First StepsThat immense valley filled with brilliant lights and with all thosethousands of people dazzles my sight. —
那个巨大的山谷充满了明亮的灯光,所有那些成千上万的人让我的视线眩晕。 —

Not one of them knowsme, all are superior to me. My head reels.

Poemi dell’ avvocato, REINAEarly in the morning of the following day, Julien was copying lettersin the library, when Mademoiselle Mathilde entered by a little privatedoor, cleverly concealed with shelves of dummy books. —
REINA律师的诗,第一首 —

While Julien wasadmiring this device, Mademoiselle Mathilde appeared greatly surprisedand distinctly annoyed to see him there. —
第二天早上,尤利安正在图书馆抄写信件,玛蒂尔德小姐通过一个巧妙隐藏在假书架中的小门走进来。 —

Julien decided that her curlpapers gave her a hard, haughty, almost masculine air. —
当尤利安欣赏这个装置时,玛蒂尔德小姐出乎意料地看到他在那里,显得非常惊讶和恼火。 —

Mademoiselle de LaMole had a secret habit of stealing books from her father’s library, undetected. —
尤利安认为她头上的卷发纸给她带来一种坚毅、傲慢,几乎男性化的气质。 —

Julien’s presence frustrated her expedition that morning, whichannoyed her all the more as she had come to secure the second volumeof Voltaire’s Princesse de Babylone, a fitting complement to an eminentlymonarchical and religious education, a triumph on the part of the Sacre-Coeur! —
拉莫尔小姐有一个秘密的习惯,就是从父亲的图书馆偷书,从未被发现。 —

This poor girl, at nineteen, already required the spice of wit tomake her interested in a novel.

Comte Norbert appeared in the library about three o’clock; —
这个可怜的女孩,十九岁,已经需要一些风趣的智慧才能让她对小说感兴趣。 —

he hadcome to study a newspaper, in order to be able to talk politics that evening, and was quite pleased to find Julien, whose existence he had forgotten. —
诺贝尔伯爵大约三点钟来到图书馆; —

He was charming to him, and offered to lend him a horse.

  ’My father is letting us off until dinner.’

  Julien appreciated this us, and thought it charming.

‘Heavens, Monsieur le Comte,’ said Julien, ‘if it were a question offelling an eighty-foot tree, trimming it and sawing it into planks, I venture to say that I should manage it well enough; —
但骑马对我来说是一件我一辈子都没有做过六次的事情。” —

but riding a horse is athing I haven’t done six times in my life.’
Heavens, Monsieur le Comte,’ said Julien, ‘if it were a question of felling an eighty-foot tree, trimming it and sawing it into planks, I venture to say that I should manage it well enough;

  ’Well, this will be the seventh,’ said Norbert.

Privately, Julien remembered the entry of the King of —— into Verrieres and imagined himself a superior horseman. —
私下里,朱利安记得那位国王进入韦里耶,想象自己是个出色的骑手。 —

But, on their way backfrom the Bois de Boulogne, in the very middle of the Rue du Bac, he felloff, while trying to avoid a passing cab, and covered himself in mud. —
但是,在回到波尔尼林的路上,在巴克街的正中间,他在试图避开一辆经过的马车时摔了个跟头,弄得浑身满是泥巴。 —

Itwas fortunate for him that he had a change of clothes. —
他幸运地有备用的衣服。 —

At the dinner theMarquis, wishing to include him in the conversation, asked him abouthis ride; —
晚宴上,马奎斯想让他加入谈话,问他关于他的骑术; —

Norbert made haste to reply in generous language.

‘Monsieur le Comte is too kind to me,’ put in Julien. —
“伯爵先生对我太好了,”朱利安插话道。 —

‘I thank him for it,and fully appreciate his kindness. —
“我感谢他,并且完全理解他的好意。 —

He has been so good as to give me thequietest and handsomest of horses; —
“他是多么善良,赠给我这匹最安静、最英俊的马; —

but after all he could not glue me onto it, and, that being so, I fell off right in the middle of that very longstreet near the bridge.’

Mademoiselle Mathilde tried in vain to stifle a peal of laughter; —
玛蒂尔德小姐试图压制住笑声; —

finallyindiscretion prevailed and she begged for details. —
最终,好奇心占了上风,她请求细节。 —

Julien emerged fromthe difficulty with great simplicity; —
朱利安用非常简单的方式摆脱困境; —

he had an unconscious grace.

‘I augur well of this little priest,’ the Marquis said to the Academician;’ —
“我对这位小牧师抱有希望,”马奎斯对学者说。 —

a simple countryman in such a scrape! Such a thing was never yet seenand never will be seen; —
农民怎么会陷入如此困境!这样的事情从未见过,也永远不会看到; —

in addition to which he relates his misadventurebefore the ladies!’

Julien set his listeners so thoroughly at ease over his mishap that at theend of dinner, when the general conversation had taken another turn,Mademoiselle Mathilde began to ply her brother with questions as to thedetails of the distressing event. —
朱利安讲述自己的不幸事故让听众感到非常放心,晚餐结束时,当一般的谈话已经转变时,玛蒂尔德小姐开始盘问她的哥哥事件的细节。 —

As her inquiry continued, and as Julienmore than once caught her eye, he ventured to reply directly, althoughhe had not been questioned, and all three ended in laughter, just likethree young peasants from a village in the heart of a forest.
随着她的追问,当朱利安多次瞥见她的眼神时,他 ventured 直接回答,尽管并没有被询问,这三人最终都笑了起来,就像森林中一个村庄里的三个年轻农民一样。

On the following day Julien attended two lectures on theology, andthen returned to transcribe a score of letters. —
第二天,朱利安参加了两节神学讲座,然后返回转录了二十封信。 —

He found ensconced by hisown place in the library a young man dressed with great neatness, buthis general appearance was ignominious and his expression one of envy.

  The Marquis entered.

  ’What are you doing here, Monsieur Tanbeau?’ he asked the newcomerin a severe tone.
‘翁特博先生,你在这里做什么?’ 他用严厉的语气问新来的人。

  ’I thought,’ the young man began with a servile smile.

  ’No, Sir, you did not think. This is an attempt, but it is an unfortunateone.’

Young Tanbeau rose in a fury and left the room. —
年轻的翁特博愤怒地站起来离开了房间。 —

He was a nephew ofthe Academician, Madame de La Mole’s friend, and was intended for a literary career. —
他是贵夫人朋友、大使的外甥,打算从事文学事业。 —

The Academician had persuaded the Marquis to take himas a secretary. —
大使说服侯爵把他作为秘书。 —

Tanbeau, who worked in a room apart, having heard ofthe favour that was being bestowed upon Julien, was anxious to share it,and that morning had come and set up his desk in the library.

At four o’clock, Julien ventured, after some hesitation, to seek outComte Norbert. —
四点钟,朱利安在犹豫片刻后,决定去找诺贝尔伯爵。 —

This young gentleman was going out riding, and wassomewhat embarrassed, for his manners were perfect.

‘I think,’ he said to Julien, ‘that presently you might go to the ridingschool; —
‘我认为,’他对朱利安说,’你现在可以去骑马学校; —

and after a few weeks I shall be delighted to ride with you.’

‘I wished to have the honour of thanking you for all your kindness tome; —
‘我希望有幸感谢您对我的所有好意; —

pray believe, Sir,’ Julien added with a most serious air, ‘that I amfully conscious of all that I owe you. —
请相信,先生,’朱利安以严肃的神情补充道,’我对我欠您的一切都心知肚明。 —

If your horse is not injured as a result of my clumsiness yesterday, and if it is free, I should like to ride ittoday.’

‘Faith, my dear Sorel, on your own head be it! —
‘的确,亲爱的索雷尔,后果由你自己承担! —

Assume that I haveraised all the objections that prudence demands; —
假设我提出了所有必要的慎重反对意见; —

the fact is that it is fouro’clock, we have no time to lose.’

  After he was in the saddle:

  ’What must one do, not to fall off?’ Julien asked the young Comte.
‘要想不掉下来,应该怎么做呢?’ 朱利安问年轻的伯爵。

‘All sorts of things,’ replied Norbert with a shout of laughter: —
‘各种各样的事情,’诺贝特笑着回答道, —

‘for instance, sit well back.’

  Julien began to trot. They were crossing the Place Louis XVI.

‘Ah! Young hothead, there are too many carriages here, and with careless drivers too. —
‘啊!年轻的冲动者,这里车太多了,而且司机还粗心大意。 —

Once you are on the ground, their tilburys will go bowling over you; —
一旦你摔在地上,他们的马车将会滚过你; —

they are not going to risk hurting their horses’ mouths bypulling up short.’

A score of times Norbert saw Julien on the point of falling; —
诺贝特曾数次看见朱利安险些摔倒; —

but at lasttheir ride ended without mishap. —
但最终他们的骑行没有发生意外。 —

On their return, the young Comte saidto his sister:

  ’Let me introduce a regular dare-devil.’

At dinner, speaking to his father, down the length of the table, he didjustice to Julien’s courage; —
在晚餐时,他远远地对着父亲说,全桌的人都赞赏了朱利安的勇气; —

it was all that one could praise in his methodof riding. —
这是他骑马方法中值得称赞的一点。 —

During the day the young Comte had heard the men who weregrooming the horses in the yard make Julien’s fall an excuse for the mostoutrageous mockery of him.

In spite of all this kindness, Julien soon felt himself completely isolatedamong this family. —
尽管有这一切的善意,朱利安很快感到自己在这个家庭里完全孤立无援。 —

All their customs seemed strange to him, and he wasalways making mistakes. —
他们的习俗对他来说都很陌生,他总是犯错。 —

His blunders were the delight of the footmen.

The abbe Pirard had gone off to his living. —
阿贝·皮拉尔已经去了他的牧堂。 —

‘If Julien is a frail reed, lethim perish; —
‘如果朱利安是一根脆弱的芦苇,就让他凋零; —

if he is a man of courage, let him make his way by himself,’

  he thought.