An Evening in the CountryM. Guerin’s Dido, a charming sketch!
一个乡间的夜晚,M. Guerin的Dido,一幅迷人的素描!

STROMBECKWhen he saw Madame de Renal again, the next morning, there was astrange look in his eyes; —
当第二天早晨再次见到德·勒奈夫人时,斯特龙贝克的眼神中有一种奇怪的表情; —

he watched her like an enemy with whom hewould presently be engaged. —
他像是在看待一个不久将要对抗的敌人一样注视着她。 —

This expression, so different from his expression overnight, made Madame de Renal lose her head; —
这种表情与前一晚的表情大相径庭,让德·勒奈夫人失去了理智; —

she had beenkind to him, and he appeared vexed. —
她对他很好,而他似乎很生气。 —

She could not take her eyes fromhis.

Madame Derville’s presence excused Julien from his share of the conversation, and enabled him to concentrate his attention upon what hehad in mind. —
黛维尔夫人的存在使朱利安免除了参与对话的义务,使他能够专注于心中所想。 —

His sole occupation, throughout the day, was that of fortifying himself by reading the inspired text which refreshed his soul.

  He greatly curtailed the children’s lessons, and when, later on, thepresence of Madame de Renal recalled him to the service of his own vanity, decided that it was absolutely essential that this evening she shouldallow her hand to remain in his.

The sun as it set and so brought nearer the decisive moment madeJulien’s heart beat with a strange excitement. —
太阳落山,使决定性的时刻更加临近,朱利安的心脏因一种奇怪的兴奋而跳动。 —

Night fell. He observed,with a joy that lifted a huge weight from his breast, that it was very dark.

A sky packed with big clouds, kept in motion by a hot breeze, seemed toforebode a tempest. —
一片满是密集大云的天空,被热风推动,似乎预示着一场风暴。 —

The two women continued strolling until a late hour.

Everything that they did this evening seemed strange to Julien. —
他们今晚所做的一切似乎对朱利安来说都很奇怪。 —

Theywere enjoying this weather, which, in certain delicate natures, seems toenhance the pleasure of love.

At last they sat down, Madame de Renal next to Julien, and MadameDerville on the other side of her friend. —
最后他们坐了下来,德伦夫人坐在朱利安旁边,而黛尔维尔夫人则坐在她的朋友另一侧。 —

Preoccupied with the attempt hemust shortly make, Julien could think of nothing to say. —
朱利安心事重重,他想不出该说什么。 —

The conversation languished.

‘Shall I tremble like this and feel as uncomfortable the first time I haveto fight a duel?’ —
‘我将像这样颤抖,感觉像是我第一次要进行决斗吗?’ —

Julien wondered; for he had too little confidence either inhimself or in others not to observe the state he was in.

In this agonising uncertainty, any danger would have seemed to himpreferable. —
在这种煎熬的不确定性中,任何危险对他来说都似乎更可取。 —

How often did he long to see Madame de Renal called bysome duty which would oblige her to return to the house and so leavethe garden! —
他多么渴望看到德伦夫人被某种工作召唤回房屋,从而离开花园! —

The violence of the effort which Julien had to make to controlhimself was such that his voice was entirely altered; —
要控制自己,朱利安必须付出巨大的努力,以至于他的声音完全改变了; —

presently Madamede Renal’s voice became tremulous also, but Julien never noticed this.

The ruthless warfare which his sense of duty was waging with his natural timidity was too exhausting for him to be in a condition to observeanything outside himself. —
他对责任感和内心的懦弱进行的残酷战争让他筋疲力尽,无法注意到自己之外的事情; —

The quarter before ten had sounded from thetower clock, without his having yet ventured on anything. Julien,ashamed of his cowardice, told himself: —
十点前,教堂钟声响起,他还没有鼓起勇气做任何事情。朱利安羞于自己的懦弱,对自己说: —

‘At the precise moment when teno’clock strikes, I shall carry out the intention which, all day long, I havebeen promising myself that I would fulfil this evening, or I shall go up tomy room and blow my brains out.’

After a final interval of tension and anxiety, during which the excess ofhis emotion carried Julien almost out of his senses, the strokes of tensounded from the clock overhead. —
在持续的紧张和焦虑之后,他的情感过度几乎使朱利安失去理智,教堂钟楼的十声钟响起; —

Each stroke of that fatal bell stirred anecho in his bosom, causing him almost a physical revulsion.

Finally, while the air was still throbbing with the last stroke of ten, heput out his hand and took that of Madame de Renal, who at once withdrew it. —
最后,当最后一声十点钟声落定,他伸出手,握住了勒内夫人的手,她立刻抽回了手; —

Julien, without exactly knowing what he was doing, grasped herhand again. —
朱利安没有确切知道自己在做什么,又一次握住了她的手; —

Although greatly moved himself, he was struck by the icycoldness of the hand he was clasping; —
尽管他自己非常激动,但他却惊讶于他握住的手的冰冷; —

he pressed it with convulsiveforce; a last attempt was made to remove it from him, but finally thehand was left in his grasp.

His heart was flooded with joy, not because he loved Madame de Renal, but because a fearful torment was now at an end. —
他的心充满了喜悦,不是因为他爱勒内夫人,而是因为一场可怕的折磨现在结束了; —

So that MadameDerville should not notice anything, he felt himself obliged to speak; —
为了不让黛维尔夫人察觉到任何事情,他感到有必要开口; —

hisvoice, now, was loud and ringing. Madame de Renal’s, on the otherhand, betrayed such emotion that her friend thought she must be ill andsuggested to her that they should go indoors. —
他的声音此刻洪亮而响亮,而勒内夫人的声音则透露出了如此激动,以至于她的朋友以为她一定生病了,建议她们回屋内; —

Julien saw the danger: ‘IfMadame de Renal returns to the drawing-room, I am going to fall backinto the horrible position I have been in all day. —
朱利安看到了危险:“如果勒内夫人回到客厅,我将重新陷入今天整天所处的可怕境地。” —

I have not held this handlong enough to be able to reckon it as a definite conquest.’

  When Madame Derville repeated her suggestion that they should gointo the drawing-room, Julien pressed the hand that lay in his.

   Madame de Renal, who was preparing to rise, resumed her seat, saying in a faint tone:

  ’I do, as a matter of fact, feel a little unwell, but the fresh air is doingme good.’

These words confirmed Julien’s happiness, which, at this moment, wasextreme: —
这些话证实了朱利安的幸福,此刻他的幸福是极大的: —

he talked, forgot to dissimulate, appeared the most charming ofmen to his two hearers. —
他说个不停,忘记了掩饰,对他的两位听众中显得最有魅力。 —

And yet there was still a slight want of couragein this eloquence which had suddenly come to him. —
然而在这突然到来的雄辩中,仍然稍欠勇气。 —

He was in a deadlyfear lest Madame Derville, exhausted by the wind which was beginningto rise, and heralded the storm, might decide to go in by herself to thedrawing-room. —
他死死地担心德尔维尔夫人受不住这个开始刮风,预示着暴风雨的大风,可能决定独自回客厅去。 —

Then he would be left alone with Madame de Renal. Hehad found almost by accident the blind courage which was sufficient foraction; —
那时他会单独留在雷娜尔夫人身边。他几乎是靠意外发现了足以行动的睁眼胆: —

but he felt that it lay beyond his power to utter the simplest ofwords to Madame de Renal. However mild her reproaches might be, hewas going to be defeated, and the advantage which he had just gainedwiped out.

Fortunately for him, this evening, his touching and emphatic speechesfound favour with Madame Derville, who as a rule found him as awkward as a schoolboy, and by no means amusing. —
幸运的是,今晚他的感人而夸张的言辞在德尔维尔夫人那嘲讽的眼光下也变得讨人喜欢。 —

As for Madame de Renal, her hand lying clasped in Julien’s, she had no thought of anything; —
至于雷娜尔夫人,她的手握在朱利安的手中,她毫无其它想法; —

she was allowing herself to live. The hours they spent beneath this hugelime, which, local tradition maintained, had been planted by Charles theBold, were for her a time of happiness. —
她允许自己活着。他们在这座巨大的菩提树下度过的时间是她的幸福时光。 —

She listened with rapture to themoaning of the wind in the thick foliage of the lime, and the sound of thefirst few drops that were beginning to fall upon its lowest leaves. —
她欣喜地倾听着风声在茂密的菩提树叶间呜咽,以及第一滴雨落在最低的叶子上的声音。 —

Juliendid not notice a detail which would have greatly reassured him; —
朱利安没有注意到一个细节,如果注意到会让他极度安心; —

Madame de Renal, who had been obliged to remove her hand from his, onrising to help her cousin to pick up a pot of flowers which the wind hadoverturned at their feet, had no sooner sat down again than she gave himback her hand almost without difficulty, and as though it had been anunderstood thing between them.

Midnight had long since struck; at length it was time to leave thegarden: the party broke up. —
午夜已过;终于是离开花园的时候了:聚会散了。 —

Madame de Renal, transported by the joy ofbeing in love, was so ignorant that she hardly reproached herself at all.

  Happiness robbed her of sleep. A sleep like lead carried off Julien, utterly worn out by the battle that had been raging all day in his heartbetween timidity and pride.

Next morning he was called at five o’clock; —
第二天早晨五点钟叫他起床; —

and (what would havebeen a cruel blow to Madame de Renal had she known of it) he barely gave her a thought. —
(如果雷纳尔夫人知道了这件事,那将是一个毒辣的打击)他几乎没有想过她。 —

He had done his duty, and a heroic duty. —
他已经尽了自己的义务,完成了一项英雄似的任务。 —

Filled withjoy by this sentiment, he turned the key in the door of his bedroom andgave himself up with an entirely new pleasure to reading about the exploits of his hero.

When the luncheon bell sounded, he had forgotten, in reading the reports of the Grand Army, all the advantages he had won overnight. —
当午餐铃声响起时,他已经完全忘记了在昨晚取得的优势,沉浸在读到的大军伟绩中。 —

Hesaid to himself, in a careless tone, as he went down to the drawing-room:

  ’I must tell this woman that I love her.’

Instead of that gaze charged with passion which he expected to meet,he found the stern face of M. de Renal, who, having arrived a couple ofhours earlier from Verrieres, did not conceal his displeasure on findingthat Julien was wasting the whole morning without attending to the children. —
他原本期待的充满激情的凝视没有出现,却看见了严厉的雷纳尔先生的脸,雷纳尔先生几个小时前从韦里埃赶到,并看到茱丽安整个上午无所事事,不禁表现出不满。 —

No sight could have been so unprepossessing as that of this self-important man, conscious of a grievance and confident of his right to letit be seen.

Each of her husband’s harsh words pierced Madame de Renal to theheart. —
每一句严厉的话都刺痛了雷纳夫人的心。 —

As for Julien, he was so plunged in ecstasy, still so absorbed in thegreat events which for the last few hours had been happening before hiseyes, that at first he could barely lower the pitch of his attention to listento the stern voice of M. de Renal. At length he answered him, sharplyenough:

  ’I was unwell.’

The tone of this reply would have stung a man far less susceptiblethan the Mayor of Verrieres; —
这个回答的语气会刺伤一个比维瑞尔市长更不易受伤感的人; —

it occurred to him to reply to Julien with animmediate dismissal. —
他想立即回复朱利安并把他解雇。 —

He was restrained only by the maxim which hehad laid down for himself, never to be too hasty in business matters.

  ’This young fool,’ he soon reminded himself, ‘has made himself a sortof reputation in my house; Valenod may take him on, or else he willmarry Elisa, and, in either case, he can afford to laugh at me in his heart.’

Despite the wisdom of these reflections, M. de Renal’s displeasurefound an outlet nevertheless in a succession of coarse utterances whichsucceeded in irritating Julien. —
尽管这些反省有智慧,但是雷内尔先生的不悦情绪还是得到发泄,一连串粗鲁的言辞激怒了朱利安。 —

Madame de Renal was on the point of subsiding in tears. —
雷内尔夫人快要掉泪。 —

As soon as the meal was ended, she asked Julien to giveher his arm for their walk; —
饭后,她请朱利安给她搀扶,一同散步; —

she leaned upon it in a friendly way. To allthat Madame de Renal said to him, Julien could only murmur in reply:

  ’This is what rich people are like!’

M. de Renal kept close beside them; his presence increased Julien’s anger. —
雷内尔紧随在他们身旁;他的存在增加了朱利安的愤怒。 —

He noticed suddenly that Madame de Renal was leaning upon his arm in a marked manner; —
他突然发现,雷内尔夫人在特意依靠着他的胳膊; —

this action horrified him, he repulsed her violently, freeing his arm from hers.

Fortunately M. de Renal saw nothing of this fresh impertinence; —
幸运的是,雷内尔先生没有看到这一轮新的无礼行为; —

it wasnoticed only by Madame Derville; her friend burst into tears. —
只有黛维尔夫人注意到了;她的朋友唰地掉泪。 —

At this moment M. de Renal began flinging stones at a little peasant girl who wastrespassing by taking a short cut across a corner of the orchard.

  ’Monsieur Julien, kindly control yourself, remember that we are all ofus liable to moments of ill temper,’ Madame Derville said hastily.
‘朱利安先生,请控制自己,记住我们都有焦躁的时刻,’ 德维尔夫人匆忙说道。

  Julien looked at her coldly with eyes in which the loftiest contemptwas portrayed.

This look astonished Madame Derville, and would have surprised herfar more could she have guessed its full meaning; —
这样的眼神让德维尔夫人感到吃惊,如果她能猜出其全部含义,她会更加惊讶; —

she would have readin it a vague hope of the most terrible revenge. —
她会从中读出一种对最可怕的复仇的隐约希望。 —

It is doubtless to suchmoments of humiliation that we owe men like Robespierre.

  ’Your Julien is very violent, he frightens me,’ Madame Derville murmured to her friend.
‘您的朱利安非常暴躁,吓到我了,’ 德维尔夫人对朋友低声说。

‘He has every reason to be angry,’ the other replied. —
‘他有足够的理由生气,’ 别人回答说。 —

‘After the astonishing progress the children have made with him, what does it matter ifhe spends a morning without speaking to them? —
‘他们和他一起取得的惊人进展,如果他花一个早上不和他们说话又有什么关系呢?您必须承认绅士是非常苛刻的。’ —

You must admit thatgentlemen are very hard.’

For the first time in her life, Madame de Renal felt a sort of desire to beavenged on her husband. —
朱利安对富人充满的激烈仇恨即将爆发。 —

The intense hatred that animated Julien againstrich people was about to break forth. —
幸运的是,德•勒内尔先生叫了园丁来,剩下的时间里他忙着用荆棘杆堵住了果园里的捷径。 —

Fortunately M. de Renal called forhis gardener, with whom for the rest of the time he busied himself instopping up with faggots of thorn the short cut that had been madeacross the orchard. —
朱利安对剩余的散步时间里对他表示关心的话语没有作出任何回应。 —

Julien did not utter a single word in reply to the attentions that were shown him throughout the remainder of the walk. —
德•勒内尔先生一走开,两位女士便借口累了,请求每人搀扶一只胳膊。 —

Assoon as M. de Renal had left them, the two ladies, on the plea that theywere tired, had asked him each for an arm.

As he walked between these women whose cheeks were flushed withthe embarrassment of an intense discomfort, Julien’s sombre and decidedair formed a striking contrast. —
当朱利安走过那些女人时,她们的脸颊因尴尬和不适而发红,朱利安黯然而坚定的神情形成了鲜明的对比。 —

He despised these women, and all tenderfeelings.

‘What!’ he said to himself, ‘not even an allowance of five hundredfrancs to complete my studies! —
“什么!”他自言自语,“甚至给我五百法郎的生活费来完成我的学业都没有!啊!如果我打发她走了该多好!” —

Ah! How I should send her packing!’

  Absorbed in these drastic thoughts, the little that he deigned to take inof the polite speeches of the two ladies displeased him as being devoid ofmeaning, silly, feeble, in a word feminine.

By dint of talking for talking’s sake, and of trying to keep the conversation alive, Madame de Renal found herself saying that her husband hadcome from Verrieres because he had made a bargain, for the purchase ofmaize straw, with one of his farmers. —
(在这个地区,玉米秸秆用来填充床垫的草袋。 —

(In this district maize straw is usedto stuff the palliasses of the beds. —
) —

)‘My husband will not be joining us again,’ Madame de Renal went on:
‘我丈夫不会再加入我们了,’ 拉奈夫人接着说道:

‘he will be busy with the gardener and his valet changing the straw in allthe palliasses in the house. —
‘他和园丁还有他的贴身男仆正忙着为房子里所有的草床换草席。 —

This morning he put fresh straw on all thebeds on the first floor, now he is at work on the second.’

  Julien changed colour; he looked at Madame de Renal in an odd manner, and presently drew her apart, so to speak, by increasing his pace.

  Madame Derville allowed them to move away from her.

‘Save my life,’ said Julien to Madame de Renal, ‘you alone can do it; —
‘救救我的命吧,’ 朱利安对拉奈夫人说,‘只有你能做到; —

foryou know that the valet hates me like poison. —
因为你知道我的贴身男仆恨我如荼。 —

I must confess to you,Ma’am, that I have a portrait; —
我必须向你坦白,夫人,我有一幅肖像; —

I have hidden it in the palliasse on my bed.’

  At these words, Madame de Renal in turn grew pale.

‘You alone, Ma’am, can go into my room at this moment; —
‘只有你,夫人,现在可以去我房间; —

feel, withoutletting yourself be observed, in the corner of the palliasse nearest to thewindow; —
偷偷地感觉一下,不让人发现,在靠近窗户的草席角落里; —

you will find there a small box of shiny black pasteboard.’

  ’It contains a portrait?’ said Madame de Renal, barely able to stand.
‘里面装着一幅肖像?’ 拉奈夫人勉强能站立。

  Her air of disappointment was noticed by Julien, who at once took advantage of it.

‘I have a second favour to ask of you, Ma’am; —
我还有第二个请求要向您提出,夫人; —

I beg you not to look atthe portrait, it is my secret.’

  ’It is a secret!’ repeated Madame de Renal, in faint accents.

But, albeit she had been reared among people proud of their wealth,and sensible of pecuniary interests alone, love had already instilled somegenerosity into her heart. —
虽然她是在一个以财富为傲、只关心金钱利益的人群中长大的,但爱情已经在她心中灌输了一些慷慨。 —

Though cruelly wounded, it was with an air ofthe simplest devotion that Madame de Renal put to Julien the questionsnecessary to enable her to execute his commission properly.

  ’And so,’ she said, as she left him, ‘it is a little round box, of blackpasteboard, and very shiny.’

  ’Yes, Ma’am,’ replied Julien in that hard tone which danger gives aman.

She mounted to the second floor of the house, as pale as though shewere going to her death. —
她脸色苍白地走上了这座房子的二楼,好像要赴死一般。 —

To complete her misery she felt that she was on the point of fainting, but the necessity of doing Julien a service restoredher strength.

  ’I must have that box,’ she said to herself as she quickened her pace.

She could hear her husband talking to the valet, actually in Julien’sroom. —
她能听到丈夫和仆人正在朱利安的房间里交谈。 —

Fortunately they moved into the room in which the children slept.

She lifted the mattress and plunged her hand into the straw with suchforce as to scratch her fingers. —
她抬起床垫,用力伸手进稻草中,结果擦伤了手指。 —

But, although extremely sensitive to slightinjuries of this sort, she was now quite unconscious of the pain, for almost immediately she felt the polished surface of the pasteboard box.

  She seized it and fled.

  No sooner was she rid of the fear of being surprised by her husband,than the horror inspired in her by this box made her feel that in anotherminute she must unquestionably faint.

  ’So Julien is in love, and I have here the portrait of the woman heloves.’

Seated on a chair in the sitting-room of this apartment, Madame deRenal fell a prey to all the horrors of jealousy. —
坐在公寓客厅的椅子上,德雷农夫人完全落入了嫉妒的恐惧中。 —

Her extreme ignorancewas of service to her again at this moment; astonishment tempered hergrief. —
她极度无知在这一刻再次对她产生了好处;惊讶减轻了她的悲伤。 —

Julien appeared, snatched the box, without thanking her, withoutsaying a word, and ran into his bedroom, where he struck a light and immediately destroyed it. —
朱利安出现了,抢走了盒子,不感谢她,也不说一句话,径直跑进了卧室,点燃了一支蜡烛,立即将盒子烧毁。 —

He was pale, speechless; he exaggerated to himself the risk he had been running.

‘The portrait of Napoleon,’ he said to himself with a toss of the head,‘found hidden in the room of a man who professes such hatred for theusurper! —
“拿破仑的画像,”他心想着,一边摇摇头,”竟然被发现藏在这样一个声称如此仇恨篡位者的人的房间里! —

Found by M. de Renal, so ultra and so angry! —
“被德雷农先生发现,一个如此极端和易怒的人! —

and, to completethe imprudence, on the white card at the back of the portrait, lines in mywriting! —
“并且,为了完全搞砸,画像背后的白卡片上,竟然写着我的字! —

And lines that can leave no doubt as to the warmth of my admiration! —
“而且,这些文字毫无疑问展现出我对拿破仑的崇拜之情有多浓! —

And each of those transports of love is dated! —
“而且每一次的热烈爱慕之情都有日期! —

There was oneonly two days ago!

‘All my reputation brought down, destroyed in a moment!’ —
“我的全部名声,转瞬毁于一旦!” —

Julien saidto himself as he watched the box burn, ‘and my reputation is all I have, Ilive by it alone … and what a life at that, great God!’

An hour later, his exhaustion and the pity he felt for himself disposedhim to feel affection. —
一个小时后,他的疲惫和对自己的怜悯让他感到了亲昵。 —

He met Madame de Renal and took her hand whichhe kissed with more sincerity than he had ever yet shown. —
他遇见了朗奈夫人,并握住了她的手,比以往任何时候都更真诚地吻了一下。 —

She colouredwith delight, and almost simultaneously repulsed Julien with the angerof a jealous woman. —
她高兴得脸红了,几乎同时用嫉妒女人的愤怒拒绝了朱利安。 —

Julien’s pride, so recently wounded, made a fool ofhim at that moment. —
在那一刻,朱利安受伤的骄傲让他变得愚蠢。 —

He saw in Madame de Renal only a rich woman, he let fall her hand with contempt, and strode away. —
他只把朗奈夫人视为一个富有的女人,轻蔑地放开了她的手,大步走开。 —

He went out andwalked pensively in the garden; —
他走出去,在花园里忧郁地散步; —

presently a bitter smile appeared on hislips.

‘Here I am walking about as calm as a man who is his own master! —
“我在这里像一个自由主宰的人一样平静地走着! —

Iam not looking after the children! I am exposing myself to the humiliating remarks of M. de Renal, and he will be justified.’ —
我没有照顾孩子们!我暴露在朗奈先生羞辱的评论之下,他会被证明正确的。” —

He hastened to thechildren’s room.

  The caresses of the youngest boy, to whom he was greatly attached,did something to soothe his agonising pain.

‘This one does not despise me yet,’ thought Julien. —
“这个孩子还没有看不起我,”朱利安想。 —

But presently heblamed himself for this relief from pain, as for a fresh weakness. —
但很快他责备自己会因为这种减轻痛苦而感到软弱。 —

Thesechildren fondle me as they might fondle the puppy that was boughtyesterday.’