Van Baerle, led by four guards, who pushed their way throughthe crowd, sidled up to the black tulip, towards which hisgaze was attracted with increasing interest the nearer heapproached to it.

He saw it at last, that unique flower, which he was to seeonce and no more. —
他终于看见了那朵独一无二的花朵,他只能见到一次。 —

He saw it at the distance of six paces,and was delighted with its perfection and gracefulness; —
他距离六步远处看见它,它的完美和优雅使他欣喜不已。 —

hesaw it surrounded by young and beautiful girls, who formed,as it were, a guard of honour for this queen of excellenceand purity. —
他看到它被一群年轻美丽的姑娘环绕着,仿佛是这尊卓越纯净之后的一道荣誉护卫。 —

And yet, the more he ascertained with his owneyes the perfection of the flower, the more wretched andmiserable he felt. —
然而,他越是用自己的眼睛确认花朵的完美,他就感到越是悲惨和可怜。 —

He looked all around for some one to whomhe might address only one question, but his eyes everywheremet strange faces, and the attention of all was directedtowards the chair of state, on which the Stadtholder hadseated himself.

  William rose, casting a tranquil glance over theenthusiastic crowd, and his keen eyes rested by turns on thethree extremities of a triangle formed opposite to him bythree persons of very different interests and feelings.

  At one of the angles, Boxtel, trembling with impatience, andquite absorbed in watching the Prince, the guilders, theblack tulip, and the crowd.

  At the other, Cornelius, panting for breath, silent, and hisattention, his eyes, his life, his heart, his love, quiteconcentrated on the black tulip.

And thirdly, standing on a raised step among the maidens ofHaarlem, a beautiful Frisian girl, dressed in fine scarletwoollen cloth, embroidered with silver, and covered with alace veil, which fell in rich folds from her head-dress ofgold brocade; —
还有第三个人,站在哈勒姆的少女中间的一个高台上,一位穿着精美的红色羊毛布料,镶着银色刺绣,并戴着金边头巾的美丽弗里吉亚女孩; —

in one word, Rosa, who, faint and withswimming eyes, was leaning on the arm of one of the officersof William.

The Prince then slowly unfolded the parchment, and said,with a calm clear voice, which, although low, made itselfperfectly heard amidst the respectful silence, which all atonce arrested the breath of fifty thousand spectators. —
王子缓缓展开羊皮纸,然后用镇定清晰的声音说道,尽管声音低沉,但在马上齐齐静止的尊敬沉寂的氛围中却清晰可闻,这突如其来的沉默使五万名观众齐齐屏住了呼吸。 —

–“You know what has brought us here?

  ”A prize of one hundred thousand guilders has been promisedto whosoever should grow the black tulip.

  ”The black tulip has been grown; here it is before youreyes, coming up to all the conditions required by theprogramme of the Horticultural Society of Haarlem.

  ”The history of its production, and the name of its grower,will be inscribed in the book of honour of the city.

“Let the person approach to whom the black tulip belongs.” —
“让拥有黑郁金香的人上前。 —

In pronouncing these words, the Prince, to judge of theeffect they produced, surveyed with his eagle eye the threeextremities of the triangle.

He saw Boxtel rushing forward. He saw Cornelius make aninvoluntary movement; —
他看到了巴克斯泰尔冲了上来。看到了科尼利厄斯做了一个不经意的动作; —

and lastly he saw the officer who wastaking care of Rosa lead, or rather push her forward towardshim.

  At the sight of Rosa, a double cry arose on the right andleft of the Prince.

Boxtel, thunderstruck, and Cornelius, in joyful amazement,both exclaimed, –“Rosa! —
巴克斯泰尔一愣神,而科尼利厄斯却兴奋地惊叹道,–“罗莎! —

Rosa!”“This tulip is yours, is it not, my child?” said the Prince.

  ”Yes, Monseigneur,” stammered Rosa, whose striking beautyexcited a general murmur of applause.

“Oh!” muttered Cornelius, “she has then belied me, when shesaid this flower was stolen from her. —
“哦!”卡内利厄斯喃喃自语道,“她果然欺骗了我,当她说这朵花是从她那里偷来的时。” —

Oh! that’s why sheleft Loewestein. Alas! —
“哦!这就是为什么她离开洛韦斯坦了。唉!我难道被遗忘了,被我认为是我在地球上最好的朋友的人背叛了吗?” —

am I then forgotten, betrayed by herwhom I thought my best friend on earth?”“Oh!” —
“哦!”巴克斯特叹息道,“我完了。” —

sighed Boxtel, “I am lost.”“This tulip,” continued the Prince, “will therefore bear thename of its producer, and figure in the catalogue under thetitle, Tulipa nigra Rosa Barlaensis, because of the name VanBaerle, which will henceforth be the name of this damsel.” —
王子继续说道,“因此这朵郁金香将会以其产出者之名命名,并且在目录中以郁金香尼格拉罗莎·芭蕾恩西斯的名义出现,因为范·巴尔勒这个名字从此将成为这位小姐的名字。” —

And at the same time William took Rosa’s hand, and placed itin that of a young man, who rushed forth, pale and beyondhimself with joy, to the foot of the throne salutingalternately the Prince and his bride; —
同时,威廉将罗莎的手交给了一个年轻人,他激动地跑到王座脚下,交替向王子和他的新娘致敬; —

and who with agrateful look to heaven, returned his thanks to the Giver ofall this happiness.

  At the same moment there fell at the feet of the Presidentvan Systens another man, struck down by a very differentemotion.

  Boxtel, crushed by the failure of his hopes, lay senselesson the ground.

  When they raised him, and examined his pulse and his heart,he was quite dead.

  This incident did not much disturb the festival, as neitherthe Prince nor the President seemed to mind it much.

  Cornelius started back in dismay, when in the thief, in thepretended Jacob, he recognised his neighbour, Isaac Boxtel,whom, in the innocence of his heart, he had not for oneinstant suspected of such a wicked action.

  Then, to the sound of trumpets, the procession marched backwithout any change in its order, except that Boxtel was nowdead, and that Cornelius and Rosa were walking triumphantlyside by side and hand in hand.

On their arriving at the Hotel de Ville, the Prince,pointing with his finger to the purse with the hundredthousand guilders, said to Cornelius, –“It is difficult to say by whom this money is gained, by youor by Rosa; —
当他们抵达市政厅时,王子用手指指着那个装有十万元金币的钱包,对卡内利厄斯说,“很难说这笔钱是由你还是罗莎赢得的;” —

for if you have found the black tulip, she hasnursed it and brought it into flower. —
如果你找到了黑郁金香,她已经照料它,让它开花。 —

It would therefore beunjust to consider it as her dowry; —
因此,把它视为她的嫁妆是不公平的; —

it is the gift of thetown of Haarlem to the tulip.” —
这是哈勒姆市送给郁金香的礼物。” —

Cornelius wondered what the Prince was driving at. —
科内利斯不知道王子的用意。 —

Thelatter continued, –“I give to Rosa the sum of a hundred thousand guilders,which she has fairly earned, and which she can offer to you.

They are the reward of her love, her courage, and herhonesty. —
这是她的爱心、勇气和诚实所值得的报酬。 —

As to you, Sir – thanks to Rosa again, who hasfurnished the proofs of your innocence —- “And, saying these words, the Prince handed to Cornelius thatfly-leaf of the Bible on which was written the letter ofCornelius de Witt, and in which the third bulb had beenwrapped, –“As to you, it has come to light that you were imprisonedfor a crime which you had not committed. —
至于你,先生——多亏了罗莎,她提供了你清白的证据——”说完这些,王子递给科内利斯那本圣经的一页,上面写着科内利斯·德·维特的信,里面包着第三枚鳞茎,“至于你,证明你被误判入狱是冒人冤的。 —

This means, thatyou are not only free, but that your property will berestored to you; —
这意味着你不仅自由,而且财产将返还给你; —

as the property of an innocent man cannotbe confiscated. —
因为清白的人的财产不能被没收。 —

Cornelius van Baerle, you are the godson ofCornelius de Witt and the friend of his brother John. Remainworthy of the name you have received from one of them, andof the friendship you have enjoyed with the other. —
科内利斯·范·巴尔勒,你是柯内利斯·德·维特的教子,也是他的兄弟约翰的朋友。保持你从他们一人那里得来的名誉,以及你与另一人享有的友情。 —

The twoDe Witts, wrongly judged and wrongly punished in a moment ofpopular error, were two great citizens, of whom Holland isnow proud.” —
那两位德·维特,曾在民众错误的瞬间被错误地判罚,他们是两位伟大的公民,如今荷兰以他们为荣。” —

The Prince, after these last words, which contrary to hiscustom, he pronounced with a voice full of emotion, gave hishands to the lovers to kiss, whilst they were kneelingbefore him.

Then heaving a sigh, he said, –“Alas! —
然后他叹了口气,说道,“唉! —

you are very happy, who, dreaming only of whatperhaps is the true glory of Holland, and forms especiallyher true happiness, do not attempt to acquire for heranything beyond new colours of tulips.” —
你们是非常幸福的,只梦想着也许才是荷兰真正的荣耀,也构成了她真正的幸福,不试图为她争取任何超越新郁金香颜色之外的东西。” —

And, casting a glance towards that point of the compasswhere France lay, as if he saw new clouds gathering there,he entered his carriage and drove off.

  Cornelius started on the same day for Dort with Rosa, whosent her lover’s old housekeeper as a messenger to herfather, to apprise him of all that had taken place.

Those who, thanks to our description, have learned thecharacter of old Gryphus, will comprehend that it was hardfor him to become reconciled to his son-in-law. —
那些通过我们的描述了解了老Gryphus的性格的人会明白他很难接受自己的女婿。 —

He had notyet forgotten the blows which he had received in that famousencounter. —
他还没有忘记在那场著名的冲突中受到的打击。 —

To judge from the weals which he counted, theirnumber, he said, amounted to forty-one; —
从他数出来的痕迹看,他说数量达到了四十一处; —

but at last, inorder, as he declared, not to be less generous than hisHighness the Stadtholder, he consented to make his peace.

  Appointed to watch over the tulips, the old man made therudest keeper of flowers in the whole of the SevenProvinces.

  It was indeed a sight to see him watching the obnoxiousmoths and butterflies, killing slugs, and driving away thehungry bees.

As he had heard Boxtel’s story, and was furious at havingbeen the dupe of the pretended Jacob, he destroyed thesycamore behind which the envious Isaac had spied into thegarden; —
由于他听说了Boxtel的故事,而且对自己被假扮的Jacob欺骗感到愤怒,他砍掉了假冒者Isaac偷窥花园的悬铃木; —

for the plot of ground belonging to him had beenbought by Cornelius, and taken into his own garden.

  Rosa, growing not only in beauty, but in wisdom also, aftertwo years of her married life, could read and write so wellthat she was able to undertake by herself the education oftwo beautiful children which she had borne in 1674 and 1675,both in May, the month of flowers.

  As a matter of course, one was a boy, the other a girl, theformer being called Cornelius, the other Rosa.

Van Baerle remained faithfully attached to Rosa and to histulips. —
Van Baerle对Rosa和他的郁金香忠心耿耿。 —

The whole of his life was devoted to the happinessof his wife and the culture of flowers, in the latter ofwhich occupations he was so successful that a great numberof his varieties found a place in the catalogue of Holland.

The two principal ornaments of his drawing-room were thosetwo leaves from the Bible of Cornelius de Witt, in largegolden frames; —
他客厅的两个主要装饰是Cornelius de Witt圣经中的两片叶子,放在金色的大框架内; —

one of them containing the letter in whichhis godfather enjoined him to burn the correspondence of theMarquis de Louvois, and the other his own will, in which hebequeathed to Rosa his bulbs under condition that she shouldmarry a young man of from twenty-six to twenty-eight years,who loved her and whom she loved, a condition which wasscrupulously fulfilled, although, or rather because,Cornelius did not die.
其中一片包含他的教父嘱咐他销毁Marquis de Louvois的信件的信件,另一篇是他的遗嘱,他遗赠给Rosa他的球茎,条件是她要嫁给一个二十六至二十八岁,爱她且她爱的年轻人,这个条件严格遵守,尽管或者说因为Cornelius没有去世。

And to ward off any envious attempts of another IsaacBoxtel, he wrote over his door the lines which Grotius had,on the day of his flight, scratched on the walls of hisprison: —
为了防止另一个艾萨克·博克斯特尔的企图,他在门上写下了格罗提乌斯在逃亡当天刻在监牢墙上的那行诗句: —

–“Sometimes one has suffered so much that he has the rightnever to be able to say, ‘I am too happy.’”