Party is Nature too, and you shall see By force of Logic how they both agree: —
聚会也是自然的一部分,你将通过逻辑推理看到它们如何相互符合: —

The Many in the One, the One in Many; All is not Some, nor Some the same as Any: —
多在一中,一在多中;所有不等于一些,一些也不同于任何: —

Genus holds species, both are great or small; One genus highest, one not high at all; —
种属相互联系,无论大小;有种最高,有种不高; —

Each species has its differentia too, This is not That, and He was never You, Though this and that are AYES, and you and he Are like as one to one, or three to three.

No gossip about Mr. Casaubon’s will had yet reached Ladislaw: —
关于卡索邦先生的遗嘱的八卦未曾传到拉迪斯劳的耳中: —

the air seemed to be filled with the dissolution of Parliament and the coming election, as the old wakes and fairs were filled with the rival clatter of itinerant shows; —
空气似乎充满着议会解散和即将举行的选举的气氛,就像旧的庙会盛事充满着流动的各种竞争吵杂的表演声; —

and more private noises were taken little notice of. —
更私密的噪音却被人们忽略了。 —

The famous “dry election” was at hand, in which the depths of public feeling might be measured by the low flood-mark of drink. —
著名的“干燥选举”即将到来,在这次选举中,公共情绪的深度可以从低谷的酒量中衡量出来。 —

Will Ladislaw was one of the busiest at this time; —
威尔·拉迪斯劳是那个时候最忙碌的一个; —

and though Dorothea’s widowhood was continually in his thought, he was so far from wishing to be spoken to on the subject, that when Lydgate sought him out to tell him what had passed about the Lowick living, he answered rather waspishly–
尽管多萝西娅的丧偶经常在他的思想中挥之不去,但他绝不希望别人提及这个话题,所以当李德盖特找到他告诉他关于洛维克教区的事情时,他有些不耐烦地回答道 –

“Why should you bring me into the matter? —
“你为什么要把我牵扯进来呢? —

I never see Mrs. Casaubon, and am not likely to see her, since she is at Freshitt. —
我从未见过卡索邦夫人,也不太可能见到她,因为她在弗瑞希特。 —

I never go there. It is Tory ground, where I and the `Pioneer’ are no more welcome than a poacher and his gun.”

The fact was that Will had been made the more susceptible by observing that Mr. Brooke, instead of wishing him, as before, to come to the Grange oftener than was quite agreeable to himself, seemed now to contrive that he should go there as little as possible. —
事实是,威尔更为敏感了,因为他观察到布鲁克先生现在与其说令人不甚愉快地让他到格兰治去的频率,不如说是尽可能地让他不去。 —

This was a shuffling concession of Mr. Brooke’s to Sir James Chettam’s indignant remonstrance; —
这是布鲁克先生对詹姆斯·切特姆爵士愤怒抗议的一种拖延妥协; —

and Will, awake to the slightest hint in this direction, concluded that he was to be kept away from the Grange on Dorothea’s account. —
Will和他的朋友们对这个方向的轻微暗示都非常敏感,他们认为他是为了多萝西娅而被阻止去Grange。 —

Her friends, then, regarded him with some suspicion? Their fears were quite superfluous: —
那么,她的朋友们对他有些怀疑吗?这种担忧完全是多余的。 —

they were very much mistaken if they imagined that he would put himself forward as a needy adventurer trying to win the favor of a rich woman.

Until now Will had never fully seen the chasm between himself and Dorothea–until now that he was come to the brink of it, and saw her on the other side. —
直到现在,Will从未完全看清自己和多萝西娅之间的鸿沟–直到现在,当他来到边缘,看到她在另一边。 —

He began, not without some inward rage, to think of going away from the neighborhood: —
他开始,不禁内心愤怒,考虑离开这个社区:对他来说,再表现出对多萝西娅的进一步兴趣将会让他遭受不愉快的指责–也许甚至在她的心中,其他人可能会试图毒害。 —

it would be impossible for him to show any further interest in Dorothea without subjecting himself to disagreeable imputations–perhaps even in her mind, which others might try to poison.
“我们永远被分开了,”Will说。 “我宁愿在罗马;她对我来说也不会更远。”

“We are forever divided,” said Will. “I might as well be at Rome; she would be no farther from me.” —
但我们称之为绝望的东西往往只是未被满足希望的痛苦渴望。 —

But what we call our despair is often only the painful eagerness of unfed hope. —
有很多理由让他不去–公共理由让他在这个危机时刻不应当离开他的职位,当他需要为选举给布鲁克先生做“训练”,并且有那么多直接和间接的拉票工作要开展。 —

There were plenty of reasons why he should not go–public reasons why he should not quit his post at this crisis, leaving Mr. Brooke in the lurch when he needed “coaching” for the election, and when there was so much canvassing, direct and indirect, to be carried on. —
Will不愿意在比赛激烈时离开自己的棋子; —

Will could not like to leave his own chessmen in the heat of a game; —
任何候选人,即使他的头脑和骨髓已经软得足以符合绅士的风度,也可能有助于扭转多数。 —

and any candidate on the right side, even if his brain and marrow had been as soft as was consistent with a gentlemanly bearing, might help to turn a majority. —
指导布鲁克先生并坚定地让他承诺投票支持实际的改革法案,而不是坚持自己的独立和随时撤回的权力,这并不是一项容易的任务。 —

To coach Mr. Brooke and keep him steadily to the idea that he must pledge himself to vote for the actual Reform Bill, instead of insisting on his independence and power of pulling up in time, was not an easy task. —
Farebrother先生对“口袋里”的第四位候选人的预言尚未实现,而议会候选人协会或其他任何观察组织在看到像布鲁克先生这样的第二位改革派候选人,可能会在自己的费用下获胜时,没有看到干预的价值; —

Mr. Farebrother’s prophecy of a fourth candidate “in the bag” had not yet been fulfilled, neither the Parliamentary Candidate Society nor any other power on the watch to secure a reforming majority seeing a worthy nodus for interference while there was a second reforming candidate like Mr. Brooke, who might be returned at his own expense; —
Hawley先生和他的团队将集中所有力量支持Pinkerton的当选,布鲁克先生的成功必须要么依靠将Bagster撇在身后的独立选票,要么将保守党选票重新铸成改革选票。 —

and the fight lay entirely between Pinkerton the old Tory member, Bagster the new Whig member returned at the last election, and Brooke the future independent member, who was to fetter himself for this occasion only. —
Hawley先生及其党派将全力支持Pinkerton,而布鲁克先生的成功则必须要么依赖留在后方的非投他人的选票,要么通过将保守党选票重新铸造为改革派选票来实现。 —

Mr. Hawley and his party would bend all their forces to the return of Pinkerton, and Mr. Brooke’s success must depend either on plumpers which would leave Bagster in the rear, or on the new minting of Tory votes into reforming votes. —
布鲁克的成功必须要么依靠保证将Bagster撇在后方的非投他人的选票,要么改头换面地将保守党选票变成改革派选票。 —

The latter means, of course, would be preferable.

This prospect of converting votes was a dangerous distraction to Mr. Brooke: —
转变选票的可能性成为布鲁克先生的一大危险干扰。 —

his impression that waverers were likely to be allured by wavering statements, and also the liability of his mind to stick afresh at opposing arguments as they turned up in his memory, gave Will Ladislaw much trouble.

“You know there are tactics in these things,” said Mr. Brooke; —
“你知道在这些事情中有技巧,”布鲁克先生说; —

“meeting people half-way–tempering your ideas–saying, `Well now, there’s something in that,’ and so on. —
“与人半途而废——调和你的想法——说,’嗯,这里有一些道理’,等等。 —

I agree with you that this is a peculiar occasion–the country with a will of its own– political unions–that sort of thing–but we sometimes cut with rather too sharp a knife, Ladislaw. —
我同意你这是个特殊的场合——有自己决断的国家——政治联盟——那种事——但我们有时刀削得过于锋利,拉迪斯劳。 —

These ten-pound householders, now: why ten? Draw the line somewhere–yes: —
这些只有10英镑的家庭持有者,现在:为什么是十呢?在某处画一条线——是的; —

but why just at ten? That’s a difficult question, now, if you go into it.”

“Of course it is,” said Will, impatiently. —
“当然,”威尔不耐烦地说。 —

“But if you are to wait till we get a logical Bill, you must put yourself forward as a revolutionist, and then Middlemarch would not elect you, I fancy. —
“但如果要等到我们得到一个逻辑上的法案时,你就必须自认为是一个革命者,那么我想,米德尔马奇不会选你的。 —

As for trimming, this is not a time for trimming.”

Mr. Brooke always ended by agreeing with Ladislaw, who still appeared to him a sort of Burke with a leaven of Shelley; —
布鲁克先生总是最终同意拉迪斯劳的看法,他在拉迪斯劳身上总是看到一种混有雪莱精神的伯克; —

but after an interval the wisdom of his own methods reasserted itself, and he was again drawn into using them with much hopefulness. —
但过了一会儿,他自己的方法的明智性再次占了上风,并且他又满怀希望地开始使用这些方法。 —

At this stage of affairs he was in excellent spirits, which even supported him under large advances of money; —
在事务的这个阶段,他精神头头是道,甚至能在大笔资金的押款之下保持乐观; —

for his powers of convincing and persuading had not yet been, tested by anything more difficult than a chairman’s speech introducing other orators, or a dialogue with a Middlemarch voter, from which he came away with a sense that he was a tactician by nature, and that it was a pity he had not gone earlier into this kind of thing. —
因为他的说服和劝服能力尚未经受过比引导其他演讲者的主席演讲或与米德尔马奇选民的对话更艰难的考验,他总是觉得自己天生就是一个策略家,真是有点可惜他不早点涉足这一行。 —

He was a little conscious of defeat, however, with Mr. Mawmsey, a chief representative in Middlemarch of that great social power, the retail trader, and naturally one of the most doubtful voters in the borough–willing for his own part to supply an equal quality of teas and sugars to reformer and anti-reformer, as well as to agree impartially with both, and feeling like the burgesses of old that this necessity of electing members was a great burthen to a town; —
他对失败有点担忧,毕竟,莫姆西先生是米德尔马奇这个零售商这个伟大社会力量的主要代表,也自然是这个选区中最令人怀疑的选民之一——他乐意为改革派和反对派供应同样品质的茶叶和糖,并公正地与两者达成一致,感觉就像古代的市民们一样,认为选举议员的必要性对一个城镇来说是一大负担; —

for even if there were no danger in holding out hopes to all parties beforehand, there would be the painful necessity at last of disappointing respectable people whose names were on his books. —
即使事先向所有党派抱有希望没有危险,最后却不得不让名字登记在他账簿上的体面人感到痛苦的必要性。 —

He was accustomed to receive large orders from Mr. Brooke of Tipton; —
他习惯于从蒂普顿的布鲁克先生那里接受大宗订单; —

but then, there were many of Pinkerton’s committee whose opinions had a great weight of grocery on their side. —
但是,萍克顿委员会中很多人的意见都受到了重量级的杂货的支持。 —

Mr. Mawmsey thinking that Mr. Brooke, as not too “clever in his intellects,” was the more likely to forgive a grocer who gave a hostile vote under pressure, had become confidential in his back parlor.

“As to Reform, sir, put it in a family light,” he said, rattling the small silver in his pocket, and smiling affably. —
“至于改革,先生,把它看作是家庭的光荣,”他说,响着口袋里的小银子,和蔼地笑着。 —

“Will it support Mrs. Mawmsey, and enable her to bring up six children when I am no more? —
“它会支持莫姆西夫人吗?在我不复存在的时候,能让她抚养六个孩子吗?” —

I put the question fictiously, knowing what must be the answer. Very well, sir. —
我以虚构的方式提出这个问题,我知道必须是什么答案。非常好,先生。 —

I ask you what, as a husband and a father, I am to do when gentlemen come to me and say, `Do as you like, Mawmsey; —
我问你,作为一位丈夫和一位父亲,当绅士们对我说,“任你所愿,莫姆西; —

but if you vote against us, I shall get my groceries elsewhere: —
但如果你投票反对我们,我将去别处购买我的杂货; —

when I sugar my liquor I like to feel that I am benefiting the country by maintaining tradesmen of the right color.’ —
当我给我的酒加糖时,我想感觉我正在帮助这个国家维持合适肤色的商人。” —

Those very words have been spoken to me, sir, in the very chair where you are now sitting. —
先生,这些话曾经对我说过,就在您现在坐着的椅子上。 —

I don’t mean by your honorable self, Mr. Brooke.”

“No, no, no–that’s narrow, you know. Until my butler complains to me of your goods, Mr. Mawmsey,” said Mr. Brooke, soothingly, “until I hear that you send bad sugars, spices–that sort of thing– I shall never order him to go elsewhere.”

“Sir, I am your humble servant, and greatly obliged,” said Mr. Mawmsey, feeling that politics were clearing up a little. —
“先生,我是您的谦恭的仆人,非常感激,”莫姆西先生说,感觉政治局势有所改善。 —

“There would be some pleasure in voting for a gentleman who speaks in that honorable manner.”

“Well, you know, Mr. Mawmsey, you would find it the right thing to put yourself on our side. —
“嗯,您知道,莫姆西先生,站在我们这边对您来说会是正确的选择。 —

This Reform will touch everybody by-and-by– a thoroughly popular measure–a sort of A, B, C, you know, that must come first before the rest can follow. —
这项改革迟早会触及每个人——一项非常受欢迎的措施——一种先导,你知道的,其他事情必须在其后才能跟上。 —

I quite agree with you that you’ve got to look at the thing in a family light: —
我非常同意您,您必须以家庭的角度看待这件事: —

but public spirit, now. We’re all one family, you know– it’s all one cupboard. —
但是公共精神,现在。我们都是一个家庭,你知道的——这一切都在同一个碗橱里。 —

Such a thing as a vote, now: why, it may help to make men’s fortunes at the Cape–there’s no knowing what may be the effect of a vote,” Mr. Brooke ended, with a sense of being a little out at sea, though finding it still enjoyable. —
说到投票这样的事情:噢,它可能有助于改变人们在开普敦的命运——没有人知道投票的效果会是什么,“布鲁克先生以有点茫然的感觉结束,尽管仍觉得很愉快。 —

But Mr. Mawmsey answered in a tone of decisive check.

“I beg your pardon, sir, but I can’t afford that. When I give a vote I must know what I am doing; —
“先生,请原谅,但我买不起那个。当我投票时,我必须知道自己在做什么; —

I must look to what will be the effects on my till and ledger, speaking respectfully. —
我必须考虑对我的账本和账簿的影响,言辞恭敬。 —

Prices, I’ll admit, are what nobody can know the merits of; —
价格,我承认,是谁也无法知道其优点的; —

and the sudden falls after you’ve bought in currants, which are a goods that will not keep– I’ve never; —
而且购买葡萄干后的突然下跌,这是一种保存不了的货物–我从未; —

myself seen into the ins and outs there; which is a rebuke to human pride. —
亲眼见过其中的利弊;这是对人类骄傲的一种责备。 —

But as to one family, there’s debtor and creditor, I hope; they’re not going to reform that away; —
但就一个家庭而言,存在债务人和债权人,我希望他们不会把这一点改变; —

else I should vote for things staying as they are. —
否则我将投票支持事物保持原样。” —

Few men have less need to cry for change than I have, personally speaking–that is, for self and family. —
我个人而言,比起别人更不需要为改变而哭泣。 —

I am not one of those who have nothing to lose: —
我不是那种没有什么可失去的人。 —

I mean as to respectability both in parish and private business, and noways in respect of your honorable self and custom, which you was good enough to say you would not withdraw from me, vote or no vote, while the article sent in was satisfactory.”

After this conversation Mr. Mawmsey went up and boasted to his wife that he had been rather too many for Brooke of Tipton, and that he didn’t mind so much now about going to the poll.

Mr. Brooke on this occasion abstained from boasting of his tactics to Ladislaw, who for his part was glad enough to persuade himself that he had no concern with any canvassing except the purely argumentative sort, and that he worked no meaner engine than knowledge. —
布鲁克先生这次没有向拉迪斯劳吹嘘他的策略,而对于拉迪斯劳来说,他很高兴地说服自己,除了纯粹基于论点的辩论外,他对选民没有任何关系,也不使用任何比知识更低级的手段。 —

Mr. Brooke, necessarily, had his agents, who understood the nature of the Middlemarch voter and the means of enlisting his ignorance on the side of the Bill–which were remarkably similar to the means of enlisting it on the side against the Bill. Will stopped his ears. —
布鲁克先生必然有他的代理人,他们了解米德尔马奇选民的本性,以及如何使他们对这项议案投赞同票的手段–这些手段与使他们反对该议案的手段非常相似。威尔堵住了耳朵。 —

Occasionally Parliament, like the rest of our lives, even to our eating and apparel, could hardly go on if our imaginations were too active about processes. —
有时候,议会和我们生活中的其他方面一样,甚至包括我们的饮食和服饰,如果我们对于过程的想象力过于活跃,就很难继续下去。 —

There were plenty of dirty-handed men in the world to do dirty business; —
这个世界上有很多卑鄙的人去做卑鄙的事情; —

and Will protested to himself that his share in bringing Mr. Brooke through would be quite innocent.

But whether he should succeed in that mode of contributing to the majority on the right side was very doubtful to him. —
但他是否会成功以这种方式为正确的一方做出贡献,对他来说非常可疑。 —

He had written out various speeches and memoranda for speeches, but he had begun to perceive that Mr. Brooke’s mind, if it had the burthen of remembering any train of thought, would let it drop, run away in search of it, and not easily come back again. —
他写出了各种演讲稿和备忘录,但他开始意识到,如果布鲁克先生的大脑有记住任何一段思路的负担,它会让它掉落,跑去寻找,而不容易回来。 —

To collect documents is one mode of serving your country, and to remember the contents of a document is another. —
收集文件是为国家服务的一种方式,记住文件内容是另一种方式。 —

No! the only way in which Mr. Brooke could be coerced into thinking of the right arguments at the right time was to be well plied with them till they took up all the room in his brain. —
不!迫使布鲁克先生在正确的时间考虑正确的论点的唯一方式就是不断灌输这些观点,直到它们占据他脑中所有的空间。 —

But here there was the difficulty of finding room, so many things having been taken in beforehand. —
但这里存在着一些难题,因为之前已经接收了很多东西。 —

Mr. Brooke himself observed that his ideas stood rather in his way when he was speaking.

However, Ladislaw’s coaching was forthwith to be put to the test, for before the day of nomination Mr. Brooke was to explain himself to the worthy electors of Middlemarch from the balcony of the White Hart, which looked out advantageously at an angle of the market-place, commanding a large area in front and two converging streets. —
然而,拉迪斯劳的辅导很快就要受到考验,因为在提名日之前,布鲁克先生将在白鹿酒店的阳台上向米德尔马奇值得信赖的选民解释,从那里可以俯瞰市场的一个优势角度,占据市场前面的一个大区域和两条汇合的街道。 —

It was a fine May morning, and everything seemed hopeful: —
那是个美好的五月早晨,一切看起来充满希望: —

there was some prospect of an understanding between Bagster’s committee and Brooke’s, to which Mr. Bulstrode, Mr. Standish as a Liberal lawyer, and such manufacturers as Mr. Plymdale and Mr. Vincy, gave a solidity which almost counterbalanced Mr. Hawley and his associates who sat for Pinkerton at the Green Dragon. —
有一些关于巴斯特尔委员会和布鲁克之间的谅解的前景,而布鲁克又得到了像自由派律师布尔斯特罗德先生、工厂主皮姆代尔先生和文赛家族的技工这样的人士的支持,几乎抵消了位于绿龙酒店的皮克顿的霍利先生及其同伙。 —

Mr. Brooke, conscious of having weakened the blasts of the “Trumpet” against him, by his reforms as a landlord in the last half year, and hearing himself cheered a little as he drove into the town, felt his heart tolerably light under his buff-colored waistcoat. —
布鲁克感到自己的心情相当轻松,穿着他的浅褐色马甲,意识到过去半年作为一名地主所做的改革削弱了《响天号》对他的攻击,当他驾车进入城镇时,听到了一些欢呼声。 —

But with regard to critical occasions, it often happens that all moments seem comfortably remote until the last.

“This looks well, eh?” said Mr. Brooke as the crowd gathered. —
“这看上去不错,是吧?” 布鲁克先生看着聚集的人群说。 —

“I shall have a good audience, at any rate. —
“至少我会有一个很好的观众。” —

I like this, now– this kind of public made up of one’s own neighbors, you know.”

The weavers and tanners of Middlemarch, unlike Mr. Mawmsey, had never thought of Mr. Brooke as a neighbor, and were not more attached to him than if he had been sent in a box from London. —
米德尔马奇的织工和制革人,不像莫姆西先生那样把布鲁克先生看作邻居,对他并没有多大的依恋,如果他从伦敦装在箱子里送来也不过如此。 —

But they listened without much disturbance to the speakers who introduced the candidate, one of them–a political personage from Brassing, who came to tell Middlemarch its duty–spoke so fully, that it was alarming to think what the candidate could find to say after him. —
但是他们对介绍候选人的演讲者并没有太多的干扰,其中一位–来自布拉辛的政治人物,前来告诉米德尔马奇它的责任–讲得如此充分,以至于听完他之后,候选人能找到什么话来说真是令人担忧。 —

Meanwhile the crowd became denser, and as the political personage neared the end of his speech, Mr. Brooke felt a remarkable change in his sensations while he still handled his eye-glass, trifled with documents before him, and exchanged remarks with his committee, as a man to whom the moment of summons was indifferent.

“I’ll take another glass of sherry, Ladislaw,” he said, with an easy air, to Will, who was close behind him, and presently handed him the supposed fortifier. —
“我要再来一杯雪利酒,拉迪斯劳,”他轻松地对站在他后面的威尔说,并立刻把他手中的假酒递给他。 —

It was ill-chosen; for Mr. Brooke was an abstemious man, and to drink a second glass of sherry quickly at no great interval from the first was a surprise to his system which tended to scatter his energies instead of collecting them. —
这是个错误的选择;因为布鲁克先生是一个禁欲主义者,不久后再快速喝一杯雪利酒并不合适,这对他的身体来说是个惊喜,会分散而不是集中他的能量。 —

Pray pity him: so many English gentlemen make themselves miserable by speechifying on entirely private grounds! —
请怜悯他:很多英国绅士因纯粹私人原因讲话而使自己感到痛苦! —

whereas Mr. Brooke wished to serve his country by standing for Parliament–which, indeed, may also be done on private grounds, but being once undertaken does absolutely demand some speechifying.

It was not about the beginning of his speech that Mr. Brooke was at all anxious; —
布鲁克先生完全没有为他演讲的开头感到焦虑; —

this, he felt sure, would be all right; he should have it quite pat, cut out as neatly as a set of couplets from Pope. Embarking would be easy, but the vision of open sea that might come after was alarming. —
他确信这部分会很顺利;他应该会很熟练地念出来,就像从教皇所写的两行诗中剪裁出来的一样。开始并不难,但之后可能会出现的茫茫大海的景象却让他感到恐惧。 —

“And questions, now,” hinted the demon just waking up in his stomach, “somebody may put questions about the schedules. —
“而且问题,”他胃里刚醒来的恶魔提示道,“可能会有人问到时间表的问题。 —

–Ladislaw,” he continued, aloud, “just hand me the memorandum of the schedules.”

When Mr. Brooke presented himself on the balcony, the cheers were quite loud enough to counterbalance the yells, groans, brayings, and other expressions of adverse theory, which were so moderate that Mr. Standish (decidedly an old bird) observed in the ear next to him, “This looks dangerous, by God! —
当布鲁克先生出现在阳台上时,欢呼声足够响亮,以抵消各种反对理论中的呼喊声、呻吟声、嘶吼声以及其他表达方式,而这些声音相对平和,以至于斯坦迪什先生(明显是老练的政客)在他耳边说,“天啊,情况看起来不妙!” —

Hawley has got some deeper plan than this.” —
豪利可能有比这更深层次的计划。 —

Still, the cheers were exhilarating, and no candidate could look more amiable than Mr. Brooke, with the memorandum in his breast-pocket, his left hand on the rail of the balcony, and his right trifling with his eye-glass. —
然而,欢呼声让人振奋,没有哪位候选人比布鲁克先生看起来更友好了,他把备忘录放在胸袋里,左手放在阳台的栏杆上,右手玩弄着眼镜。 —

The striking points in his appearance were his buff waistcoat, short-clipped blond hair, and neutral physiognomy. —
他容色醒目处是那件沙色马甲、修剪整齐的金发和中性的五官。 —

He began with some confidence.

“Gentlemen–Electors of Middlemarch!”

This was so much the right thing that a little pause after it seemed natural.

“I’m uncommonly glad to be here–I was never so proud and happy in my life–never so happy, you know.”

This was a bold figure of speech, but not exactly the right thing; —
这是一种大胆的修辞手法,但并不完全正确; —

for, unhappily, the pat opening had slipped away–even couplets from Pope may be but “fallings from us, vanishings,” when fear clutches us, and a glass of sherry is hurrying like smoke among our ideas. —
不幸的是,刚刚那么合适的开场白已经溜走了–即使是皮埃尔斯的诗句,在恐惧抓住我们,雪利酒如烟雾般慌乱地传递我们的思绪时,也会像“从我们身边脱落,消失”。 —

Ladislaw, who stood at the window behind the speaker, thought, “it’s all up now. —
站在演讲者身后窗口的拉迪斯劳想,“现在完了。” —

The only chance is that, since the best thing won’t always do, floundering may answer for once.” —
唯一的机会就是,既然最好的事情不一定总是有效的,那么一时的困惑可能会有所回应。 —

Mr. Brooke, meanwhile, having lost other clews, fell back on himself and his qualifications–always an appropriate graceful subject for a candidate.

“I am a close neighbor of yours, my good friends–you’ve known me on the bench a good while–I’ve always gone a good deal into public questions–machinery, now, and machine-breaking–you’re many of you concerned with machinery, and I’ve been going into that lately. —
“我是你们的近邻,我的好朋友们–你们已经认识我好一段时间了–我在法庭上做了很长时间–我总是涉及一些公共问题–机器,以及破坏机器–你们中的许多人都涉及到机械,而我最近一直在研究这个。 —

It won’t do, you know, breaking machines: —
这行不通,你们知道,破坏机器是不行的: —

everything must go on– trade, manufactures, commerce, interchange of staples–that kind of thing–since Adam Smith, that must go on. —
一切必须继续下去–贸易,制造业,商业,商品的交换–那种事情–自亚当·斯密以来,一切都必须继续。 —

We must look all over the globe:–Observation with extensive view,' must look everywhere,from China to Peru,’ as somebody says–Johnson, I think, The Rambler,' you know. --- <span><tang1>我们必须遍观全球:--目光所及之处需广泛观察’,必须看遍每一个地方,从中国到秘鲁,就像某人说的那样–我想是约翰逊,《漫游者》,你们知道。 —

That is what I have done up to a certain point–not as far as Peru; —
这就是我一直做到的一个程度–虽然还没有到达秘鲁; —

but I’ve not always stayed at home–I saw it wouldn’t do. —
但我并不总是呆在家里-我发现这样做不行。 —

I’ve been in the Levant, where some of your Middlemarch goods go– and then, again, in the Baltic. The Baltic, now.”

Plying among his recollections in this way, Mr. Brooke might have got along, easily to himself, and would have come back from the remotest seas without trouble; —
在这样回忆往事的过程中,布鲁克先生本可以轻松地回想起自己的经历,毫不费力地从最遥远的海域归来; —

but a diabolical procedure had been set up by the enemy. —
但敌人却进行了一种恶魔般的行为。 —

At one and the same moment there had risen above the shoulders of the crowd, nearly opposite Mr. Brooke, and within ten yards of him, the effigy of himself: —
在同一时刻,在人群的肩膀上几乎对准布鲁克先生,并且离他不到十码的地方,出现了他自己的模拟像: —

buff-colored waistcoat, eye-glass, and neutral physiognomy, painted on rag; —
穿着褐色背心、戴着眼镜,中性的面容,画在布上; —

and there had arisen, apparently in the air, like the note of the cuckoo, a parrot-like, Punch-voiced echo of his words. —
同时,像布谷鸟的叫声一样,像皮影戏一样的声音突然出现,随着他的话语。 —

Everybody looked up at the open windows in the houses at the opposite angles of the converging streets; —
每个人都抬头看向相交街道对角的房屋的敞开窗户; —

but they were either blank, or filled by laughing listeners. —
但它们要么是空的,要么是被笑声充斥。 —

The most innocent echo has an impish mockery in it when it follows a gravely persistent speaker, and this echo was not at all innocent; —
即使是最无辜的回声,也会在跟随严肃坚定的发言者时带有恶作剧般的嘲弄,而这个回声绝非无辜; —

if it did not follow with the precision of a natural echo, it had a wicked choice of the words it overtook. —
如果它并没有像自然回声那样精确地跟着,那么它的选择也很恶毒。 —

By the time it said, “The Baltic, now,” the laugh which had been running through the audience became a general shout, and but for the sobering effects of party and that great public cause which the entanglement of things had identified with “Brooke of Tipton,” the laugh might have caught his committee. —
当它说“波罗的海,现在”时,原本在听众中传播的笑声变成了一片普遍的喊叫,如果不是派系和那个牵连事物糾结的重大公共事业的镇静作用将其视为与“蒂普顿的布鲁克”等同,那场笑声可能会吸引他的委员会。 —

Mr. Bulstrode asked, reprehensively, what the new police was doing; —
布鲁斯特罗德先生责问,新警察在做什么; —

but a voice could not well be collared, and an attack on the effigy of the candidate would have been too equivocal, since Hawley probably meant it to be pelted.

Mr. Brooke himself was not in a position to be quickly conscious of anything except a general slipping away of ideas within himself: —
布鲁克先生自己并没有迅速意识到任何事情,除了自己内心思想的普遍消散。 —

he had even a little singing in the ears, and he was the only person who had not yet taken distinct account of the echo or discerned the image of himself. —
他甚至还听到了耳中有些微的歌声,而他是唯一一个尚未清楚听到回音或辨别出自己形象的人。 —

Few things hold the perceptions more thoroughly captive than anxiety about what we have got to say. —
对我们要说的事情感到焦虑,很少有什么能够如此彻底地牢牢抓住我们的感知。 —

Mr. Brooke heard the laughter; but he had expected some Tory efforts at disturbance, and he was at this moment additionally excited by the tickling, stinging sense that his lost exordium was coming back to fetch him from the Baltic.

“That reminds me,” he went on, thrusting a hand into his side-pocket, with an easy air, “if I wanted a precedent, you know–but we never want a precedent for the right thing–but there is Chatham, now; —
“这让我想起了,“他继续说着,轻松地将一只手伸进了口袋,”如果我需要一个先例,你们知道的–但我们从来不需要一个正确事情的先例–但有查塔姆,你知道的。” —

I can’t say I should have supported Chatham, or Pitt, the younger Pitt– he was not a man of ideas, and we want ideas, you know.”

“Blast your ideas! we want the Bill,” said a loud rough voice from the crowd below.

Immediately the invisible Punch, who had hitherto followed Mr. Brooke, repeated, “Blast your ideas! —
立刻隐形的布朗先生,一直跟着布鲁克先生的,重复说:“该死你的想法!我们要的是法案。” —

we want the Bill.” The laugh was louder than ever, and for the first time Mr. Brooke being himself silent, heard distinctly the mocking echo. —
我们要的是法案。笑声比以往更响,这是布鲁克先生第一次在他自己保持沉默时清晰地听到嘲笑的回声。 —

But it seemed to ridicule his interrupter, and in that light was encouraging; —
但是它似乎是在嘲笑他的打断者,从这个角度看是鼓励的; —

so he replied with amenity–

“There is something in what you say, my good friend, and what do we meet for but to speak our minds–freedom of opinion, freedom of the press, liberty–that kind of thing? —
“你说的有道理,我好朋友,我们聚在一起不正是为了发表自己的看法吗–言论自由,新闻自由,自由–那种东西? —

The Bill, now–you shall have the Bill”–here Mr. Brooke paused a moment to fix on his eye-glass and take the paper from his breast-pocket, with a sense of being practical and coming to particulars. —
现在法案–你们将得到法案。”这里,布鲁克先生停顿了一下,戴上眼镜,从胸袋里拿出纸张,感觉到自己是实际的,要谈具体问题了。 —

The invisible Punch followed:–

“You shall have the Bill, Mr. Brooke, per electioneering contest, and a seat outside Parliament as delivered, five thousand pounds, seven shillings, and fourpence.”

Mr. Brooke, amid the roars of laughter, turned red, let his eye-glass fall, and looking about him confusedly, saw the image of himself, which had come nearer. —
布鲁克先生在阵阵笑声中变得脸红,放下眼镜,迷茫地四处看着,看到了越来越近的自己的影像。 —

The next moment he saw it dolorously bespattered with eggs. —
下一刻,他看到自己被不幸的鸡蛋泼得就是一片哀怨。 —

His spirit rose a little, and his voice too.

“Buffoonery, tricks, ridicule the test of truth–all that is very well”–here an unpleasant egg broke on Mr. Brooke’s shoulder, as the echo said, “All that is very well;” —
“滑稽,把戏,讥讽是真理的试金石–这一切都很好。” 这里一个不愉快的鸡蛋砸在布鲁克先生的肩膀上,而回声说:“这一切都很好;” —

then came a hail of eggs, chiefly aimed at the image, but occasionally hitting the original, as if by chance. —
然后是一阵鸡蛋的雨,主要是瞄准影像,但偶尔也会碰到原封,好像是偶然。 —

There was a stream of new men pushing among the crowd; —
一群新来的人推挤在人群中间; —

whistles, yells, bellowings, and fifes made all the greater hubbub because there was shouting and struggling to put them down. —
响亮的口哨声、吼叫声、呐喊声和笛声愈发喧嚣,因为有人在努力阻止它们; —

No voice would have had wing enough to rise above the uproar, and Mr. Brooke, disagreeably anointed, stood his ground no longer. —
没有任何声音能突破喧嚣,而布鲁克先生,令人不快地被涂抹了,再也不站在原地; —

The frustration would have been less exasperating if it had been less gamesome and boyish: —
如果那种行为少了一些戏谑和孩子气,挫败感可能就不那么激怒人心了; —

a serious assault of which the newspaper reporter “can aver that it endangered the learned gentleman’s ribs,” or can respectfully bear witness to “the soles of that gentleman’s boots having been visible above the railing,” has perhaps more consolations attached to it.

Mr. Brooke re-entered the committee-room, saying, as carelessly as he could, “This is a little too bad, you know. —
布鲁克回到了委员会房间,尽量不那么在意地说:“这有点太糟糕了,你知道; —

I should have got the ear of the people by-and-by–but they didn’t give me time. —
我本应会逐渐赢得人们的青睐的——但他们没给我时间; —

I should have gone into the Bill by-and-by, you know,” he added, glancing at Ladislaw. —
我本应会很快进入议案的——你知道,”他顺便瞥了拉迪斯劳一眼; —

“However, things will come all right at the nomination.”

But it was not resolved unanimously that things would come right; —
但并非一致决定事情会好转; —

on the contrary, the committee looked rather grim, and the political personage from Brassing was writing busily, as if he were brewing new devices.

“It was Bowyer who did it,” said Mr. Standish, evasively. —
“是鲍耶干的,”斯坦迪什先生含糊地说。 —

“I know it as well as if he had been advertised. —
“我知道的跟广告上写的一样。 —

He’s uncommonly good at ventriloquism, and he did it uncommonly well, by God! —
他擅长口技,而且做得很好,该死! —

Hawley has been having him to dinner lately: —
霍利最近经常请他吃饭。 —

there’s a fund of talent in Bowyer.”

“Well, you know, you never mentioned him to me, Standish, else I would have invited him to dine,” said poor Mr. Brooke, who had gone through a great deal of inviting for the good of his country.

“There’s not a more paltry fellow in Middlemarch than Bowyer,” said Ladislaw, indignantly, “but it seems as if the paltry fellows were always to turn the scale.”

Will was thoroughly out of temper with himself as well as with his “principal,” and he went to shut himself in his rooms with a half-formed resolve to throw up the “Pioneer” and Mr. Brooke together. —
威尔对自己非常生气,也对他的“主人”生气,他走到自己的房间,下定决心要一起辞掉“先锋报”和布鲁克先生。 —

Why should he stay? If the impassable gulf between himself and Dorothea were ever to be filled up, it must rather be by his going away and getting into a thoroughly different position than by staying here and slipping into deserved contempt as an understrapper of Brooke’s. —
他为什么要留下来?如果他与多萝西娅之间的无法逾越的鸿沟要被填补的话,那更可能是他离开并找到一个完全不同的位置,而不是留在这里并沦为布鲁克的助手。 —

Then came the young dream of wonders that he might do– in five years, for example: —
然后他梦想着他可能在五年内完成的奇迹: —

political writing, political speaking, would get a higher value now public life was going to be wider and more national, and they might give him such distinction that he would not seem to be asking Dorothea to step down to him. —
政治写作,政治演讲,现在公共生活将变得更加广泛和更加国家化,他们也许会给他如此的声誉,以至于他看起来并不是要多萝西娅降低自己身份。 —

Five years:– if he could only be sure that she cared for him more than for others; —
五年:如果他只能确定她对他的感情胜过对其他人; —

if he could only make her aware that he stood aloof until he could tell his love without lowering himself–then he could go away easily, and begin a career which at five-and-twenty seemed probable enough in the inward order of things, where talent brings fame, and fame everything else which is delightful. —
如果他能让她意识到他远远站在一边,直到他能够毫不自损地告诉她自己的爱情–那时他就能够轻松地离开,并开始一个在二十五岁时在事物内在秩序中看起来是有可能的事业,才华带来名望,名望带来一切其他令人愉快的事物。 —

He could speak and he could write; he could master any subject if he chose, and he meant always to take the side of reason and justice, on which he would carry all his ardor. —
他会说,他会写;如果他选择,他可以掌握任何问题,并且意味着他将始终站在理性和正义的一边,他将带着所有的热情。 —

Why should he not one day be lifted above the shoulders of the crowd, and feel that he had won that eminence well? —
他为什么不能有一天站在人群的肩膀之上,感到他赢得了这种显赫的地位? —

Without doubt he would leave Middlemarch, go to town, and make himself fit for celebrity by “eating his dinners.”

But not immediately: not until some kind of sign had passed between him and Dorothea. —
但不会立即离开:直到他和多萝西娅之间有某种迹象传递。 —

He could not be satisfied until she knew why, even if he were the man she would choose to marry, he would not marry her. —
他不能满足,直到她知道为什么,即使他是她选择结婚的人,他也不会娶她。 —

Hence he must keep his post and bear with Mr. Brooke a little longer.

But he soon had reason to suspect that Mr. Brooke had anticipated him in the wish to break up their connection. —
但很快他有理由怀疑布鲁克先生已经预料到他想要结束他们的联系。 —

Deputations without and voices within had concurred in inducing that philanthropist to take a stronger measure than usual for the good of mankind; —
外部的代表团和内部的声音都赞成说服那位慈善家采取比平常更强硬的措施造福人类; —

namely, to withdraw in favor of another candidate, to whom he left the advantages of his canvassing machinery. —
即,让位于另一位候选人,让他利用他的拉票机构的优势。 —

He himself called this a strong measure, but observed that his health was less capable of sustaining excitement than he had imagined.

“I have felt uneasy about the chest–it won’t do to carry that too far,” he said to Ladislaw in explaining the affair. —
“我一直对胸口感到不安–不能冒险太远,” 他对拉迪斯劳解释说。 —

“I must pull up. Poor Casaubon was a warning, you know. —
“我必须克制。可怜的卡绍邦是个例子,你知道的。 —

I’ve made some heavy advances, but I’ve dug a channel. —
我已经做出了一些重大投入,但我已经打通了一条渠道。 —

It’s rather coarse work–this electioneering, eh, Ladislaw? dare say you are tired of it. —
这个拉选票的工作有点粗糙,对吧,拉迪斯劳?我敢说你对此已经感到厌倦了。 —

However, we have dug a channel with the `Pioneer’–put things in a track, and so on. —
然而,我们已经通过《先锋报》找到了一个途径–将事情引入正轨,等等。 —

A more ordinary man than you might carry it on now–more ordinary, you know.”

“Do you wish me to give it up?” said Will, the quick color coming in his face, as he rose from the writing-table, and took a turn of three steps with his hands in his pockets. —
“你希望我放弃吗?” 汤姆站起来,脸上泛起红晕,把手揣兜,从写字桌前走了三步。 —

“I am ready to do so whenever you wish it.”

“As to wishing, my dear Ladislaw, I have the highest opinion of your powers, you know. —
“关于《先锋报》,我对你的才华评价很高,你知道。 —

But about the `Pioneer,’ I have been consulting a little with some of the men on our side, and they are inclined to take it into their hands–indemnify me to a certain extent–carry it on, in fact. —
但关于《先锋报》,我和我们这一边的一些人进行了一点咨询,他们倾向于接手–在一定程度上对我进行补偿–事实上继续下去。 —

And under the circumstances, you might like to give up– might find a better field. —
在这种情况下,你可能想要放弃–可能找到更好的领域。” —

These people might not take that high view of you which I have always taken, as an alter ego, a right hand– though I always looked forward to your doing something else. —
这些人可能并不像我一直这样高看你,把你当作一个心腹,一个得力的助手–虽然我一直期待你去做其他事情。 —

I think of having a run into France. But I’ll write you any letters, you know–to Althorpe and people of that kind. —
我想去法国跑一趟。但我会给你写信,你知道的–给奥尔索普和那些人。 —

I’ve met Althorpe.”

“I am exceedingly obliged to you,” said Ladislaw, proudly. —
“非常感谢你,”拉迪斯劳骄傲地说。 —

“Since you are going to part with the `Pioneer,’ I need not trouble you about the steps I shall take. —
“既然你要卖掉《开拓者》,我就不必打扰你问我会采取什么步骤了。 —

I may choose to continue here for the present.”

After Mr. Brooke had left him Will said to himself, “The rest of the family have been urging him to get rid of me, and he doesn’t care now about my going. —
当布鲁克先生离开他时,威尔对自己说,“家里其他人一直在敦促他摆脱我, 现在他已经不在乎我走了。 —

I shall stay as long as I like. I shall go of my own movements and not because they are afraid of me.”