
On the day after these events had taken place, Athos not having reappeared, M. de Treville was informed by D’Artagnan and Porthos of the circumstance. —
在这些事件发生后的第二天,达达尼昂和波尔多告诉特雷维尔先生发生了什么事情,而阿多斯仍未露面。 —

As to Aramis, he had asked for leave of absence for five days, and was gone, it was said, to Rouen on family business.

M. de Treville was the father of his soldiers. —
特雷维尔先生是他士兵们的父亲。 —

The lowest or the least known of them, as soon as he assumed the uniform of the company, was as sure of his aid and support as if he had been his own brother.

He repaired, then, instantly to the office of the LIEUTENANT- CRIMINEL. The officer who commanded the post of the Red Cross was sent for, and by successive inquiries they learned that Athos was then lodged in the Fort l’Eveque.

Athos had passed through all the examinations we have seen Bonacieux undergo.

We were present at the scene in which the two captives were confronted with each other. —
我们曾在两位俘虏面对面的场景中亲眼见证。 —

Athos, who had till that time said nothing for fear that D’Artagnan, interrupted in his turn, should not have the time necessary, from this moment declared that his name was Athos, and not D’Artagnan. —
阿多斯此时开始发言,因为他害怕达达尼昂会被打断而没时间,他宣称自己的名字是阿多斯,而不是达达尼昂。 —

He added that he did not know either M. or Mme. Bonacieux; —
他补充说他既不认识邦纳切斯先生也不认识夫人; —

that he had never spoken to the one or the other; —
他从未与他们中的任何一个交谈过; —

that he had come, at about ten o’clock in the evening, to pay a visit to his friend M. d’Artagnan, but that till that hour he had been at M. de Treville’s, where he had dined. —
他约晚上十点钟去拜访他的朋友达达尼昂,但直到那时他一直在特雷维尔先生那里吃饭。 —

“Twenty witnesses,” added he, “could attest the fact”; —
“二十位证人”,他补充说,“可以证明这一事实”; —

and he named several distinguished gentlemen, and among them was M. le Duc de la Tremouille.

The second commissary was as much bewildered as the first had been by the simple and firm declaration of the Musketeer, upon whom he was anxious to take the revenge which men of the robe like at all times to gain over men of the sword; —
第二位检察官被这位武士的简单而坚定的声明所困扰,他渴望对这位武士进行报复,这对袍服之士来说始终是一种乐趣。 —

but the name of M. de Treville, and that of M. de la Tremouille, commanded a little reflection.

Athos was then sent to the cardinal; but unfortunately the cardinal was at the Louvre with the king.

It was precisely at this moment that M. de Treville, on leaving the residence of the LIEUTENANT-CRIMINEL and the governor of the Fort l’Eveque without being able to find Athos, arrived at the palace.

As captain of the Musketeers, M. de Treville had the right of entry at all times.

It is well known how violent the king’s prejudices were against the queen, and how carefully these prejudices were kept up by the cardinal, who in affairs of intrigue mistrusted women infinitely more than men. —
众所周知,国王对王后有着极端的偏见,而红衣主教则会刻意保持这些偏见,他在阴谋中比男人更加不信任女人。 —

One of the grand causes of this prejudice was the friendship of Anne of Austria for Mme. de Chevreuse. —
这种偏见的主要原因之一是安妮·奥地利对甘油夫人的友情。 —

These two women gave him more uneasiness than the war with Spain, the quarrel with England, or the embarrassment of the finances. —
这两位女性给他带来的不安比与西班牙的战争、与英格兰的争执或财政状况的困境都要多。 —

In his eyes and to his conviction, Mme. de Chevreuse not only served the queen in her political intrigues, but, what tormented him still more, in her amorous intrigues.

At the first word the cardinal spoke of Mme. de Chevreuse–who, though exiled to Tours and believed to be in that city, had come to Paris, remained there five days, and outwitted the police–the king flew into a furious passion. —
当红衣主教第一次提到甘油夫人时-虽然被流放到图尔,据信仍在那个城市,她来到了巴黎,留了五天并瞒过了警方时-国王勃然大怒。 —

Capricious and unfaithful, the king wished to be called Louis the Just and Louis the Chaste. —
国王善变且不忠,但他希望被称为路易公正和路易贞洁。 —

Posterity will find a difficulty in understanding this character, which history explains only by facts and never by reason.

But when the cardinal added that not only Mme. de Chevreuse had been in Paris, but still further, that the queen had renewed with her one of those mysterious correspondences which at that time was named a CABAL; —
但当红衣主教补充说,不仅甘油夫人曾在巴黎,而且更进一步,王后与她重新展开了那种在当时被称为阴谋的神秘通信时; —

when he affirmed that he, the cardinal, was about to unravel the most closely twisted thread of this intrigue; —
当他断言自己,即红衣主教,即将揭开这场阴谋最紧密纠缠的线索中最小心的时刻; —

that at the moment of arresting in the very act, with all the proofs about her, the queen’s emissary to the exiled duchess, a Musketeer had dared to interrupt the course of justice violently, by falling sword in hand upon the honest men of the law, charged with investigating impartially the whole affair in order to place it before the eyes of the king–Louis XIII could not contain himself, and he made a step toward the queen’s apartment with that pale and mute indignation which, when in broke out, led this prince to the commission of the most pitiless cruelty. —
当他宣称,在逮捕在正从事这一任务中不留情面地调查案件并将其告知国王的法律官员时,女王派往流亡的女公爵的密使时,一个麦斯基特军士竟然胆敢用剑袭击诚实的法律官员,打断正义的进程,这引起了国王路易十三无法抑制自己的愤怒,他向着王后的公寓迈出了一步,带着苍白而无言的愤怒,这种怒火一旦爆发,会导致这位王子犯下最无情的残暴行为。 —

And yet, in all this, the cardinal had not yet said a word about the Duke of Buckingham.

At this instant M. de Treville entered, cool, polite, and in irreproachable costume.

Informed of what had passed by the presence of the cardinal and the alteration in the king’s countenance, M. de Treville felt himself something like Samson before the Philistines.

Louis XIII had already placed his hand on the knob of the door; —
路易十三已经把手放在门把上; —

at the noise of M. de Treville’s entrance he turned round. —
在德特雷维勒进来的声音中,他转过身来。 —

“You arrive in good time, monsieur,” said the king, who, when his passions were raised to a certain point, could not dissemble; —
“您来得正是时候,陛下”,国王说道,当他的激情达到一定程度时是掩饰不住的; —

“I have learned some fine things concerning your Musketeers.”

“And I,” said Treville, coldly, “I have some pretty things to tell your Majesty concerning these gownsmen.”

“What?” said the king, with hauteur.

“I have the honor to inform your Majesty,” continued M. de Treville, in the same tone, “that a party of PROCUREURS, commissaries, and men of the police–very estimable people, but very inveterate, as it appears, against the uniform–have taken upon themselves to arrest in a house, to lead away through the open street, and throw into the Fort l’Eveque, all upon an order which they have refused to show me, one of my, or rather your Musketeers, sire, of irreproachable conduct, of an almost illustrious reputation, and whom your Majesty knows favorably, Monsieur Athos.”

“Athos,” said the king, mechanically; “yes, certainly I know that name.”

“Let your Majesty remember,” said Treville, “that Monsieur Athos is the Musketeer who, in the annoying duel which you are acquainted with, had the misfortune to wound Monsieur de Cahusac so seriously. —
“请陛下铭记,”特雷维尔说,“阿多斯就是在所熟知的骚扰性决斗中,不幸重伤了卡侯萨克先生的那位近卫,” —

A PROPOS, monseigneur,” continued Treville. —
话锋转到了对于,红衣主教,继续说,“卡侯萨克先生已经完全康复了,对吧?” —

Addressing the cardinal, “Monsieur de Cahusac is quite recovered, is he not?”

“Thank you,” said the cardinal, biting his lips with anger.

“Athos, then, went to pay a visit to one of his friends absent at the time,” continued Treville, “to a young Bearnais, a cadet in his Majesty’s Guards, the company of Monsieur Dessessart, but scarcely had he arrived at his friend’s and taken up a book, while waiting his return, when a mixed crowd of bailiffs and soldiers came and laid siege to the house, broke open several doors–”

The cardinal made the king a sign, which signified, “That was on account of the affair about which I spoke to you.”

“We all know that,” interrupted the king; “for all that was done for our service.”

“Then,” said Treville, “it was also for your Majesty’s service that one of my Musketeers, who was innocent, has been seized, that he has been placed between two guards like a malefactor, and that this gallant man, who has ten times shed his blood in your Majesty’s service and is ready to shed it again, has been paraded through the midst of an insolent populace?”

“Bah!” said the king, who began to be shaken, “was it so managed?”

“Monsieur de Treville,” said the cardinal, with the greatest phlegm, “does not tell your Majesty that this innocent Musketeer, this gallant man, had only an hour before attacked, sword in hand, four commissaries of inquiry, who were delegated by myself to examine into an affair of the highest importance.”

“I defy your Eminence to prove it,” cried Treville, with his Gascon freedom and military frankness; —
“因为就在一小时之前,阿多斯先生——我将向陛下透露,他确实是位品质不凡的人——对待我与他一起吃过晚餐之后,光临我旅馆的客厅里,与特雷莫伊公爵和夏略斯伯爵谈笑风生。” —

“for one hour before, Monsieur Athos, who, I will confide it to your Majesty, is really a man of the highest quality, did me the honor after having dined with me to be conversing in the saloon of my hotel, with the Duc de la Tremouille and the Comte de Chalus, who happened to be there.”

The king looked at the cardinal.

“A written examination attests it,” said the cardinal, replying aloud to the mute interrogation of his Majesty; —
“一份笔试文件证明了这一点,”红衣主教回答着陛下哑问题; —

“and the ill- treated people have drawn up the following, which I have the honor to present to your Majesty.”

“And is the written report of the gownsmen to be placed in comparison with the word of honor of a swordsman?” —
“那么袍子们的书面报告要与剑客的信誉之言相比较吗?” —

replied Treville haughtily.

“Come, come, Treville, hold your tongue,” said the king.

“If his Eminence entertains any suspicion against one of my Musketeers,” said Treville, “the justice of Monsieur the Cardinal is so well known that I demand an inquiry.”

“In the house in which the judicial inquiry was made,” continued the impassive cardinal, “there lodges, I believe, a young Bearnais, a friend of the Musketeer.”

“Your Eminence means Monsieur d’Artagnan.”

“I mean a young man whom you patronize, Monsieur de Treville.”

“Yes, your Eminence, it is the same.”

“Do you not suspect this young man of having given bad counsel?”

“To Athos, to a man double his age?” interrupted Treville. —
“给亚索斯,一个比他年纪大一倍的人?”特雷维尔打断说。 —

“No, monseigneur. Besides, D’Artagnan passed the evening with me.”

“Well,” said the cardinal, “everybody seems to have passed the evening with you.”

“Does your Eminence doubt my word?” said Treville, with a brow flushed with anger.

“No, God forbid,” said the cardinal; “only, at what hour was he with you?”

“Oh, as to that I can speak positively, your Eminence; —
“噢,关于这一点我可以肯定地说,陛下; —

for as he came in I remarked that it was but half past nine by the clock, although I had believed it to be later.”

“At what hour did he leave your hotel?”

“At half past ten–an hour after the event.”

“Well,” replied the cardinal, who could not for an instant suspect the loyalty of Treville, and who felt that the victory was escaping him, “well, but Athos WAS taken in the house in the Rue des Fossoyeurs.”

“Is one friend forbidden to visit another, or a Musketeer of my company to fraternize with a Guard of Dessessart’s company?”

“Yes, when the house where he fraternizes is suspected.”

“That house is suspected, Treville,” said the king; “perhaps you did not know it?”

“Indeed, sire, I did not. The house may be suspected; —
“的确,陛下,我不知道。那座房子可能受到怀疑; —

but I deny that it is so in the part of it inhabited my Monsieur d’Artagnan, for I can affirm, sire, if I can believe what he says, that there does not exist a more devoted servant of your Majesty, or a more profound admirer of Monsieur the Cardinal.”

“Was it not this D’Artagnan who wounded Jussac one day, in that unfortunate encounter which took place near the Convent of the Carmes-Dechausses?” —
“是不是这位达达尼安曾在一天里打伤过尤萨克,就在发生在加尔则切修道院附近的那次不幸遭遇中?”国王问,看着红衣主教,后者因为懊恼而脸红。 —

asked the king, looking at the cardinal, who colored with vexation.

“And the next day, Bernajoux. Yes, sire, yes, it is the same; and your Majesty has a good memory.”
“And the next day, Bernajoux. Yes, sire, yes, it is the same; and your Majesty has a good memory.”

“Come, how shall we decide?” said the king.

“That concerns your Majesty more than me,” said the cardinal. “I should affirm the culpability.”

“And I deny it,” said Treville. “But his Majesty has judges, and these judges will decide.”

“That is best,” said the king. “Send the case before the judges; —
“最好的办法,”国王说。“把这个案子送到法官面前; —

it is their business to judge, and they shall judge.”

“Only,” replied Treville, “it is a sad thing that in the unfortunate times in which we live, the purest life, the most incontestable virtue, cannot exempt a man from infamy and persecution. —
“只是,”特雷维尔回答道,“在我们生活的这个不幸时期,即使是最纯洁的生活,最毋庸置疑的美德,也不能使一个人免于污名和迫害。 —

The army, I will answer for it, will be but little pleased at being exposed to rigorous treatment on account of police affairs.”

The expression was imprudent; but M. de Treville launched it with knowledge of his cause. —
这种表达是不慎的;但特雷维尔以精明地了解情况而发表了这个意见。 —

He was desirous of an explosion, because in that case the mine throws forth fire, and fire enlightens.

“Police affairs!” cried the king, taking up Treville’s words, “police affairs! —
“警察事务!”国王重复特雷维尔的话,“警察事务! —

And what do you know about them, Monsieur? —
你知道些什么,先生? —

Meddle with your Musketeers, and do not annoy me in this way. —
管好你的近卫骑士,别这样烦扰我。 —

It appears, according to your account, that if by mischance a Musketeer is arrested, France is in danger. —
根据你的说法,一旦一名近卫骑士受到怀疑,法国就会有危险。 —

What a noise about a Musketeer! I would arrest ten of them, VENTREBLEU, a hundred, even, all the company, and I would not allow a whisper.”

“From the moment they are suspected by your Majesty,” said Treville, “the Musketeers are guilty; —
“从陛下怀疑他们起,”特雷维尔说,“近卫骑士就有罪; —

therefore, you see me prepared to surrender my sword–for after having accused my soldiers, there can be no doubt that Monsieur the Cardinal will end by accusing me. —
因此,你看到我准备好交出我的剑——因为在指责我的士兵之后,不容置疑的是,红衣主教最终会指控我。 —

It is best to constitute myself at once a prisoner with Athos, who is already arrested, and with D’Artagnan, who most probably will be.”

“Gascon-headed man, will you have done?” said the king.

“Sire,” replied Treville, without lowering his voice in the least, “either order my Musketeer to be restored to me, or let him be tried.”

“He shall be tried,” said the cardinal.

“Well, so much the better; for in that case I shall demand of his Majesty permission to plead for him.”

The king feared an outbreak.

“If his Eminence,” said he, “did not have personal motives–”

The cardinal saw what the king was about to say and interrupted him:

“Pardon me,” said he; “but the instant your Majesty considers me a prejudiced judge, I withdraw.”

“Come,” said the king, “will you swear, by my father, that Athos was at your residence during the event and that he took no part in it?”

“By your glorious father, and by yourself, whom I love and venerate above all the world, I swear it.”

“Be so kind as to reflect, sire,” said the cardinal. —
“请好好考虑一下,陛下,”红衣主教说。 —

“If we release the prisoner thus, we shall never know the truth.”

“Athos may always be found,” replied Treville, “ready to answer, when it shall please the gownsmen to interrogate him. —
“只要法官们想审问他,阿索随时都可以被找到,”特雷维勒回答道。 —

He will not desert, Monsieur the Cardinal, be assured of that; —
他不会背弃您,枢机主教先生,请放心; —

I will answer for him.”

“No, he will not desert,” said the king; “he can always be found, as Treville says. —
“不,他不会背弃的,”国王说,“就像特雷维尔所说的,他随时都可以找到。 —

Besides,” added he, lowering his voice and looking with a suppliant air at the cardinal, “let us give them apparent security; that is policy.”

This policy of Louis XIII made Richelieu smile.

“Order it as you please, sire; you possess the right of pardon.”

“The right of pardoning only applies to the guilty,” said Treville, who was determined to have the last word, “and my Musketeer is innocent. —
“宽恕的权利只适用于有罪之人,”特雷维尔固执地要说最后一句,“我的火枪手是无辜的。 —

It is not mercy, then, that you are about to accord, sire, it is justice.”

“And he is in the Fort l’Eveque?” said the king.

“Yes, sire, in solitary confinement, in a dungeon, like the lowest criminal.”

“The devil!” murmured the king; “what must be done?”

“Sign an order for his release, and all will be said,” replied the cardinal. —
“签发释放他的命令,一切都会解决,”枢机主教回答。 —

“I believe with your Majesty that Monsieur de Treville’s guarantee is more than sufficient.”

Treville bowed very respectfully, with a joy that was not unmixed with fear; —
特雷维尔非常恭敬地鞠躬,内心充满了喜悦但也带着一丝恐惧;他更希望枢机主教顽固抵抗,而不是突然屈服。 —

he would have preferred an obstinate resistance on the part of the cardinal to this sudden yielding.

The king signed the order for release, and Treville carried it away without delay. —
国王签署了释放令,特雷维勒立即把它带走。 —

As he was about to leave the presence, the cardinal have him a friendly smile, and said, “A perfect harmony reigns, sire, between the leaders and the soldiers of your Musketeers, which must be profitable for the service and honorable to all.”

“He will play me some dog’s trick or other, and that immediately,” said Treville. —
“他一定会对我耍一些狡猾的把戏,当下就会发生。” 特雷维勒说。 —

“One has never the last word with such a man. —
“跟这样一个人斗嘴可得没完没了。” —

But let us be quick–the king may change his mind in an hour; —
但我们得快点——国王一个小时内就可能改变主意; —

and at all events it is more difficult to replace a man in the Fort l’Eveque or the Bastille who has got out, than to keep a prisoner there who is in.”

M. de Treville made his entrance triumphantly into the Fort l’Eveque, whence he delivered the Musketeer, whose peaceful indifference had not for a moment abandoned him.

The first time he saw D’Artagnan, “You have come off well,” said he to him; —
第一次见到达达尼昂时他对他说:“你表现不错,”; —

“there is your Jussac thrust paid for. There still remains that of Bernajoux, but you must not be too confident.”

As to the rest, M. de Treville had good reason to mistrust the cardinal and to think that all was not over, for scarcely had the captain of the Musketeers closed the door after him, than his Eminence said to the king, “Now that we are at length by ourselves, we will, if your Majesty pleases, converse seriously. —
至于剩下的,特雷维勒有充分的理由不信任红衣主教,认为一切都还没有结束,因为火枪手队长刚刚关上门离开之后,他的红衣主教对国王说:“陛下,现在我们终于私下相处了,如果陛下愿意,我们可以严肃地交谈。 —

Sire, Buckingham has been in Paris five days, and only left this morning.”