<当M. SEGUIER,封印大臣,



It is impossible to form an idea of the impression these few words made upon Louis XIII. He grew pale and red alternately; —
这几个字带给路易十三一种难以描述的感受。他时而苍白时而绯红; —

and the cardinal saw at once that he had recovered by a single blow all the ground he had lost.

“Buckingham in Paris!” cried he, “and why does he come?”

“To conspire, no doubt, with your enemies, the Huguenots and the Spaniards.”

“No, PARDIEU, no! To conspire against my honor with Madame de Chevreuse, Madame de Longueville, and the Condes.”

“Oh, sire, what an idea! The queen is too virtuous; and besides, loves your Majesty too well.”

“Woman is weak, Monsieur Cardinal,” said the king; —
“妇人多有弱点,红衣大臣”,国王说; —

“and as to loving me much, I have my own opinion as to that love.”

“I not the less maintain,” said the cardinal, “that the Duke of Buckingham came to Paris for a project wholly political.”

“And I am sure that he came for quite another purpose, Monsieur Cardinal; —
“我确信他来的目的完全不同,红衣主教; —

but if the queen be guilty, let her tremble!”

“Indeed,” said the cardinal, “whatever repugnance I may have to directing my mind to such a treason, your Majesty compels me to think of it. —
“诚然,”红衣主教说,“我虽然对转向思考这种背叛感到厌恶,陛下也逼迫我去考虑它。 —

Madame de Lannoy, whom, according to your Majesty’s command, I have frequently interrogated, told me this morning that the night before last her Majesty sat up very late, that this morning she wept much, and that she was writing all day.”

“That’s it!” cried the king; “to him, no doubt. Cardinal, I must have the queen’s papers.”

“But how to take them, sire? It seems to me that it is neither your Majesty not myself who can charge himself with such a mission.”

“How did they act with regard to the Marechale d’Ancre?” —
“他们对待阿克雷女侯爵是怎样的呢?” —

cried the king, in the highest state of choler; —
国王勃然大怒地喊道; —

“first her closets were thoroughly searched, and then she herself.”

“The Marechale d’Ancre was no more than the Marechale d’Ancre. A Florentine adventurer, sire, and that was all; —
“阿克雷女侯爵不过是阿克雷女侯爵而已。一个佛罗伦萨的冒険家,陛下,仅此而已; —

while the august spouse of your Majesty is Anne of Austria, Queen of France–that is to say, one of the greatest princesses in the world.”

“She is not the less guilty, Monsieur Duke! —
“她的罪行并不减轻,公爵大人! —

The more she has forgotten the high position in which she was placed, the more degrading is her fall. —
她既忘记了自己所处的高位,她的堕落就显得更为可耻。 —

Besides, I long ago determined to put an end to all these petty intrigues of policy and love. —
而且,我早就决定要结束所有这些琐碎的政治和爱情阴谋。 —

She has near her a certain Laporte.”

“Who, I believe, is the mainspring of all this, I confess,” said the cardinal.

“You think then, as I do, that she deceives me?” said the king.

“I believe, and I repeat it to your Majesty, that the queen conspires against the power of the king, but I have not said against his honor.”

“And I–I tell you against both. I tell you the queen does not love me; —
“我告诉你,她不爱我; —

I tell you she loves another; I tell you she loves that infamous Buckingham! Why did you not have him arrested while in Paris?”

“Arrest the Duke! Arrest the prime minister of King Charles I! Think of it, sire! What a scandal! —
“逮捕公爵!逮捕查理一世的首相!想想看,陛下!那将是何等的丑闻! —

And if the suspicions of your Majesty, which I still continue to doubt, should prove to have any foundation, what a terrible disclosure, what a fearful scandal!”

“But as he exposed himself like a vagabond or a thief, he should have been–”

Louis XIII stopped, terrified at what he was about to say, while Richelieu, stretching out his neck, waited uselessly for the word which had died on the lips of the king.

“He should have been–?”

“Nothing,” said the king, “nothing. But all the time he was in Paris, you, of course, did not lose sight of him?”

“No, sire.”

“Where did he lodge?”

“Rue de la Harpe. No. 75.”

“Where is that?”

“By the side of the Luxembourg.”

“And you are certain that the queen and he did not see each other?”

“I believe the queen to have too high a sense of her duty, sire.”

“But they have corresponded; it is to him that the queen has been writing all the day. —
“但是他们有书信往来;王后整天都在给他写信。 —

Monsieur Duke, I must have those letters!”

“Sire, notwithstanding–”

“Monsieur Duke, at whatever price it may be, I will have them.”

“I would, however, beg your Majesty to observe–”

“Do you, then, also join in betraying me, Monsieur Cardinal, by thus always opposing my will? —
“难道你也要背叛我,红衣主教阁下,总是反对我的意愿吗? —

Are you also in accord with Spain and England, with Madame de Chevreuse and the queen?”

“Sire,” replied the cardinal, sighing, “I believed myself secure from such a suspicion.”

“Monsieur Cardinal, you have heard me; I will have those letters.”

“There is but one way.”

“What is that?”

“That would be to charge Monsieur de Seguier, the keeper of the seals, with this mission. —
“那就是委托国王印信库塞吉尔先生担任此任务。 —

The matter enters completely into the duties of the post.”

“Let him be sent for instantly.”

“He is most likely at my hotel. I requested him to call, and when I came to the Louvre I left orders if he came, to desire him to wait.”

“Let him be sent for instantly.”

“Your Majesty’s orders shall be executed; but–”

“But what?”

“But the queen will perhaps refuse to obey.”

“My orders?”

“Yes, if she is ignorant that these orders come from the king.”

“Well, that she may have no doubt on that head, I will go and inform her myself.”

“Your Majesty will not forget that I have done everything in my power to prevent a rupture.”

“Yes, Duke, yes, I know you are very indulgent toward the queen, too indulgent, perhaps; —
“是的,公爵,是的,我知道你对王后非常宽容,或许太宽容了; —

we shall have occasion, I warn you, at some future period to speak of that.”

“Whenever it shall please your Majesty; but I shall be always happy and proud, sire, to sacrifice myself to the harmony which I desire to see reign between you and the Queen of France.”

“Very well, Cardinal, very well; but, meantime, send for Monsieur the Keeper of the Seals. I will go to the queen.”

And Louis XIII, opening the door of communication, passed into the corridor which led from his apartments to those of Anne of Austria.

The queen was in the midst of her women–Mme. de Guitaut, Mme. de Sable, Mme. de Montbazon, and Mme. de Guemene. —
王后身边站着她的女官们–莫胡瓦女士,萨布尔女士,蒙巴扎女士和吉门尼女士。 —

In a corner was the Spanish companion, Donna Estafania, who had followed her from Madrid. —
在一角是从马德里跟随她来的西班牙侍女埃斯塔法尼亚。 —

Mme. Guemene was reading aloud, and everybody was listening to her with attention with the exception of the queen, who had, on the contrary, desired this reading in order that she might be able, while feigning to listen, to pursue the thread of her own thoughts.

These thoughts, gilded as they were by a last reflection of love, were not the less sad. —
这些想法,虽然被最后一丝爱情反射镀金,却并不少悲伤。 —

Anne of Austria, deprived of the confidence of her husband, pursued by the hatred of the cardinal, who could not pardon her for having repulsed a more tender feeling, having before her eyes the example of the queen-mother whom that hatred had tormented all her life–though Marie de Medicis, if the memoirs of the time are to be believed, had begun by according to the cardinal that sentiment which Anne of Austria always refused him–Anne of Austria had seen her most devoted servants fall around her, her most intimate confidants, her dearest favorites. —
奥地利的安妮失去了丈夫的信任,遭受基督教皇后的仇恨,那位基督教皇后对她投以憎恨的原因是丧偶者并未原谅她拒绝一个更温柔的感觉,而奥地利的安妮从小眼前的她的例子就是这种仇恨在她一生中烦扰了一切–尽管如果当时的回忆录是可信的,奥地利的安妮总是拒绝给予的感情是玛丽·德·美第奇给了基督教皇后,奥地利的安妮看到了她最忠实的仆人倒在周围,她最亲密的知己,她最亲爱的宠儿。 —

Like those unfortunate persons endowed with a fatal gift, she brought misfortune upon everything she touched. —
像那些被赋予致命天赋的不幸之人一样,她给她触及的一切带来了不幸。 —

Her friendship was a fatal sign which called down persecution. —
她的友谊是一个致命的标志,召来了迫害。 —

Mme. de Chevreuse and Mme. de Bernet were exiled, and Laporte did not conceal from his mistress that he expected to be arrested every instant.

It was at the moment when she was plunged in the deepest and darkest of these reflections that the door of the chamber opened, and the king entered.

The reader hushed herself instantly. All the ladies rose, and there was a profound silence. —
读者立刻安静下来。所有的女士们站起来,屋子里顿时寂静无声。 —

As to the king, he made no demonstration of politeness, only stopping before the queen. —
至于国王,他没有表现出任何礼貌的举动,只是停在了皇后面前。 —

“Madame,” said he, “you are about to receive a visit from the chancellor, who will communicate certain matters to you with which I have charged him.”

The unfortunate queen, who was constantly threatened with divorce, exile, and trial even, turned pale under her rouge, and could not refrain from saying, “But why this visit, sire? —
那位不幸的皇后,经常面临着离婚,流放,甚至审判的威胁,她在胭脂下变得苍白,情不自禁地说道,“但是陛下,为什么这次的访问? —

What can the chancellor have to say to me that your Majesty could not say yourself?”

The king turned upon his heel without reply, and almost at the same instant the captain of the Guards, M. de Guitant, announced the visit of the chancellor.

When the chancellor appeared, the king had already gone out by another door.

The chancellor entered, half smiling, half blushing. —
大法官走进来时,一边微笑一边脸红。 —

As we shall probably meet with him again in the course of our history, it may be well for our readers to be made at once acquainted with him.

This chancellor was a pleasant man. He was Des Roches le Masle, canon of Notre Dame, who had formerly been valet of a bishop, who introduced him to his Eminence as a perfectly devout man. —
这位总理是一个很愉快的人。他是Des Roches le Masle,巴黎圣母院的神甫,曾经是一位主教的男仆,后来被介绍给他的尊贵作为一个完全虔诚的人。 —

The cardinal trusted him, and therein found his advantage.

There are many stories related of him, and among them this. —
关于他有许多传闻,其中有这个。 —

After a wild youth, he had retired into a convent, there to expiate, at least for some time, the follies of adolescence. —
在经历了荒唐的青年时期后,他退隐到一个修道院,至少要为青少年时期的愚蠢进行补偿。 —

On entering this holy place, the poor penitent was unable to shut the door so close as to prevent the passions he fled from entering with him. —
进入这个神圣的地方,这位可怜的忏悔者无法将门关得太紧,以防他逃离的激情跟着走。 —

He was incessantly attacked by them, and the superior, to whom he had confided this misfortune, wishing as much as in him lay to free him from them, had advised him, in order to conjure away the tempting demon, to have recourse to the bell rope, and ring with all his might. —
他不断地受到攻击,院长向他吐露了这一不幸,希望尽其所能将他从中解脱出来,劝告他,为了驱逐这个诱惑的恶魔,应该求助于绳索,全力拉响钟声。 —

At the denunciating sound, the monks would be rendered aware that temptation was besieging a brother, and all the community would go to prayers.

This advice appeared good to the future chancellor. —
这个建议对这位未来的总理似乎是有好处的。 —

He conjured the evil spirit with abundance of prayers offered up by the monks. —
他通过修士们奉献的大量祈祷驱逐了恶魔。 —

But the devil does not suffer himself to be easily dispossessed from a place in which he has fixed his garrison. —
但是魔鬼不会轻易离开他已经设立驻地的地方。 —

In proportion as they redoubled the exorcisms he redoubled the temptations; —
随着他们加倍驱魔的力度,诱惑也加倍; —

so that day and night the bell was ringing full swing, announcing the extreme desire for mortification which the penitent experienced.

The monks had no longer an instant of repose. —
修士们再也没有片刻休息。 —

By day they did nothing but ascend and descend the steps which led to the chapel; —
白天他们所做的就是上上下下通往教堂的台阶; —

at night, in addition to complines and matins, they were further obliged to leap twenty times out of their beds and prostrate themselves on the floor of their cells.

It is not known whether it was the devil who gave way, or the monks who grew tired; —
目前尚不清楚是魔鬼让步了,还是修士变得厌烦了; —

but within three months the penitent reappeared in the world with the reputation of being the most terrible POSSESSED that ever existed.

On leaving the convent he entered into the magistracy, became president on the place of his uncle, embraced the cardinal’s party, which did not prove want of sagacity, became chancellor, served his Eminence with zeal in his hatred against the queen- mother and his vengeance against Anne of Austria, stimulated the judges in the affair of Calais, encouraged the attempts of M. de Laffemas, chief gamekeeper of France; —
离开修道院后,他进入了司法界,在叔叔的职位上成为总统,加入了枢密院一派,并没有表现出缺乏敏锐,成为了总管,为枢机主教对抗王太后和对抗奥地利的安妮的复仇效劳,刺激了卡莱镇事件中的法官,鼓励了法国首席狩猎员拉费玛先生的尝试; —

then, at length, invested with the entire confidence of the cardinal–a confidence which he had so well earned-he received the singular commission for the execution of which he presented himself in the queen’s apartments.

The queen was still standing when he entered; —
王后还站着当他进来时; —

but scarcely had she perceived him then she reseated herself in her armchair, and made a sign to her women to resume their cushions and stools, and with an air of supreme hauteur, said, “What do you desire, monsieur, and with what object do you present yourself here?”

“To make, madame, in the name of the king, and without prejudice to the respect which I have the honor to owe to your Majesty a close examination into all your papers.”

“How, monsieur, an investigation of my papers–mine! Truly, this is an indignity!”

“Be kind enough to pardon me, madame; but in this circumstance I am but the instrument which the king employs. —
“请您原谅,陛下;但在这种情况下,我只是国王所使用的工具。 —

Has not his Majesty just left you, and has he not himself asked you to prepare for this visit?”

“Search, then, monsieur! I am a criminal, as it appears. —
“那么,请搜查吧,先生!我像个罪犯一样似的。 —

Estafania, give up the keys of my drawers and my desks.”

For form’s sake the chancellor paid a visit to the pieces of furniture named; —
出于礼貌,法官参观了被提及的家具; —

but he well knew that it was not in a piece of furniture that the queen would place the important letter she had written that day.

When the chancellor had opened and shut twenty times the drawers of the secretaries, it became necessary, whatever hesitation he might experience–it became necessary, I say, to come to the conclusion of the affair; —
当总理大臣开关了秘书的抽屉二十次之后,不管他可能有多少犹豫–我说,不管他可能有多少犹豫–这件事情必须总结了; —

that is to say, to search the queen herself. —
也就是说,必须搜索王后本人。 —

The chancellor advanced, therefore, toward Anne of Austria, and said with a very perplexed and embarrassed air, “And now it remains for me to make the principal examination.”

“What is that?” asked the queen, who did not understand, or rather was not willing to understand.

“His majesty is certain that a letter has been written by you during the day; —
“陛下确信在白天您写过一封信; —

he knows that it has not yet been sent to its address. —
他知道这封信还没有寄出去。 —

This letter is not in your table nor in your secretary; —
这封信既不在您的桌子上,也不在您的书桌上;” —

and yet this letter must be somewhere.”

“Would you dare to lift your hand to your queen?” —
“你敢对你的女王动手吗?” —

said Anne of Austria, drawing herself up to her full height, and fixing her eyes upon the chancellor with an expression almost threatening.

“I am a faithful subject of the king, madame, and all that his Majesty commands I shall do.”

“Well, it is true!” said Anne of Austria; “and the spies of the cardinal have served him faithfully. —
“哦,这是真的!”安妮·奥地利说道;”红衣主教的间谍们确实为他效力。 —

I have written a letter today; that letter is not yet gone. —
我今天写了一封信;这封信还没被送出。 —

The letter is here.” And the queen laid her beautiful hand on her bosom.
这封信就在这里。” 女王把她优美的手放在了胸前。

“Then give me that letter, madame,” said the chancellor.

“I will give it to none but the king monsieur,” said Anne.

“If the king had desired that the letter should be given to him, madame, he would have demanded it of you himself. —
“如果国王要求交信,夫人,他本会亲自向您要求的。 —

But I repeat to you, I am charged with reclaiming it; —
但我再次告诉您,我被委托来收回它; —

and if you do not give it up–”


“He has, then, charged me to take it from you.”

“How! What do you say?”

“That my orders go far, madame; and that I am authorized to seek for the suspected paper, even on the person of your Majesty.”

“What horror!” cried the queen.

“Be kind enough, then, madame, to act more compliantly.”

“The conduct is infamously violent! Do you know that, monsieur?”

“The king commands it, madame; excuse me.”

“I will not suffer it! No, no, I would rather die!” —
“我绝不会容忍!不,不!宁可死!” —

cried the queen, in whom the imperious blood of Spain and Austria began to rise.

The chancellor made a profound reverence. —
大法官深深鞠了一躬。 —

Then, with the intention quite patent of not drawing back a foot from the accomplishment of the commission with which he was charged, and as the attendant of an executioner might have done in the chamber of torture, he approached Anne of Austria, for whose eyes at the same instant sprang tears of rage.

The queen was, as we have said, of great beauty. The commission might well be called delicate; —
女王正如我们所说,是个极其美丽的女人。这个任务可以说是非常微妙的; —

and the king had reached, in his jealousy of Buckingham, the point of not being jealous of anyone else.

Without doubt the chancellor, Seguier looked about at that moment for the rope of the famous bell; —
毫无疑问,大法官赛吉尔在那一刻也许正在四处寻找那只著名的铃铛的绳索; —

but not finding it he summoned his resolution, and stretched forth his hands toward the place where the queen had acknowledged the paper was to be found.

Anne of Austria took one step backward, became so pale that it might be said she was dying, and leaning with her left hand upon a table behind her to keep herself from falling, she with her right hand drew the paper from her bosom and held it out to the keeper of the seals.

“There, monsieur, there is that letter!” cried the queen, with a broken and trembling voice; —
“大人,这是那封信!”女王声音颤抖地说道; —

“take it, and deliver me from your odious presence.”

The chancellor, who, on his part, trembled with an emotion easily to be conceived, took the letter, bowed to the ground, and retired. —
大臣也同样颤抖,接过这封信,躬身行礼,然后离开。 —

The door was scarcely closed upon him, when the queen sank, half fainting, into the arms of her women.

The chancellor carried the letter to the king without having read a single word of it. —
大臣毫不犹豫地将信交给了国王,完全没有阅读一字。 —

The king took it with a trembling hand, looked for the address, which was wanting, became very pale, opened it slowly, then seeing by the first words that it was addressed to the King of Spain, he read it rapidly.

It was nothing but a plan of attack against the cardinal. —
信中写的只是一项针对红衣主教的攻击计划。 —

The queen pressed her brother and the Emperor of Austria to appear to be wounded, as they really were, by the policy of Richelieu–the eternal object of which was the abasement of the house of Austria–to declare war against France, and as a condition of peace, to insist upon the dismissal of the cardinal; —
女王请求她的兄弟和奥地利皇帝表示他们受到了真切伤害,因为里歇卢政策的目标一直是贬低奥地利王室,要求他们对法国宣战,作为和平的条件,坚持红衣主教必须下台; —

but as to love, there was not a single word about it in all the letter.

The king, quite delighted, inquired if the cardinal was still at the Louvre; —
国王欣喜若狂,询问红衣主教是否还在卢浮宫; —

he was told that his Eminence awaited the orders of his Majesty in the business cabinet.

The king went straight to him.

“There, Duke,” said he, “you were right and I was wrong. —
“公爵,在这件事情上你是对的,我错了。 —

The whole intrigue is political, and there is not the least question of love in this letter; —
整个阴谋都是政治的,这封信里完全没有爱情的问题; —

but, on the other hand, there is abundant question of you.”

The cardinal took the letter, and read it with the greatest attention; —
枢机主教接过信,认真地读了起来; —

then, when he had arrived at the end of it, he read it a second time. —
在读到结尾处时,他又将信读了一遍。 —

“Well, your Majesty,” said he, “you see how far my enemies go; —
“陛下,”他说道,”您看到我的敌人是何等狠毒; —

they menace you with two wars if you do not dismiss me. —
他们威胁说如果您不将我解除职务,就要发动两场战争。 —

In your place, in truth, sire, I should yield to such powerful instance; —
实话告诉您,陛下,我在您的位置上,对于如此强大的威胁,我会让步; —

and on my part, it would be a real happiness to withdraw from public affairs.”

“What say you, Duke?”

“I say, sire, that my health is sinking under these excessive struggles and these never-ending labors. —
“我是说,陛下,我身体在这些过度的斗争和永无止境的劳动下支撑不住了。 —

I say that according to all probability I shall not be able to undergo the fatigues of the siege of La Rochelle, and that it would be far better that you should appoint there either Monsieur de Conde, Monsieur de Bassopierre, or some valiant gentleman whose business is war, and not me, who am a churchman, and who am constantly turned aside for my real vocation to look after matters for which I have no aptitude. —
我想,按照一切迹象,我可能无法承受洛歇尔城的围攻的劳累,最好由您派遣那里柴内担当,柏索皮尔伯爵,或者其他一些真正是战争专家的勇敢绅士,而不是我这样一个教士,被时常转移去处理我毫无才干的事务。 —

You would be the happier for it at home, sire, and I do not doubt you would be the greater for it abroad.”

“Monsieur Duke,” said the king, “I understand you. —
“公爵大人,”国王说道,”我了解您的意思。 —

Be satisfied, all who are named in that letter shall be punished as they deserve, even the queen herself.”

“What do you say, sire? God forbid that the queen should suffer the least inconvenience or uneasiness on my account! —
“您说什么,陛下?但愿因我而使皇后蒙受任何不便或不安! —

She has always believed me, sire, to be her enemy; —
她一直相信我是她的敌人,陛下,尽管陛下可以见证我一直在热烈支持她,甚至反对您。 —

although your Majesty can bear witness that I have always taken her part warmly, even against you. —
” —

Oh, if she betrayed your Majesty on the side of your honor, it would be quite another thing, and I should be the first to say, ‘No grace, sire–no grace for the guilty!’ —
哦,如果她对您陛下在尊严上背叛了,那就完全另当别论了,而我会第一个说:“陛下,对于有罪者不应该宽恕!” —

Happily, there is nothing of the kind, and your Majesty has just acquired a new proof of it.”

“That is true, Monsieur Cardinal,” said the king, “and you were right, as you always are; —
“这是真的,枢密大人,”国王说,“您总是正确的; —

but the queen, not the less, deserves all my anger.”

“It is you, sire, who have now incurred hers. —
“陛下,您现在却招致了她的怒火。 —

And even if she were to be seriously offended, I could well understand it; —
即使她真的感到受委屈,我也能理解; —

your Majesty has treated her with a severity–”

“It is thus I will always treat my enemies and yours, Duke, however high they may be placed, and whatever peril I may incur in acting severely toward them.”

“The queen is my enemy, but is not yours, sire; —
“王后是我的敌人,但不是您的,陛下; —

on the contrary, she is a devoted, submissive, and irreproachable wife. —
相反,她是一个忠诚、顺从和无可指责的妻子。 —

Allow me, then, sire, to intercede for her with your Majesty.”

“Let her humble herself, then, and come to me first.”

“On the contrary, sire, set the example. You have committed the first wrong, since it was you who suspected the queen.”

“What! I make the first advances?” said the king. “Never!”

“Sire, I entreat you to do so.”

“Besides, in what manner can I make advances first?”

“By doing a thing which you know will be agreeable to her.”

“What is that?”

“Give a ball; you know how much the queen loves dancing. —
“举办一场舞会;您知道王后是多么喜欢跳舞的。 —

I will answer for it, her resentment will not hold out against such an attention.”

“Monsieur Cardinal, you know that I do not like worldly pleasures.”

“The queen will only be the more grateful to you, as she knows your antipathy for that amusement; —
“王后将会更感激您,因为她知道您对那种娱乐的厌恶; —

besides, it will be an opportunity for her to wear those beautiful diamonds which you gave her recently on her birthday and with which she has since had no occasion to adorn herself.”

“We shall see, Monsieur Cardinal, we shall see,” said the king, who, in his joy at finding the queen guilty of a crime which he cared little about, and innocent of a fault of which he had great dread, was ready to make up all differences with her, “we shall see, but upon my honor, you are too indulgent toward her.”

“Sire,” said the cardinal, “leave severity to your ministers. Clemency is a royal virtue; —
“陛下,”枢密大臣说,“严厉交给您的大臣来做。仁慈是王者的美德; —

employ it, and you will find that you derive advantage therein.”

Thereupon the cardinal, hearing the clock strike eleven, bowed low, asking permission of the king to retire, and supplicating him to come to a good understanding with the queen.

Anne of Austria, who, in consequence of the seizure of her letter, expected reproaches, was much astonished the next day to see the king make some attempts at reconciliation with her. —
因为她的信被查获,期待着被责备,亚历山大女王第二天看到国王试图与她和解时感到非常惊讶。 —

Her first movement was repellent. Her womanly pride and her queenly dignity had both been so cruelly offended that she could not come round at the first advance; —
她的第一反应是排斥的。她的女子的自尊和王后的尊严都受到了如此残忍的侮辱,以至于她无法在第一步骤中接受; —

but, overpersuaded by the advice of her women, she at last had the appearance of beginning to forget. —
但是,在她的女仆的劝说下,最后她看起来开始忘记了。 —

The king took advantage of this favorable moment to tell her that her had the intention of shortly giving a fete.

A fete was so rare a thing for poor Anne of Austria that at this announcement, as the cardinal had predicted, the last trace of her resentment disappeared, if not from her heart at least from her countenance. —
对于可怜的安妮·奥地利来说,一场盛会是如此罕见,因此在这一宣布时,正如枢机主教所预测的那样,她心中的愤怒的最后痕迹消失了,至少在她的脸上是这样。 —

She asked upon what day this fete would take place, but the king replied that he must consult the cardinal upon that head.

Indeed, every day the king asked the cardinal when this fete should take place; —
每天国王问枢机主教这场盛会应该在何时举行; —

and every day the cardinal, under some pretext, deferred fixing it. —
而枢机主教每天都以某种借口推迟确定时间。 —

Ten days passed away thus.

On the eighth day after the scene we have described, the cardinal received a letter with the London stamp which only contained these lines: —
在我们描述的场面八天之后,枢机主教收到了一封盖有伦敦邮戳的信件,信中只有这几行: —

“I have them; but I am unable to leave London for want of money. —
“我已经得到了他们;但因为缺钱,我无法离开伦敦。 —

Send me five hundred pistoles, and four or five days after I have received them I shall be in Paris.”

On the same day the cardinal received this letter the king put his customary question to him.

Richelieu counted on his fingers, and said to himself, “She will arrive, she says, four or five days after having received the money. —
雷什卢自己用手指数着,心想,“她说,收到钱后四五天到达。 —

It will require four or five days for the transmission of the money, four or five days for her to return; —
传递金钱需要四五天,她回来也需要四五天; —

that makes ten days. Now, allowing for contrary winds, accidents, and a woman’s weakness, there are twelve days.”

“Well, Monsieur Duke,” said the king, “have you made your calculations?”

“Yes, sire. Today is the twentieth of September. —
“是的,陛下。今天是九月二十日。” —

The aldermen of the city give a fete on the third of October. —
这座城市的市政公爵们在十月三日举办盛大的庆典。 —

That will fall in wonderfully well; you will not appear to have gone out of your way to please the queen.”

Then the cardinal added, “A PROPOS, sire, do not forget to tell her Majesty the evening before the fete that you should like to see how her diamond studs become her.”