Cornelius de Witt, after having attended to his familyaffairs, reached the house of his godson, Cornelius vanBaerle, one evening in the month of January, 1672.

De Witt, although being very little of a horticulturist orof an artist, went over the whole mansion, from the studioto the green-house, inspecting everything, from the picturesdown to the tulips. —-
尽管德维特自己并不是一个园艺学家或者艺术家,但他还是巡视了整座豪宅,从书房到温室,检查一切,从画作到郁金香。 —-

He thanked his godson for having joinedhim on the deck of the admiral’s ship “The Seven Provinces,”during the battle of Southwold Bay, and for having given hisname to a magnificent tulip; —-
他感谢他的教子在南沃尔德湾的海战中,一起登上“七省号”舰队的甲板,并且为一朵壮丽的郁金香取了他的名字; —-

and whilst he thus, with thekindness and affability of a father to a son, visited VanBaerle’s treasures, the crowd gathered with curiosity, andeven respect, before the door of the happy man.

All this hubbub excited the attention of Boxtel, who wasjust taking his meal by his fireside. —-
这场喧嚣引起了波特克斯的注意,他刚刚坐在壁炉边用餐。 —-

He inquired what itmeant, and, on being informed of the cause of all this stir,climbed up to his post of observation, where in spite of thecold, he took his stand, with the telescope to his eye.

This telescope had not been of great service to him sincethe autumn of 1671. —-
这只望远镜自1671年秋季以来没有为他提供太多帮助。 —-

The tulips, like true daughters of theEast, averse to cold, do not abide in the open ground inwinter. —-
像真正的东方女儿一样,厌恶寒冷的郁金香在冬天无法留在露天。 —-

They need the shelter of the house, the soft bed onthe shelves, and the congenial warmth of the stove. —-
它们需要屋内的庇护,架子上柔软的床铺,以及火炉给予的恰如其人的温暖。 —-

VanBaerle, therefore, passed the whole winter in hislaboratory, in the midst of his books and pictures. —-
因此,范巴尔勒整个冬天都待在自己的实验室里,置身于书籍和画作之中。 —-

He wentonly rarely to the room where he kept his bulbs, unless itwere to allow some occasional rays of the sun to enter, byopening one of the movable sashes of the glass front.

On the evening of which we are speaking, after the twoCorneliuses had visited together all the apartments of thehouse, whilst a train of domestics followed their steps, DeWitt said in a low voice to Van Baerle, —“My dear son, send these people away, and let us be alonefor some minutes.” —-
在我们所说的那个晚上,当两位科内利厄斯一起参观完全体房间后,一队仆役跟随在他们的身后时,德维特低声对梵巴勒说:”我的亲爱的儿子,让这些人离开,我们两个独处片刻吧。” —-

The younger Cornelius, bowing assent, said aloud, —“Would you now, sir, please to see my dry-room?” —-
年轻的科内利厄斯,点头表示同意,大声说道:”先生,您现在是否想要看一下我的干燥室?” —-

The dry-room, this pantheon, this sanctum sanctorum of thetulip-fancier, was, as Delphi of old, interdicted to theprofane uninitiated.

Never had any of his servants been bold enough to set hisfoot there. —-
他的仆役们从未有过敢越雷池一步的。 —-

Cornelius admitted only the inoffensive broom ofan old Frisian housekeeper, who had been his nurse, and whofrom the time when he had devoted himself to the culture oftulips ventured no longer to put onions in his stews, forfear of pulling to pieces and mincing the idol of her fosterchild.

  At the mere mention of the dry-room, therefore, the servantswho were carrying the lights respectfully fell back.

  Cornelius, taking the candlestick from the hands of theforemost, conducted his godfather into that room, which wasno other than that very cabinet with a glass front intowhich Boxtel was continually prying with his telescope.

  The envious spy was watching more intently than ever.

  First of all he saw the walls and windows lit up.

  Then two dark figures appeared.

  One of them, tall, majestic, stern, sat down near the tableon which Van Baerle had placed the taper.
其中一个高大、威严、严肃,坐在了离Van Baerle放蜡烛的桌子附近。

  In this figure, Boxtel recognised the pale features ofCornelius de Witt, whose long hair, parted in front, fellover his shoulders.

  De Witt, after having said some few words to Cornelius, themeaning of which the prying neighbour could not read in themovement of his lips, took from his breast pocket a whiteparcel, carefully sealed, which Boxtel, judging from themanner in which Cornelius received it, and placed it in oneof the presses, supposed to contain papers of the greatestimportance.

His first thought was that this precious deposit enclosedsome newly imported bulbs from Bengal or Ceylon; —-
他的第一个想法是这个宝贵的东西里装着被首次进口的从孟加拉或锡兰带来的鳞茎; —-

but he soonreflected that Cornelius de Witt was very little addicted totulip-growing, and that he only occupied himself with theaffairs of man, a pursuit by far less peaceful and agreeablethan that of the florist. —-
但他很快想到康内利厄斯德·威特很少涉足郁金香种植,他只关心与人有关的事务,这比起园艺师要困难得多且不那么愉快。 —-

He therefore came to theconclusion that the parcel contained simply some papers, andthat these papers were relating to politics.

  But why should papers of political import be intrusted toVan Baerle, who not only was, but also boasted of being, anentire stranger to the science of government, which, in hisopinion, was more occult than alchemy itself?
但为什么政治文件会被托付给Van Baerle呢,他不仅是,而且还自吹自擂是一个对政府科学完全陌生的外行,这个看法比起炼金术本身更神秘?

It was undoubtedly a deposit which Cornelius de Witt,already threatened by the unpopularity with which hiscountrymen were going to honour him, was placing in thehands of his godson; —-
毫无疑问,这是康内利厄斯德·威特,由于即将受到同胞们特别不友善的待遇,将这个贵重物品交给了他的教子; —-

a contrivance so much the more cleverlydevised, as it certainly was not at all likely that itshould be searched for at the house of one who had alwaysstood aloof from every sort of intrigue.

  And, besides, if the parcel had been made up of bulbs,Boxtel knew his neighbour too well not to expect that VanBaerle would not have lost one moment in satisfying hiscuriosity and feasting his eyes on the present which he hadreceived.

  But, on the contrary, Cornelius had received the parcel fromthe hands of his godfather with every mark of respect, andput it by with the same respectful manner in a drawer,stowing it away so that it should not take up too much ofthe room which was reserved to his bulbs.

  The parcel thus being secreted, Cornelius de Witt got up,pressed the hand of his godson, and turned towards the door,Van Baerle seizing the candlestick, and lighting him on hisway down to the street, which was still crowded with peoplewho wished to see their great fellow citizen getting intohis coach.

Boxtel had not been mistaken in his supposition. —-
Boxtel的推测并没有错。 —-

The depositintrusted to Van Baerle, and carefully locked up by him, wasnothing more nor less than John de Witt’s correspondencewith the Marquis de Louvois, the war minister of the King ofFrance; —-
范巴尔勒所托付的存款,并被他小心地锁好,不过不是别的,只是约翰·德·维特与法国国王的战争大臣卢瓦总管的通信; —-

only the godfather forbore giving to his godson theleast intimation concerning the political importance of thesecret, merely desiring him not to deliver the parcel to anyone but to himself, or to whomsoever he should send to claimit in his name.

And Van Baerle, as we have seen, locked it up with his mostprecious bulbs, to think no more of it, after his godfatherhad left him; —-
正如我们所见的,范巴尔勒把它锁在他最珍贵的球茎中,在教父离开后就不再去想它; —-

very unlike Boxtel, who looked upon thisparcel as a clever pilot does on the distant and scarcelyperceptible cloud which is increasing on its way and whichis fraught with a storm.

Little dreaming of the jealous hatred of his neighbour, VanBaerle had proceeded step by step towards gaining the prizeoffered by the Horticultural Society of Haarlem. —-
范巴尔勒浑然不知他邻居的嫉妒之情,一步一步地朝着哈勒姆园艺协会所提供的奖品前进。 —-

He hadprogressed from hazel-nut shade to that of roasted coffee,and on the very day when the frightful events took place atthe Hague which we have related in the preceding chapters,we find him, about one o’clock in the day, gathering fromthe border the young suckers raised from tulips of thecolour of roasted coffee; —-
他从榛子色的花卉逐渐转变为烘烤咖啡色,正是在1672年8月20日的一天,大约下午一点,他正在园子里采摘从烘烤咖啡色郁金香中生长的新芽; —-

and which, being expected toflower for the first time in the spring of 1675, wouldundoubtedly produce the large black tulip required by theHaarlem Society.

  On the 20th of August, 1672, at one o’clock, Cornelius wastherefore in his dry-room, with his feet resting on thefoot-bar of the table, and his elbows on the cover, lookingwith intense delight on three suckers which he had justdetached from the mother bulb, pure, perfect, and entire,and from which was to grow that wonderful produce ofhorticulture which would render the name of Cornelius vanBaerle for ever illustrious.
因此,在1672年8月20日下午一点,Cornelius就在他的干燥房里,双脚踩在桌子的脚扛上,双手肘靠在桌面上,怀着无比的喜悦仔细观察着刚刚从母球上取下的三根鲜嫩新枝,完整纯净,从这些枝条中将会生长出让Cornelius van Baerle的名字永远闪耀的园艺奇葩。

“I shall find the black tulip,” said Cornelius to himself,whilst detaching the suckers. —-
“我将找到黑色郁金香,”Cornelius自言自语着,一边拨开枝条。 —-

“I shall obtain the hundredthousand guilders offered by the Society. —-
“我将获得哈勒姆协会提供的十万盾; —-

I shall distributethem among the poor of Dort; —-
我会把它们分发给多特的穷人们;” —-

and thus the hatred which everyrich man has to encounter in times of civil wars will besoothed down, and I shall be able, without fearing any harmeither from Republicans or Orangists, to keep as heretoforemy borders in splendid condition. —-
所以,在内战时期每位富人都会遭遇的仇恨将会平息,我将能够毫无畏惧地保持我的疆界处于辉煌状态。 —-

I need no more be afraidlest on the day of a riot the shopkeepers of the town andthe sailors of the port should come and tear out my bulbs,to boil them as onions for their families, as they havesometimes quietly threatened when they happened to remembermy having paid two or three hundred guilders for one bulb.

It is therefore settled I shall give the hundred thousandguilders of the Haarlem prize to-the poor. —-
因此决定将海勒姆花展的十万吉尔德送给穷人。 —-

And yet —— “Here Cornelius stopped and heaved a sigh. —-
然而——“这时,科内利厄斯停下来,长叹一口气。 —-

“And yet,” hecontinued, “it would have been so very delightful to spendthe hundred thousand guilders on the enlargement of mytulip-bed or even on a journey to the East, the country ofbeautiful flowers. —-
“然而,”他继续说道,”用这十万吉尔德来扩大我的郁金香花坛,甚至是去东方旅行,那充满美丽花朵的国度会是多么令人愉悦啊。 —-

But, alas! these are no thoughts for thepresent times, when muskets, standards, proclamations, andbeating of drums are the order of the day.” —-
但是,唉!这些思绪并不适用于如今,当枪支、旗帜、宣言和鼓声成为秩序的时候。 —-

Van Baerle raised his eyes to heaven and sighed again. —-
范·巴勒尔抬起目光仰望天空,再次叹息。 —-

Thenturning his glance towards his bulbs, — objects of muchgreater importance to him than all those muskets, standards,drums, and proclamations, which he conceived only to be fitto disturb the minds of honest people, — he said: —-
然后将目光转向他的鳞茎——对他而言比那些枪支、旗帜、鼓声和宣言更重要的东西——他说: —-

—“These are, indeed, beautiful bulbs; how smooth they are,how well formed; —-
“这些鳞茎是真美丽;它们多么光滑,多么匀称; —-

there is that air of melancholy about themwhich promises to produce a flower of the colour of ebony.

On their skin you cannot even distinguish the circulatingveins with the naked eye. —-
在它们的表皮上,肉眼都看不到循环的血管。 —-

Certainly, certainly, not a lightspot will disfigure the tulip which I have called intoexistence. —-
的的确确,我的辛勤劳动和思考孕育的郁金香不会有一点瑕疵。 —-

And by what name shall we call this offspring ofmy sleepless nights, of my labour and my thought? —-
我们该给这个在我无眠之夜、劳作和思考中诞生的花儿起什么名字呢? —-

Tulipanigra Barlaensis?
Tulipanigra Barlaensis?

“Yes Barlaensis: a fine name. All the tulip-fanciers — thatis to say, all the intelligent people of Europe — will feela thrill of excitement when the rumour spreads to the fourquarters of the globe: —-
“是的,Barlaensis:一个优美的名字。所有郁金香爱好者——也就是说,欧洲所有聪明的人们——当这个传言传遍四面八方时,都会为之激动。” —-

The grand black tulip is found! ‘Howis it called?’ the fanciers will ask. —-
大黑郁金香被发现了!“它叫什么名字?” 爱好者们会问。 —-

— ‘Tulipa nigraBarlaensis!’ — ‘Why Barlaensis?’ —-
— ‘Tulipa nigra Barlaensis!’ — ‘为什么是Barlaensis?’ —-

— ‘After its grower, VanBaerle,’ will be the answer. — ‘And who is this VanBaerle?’ —-
— ‘以它的种植者Van Baerle之名。’ — ‘那Van Baerle是谁?’ —-

— ‘It is the same who has already produced fivenew tulips: —-
— ‘就是已经培育出五种新郁金香的那个人: —-

the Jane, the John de Witt, the Cornelius deWitt, etc.’ Well, that is what I call my ambition. —-
简娜,约翰·德维特,康尼利厄斯·德维特等等。’ 这就是我称之为野心。 —-

It willcause tears to no one. And people will talk of my Tulipanigra Barlaensis when perhaps my godfather, this sublimepolitician, is only known from the tulip to which I havegiven his name.
它不会使任何人流泪。当人们谈论我的Tulipa nigra Barlaensis时,也许我的教父,这位伟大的政治家,只是因我为他命名的郁金香而为人所知。

  “Oh! these darling bulbs!

“When my tulip has flowered,” Baerle continued in hissoliloquy, “and when tranquillity is restored in Holland, Ishall give to the poor only fifty thousand guilders, which,after all, is a goodly sum for a man who is under noobligation whatever. —-
“当我的郁金香开花时,”贝尔勒在他的独白中继续说,“当荷兰恢复平静时,我将只给穷人五万盾,这对一个完全没有义务的人来说,是一笔可观的财富。 —-

Then, with the remaining fifty thousandguilders, I shall make experiments. —-
然后,用剩下的五万盾,我将进行实验。 —-

With them I shallsucceed in imparting scent to the tulip. Ah! —-
用它们,我将成功地赋予郁金香芳香。啊! —-

if I succeed ingiving it the odour of the rose or the carnation, or, whatwould be still better, a completely new scent; —-
如果我成功地赋予它玫瑰或康乃馨的气味,或者更好的是,一个全新的香味; —-

if I restoredto this queen of flowers its natural distinctive perfume,which she has lost in passing from her Eastern to herEuropean throne, and which she must have in the Indianpeninsula at Goa, Bombay, and Madras, and especially in thatisland which in olden times, as is asserted, was theterrestrial paradise, and which is called Ceylon, — oh,what glory! —-
如果我让这朵花的女王恢复其天然独特的香味,这种香味在从东方到欧洲王座时已经失去,这种香味在印度半岛的果阿、孟买和马德拉斯,尤其是在那个据说是旧时的世外桃源被称为锡兰的岛屿里必须拥有 - 哦,那将是何等的荣耀! —-

I must say, I would then rather be Cornelius vanBaerle than Alexander, Caesar, or Maximilian.

  “Oh the admirable bulbs!”Thus Cornelius indulged in the delights of contemplation,and was carried away by the sweetest dreams.

  Suddenly the bell of his cabinet was rung much moreviolently than usual.

  Cornelius, startled, laid his hands on his bulbs, and turnedround.

  “Who is here?” he asked.

“Sir,” answered the servant, “it is a messenger from theHague.””A messenger from the Hague! —-
“先生,”仆人回答道,”是海牙来的使者。””海牙来的使者! —-

What does he want?””Sir, it is Craeke.””Craeke! —-
他想要什么?””先生,是克雷克。””克雷克! —-

the confidential servant of Mynheer John de Witt?

  Good, let him wait.””I cannot wait,” said a voice in the lobby.

  And at the same time forcing his way in, Craeke rushed intothe dry-room.

  This abrupt entrance was such an infringement on theestablished rules of the household of Cornelius van Baerle,that the latter, at the sight of Craeke, almost convulsivelymoved his hand which covered the bulbs, so that two of themfell on the floor, one of them rolling under a small table,and the other into the fireplace.

“Zounds!” said Cornelius, eagerly picking up his preciousbulbs, “what’s the matter?” —-
“天哪,”科内利乌斯急忙捡起珍贵的球茎,”出了何事?” —-

“The matter, sir!” said Craeke, laying a paper on the largetable, on which the third bulb was lying, — “the matter is,that you are requested to read this paper without losing onemoment.” —-
“事出何因,先生!”克雷克把一份文件放在放着第三个球茎的大桌子上,”要求您立即阅读这份文件。” —-

And Craeke, who thought he had remarked in the streets ofDort symptoms of a tumult similar to that which he hadwitnessed before his departure from the Hague, ran offwithout even looking behind him.

“All right! all right! my dear Craeke,” said Cornelius,stretching his arm under the table for the bulb; —-
“没问题!没问题,我亲爱的克雷克,”科内利乌斯伸手伸到桌子下面找那个球茎; —-

“your papershall be read, indeed it shall.” —-
“你的文件必定会被阅读,确实会的。” —-

Then, examining the bulb which he held in the hollow of hishand, he said: —-
然后检查着手心里的球茎,他说: —-

“Well, here is one of them uninjured. Thatconfounded Craeke! thus to rush into my dry-room; —-
“噢,这里有一个没有受伤。可恶的克雷克!竟然冲进我的干燥室; —-

let us nowlook after the other.”And without laying down the bulb which he already held,Baerle went to the fireplace, knelt down and stirred withthe tip of his finger the ashes, which fortunately werequite cold.

  He at once felt the other bulb.

“Well, here it is,” he said; and, looking at it with almostfatherly affection, he exclaimed, “Uninjured as the first!” —-
“噢,这是它了,”他说着,并看着它几乎像父亲般疼爱,“不像第一个受伤!” —-

At this very instant, and whilst Cornelius, still on hisknees, was examining his pets, the door of the dry-room wasso violently shaken, and opened in such a brusque manner,that Cornelius felt rising in his cheeks and his ears theglow of that evil counsellor which is called wrath.

“Now, what is it again,” he demanded; “are people going madhere?””Oh, sir! sir!” —-
“现在又怎么了,”他问道,“这里是不是有人疯了?”“哦,先生!先生!” —-

cried the servant, rushing into the dry-roomwith a much paler face and with a much more frightened mienthan Craeke had shown.

  “Well!” asked Cornelius, foreboding some mischief from thedouble breach of the strict rule of his house.
“说吧!” 康奈利厄斯预感到他的家规被两次破坏可能会带来一些麻烦。

  “Oh, sir, fly! fly quick!” cried the servant.
“先、先生,快逃!快逃!” 仆人尖叫道。

“Fly! and what for?””Sir, the house is full of the guards of the States.””What do they want?” —-
“逃!为什么?” —-

“They want you.””What for?””To arrest you.””Arrest me? arrest me, do you say?” —-
“先生,国家卫队充斥着整座屋子。””他们想要什么?” —-

“Yes, sir, and they are headed by a magistrate.””What’s the meaning of all this?” —-
“他们要抓你。” —-

said Van Baerle, graspingin his hands the two bulbs, and directing his terrifiedglance towards the staircase.

  “They are coming up! they are coming up!” cried the servant.

“Oh, my dear child, my worthy master!” —-
“他们上来了!他们上来了!”仆人喊道。 —-

cried the oldhousekeeper, who now likewise made her appearance in thedry-room, “take your gold, your jewelry, and fly, fly!” —-
“你们抓住那顽固分子吧,”那位老管家哭叫着,她此时也在干燥室里现身了,“带上你的金子,你的珠宝,快逃,快逃!” —-

“But how shall I make my escape, nurse?” said Van Baerle.

“Jump out of the window.””Twenty-five feet from the ground!” —-
“跳出窗外吧。” —-

“But you will fall on six feet of soft soil!””Yes, but I should fall on my tulips.” —-
“可是我要跌下25英尺高的地方!” —-

“Never mind, jump out.”Cornelius took the third bulb, approached the window andopened it, but seeing what havoc he would necessarily causein his borders, and, more than this, what a height he wouldhave to jump, he called out, “Never!” —-
“没关系,你会掉在六英尺深的软土里!” —-

and fell back a step.

  At this moment they saw across the banister of the staircasethe points of the halberds of the soldiers rising.

  The housekeeper raised her hands to heaven.

  As to Cornelius van Baerle, it must be stated to his honour,not as a man, but as a tulip-fancier, his only thought wasfor his inestimable bulbs.

  Looking about for a paper in which to wrap them up, henoticed the fly-leaf from the Bible, which Craeke had laidupon the table, took it without in his confusion rememberingwhence it came, folded in it the three bulbs, secreted themin his bosom, and waited.

  At this very moment the soldiers, preceded by a magistrate,entered the room.

“Are you Dr. Cornelius van Baerle?” —-
“你是康尼利斯·范·巴尔勒博士吗?” —-

demanded the magistrate(who, although knowing the young man very well, put hisquestion according to the forms of justice, which gave hisproceedings a much more dignified air).

“I am that person, Master van Spennen,” answered Cornelius,politely, to his judge, “and you know it very well.” —-
“我就是那个人,斯本恩大师,”康尼利斯礼貌地回答他的法官,“你很清楚。” —-

“Then give up to us the seditious papers which you secretein your house.” —-
“那就把你藏在家中的煽动性文件交出来。” —-

“The seditious papers!” repeated Cornelius, quite dumfoundedat the imputation.
“煽动性文件!” 康奈利厄斯感到震惊地重复道。

“Now don’t look astonished, if you please.” —-
“现在请不要震惊。” —-

“I vow to you, Master van Spennen, “Cornelius replied, “thatI am completely at a loss to understand what you want.” —-
“我向您发誓,范斯本大师,”康奈利厄斯回答,“我完全不明白您想要什么。” —-

“Then I shall put you in the way, Doctor,” said the judge;” —-
“那我会给你指明道路,博士,”法官说; —-

give up to us the papers which the traitor Cornelius deWitt deposited with you in the month of January last.” —-
“把那些叛徒康奈利斯·德维特在去年一月份交给你的文件给我们。” —-

A sudden light came into the mind of Cornelius.

“Halloa!” said Van Spennen, “you begin now to remember,don’t you?” —-
“嘿!” 范斯本说,“你现在开始回忆起来了,是吧?” —-

“Indeed I do, but you spoke of seditious papers, and I havenone of that sort.””You deny it then?” —-
“的确如此,但您刚才提到了煽动性文件,而我没有这种文件。”“你否认吗?” —-

“Certainly I do.”The magistrate turned round and took a rapid survey of thewhole cabinet.

  “Where is the apartment you call your dry-room?” he asked.

“The very same where you now are, Master van Spennen.” —-
“就在您现在所在的房间,范斯本大师。” —-

The magistrate cast a glance at a small note at the top ofhis papers.

  “All right,” he said, like a man who is sure of his ground.

Then, turning round towards Cornelius, he continued, “Willyou give up those papers to me?” —-
然后,他转向康奈利厄斯,继续说:“你会把那些文件交给我吗?” —-

“But I cannot, Master van Spennen; those papers do notbelong to me; —-
“但我不能,范斯本大师;那些文件不属于我; —-

they have been deposited with me as a trust,and a trust is sacred.” —-
它们被托付给我作为信任,而信任是神圣的。 —-

“Dr. Cornelius,” said the judge, “in the name of the States,I order you to open this drawer, and to give up to me thepapers which it contains.” —-
“柯尼利厄斯博士,”法官说,“我代表国家命令你打开这个抽屉,把里面的文件交给我。” —-

Saying this, the judge pointed with his finger to the thirddrawer of the press, near the fireplace.

In this very drawer, indeed the papers deposited by theWarden of the Dikes with his godson were lying; —-
事实上,在这个抽屉里,河堤长官与他的教子存放的文件就在那里;这证明警察得到了非常准确的信息。 —-

a proof thatthe police had received very exact information.

“Ah! you will not,” said Van Spennen, when he saw Corneliusstanding immovable and bewildered, “then I shall open thedrawer myself.” —-
然后,法官抽出抽屉,首先看到了大约二十个小球,被仔细地排列和贴上标签,然后看到了那个纸包,它一直保持着在当年不幸的德·维特将其交给教子时的状态。 —-

And, pulling out the drawer to its full length, themagistrate at first alighted on about twenty bulbs,carefully arranged and ticketed, and then on the paperparcel, which had remained in exactly the same state as itwas when delivered by the unfortunate Cornelius de Witt tohis godson.

The magistrate broke the seals, tore off the envelope, castan eager glance on the first leaves which met his eye andthen exclaimed, in a terrible voice, —“Well, justice has been rightly informed after all!” —-
“怎么了,”柯尼利厄斯说,“怎么回事?”“别假装愚不可及,范·巴尔勒先生,”法官回答道。 —-

“How,” said Cornelius, “how is this?””Don’t pretend to be ignorant, Mynheer van Baerle,” answeredthe magistrate. —-
“跟我来。”“怎么了!跟你来?”博士喊道。 —-

“Follow me.””How’s that! follow you?” cried the Doctor.

“Yes, sir, for in the name of the States I arrest you.” —-
在威廉·奥兰治的名义下还没有进行逮捕; —-

Arrests were not as yet made in the name of William ofOrange; —-
他还未担任斯塔特霍尔德够长的时间。 —-

he had not been Stadtholder long enough for that.

“Arrest me!” cried Cornelius; “but what have I done?””That’s no affair of mine, Doctor; —-
“那不关我的事,博士; —-

you will explain all thatbefore your judges.””Where?” —-
你要在法官面前解释清楚。”“在哪里?” —-

“At the Hague.”Cornelius, in mute stupefaction, embraced his old nurse, whowas in a swoon; —-
“在海牙。”柯尼利厄斯饶有兴致地拥抱着他的老保姆,后者已经昏倒了; —-

shook hands with his servants, who werebathed in tears, and followed the magistrate, who put him ina coach as a prisoner of state and had him driven at fullgallop to the Hague.