About a Year and half after I had entertain’d these Notions, and by long musing, had as it were resolved them all into nothing, for want of an Occasion to put them in Execution, I was surpriz’d one Morning early, with seeing no less than five Canoes all on Shore together on my side the Island; —
大约一年半后,我思考了很久,将这些想法渐渐消解掉了,因为没有机会执行它们。一个清晨,我被眼前出现的五艘独木舟惊到了。 —

and the People who belong’d to them all landed, and out of my sight: —
船上的人都登陆了,我看不见他们。 —

The Number of them broke all my Measures, for seeing so many, and knowing that they always came four or six, or sometimes more in a Boat, I could not tell what to think of it, Or how to take my Measures, to attack Twenty or Thirty Men single handed; —
他们的数量超出了我的测量,因为我知道他们每次都是四艘、六艘,有时候甚至更多。我不知道该怎么想,也不知道该如何去应对二十到三十个人的袭击。 —

so I lay still in my Castle, perplex’d and discomforted: —
于是我静静地待在我的城堡里, —

However I put my self into all the same Postures for an Attack that I had formerly provided, and was just ready for Action, if any Thing had presented; —
感到困扰和沮丧。然而,我摆出了以前准备好的攻击姿势,准备随时迎战,只要有什么东西出现。 —

having waited a good while, listening to hear if they made any Noise; —
我等了好一会儿,倾听着是否能听到他们的任何声音。 —

at length being very impatient, I set my Guns at the Foot of my Ladder, and clamber’d up to the Top of the Hill, by my two Stages as usual; —
总算忍耐不住了,我把枪放在梯子脚下,爬到了山顶上,像往常一样使用我的两个平台; —

standing so however that my Head did not appear above the Hill, so that they could not perceive me by any Means; —
然而,我站的位置是这样的,我的头部不露出山顶,所以他们无论如何都看不见我; —

here I observ’d by the help of my Perspective Glass, that they were no less than Thirty in Number, that they had a Fire kindled, that they had had Meat dress’d. —
在这里,我利用望远镜观察到他们的人数竟然有三十个,他们生了火,还烹饪了食物; —

How they had cook’d it, that I knew not, or what it was; —
他们是如何烹饪的,我不知道, —

but they were all Dancing in I know not how many barbarous Gestures and Figures, their own Way, round the Fire. While I was thus looking on them, I perceived by my Perspective, two miserable Wretches dragg’d from the Boats, where it seems they were laid by, and were now brought out for the Slaughter. —
也不知道是什么食物;但他们围着火舞蹈,以一些我不理解的野蛮动作和姿势。当我这样看着他们时,通过望远镜,我发现有两个可怜的家伙被从船上拖出来,他们似乎被放在那里,现在被拖出来准备宰杀。 —

I perceived one of them immediately fell, being knock’d down, I suppose with a Club or Wooden Sword, for that was their way, and two or three others were at work immediately cutting him open for their Cookery, while the other Victim was left standing by himself, till they should be ready for him. —
我立刻察觉到其中一个人被敲倒,我猜想是被一个木棍或木剑打倒的,因为那是他们的方式,还有两三个人立刻开始剖开他,准备他们的烹饪,而另一个受害者则被单独留在一边,等他们准备好了再处理他。 —

In that very Moment this poor Wretch seeing himself a little at Liberty, Nature inspir’d him with Hopes of Life, and he started away from them, and ran with incredible Swiftness along the Sands directly towards me, I mean towards that part of the Coast, where my Habitation was.

I was dreadfully frighted, (that I must acknowledge) when I perceived him to run my Way; —
当我看到他朝我的方向跑去时,我非常恐惧(我必须承认)。 —

and especially, when as I thought I saw him pursued by the whole Body, and now I expected that part of my Dream was coming to pass, and that he would certainly take shelter in my Grove; —
尤其当我以为看到他被整个团伙追击时,我现在预计我的梦境的一部分即将成真,他肯定会躲进我的小林地里。 —

but I could not depend by any means upon my Dream for the rest Of it, (viz.) that the other Savages would not pursue him thither, and find him there. —
但是我无论如何不能寄希望于我的梦,即其他野蛮人不会追踪他到那里,也不会在那里找到他。 —

However I kept my Station, and my Spirits began to recover, when I found that there was not above three Men that follow’d him, and still more was I encourag’d, when I found that he outstrip’d them exceedingly in running, and gain’d Ground of them, so that if he could but hold it for half an Hour, I saw easily he would fairly get away from them all.

There was between them and my Castle, the Creek which I mention’d often at the first part of my Story, when I landed my Cargoes out of the Ship; —
在他们与我的城堡之间,有我在故事的第一部分经常提到的小溪,那时我从船上卸货。 —

and this I saw plainly, he must necessarily swim over, or the poor Wretch would be taken there: —
而且我清楚地看到,他必须必须​​游过这个溪流,否则这个可怜的家伙将在那里被抓住。 —

But when the Savage escaping came thither, he made nothing of it, tho’ the Tide was then up, but plunging in, swam thro’ in about Thirty Strokes or thereabouts, landed and ran on with exceeding Strength and Swiftness; —
但是当逃脱的野蛮人到达那里时,他毫不在意,尽管潮水涨上来了,他毫不犹豫地跳进水中,以约30个划手的速度游过去,登上岸边,然后以极大的力量和速度奔跑起来。 —

when the Three Persons came to the Creek, I found that Two of them could Swim, but the Third cou’d not, and that standing on the other Side, he look’d at the other, but went no further; —
当三个人来到小溪时,我发现其中两个能游泳,但第三个不能,站在对岸望着其他人,却没有继续前进; —

and soon after went softly back again, which as it happen’d, was very well for him in the main.

I observ’d, that the two who swam, were yet more than twice as long swimming over the Creek, as the Fellow was, that fled from them: —
我观察到,那两个游泳的人在小溪上游泳所需的时间是那个逃离的家伙的两倍以上; —

It came now very warmly upon my Thoughts, and indeed irresistibly, that now was my Time to get me a Servant, and perhaps a Companion, or Assistant; —
我突然想到,现在是我找个仆人,也许是个伙伴、助手的时候了; —

and that I was call’d plainly by Providence to save this poor Creature’s Life; —
显然,上天命令我救这个可怜的生命; —

I immediately run down the Ladders with all possible Expedition, fetches my two Guns, for they were both but at the Foot of the Ladders, as I observ’d above; —
我立即以最快的速度跑下楼梯,拿来了我的两把枪,因为它们正好就在楼梯脚下,就像我上面所提到的; —

and getting up again, with the same haste, to the Top of the Hill, I cross’d toward the Sea; —
然后我再次迅速爬上山顶,朝着海边交叉走去。 —

and having a very short Cut, and all down Hill, clapp’d my self in the way, between the Pursuers, and the Pursu’d; —
我选择了一条非常短的路线,而且全程下坡,迅速挡在追捕者和被追捕者之间; —

hallowing aloud to him that fled, who looking back, was at first perhaps as much frighted at me, as at them; —
高声呼喊着向逃跑的人示意,他回头的时候可能刚开始对我感到害怕,跟对他们感到害怕的程度相同; —

but I beckon’d with my Hand to him, to come back; —
我用手向他示意返回, —

and in the mean time, I slowly advanc’d towards the two that follow’d; —
同时慢慢走近追赶我的两个人; —

then rushing at once upon the foremost, I knock’d him down with the Stock of my Piece I was loath to fire, because 1 would not have the rest hear; —
然后突然冲上前去,用枪托将前面的一个人打倒了,我不愿意开枪,因为我不想让其他人听到; —

though at that distance, it would not have been easily heard, and being out of Sight of the Smoke too, they wou’d not have easily known what to make of it: —
虽然在那个距离上,声音不容易被听到,而且由于离开了烟雾范围,他们也不容易明白发生了什么; —

Having knock’d this Fellow down, the other who pursu’d with him stopp’d, as if he had been frighted; —
我把这个家伙打倒后,另一个追捕他的人停了下来,好像吓到了, —

and I advanc’d a-pace towards him; —
我向他迈进了一步; —

but as I came nearer, I perceiv’d presently, he had a Bow and Arrow, and was fitting it to shoot at me; —
但我走近一些时,立刻发现他手持弓箭,准备朝我射击; —

so I was then necessitated to shoot at him first, which I did, and kill’d him at the first Shoot; —
于是我不得不先朝他开了一枪,我第一枪就打死了他;那个可怜的野蛮人逃跑了, —

the poor Savage who fled, but had stopp’d; —
但他停了下来; —

though he saw both his Enemies fallen, and kill’d, as he thought; —
尽管他看到了他的两个敌人倒下并且已经被杀死,但他被火和枪声吓坏了,他静止不动,既不往前也不往后,虽然他似乎更倾向于继续逃跑而不是继续前进; —

yet was so frighted with the Fire, and Noise of my Piece, that he stood Stock still, and neither came forward or went backward, tho’ he seem’d rather enclin’d to fly still, than to come on; —
我再次向他大喊,并示意他向前走,他很容易理解,并走了一段路,然后停了下来,然后再走一小段,然后再停下来,我可以看出他颤抖着站在那里,仿佛被捕获了一样,就像他的两个敌人一样刚刚被杀了一样; —

I hollow’d again to him, and made Signs to come forward, which he easily understood, and came a little way, then stopp’d again, and then a little further, and stopp’d again, and I cou’d then perceive that he stood trembling, as if he had been taken Prisoner, and had just been to be kill’d, as his two Enemies were; —
我再次招手让他过来,用尽我能想到的所有鼓励的手势,他越来越近了,每走十二步或十三步就跪下来表示对我救他一命的感激; —

I beckon’d him again to come to me, and gave him all the Signs of Encouragement that I could think of, and he came nearer and nearer, kneeling down every Ten or Twelve steps in token of acknowledgement for my saving his Life: —
尽管他越来越接近,但他仍然害怕地跪在地上,直到最后他终于爬到我面前,致以感激的目光和手势。 —

I smil’d at him, and look’d pleasantly, and beckon’d to him to come still nearer; —
我对他微笑着,友善地看着他,并示意他靠近一点; —

at length he came close to me, and then he kneel’d down again, kiss’d the Ground, and laid his Head upon the Ground, and taking me by the Foot, set my Foot upon his Head; —
最后他靠近我,然后再次跪在地上,亲吻地面,并把头放在地上,然后他拉着我的脚,把我的脚放在他的头上; —

this it seems was in token of swearing to be my Slave for ever; —
这似乎是他发誓永远做我的奴隶的象征。 —

I took him up, and made much of him, and encourag’d him all I could. —
我把他抱起来,对他表示好意,并尽力鼓励他; —

But there was more work to do yet, for I perceived the Savage who I knock’d down, was not kill’d, but stunn’d with the blow, and began to come to himself; —
但工作还没有结束,因为我发现那个我击倒的野蛮人没有死,只是被我击昏了,开始苏醒过来; —

so I pointed to him, and showing him the Savage, that he was not dead; —
所以我指着他,向他展示那个野蛮人,告诉他他还没有死。 —

upon this he spoke some Words to me, and though I could not understand them, yet I thought they were pleasant to hear, for they were the first sound of a Man’s Voice, that I had heard, my own excepted, for above Twenty Five Years. But there was no time for such Reflections now, the Savage who was knock’d down recover’d himself so far, as to sit up upon the Ground, and I perceived that my Savage began to be afraid; —
他对我说了一些话,虽然我听不懂,但我觉得它们很悦耳,因为这是我二十五年来第一次听到别人的声音,除了我自己的声音之外。但现在没有时间去思考这些了,那个被击倒的野蛮人渐渐恢复了意识,开始坐了起来,我察觉到我的野蛮人开始害怕了。 —

but when I saw that, I presented my other Piece at the Man, as if I would shoot him, upon this my Savage, for so I call him now, made a Motion to me to lend him my Sword, which hung naked in a Belt by my side; —
但当我看到这一点时,我用另一支枪对准了那个人,仿佛我要射杀他。于是,我的野蛮人示意我把挂在腰间的剑借给他。 —

so I did: he no sooner had it, but he runs to his Enemy, and at one blow cut off his Head as cleaverly, no Executioner in Germany, could have done it sooner or better; —
于是我借给了他,他一拿到剑,立刻冲向敌人,一刀砍下了他的头颅,就像德国的刽子手一样干净利索,没有人能比他更早或更好地完成这个任务。 —

which I thought very strange, for one who 1 had Reason to believe never saw a Sword in his Life before, except their own Wooden Swords; —
我觉得这非常奇怪,因为我有理由相信他以前从未见过剑,除了他们自己的木剑之外。 —

however it seems, as I learn’d afterwards, they make their Wooden Swords so sharp, so heavy, and the Wood is so hard, that they will cut off Heads even with them, ay and Arms, and that at one blow too; —
然而,后来我了解到,他们制作的木剑锋利而沉重,木材也非常坚硬,甚至能一刀砍下人的头颅和胳膊; —

when he had done this, he comes laughing to me in Sign of Triumph, and brought me the Sword again, and with abundance of Gestures which I did not understand, laid it down with the Head of the Savage, that he had kill’d just before me.

But that which astonish’d him most, was to know how I had kill’d the other Indian so far off, so pointing to him, he made Signs to me to let him go to him, so I bad him go, as well as I could, when he came to him, he stood like one amaz’d, looking at him, turn’d him first on one side, then on t’other, look’d at the Wound the Bullet had made, which it seems was just in his Breast, where it had made a Hole, and no great Quantity of Blood had follow’d, but he had bled inwardly, for he was quite dead; —
但令他最惊讶的是我是如何远距离杀死另一个印第安人的,所以他指着那个人向我示意可以去看看他,于是我尽力让他走过去,当他走到那个人面前时,他像是吃惊了一样,不停地转动他的身体,左右观察着,看了看子弹打在他胸口的伤口,这个伤口好像只是一个小洞,没有流很多血,但他内部出血了,因为他已经完全死亡了; —

He took up his Bow, and Arrows, and came back, so I turn’d to go away, and beckon’d to him to follow me, making Signs to him, that more might come after them.

Upon this he sign’d to me, that he should bury them with Sand, that they might not be seen by the rest if they follow’d; —
于是他示意着要把尸体埋在沙子里,这样如果其他人跟上来就不会看到。 —

and so I made Signs again to him to do so; he fell to Work, and in an instant he had scrap’d a Hole in the Sand, with his Hands, big enough to bury the first in, and then dragg’d him into it, and cover’d him, and did so also by the other; —
我向他示意这样做,他立刻用手在沙子里挖了一个足够埋掉第一个尸体的洞,然后把他拖进去掩埋,然后也做了同样的事情。 —

I believe he had bury’d them both in a Quarter of an Hour; —
我相信他用了不到15分钟就把他们都埋了起来, —

then calling him away, I carry’d him not to my Castle, but quite away to my Cave, on the farther Part of the Island; —
然后叫他跟我走,我带他去了一个离我的城堡很远的地方,而是去了我的洞穴,位于岛的远处。 —

so I did not let my Dream come to pass in that Part, viz. That he came into my Grove for shelter.

Here I gave him Bread, and a Bunch of Raisins to eat, and a Draught of Water, which I found he was indeed in great Distress for, by his Running; —
我给了他面包、一串葡萄干和一杯水,我发现他确实非常渴望,从他的奔跑中可以看出来。 —

and having refresh’d him, I made Signs for him to go lie down and sleep; —
在给他喝了水之后,我做出手势让他躺下去睡觉; —

pointing to a Place where I had laid a great Parcel of Rice Straw, and a Blanket upon it, which 1 used to sleep upon my self some times; —
指向我放了一大堆稻草和一条毯子的地方,我有时也用它们来睡觉; —

so the poor Creature laid down, and went to sleep.

He was a comely handsome Fellow, perfectly well made; —
他是个相貌俊美的家伙,体格完美, —

with straight strong Limbs, not too large; —
四肢笔直而精瘦; —

tall and well shap’d, and as I reckon, about twenty six Years of Age. He had a very good Countenance, not a fierce and surly Aspect; —
高大而身材匀称,我猜他大约二十六岁。他的面容很好,没有凶狠和傲慢的表情; —

but seem’d to have something very manly in his Face, and yet he had all the Sweetness and Softness of an European in his Countenance too, especially when he smil’d. —
相反,他脸上流露出一种非常男人的阳刚之气,而且当他微笑时,也有着欧洲人的温文尔雅和柔美。 —

His Hair was long and black, not curl’d like Wool; —
他的头发又长又黑,不像羊毛那样卷曲; —

his Forehead very high, and large, and a great Vivacity and sparkling Sharpness in his Eyes. The Colour of his Skin was not quite black, but very tawny; —
额头很高很宽,眼神炯炯有神。他的皮肤颜色并不完全是黑色的,而是很黝黑的。 —

and yet not of an ugly yellow nauseous tawny, as the Brasilians, and Virginians, and other Natives of America are; —
不过并不是巴西人、维吉尼亚人和其他美洲土著那种丑陋、令人作呕的黝黄色肤色。 —

but of a bright kind of a dun olive Colour, that had in it something very agreeable; —
一个明亮的、有一种非常令人愉快的杏黄色的人种, —

tho’ not very easy to describe. —
虽然很难描述。 —

His Face was round, and plump; —
他的脸圆圆的、丰满的; —

his Nose small, not flat like the Negroes, a very good Mouth, thin Lips, and his line Teeth well set, and white as Ivory. After he had slumber’d, rather than slept, about half an Hour, he wak’d again, and comes out of the Cave to me; —
他的鼻子小,不像黑人那样扁平,嘴巴很好,嘴唇细薄,牙齿整齐,像象牙一样白。在他小睡了约半小时而不是入睡后,他又醒了过来,走出洞穴来找我; —

for I had been milking my Goats, which I had in the Enclosure just by: —
因为我一直在挤我的山羊,它们就在附近的围栏里; —

When he espy’d me, he came running to me, laying himself down again upon the Ground, with all the possible Signs of an humble thankful Disposition, making a many antick Gestures show it: —
当他看见我时,他跑过来,又一次躺在地上,以一切可能的谦卑感恩的姿态,做出许多古怪的手势表达出来; —

At last he lays his Head flat upon the Ground, close to my Foot, and sets my other Foot upon his Head, as he had done before; —
最后,他把头平放在地上,紧贴着我的脚,又把另一只脚放在他的头上,就像之前做的一样; —

and after this, made all the Signs to me of Subjection, Servitude, and Submission imaginable, to let me know, how he would serve me as long as he liv’d; —
在这之后,他用尽一切方式向我表示屈服、奉献和顺从,让我知道他会在他活着的时候一直侍奉我。 —

I understood him in many Things, and let him know, I was very well pleas’d with him; —
我在很多事情上理解他,并让他知道我对他非常满意; —

in a little Time I began to speak to him, and teach him to speak to me; —
过了一段时间,我开始和他对话,并教他和我说话; —

and first, I made him know his Name should be Friday, which was the Day I sav’d his Life; —
首先,我让他知道他的名字应该叫做星期五,这是我救他性命的那一天; —

I call’d him so for the Memory of the Time; —
我叫他星期五是为了纪念那个时间; —

I likewise taught him to say Master, and then let him know, that was to be my Name; —
我还教他说主人,然后让他知道,那是我的名字; —

I likewise taught him to say, YES, and No, and to know the Meaning of them; —
我还教他说是和不是,并让他理解它们的意思; —

I gave him some Milk, in an earthen Pot, and let him see me Drink it before him, and sop my Bread in it; —
我给他一些奶,放在一个陶罐里,并在他面前喝下了,还用面包蘸了一下; —

and I gave him a Cake of Bread, to do the like, which he quickly comply’d with, and made Signs that it was very good for him.

I kept there with him all that Night; —
我和他在那里过了一整夜; —

but as soon as it was Day, I beckon’d to him to come with me, and let him know, I would give him some Cloaths, at which he seem’d very glad, for he was stark naked: —
但天一亮,我向他招手让他跟我走,并告诉他我会给他一些衣服,他似乎非常高兴,因为他一丝不挂。 —

As we went by the Place where he had bury’d the two Men, he pointed exactly to the Place, and shew’d me the Marks that he had made to find them again, making Signs to me, that we should dig them up again, and eat them; —
当我们经过他埋葬两个人的地方时,他准确地指出了地点,并向我展示了他留下的标记,示意我们应该把他们挖出来,并吃掉他们。 —

at this I appear’d very angry, express’d my Abhorrence of it, made as if I would vomit at the Thoughts of it, and beckon’d with my Hand to him to come away, which he did immediately, with great Sub mission. —
对此我显得非常愤怒,表达了我对此的厌恶之情,假装要呕吐,并用手示意他离开,他立即唯命是从。 —

I then led him up to the Top of the Hill, to see if his Enemies were gone; —
然后,我带他上山顶,看看他的敌人是否离开了。 —

and pulling out my Glass, I look’d, and saw plainly the Place where they had been, but no appearance of them, or of their Canoes; —
我拿出望远镜看了看,清楚地看到了他们曾经停留的地方,但没有他们的任何迹象,也没有他们的独木舟。 —

so that it was plain they were gone, and had left their two Comrades behind them, without any search after them.

But I was not content with this Discovery; —
但我对这个发现并不满足; —

but having now more Courage, and consequently more Curiosity, I takes my Man Friday with me, giving him the Sword in his Hand, with the Bow and Arrows at his Back, which I found he could use very dextrously, making him carry one Gun for me, and I two for my self, and away we march’d to the Place, where these Creatures had been; —
但我现在更有勇气,因此更加好奇,我带着我的星期五一起去,把剑交给他手中,背上带着弓箭,我发现他可以非常熟练地使用它们,让他为我拿一把枪,我自己拿两把枪,然后我们出发去了那个地方,那个这些生物曾经呆过的地方; —

for I had a Mind now to get some fuller Intelligence of them: —
因为我现在有了一个更详细的了解它们的想法; —

When I came to the Place, my very Blood ran chill in my Veins, and my Heart sunk within me, at the Horror of the Spectacle: —
当我到达那个地方时,我的血液冷得凝结起来,我的心在我胸腔中沉重下沉,面对这个恐怖的景象; —

indeed it was a dreadful Sight, at least it was so to me; —
实际上,这是一个可怕的景象,至少对我来说是这样; —

though Friday made nothing of it: —
尽管星期五对此毫不在意; —

The Place was cover’d with humane Bones, the Ground dy’d with their Blood, great Pieces of Flesh left here and there, half eaten, mangl’d and scorch’d; —
这个地方遍布着人类的骨骼,地面上沾满了他们的鲜血,到处都是残肢断臂,有些已经被吃掉了,有些被撕成碎片,有些还被烧焦了; —

and in short, all the Tokens of the triumphant Feast they had been making there, after a Victory over their Enemies; —
总之,这里充满着他们在战胜敌人之后举行的凯旋盛宴的痕迹。 —

I saw three Skulls, five Hands, and the Bones of three or four Legs and Feet, and abundance of other Parts of the Bodies; —
我看到了三个颅骨,五只手,以及三四只腿和脚的骨骼,还有大量其他身体部位的残骸; —

and Friday, by his Signs, made me under stand, that they brought over four Prisoners to feast upon; —
而星期五通过手势告诉我,他们带来了四个囚犯来进行盛宴; —

that three of them were eaten up, and that he, pointing to himself, was the fourth: —
其中三个已经被吃掉了,而他(指着自己)是第四个; —

That there had been a great Battle between them, and their next King, whose Subjects it seems he had been one of; —
他们之间爆发了一场激战,是他们下一任国王和他们的敌人之间的战斗,显然他曾是国王的臣民之一; —

and that they had taken a great Number of Prisoners, all which were carry’d to several Places by those that had taken them in the Fight, in order to feast upon them, as was done here by these Wretches upon those they brought hither.

I caus’d Friday to gather all the Skulls, Bones, Flesh, and whatever remain’d, and lay them together on a Heap, and make a great Fire upon it, and burn them all to Ashes: —
我让星期五收集所有的骷髅、骨头、肉块和其他残骸,然后放在一堆上,点燃一堆大火,将它们全部烧成灰烬; —

I found Friday had still a hankering Stomach after some of the Flesh, and was still a Cannibal in his Nature; —
我发现星期五对一些肉还是很渴望,他的本性还是食人的。 —

but I discover’d so much Abhorrence at the very Thoughts of it, and at the least Appearance of it, that he durst not discover it; —
但是我对这个想法感到非常厌恶,哪怕只是一点点迹象,他都不敢表露出来; —

for I had by some Means let him know, that I would kill him if he offer’d it.

When we had done this, we came back to our Castle, and there I fell to work for my Man Friday; —
当我们完成这件事之后,我们回到了我们的城堡,我开始为星期五准备工作; —

and first of all, I gave him a pair of Linnen Drawers, which I had out of the poor Gunners Chest I mention’d, and which I found in the Wreck; —
首先,我给了他一条亚麻内裤,是从我之前提到的可怜炮手的箱子里找到的,经过一些改动后很合适;然后,我用山羊皮帮他做了一件短上衣,尽我所能地; —

and which with a little Alteration fitted him very well; —
我现在已经是一个相当不错的裁缝了; —

then I made him a Jerkin of Goat’s-skin, as well as my Skill would allow; —
我还给他做了一个帽子,用兔子皮制成,非常方便和时尚; —

and I was now grown a tollerable good Taylor; —
这样,他就暂时得到了一套相当不错的衣服, —

and I gave him a Cap, which I had made of a Hare-skin, very convenient, and fashionable enough; —
他非常高兴地看到自己几乎和他的主人一样穿着得体; —

and thus he was cloath’d for the present, tollerably well; —
他现在已经准备得很好了。 —

and was mighty well pleas’d to see himself almost as well cloath’d as his Master: —

It is true, he went awkardly in these Things at first; —
是的,他一开始穿着这些东西确实感到很尴尬; —

wearing the Drawers was very awkard to him, and the Sleeves of the Wastcoat gall’d his Shoulders, and the inside of his Arms; —
穿着内裤对他来说非常不习惯,背心的袖子擦破了他的肩膀和手臂内侧。 —

but a little easing them where he com plain’d they hurt him, and using himself to them, at length he took to them very well.

The next Day after I came home to my Hutch with him, I began to consider where I should lodge him, and that I might do well for him, and yet be perfectly easy my self; —
我回到我的小屋后的第二天,我开始考虑应该给他找个住处,既适合他,又让我自己感到舒适。 —

I made a little Tent for him in the vacant Place between my two Fortifications, in the inside of the last, and in the outside of the first; —
我在我两个防御工事之间的空地上为他搭起了一个小帐篷,位于最后一个防御工事的内部和第一个的外部。 —

and as there was a Door, or Entrance there into my Cave, I made a formal fram’d Door Case, and a Door to it of Boards, and set it up in the Passage, a little within the Entrance; —
由于那里有一个门,通向我的洞穴,我做了一个正式的门框和门,用板材搭建,然后放在通道里稍微靠近入口处。 —

and causing the Door to open on the inside, I barr’d it up in the Night, taking in my Ladders too; —
将门设置为只能从内部打开,夜晚我会把门关上,还把梯子也收进去。 —

so that Friday could no way come at me in the inside of my innermost Wall, without making so much Noise in getting over, that it must needs waken me; —
这样周五就不可能从我的内墙的内部突然出现,而不会发出很大的噪音,惊醒我; —

for my first Wall had now a compleat Roof over it of long Poles, covering all my Tent, and leaning up to the side of the Hill, which was again laid cross with smaller Sticks instead of Laths, and then thatch’d over a great Thickness, with the Rice Straw, which was strong like Reeds; —
因为我的第一道墙上现在已经有了一个完整的屋顶,由长木杆和更小的竹子交叉覆盖着,再用稻草像芦苇一样厚厚地盖上; —

and at the Hole or Place which was left to go in or out by the Ladder, I had plac’d a kind of Trap-door, which if it had been attempted on the outside, would not have open’d at all, but would have fallen down, and made a great Noise; —
在楼梯出入的洞口处,我放置了一种陷阱门,如果有人试图从外面打开,门根本不会打开,而会发出巨大的噪音; —

and as to Weapons, I took them all to my Side every Night.

But I needed none of all this Precaution; —
但我根本无需这么多的防备; —

for never Man had a more faithful, loving, sincere Servant, than Friday was to me; —
因为周五对我来说是最忠实、最爱我、最真诚的仆人。 —

without Passions, Sullenness or Designs, perfectly oblig’d and engag’d; —
没有热情、消沉或计划,他完全无私地履行义务,毫无保留地投入其中; —

his very Affections were ty’d to me, like those of a Child to a Father; —
他对我的感情就像孩子对父亲一样,无比牢固。 —

and I dare say, he would have sacrific’d his Life for the saving mine, upon any occasion whatsoever; —
我敢说,在任何情况下,他愿意为了救我而牺牲自己的生命;他对此给予我的诸多证明消除了所有疑虑,很快让我相信,在他身上我无需采取任何保护自己的措施。 —

the many Testimonies he gave me of this, put it out of doubt, and soon convinc’d me, that I needed to use no Precautions, as to my Safety on his Account.

This frequently gave me occasion to observe, and that with wonder, that however it had pleas’d God, in his Providence, and in the Government of the Works of his Hands, to take from so great a Part of the World of his Creatures, the best uses to which their Faculties, and the Powers of their Souls are adapted; —
这让我经常惊讶地观察到,神在他的智慧和创造中,把世界上大部分生物的能力和灵魂力量最好使用的方式从他们夺走; —

yet that he has bestow’d upon them the same Powers, the same Reason, the same Affections, the same Sentiments of Kindness and Obligation, the same Passions and Resentments of Wrongs, the same Sense of Gratitude, Sincerity, Fidelity, and all the Capacities of doing Good, and receiving Good, that he has given to us; —
然而,他将同样的能力、同样的理智、同样的情感、同样的善良和责任感、同样的愤怒和愤恨不公正、同样的感激之情、真诚之心、忠诚之意以及做好事和接受好事的能力都赋予了他们,就像赋予了我们一样。 —

and that when he pleases to offer to them Occasions of exerting these, they are as ready, nay, more ready to apply them to the right Uses for which they were bestow’d, than we are; —
当他愿意给予他们表现这些能力的机会时,他们甚至比我们更愿意将它们用于正确的目的。 —

and this made me very melancholly sometimes, in reflecting as the several Occasions presented, how mean a Use we make of all these, even though we have these Powers enlighten’d by the great Lamp of Instruction, the Spirit of God, and by the Knowledge of his Word, added to our Understanding; —
这使我有时非常忧郁,因为每当各种机会出现时,我都会反思我们是如何对所有这些能力的运用如此渺小,即使我们的能力已经在上帝的教导之下通过上帝的灵光照亮,加上对上帝的话语的理解。 —

and why it has pleas’d God to hide the like saving Knowledge from so many Millions of Souls, who if I might judge by this poor Savage, would make a much better use of it than we did.

From hence, I sometimes was led too far to invade the Soveraignty of Providence, and as it were arraign the Justice of so arbitrary a Disposition of Things, that should hide that Light from some, and reveal it to others, and yet expect a like Duty from both: —
因此,我有时会走得太远,侵犯上帝的主权,仿佛审判这种如此专断的事物安排的公正,隐藏光明不给一些人,而揭示给其他人,却期望两者都有相同的义务。 —

But I shut it up, and check’d my Thoughts with this Conclusion, (1st.) That we did not know by what Light and Law these should be Condemn’d; —
但我将这个想法封闭起来,并用这个结论压制着我的思想:(第一)我们不知道这些应该按照什么光和法律被定罪; —

but that as God was necessarily, and by the Nature of his Being, infinitely Holy and Just, so it could not be, but that if these Creatures were all sentenc’d to Absence from himself, it was on account of sinning against that Light which, as the Scripture says, was a Law to themselves, and by such Rules as their Consciences would acknowledge to be just, tho’ the Foundation was not discover’d to us: —
但是由于上帝是必然地,也是由于他的本质是无限圣洁和公正的,所以这些生物若都被判决远离他自己,那必定是因为他们违背了那道作为他们自己的律法的光,并按照他们的良心认为公正的规则犯罪,尽管这个基础对我们来说是不可理解的; —

And (2d.) that still as we are all the Clay in the Hand of the Potter, no Vessel could say to him, Why hast thou form’d me thus?

But to return to my New Companion; —
但是回到我的新伙伴身上, —

I was greatly delighted with him, and made it my Business to teach him every Thing, that was proper to make him useful, handy, and helpful; —
我对他感到非常高兴,并且致力于教他一切有益、方便和有帮助的事情; —

but especially to make him speak, and under stand me when I spake, and he was the aptest Schollar that ever was, and particularly was so merry, so constantly diligent, and so pleased, when he cou’d but understand me, or make me understand him, that it was very pleasant to me to talk to him; —
尤其是教他说话和理解我的话,他是有史以来最聪明的学生,特别是当他能理解我,或者让我理解他时,他总是非常快乐和勤奋,这让我非常愉快; —

and now my Life began to be so easy, that I began to say to my self, that could I but have been safe from more Savages, I cared not, if I was never to remove from the place while I lived.

After I had been two or three Days return’d to my Castle, I thought that, in order to bring Friday off from his horrid way of feeding, and from the Relish of a Cannibal’s Stomach, I ought to let him taste other Flesh; —
回到我的城堡两三天后,我想为了让星期五从他可怕的饮食方式中解脱出来,远离食人族的胃口,我应该让他尝尝其他肉类。 —

so I took him out with me one Morning to the Woods: —
所以我带他和我一起去了一次早上的树林: —

I went indeed intending to kill a Kid out of my own Flock, and bring him home and dress it. —
我确实打算杀一只我自己群里的小山羊,带回家宰杀。 —

But as I was going, I saw a She Goat lying down in the Shade, and two young Kids sitting by her; —
但当我走过去时,我看到一只母山羊躺在阴凉处,两只小山羊坐在她旁边; —

I catch’d hold of Friday, hold says I, stand still; —
我抓住弗莱迪,停下来,我说。 —

and made Signs to him not to stir, immediately I presented my Piece, shot and kill’d one of the Kids. The poor Creature who had at a Distance indeed seen me kill the Savage his Enemy, but did not know, or could imagine how it was done, was sensibly surpriz’d, trembled, and shook, and look’d so amaz’d, that I thought he would have sunk down. —
我用手势示意他不要动,立刻我拿出枪,打死了一只小山羊。这可怜的生物虽然从远处看到我杀死了野蛮人敌人,但不知道或者无法想象我是如何做到的,他震惊得发抖,看起来如此惊讶,以至于我以为他会晕倒。 —

He did not see the Kid I shot at, or perceive I had kill’d it, but ripp’d up his Wastcoat to feel if he was not wounded, and as I found, presently thought I was resolv’d to kill him; —
他没有看到我射击的小山羊,也没有察觉到我已经杀死了它,但他解开裤腰带去摸,看是否被伤害了,正如我发现的那样,他立刻认为我决心要杀死他。 —

for he came and kneel’d down to me, and embraceing my Knees, said a great many Things I did not understand; —
因为他走过来跪在我面前,抱住我的膝盖,说了很多我听不懂的话。 —

but I could easily see that the meaning was to pray me not to kill him.

I soon found a way to convince him that I would do him no harm, and taking him up by the Hand laugh’d at him, and pointed to the Kid which I had kill’d, beckoned to him to run and fetch it, which he did; —
我很快找到了一种办法说服他我不会伤害他,我牵起他的手笑着对他说,并指着我杀死的小山羊,示意他去跑去拿来,他听从了我的指示并把小山羊带来; —

and while he was wondering and looking to see how the Creature was kill’d, I loaded my Gun again, and by and by I saw a great Fowl like a Hawk sit upon a Tree within Shot; —
当他惊奇地看着这只动物是如何被杀死的时候,我重新装填了枪,不久我看到一只像鹰一样的大鸟停在了一棵树上,距离可以射击; —

so to let Friday understand a little what I would do, I call’d him to me again, pointed at the Fowl which was indeed a Parrot, tho’ I thought it had been a Hawk, I say pointing to the Parrot, and to my Gun, and to the Ground under the Parrot, to let him see I would make it fall, I made him understand that I would shoot and kill that Bird; —
为了让星期五明白我要做什么,我再次叫他过来,并指着那只鹦鹉,虽然我以为它是只鹰,我指着鹦鹉,指着我的枪,指向鹦鹉下面的地面,让他明白我要射击并击落那只鸟。 —

accordingly I fir’d and bad him look, and immediately he saw the Parrot fall, he stood like one frighted again, notwithstanding all I had said to him; —
因此,我开了枪,告诉他看,立刻他就看到鹦鹉倒地了,他又像吓坏了一样呆住了,尽管我告诉他的一切话。 —

and I found he was the more amaz’d, because he did not see me put any Thing into the Gun; —
我发现他更加惊讶,因为他没看到我往枪里放任何东西。 —

but thought that there must be some wonderful Fund of Death and Destruction in that Thing, able to kill Man, Beast, Bird, or any Thing near, or far off; —
他认为那个东西肯定有什么了不起的杀伤力和毁灭力,能够杀死人、兽、鸟,无论是近处或远处的。 —

and the Astonishment this created in him was such, as could not wear off for a long Time; —
这让他感到非常惊讶,而这种惊讶需要很长时间才能消退。 —

and I believe, if I would have let him, he would have worshipp’d me and my Gun: —
我相信如果我让他,他会崇拜我和我的枪。 —

As for the Gun it self, he would not so much as touch it for several Days after; —
至于枪本身,他几天都不肯碰它; —

but would speak to it, and talk to it, as if it had answer’d him, when he was by himself; —
只是在独自一人的时候,他会和它说话,对它交谈,好像它真的回答他一样。 —

which, as I afterwards learn’d of him, was to desire it not to kill him.

Well, after his Astonishment was a little over at this, I pointed to him to run and fetch the Bird I had shot, which he did, but stay’d some Time; —
好了,当他对此感到一点不那么惊讶时,我指着鹦鹉告诉他去拿来,他就去了,但是等了一段时间。 —

for the Parrot not being quite dead, was flutter’d away a good way off from the Place where she fell; —
鹦鹉虽然没有完全死去,但是飞得离倒下的地方相当远; —

however, he found her, took her up, and brought her to me; —
然而,他找到了她,将她抱起来,带回给我; —

and as I had perceivd his Ignorance about the Gun before, I took this Advantage to charge the Gun again, and not let him see me do it, that 1 might be ready for any other Mark that might present; —
之前我已经察觉到他对枪的无知,所以我趁机重新装上子弹,不让他看见我这么做,这样我就可以随时准备好射击任何其他的目标; —

but nothing more offer’d at that Time; —
但是那个时候没有再出现其他的目标; —

so I brought home the Kid, and the same Evening I took the Skin off, and cut it out as well as I could; —
所以我带着小山羊回家,同一天晚上我剥下了皮,尽量把它剪得整齐; —

and having a Pot for that purpose, I boil’d, or stew’d some of the Flesh, and made some very good Broth; —
然后我用一个锅煮了一些肉,做了一些很不错的肉汤; —

and after I had begun to eat some, I gave some to my Man, who seem’d very glad of it, and lik’d it very well; —
我开始吃的时候,给了一些给我的仆人,他似乎很高兴,也很喜欢; —

but that which was strangest to him, was, to see me eat Salt with it; —
但是对他来说最奇怪的是看到我在里面放盐吃。 —

he made a Sign to me, that the Salt was not good to eat, and putting a little into his own Mouth, he seem’d to nauseate it, and would spit and sputter at it, washing his Mouth with fresh Water after it; —
他对我做了个手势,表明盐不好吃,然后往自己嘴里放了一点点,看起来恶心得要吐,还用清水漱口。 —

on the other hand, I took some Meat in my Mouth without Salt, and I pretended to spit and sputter for want of Salt, as fast as he had done at the Salt; —
与此同时,我咬了口没有盐的肉,假装因为没有盐而咳嗽和呛咳,就像他刚才对盐做的那样。 —

but it would not do, he would never care for Salt with his Meat, or in his Broth; —
但是没有效果,他对他的肉或汤都不在意盐; —

at least not a great while, and then but a very little.

Having thus fed him with boil’d Meat and Broth, I was resolv’d to feast him the next Day with roasting a Piece of the Kid; —
喂他吃了煮熟的肉和汤之后,我决定第二天请他吃烤小山羊,我把它用绳子吊在火前,像我在英格兰见过很多人那样,把两根柱子竖立在火的两边,然后在上面横放一根,把绳子绑在横杆上,让肉不停地转动。 —

this 1 did by hanging it before the Fire, in a String, as I had seen many People do in England, setting two Poles up, one on each side the Fire, and one cross on the Top, and tying the String to the Cross-stick, letting the Meat turn continually: —

This Friday admir’d very much; —
这个星期五,他非常喜欢它; —

but when he came to taste the Flesh, he took so many ways to tell me how well he lik’d it, that I could not but understand him; —
但当他尝了肉后,他用很多方式告诉我他多么喜欢它,我不得不明白他的意思。 —

and at last he told me he would never eat Man’s Flesh any more, which I was very glad to hear.

The next Day I set him to work to beating some Corn out, and sifting it in the manner I us’d to do, as I observ’d before and he soon understood how to do it as well as I, especially after he had seen what the Meaning of it was, and that it was to make Bread of; —
第二天,我让他开始打谷和筛谷,就像我以前做的那样,他很快就明白了怎么做,尤其是在他知道它的意义是做面包之后。 —

for after that I let him see me make my Bread, and bake it too, and in a little Time Friday was able to do all the Work for me, as well as I could do it my self.

I begun now to consider, that having two Mouths to feed, instead of one, I must provide more Ground for my Harvest, and plant a larger Quantity of Corn, than I us’d to do; —
我现在开始考虑,需要给两个人口提供食物,而不是一个,所以我必须提供更多的土地来种植庄稼,种更多的玉米。 —

so I mark’d out a larger Piece of Land, and began the Fence in the same Manner as before, in which Friday not only work’d very willingly, and very hard; —
所以我标出了一个较大的土地,并以与之前相同的方式开始修建栅栏,在这个过程中,星期五不仅非常愿意地工作,而且非常努力; —

but did it very chearfully, and I told him what it was for; —
他做得非常愉快,我告诉他这是为了种植玉米, —

that it was for Corn to make more Bread, because he was now with me, and that I might have enough for him, and my self too: —
以便做更多的面包,因为他现在和我在一起,我希望有足够的粮食供给他和我自己; —

He appear’d very sensible of that Part, and let me know, that he thought I had much more Labour upon me on his Account, than I had for my self; —
他对此表示非常理解,并让我知道,他认为我为了他比为了自己付出了更多的努力; —

and that he would work the harder for me, if I would tell him what to do.

This was the pleasantest Year of all the Life I led in this Place; —
这是我在这个地方度过的最愉快的一年; —

Friday began to talk pretty well, and understand the Names of almost every Thing I had occasion to call for, and of every Place I had to send him to, and talk’d a great deal to me; —
星期五开始说话得很好,几乎理解我每次需要喊他的东西的名字和我需要发送他去的每个地方,并且跟我说了很多话; —

so that in short I began now to have some Use for my Tongue again, which indeed I had very little occasion for before; —
所以说,我现在又开始有了一些用到口语的机会,之前我确实很少用到这个,也就是说, —

that is to say, about Speech; —
关于说话的机会。 —

besides the Pleasure of talking to him, I had a singular Satisfaction in the Fellow himself; —
除了与他交谈的愉悦之外,我对他本人有着独特的满足感; —

his simple unfeign’d Honesty, appear’d to me more and more every Day, and I began really to love the Creature; —
他的简单而真诚的诚实感在我眼中日益增加,我真的开始爱上了这个人; —

and on his Side, I believe he lov’d me more than it was possible for him ever to love any Thing before.

I had a Mind once to try if he had any hankering Inclination to his own Country again, and having learn’d him English so well that he could answer me almost any Questions, I ask’d him whether the Nation that he belong’d to never conquer’d in Battle, at which he smil’d; —
我曾经想试试他对自己的国家是否有一点回忆,我已经教会他英语,他几乎可以回答我任何问题,我问他他所属的国家是否曾经在战斗中征服过其他国家,他微笑着说:是的,是的,我们总是打得更好;也就是说,他的意思是总是能在战斗中取得胜利; —

and said; yes, yes, we always fight the better; that is, he meant always get the better in Fight; —
于是我们开始了以下的对话:你总是打得更好,我说道,那你为什么会被俘虏,弗莱迪? —

and so we began the following Discourse: —
星期五, —

You always fight the better said I, How came you to be taken Prisoner then, Friday?

Friday, My Nation beat much, for all that.

Master, How beat; if your Nation beat them, how come you to be taken?

Friday, They more many than my Nation in the Place where me was; —
星期五,他们在我所在的地方比我的国家人口多; —

they take one, two, three, and me; —
他们带走我一个、两个、三个,还有我; —

my Nation over beat them in the yonder Place, where me no was; —
我国人口在那个地方击败了他们,在我不在的地方; —

there my Nation take one, two, great Thousand.

Master, But why did not your Side recover you from the Hands of your Enemies then?

Friday, They run one, two, three, and me, and make go in the Canoe; —
星期五,他们追赶了我一、两、三个,把我关进了独木舟; —

my Nation have no Canoe that time.

Master, Well, Friday, and What does your Nation do with the Men they take, do they carry them away, and eat them, as these did?

Friday, Yes, my Nation eat Mans too, eat all up.

Master, Where do they carry them?

Friday, Go to other Place where they think.

Master, Do they come hither?

Friday, Yes, yes, they come hither; come other else Place.

Master, Have you been here with them?

Friday, Yes, I been here; —
星期五,是的, —

[points to the N.W. Side of the Island, which it seems was their Side.]

By this I understood, that my Man Friday had formerly been among the Savages, who us’d to come on Shore on the farther Part of the Island, on the same Man eating Occasions that he was now brought for; —
由此我理解,我的星期五曾经是岛上那些野蛮人之一,他们常常在岛的另一边上岸,进行同样的吃人活动,正是因为这个原因他被带来这里; —

and sometime after, when I took the Courage to carry him to that Side, being the same I formerly mention’d, he presently knew the Place, and told me, he was there once when they eat up twenty Men, two Women, and one Child; —
后来,当我鼓起勇气把他带到那一边时,那个我之前提到过的地方,他立刻就认出来了,并告诉我,他曾经在那里见过,他们吃掉了二十个男人、两个女人和一个孩子; —

he could not tell Twenty in English; —
他无法用英语说出二十, —

but he numbred them by laying so many Stones on a Row, and pointing to me to tell them over.

I have told this Passage, because it introduces what follows; —
我讲述这个情节是因为它引出了接下来的内容; —

that after I had had this Discourse with him, I ask’d him how far it was from our Island to the Shore, and whether the Canoes were not often lost; —
在我和他进行了这次对话之后,我问他从我们的岛到海岸还有多远,独木舟是否经常会丢失; —

he told me, there was no Danger, no Canoes ever lost; —
他告诉我,没有危险,从来没有独木舟丢失过; —

but that after a little way out to the Sea, there was a Current, and Wind, always one way in the Morning, the other in the Afternoon.

This I understood to be no more than the Sets of the Tide, as going out, or coming in; —
我认为这不过是潮汐的涨落,无非是潮汐的涨落进来或退去而已。 —

but I afterwards understood, it was occasion’d by the great Draft and Reflux of the mighty River Oroonooko; —
但后来我了解到,这是由于奥鲁诺科河的强烈涨退引起的。 —

in the Mouth, or the Gulph of which River, as I found afterwards, our Island lay; —
后来我才知道,我们的岛位于奥鲁诺科河口或海湾。 —

and this Land which I perceiv’d to the W. and N. W. was the great Island Trinidad, on the North Point of the Mouth of the River: —
我明白那个我发现在西北方向的陆地实际上是特立尼达岛,位于奥鲁诺科河口的北端。 —

I ask’d Friday a thousand Questions about the Country, the Inhabitants, the Sea, the Coast, and what Nation were near; —
我问弗莱迪关于这个国家、居民、海洋、海岸以及附近的民族有许多问题。 —

he told me all he knew with the greatest Openness imaginable; I ask’d him the Names of the several Nations of his Sort of People; —
他尽可能坦率地告诉我他知道的一切。我问他这个民族的各个部落的名称。 —

but could get no other Name than Caribs; —
但是他只告诉我卡里伯人这个名称。 —

from whence I easily understood, that these were the Caribbees, which our Maps place on the Part of America, which reaches from the Mouth of the River Oroonooko to Guiana, and onwards to St. Martha: —
我很容易就理解到他们就是我们地图上标注在从奥鲁诺科河口到圭亚那再到圣玛莎一带的加勒比人。 —

He told me that up a great way beyond the Moon, that was, beyond the Setting of the Moon, which must be W. from their Country, there dwelt white bearded Men, like me; —
他告诉我,在月亮之上有一条很远的路,超过了月亮的落点,应该是从他们的国家向西。那里住着像我这样长着白胡子的人。 —

and pointed to my great Whiskers, which I mention’d before; —
他指着我浓密的胡须,就是我之前提到过的, —

and that they had kill’d much Mans, that was his Word; —
说那些人杀了很多人,他用的就是“mans”这个词。 —

by all which I under stood he meant the Spaniards, whose Cruelties in America had been spread over the whole Countries, and was remember’d by all the Nations from Father to Son.

I enquir’d if he could tell me how I might come from this Island, and get among those white Men; he told me, yes, yes, I might go in two Canoe; —
我问他是否能告诉我如何离开这个岛屿,去找那些白人。他告诉我,是的,是的,我可以坐两只独木舟去。 —

I could not understand what he meant, or make him describe to me what he meant by two Canoe, till at last with great Difficulty, I found he meant it must be in a large great Boat, as big as two Canoes.

This Part of Friday’s Discourse began to relish with me very well, and from this Time I entertain’d some Hopes, that one Time or other, I might find an Opportunity to make my Escape from this Place; —
周五的谈话使我开始很享受,从那时起我就抱有一些希望,希望能有一天找到机会逃离这个地方; —

and that this poor Savage might be a Means to help me to do It.

During the long Time that Friday has now been with me, and that he began to speak to me, and understand me, I was not wanting to lay a Foundation of religious Knowledge in his Mind; —
周五与我在一起的这段长时间里,当他开始与我交谈并理解我时,我就没有缺少在他心中打下宗教知识的基础; —

particularly I ask’d him one Time who made him? —
尤其有一次我问他,是谁创造了他? —

The poor Creature did not understand me at all, but thought I had ask’d who was his Father; —
这可怜的生物一点也不明白,还以为我问他的是他的父亲; —

but I took it by another handle, and ask’d him who made the Sea, the Ground we walk’d on, and the Hills, and Woods; —
不过我换了个说法,问他是谁创造了海洋,我们行走的土地,以及山丘和树林; —

he told me it was one old Benamuckee, that liv’d beyond all: —
他告诉我是一个叫本纳穆基的老人创造了这一切: —

He could describe nothing of this great Person, but that he was very old; —
他无法描述这位伟大的人物,只说他非常古老; —

much older he said than the Sea, or the Land; —
他说这个人比海洋、陆地、月亮和星星都要古老得多。 —

than the Moon, or the Stars: —

I ask’d him then, if this old Person had made all Things, why did not all Things worship him; —
我问他,如果这个老人创造了一切事物,为什么不是所有事物都崇拜他; —

he look’d very grave, and with a perfect Look of Innocence, said, All Things do say O to him: —
他看起来非常严肃,带着完全无辜的表情说,所有事物都对他说O; —

I ask’d him if the People who die in his Country went away any where; —
我问他,他们国家的死者去了哪里; —

he said, yes, they all went to Benamuckee; —
他说,是的,他们都去了Benamuckee; —

then I ask’d him whether these they eat up went thither too, he said yes.

From these Things, I began to instruct him in the Know ledge of the true God: —
基于这些事情,我开始教导他真正上帝的知识; —

I told him that the great Maker of all Things liv’d up there, pointing up towards Heaven: —
我告诉他,伟大的万物创造者住在天上,指着天空指向上方; —

That he governs the World by the same Power and Providence by which he had made it: —
他通过创造世界的同样力量和关怀来治理世界; —

That he was omnipotent, could do every Thing for us, give every Thing to us, take every Thing from us; —
他是全能的,能为我们做任何事情,给予我们一切,也能夺走我们一切。 —

and thus by Degrees I open’d his Eyes. He listned with great Attention, and receiv’d with Pleasure the Notion of Jesus Christ being sent to redeem us, and of the Manner of making our Prayers to God, and his being able to hear us, even into Heaven; —
因此我逐渐启发了他的眼睛。他认真地听着,高兴地接受了耶稣基督被派来救赎我们的观念,以及如何向上帝祈祷的方式,以及他能听到我们的声音,甚至在天堂中; —

he told me one Day, that if our God could hear us up beyond the Sun, he must needs be a greater God than their Benamuckee, who liv’d but a little way off, and yet could not hear, till they went up to the great Mountains where he dwelt, to speak to him; —
有一天,他告诉我,如果我们的上帝能听到我们超越太阳的地方,他必然比他们的本纳木基(Benamuckee)更伟大,后者虽然住得不远,却只能等待他们上山去找他,才能听到他们的话; —

I ask’d him if ever he went thither, to speak to him; —
我问他是否曾经去过那里找他说话; —

he said no, they never went that were young Men; —
他说没有,年轻人从来不去那里; —

none went thither but the old Men, who he call’d their Oowocakee, that is, as I made him explain it to me, their Religious, or Clergy, and that they went to say O, (so he called saying Prayers) and then came back, and told them what Benamuckee said: —
只有老人去那里,他称他们为他们的奥瓦卡基(Oowocakee),也就是他们的宗教或神职人员,他们去说”O”(他称为祈祷),然后回来告诉他们本纳木基的话; —

By this I observ’d, That there is Priestcraft, even amongst the most blinded ignorant Pagans in the World; —
通过这个我注意到,即使在世界上最盲目无知的异教徒中,也存在着祭司巫术。 —

and the Policy of making a secret Religion, in order to preserve the Veneration of the People to the Clergy, is not only to be found in the Roman, but perhaps among all Religions in the World, even among the most brutish and barbarous Savages.

I endeavour’d to clear up this Fraud, to my Man Friday, and told him, that the Pretence of their old Men going up the Mountains, to say O to their God Benamuckee, was a Cheat, and their bringing Word from thence what he said, was much more so; —
我努力向我的星期五解释这种欺骗,告诉他,他们老年人爬山祈祷他们的神贝纳穆基的借口是一个骗局,他们从那里带来的神言是更为欺骗。 —

that if they met with any Answer, or spake with any one there, it must be with an evil Spirit: —
如果他们遇到任何回应或与任何人交谈,那肯定是与恶灵有关。 —

And then I entred into a long Discourse with him about the Devil, the Original of him, his Rebellion against God, his Enmity to Man, the Reason of it, his setting himself up in the dark Parts of the World to be Worship’d instead of God, and as God; —
然后,我与他展开了长时间的讨论,关于魔鬼、他的起源、他对上帝的反叛、他对人类的敌意、他在世界的黑暗部分自立为神来受人崇拜的原因,以及他用来欺骗人类的许多策略。 —

and the many Stratagems he made use of to delude Mankind to his Ruine; —
他为了毁灭人类而采取的许多诡计。 —

how he had a secret access to our Passions, and to our Affections, to adapt his Snares so to our Inclinations, as to cause us even to be our own Tempters, and to run upon our Destruction by our own Choice.

I found it was not so easie to imprint right Notions in his Mind about the Devil, as it was about the Being of a God. Nature assisted all my Arguments to Evidence to him, even the Necessity Of a great first Cause and over-ruling governing Power; —
我发现要在他的思维中灌输关于恶魔的正确概念并不像灌输关于上帝存在的概念那样容易。即使在关于巨大的第一原因和至高无上的统治力量的必要性的证据上,自然也在支持我所有的论点。 —

a secret directing Providence, and of the Equity, and Justice, of paying Homage to him that made us, and the like. —
一种秘密的引导命运,对他的公正和正义的观念,向造物主致敬的公正性等等。 —

But there appeared nothing of all this in the Notion of an evil Spirit; —
但在关于邪恶精神的概念中,却没有任何这些东西; —

of his Original, his Being, his Nature, and above all of his Inclination to do Evil, and to draw us in to do so too; —
关于他的起源、存在、本质,尤其是他对做恶的倾向以及引诱我们去做恶的倾向,一无所知; —

and the poor Creature puzzl’d me once in such a manner, by a Question meerly natural and innocent, that I scarce knew what to say to him. —
而这个可怜的生物曾用一个单纯而天真的自然问题把我难住了,几乎不知道如何回答他。 —

I had been talking a great deal to him of the Power of God, his Omnipotence, his dreadful Nature to Sin, his being a consuming Fire to the Workers of Iniquity; —
我对他大谈上帝的能力,上帝的全能性,上帝对罪恶的可怕本质,上帝对作恶者的毁灭性火焰; —

how, as he had made us all, he could destroy us and all the World in a Moment; —
我告诉他,既然上帝创造了我们所有人,他也能在一瞬间毁灭我们和整个世界; —

and he listen’d with great Seriousness to me all the while.

After this, I had been telling him how the Devil was God’s Enemy in the Hearts of Men, and used all his Malice and Skill to defeat the good Designs of Providence, and to ruine the Kingdom of Christ in the World; —
之后,我告诉他撒旦是上帝在人们心中的敌人,他使用一切恶意和技巧来破坏上帝的善意计划,毁灭基督在世界上的国度; —

and the like. Well, says Friday, but you say, God is so strong, so great, is he not much strong, much might as the Devil? —
等等。嗯,弗莱迪说,但你说上帝是如此强大,如此伟大,难道他不比魔鬼更强吗? —

Yes, yes, says I, Friday, God is stronger than the Devil, God is above the Devil, and therefore we pray to God to tread him down under our Feet, and enable us to resist his Temptations and quench his fiery Darts. But, says he again, if God much strong, much might as the Devil, why God no kill the Devil, so make him no more do wicked?

I was strangely surpriz’d at his Question, and after all, tho’ I was now an old Man, yet I was but a young Doctor, and ill enough quallified for a Casuist, or a Solver of Difficulties And at first I could not tell what to say, so I pre tended not to hear him, and ask’d him what he said? —
我对他的问题感到奇怪而惊讶,虽然我已经是一个老人了,但我只是一个年轻的医生,对于解决问题或困难的人并不称职。起初我不知道该说什么,所以假装没听见,问他说了什么。 —

But he was too earnest for an Answer to forget his Question; —
但他太急切地要求回答而忘记了他的问题, —

so that he repeated it in the very same broken Words, as above. —
所以他用同样断断续续的话重复了一遍。 —

By this time I had recovered my self a little, and I said, God will at last punish him severely; —
这时我稍微恢复了一些镇定,我说,上帝最终会严惩他;他被保留到审判那一天,并将被投入无底深渊,与永恒的火共同居住。这并没有满足星期五,他反问我重复了我的话,保留,最后,我不明白;但是,为什么不现在杀死魔鬼,而是在很久以前杀死?我回答说,你也可以问我,为什么上帝不在我们在这里犯下的恶行惹他的时候杀死你和我? —

he is reserv’d for the Judgment, and is to be cast into the Bottomless-Pit, to dwell with ever lasting Fire. This did not satisfie Friday, but he returns upon me, repeating my Words, RESERVE, AT LAST, me no understand; —
但是,为什么不现在杀死魔鬼,而是在很久以前杀死?你也可以问我,为什么上帝不在我们在这里犯下的恶行惹他的时候杀死你和我? —

but, Why not kill the Devil now, not kill great ago? —
你也可以问我, —

You may as well ask me, said I, Why God does not kill you and I, when we do wicked Things here that offend him? —
为什么上帝不在我们在这里犯下的恶行惹他的时候杀死你和我? —

We are preserv’d to repent and be pardon’d: —
我们得以悔过并获得宽恕: —

He muses a while at this; mell, All, says he, mighty affectionately, that well; —
他沉思了一会儿,然后说,善哉,奇妙的深情,真好; —

so you, I, Devil, all wicked, all preserve, repent, God pardon all. —
所以,你我、魔鬼、一切邪恶的人,都要保存、悔过,并获得上帝的宽恕。 —

Here I was run down again by him to the last Degree, and it was a Testimony to me, how the meer Notions of Nature, though they will guide reasonable Creatures to the Know ledge of a God, and of a Worship or Homage due to the supreme Being, of God as the Consequence of our Nature; —
在这里,他再次完全推翻了我,这对我来说是一个证明,即尽管自然的纯粹概念会引导理性的生物认识上帝以及对最高存在的崇拜或敬仰,但只有神圣的启示才能形成对耶稣基督的认知,对我们获得的救赎、新约的中保、以及一个在上帝宝座前为我们代求的调停者的认知。 —

yet nothing but divine Revelation can form the Knowledge of Jesus Christ, and of a Redemption purchas’d for us, of a Mediator of the new Covenant, and of an Intercessor, at the Foot-stool of God’s Throne; —
我想说的是,除了天堂的启示,没有别的东西能够在灵魂中形成这些,因此,我们的主救主耶稣基督的福音; —

I say, nothing but a Revelation from Heaven, can form these in the Soul, and that therefore the Gospel of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ; —
可以将这些形成在灵魂中,而这也因此是最值得我们追求的东西。 —

I mean, the Word of God, and the Spirit of God promis’d for the Guide and Sanctifier of his People, are the absolutely necessary Instructors of the Souls of Men, in the saving Knowledge of God, and the Means of Salvation.

I therefore diverted the present Discourse between me and my Man, rising up hastily, as upon some sudden Occasion of going out; —
因此,我突然中断了我和仆人之间的交谈,匆忙站起来好像有些突发情况要出去; —

then sending him for something a good way off, I seriously pray’d to God that he would enable me to instruct savingly this poor Savage, assisting by his Spirit the Heart of the poor ignorant Creature, to receive the Light of the Knowledge of God in Christ, reconciling him to himself, and would guide me to speak so to him from the Word of God, as his Conscience might be convinc’d, hid Eyes open’d, and his Soul sav’d. —
然后让他去离这里不远的地方拿东西,我诚心向神祷告,求他赐予我智慧,能够有效地教导这个可怜的野人,借助他的灵,使这无知生命的内心能接收到真神的光明和基督的认识,与神和好,也引导我能凭借神的话语与他交谈,让他的良心被说服,他的眼睛得以启开,他的灵魂得以拯救。 —

When he came again to me, I entred into a long Discourse with him upon the Subject of the Redemption of Man by the Saviour of the World, and of the Doctrine of the Gospel preach’d from Heaven, viz. —
当他再次回到我身边时,我与他进行了一场关于世界救主拯救人类和天国传福音教义的长谈。 —

of Repentance towards God, and Faith in our Blessed Lord Jesus. I then explain’d to him, as well as I could, why our Blessed Redeemer took not on him the Nature of Angels, but the Seed of Abraham, and how for that Reason the fallen Angels had no Share in the Redemption; —
对上帝的忏悔和对我们的救主耶稣的信仰。然后我向他解释,尽可能清楚地解释了为什么我们的救赎主没有承担天使的本性,而是承担了亚伯拉罕的后裔的本性,以及由此原因堕落的天使没有分享救赎的恩典; —

that he came only to the lost Sheep of the House of Israel, and the like.