Whilst the burghers of the Hague were tearing in pieces thebodies of John and Cornelius de Witt, and whilst William ofOrange, after having made sure that his two antagonists werereally dead, was galloping over the Leyden road, followed byCaptain van Deken, whom he found a little too compassionateto honour him any longer with his confidence, Craeke, thefaithful servant, mounted on a good horse, and littlesuspecting what terrible events had taken place since hisdeparture, proceeded along the high road lined with trees,until he was clear of the town and the neighbouringvillages.

Being once safe, he left his horse at a livery stable inorder not to arouse suspicion, and tranquilly continued hisjourney on the canal-boats, which conveyed him by easystages to Dort, pursuing their way under skilful guidance bythe shortest possible routes through the windings of theriver, which held in its watery embrace so many enchantinglittle islands, edged with willows and rushes, and aboundingin luxurious vegetation, whereon flocks of fat sheep browsedin peaceful sleepiness. —
为了不引起怀疑,他在一家马厩把马留下,然后继续在便利的船上以最短的路线通过河流的曲径前往多特。这些船只伴着顺利的引导,分段航行,穿过波澜起伏的河水,蜿蜒前行,这条河蜿蜒穿过许多迷人的小岛屿,岛屿上长满柳树和芦苇,密布着茂盛的植被,那里肥壮的羊群在宁静的沉睡中悠然吃草。 —

Craeke from afar off recognisedDort, the smiling city, at the foot of a hill dotted withwindmills. —
克雷克从远处认出了安详的多特城,位于布满风车的小岗岛脚下。 —

He saw the fine red brick houses, mortared inwhite lines, standing on the edge of the water, and theirbalconies, open towards the river, decked out with silktapestry embroidered with gold flowers, the wonderfulmanufacture of India and China; —
他看到了黄河边上矗立的精致的红砖房屋,用白线粉刷,房屋的阳台朝着河流敞开,用印度和中国的丝绸挂毯装饰,缀以金花,这是那两个国家织造的奇绝之物; —

and near these brilliantstuffs, large lines set to catch the voracious eels, whichare attracted towards the houses by the garbage thrown everyday from the kitchens into the river.

Craeke, standing on the deck of the boat, saw, across themoving sails of the windmills, on the slope of the hill, thered and pink house which was the goal of his errand. —
克雷克站在船甲板上,透过风车忙碌的风叶,看到山坡上他旅程的终点,那座红墙粉瓦的房子。 —

Theoutlines of its roof were merging in the yellow foliage of acurtain of poplar trees, the whole habitation having forbackground a dark grove of gigantic elms. —
它的屋顶线条和黄色叶子构成了一道帷幕,整座宅邸背景是一片巨大的榆树林。 —

The mansion wassituated in such a way that the sun, falling on it as into afunnel, dried up, warmed, and fertilised the mist which theverdant screen could not prevent the river wind fromcarrying there every morning and evening.

  Having disembarked unobserved amid the usual bustle of thecity, Craeke at once directed his steps towards the housewhich we have just described, and which – white, trim, andtidy, even more cleanly scoured and more carefully waxed inthe hidden corners than in the places which were exposed toview – enclosed a truly happy mortal.

  This happy mortal, rara avis, was Dr. van Baerle, the godsonof Cornelius de Witt. He had inhabited the same house eversince his childhood, for it was the house in which hisfather and grandfather, old established princely merchantsof the princely city of Dort, were born.

Mynheer van Baerle the father had amassed in the Indiantrade three or four hundred thousand guilders, which Mynheervan Baerle the son, at the death of his dear and worthyparents, found still quite new, although one set of thembore the date of coinage of 1640, and the other that of1610, a fact which proved that they were guilders of VanBaerle the father and of Van Baerle the grandfather; —
巴尔勒先生的父亲通过印度贸易积累了三四十万盾,而在他亲爱的、值得尊敬的父母去世时,巴尔勒先生发现这笔钱仍然崭新,尽管其中一组盾的铸造日期为1640年,另一组为1610年,这证明它们是巴尔勒祖父和巴尔勒父亲的盾; —

but wewill inform the reader at once that these three or fourhundred thousand guilders were only the pocket money, orsort of purse, for Cornelius van Baerle, the hero of thisstory, as his landed property in the province yielded him anincome of about ten thousand guilders a year.

When the worthy citizen, the father of Cornelius, passedfrom time into eternity, three months after having buriedhis wife, who seemed to have departed first to smooth forhim the path of death as she had smoothed for him the pathof life, he said to his son, as he embraced him for the lasttime, –“Eat, drink, and spend your money, if you wish to know whatlife really is, for as to toiling from morn to evening on awooden stool, or a leathern chair, in a counting-house or alaboratory, that certainly is not living. —
当尊敬的市民、科内利厄斯的父亲从时间进入永恒时,在埋葬了似乎比他先去世的妻子好整顿他的生命之路之后的三个月,他告诉他的儿子,在最后一次拥抱他时说:“如果你想知道真正的生活是什么,请吃喝和花钱,因为在从早到晚在办公室或实验室的木凳或皮椅上辛勤工作,那绝对不是生活。 —

Your time to diewill also come; and if you are not then so fortunate as tohave a son, you will let my name grow extinct, and myguilders, which no one has ever fingered but my father,myself, and the coiner, will have the surprise of passing toan unknown master. —
你也会有死的时候;如果你到时没那么幸运有一个儿子,你将让我的名字绝迹,我的盾不会有人碰过,只有我的父亲、我自己和铸币制造商,将惊讶地归于一个陌生主人。 —

And least of all, imitate the example ofyour godfather, Cornelius de Witt, who has plunged intopolitics, the most ungrateful of all careers, and who willcertainly come to an untimely end.” —
首先,绝不要效仿你的教父康斯坦丽乌斯·德·维特的榜样,他涉足政治,那是所有职业中最没有感谢的职业,他肯定会不幸地终结。” —

Having given utterance to this paternal advice, the worthyMynheer van Baerle died, to the intense grief of his sonCornelius, who cared very little for the guilders, and verymuch for his father.

Cornelius then remained alone in his large house. —
科内利厄斯随后独自留在他的宽敞房屋里。 —

In vainhis godfather offered to him a place in the public service,– in vain did he try to give him a taste for glory, –although Cornelius, to gratify his godfather, did embarkwith De Ruyter upon “The Seven Provinces,” the flagship of afleet of one hundred and thirty-nine sail, with which thefamous admiral set out to contend singlehanded against thecombined forces of France and England. —
他的教父徒然提议给他一个公共服务的职位,–徒然试图让他对荣耀感兴趣,–尽管为了让他的教父高兴,科内利厄斯曾与代·路伊特一起登上了“七个省份”的旗舰,这是一百三十九船队的一部,在这艘船上,著名的将军把一只船驶向法国和英格兰联合部队的船; —

When, guided by thepilot Leger, he had come within musket-shot of the “Prince,“with the Duke of York (the English king’s brother) aboard,upon which De Ruyter, his mentor, made so sharp and welldirected an attack that the Duke, perceiving that his vesselwould soon have to strike, made the best of his way aboardthe “Saint Michael”; —
当他在海员莱格的指引下,已经进入了与“王子”相距不到火枪射程的位置,那时得知了杜克的踪迹(英国国王的弟弟)在上面,于是代·路伊特,他的导师,发起了如此尖锐而有力的攻击,杜克发现他的船很快就会被打击,便尽力向“圣迈克尔”号船驶去; —

when he had seen the “Saint Michael,“riddled and shattered by the Dutch broadside, drift out ofthe line; —
当他看到“圣迈克尔”号被荷兰人的炮轰击穿和破坏,漂行出行列时; —

when he had witnessed the sinking of the “Earl ofSandwich,” and the death by fire or drowning of four hundredsailors; —
当他看到“桑威奇伯爵”的沉没,并看到四百名水手死于火灾或溺水; —

when he realized that the result of all thisdestruction – after twenty ships had been blown to pieces,three thousand men killed and five thousand injured – wasthat nothing was decided, that both sides claimed thevictory, that the fighting would soon begin again, and thatjust one more name, that of Southwold Bay, had been added tothe list of battles; —
当他意识到所有这种毁灭行为的结果 —— 二十艘船被炸毁,三千人死亡,五千人受伤 —— 却没有解决任何问题,双方都声称获胜,战斗很快就会重新开始,只是南沃尔德湾这样一个名字被添加到战斗的名单上; —

when he had estimated how much time islost simply in shutting his eyes and ears by a man who likesto use his reflective powers even while his fellow creaturesare cannonading one another; —
当他估计一个喜欢运用思考能力的人,即使在他的同类人相互轰炸时,也要耗费多少时间来闭上眼睛和耳朵; —

– Cornelius bade farewell toDe Ruyter, to the Ruart de Pulten, and to glory, kissed theknees of the Grand Pensionary, for whom he entertained thedeepest veneration, and retired to his house at Dort, richin his well-earned repose, his twenty-eight years, an ironconstitution and keen perceptions, and his capital of morethan four hundred thousands of florins and income of tenthousand, convinced that a man is always endowed by Heavenwith too much for his own happiness, and just enough to makehim miserable.
—— 康涅利斯向德·罗伊特,普伦特伯爵,以及荣耀告别,向深深敬仰的大陆宪政首脑献上了敬意,并退居到自己在多特的住所,享受他劳苦功高的安宁,他二十八岁的年纪,铁打的体魄和敏锐的感知,以及他超过四十万荷兰弗罗林的资本和每年一万的收入,使他深信,上天常常赐予人太多以至于让他不快乐,而恰到好处地令他痛苦;

Consequently, and to indulge his own idea of happiness,Cornelius began to be interested in the study of plants andinsects, collected and classified the Flora of all the Dutchislands, arranged the whole entomology of the province, onwhich he wrote a treatise, with plates drawn by his ownhands; —
因此,为了追求自己心目中的幸福,康涅利斯开始对植物和昆虫的研究产生兴趣,收集和分类了所有荷兰岛屿的植被,整理了整个省份的昆虫学,还写了一篇由自己动笔绘制的插图的论文; —

and at last, being at a loss what to do with histime, and especially with his money, which went onaccumulating at a most alarming rate, he took it into hishead to select for himself, from all the follies of hiscountry and of his age, one of the most elegant andexpensive, – he became a tulip-fancier.
最后,他想不出如何利用自己的时间,尤其是他日益累积的资金,于是产生了一个想法,将他自己从他的国家和时代的所有愚蠢中挑选出一个最优雅最昂贵的 —— 他成为了郁金香爱好者;

  It was the time when the Dutch and the Portuguese, rivallingeach other in this branch of horticulture, had begun toworship that flower, and to make more of a cult of it thanever naturalists dared to make of the human race for fear ofarousing the jealousy of God.

Soon people from Dort to Mons began to talk of Mynheer vanBaerle’s tulips; —
很快,从多特到蒙斯的人们开始谈论梅因赫尔·范·巴尔勒的郁金香; —

and his beds, pits, drying-rooms, anddrawers of bulbs were visited, as the galleries andlibraries of Alexandria were by illustrious Romantravellers.

Van Baerle began by expending his yearly revenue in layingthe groundwork of his collection, after which he broke inupon his new guilders to bring it to perfection. —
范·巴尔勒起初将他的年收入用来打基础收藏郁金香,然后开始花费他的新弗罗林将它完善; —

Hisexertions, indeed, were crowned with a most magnificentresult: —
他的努力确实取得了非常宏伟的成果: —

he produced three new tulips, which he called the”Jane,” after his mother; —

the “Van Baerle,” after hisfather; and the “Cornelius,” after his godfather; —
他培育出三种新的郁金香,分别以他母亲的名字”简”,父亲的名字”范·巴尔勒”和教父的名字”康涅利斯”来命名; —

the othernames have escaped us, but the fanciers will be sure to findthem in the catalogues of the times.

In the beginning of the year 1672, Cornelius de Witt came toDort for three months, to live at his old family mansion; —
在1672年初,康涅利斯·德·维特来到多特居住三个月,住在他古老的家族宅邸; —

for not only was he born in that city, but his family hadbeen resident there for centuries.

Cornelius, at that period, as William of Orange said, beganto enjoy the most perfect unpopularity. —
在那个时期,正如奥兰治的威廉所说,科内利厌恶达到了顶峰。 —

To his fellowcitizens, the good burghers of Dort, however, he did notappear in the light of a criminal who deserved to be hung.

It is true, they did not particularly like his somewhataustere republicanism, but they were proud of his valour; —
他们并不特别喜欢他有些严厉的共和主义,但他们为他的勇气感到骄傲; —

and when he made his entrance into their town, the cup ofhonour was offered to him, readily enough, in the name ofthe city.

After having thanked his fellow citizens, Corneliusproceeded to his old paternal house, and gave directions forsome repairs, which he wished to have executed before thearrival of his wife and children; —
感谢了他的同胞们之后,科内利继续前往他旧的父宅,并指示一些维修工作,在他的妻子和孩子到达之前希望完成; —

and thence he wended hisway to the house of his godson, who perhaps was the onlyperson in Dort as yet unacquainted with the presence ofCornelius in the town.

  In the same degree as Cornelius de Witt had excited thehatred of the people by sowing those evil seeds which arecalled political passions, Van Baerle had gained theaffections of his fellow citizens by completely shunning thepursuit of politics, absorbed as he was in the peacefulpursuit of cultivating tulips.

Van Baerle was truly beloved by his servants and labourers; —
范·巴埃勒真正受到他的仆人和工人的爱戴; —

nor had he any conception that there was in this world a manwho wished ill to another.

  And yet it must be said, to the disgrace of mankind, thatCornelius van Baerle, without being aware of the fact, had amuch more ferocious, fierce, and implacable enemy than theGrand Pensionary and his brother had among the Orange party,who were most hostile to the devoted brothers, who had neverbeen sundered by the least misunderstanding during theirlives, and by their mutual devotion in the face of deathmade sure the existence of their brotherly affection beyondthe grave.

  At the time when Cornelius van Baerle began to devotehimself to tulip-growing, expending on this hobby his yearlyrevenue and the guilders of his father, there was at Dort,living next door to him, a citizen of the name of IsaacBoxtel who from the age when he was able to think forhimself had indulged the same fancy, and who was inecstasies at the mere mention of the word “tulban,” which(as we are assured by the “Floriste Francaise,” the mosthighly considered authority in matters relating to thisflower) is the first word in the Cingalese tongue which wasever used to designate that masterpiece of floriculturewhich is now called the tulip.

Boxtel had not the good fortune of being rich, like VanBaerle. —
博克斯特尔不像范巴埃勒一样有财富。 —

He had therefore, with great care and patience, andby dint of strenuous exertions, laid out near his house atDort a garden fit for the culture of his cherished flower; —
因此,他通过仔细耐心,和努力奋斗,在多特他的房子附近设计了一个适合栽种他珍爱花朵的花园; —

he had mixed the soil according to the most approvedprescriptions, and given to his hotbeds just as much heatand fresh air as the strictest rules of horticulture exact.

Isaac knew the temperature of his frames to the twentiethpart of a degree. —
伊萨克知道他的温床温度的每一分,甚至每一二十分度。 —

He knew the strength of the current ofair, and tempered it so as to adapt it to the wave of thestems of his flowers. —
他知道空气的气流强度,并加以调节,使之适应他的花朵茎杆的波动。 —

His productions also began to meetwith the favour of the public. —
他的作品也开始受到公众的青睐。 —

They were beautiful, nay,distinguished. Several fanciers had come to see Boxtel’stulips. —
它们美丽,甚至可以说是卓越的。一些爱好者已经来看了博克斯特勒的郁金香。 —

At last he had even started amongst all theLinnaeuses and Tourneforts a tulip which bore his name, andwhich, after having travelled all through France, had foundits way into Spain, and penetrated as far as Portugal; —
最后,在所有的林奈和图尔内福特面前,他甚至培育了一种以他的名字命名的郁金香,这种郁金香在整个法国传播开来,甚至传到了西班牙,一直延伸到葡萄牙; —

andthe King, Don Alfonso VI. – who, being expelled fromLisbon, had retired to the island of Terceira, where heamused himself, not, like the great Conde, with watering hiscarnations, but with growing tulips – had, on seeing theBoxtel tulip, exclaimed, “Not so bad, by any means!” —
国王多杰阿方索六世 —— 他被驱逐出里斯本后,退居到特塞拉岛,那里玩的不是像大孔德那样给康乃明花浇水,而是种植郁金香 —— 在看到博克斯特勒的郁金香后,惊叹道:“一点都不差!”。 —

All at once, Cornelius van Baerle, who, after all hislearned pursuits, had been seized with the tulipomania, madesome changes in his house at Dort, which, as we have stated,was next door to that of Boxtel. —
突然间,科内利斯·范巴尔勒,经过所有他的学术努力,被郁金香狂热症所困扰,对他在多尔特的房子进行了一些改动,正如我们所述,他的房子紧挨着博克斯特勒的邻居。 —

He raised a certainbuilding in his court-yard by a story, which shutting outthe sun, took half a degree of warmth from Boxtel’s garden,and, on the other hand, added half a degree of cold inwinter; —
他在院子里的某栋建筑物上加了一层,遮住了太阳,从博克斯特勒的花园里带走了半度温暖,另一方面,又在冬天增加了半度寒冷; —

not to mention that it cut the wind, and disturbedall the horticultural calculations and arrangements of hisneighbour.

After all, this mishap appeared to Boxtel of no greatconsequence. —
终究,这次不测对博克斯特勒似乎并不重要。 —

Van Baerle was but a painter, a sort of foolwho tried to reproduce and disfigure on canvas the wondersof nature. —
范·巴尔勒只是一名画家,一种愚蠢的试图在画布上再现和毁损大自然奇迹的画家。 —

The painter, he thought, had raised his studio bya story to get better light, and thus far he had only beenin the right. —
他想,这位画家是提高了他的工作室一层,以获得更好的光线,至此他也仅仅是对的。 —

Mynheer van Baerle was a painter, as MynheerBoxtel was a tulip-grower; —
范·巴尔勒是一名画家,正如博克斯特勒是一名郁金香种植者; —

he wanted somewhat more sun forhis paintings, and he took half a degree from hisneighbour’s tulips.

  The law was for Van Baerle, and Boxtel had to abide by it.

Besides, Isaac had made the discovery that too much sun wasinjurious to tulips, and that this flower grew quicker, andhad a better colouring, with the temperate warmth ofmorning, than with the powerful heat of the midday sun. —
除此之外,艾萨克发现太阳光对郁金香有害,这种花更喜欢晨间温和的温暖,比中午的强烈阳光生长更快,颜色更好。 —

Hetherefore felt almost grateful to Cornelius van Baerle forhaving given him a screen gratis.
因此,他几乎感激不尽Cornelius van Baerle免费给了他一个屏风。

Maybe this was not quite in accordance with the true stateof things in general, and of Isaac Boxtel’s feelings inparticular. —
也许这并不完全符合一般事态,尤其是Isaac Boxtel的感受。 —

It is certainly astonishing what rich comfortgreat minds, in the midst of momentous catastrophes, willderive from the consolations of philosophy.

But alas! What was the agony of the unfortunate Boxtel onseeing the windows of the new story set out with bulbs andseedlings of tulips for the border, and tulips in pots; —
然而,不幸的博克斯特尔看到新楼层的窗户上摆放着用于花坛边缘的鳶尾球茎和种苗,以及盆栽鳶尾; —

inshort, with everything pertaining to the pursuits of atulip-monomaniac!

  There were bundles of labels, cupboards, and drawers withcompartments, and wire guards for the cupboards, to allowfree access to the air whilst keeping out slugs, mice,dormice, and rats, all of them very curious fanciers oftulips at two thousand francs a bulb.

Boxtel was quite amazed when he saw all this apparatus, buthe was not as yet aware of the full extent of hismisfortune. —
当博克斯特尔看到这些设备时,他感到非常惊讶,但他还没有意识到自己的不幸全貌。 —

Van Baerle was known to be fond of everythingthat pleases the eye. —
人们知道范贝尔勒喜欢一切让眼睛愉悦的事物。 —

He studied Nature in all her aspectsfor the benefit of his paintings, which were as minutelyfinished as those of Gerard Dow, his master, and of Mieris,his friend. —
他以视觉艺术家的身份研究自然万象,为了他的绘画,他甚至比他的老师杰拉尔·多或他的朋友米尔里斯更加细心入微。 —

Was it not possible, that, having to paint theinterior of a tulip-grower’s, he had collected in his newstudio all the accessories of decoration?

Yet, although thus consoling himself with illusorysuppositions, Boxtel was not able to resist the burningcuriosity which was devouring him. —
然而,尽管用虚幻的假设来安慰自己,博克斯特尔仍无法抵挡拷问着他的强烈好奇心。 —

In the evening,therefore, he placed a ladder against the partition wallbetween their gardens, and, looking into that of hisneighbour Van Baerle, he convinced himself that the soil ofa large square bed, which had formerly been occupied bydifferent plants, was removed, and the ground disposed inbeds of loam mixed with river mud (a combination which isparticularly favourable to the tulip), and the wholesurrounded by a border of turf to keep the soil in itsplace. —
因此,在晚上,他把梯子放在他们花园之间的隔墙上,往邻居范巴尔莱的花园里张望,确信一个曾经栽种不同植物的大方形花坛的土壤被清空,而土壤被混合河泥的壤土取代(这种组合对郁金香特别有利),整个地块周围都用草皮边缘固定土壤。 —

Besides this, sufficient shade to temper the noondayheat; aspect south-southwest; —
除此之外,充足的树荫遮蔽正午烈日;面向南南西; —

water in abundant supply, andat hand; in short, every requirement to insure not onlysuccess but also progress. —
充裕且在手边的供水;总之,确保成功以及进步的所有条件。 —

There could not be a doubt thatVan Baerle had become a tulip-grower.

Boxtel at once pictured to himself this learned man, with acapital of four hundred thousand and a yearly income of tenthousand guilders, devoting all his intellectual andfinancial resources to the cultivation of the tulip. —
博克斯特尔立刻设想这位学者拿着四十万盾和每年一万金盾的收入,把所有的智力和财力投入到郁金香的培育中。 —

Heforesaw his neighbour’s success, and he felt such a pang atthe mere idea of this success that his hands droppedpowerless, his knees trembled, and he fell in despair fromthe ladder.

And thus it was not for the sake of painted tulips, but forreal ones, that Van Baerle took from him half a degree ofwarmth. —
因此范巴尔莱不过是因为真实的郁金香夺走了他的半份温暖。 —

And thus Van Baerle was to have the most admirablyfitted aspect, and, besides, a large, airy, and wellventilated chamber where to preserve his bulbs andseedlings; —
这样范巴尔莱的居所将达到最佳的朝向条件,此外,还有一个宽敞、通风良好的房间来保存他的球茎和幼苗; —

while he, Boxtel, had been obliged to give up forthis purpose his bedroom, and, lest his sleeping in the sameapartment might injure his bulbs and seedlings, had taken uphis abode in a miserable garret.

Boxtel, then, was to have next door to him a rival andsuccessful competitor; —
博克斯特尔身边竟然会有一个竞争对手并且成功的对手; —

and his rival, instead of being someunknown, obscure gardener, was the godson of MynheerCornelius de Witt, that is to say, a celebrity.

  Boxtel, as the reader may see, was not possessed of thespirit of Porus, who, on being conquered by Alexander,consoled himself with the celebrity of his conqueror.

And now if Van Baerle produced a new tulip, and named it theJohn de Witt, after having named one the Cornelius? —
现在如果范巴尔莱培育出了一种新的郁金香,并将其命名为约翰·德·威特,之前还给一种命名为康奈利斯? —

It wasindeed enough to choke one with rage.

Thus Boxtel, with jealous foreboding, became the prophet ofhis own misfortune. —
因此,博克斯特充满嫉妒的预感成为了自己不幸的预言者。 —

And, after having made this melancholydiscovery, he passed the most wretched night imaginable.