It is now easy to understand the full meaning of the term, “the house of Monsieur Grandet,”—that cold, silent, pallid dwelling, standing above the town and sheltered by the ruins of the ramparts. —
现在很容易理解“格朗代先生的房子”这个词的全部含义了,这幢冷漠、沉默、苍白的住宅,矗立在镇上,由城墙遗迹庇护着。 —

The two pillars and the arch, which made the porte-cochere on which the door opened, were built, like the house itself, of tufa,—a white stone peculiar to the shores of the Loire, and so soft that it lasts hardly more than two centuries. —
两根支柱和拱门,构成了门廊,门廊上开着门,都是用图法石建造的,这种石头是卢瓦尔河岸的特产,很软,大约只能持续两个世纪。 —

Numberless irregular holes, capriciously bored or eaten out by the inclemency of the weather, gave an appearance of the vermiculated stonework of French architecture to the arch and the side walls of this entrance, which bore some resemblance to the gateway of a jail. —
无数不规则的洞穴,由恶劣天气随意挖空或侵蚀而成,让这入口的拱门和侧墙看起来像是法国建筑上的虫蛀石工艺,有点像监狱大门的外观。 —

Above the arch was a long bas-relief, in hard stone, representing the four seasons, the faces already crumbling away and blackened. —
拱门上方有一块长长的浮雕,硬石头制成,描绘着四季,面孔早已破损变黑。 —

This bas-relief was surmounted by a projecting plinth, upon which a variety of chance growths had sprung up,—yellow pellitory, bindweed, convolvuli, nettles, plantain, and even a little cherry-tree, already grown to some height.

The door of the archway was made of solid oak, brown, shrunken, and split in many places; —
拱门的门由实心橡木制成,是棕色的,干缩、裂开了很多处; —

though frail in appearance, it was firmly held in place by a system of iron bolts arranged in symmetrical patterns. —
虽然表面看起来脆弱,但它被一套铁制对称图案排列的螺栓紧紧固定在那里。 —

A small square grating, with close bars red with rust, filled up the middle panel and made, as it were, a motive for the knocker, fastened to it by a ring, which struck upon the grinning head of a huge nail. —
一个小正方形的带着铁锈红的紧密栅栏填充了中间面板,好像是敲门者的动机,固定在上面的门环好像是敲门者,敲击着一个巨大钉子的笑脸头部。 —

This knocker, of the oblong shape and kind which our ancestors called jaquemart, looked like a huge note of exclamation; —
这个敲门者,形状为长方形且有着我们祖先所说的“雅克玛”形状,看起来像一个巨大的感叹号; —

an antiquary who examined it attentively might have found indications of the figure, essentially burlesque, which it once represented, and which long usage had now effaced. —
一位仔细研究过它的古物学家可能会找到迹象,表明它曾经代表了一种本质上是滑稽的形象,而现在长时间的使用已经磨去了这种形象。 —

Through this little grating—intended in olden times for the recognition of friends in times of civil war—inquisitive persons could perceive, at the farther end of the dark and slimy vault, a few broken steps which led to a garden, picturesquely shut in by walls that were thick and damp, and through which oozed a moisture that nourished tufts of sickly herbage. —
通过这个小栅栏,旨在古时候在政治动荡时期认出朋友时使用,好奇之人可以看到,在黑暗而黏滑的拱门深处,一些残破的台阶通往一个被围墙围起来的花园,墙壁又厚又潮湿,从中渗出一种滋养着病态草本植物的湿气。 —

These walls were the ruins of the ramparts, under which ranged the gardens of several neighboring houses.

The most important room on the ground-floor of the house was a large hall, entered directly from beneath the vault of the porte-cochere. —
房子一楼最重要的房间是一个大厅,直接从门廊的拱顶进入。 —

Few people know the importance of a hall in the little towns of Anjou, Touraine, and Berry. The hall is at one and the same time antechamber, salon, office, boudoir, and dining-room; —
很少有人知道安茹、图伦和贝里三个小镇的大厅有多重要。大厅同时也是前厅、客厅、办公室、闺房和餐厅; —

it is the theatre of domestic life, the common living-room. —
它是家庭生活的舞台,共同的起居室。 —

There the barber of the neighborhood came, twice a year, to cut Monsieur Grandet’s hair; —
邻里的理发师每年来两次给格朗代先生理发; —

there the farmers, the cure, the under-prefect, and the miller’s boy came on business. —
农民、教区牧师、副官和磨坊的男孩也会来这个房间办事; —

This room, with two windows looking on the street, was entirely of wood. —
这个房间有两扇看着大街的窗户,完全由木头制成; —

Gray panels with ancient mouldings covered the walls from top to bottom; —
灰色的面板覆盖了从上到下的墙壁; —

the ceiling showed all its beams, which were likewise painted gray, while the space between them had been washed over in white, now yellow with age. —
天花板露出了所有的横梁,同样也被涂成了灰色,而它们之间的空间则被涂成了白色,如今已经因年代久远而发黄; —

An old brass clock, inlaid with arabesques, adorned the mantel of the ill-cut white stone chimney-piece, above which was a greenish mirror, whose edges, bevelled to show the thickness of the glass, reflected a thread of light the whole length of a gothic frame in damascened steel-work. —
一个镶有阿拉伯花纹的老铜钟装点着被切割不匀的白色石壁壁炉台,壁炉上方是一个稍带绿色的镜子,镜子的边缘斜切显示玻璃的厚度,反射出一道线索般的光,贯穿整个哥特式工艺镀铁框架; —

The two copper-gilt candelabra which decorated the corners of the chimney-piece served a double purpose: —
装饰在壁炉两角的铜镀金烛台起着双重作用; —

by taking off the side-branches, each of which held a socket, the main stem—which was fastened to a pedestal of bluish marble tipped with copper—made a candlestick for one candle, which was sufficient for ordinary occasions. —
通过取下支枝,每个支架上都有一个基座,主要的支柱——连接一个蓝色大理石尖顶的铜座——成了一个蜡烛台,可以放置一支蜡烛,足以满足日常需求; —

The chairs, antique in shape, were covered with tapestry representing the fables of La Fontaine; —
形状古老的椅子用拉芬丹寓言绣布覆盖着; —

it was necessary, however, to know that writer well to guess at the subjects, for the faded colors and the figures, blurred by much darning, were difficult to distinguish.

At the four corners of the hall were closets, or rather buffets, surmounted by dirty shelves. —
大厅的四个角落都有橱柜,或者说是带着脏货物在架子上的橱柜; —

An old card-table in marquetry, of which the upper part was a chess-board, stood in the space between the two windows. —
在两扇窗户之间的空间放着一个镶嵌马赛克的旧棋桌,台面上是一个象棋棋盘; —

Above this table was an oval barometer with a black border enlivened with gilt bands, on which the flies had so licentiously disported themselves that the gilding had become problematical. —
在这张桌子上方是一个椭圆形的气压计,带有黑色边框,镶有金色条纹,苍蝇们肆意玩耍,使得金色变得混乱不堪; —

On the panel opposite to the chimney-piece were two portraits in pastel, supposed to represent the grandfather of Madame Grandet, old Monsieur de la Bertelliere, as a lieutenant in the French guard, and the deceased Madame Gentillet in the guise of a shepherdess. —
壁炉对面的墙板上有两幅粉彩画,据说是描绘了格朗代太太的祖父——老贝尔特利耶先生,一个法国卫队的中尉,以及已故的热蒂耶太太扮演牧羊女的形象; —

The windows were draped with curtains of red gros de Tours held back by silken cords with ecclesiastical tassels. —
窗户上挂着红色的 Tours 绉缎窗帘,用丝绸绳子系在一起,带有教士流苏。 —

This luxurious decoration, little in keeping with the habits of Monsieur Grandet, had been, together with the steel pier-glass, the tapestries, and the buffets, which were of rose-wood, included in the purchase of the house.

By the window nearest to the door stood a straw chair, whose legs were raised on castors to lift its occupant, Madame Grandet, to a height from which she could see the passers-by. —
靠近门口的窗户边放着一把草椅,椅腿装有脚轮,可以让Grandet夫人坐高一些,看到外面的行人。 —

A work-table of stained cherry-wood filled up the embrasure, and the little armchair of Eugenie Grandet stood beside it. —
一张染成樱桃色的工作桌占据着窗墙处,Eugenie Grandet的小扶手椅就放在旁边。 —

In this spot the lives had flowed peacefully onward for fifteen years, in a round of constant work from the month of April to the month of November. —
在这个地方,他们的生活已经平静的维持了十五年,从四月到十一月,一天到晚都在不停地忙碌。 —

On the first day of the latter month they took their winter station by the chimney. —
在十一月的第一天,他们就会移席到壁炉旁过冬。 —

Not until that day did Grandet permit a fire to be lighted; —
直到这一天,Grandet才允许生火; —

and on the thirty-first of March it was extinguished, without regard either to the chills of the early spring or to those of a wintry autumn. —
三月三十一号,不管是初春的寒意还是秋天的凛冽,都会熄灭火炉。 —

A foot-warmer, filled with embers from the kitchen fire, which la Grande Nanon contrived to save for them, enabled Madame and Mademoiselle Grandet to bear the chilly mornings and evenings of April and October. —
一只热水袋里装着厨房火炉上剩下的炭火,la Grande Nanon费心保存着,为了让Madame和Mademoiselle Grandet可以忍受四月和十月早晚的寒冷。 —

Mother and daughter took charge of the family linen, and spent their days so conscientiously upon a labor properly that of working-women, that if Eugenie wished to embroider a collar for her mother she was forced to take the time from sleep, and deceive her father to obtain the necessary light. —
母亲和女儿负责家里的床上用品,专心在这项本应该是工人才做的活上花费了一整天的时间,所以如果Eugenie想为母亲绣一顶衣领,就必须从睡眠时间抽出来,骗过父亲,找到必需的灯光。 —

For a long time the miser had given out the tallow candle to his daughter and la Grande Nanon just as he gave out every morning the bread and other necessaries for the daily consumption.
大财主每天早晨发放蜡烛给女儿和la Grande Nanon,就像他每天分发面包和其他必需品一样。

La Grande Nanon was perhaps the only human being capable of accepting willingly the despotism of her master. —
或许只有la Grande Nanon能够心甘情愿地接受主人的暴政了。 —

The whole town envied Monsieur and Madame Grandet the possession of her. —
整个镇上都羡慕Grandet夫妇拥有她。 —

La Grande Nanon, so called on account of her height, which was five feet eight inches, had lived with Monsieur Grandet for thirty-five years. —
大个子Nanon,因为身高5英尺8英寸才叫她这个名字,已经和Grandet先生一起生活了35年。 —

Though she received only sixty francs a year in wages, she was supposed to be one of the richest serving-women in Saumur. —
尽管每年只有60法郎的工资,她却被认为是SauMur最富裕的女佣之一。 —

Those sixty francs, accumulating through thirty-five years, had recently enabled her to invest four thousand francs in an annuity with Maitre Cruchot. —
这些积攒了35年的60法郎,最近让她可以拿出4000法郎去和Cruchot律师签订年金合同。 —

This result of her long and persistent economy seemed gigantic. —
她长久而坚持的节俭成果似乎是巨大的。 —

Every servant in the town, seeing that the poor sexagenarian was sure of bread for her old age, was jealous of her, and never thought of the hard slavery through which it had been won.

At twenty-two years of age the poor girl had been unable to find a situation, so repulsive was her face to almost every one. —
在22岁时,这位可怜的姑娘找不到工作,因为几乎每个人都觉得她的脸相当丑陋。 —

Yet the feeling was certainly unjust: the face would have been much admired on the shoulders of a grenadier of the guard; —
然而,这种感觉显然是不公正的:这张脸如果挂在近卫军的士兵的肩膀上,肯定会受到很多人的赞赏; —

but all things, so they say, should be in keeping. —
但是,据说一切事物都应该相得益彰。 —

Forced to leave a farm where she kept the cows, because the dwelling-house was burned down, she came to Saumur to find a place, full of the robust courage that shrinks from no labor. —
因为一座牲场遭火灾焚毁,被迫离开她放牛的农场,她来到了索米尔,打算找份工作,充满了不怕劳累的坚定勇气。 —

Le Pere Grandet was at that time thinking of marriage and about to set up his household. —
那时,勒·佩尔·格朗代决定结婚,准备组成他自己的家庭。 —

He espied the girl, rejected as she was from door to door. —
他在镇上看到了这个被拒绝到家家门外的姑娘。 —

A good judge of corporeal strength in his trade as a cooper, he guessed the work that might be got out of a female creature shaped like a Hercules, as firm on her feet as an oak sixty years old on its roots, strong in the hips, square in the back, with the hands of a cartman and an honesty as sound as her unblemished virtue. —
作为一个桶匠,对于体力的判断很准确,他猜测这样一个女性像海格力士一样强壮,脚下如同六十岁的橡树根,臀部结实,背部方正,手臂像马车夫,诚实如同她无瑕的贞节,能够胜任哪些工作。 —

Neither the warts which adorned her martial visage, nor the red-brick tints of her skin, nor the sinewy arms, nor the ragged garments of la Grande Nanon, dismayed the cooper, who was at that time still of an age when the heart shudders. —
格朗代对她那带着疣状突起的军人般的面容,红砖般的皮肤,肌肉发达的胳膊,破烂衣服并不在意,而那时的他内心仿佛还年轻。 —

He fed, shod, and clothed the poor girl, gave her wages, and put her to work without treating her too roughly. —
他养着、给她穿衣、给她工资,让她干活,但并不对她残酷对待。 —

Seeing herself thus welcomed, la Grande Nanon wept secretly tears of joy, and attached herself in all sincerity to her master, who from that day ruled her and worked her with feudal authority. —
看到自己受到如此欢迎,格朗纳农暗暗流泪欢乐,真挚地依附于主人,从那一天开始,她被主人统治,像封建领主那样使唤她。 —

Nanon did everything. She cooked, she made the lye, she washed the linen in the Loire and brought it home on her shoulders; —
纳农做所有的事。她做饭,制碱,把衣物在卢瓦尔河里洗净,然后背回家; —

she got up early, she went to bed late; she prepared the food of the vine-dressers during the harvest, kept watch upon the market-people, protected the property of her master like a faithful dog, and even, full of blind confidence, obeyed without a murmur his most absurd exactions.

In the famous year of 1811, when the grapes were gathered with unheard-of difficulty, Grandet resolved to give Nanon his old watch,—the first present he had made her during twenty years of service. —
在著名的1811年,葡萄收割异常困难,格朗代决定送纳农他的老表,这是他在二十年的服务中第一次给她的礼物。 —

Though he turned over to her his old shoes (which fitted her), it is impossible to consider that quarterly benefit as a gift, for the shoes were always thoroughly worn-out. —
尽管他把他的旧鞋子(合脚的)给了她, 但是不可能把那笔季度额外津贴看作礼物, 因为那双鞋总是非常破旧。 —

Necessity had made the poor girl so niggardly that Grandet had grown to love her as we love a dog, and Nanon had let him fasten a spiked collar round her throat, whose spikes no longer pricked her. —
贫穷使这个可怜的女孩如此吝啬, 以至于Grandet已经开始像对待狗那样爱她了, 而Nanon也让他在她的脖子上戴上了有尖刺的项圈,尖刺早已不再刺她。 —

If Grandet cut the bread with rather too much parsimony, she made no complaint; —
如果Grandet抠门地切面包, 她也不抱怨; —

she gaily shared the hygienic benefits derived from the severe regime of the household, in which no one was ever ill. —
她欢快地分享着家庭严格的生活方式所带来的卫生益处, 在这种生活方式中, 任何人从不生病。 —

Nanon was, in fact, one of the family; she laughed when Grandet laughed, felt gloomy or chilly, warmed herself, and toiled as he did. —
Nanon实际上是这个家庭的一员; 她在Grandet开心时笑,感到阴郁或寒冷时笑,她和他一样辛勤劳作。 —

What pleasant compensations there were in such equality! —
这种平等中有多么愉快的补偿! —

Never did the master have occasion to find fault with the servant for pilfering the grapes, nor for the plums and nectarines eaten under the trees. —
主人永远没有理由责怪那个仆人偷吃葡萄, 也没有责怪那个在树下吃李子和柿子的仆人。 —

“Come, fall-to, Nanon!” he would say in years when the branches bent under the fruit and the farmers were obliged to give it to the pigs.
“快来, Nanon!” 在果树枝条因果实而低垂、农民们只好喂猪的年头,他会这样说。

To the poor peasant who in her youth had earned nothing but harsh treatment, to the pauper girl picked up by charity, Grandet’s ambiguous laugh was like a sunbeam. —
对于在她年轻时几乎只受到苛待、被慈善救助的贫穷农民女,对于Grandet那番含糊其辞的笑声犹如一缕阳光。 —

Moreover, Nanon’s simple heart and narrow head could hold only one feeling and one idea. —
此外,Nanon单纯的心灵和狭窄的头脑只能拥有一种感情和一个想法。 —

For thirty-five years she had never ceased to see herself standing before the wood-yard of Monsieur Grandet, ragged and barefooted, and to hear him say: —
三十五年来,她一直记得自己站在Grandet先生的木场前,衣衫褴褛、赤脚,听着他说: —

“What do you want, young one?” Her gratitude was ever new. —
“你想要什么,年轻人?” 她的感激永远是新鲜的。 —

Sometimes Grandet, reflecting that the poor creature had never heard a flattering word, that she was ignorant of all the tender sentiments inspired by women, that she might some day appear before the throne of God even more chaste than the Virgin Mary herself,—Grandet, struck with pity, would say as he looked at her, “Poor Nanon! —
有时候Grandet想到这个可怜的女子从未听过一句恭维的话,她对女性激起的所有柔情都是陌生的,有一天她甚至可能比圣母玛利亚自己更贞洁地出现在上帝的宝座前, Grandet为她感到怜悯, 他看着她说:“可怜的Nanon! —

” The exclamation was always followed by an undefinable look cast upon him in return by the old servant. —
” 每次这个感叹后, 老仆人都会以一种无法描述的眼神回报他。 —

The words, uttered from time to time, formed a chain of friendship that nothing ever parted, and to which each exclamation added a link. —
这些话时不时地说出来, 形成了一条友谊之链, 永远不会断裂, 每一次感叹都增加了一环。 —

Such compassion arising in the heart of the miser, and accepted gratefully by the old spinster, had something inconceivably horrible about it. —
这种慈悲之心在铁公凡心中涌现,老处女颇感感激,但其中却有着难以置信的可怖之处。 —

This cruel pity, recalling, as it did, a thousand pleasures to the heart of the old cooper, was for Nanon the sum total of happiness. —
这种残忍的怜悯对老木匠来说,让他回忆起千般快乐,但对南农来说,那是唯一的幸福。 —

Who does not likewise say, “Poor Nanon! —
谁也不禁说:“可怜的南农啊! —

” God will recognize his angels by the inflexions of their voices and by their secret sighs.

There were very many households in Saumur where the servants were better treated, but where the masters received far less satisfaction in return. —
在索米尔有很多家庭,佣人们得到更好的待遇,但主人们得到的满足感却远远不及这儿。 —

Thus it was often said: “What have the Grandets ever done to make their Grande Nanon so attached to them? —
所以人们常说:“格朗代特一家到底对他们的大南农做了些什么让她如此依恋他们? —

She would go through fire and water for their sake! —
她为了他们什么事都肯去做! —

” Her kitchen, whose barred windows looked into the court, was always clean, neat, cold,—a true miser’s kitchen, where nothing went to waste. —
她的厨房里的铁闩窗户对着院子,总是干净、整洁、冰冷,完全是一个吝啬鬼的厨房,没有一点浪费。 —

When Nanon had washed her dishes, locked up the remains of the dinner, and put out her fire, she left the kitchen, which was separated by a passage from the living-room, and went to spin hemp beside her masters. —
南农洗过碗、锁好晚餐的剩余食物,撤下炉火后,就离开了她的厨房,在与起居室相隔的一道走廊旁去给主人纺麻。 —

One tallow candle sufficed the family for the evening. —
一根牛脂蜡烛足够这个家庭度过一个晚上。 —

The servant slept at the end of the passage in a species of closet lighted only by a fan-light. —
佣人睡在走廊尽头的一个只有天灯照明的壁橱里。 —

Her robust health enabled her to live in this hole with impunity; —
她强健的身体让她能够无恙地住在这个洞穴里; —

there she could hear the slightest noise through the deep silence which reigned night and day in that dreary house. —
在这个深居简出的房子里,昼夜静寂,她能够听到最微弱的声响。 —

Like a watch-dog, she slept with one ear open, and took her rest with a mind alert.

A description of the other parts of the dwelling will be found connected with the events of this history, though the foregoing sketch of the hall, where the whole luxury of the household appears, may enable the reader to surmise the nakedness of the upper floors.

In 1819, at the beginning of an evening in the middle of November, la Grande Nanon lighted the fire for the first time. —
1819年11月中旬的一个傍晚,大娜农第一次点燃了火。 —

The autumn had been very fine. This particular day was a fete-day well known to the Cruchotines and the Grassinists. —
秋天过得很好。这一天是克吕舍夫人和格拉桑派人士们熟知的节日。 —

The six antagonists, armed at all points, were making ready to meet at the Grandets and surpass each other in testimonials of friendship. —
六名对手,全副武装,正在准备在格朗代家会面,互相超越,以友谊的证明为目的。 —

That morning all Saumur had seen Madame and Mademoiselle Grandet, accompanied by Nanon, on their way to hear Mass at the parish church, and every one remembered that the day was the anniversary of Mademoiselle Eugenie’s birth. —
那天早晨,索米尔的每个人都看到格朗代夫人和小姐,还有纳农,前往教堂听弥撒,每个人都记得这一天是尤金妮小姐的生日。 —

Calculating the hour at which the family dinner would be over, Maitre Cruchot, the Abbe Cruchot, and Monsieur C. de Bonfons hastened to arrive before the des Grassins, and be the first to pay their compliments to Mademoiselle Eugenie. —
计算家庭晚宴结束的时间,库鲁肖律师、库鲁肖神甫和德·邦封斯先生匆匆赶到,希望比德·格拉桑家人提前到达,第一个向尤金妮小姐致以问候。 —

All three brought enormous bouquets, gathered in their little green-houses. —
三人都带来了在他们的小温室中采摘的巨大花束。 —

The stalks of the flowers which the president intended to present were ingeniously wound round with a white satin ribbon adorned with gold fringe. —
总统打算赠送的花束的花梗巧妙地缠绕在一根白色绸带上,带有金色流苏。 —

In the morning Monsieur Grandet, following his usual custom on the days that commemorated the birth and the fete of Eugenie, went to her bedside and solemnly presented her with his paternal gift,—which for the last thirteen years had consisted regularly of a curious gold-piece. —
早上,根据惯例,格朗代先生会去尤金妮床边,隆重地向她赠送他的父爱礼物,过去十三年一直是一枚奇特的金币。 —

Madame Grandet gave her daughter a winter dress or a summer dress, as the case might be. —
格朗代夫人会给女儿一套冬装或夏装,视情况而定。 —

These two dresses and the gold-pieces, of which she received two others on New Year’s day and on her father’s fete-day, gave Eugenie a little revenue of a hundred crowns or thereabouts, which Grandet loved to see her amass. —
这两套衣服和金币,尤金妮两次在新年和父亲的节日收到的其他两枚金币,给了尤妮妮一个大约一百金币左右的小收入,格朗代乐于看到她积累。 —

Was it not putting his money from one strong-box to another, and, as it were, training the parsimony of his heiress? —
这不就是将他的钱从一个保险箱转移到另一个,同时培养他的继承人的吝啬心吗? —

from whom he sometimes demanded an account of her treasure (formerly increased by the gifts of the Bertellieres), saying: —
有时他会向她要求她的财产清单(曾经因贝尔泰里耶的礼物而增加),并说: —

“It is to be your marriage dozen.”

The “marriage dozen” is an old custom sacredly preserved and still in force in many parts of central France. —
“结婚十二件套”是中法兰西部许多地方守恪不忘、至今仍然有效的古老习俗。 —

In Berry and in Anjou, when a young girl marries, her family, or that of the husband, must give her a purse, in which they place, according to their means, twelve pieces, or twelve dozen pieces, or twelve hundred pieces of gold. —
在贝里和安茹,当一个年轻女孩结婚时,她的家人或丈夫的家人必须给她一个钱包,他们会根据自己的能力,放入十二枚金币,或十二打金币,或十二百枚金币。 —

The poorest shepherd-girl never marries without her dozen, be it only a dozen coppers. —
最贫困的牧羊女嫁人时从不少于一打的聘金,即使只是一打铜板。 —

They still tell in Issoudun of a certain “dozen” presented to a rich heiress, which contained a hundred and forty-four portugaises d’or. —
伊苏杜依然传说着对一个富有的女继承人所送的“一打”礼物,里面装着一百四十四枚里斯本金币。 —

Pope Clement VII., uncle of Catherine de’ Medici, gave her when he married her to Henri II. a dozen antique gold medals of priceless value.

During dinner the father, delighted to see his Eugenie looking well in a new gown, exclaimed: —
在用餐期间,父亲高兴地看着他的尤金尼穿着新裙子,欣喜地说道: —

“As it is Eugenie’s birthday let us have a fire; it will be a good omen.”

“Mademoiselle will be married this year, that’s certain,” said la Grande Nanon, carrying away the remains of the goose,—the pheasant of tradesmen.

“I don’t see any one suitable for her in Saumur,” said Madame Grandet, glancing at her husband with a timid look which, considering her years, revealed the conjugal slavery under which the poor woman languished.

Grandet looked at his daughter and exclaimed gaily,—

“She is twenty-three years old to-day, the child; we must soon begin to think of it.”

Eugenie and her mother silently exchanged a glance of intelligence.

Madame Grandet was a dry, thin woman, as yellow as a quince, awkward, slow, one of those women who are born to be down-trodden. —
格朗代夫人是个干瘦的女人,黄得像果子,笨拙,缓慢,是那些生来就该被践踏的女人之一。 —

She had big bones, a big nose, a big forehead, big eyes, and presented at first sight a vague resemblance to those mealy fruits that have neither savor nor succulence. —
她骨头大,鼻子大,额头大,眼睛大,乍看之下让人觉得她有点像那些没有味道也没有多汁的面粉水果。 —

Her teeth were black and few in number, her mouth was wrinkled, her chin long and pointed. —
她的牙齿又黑又少,嘴唇起皱,下巴又长又尖。 —

She was an excellent woman, a true la Bertelliere. —
她是个优秀的女人,一个真正的拉·贝尔泰耶尔。 —

L’abbe Cruchot found occasional opportunity to tell her that she had not done ill; —
教堂长克鲁什奥偶尔会有机会告诉她,她做得还不错。 —

and she believed him. Angelic sweetness, the resignation of an insect tortured by children, a rare piety, a good heart, an unalterable equanimity of soul, made her universally pitied and respected. —
她相信了他。天使般的甜美,像被孩子们折磨的昆虫一样的顺从,一种难得的虔诚,一颗善良的心,一种永恒不变的平和的心灵,让她深受同情和尊敬。 —

Her husband never gave her more than six francs at a time for her personal expenses. —
她丈夫从不给她超过六法郎用于个人开支。 —

Ridiculous as it may seem, this woman, who by her own fortune and her various inheritances brought Pere Grandet more than three hundred thousand francs, had always felt so profoundly humiliated by her dependence and the slavery in which she lived, against which the gentleness of her spirit prevented her from revolting, that she had never asked for one penny or made a single remark on the deeds which Maitre Cruchot brought for her signature. —
尽管这个女人凭借自己的财产和各种遗产给了Grandet超过三十万法郎,但她一直感到深深地屈辱于自己的依赖和她所生活的奴役状态,而她温和的性格让她无法反抗,让她从没要过一分钱,也从未在拿到Cruchot律师拿来的文件时发表任何意见。 —

This foolish secret pride, this nobility of soul perpetually misunderstood and wounded by Grandet, ruled the whole conduct of the wife.

Madame Grandet was attired habitually in a gown of greenish levantine silk, endeavoring to make it last nearly a year; —
Grandet夫人通常穿着一件绿色丝绒连衣裙,努力让它能穿近一年; —

with it she wore a large kerchief of white cotton cloth, a bonnet made of plaited straws sewn together, and almost always a black-silk apron. —
她配以一条大白棉布围巾,一个用编织草编制的礼帽几乎总是黑色丝绸围裙。 —

As she seldom left the house she wore out very few shoes. She never asked anything for herself. —
她很少离开家,很少磨坏鞋。她从不为自己要求任何东西。 —

Grandet, seized with occasional remorse when he remembered how long a time had elapsed since he gave her the last six francs, always stipulated for the “wife’s pin-money” when he sold his yearly vintage. —
Grandet每次卖出一年的葡萄收成,每当他想起已经多久没有给妻子最后一次六法郎时,总会在他卖出时特别提出“妻子的零用钱”。 —

The four or five louis presented by the Belgian or the Dutchman who purchased the wine were the chief visible signs of Madame Grandet’s annual revenues. —
那些比利时人或荷兰人购买葡萄酒赠送给她的四五枚路易,是Grandet夫人每年收入的主要可见标志。 —

But after she had received the five louis, her husband would often say to her, as though their purse were held in common: —
但在她拿到五路易后,她的丈夫经常对她说,仿佛他们的钱包是共同的: —

“Can you lend me a few sous?” and the poor woman, glad to be able to do something for a man whom her confessor held up to her as her lord and master, returned him in the course of the winter several crowns out of the “pin-money. —
“你能借我几个便士吗?” 于是可怜的女人,乐意为那位神父视她为主人的男人做点什么,从“零用钱”中在冬天里还给他几枚银币。 —

” When Grandet drew from his pocket the five-franc piece which he allowed monthly for the minor expenses,—thread, needles, and toilet,—of his daughter, he never failed to say as he buttoned his breeches’ pocket: —
当Grandet拿出每月为女儿提供的五法郎用于小费—线,针和厕所时,他总会在扣上裤兜时说: —

“And you, mother, do you want anything?”

“My friend,” Madame Grandet would answer, moved by a sense of maternal dignity, “we will see about that later.”
“ 我的朋友,”Grandet夫人被母亲尊严感动,说,“我们以后再看。”

Wasted dignity! Grandet thought himself very generous to his wife. —
被浪费的尊严!Grandet认为自己对妻子非常慷慨。 —

Philosophers who meet the like of Nanon, of Madame Grandet, of Eugenie, have surely a right to say that irony is at the bottom of the ways of Providence.

After the dinner at which for the first time allusion had been made to Eugenie’s marriage, Nanon went to fetch a bottle of black-currant ratafia from Monsieur Grandet’s bed-chamber, and nearly fell as she came down the stairs.

“You great stupid!” said her master; “are you going to tumble about like other people, hey?”

“Monsieur, it was that step on your staircase which has given way.”

“She is right,” said Madame Grandet; “it ought to have been mended long ago. —
“她说得对,”格朗代夫人说,“早该修好了。” —

Yesterday Eugenie nearly twisted her ankle.”

“Here,” said Grandet to Nanon, seeing that she looked quite pale, “as it is Eugenie’s birthday, and you came near falling, take a little glass of ratafia to set you right.”

“Faith! I’ve earned it,” said Nanon; —
“啊,我赚到了,”南农说,“大多数人会打碎瓶子; —

“most people would have broken the bottle; —
但我宁愿伸出手肘把它高高举起来。” —

but I’d sooner have broken my elbow holding it up high.”

“Poor Nanon!” said Grandet, filling a glass.

“Did you hurt yourself?” asked Eugenie, looking kindly at her.

“No, I didn’t fall; I threw myself back on my haunches.”

“Well! as it is Eugenie’s birthday,” said Grandet, “I’ll have the step mended. —
你们这些人不知道把脚放在木头还坚固的角落。” —

You people don’t know how to set your foot in the corner where the wood is still firm.”

Grandet took the candle, leaving his wife, daughter, and servant without any other light than that from the hearth, where the flames were lively, and went into the bakehouse to fetch planks, nails, and tools.

“Can I help you?” cried Nanon, hearing him hammer on the stairs.

“No, no! I’m an old hand at it,” answered the former cooper.

At the moment when Grandet was mending his worm-eaten staircase and whistling with all his might, in remembrance of the days of his youth, the three Cruchots knocked at the door.

“Is it you, Monsieur Cruchot?” asked Nanon, peeping through the little grating.

“Yes,” answered the president.

Nanon opened the door, and the light from the hearth, reflected on the ceiling, enabled the three Cruchots to find their way into the room.

“Ha! you’ve come a-greeting,” said Nanon, smelling the flowers.

“Excuse me, messieurs,” cried Grandet, recognizing their voices; —
“对不起,先生们,”格朗代认出了他们的声音, —

“I’ll be with you in a moment. I’m not proud; —
“我马上就好。我并不骄傲; —

I am patching up a step on my staircase.”

“Go on, go on, Monsieur Grandet; a man’s house is his castle,” said the president sententiously.

Madame and Mademoiselle Grandet rose. The president, profiting by the darkness, said to Eugenie:

“Will you permit me, mademoiselle, to wish you, on this the day of your birth, a series of happy years and the continuance of the health which you now enjoy?”

He offered her a huge bouquet of choice flowers which were rare in Saumur; —
他向她递上一大束罕见的花,这些花在索米尔很少见; —

then, taking the heiress by the elbows, he kissed her on each side of her neck with a complacency that made her blush. —
然后,他双手搭在继承人的肘部,亲吻她的脖子两侧,使她羞红了脸。 —

The president, who looked like a rusty iron nail, felt that his courtship was progressing.

“Don’t stand on ceremony,” said Grandet, entering. —
“不要拘泥于礼节,”Grandet进来时说。 —

“How well you do things on fete-days, Monsieur le president!”

“When it concerns mademoiselle,” said the abbe, armed with his own bouquet, “every day is a fete-day for my nephew.”

The abbe kissed Eugenie’s hand. As for Maitre Cruchot, he boldly kissed her on both cheeks, remarking: —
神父亲吻了Eugenie的手。至于Cruchot律师,他大胆地在她两颊上各亲吻一下,说道: —

“How we sprout up, to be sure! Every year is twelve months.”

As he replaced the candlestick beside the clock, Grandet, who never forgot his own jokes, and repeated them to satiety when he thought them funny, said,—

“As this is Eugenie’s birthday let us illuminate.”

He carefully took off the branches of the candelabra, put a socket on each pedestal, took from Nanon a new tallow candle with paper twisted round the end of it, put it into the hollow, made it firm, lit it, and then sat down beside his wife, looking alternately at his friends, his daughter, and the two candles. —
他小心翼翼地取下烛台的枝条,为每个支架放上一个蜡烛插座,从Nanon手中拿过一根带纸卷的新蜡烛,插入蜡烛座中,使其牢固,点亮了它,然后坐在他妻子身旁,时而看着他的朋友、女儿和两支蜡烛。 —

The Abbe Cruchot, a plump, puffy little man, with a red wig plastered down and a face like an old female gambler, said as he stretched out his feet, well shod in stout shoes with silver buckles: —
Abbe Cruchot是一个胖乎乎、红头发贴着胶水、长得像个老女赌徒的人,他伸展开脚,脚上穿着结实的银扣皮鞋,说道: —

“The des Grassins have not come?”

“Not yet,” said Grandet.

“But are they coming?” asked the old notary, twisting his face, which had as many holes as a collander, into a queer grimace.

“I think so,” answered Madame Grandet.
“我想会,”Madame Grandet回答。

“Are your vintages all finished?” said Monsieur de Bonfons to Grandet.

“Yes, all of them,” said the old man, rising to walk up and down the room, his chest swelling with pride as he said the words, “all of them. —
“是的,所有的人,”老人说着站起来在房间里踱步,当他说出这句话时,胸膛鼓胀自豪地说道,“所有的人。” —

” Through the door of the passage which led to the kitchen he saw la Grande Nanon sitting beside her fire with a candle and preparing to spin there, so as not to intrude among the guests.

“Nanon,” he said, going into the passage, “put out that fire and that candle, and come and sit with us. —
“娜农,”他走向走廊,“把火和蜡烛都熄灭,过来和我们坐在一起。 —

Pardieu! the hall is big enough for all.”

“But monsieur, you are to have the great people.”

“Are not you as good as they? They are descended from Adam, and so are you.”

Grandet came back to the president and said,—

“Have you sold your vintage?”

“No, not I; I shall keep it. If the wine is good this year, it will be better two years hence. —
“没有,我不卖;我要留着。如果今年的葡萄酒好,两年后会更好。 —

The proprietors, you know, have made an agreement to keep up the price; —
你知道,业主们已经达成协议维持价格; —

and this year the Belgians won’t get the better of us. —
而且今年比利时人不会占我们的便宜。 —

Suppose they are sent off empty-handed for once, faith! —
假设他们这次空手而归,信! —

they’ll come back.”

“Yes, but let us mind what we are about,” said Grandet in a tone which made the president tremble.

“Is he driving some bargain?” thought Cruchot.

At this moment the knocker announced the des Grassins family, and their arrival interrupted a conversation which had begun between Madame Grandet and the abbe.

Madame des Grassins was one of those lively, plump little women, with pink-and-white skins, who, thanks to the claustral calm of the provinces and the habits of a virtuous life, keep their youth until they are past forty. —
德格拉桑夫人是那种活泼丰满,粉白肌肤的女人,由于省份的宁静和品行端正的生活习惯,一直保持着青春直到过了四十岁。 —

She was like the last rose of autumn,—pleasant to the eye, though the petals have a certain frostiness, and their perfume is slight. —
她就像秋天最后一朵玫瑰花,让人愉悦的眼前一亮,尽管花瓣略显寒冷,香气微弱。 —

She dressed well, got her fashions from Paris, set the tone to Saumur, and gave parties. —
她衣着光鲜,从巴黎引进时尚,给索米尔定了调,举办派对。 —

Her husband, formerly a quartermaster in the Imperial guard, who had been desperately wounded at Austerlitz, and had since retired, still retained, in spite of his respect for Grandet, the seeming frankness of an old soldier.

“Good evening, Grandet,” he said, holding out his hand and affecting a sort of superiority, with which he always crushed the Cruchots. —
“晚上好,格朗代,”他说着伸出手,故作一种优越感,总是把克吕舒一家挤压得体无完肤。 —

“Mademoiselle,” he added, turning to Eugenie, after bowing to Madame Grandet, “you are always beautiful and good, and truly I do not know what to wish you. —
“小姐,”他鞠躬向格朗代太太之后转向尤金妮,“你永远美丽善良,实在不知道祝你什么好。” —

” So saying, he offered her a little box which his servant had brought and which contained a Cape heather,—a flower lately imported into Europe and very rare.

Madame des Grassins kissed Eugenie very affectionately, pressed her hand, and said: —
德格拉桑夫人亲切地亲吻了尤金妮,握住她的手,说道:“阿道夫希望能送你我的小心意。” —

“Adolphe wishes to make you my little offering.”

A tall, blond young man, pale and slight, with tolerable manners and seemingly rather shy, although he had just spent eight or ten thousand francs over his allowance in Paris, where he had been sent to study law, now came forward and kissed Eugenie on both cheeks, offering her a workbox with utensils in silver-gilt,—mere show-case trumpery, in spite of the monogram E.G. in gothic letters rather well engraved, which belonged properly to something in better taste. —
当她打开盒子时,尤金妮经历了一种意外而完美的愉悦,让一个年轻女孩红着脸、颤抖着、欢乐地发抖。 —

As she opened it, Eugenie experienced one of those unexpected and perfect delights which make a young girl blush and quiver and tremble with pleasure. —
她把目光投向她的父亲,好像在请求接受礼物的许可,格朗代先生回答说:“接受吧,我女儿,”这样说会让一个演员变得著名。 —

She turned her eyes to her father as if to ask permission to accept it, and Monsieur Grandet replied: —
克吕舒三人看到继承人朝着阿道夫德格拉桑投来的喜悦、活泼的目光,对于这个对她来说是前所未有的财富的继承人,他们感到压倒。 —

“Take it, my daughter,” in a tone which would have made an actor illustrious.
Madame des Grassins kissed Eugenie very affectionately, pressed her hand, and said: “Adolphe wishes to make you my little offering.”

The three Cruchots felt crushed as they saw the joyous, animated look cast upon Adolphe des Grassins by the heiress, to whom such riches were unheard-of. —
The three Cruchots felt crushed as they saw the joyous, animated look cast upon Adolphe des Grassins by the heiress, to whom such riches were unheard-of. —

Monsieur des Grassins offered Grandet a pinch of snuff, took one himself, shook off the grains as they fell on the ribbon of the Legion of honor which was attached to the button-hole of his blue surtout; —
格拉桑先生递给了格朗代一撮鼻烟,自己也取了一撮,掸掉了落在他的蓝色大衣钮扣眼上荣誉军团Ribbon 上的烟粉。 —

then he looked at the Cruchots with an air that seemed to say, “Parry that thrust if you can! —
然后他看着克吕舒一家,一副在说:“看你们怎么招架这一击!” —

” Madame des Grassins cast her eyes on the blue vases which held the Cruchot bouquets, looking at the enemy’s gifts with the pretended interest of a satirical woman. —
格拉桑夫人看了看摆放克吕舒送的花束的蓝色花瓶,装出一副讽刺女人兴趣盎然的样子。 —

At this delicate juncture the Abbe Cruchot left the company seated in a circle round the fire and joined Grandet at the lower end of the hall. —
在这关键时刻,克吕舒神父离开了围着火堆坐成一圈的人群,走到大厅的尽头和格朗代会合。 —

As the two men reached the embrasure of the farthest window the priest said in the miser’s ear: —
当两个男人走到最远窗户的壁龛时,神父在吝啬鬼耳边说道: —

“Those people throw money out of the windows.”

“What does that matter if it gets into my cellar?” retorted the old wine-grower.

“If you want to give gilt scissors to your daughter, you have the means,” said the abbe.

“I give her something better than scissors,” answered Grandet.

“My nephew is a blockhead,” thought the abbe as he looked at the president, whose rumpled hair added to the ill grace of his brown countenance. —
“我的侄子是个蠢货,”神父想着,看着总裁,他那乱糟糟的头发加剧了他褐色面容的不雅。 —

“Couldn’t he have found some little trifle which cost money?”

“We will join you at cards, Madame Grandet,” said Madame des Grassins.

“We might have two tables, as we are all here.”

“As it is Eugenie’s birthday you had better play loto all together,” said Pere Grandet: —
“既然是尤金尼的生日,你们最好一起玩卢托,”格朗代父亲说道: —

“the two young ones can join”; and the old cooper, who never played any game, motioned to his daughter and Adolphe. —
“两个年轻人可以加入”,然后从来不玩游戏的古怪老酿酒商朝着他的女儿和阿道夫挥了挥手。 —

“Come, Nanon, set the tables.”

“We will help you, Mademoiselle Nanon,” said Madame des Grassins gaily, quite joyous at the joy she had given Eugenie.

“I have never in my life been so pleased,” the heiress said to her; —
“我这一生从未如此高兴过,”继承人对她说; —

“I have never seen anything so pretty.”

“Adolphe brought it from Paris, and he chose it,” Madame des Grassins whispered in her ear.

“Go on! go on! damned intriguing thing!” thought the president. —
“继续!继续!该死的扯皮东西!”主席心里想。 —

“If you ever have a suit in court, you or your husband, it shall go hard with you.”

The notary, sitting in his corner, looked calmly at the abbe, saying to himself: —
坐在角落的公证人平静地看着神父,心想: —

“The des Grassins may do what they like; —
“德·格拉桑家的人可以随心所欲; —

my property and my brother’s and that of my nephew amount in all to eleven hundred thousand francs. —
我自己和我的兄弟以及侄子的财产加起来总共有一百一十万法郎。 —

The des Grassins, at the most, have not half that; besides, they have a daughter. —
德·格拉桑家最多不过一半;而且他们还有一个女儿。 —

They may give what presents they like; heiress and presents too will be ours one of these days.”

At half-past eight in the evening the two card-tables were set out. —
晚上八点半,两张卡桌摆出来了。 —

Madame des Grassins succeeded in putting her son beside Eugenie. —
德·格拉桑太太成功地让她的儿子坐在尤金妮旁边。 —

The actors in this scene, so full of interest, commonplace as it seems, were provided with bits of pasteboard striped in many colors and numbered, and with counters of blue glass, and they appeared to be listening to the jokes of the notary, who never drew a number without making a remark, while in fact they were all thinking of Monsieur Grandet’s millions. —
在这个充满兴趣的场景中扮演角色的人,虽然看起来很普通,但实际上使用了多色条纹的硬纸板和编号玻璃计数器,听着公证人的笑话,抽号码时总会说些话,但他们心里全在想着格朗代的百万财产。 —

The old cooper, with inward self-conceit, was contemplating the pink feathers and the fresh toilet of Madame des Grassins, the martial head of the banker, the faces of Adolphe, the president, the abbe, and the notary, saying to himself:—

“They are all after my money. Hey! neither the one nor the other shall have my daughter; —
“他们都只想要我的钱。嘿!既不是这个也不是那个会娶我的女儿; —

but they are useful—useful as harpoons to fish with.”

This family gaiety in the old gray room dimly lighted by two tallow candles; —
在旧灰色屋子里,仅有两支蜡烛微弱的光线,这家庭的快活; —

this laughter, accompanied by the whirr of Nanon’s spinning-wheel, sincere only upon the lips of Eugenie or her mother; —
这笑声,伴随着南农的纺车发出的呼呼声,只有尤金尼或她母亲嘴角的真诚; —

this triviality mingled with important interests; —
这些琐事与重要利益混合一起; —

this young girl, who, like certain birds made victims of the price put upon them, was now lured and trapped by proofs of friendship of which she was the dupe,—all these things contributed to make the scene a melancholy comedy. —
这年轻女孩,就像某些被标价的猎物般,现在被以友情的证明所引诱和陷害,而她成为了受骗者,这一切都让场面变得悲剧。 —

Is it not, moreover, a drama of all times and all places, though here brought down to its simplest expression? —
再说,这不也是一个各个时代和各个地方的戏剧,只是在这里被归结出最简单的表达方式? —

The figure of Grandet, playing his own game with the false friendship of the two families and getting enormous profits from it, dominates the scene and throws light upon it. —
格朗代在这场景中占据至高无上的地位,他用两家假惺惺的友情玩自己的游戏,并从中获取巨额利润。 —

The modern god,—the only god in whom faith is preserved,—money, is here, in all its power, manifested in a single countenance. —
现代的神——唯一信仰保持者的神——金钱,此刻在一个面孔中体现所有其力量。 —

The tender sentiments of life hold here but a secondary place; —
生活中的温情情感在这里只能占次要地位; —

only the three pure, simple hearts of Nanon, of Eugenie, and of her mother were inspired by them. —
只有南农、尤金尼和她母亲这三颗纯朴的心受到这些情感的启发。 —

And how much of ignorance there was in the simplicity of these poor women! —
这些可怜女人的纯朴中又有多少无知! —

Eugenie and her mother knew nothing of Grandet’s wealth; —
尤金尼和她母亲一无所知格朗代的财富; —

they could only estimate the things of life by the glimmer of their pale ideas, and they neither valued nor despised money, because they were accustomed to do without it. —
他们只能根据他们苍白的想法的闪光来评估生活的事物,他们既不珍视也不蔑视金钱,因为他们习惯于没有金钱。 —

Their feelings, bruised, though they did not know it, but ever-living, were the secret spring of their existence, and made them curious exceptions in the midst of these other people whose lives were purely material. —
他们的感情虽然受挫,但他们自己并不知道,这种感情却是他们存在的秘密之泉,使他们成为这些其他只关注物质生活的人中的令人好奇的异常。 —

Frightful condition of the human race! there is no one of its joys that does not come from some species of ignorance.

At the moment when Madame Grandet had won a loto of sixteen sous,—the largest ever pooled in that house,—and while la Grande Nanon was laughing with delight as she watched madame pocketing her riches, the knocker resounded on the house-door with such a noise that the women all jumped in their chairs.

“There is no man in Saumur who would knock like that,” said the notary.

“How can they bang in that way!” exclaimed Nanon; “do they want to break in the door?”

“Who the devil is it?” cried Grandet.