The young man with his hat slouched over his eyes, stillleaning on the arm of the officer, and still wiping fromtime to time his brow with his handkerchief, was watching ina corner of the Buytenhof, in the shade of the overhangingweather-board of a closed shop, the doings of the infuriatedmob, a spectacle which seemed to draw near its catastrophe.

“Indeed,” said he to the officer, “indeed, I think you wereright, Van Deken; —
“确实,“他对军官说道,“我认为你是对的,范德肯;” —

the order which the deputies have signedis truly the death-warrant of Master Cornelius. —
代表们签署的那道命令确实是康奈利斯大师的死刑。 —

Do you hearthese people? They certainly bear a sad grudge to the two DeWitts.”“In truth,” replied the officer, “I never heard suchshouts.” —
“你听见这些人了吗?他们对德维特兄弟们确实怀有深深的怨恨.” —

“They seem to have found out the cell of the man. Look,look! —
“他们看起来发现了那个人的牢房。看,看! —

is not that the window of the cell where Cornelius waslocked up?” —
难道那不是康奈利斯被关在里面的牢房窗户吗? —

A man had seized with both hands and was shaking the ironbars of the window in the room which Cornelius had left onlyten minutes before.

“Halloa, halloa!” the man called out, “he is gone.”“How is that? gone?” —
“喂,喂!”那个人喊道,“他不见了。” —

asked those of the mob who had not beenable to get into the prison, crowded as it was with the massof intruders.

“Gone, gone,” repeated the man in a rage, “the bird hasflown.” —
“走了,走了,“那个人愤怒地重复说道,“鸟飞走了。” —

“What does this man say?” asked his Highness, growing quitepale.

“Oh, Monseigneur, he says a thing which would be veryfortunate if it should turn out true!” —
“哦,阁下,他说一件如果是真的就会很幸运的事情!” —

“Certainly it would be fortunate if it were true,” said theyoung man; —
“确实,如果是真的就会很幸运,”那年轻人说道; —

“unfortunately it cannot be true.”“However, look!” said the officer.

And indeed, some more faces, furious and contorted withrage, showed themselves at the windows, crying, –“Escaped, gone, they have helped them off!” —
“然而,看!”军官说。 —

And the people in the street repeated, with fearfulimprecations, –“Escaped gone! —
街上的人们恐惧地重复着”逃走了!” —

After them, and catch them!““Monseigneur, it seems that Mynheer Cornelius has reallyescaped,” said the officer.

“Yes, from prison, perhaps, but not from the town; —
“也许是从监狱逃走了,但不是从城里; —

you willsee, Van Deken, that the poor fellow will find the gateclosed against him which he hoped to find open.” —
你会看到,范德肯,那可怜的家伙将发现他希望敞开的大门关上了。” —

“Has an order been given to close the town gates,Monseigneur?”“No, – at least I do not think so; —
“有命令关闭城门吗,大人?”“没有,–至少我不这样认为; —

who could have givensuch an order?”“Indeed, but what makes your Highness suppose?” —
谁可能发出这样的命令?”“确实,但是您殿下为何这样认为?” —

“There are fatalities,” Monseigneur replied, in an offhandmanner; —
“有不可抗力的事情,”大人轻描淡写地回答道; —

“and the greatest men have sometimes fallen victimsto such fatalities.” —
“有时最伟大的人物也会成为这种不可抗力的牺牲品。” —

At these words the officer felt his blood run cold, assomehow or other he was convinced that the prisoner waslost.

  At this moment the roar of the multitude broke forth likethunder, for it was now quite certain that Cornelius de Wittwas no longer in the prison.
就在这时,人群的咆哮像雷声一样爆发了,因为现在可以肯定Cornelius de Witt不再在监狱里。

  Cornelius and John, after driving along the pond, had takenthe main street, which leads to the Tol-Hek, givingdirections to the coachman to slacken his pace, in order notto excite any suspicion.

  But when, on having proceeded half-way down that street, theman felt that he had left the prison and death behind, andbefore him there was life and liberty, he neglected everyprecaution, and set his horses off at a gallop.

  All at once he stopped.

  ”What is the matter?” asked John, putting his head out ofthe coach window.
“怎么了?” John从马车车窗探出头问道。

  ”Oh, my masters!” cried the coachman, “it is —- “Terror choked the voice of the honest fellow.

  ”Well, say what you have to say!” urged the GrandPensionary.
“好了,说吧!” GrandPensionary 劝说道。

“The gate is closed, that’s what it is.”“How is this? —
“门关着了,就是这样。”“怎么回事? —

It is not usual to close the gate by day.”“Just look!” —
白天通常不会关上大门。”“你看看!” —

John de Witt leaned out of the window, and indeed saw thatthe man was right.

“Never mind, but drive on,” said John, “I have with me theorder for the commutation of the punishment, the gate-keeperwill let us through.” —
“别管了,继续走吧,” 约翰说,“我带着交换处罚命令,看门人会放我们通过的。” —

The carriage moved along, but it was evident that the driverwas no longer urging his horses with the same degree ofconfidence.

Moreover, as John de Witt put his head out of the carriagewindow, he was seen and recognized by a brewer, who, beingbehind his companions, was just shutting his door in allhaste to join them at the Buytenhof. —
此外,当约翰·德·维特从车窗伸出头时,被一个酿酒商看到并认出,这个酿酒商正赶紧关上门,迅速向外面的 Buytenhof 大声追赶他的同伴。 —

He uttered a cry ofsurprise, and ran after two other men before him, whom heovertook about a hundred yards farther on, and told themwhat he had seen. —
他发出一声惊叫,然后跑向前面的另外两个人,追上他们大约一百码,告诉他们他看到了什么。 —

The three men then stopped, looking afterthe carriage, being however not yet quite sure as to whom itcontained.

  The carriage in the meanwhile arrived at the Tol-Hek.

  ”Open!” cried the coachman.

“Open!” echoed the gatekeeper, from the threshold of hislodge; —
“开门!”门卫从他的看守亭门口回应道; —

“it’s all very well to say ‘Open!’ but what am I todo it with?” —
“说开门容易,我拿什么开门呢?”门卫说。 —

“With the key, to be sure!” said the coachman.

“With the key! Oh, yes! but if you have not got it?”“How is that? —
“With the key! Oh, yes! but if you have not got it?” = “用钥匙!哦,是的!但如果你没有拿到它呢?” —

Have not you got the key?” asked the coachman.

“No, I haven’t.”“What has become of it?”“Well, they have taken it from me.”“Who?” —
“没有。”“钥匙去哪儿了?”“嗯,他们从我这儿拿走了。”“是谁?” —

“Some one, I dare say, who had a mind that no one shouldleave the town.” —
“大概是有人想让没有人离开这个小镇。” —

“My good man,” said the Grand Pensionary, putting out hishead from the window, and risking all for gaining all; —
“善良的人”,大权臣从窗户探出头,冒着一切去换取一切; —

“mygood man, it is for me, John de Witt, and for my brotherCornelius, who I am taking away into exile.” —
“善良的人,我是约翰·德维特,我带着我哥哥科内利斯去流放。” —

“Oh, Mynheer de Witt! I am indeed very much grieved,” saidthe gatekeeper, rushing towards the carriage; —
“哦,德维特先生!我真的非常伤心”门卫冲向车厢; —

“but, upon mysacred word, the key has been taken from me.”“When?”“This morning.”“By whom?” —
“但,我发誓,钥匙被从我这儿拿走了。”“何时?”“今早。”“是谁干的?” —

“By a pale and thin young man, of about twenty-two.”“And wherefore did you give it up to him?” —
“一个大约二十二岁的苍白瘦弱的年轻人。”“你为什么就交给他了?” —

“Because he showed me an order, signed and sealed.”“By whom?”“By the gentlemen of the Town-hall.” —
“因为他给我看了一个由镇政厅的绅士们签署和盖章的命令。”“是谁签的字?” —

“Well, then,” said Cornelius calmly, “our doom seems to befixed.” —
“嗯,那么”,科内利斯平静地说,“我们的命运似乎已经注定。” —

“Do you know whether the same precaution has been taken atthe other gates?”“I do not.” —
“你知道其他大门是否也采取了同样的预防措施吗?”“我不知道。” —

“Now then,” said John to the coachman, “God commands man todo all that is in his power to preserve his life; —
“好了,”约翰对车夫说,“上帝命令人尽其所能保全生命; —

go, anddrive to another gate.“And whilst the servant was turning round the vehicle theGrand Pensionary said to the gatekeeper, –“Take our thanks for your good intentions; —
去,驶向另一座大门。”在仆人把车子转向另一座大门时,大权臣对门卫说,–“感谢你的好意; —

the will mustcount for the deed; you had the will to save us, and that,in the eyes of the Lord, is as if you had succeeded in doingso.” —
意志至为重要;你想救我们,这在上帝眼中等同于你确实做到了。” —

“Alas!” said the gatekeeper, “do you see down there?” —
“唉!”门卫说,“你看见下面了吗?” —

“Drive at a gallop through that group,” John called out tothe coachman, “and take the street on the left; —
“驾车飞驰穿过那群人,” 约翰对车夫喊道,”走左边的街道; —

it is ouronly chance.“The group which John alluded to had, for its nucleus, thosethree men whom we left looking after the carriage, and who,in the meanwhile, had been joined by seven or eight others.
这是我们唯一的机会.” 约翰所指的那群人中心是我们留下盯住马车的那三个人,与此同时,他们已经被七八个人围住了。

  These new-comers evidently meant mischief with regard to thecarriage.

When they saw the horses galloping down upon them, theyplaced themselves across the street, brandishing cudgels intheir hands, and calling out, –“Stop! —
当他们看到马匹急驶而来时,他们纵身一跃来到了街道中央,手持大棍,高喊着–“停下!停下!”车夫,另一边,用鞭子抽打马匹,使车速增加,直到马车与人们相遇。 —

stop!“The coachman, on his side, lashed his horses into increasedspeed, until the coach and the men encountered.

The brothers De Witt, enclosed within the body of thecarriage, were not able to see anything; —
但他们感到一种剧烈的冲击,这是因为马匹突然扬起。 —

but they felt asevere shock, occasioned by the rearing of the horses. —
整个马车瞬间颤动停止; —

Thewhole vehicle for a moment shook and stopped; —
但立即过去,车辆经过某处圆圆弹性的物体,看似是丧命人的身体,又在一连串最凶猛的咒骂声中继续前行。 —

butimmediately after, passing over something round and elastic,which seemed to be the body of a prostrate man set off againamidst a volley of the fiercest oaths.
“天哪!” 科尼利厄斯说,“恐怕我们伤害了人。”

  ”Alas!” said Cornelius, “I am afraid we have hurt some one.”“Gallop! gallop!” called John.
“飞奔!飞奔!” 约翰喊道。

  But, notwithstanding this order, the coachman suddenly cameto a stop.

  ”Now, then, what is the matter again?” asked John.
“现在怎么了?” 约翰问。

  ”Look there!” said the coachman.
“看那里!” 车夫说。

  John looked. The whole mass of the populace from theBuytenhof appeared at the extremity of the street alongwhich the carriage was to proceed, and its stream movedroaring and rapid, as if lashed on by a hurricane.

“Stop and get off,” said John to the coachman; “it isuseless to go any farther; we are lost!” —
“停车下来,” 约翰对车夫说,“再往前走已经没有意义了;我们完蛋了!” —

“Here they are! here they are!” five hundred voices werecrying at the same time.

“Yes, here they are, the traitors, the murderers, theassassins!” —
“是的,他们来了,叛徒,凶手,刺客们!” —

answered the men who were running after thecarriage to the people who were coming to meet it. —
他们追着马车跑的人回答道,而接马车的人们。 —

Theformer carried in their arms the bruised body of one oftheir companions, who, trying to seize the reins of thehorses, had been trodden down by them.

  This was the object over which the two brothers had felttheir carriage pass.

  The coachman stopped, but, however strongly his master urgedhim, he refused to get off and save himself.

In an instant the carriage was hemmed in between those whofollowed and those who met it. —
一瞬间,马车被追赶的人和接马车的人包围起来了。 —

It rose above the mass ofmoving heads like a floating island. —
它像漂浮的岛屿一样高出人群上方。 —

But in another instantit came to a dead stop. —
但下一刻,它突然停了下来。 —

A blacksmith had with his hammerstruck down one of the horses, which fell in the traces.

At this moment, the shutter of a window opened, anddisclosed the sallow face and the dark eyes of the youngman, who with intense interest watched the scene which waspreparing. —
就在这时,一个窗户的百叶窗打开了,露出了一个苍白的脸庞和年轻人那双深邃的眼睛,他极度地关注着眼前的场面。 —

Behind him appeared the head of the officer,almost as pale as himself.

  ”Good heavens, Monseigneur, what is going on there?“whispered the officer.

  ”Something very terrible, to a certainty,” replied theother.

“Don’t you see, Monseigneur, they are dragging the GrandPensionary from the carriage, they strike him, they tear himto pieces!” —
“难道您没看到,阁下,他们把大法官从马车上拉下来,他们殴打他,撕扯他!” —

“Indeed, these people must certainly be prompted by a mostviolent indignation,” said the young marl, with the sameimpassible tone which he had preserved all along.

“And here is Cornelius, whom they now likewise drag out ofthe carriage, – Cornelius, who is already quite broken andmangled by the torture. —
“这里是Cornelius,他们现在也把他从马车上拉出来了,–Cornelius,他已经被折磨得支离破碎了。 —

Only look, look!”“Indeed, it is Cornelius, and no mistake.” —
再看,再看!”“确实,确实是Cornelius。” —

The officer uttered a feeble cry, and turned his head away; —
军官发出了一声微弱的呼喊,然后转过头去; —

the brother of the Grand Pensionary, before having set footon the ground, whilst still on the bottom step of thecarriage, was struck down with an iron bar which broke hisskull. —
大法官的兄弟还没有迈开脚步,当他仍在马车的车门踏板上时,就被一根铁棍击中头颅。 —

He rose once more, but immediately fell again.

  Some fellows then seized him by the feet, and dragged himinto the crowd, into the middle of which one might havefollowed his bloody track, and he was soon closed in amongthe savage yells of malignant exultation.

  The young man – a thing which would have been thoughtimpossible – grew even paler than before, and his eyes werefor a moment veiled behind the lids.

The officer saw this sign of compassion, and, wishing toavail himself of this softened tone of his feelings,continued, –“Come, come, Monseigneur, for here they are also going tomurder the Grand Pensionary.” —
军官看到了这种同情的迹象,希望利用这种 softened tone of his feelings,继续说道——“来吧,来吧,殿下, 因为他们也打算谋杀那位大财政大臣。” —

But the young man had already opened his eyes again.

  ”To be sure,” he said. “These people are really implacable.

It does no one good to offend them.” —
冒犯他们对谁都没有好处。” —

“Monseigneur,” said the officer, “may not one save this poorman, who has been your Highness’s instructor? —
“殿下,”军官说,“难道不能救这个曾经是您高ness的导师的可怜人吗? —

If there beany means, name it, and if I should perish in the attempt—- “William of Orange – for he it was – knit his brows in avery forbidding manner, restrained the glance of gloomymalice which glistened in his half-closed eye, and answered,–“Captain Van Deken, I request you to go and look after mytroops, that they may be armed for any emergency.” —
如果有任何方法,请告诉我,即使我在尝试中丧生——”这位就是奥兰治的威廉,他皱起眉头,半闭的眼睛闪烁着阴险的恶意,回答道——“德肯上校,我请求你去照看我的军队,让他们做好任何紧急情况的准备。” —

“But am I to leave your Highness here, alone, in thepresence of all these murderers?” —
“但是我能把您残忍地置身于所有这些凶手的面前,独自一人吗?” —

“Go, and don’t you trouble yourself about me more than I domyself,” the Prince gruffly replied.

  The officer started off with a speed which was much lessowing to his sense of military obedience than to hispleasure at being relieved from the necessity of witnessingthe shocking spectacle of the murder of the other brother.

He had scarcely left the room, when John – who, with analmost superhuman effort, had reached the stone steps of ahouse nearly opposite that where his former pupil concealedhimself – began to stagger under the blows which wereinflicted on him from all sides, calling out, –“My brother! —
他几乎走到了几乎与他以前的学生藏身之处相对的一栋房子的石阶上时,便开始在所有方向受到的打击下摇摇欲坠,大喊道——“我的兄弟!在哪里?” —

where is my brother?“One of the ruffians knocked off his hat with a blow of hisclenched fist.

Another showed to him his bloody hands; —
另一个向他展示了他血腥的手。 —

for this fellow hadripped open Cornelius and disembowelled him, and was nowhastening to the spot in order not to lose the opportunityof serving the Grand Pensionary in the same manner, whilstthey were dragging the dead body of Cornelius to the gibbet.

  John uttered a cry of agony and grief, and put one of hishands before his eyes.

“Oh, you close your eyes, do you?” said one of the soldiersof the burgher guard; —
“哦,你闭上眼睛了,是吧?”一个市民警卫的士兵说道; —

“well, I shall open them for you.“And saying this he stabbed him with his pike in the face,and the blood spurted forth.

“My brother!” cried John de Witt, trying to see through thestream of blood which blinded him, what had become ofCornelius; —
“我的兄弟!”约翰·德·威特喊道,试图透过那冲刷他眼睛的血看到康奈利斯的情况; —

“my brother, my brother!”“Go and run after him!” —
“我的兄弟,我的兄弟!”“去追他!” —

bellowed another murderer, puttinghis musket to his temples and pulling the trigger.

  But the gun did not go off.

The fellow then turned his musket round, and, taking it bythe barrel with both hands, struck John de Witt down withthe butt-end. —
那家伙将枪扭转过来,双手抓住枪管,用枪托打倒了约翰·德·威特。 —

John staggered and fell down at his feet, but,raising himself with a last effort, he once more called out,–“My brother!” —
约翰蹒跚而倒在他脚边,但是,他挣扎着重新站起来,再次大声喊道,–“我的兄弟!” —

with a voice so full of anguish that the youngman opposite closed the shutter.

There remained little more to see; a third murderer fired apistol with the muzzle to his face; —
剩下的看的东西已经不多了;另一个凶手用手枪对着他的脸开了一枪; —

and this time the shottook effect, blowing out his brains. John de Witt fell torise no more.

  On this, every one of the miscreants, emboldened by hisfall, wanted to fire his gun at him, or strike him withblows of the sledge-hammer, or stab him with a knife orswords, every one wanted to draw a drop of blood from thefallen hero, and tear off a shred from his garments.

  And after having mangled, and torn, and completely strippedthe two brothers, the mob dragged their naked and bloodybodies to an extemporised gibbet, where amateur executionershung them up by the feet.

  Then came the most dastardly scoundrels of all, who nothaving dared to strike the living flesh, cut the dead inpieces, and then went about the town selling small slices ofthe bodies of John and Cornelius at ten sous a piece.

We cannot take upon ourselves to say whether, through thealmost imperceptible chink of the shutter, the young manwitnessed the conclusion of this shocking scene; —
我们不能确定这位青年是否通过百叶窗的微小缝隙目睹了这场令人震惊的场景的结局; —

but at thevery moment when they were hanging the two martyrs on thegibbet he passed through the terrible mob, which was toomuch absorbed in the task, so grateful to its taste, to takeany notice of him, and thus he reached unobserved theTol-Hek, which was still closed.

“Ah! sir,” said the gatekeeper, “do you bring me the key?”“Yes, my man, here it is.” —
“啊!先生,”守门人说道,“你带给我钥匙了吗?”“是的,我的人,给你。” —

“It is most unfortunate that you did not bring me that keyonly one quarter of an hour sooner,” said the gatekeeper,with a sigh.

  ”And why that?” asked the other.

“Because I might have opened the gate to Mynheers de Witt; —
“因为我有可能给德威特勋爵打开大门;” —

whereas, finding the gate locked, they were obliged toretrace their steps.”“Gate! —
“但是,看到大门紧闭,他们不得不掉头。” —

gate!” cried a voice which seemed to be that of a manin a hurry.

  The Prince, turning round, observed Captain Van Deken.

“Is that you, Captain?” he said. “You are not yet out of theHague? —
“是你,上尉?”他说,“你还没离开海牙? —

This is executing my orders very slowly.” —
这是在慢慢执行我的命令。” —

“Monseigneur,” replied the Captain, “this is the third gateat which I have presented myself; —
“殿下,”上尉回答,“这是我出现在的第三扇大门; —

the other two wereclosed.”“Well, this good man will open this one for you; do it, myfriend.” —
另外两扇都被关上了。” —

The last words were addressed to the gatekeeper, who stoodquite thunderstruck on hearing Captain Van Deken addressingby the title of Monseigneur this pale young man, to whom hehimself had spoken in such a familiar way.

  As it were to make up for his fault, he hastened to open thegate, which swung creaking on its hinges.

  ”Will Monseigneur avail himself of my horse?” asked theCaptain.

“I thank you, Captain, I shall use my own steed, which iswaiting for me close at hand.” —
“谢谢你,上尉,我会骑我自己的战马,它就在附近等我。” —

And taking from his pocket a golden whistle, such as wasgenerally used at that time for summoning the servants, hesounded it with a shrill and prolonged call, on which anequerry on horseback speedily made his appearance, leadinganother horse by the bridle.

William, without touching the stirrup, vaulted into thesaddle of the led horse, and, setting his spurs into itsflanks, started off for the Leyden road. —
威廉没有碰到马镫,就跃上了被牵的那匹马,一脚踩入马腹,飞驰向莱顿路。 —

Having reached it,he turned round and beckoned to the Captain who was farbehind, to ride by his side.

“Do you know,” he then said, without stopping, “that thoserascals have killed John de Witt as well as his brother?” —
“你知道吗,”他不停地说着,”那帮流氓杀了约翰·德·维特和他的兄弟。” —

“Alas! Monseigneur,” the Captain answered sadly, “I shouldlike it much better if these two difficulties were still inyour Highness’s way of becoming de facto Stadtholder ofHolland.” —
“唉!殿下,”上尉悲伤地回答说,”如果这两个困难仍然阻碍你成为荷兰事实上的统治者,我会更喜欢。” —

“Certainly, it would have been better,” said William, “ifwhat did happen had not happened. —
“当然,如果发生的事没有发生那就好了。” —

But it cannot be helpednow, and we have had nothing to do with it. —
但现在已经无济于事,我们与此无关。 —

Let us push on,Captain, that we may arrive at Alphen before the messagewhich the States-General are sure to send to me to thecamp.” —
我们赶紧走吧,上尉,让我们在阿尔芬之前赶到,国会肯定会派人送消息给我去营地。 —

The Captain bowed, allowed the Prince to ride ahead and, forthe remainder of the journey, kept at the same respectfuldistance as he had done before his Highness called him tohis side.

“How I should wish,” William of Orange malignantly mutteredto himself, with a dark frown and setting the spurs to hishorse, “to see the figure which Louis will cut when he isapprised of the manner in which his dear friends De Witthave been served! —
“我多么希望,”奥兰治的威廉狠狠地自言自语,脸上阴沉,马刺朝着马腹,”看到路易得知德·维特兄弟是如何被对待的时候将会是何等表情! —

Oh thou Sun! thou Sun! as truly as I amcalled William the Silent, thou Sun, thou hadst best look tothy rays!” —
哦!太阳!太阳!正如我被称为沉默的威廉,你最好看看你的光芒!” —

And the young Prince, the relentless rival of the GreatKing, sped away upon his fiery steed, – this futureStadtholder who had been but the day before very uncertainlyestablished in his new power, but for whom the burghers ofthe Hague had built a staircase with the bodies of John andCornelius, two princes as noble as he in the eyes of God and man.
年轻的王子,那个伟大国王的无情对手,骑在他的烈马上,飞奔而去 – 这位未来的荷兰总督,昨天还对他新的权力感到十分不确定,但哈格的市民却用约翰和科内利斯的身体为他建造了一座楼梯,他们在上帝和人民眼中与他一样高贵的两位王子。