On the 20th of August, 1672, the city of the Hague, alwaysso lively, so neat, and so trim that one might believe everyday to be Sunday, with its shady park, with its tall trees,spreading over its Gothic houses, with its canals like largemirrors, in which its steeples and its almost Easterncupolas are reflected, – the city of the Hague, the capitalof the Seven United Provinces, was swelling in all itsarteries with a black and red stream of hurried, panting,and restless citizens, who, with their knives in theirgirdles, muskets on their shoulders, or sticks in theirhands, were pushing on to the Buytenhof, a terrible prison,the grated windows of which are still shown, where, on thecharge of attempted murder preferred against him by thesurgeon Tyckelaer, Cornelius de Witt, the brother of theGrand Pensionary of Holland was confined.

If the history of that time, and especially that of the yearin the middle of which our narrative commences, were notindissolubly connected with the two names just mentioned,the few explanatory pages which we are about to add mightappear quite supererogatory; —
如果那时期的历史,尤其是故事开始的那一年,与我们刚才提到的两个名字没有紧密联系,我们即将加入的这几页的解释可能会显得多余; —

but we will, from the veryfirst, apprise the reader – our old friend, to whom we arewont on the first page to promise amusement, and with whomwe always try to keep our word as well as is in our power –that this explanation is as indispensable to the rightunderstanding of our story as to that of the great eventitself on which it is based.

  Cornelius de Witt, Ruart de Pulten, that is to say, wardenof the dikes, ex-burgomaster of Dort, his native town, andmember of the Assembly of the States of Holland, wasforty-nine years of age, when the Dutch people, tired of theRepublic such as John de Witt, the Grand Pensionary ofHolland, understood it, at once conceived a most violentaffection for the Stadtholderate, which had been abolishedfor ever in Holland by the “Perpetual Edict” forced by Johnde Witt upon the United Provinces.

As it rarely happens that public opinion, in its whimsicalflights, does not identify a principle with a man, thus thepeople saw the personification of the Republic in the twostern figures of the brothers De Witt, those Romans ofHolland, spurning to pander to the fancies of the mob, andwedding themselves with unbending fidelity to libertywithout licentiousness, and prosperity without the waste ofsuperfluity; —
公众舆论很少将一个原则与一个人分开,所以人们认为,兄弟德威特就是共和国的化身,他们是荷兰的罗马人,他们拒绝讨好暴民,坚守自由而不放纵,追求繁荣而不铺张浪费; —

on the other hand, the Stadtholderate recalledto the popular mind the grave and thoughtful image of theyoung Prince William of Orange.

  The brothers De Witt humoured Louis XIV., whose moralinfluence was felt by the whole of Europe, and the pressureof whose material power Holland had been made to feel inthat marvellous campaign on the Rhine, which, in the spaceof three months, had laid the power of the United Provincesprostrate.

Louis XIV. had long been the enemy of the Dutch, whoinsulted or ridiculed him to their hearts’ content, althoughit must be said that they generally used French refugees forthe mouthpiece of their spite. —
路易十四长期以来一直是荷兰人的敌人,荷兰人对他进行侮辱或嘲笑,尽管必须承认,他们通常用法国难民作为他们怨恨的发泄工具。 —

Their national pride held himup as the Mithridates of the Republic. —
他们的民族自豪感将他奉为共和国的米特里达梯斯。 —

The brothers De Witt,therefore, had to strive against a double difficulty, –against the force of national antipathy, and, besides,against the feeling of weariness which is natural to allvanquished people, when they hope that a new chief will beable to save them from ruin and shame.

  This new chief, quite ready to appear on the politicalstage, and to measure himself against Louis XIV., howevergigantic the fortunes of the Grand Monarch loomed in thefuture, was William, Prince of Orange, son of William II.,and grandson, by his mother Henrietta Stuart, of Charles I.

  of England. We have mentioned him before as the person bywhom the people expected to see the office of Stadtholderrestored.

This young man was, in 1672, twenty-two years of age. —
约翰德维特曾经是他的导师,他把他培养成一个优秀的公民。 —

Johnde Witt, who was his tutor, had brought him up with the viewof making him a good citizen. —
他热爱他的国家胜过他的弟子,这位导师已经通过《永久法令》取消了年轻王子一个成为斯达特哈尔德的希望。 —

Loving his country better thanhe did his disciple, the master had, by the Perpetual Edict,extinguished the hope which the young Prince might haveentertained of one day becoming Stadtholder. —
但是上帝嘲笑了人类的假设,他们想要在不请示上帝的情况下提拔和打倒地球上的权力; —

But God laughsat the presumption of man, who wants to raise and prostratethe powers on earth without consulting the King above; —
而荷兰人的变化和反复无常与路易十四所带来的恐惧相结合,废除了永久法令,重新设立奥兰治亲王威廉为斯达特哈尔德的职位,天意已在将来的隐藏地图上描绘了威廉的命运。 —

andthe fickleness and caprice of the Dutch combined with theterror inspired by Louis XIV., in repealing the PerpetualEdict, and re-establishing the office of Stadtholder infavour of William of Orange, for whom the hand of Providencehad traced out ulterior destinies on the hidden map of thefuture.

The Grand Pensionary bowed before the will of his fellowcitizens; —
康拉迦一一弯腰,遵从他同胞的意愿; —

Cornelius de Witt, however, was more obstinate,and notwithstanding all the threats of death from theOrangist rabble, who besieged him in his house at Dort, hestoutly refused to sign the act by which the office ofStadtholder was restored. —
康拉迦一一弯腰,坚持不签署恢复斯达特哈尔德职位的法案; —

Moved by the tears and entreatiesof his wife, he at last complied, only adding to hissignature the two letters V. C. (Vi Coactus), notifyingthereby that he only yielded to force.

  It was a real miracle that on that day he escaped from thedoom intended for him.
他仅仅在妻子的眼泪和恳求下,最终屈服,仅在签名后加上两个字母V.C.(Vi Coactus),从而通知他仅仅是受到了逼迫。

John de Witt derived no advantage from his ready compliancewith the wishes of his fellow citizens. —
要将15句德维特没有从他对同胞愿望的快速顺从中获得任何好处。 —

Only a few daysafter, an attempt was made to stab him, in which he wasseverely although not mortally wounded.

This by no means suited the views of the Orange faction. —
这绝对不符合橙党的观点。 —

Thelife of the two brothers being a constant obstacle to theirplans, they changed their tactics, and tried to obtain bycalumny what they had not been able to effect by the aid ofthe poniard.

How rarely does it happen that, in the right moment, a greatman is found to head the execution of vast and nobledesigns; —
多么罕见,一个伟人恰好出现在合适的时刻,领导执行宏伟而崇高的计划; —

and for that reason, when such a providentialconcurrence of circumstances does occur, history is promptto record the name of the chosen one, and to hold him up tothe admiration of posterity. —
难怪当这样的幸运巧合发生时,历史经常迅速记录选中者的名字,并把他推崇给后人。 —

But when Satan interposes inhuman affairs to cast a shadow upon some happy existence, orto overthrow a kingdom, it seldom happens that he does notfind at his side some miserable tool, in whose ear he hasbut to whisper a word to set him at once about his task.

  The wretched tool who was at hand to be the agent of thisdastardly plot was one Tyckelaer whom we have alreadymentioned, a surgeon by profession.

He lodged an information against Cornelius de Witt, settingforth that the warden – who, as he had shown by the lettersadded to his signature, was fuming at the repeal of thePerpetual Edict – had, from hatred against William ofOrange, hired an assassin to deliver the new Republic of itsnew Stadtholder; —
他举报了Cornelius de Witt,称看守–通过他在签名后面附加的信件已经表示反悔废除《永久法令》–因憎恨威廉·奥兰治而雇佣了刺客来肃清新共和国里的新总督; —

and he, Tyckelaer was the person thuschosen; —
而他,Tyckelaer被选中成为这个人; —

but that, horrified at the bare idea of the actwhich he was asked to perpetrate, he had preferred rather toreveal the crime than to commit it.

This disclosure was, indeed, well calculated to call forth afurious outbreak among the Orange faction. —
这一披露确实足以引发橙党中的一场狂暴爆发。 —

The AttorneyGeneral caused, on the 16th of August, 1672, Cornelius deWitt to be arrested; —
检察长在1672年8月16日逮捕了Cornelius de Witt; —

and the noble brother of John de Witthad, like the vilest criminal, to undergo, in one of theapartments of the town prison, the preparatory degrees oftorture, by means of which his judges expected to force fromhim the confession of his alleged plot against William ofOrange.

But Cornelius was not only possessed of a great mind, butalso of a great heart. —
但Cornelius不仅拥有伟大的头脑,还有伟大的心灵。 —

He belonged to that race of martyrswho, indissolubly wedded to their political convictions astheir ancestors were to their faith, are able to smile onpain: —
他属于那种与他们的政治信念结合得像他们的祖先与信仰结合一样紧密的殉道者族群,能够在痛苦中微笑; —

while being stretched on the rack, he recited with afirm voice, and scanning the lines according to measure, thefirst strophe of the “Justum ac tenacem” of Horace, and,making no confession, tired not only the strength, but eventhe fanaticism, of his executioners.

The judges, notwithstanding, acquitted Tyckelaer from everycharge; —
尽管如此,法官们宣布对泰克莱尔自所有指控中宣判无罪; —

at the same time sentencing Cornelius to be deposedfrom all his offices and dignities; —
同时对科内利斯宣判罢免他的一切职务和尊严; —

to pay all the costs ofthe trial; and to be banished from the soil of the Republicfor ever.

This judgment against not only an innocent, but also a greatman, was indeed some gratification to the passions of thepeople, to whose interests Cornelius de Witt had alwaysdevoted himself: —
这一针对一个无辜的,同时也是一个伟大人物的裁决,的确满足了人民的激情,而科内利斯·德·维特一直为人民的利益而奉献自己; —

but, as we shall soon see, it was notenough.

  The Athenians, who indeed have left behind them a prettytolerable reputation for ingratitude, have in this respectto yield precedence to the Dutch. They, at least in the caseof Aristides, contented themselves with banishing him.

John de Witt, at the first intimation of the charge broughtagainst his brother, had resigned his office of GrandPensionary. —
约翰·德·维特在得知起诉他兄弟的指控后,迅速辞去了他的大国务大臣职务; —

He too received a noble recompense for hisdevotedness to the best interests of his country, takingwith him into the retirement of private life the hatred of ahost of enemies, and the fresh scars of wounds inflicted byassassins, only too often the sole guerdon obtained byhonest people, who are guilty of having worked for theircountry, and of having forgotten their own privateinterests.

  In the meanwhile William of Orange urged on the course ofevents by every means in his power, eagerly waiting for thetime when the people, by whom he was idolised, should havemade of the bodies of the brothers the two steps over whichhe might ascend to the chair of Stadtholder.

Thus, then, on the 20th of August, 1672, as we have alreadystated in the beginning of this chapter, the whole town wascrowding towards the Buytenhof, to witness the departure ofCornelius de Witt from prison, as he was going to exile; —
因此,正如我们在本章开头已经说明的那样,在1672年8月20日,整个城镇都挤向Buytenhof,目睹科内利斯·德·维特离开监狱,流亡的时刻; —

andto see what traces the torture of the rack had left on thenoble frame of the man who knew his Horace so well.

Yet all this multitude was not crowding to the Buytenhofwith the innocent view of merely feasting their eyes withthe spectacle; —
然而,所有这些群众并不仅仅是为了目睹这场壮观的景象而涌向Buytenhof; —

there were many who went there to play anactive part in it, and to take upon themselves an officewhich they conceived had been badly filled, – that of theexecutioner.
有许多人是来扮演其中一个积极角色,并承担起他们认为一直没有得到良好履行的职责 – 执行者的职责;

There were, indeed, others with less hostile intentions. —
也有其他人没有那么敌对意图; —

Allthat they cared for was the spectacle, always so attractiveto the mob, whose instinctive pride is flattered by it, –the sight of greatness hurled down into the dust.

“Has not,” they would say, “this Cornelius de Witt beenlocked up and broken by the rack? —
“他们会说‘这个科内利厄斯·德维特岂非已经被关进枷锁,受到了拷问的折磨吗?’ —

Shall we not see him pale,streaming with blood, covered with shame?” —
‘难道我们看不到他苍白无血色,身上流淌着鲜血,满身羞辱吗?’ —

And was not thisa sweet triumph for the burghers of the Hague, whose envyeven beat that of the common rabble; —
这难道不是海牙市民的一场甜蜜胜利吗,这胜利甚至超过了普通暴民的嫉妒呢; —

a triumph in whichevery honest citizen and townsman might be expected toshare?

“Moreover,” hinted the Orange agitators interspersed throughthe crowd, whom they hoped to manage like a sharp-edged andat the same time crushing instrument, – “moreover, willthere not, from the Buytenhof to the gate of the town, anice little opportunity present itself to throw somehandfuls of dirt, or a few stones, at this Cornelius deWitt, who not only conferred the dignity of Stadtholder onthe Prince of Orange merely vi coactus, but who alsointended to have him assassinated?” —
“而且,”橙色派的煽动者埋伏在人群中暗示道,“此外,在Buytenhof广场到城市大门之间,难道不会有一个不错的机会向这个科内利厄斯·德维特扔几把泥土,或是几块石头吗?他不仅仅是因为被迫而将明瓦斯省公爵之位授予橙色亲王,还打算暗杀他?’ —

“Besides which,” the fierce enemies of France chimed in, “ifthe work were done well and bravely at the Hague, Corneliuswould certainly not be allowed to go into exile, where hewill renew his intrigues with France, and live with his bigscoundrel of a brother, John, on the gold of the Marquis deLouvois.” —
“另外,”法国的激烈敌人加入了进来,“如果海牙的行动进行得顺利并勇敢,科内利定会满意逃亡,届时他将会在流放中重新投靠法国,与他那个卑鄙的弟弟约翰一起生活,要利用卢瓦省宫廷的金钱。” —

Being in such a temper, people generally will run ratherthan walk; —
情绪如此激动,人们通常会快步奔跑,而不是慢步走; —

which was the reason why the inhabitants of theHague were hurrying so fast towards the Buytenhof.

  Honest Tyckelaer, with a heart full of spite and malice, andwith no particular plan settled in his mind, was one of theforemost, being paraded about by the Orange party like ahero of probity, national honour, and Christian charity.

This daring miscreant detailed, with all the embellishmentsand flourishes suggested by his base mind and his ruffianlyimagination, the attempts which he pretended Cornelius deWitt had made to corrupt him; —
这个胆大妄为的恶棍详细描述了,由他那根本不值得信任的心灵和流氓般的想象力激发出来的,称假的科内利德维特曾试图贿赂他; —

the sums of money which werepromised, and all the diabolical stratagems plannedbeforehand to smooth for him, Tyckelaer, all thedifficulties in the path of murder.

  And every phase of his speech, eagerly listened to by thepopulace, called forth enthusiastic cheers for the Prince ofOrange, and groans and imprecations of blind fury againstthe brothers De Witt.

  The mob even began to vent its rage by inveighing againstthe iniquitous judges, who had allowed such a detestablecriminal as the villain Cornelius to get off so cheaply.

Some of the agitators whispered, “He will be off, he willescape from us!” —
一些煽动者低声说,“他会逃走的,他会躲开我们的追捕!” —

Others replied, “A vessel is waiting for him at Schevening,a French craft. —
其他人回答道,“一艘船正在Schevening等着他,一艘法国船。” —

Tyckelaer has seen her.”“Honest Tyckelaer! —
提克勒见到她了。”诚实的提克勒! —

Hurrah for Tyckelaer!” the mob cried inchorus.

“And let us not forget,” a voice exclaimed from the crowd,“that at the same time with Cornelius his brother John, whois as rascally a traitor as himself, will likewise make hisescape.” —
“让我们不要忘记,“人群中有人大声疾呼,”与科内利厄斯同时行动的他的弟弟约翰,和他一样卑鄙的叛徒,也将逃走。” —

“And the two rogues will in France make merry with ourmoney, with the money for our vessels, our arsenals, and ourdockyards, which they have sold to Louis XIV.”“Well, then, don’t let us allow them to depart!” —
“这两个骗子将在法国用我们的钱,我们的船只、军械库和造船厂的钱尽情狂欢,他们将这些卖给了路易十四。”那么,我们不能让他们离开!” —

advised oneof the patriots who had gained the start of the others.

  ”Forward to the prison, to the prison!” echoed the crowd.

  Amid these cries, the citizens ran along faster and faster,cocking their muskets, brandishing their hatchets, andlooking death and defiance in all directions.

No violence, however, had as yet been committed; —
然而,到目前为止还没有发生暴力事件; —

and thefile of horsemen who were guarding the approaches of theBuytenhof remained cool, unmoved, silent, much morethreatening in their impassibility than all this crowd ofburghers, with their cries, their agitation, and theirthreats. —
守卫比特霍夫接近的马队依然冷静、不动声色、沉默,比所有这些市民群众更具威慑力。 —

The men on their horses, indeed, stood like so manystatues, under the eye of their chief, Count Tilly, thecaptain of the mounted troops of the Hague, who had hissword drawn, but held it with its point downwards, in a linewith the straps of his stirrup.

This troop, the only defence of the prison, overawed by itsfirm attitude not only the disorderly riotous mass of thepopulace, but also the detachment of the burgher guard,which, being placed opposite the Buytenhof to support thesoldiers in keeping order, gave to the rioters the exampleof seditious cries, shouting, –“Hurrah for Orange! —
这支马队,监狱唯一的防御,被他们沉稳的态度所震慑,不仅压制了暴乱的市民群众,也让站在比特霍夫对面以保持秩序的市民卫队分队模仿市民的叛乱呼喊声,喊道,”为奥兰治欢呼! —

Down with the traitors!“The presence of Tilly and his horsemen, indeed, exercised asalutary check on these civic warriors; —
打倒叛徒!”蒂利伯爵和他的马队的存在,的确对这些市民战士产生了检查的作用。 —

but by degrees theywaxed more and more angry by their own shouts, and as theywere not able to understand how any one could have couragewithout showing it by cries, they attributed the silence ofthe dragoons to pusillanimity, and advanced one step towardsthe prison, with all the turbulent mob following in theirwake.

In this moment, Count Tilly rode forth towards themsingle-handed, merely lifting his sword and contracting hisbrow whilst he addressed them: —
在这一刻,提利伯爵独自一人骑马朝他们走来,只是提起剑并皱眉对他们说道: —

–“Well, gentlemen of the burgher guard, what are youadvancing for, and what do you wish?” —
“那么,市民卫队的各位,你们向前是为了什么,你们想做什么?” —

The burghers shook their muskets, repeating their cry, –“Hurrah for Orange! Death to the traitors!” —
市民们摇晃着他们的火枪,重复着他们的呼喊–“为橙色欢呼!死于叛徒们!” —

”‘Hurrah for Orange!’ all well and good!” —
“‘为橙色欢呼!’都好。” —

replied Tilly,“although I certainly am more partial to happy faces than togloomy ones. —
蒂利回答道,“虽然我更喜欢开心的表情而不是忧郁的。 —

‘Death to the traitors!’ as much of it as youlike, as long as you show your wishes only by cries. —
“‘死于叛徒们!’你们喜欢多少就喊多少,只要你们只用呼喊表达你们的愿望。 —

But, asto putting them to death in good earnest, I am here toprevent that, and I shall prevent it.” —
但是,至于真的把他们置于死地,我在这里是来阻止的,我将阻止它。” —

Then, turning round to his men, he gave the word of command,–“Soldiers, ready!” —
然后,他转身对他的士兵们下令,“士兵们,准备!” —

The troopers obeyed orders with a precision whichimmediately caused the burgher guard and the people to fallback, in a degree of confusion which excited the smile ofthe cavalry officer.

“Holloa!” he exclaimed, with that bantering tone which ispeculiar to men of his profession; —
“喂!”他以那种调侃的语气说,这是他这个职业的人特有的; —

“be easy, gentlemen, mysoldiers will not fire a shot; —
“放心,先生们,我的士兵不会开枪; —

but, on the other hand, youwill not advance by one step towards the prison.” —
是,另一方面,你们不会向监狱前进一步。” —

“And do you know, sir, that we have muskets?” —
“你知道吗,先生,我们有火枪吗?” —

roared thecommandant of the burghers.

“I must know it, by Jove, you have made them glitter enoughbefore my eyes; —
“我必须知道,天哪,你们已经让它们在我眼前闪闪发光了; —

but I beg you to observe also that we on ourside have pistols, that the pistol carries admirably to adistance of fifty yards, and that you are only twenty-fivefrom us.” —
但我请你们也注意到,我们这边有手枪,手枪在五十码的距离内射击得很好,而你们离我们只有二十五码。” —

“Death to the traitors!” cried the exasperated burghers.

“Go along with you,” growled the officer, “you always crythe same thing over again. —
“跟着你去吧,”官员咆哮道,“你总是重复着同样的话。 —

It is very tiresome.“With this, he took his post at the head of his troops,whilst the tumult grew fiercer and fiercer about theBuytenhof.

  And yet the fuming crowd did not know that, at that verymoment when they were tracking the scent of one of theirvictims, the other, as if hurrying to meet his fate, passed,at a distance of not more than a hundred yards, behind thegroups of people and the dragoons, to betake himself to theBuytenhof.

  John de Witt, indeed, had alighted from his coach with hisservant, and quietly walked across the courtyard of theprison.

Mentioning his name to the turnkey, who however knew him, hesaid, –“Good morning, Gryphus; —
对狱卒提起他的名字,而这位狱卒认识他,他说,–“早上好,格里弗斯; —

I am coming to take away my brother,who, as you know, is condemned to exile, and to carry himout of the town.” —
我来带走我的兄弟,如你所知,他被流放了,我要把他带出城外。” —

Whereupon the jailer, a sort of bear, trained to lock andunlock the gates of the prison, had greeted him and admittedhim into the building, the doors of which were immediatelyclosed again.

Ten yards farther on, John de Witt met a lovely young girl,of about seventeen or eighteen, dressed in the nationalcostume of the Frisian women, who, with pretty demureness,dropped a curtesy to him. —
离开十码,约翰·德维特遇到了一个可爱的年轻女孩,大约十七八岁,穿着弗里斯兰妇女的民族服装,她表现出美丽的端庄,向他行了一个屈膝礼。 —

Chucking her under the chin, hesaid to her, –“Good morning, my good and fair Rosa; —
他捏住她的下巴说,–“早上好,我亲爱的罗莎; —

how is my brother?”“Oh, Mynheer John!” the young girl replied, “I am not afraidof the harm which has been done to him. —
我的兄弟怎样了?”“哦,尊敬的约翰先生!”那位年轻女孩回答道,“他受到的伤害我已经不怕了。 —

That’s all overnow.”“But what is it you are afraid of?” —
这一切现在已经结束了。”“但你害怕什么呢?” —

“I am afraid of the harm which they are going to do to him.” —
“我害怕他们要对他做的伤害。” —

“Oh, yes,” said De Witt, “you mean to speak of the peopledown below, don’t you?”“Do you hear them?” —
“哦,是的,”德维特说,“你是指下面的人群,对吗?”“你听见他们了吗?” —

“They are indeed in a state of great excitement; —
“他们的确处在极度兴奋的状态; —

but whenthey see us perhaps they will grow calmer, as we have neverdone them anything but good.” —
但也许当他们看到我们时,他们会变得更加冷静,因为我们从来没有对他们有过伤害,只做了好事。” —

“That’s unfortunately no reason, except for the contrary,“muttered the girl, as, on an imperative sign from herfather, she withdrew.

“Indeed, child, what you say is only too true.” —
“的确,孩子,你说的太对了。” —

Then, in pursuing his way, he said to himself, –“Here is a damsel who very likely does not know how to read,who consequently has never read anything, and yet with oneword she has just told the whole history of the world.” —
然后,他心里想着,“这位女子很可能不识字,从未阅读过什么书,却用一句话道破了整个世界的历史。” —

And with the same calm mien, but more melancholy than he hadbeen on entering the prison, the Grand Pensionary proceededtowards the cell of his brother.