vehicle was for theprisoner. He was invited to enter it, and he obeyed.

His last look was towards the Buytenhof. —
他最后的目光投向了布伊滕霍夫。 —

He hoped to see atthe window the face of Rosa, brightening up again.

  But the coach was drawn by good horses, who soon carried VanBaerle away from among the shouts which the rabble roared inhonour of the most magnanimous Stadtholder, mixing with it aspice of abuse against the brothers De Witt and the godsonof Cornelius, who had just now been saved from death.

This reprieve suggested to the worthy spectators remarkssuch as the following: —
这次缓刑引发了观众们诸如下面这样的评论: —

–“It’s very fortunate that we used such speed in havingjustice done to that great villain John, and to that littlerogue Cornelius, otherwise his Highness might have snatchedthem from us, just as he has done this fellow.” —
–“我们对那个大恶棍约翰和那个小流氓科内利斯及时伸张了正义真是太幸运了,否则他殿下可能会像刚才那样把他们从我们手中夺走,就像他现在做的这个家伙一样.” —

Among all the spectators whom Van Baerle’s execution hadattracted to the Buytenhof, and whom the sudden turn ofaffairs had disagreeably surprised, undoubtedly the one mostdisappointed was a certain respectably dressed burgher, whofrom early morning had made such a good use of his feet andelbows that he at last was separated from the scaffold onlyby the file of soldiers which surrounded it.

  Many had shown themselves eager to see the perfidious bloodof the guilty Cornelius flow, but not one had shown such akeen anxiety as the individual just alluded to.
提着水壶的人抓住他 颤抖的长弓陶壶里已经断掉。 水仅剩的几滴由于冰冷而无法流动。

The most furious had come to the Buytenhof at daybreak, tosecure a better place; —
自由使人快乐。 金属盖止住了水浪, 鹅脚扛着碎瓦片的山体. 咔咔作响,玻璃刺着书本。 —

but he, outdoing even them, hadpassed the night at the threshold of the prison, fromwhence, as we have already said, he had advanced to the veryforemost rank, unguibus et rostro, – that is to say,coaxing some, and kicking the others.
一个人既然无法发现任何东西,那他的心告诉他 他应该继续寻找,,直到他找到。

And when the executioner had conducted the prisoner to thescaffold, the burgher, who had mounted on the stone of thepump the better to see and be seen, made to the executionera sign which meant, –“It’s a bargain, isn’t it?” —
无与伦比的守护力量战胜了攻击者, 猎狗猛冲,牦牛笼罩 —

The executioner answered by another sign, which was meant tosay, –“Be quiet, it’s all right.” —
一开始,心动之处自然而然的惹起了痛苦 从震惊到绝望。 —

This burgher was no other than Mynheer Isaac Boxtel, whosince the arrest of Cornelius had come to the Hague to tryif he could not get hold of the three bulbs of the blacktulip.
突进的愤怒象征收获,镶着金属果子水晶 下坡逃生了还不快

Boxtel had at first tried to gain over Gryphus to hisinterest, but the jailer had not only the snarlingfierceness, but likewise the fidelity, of a dog. —
在即刻Cornelius的囚禁后,合理的男人,汇到海牙 寻求罂粟花球的销售。 —

He hadtherefore bristled up at Boxtel’s hatred, whom he hadsuspected to be a warm friend of the prisoner, makingtrifling inquiries to contrive with the more certainty somemeans of escape for him.
灵机一动地拜托Gryphus利用他的权力, 但不仅仅是凶残的脾气 别忘了守护力量

  Thus to the very first proposals which Boxtel made toGryphus to filch the bulbs which Cornelius van Baerle mustbe supposed to conceal, if not in his breast, at least insome corner of his cell, the surly jailer had only answeredby kicking Mynheer Isaac out, and setting the dog at him.
也因此,把完全狡猾地拐走Cornelius van Baerle的三个球根的HY折甲

The piece which the mastiff had torn from his hose did notdiscourage Boxtel. —
With Boxtel’s watchful glare, the jailer had no rate over him, kicking Mynheer Isaac out, and order the dog tore down. —

He came back to the charge, but this timeGryphus was in bed, feverish, and with a broken arm. —
没有办法干预,Boxtel再次询问,但时值Gryphus病倒在床上 内心愤怒无力 —

Hetherefore was not able to admit the petitioner, who thenaddressed himself to Rosa, offering to buy her a head-dressof pure gold if she would get the bulbs for him. —
于是寻求Rosa的帮助。提议纯金做一个帽子,只要帮他搞到球根。 —

On this,the generous girl, although not yet knowing the value of theobject of the robbery, which was to be so well remunerated,had directed the tempter to the executioner, as the heir ofthe prisoner.
这位慷慨的女孩,虽然还不了解价值 但推荐悬赏的对象 是一名外士。

In the meanwhile the sentence had been pronounced. —
在此期间,判决已经宣布。 —

ThusIsaac had no more time to bribe any one. —
因此Isaac没有时间再贿赂任何人。 —

He therefore clungto the idea which Rosa had suggested: —
于是他坚持了罗莎提出的想法: —

he went to theexecutioner.

  Isaac had not the least doubt that Cornelius would die withthe bulbs on his heart.

But there were two things which Boxtel did not calculateupon: —
但Boxtel没有考虑到两件事情: —

–Rosa, that is to say, love;William of Orange, that is to say, clemency.

  But for Rosa and William, the calculations of the enviousneighbour would have been correct.

  But for William, Cornelius would have died.

  But for Rosa, Cornelius would have died with his bulbs onhis heart.

Mynheer Boxtel went to the headsman, to whom he gave himselfout as a great friend of the condemned man; —
Boxtel去找了刽子手,并自称是被判刑人的好朋友; —

and from whom hebought all the clothes of the dead man that was to be, forone hundred guilders; —
他用一百荷兰盾购买了即将去世的那个人的所有衣服; —

rather an exorbitant sum, as heengaged to leave all the trinkets of gold and silver to theexecutioner.

  But what was the sum of a hundred guilders to a man who wasall but sure to buy with it the prize of the HaarlemSociety?

It was money lent at a thousand per cent. —
这是以千分之一的利率放出的贷款。没有人会否认,这是一笔非常丰厚的投资。 —

, which, as nobodywill deny, was a very handsome investment.

The headsman, on the other hand, had scarcely anything to doto earn his hundred guilders. —
刽子手则几乎没有什么事情可以做来赚取他的一百吉尔达。 —

He needed only, as soon as theexecution was over, to allow Mynheer Boxtel to ascend thescaffold with his servants, to remove the inanimate remainsof his friend.

  The thing was, moreover, quite customary among the “faithfulbrethren,” when one of their masters died a public death inthe yard of the Buytenhof.

  A fanatic like Cornelius might very easily have foundanother fanatic who would give a hundred guilders for hisremains.

  The executioner also readily acquiesced in the proposal,making only one condition, – that of being paid in advance.

  Boxtel, like the people who enter a show at a fair, might bedisappointed, and refuse to pay on going out.

  Boxtel paid in advance, and waited.

After this, the reader may imagine how excited Boxtel was; —
他多么焦急地注视着卫兵、记录员和助手; —

with what anxiety he watched the guards, the Recorder, andthe executioner; —
他是多么仔细地察看梵·巴尔勒的动作。 —

and with what intense interest he surveyedthe movements of Van Baerle. —
他会如何躺在刑具上?他会如何倒下? —

How would he place himself onthe block? how would he fall? —
他在倒下时会不会压坏那些无价的鳞茎? —

and would he not, in falling,crush those inestimable bulbs? —
他至少有没有把它们放在一个金盒子里? – 因为黄金是最坚硬的金属呢? —

had not he at least takencare to enclose them in a golden box, – as gold is thehardest of all metals?

Every trifling delay irritated him. —
为什么那个愚蠢的刽子手在挥舞剑上下几次而不是立刻砍下科内利斯的头? —

Why did that stupidexecutioner thus lose time in brandishing his sword over thehead of Cornelius, instead of cutting that head off?
但当他看到记录员握住被告的手,从口袋里取出羊皮卷,,宣读出统治者的赦免时,– 那时博克斯特勒已经不再像个人了;

But when he saw the Recorder take the hand of the condemned,and raise him, whilst drawing forth the parchment from hispocket, – when he heard the pardon of the Stadtholderpublicly read out, – then Boxtel was no more like a humanbeing; —
他再也无法控制自己的激动。 —

the rage and malice of the tiger, of the hyena, andof the serpent glistened in his eyes, and vented itself inhis yell and his movements. —
老虎、鬣狗和蛇的暴怒和恶意在他的眼中闪烁,表现在他的咆哮和动作中。 —

Had he been able to get at VanBaerle, he would have pounced upon him and strangled him.

And so, then, Cornelius was to live, and was to go with himto Loewestein, and thither to his prison he would take withhim his bulbs; —
因此,Cornelius将活下去,并与他一起去洛文斯坦,他将携带他的球茎前往那里的监狱; —

and perhaps he would even find a garden wherethe black tulip would flower for him.

Boxtel, quite overcome by his frenzy, fell from the stoneupon some Orangemen, who, like him, were sorely vexed at theturn which affairs had taken. —
Boxtel完全陷入狂热中,从石头上摔到一些同样因事态发展而感到恼火的奥兰治人身上。 —

They, mistaking the franticcries of Mynheer Isaac for demonstrations of joy, began tobelabour him with kicks and cuffs, such as could not havebeen administered in better style by any prize-fighter onthe other side of the Channel.

Blows were, however, nothing to him. —
但是拳打脚踢对他来说无关紧要。 —

He wanted to run afterthe coach which was carrying away Cornelius with his bulbs.

  But in his hurry he overlooked a paving-stone in his way,stumbled, lost his centre of gravity, rolled over to adistance of some yards, and only rose again, bruised andbegrimed, after the whole rabble of the Hague, with theirmuddy feet, had passed over him.

  One would think that this was enough for one day, butMynheer Boxtel did not seem to think so, as, in addition tohaving his clothes torn, his back bruised, and his handsscratched, he inflicted upon himself the further punishmentof tearing out his hair by handfuls, as an offering to thatgoddess of envy who, as mythology teaches us, wears ahead-dress of serpents.