
The crowd was caused, not by the expectation of a man to be hanged, but by the contemplation of a man who was hanged.

The carriage, which had been stopped for a minute, resumed its way, passed through the crowd, threaded the Rue St. Honore, turned into the Rue des Bons Enfants, and stopped before a low door.

The door opened; two guards received Bonacieux in their arms from the officer who supported him. —
门打开了;两名卫兵接过波纳谢从支撑他的军官手中。 —

They carried him through an alley, up a flight of stairs, and deposited him in an antechamber.

All these movements had been effected mechanically, as far as he was concerned. —
所有这些动作对他来说都是机械的。 —

He had walked as one walks in a dream; he had a glimpse of objects as through a fog. —
他行走时如同梦游;他透过雾气看到物体一瞥。 —

His ears had perceived sounds without comprehending them; —
他的耳朵听到声音却不理解; —

he might have been executed at that moment without his making a single gesture in his own defense or uttering a cry to implore mercy.

He remained on the bench, with his back leaning against the wall and his hands hanging down, exactly on the spot where the guards placed him.

On looking around him, however, as he could perceive no threatening object, as nothing indicated that he ran any real danger, as the bench was comfortably covered with a well-stuffed cushion, as the wall was ornamented with a beautiful Cordova leather, and as large red damask curtains, fastened back by gold clasps, floated before the window, he perceived by degrees that his fear was exaggerated, and he began to turn his head to the right and the left, upward and downward.

At this movement, which nobody opposed, he resumed a little courage, and ventured to draw up one leg and then the other. —
在这个没有人阻拦的动作下,他重新振作了一点勇气,敢于抬起一条腿,再抬起另一条腿。 —

At length, with the help of his two hands he lifted himself from the bench, and found himself on his feet.

At this moment an officer with a pleasant face opened a door, continued to exchange some words with a person in the next chamber and then came up to the prisoner. —
此刻,一个面带微笑的军官打开了一扇门,然后继续和隔壁房间中的某人交谈了一些话,然后走向囚犯。 —

“Is your name Bonacieux?” said he.

“Yes, Monsieur Officer,” stammered the mercer, more dead than alive, “at your service.”

“Come in,” said the officer.

And he moved out of the way to let the mercer pass. —
他挪开身子让织布商通过。 —

The latter obeyed without reply, and entered the chamber, where he appeared to be expected.

It was a large cabinet, close and stifling, with the walls furnished with arms offensive and defensive, and in which there was already a fire, although it was scarcely the end of the month of September. —
这是一个充满各种武器的大房间,密闭而闷热,尽管才是9月底,壁上挂满了进攻和防御的武器,并且炉火已经燃烧着。 —

A square table, covered with books and papers, upon which was unrolled an immense plan of the city of La Rochelle, occupied the center of the room.

Standing before the chimney was a man of middle height, of a haughty, proud mien; —
站在壁炉前的是一个身材中等,带着高傲和自豪神情的男人; —

with piercing eyes, a large brow, and a thin face, which was made still longer by a ROYAL (or IMPERIAL, as it is now called), surmounted by a pair of mustaches. —
眼睛锐利,高宽的额头,紧绷的脸庞,再加上上面一对长须修剪整齐。 —

Although this man was scarcely thirty-six or thirty-seven years of age, hair, mustaches, and royal, all began to be gray. —
尽管这个男人只有三十六七岁,头发、胡须和长须都已经开始有些花白了。 —

This man, except a sword, had all the appearance of a soldier; —
除了剑之外,这个男人看起来像一个军人; —

and his buff boots still slightly covered with dust, indicated that he had been on horseback in the course of the day.

This man was Armand Jean Duplessis, Cardinal de Richelieu; —
这个男人是阿尔芒·让·杜普莱西,理雅各派的枢机主教; —

not such as he is now represented–broken down like an old man, suffering like a martyr, his body bent, his voice failing, buried in a large armchair as in an anticipated tomb; —
不是如今所描述的那副模样——老弱如斯,如同烈士般受煎熬,身体佝偻、声音颤抖,像是坐在一把大扶手椅中的老人; —

no longer living but by the strength of his genius, and no longer maintaining the struggle with Europe but by the eternal application of his thoughts–but such as he really was at this period; —
仅凭他那非同寻常的精神力量,他已经不再靠生存,也不再靠思想来支撑与欧洲大陆的斗争——但正是在这个时期他真实的样子; —

that is to say, an active and gallant cavalier, already weak of body, but sustained by that moral power which made of him one of the most extraordinary men that ever lived, preparing, after having supported the Duc de Nevers in his duchy of Mantua, after having taken Nimes, Castres, and Uzes, to drive the English from the Isle of Re and lay siege to La Rochelle.

At first sight, nothing denoted the cardinal; —
乍一看,没有什么能够表明这位红衣主教的身份; —

and it was impossible for those who did not know his face to guess in whose presence they were.

The poor mercer remained standing at the door, while the eyes of the personage we have just described were fixed upon him, and appeared to wish to penetrate even into the depths of the past.

“Is this that Bonacieux?” asked he, after a moment of silence.

“Yes, monseigneur,” replied the officer.

“That’s well. Give me those papers, and leave us.”

The officer took from the table the papers pointed out, gave them to him who asked for them, bowed to the ground, and retired.

Bonacieux recognized in these papers his interrogatories of the Bastille. —
宝纳谢认出这些文件是自己在巴士底狱时的询问记录。 —

From time to time the man by the chimney raised his eyes from the writings, and plunged them like poniards into the heart of the poor mercer.

At the end of ten minutes of reading and ten seconds of examination, the cardinal was satisfied.

“That head has never conspired,” murmured he, “but it matters not; we will see.”

“You are accused of high treason,” said the cardinal, slowly.

“So I have been told already, monseigneur,” cried Bonacieux, giving his interrogator the title he had heard the officer give him, “but I swear to you that I know nothing about it.”

The cardinal repressed a smile.

“You have conspired with your wife, with Madame de Chevreuse, and with my Lord Duke of Buckingham.”

“Indeed, monseigneur,” responded the mercer, “I have heard her pronounce all those names.”

“And on what occasion?”

“She said that the Cardinal de Richelieu had drawn the Duke of Buckingham to Paris to ruin him and to ruin the queen.”

“She said that?” cried the cardinal, with violence.

“Yes, monseigneur, but I told her she was wrong to talk about such things; —
“是的,大人,但我告诉她谈论这样的事情是不对的; —

and that his Eminence was incapable–”

“Hold your tongue! You are stupid,” replied the cardinal.

“That’s exactly what my wife said, monseigneur.”

“Do you know who carried off your wife?”

“No, monsigneur.”

“You have suspicions, nevertheless?”

“Yes, monsigneur; but these suspicions appeared to be disagreeable to Monsieur the Commissary, and I no longer have them.”

“Your wife has escaped. Did you know that?”

“No, monseigneur. I learned it since I have been in prison, and that from the conversation of Monsieur the Commissary–an amiable man.”

The cardinal repressed another smile.

“Then you are ignorant of what has become of your wife since her flight.”

“Absolutely, monseigneur; but she has most likely returned to the Louvre.”

“At one o’clock this morning she had not returned.”

“My God! What can have become of her, then?”

“We shall know, be assured. Nothing is concealed from the cardinal; the cardinal knows everything.”

“In that case, monseigneur, do you believe the cardinal will be so kind as to tell me what has become of my wife?”

“Perhaps he may; but you must, in the first place, reveal to the cardinal all you know of your wife’s relations with Madame de Chevreuse.”

“But, monseigneur, I know nothing about them; I have never seen her.”

“When you went to fetch your wife from the Louvre, did you always return directly home?”

“Scarcely ever; she had business to transact with linen drapers, to whose houses I conducted her.”

“And how many were there of these linen drapers?”

“Two, monseigneur.”

“And where did they live?”

“One in Rue de Vaugirard, the other Rue de la Harpe.”

“Did you go into these houses with her?”

“Never, monseigneur; I waited at the door.”

“And what excuse did she give you for entering all alone?”

“She gave me none; she told me to wait, and I waited.”

“You are a very complacent husband, my dear Monsieur Bonacieux,” said the cardinal.

“He calls me his dear Monsieur,” said the mercer to himself. “PESTE! Matters are going all right.”

“Should you know those doors again?”


“Do you know the numbers?”


“What are they?”

“No. 25 in the Rue de Vaugirard; 75 in the Rue de la Harpe.”

“That’s well,” said the cardinal.

At these words he took up a silver bell, and rang it; the officer entered.

“Go,” said he, in a subdued voice, “and find Rochefort. —
“去,”他压低声音说,“找到罗切福特。 —

Tell him to come to me immediately, if he has returned.”

“The count is here,” said the officer, “and requests to speak with your Eminence instantly.”

“Let him come in, then!” said the cardinal, quickly.

The officer sprang out of the apartment with that alacrity which all the servants of the cardinal displayed in obeying him.

“To your Eminence!” murmured Bonacieux, rolling his eyes round in astonishment.

Five seconds has scarcely elapsed after the disappearance of the officer, when the door opened, and a new personage entered.

“It is he!” cried Bonacieux.

“He! What he?” asked the cardinal.

“The man who abducted my wife.”

The cardinal rang a second time. The officer reappeared.

“Place this man in the care of his guards again, and let him wait till I send for him.”

“No, monseigneur, no, it is not he!” cried Bonacieux; “no, I was deceived. —
“不,大人,不,不是他!”波纳谢叫道,“不,我被欺骗了。 —

This is quite another man, and does not resemble him at all. —
这完全是另一个人,一点也不像他。 —

Monsieur is, I am sure, an honest man.”

“Take away that fool!” said the cardinal.

The officer took Bonacieux by the arm, and led him into the antechamber, where he found his two guards.

The newly introduced personage followed Bonacieux impatiently with his eyes till he had gone out; —
新引进的人物不耐烦地追着波纳谢夫斯的眼睛,直到他走出去; —

and the moment the door closed, “They have seen each other;” —
当门关上的那一刻,“他们见了面;” —

said he, approaching the cardinal eagerly.

“Who?” asked his Eminence.

“He and she.”

“The queen and the duke?” cried Richelieu.



“At the Louvre.”

“Are you sure of it?”

“Perfectly sure.”

“Who told you of it?”

“Madame de Lannoy, who is devoted to your Eminence, as you know.”

“Why did she not let me know sooner?”

“Whether by chance or mistrust, the queen made Madame de Surgis sleep in her chamber, and detained her all day.”

“Well, we are beaten! Now let us try to take our revenge.”

“I will assist you with all my heart, monseigneur; be assured of that.”

“How did it come about?”

“At half past twelve the queen was with her women–”


“In her bedchamber–”

“Go on.”

“When someone came and brought her a handkerchief from her laundress.”

“And then?”

“The queen immediately exhibited strong emotion; —
“王后立刻表现出强烈的情绪;” —

and despite the rouge with which her face was covered evidently turned pale–”

“And then, and then?”

“She then arose, and with altered voice, ‘Ladies,’ said she, ‘wait for me ten minutes, I shall soon return.’ —
“她立刻起身,并换了声音说:‘女士们,等我十分钟,我很快就回来。’” —

She then opened the door of her alcove, and went out.”

“Why did not Madame de Lannoy come and inform you instantly?”

“Nothing was certain; besides, her Majesty had said, ‘Ladies, wait for me,’ and she did not dare to disobey the queen.”

“How long did the queen remain out of the chamber?”

“Three-quarters of an hour.”

“None of her women accompanied her?”

“Only Donna Estafania.”

“Did she afterward return?”

“Yes; but only to take a little rosewood casket, with her cipher upon it, and went out again immediately.”

“And when she finally returned, did she bring that casket with her?”


“Does Madame de Lannoy know what was in that casket?”

“Yes; the diamond studs which his Majesty gave the queen.”

“And she came back without this casket?”


“Madame de Lannoy, then, is of opinion that she gave them to Buckingham?”

“She is sure of it.”

“How can she be so?”

“In the course of the day Madame de Lannoy, in her quality of tire-woman of the queen, looked for this casket, appeared uneasy at not finding it, and at length asked information of the queen.”

“And then the queen?”

“The queen became exceedingly red, and replied that having in the evening broken one of those studs, she had sent it to her goldsmith to be repaired.”

“He must be called upon, and so ascertain if the thing be true or not.”

“I have just been with him.”

“And the goldsmith?”

“The goldsmith has heard nothing of it.”

“Well, well! Rochefort, all is not lost; and perhaps–perhaps everything is for the best.”

“The fact is that I do not doubt your Eminence’s genius–”

“Will repair the blunders of his agent–is that it?”

“That is exactly what I was going to say, if your Eminence had let me finish my sentence.”

“Meanwhile, do you know where the Duchesse de Chevreuse and the Duke of Buckingham are now concealed?”

“No, monseigneur; my people could tell me nothing on that head.”

“But I know.”

“You, monseigneur?”

“Yes; or at least I guess. They were, one in the Rue de Vaugirard, No. 25; —
“是的;或者至少我猜是。一个在沃吉拉大街25号; —

the other in the Rue de la Harpe, No. 75.”

“Does your Eminence command that they both be instantly arrested?”

“It will be too late; they will be gone.”

“But still, we can make sure that they are so.”

“Take ten men of my Guardsmen, and search the two houses thoroughly.”

“Instantly, monseigneur.” And Rochefort went hastily out of the apartment.

The cardinal being left alone, reflected for an instant and then rang the bell a third time. —
大主教独自一人后,沉思片刻,然后第三次按响了铃。 —

The same officer appeared.

“Bring the prisoner in again,” said the cardinal.
“再次带囚犯进来,” 大主教说道。

M. Bonacieux was introduced afresh, and upon a sign from the cardinal, the officer retired.

“You have deceived me!” said the cardinal, sternly.
“你欺骗了我!” 大主教严厉地说道。

“I,” cried Bonacieux, “I deceive your Eminence!”
“我,” 波纳谢先生大叫道,” 我欺骗了您的尊贵!”

“Your wife, in going to Rue de Vaugirard and Rue de la Harpe, did not go to find linen drapers.”

“Then why did she go, just God?”

“She went to meet the Duchesse de Chevreuse and the Duke of Buckingham.”

“Yes,” cried Bonacieux, recalling all his remembrances of the circumstances, “yes, that’s it. —
“是的,”波纳谢想起了所有的事情,说道,”是的,就是这样。” —

Your Eminence is right. I told my wife several times that it was surprising that linen drapers should live in such houses as those, in houses that had no signs; —
“大人说得对。我几次告诉我的妻子,亚麻布商住在没有标志的这种房子里,真是令人惊讶;但她总是笑着对我说。啊,大人!” —

but she always laughed at me. Ah, monseigneur!” —
波纳谢继续说,扑倒在大人的脚边,”啊,您真是枢机主教,大枢机主教,全世界都敬重的天才人物!” —

continued Bonacieux, throwing himself at his Eminence’s feet, “ah, how truly you are the cardinal, the great cardinal, the man of genius whom all the world reveres!”

The cardinal, however contemptible might be the triumph gained over so vulgar a being as Bonacieux, did not the less enjoy it for an instant; —
然后,几乎立刻,仿佛又想到了新的事情,董鸿石笑容满面,伸出手对商人说道:”起来吧,我的朋友,你是个值得尊敬的人。” —

then, almost immediately, as if a fresh thought has occurred, a smile played upon his lips, and he said, offering his hand to the mercer, “Rise, my friend, you are a worthy man.”

“The cardinal has touched me with his hand! —
“这位伟大人物称我为朋友!” —

I have touched the hand of the great man!” cried Bonacieux. —
“是的,我的朋友,是的,”枢机主教带着有时所装的父亲般的语气说道,但那种语气并没有骗到了了解他的人; —

“The great man has called me his friend!”

“Yes, my friend, yes,” said the cardinal, with that paternal tone which he sometimes knew how to assume, but which deceived none who knew him; —
“我原谅您,大人!”波纳谢犹豫地接过钱袋,无疑是害怕这份假装的礼物只是一个玩笑。 —

“and as you have been unjustly suspected, well, you must be indemnified. —
“我要赔偿你,大人!”他接着说。 —

Here, take this purse of a hundred pistoles, and pardon me.”

“I pardon you, monseigneur!” said Bonacieux, hesitating to take the purse, fearing, doubtless, that this pretended gift was but a pleasantry. —
“您要原谅我,大人!”波纳谢说道,迟疑地接过钱袋,怕这个假装的礼物只是一个玩笑。 —

“But you are able to have me arrested, you are able to have me tortured, you are able to have me hanged; —
“但是你可以让我被逮捕,你可以让我受到折磨,你可以让我被绞死; —

you are the master, and I could not have the least word to say. —
你是主人,我一句话都不能说。 —

Pardon you, monseigneur! You cannot mean that!”

“Ah, my dear Monsieur Bonacieux, you are generous in this matter. I see it and I thank you for it. —
“啊,我亲爱的波纳谢,您在这件事上十分慷慨。我看到了,我为此感谢您。 —

Thus, then, you will take this bag, and you will go away without being too malcontent.”

“I go away enchanted.”

“Farewell, then, or rather, AU REVOIR!”

And the cardinal made him a sign with his hand, to which Bonacieux replied by bowing to the ground. —
红衣主教用手向他打了个手势,波纳谢则鞠躬至地回应。 —

He then went out backward, and when he was in the antechamber the cardinal heard him, in his enthusiasm, crying aloud, “Long life to the Monseigneur! —
他便背着身向外走去,当他走进门厅时,红衣主教听到他热情洋溢地高声说:“阁下万岁!” —

Long life to his Eminence! Long life to the great cardinal!” —
“大主教万岁!埃米南斯万岁!枢机主教万岁!” —

The cardinal listened with a smile to this vociferous manifestation of the feelings of M. Bonacieux; and then, when Bonacieux’s cries were no longer audible, “Good!” —
红衣主教微笑着听着波纳谢的喊声;然后,当波纳谢的呼喊声不再听得见时,“好!” —

said he, “that man would henceforward lay down his life for me.” —
他说,“那个人从此将为我献出生命。” —

And the cardinal began to examine with the greatest attention the map of La Rochelle, which, as we have said, lay open on the desk, tracing with a pencil the line in which the famous dyke was to pass which, eighteen months later, shut up the port of the besieged city. —
红衣主教开始非常认真地查看放在办公桌上的勒舍勒地图,用铅笔勾勒出后来封锁被围城市港口的著名堤道的线路。 —

As he was in the deepest of his strategic meditations, the door opened, and Rochefort returned.

“Well?” said the cardinal, eagerly, rising with a promptitude which proved the degree of importance he attached to the commission with which he had charged the count.

“Well,” said the latter, “a young woman of about twenty-six or twenty-eight years of age, and a man of from thirty-five to forty, have indeed lodged at the two houses pointed out by your Eminence; —
”“那位后者说,“一个大约二十六或二十八岁的年轻女子,和一个三十五到四十岁的男子,确实曾住在贵教官指出的这两间房子里; —

but the woman left last night, and the man this morning.”

“It was they!” cried the cardinal, looking at the clock; —
“他们就是!”枢机主教说着,看着时钟; —

“and now it is too late to have them persued. —
“现在追捕他们已经太迟了。 —

The duchess is at Tours, and the duke at Boulogne. —
公爵夫人在图尔,公爵在布洛涅。 —

It is in London they must be found.”

“What are your Eminence’s orders?”

“Not a word of what has passed. Let the queen remain in perfect security; —
“对外不得泄露已发生的事情。让女王保持绝对安全; —

let her be ignorant that we know her secret. —
让她一无所知,不要让她知道我们知道她的秘密。 —

Let her believe that we are in search of some conspiracy or other. —
让她相信我们正在追查某些其他阴谋。 —

Send me the keeper of the seals, Seguier.”

“And that man, what has your Eminence done with him?”

“What man?” asked the cardinal.

“That Bonacieux.”

“I have done with him all that could be done. I have made him a spy upon his wife.”

The Comte de Rochefort bowed like a man who acknowledges the superiority of the master as great, and retired.

Left alone, the cardinal seated himself again and wrote a letter, which he secured with his special seal. —
独自一人时,枢机主教再次坐下来写了一封信,并加上了他的特殊印章。 —

Then he rang. The officer entered for the fourth time.

“Tell Vitray to come to me,” said he, “and tell him to get ready for a journey.”

An instant after, the man he asked for was before him, booted and spurred.

“Vitray,” said he, “you will go with all speed to London. You must not stop an instant on the way. —
“维特雷,”他说,“你必须迅速前往伦敦。在路上切勿停留。 —

You will deliver this letter to Milady. Here is an order for two hundred pistoles; —
你将把这封信交给密蒂。这是两百比斯托勒的令状; —

call upon my treasurer and get the money. —
去找我的司库领取这笔钱。 —

You shall have as much again if you are back within six days, and have executed your commission well.”

The messenger, without replying a single word, bowed, took the letter, with the order for the two hundred pistoles, and retired.

Here is what the letter contained:

MILADY, Be at the first ball at which the Duke of Buckingham shall be present. —
密蒂,当白金汉公爵出席第一个舞会时见他。 —

He will wear on his doublet twelve diamond studs; —
他的背心上将有十二颗钻石纽扣; —

get as near to him as you can, and cut off two.

As soon as these studs shall be in your possession, inform me.