
D’Artagnan went straight to M. de Treville’s. —
达达尼安径直去找特雷维尔先生。 —

He had reflected that in a few minutes the cardinal would be warned by this cursed stranger, who appeared to be his agent, and he judged, with reason, he had not a moment to lose.

The heart of the young man overflowed with joy. —
这年轻人的心中充满了喜悦。 —

An opportunity presented itself to him in which there would be at the same time glory to be acquired, and money to be gained; —
一个机会出现在他面前,在那里可以同时获得荣耀和赚钱; —

and as a far higher encouragement, it brought him into close intimacy with a woman he adored. —
更高的鼓励是,这让他与他爱慕的女人更亲近。 —

This chance did, then, for him at once more than he would have dared to ask of Providence.

M. de Treville was in his saloon with his habitual court of gentlemen. —
特雷维尔先生和他的名流绅士们在客厅里。 —

D’Artagnan, who was known as a familiar of the house, went straight to his office, and sent word that he wished to see him on something of importance.

D’Artagnan had been there scarcely five minutes when M. de Treville entered. —
达达尼安来到那里不到五分钟,特雷维尔先生就进来了。 —

At the first glance, and by the joy which was painted on his countenance, the worthy captain plainly perceived that something new was on foot.

All the way along D’Artagnan had been consulting with himself whether he should place confidence in M. de Treville, or whether he should only ask him to give him CARTE BLANCHE for some secret affair. —
达达尼安一路上一直在考虑是否应该对特雷维尔先生坦白,或者是否只应该请求他给予他私下事务的CARTE BLANCHE。 —

But M. de Treville had always been so thoroughly his friend, had always been so devoted to the king and queen, and hated the cardinal so cordially, that the young man resolved to tell him everything.

“Did you ask for me, my good friend?” said M. de Treville.
“你找我有什么事,我好朋友?” 特雷维尔先生说。

‘Yes, monsieur,” said D’Artagnan, lowering his voice, “than the honor, perhaps the life of the queen.”
“是的,先生,” 达达尼安压低声音说,“有关王后的荣耀,也许是生命。”

“What did you say?” asked M. de Treville, glancing round to see if they were surely alone, and then fixing his questioning look upon D’Artagnan.

“I say, monsieur, that chance has rendered me master of a secret–”

“Which you will guard, I hope, young man, as your life.”

“But which I must impart to you, monsieur, for you alone can assist me in the mission I have just received from her Majesty.”

“Is this secret your own?”

“No, monsieur; it is her Majesty’s.”

“Are you authorized by her Majesty to communicate it to me?”

“No, monsieur, for, on the contrary, I am desired to preserve the profoundest mystery.”

“Why, then, are you about to betray it to me?”

“Because, as I said, without you I can do nothing; —
“因为正如我所说,没有您我无能为力; —

and I am afraid you will refuse me the favor I come to ask if you do not know to what end I ask it.”

“Keep your secret, young man, and tell me what you wish.”

“I wish you to obtain for me, from Monsieur Dessessart, leave of absence for fifteen days.”


“This very night.”

“You leave Paris?”

“I am going on a mission.”

“May you tell me whither?”

“To London.”

“Has anyone an interest in preventing your arrival there?”

“The cardinal, I believe, would give the world to prevent my success.”

“And you are going alone?”

“I am going alone.”

“In that case you will not get beyond Bondy. I tell you so, by the faith of De Treville.”

“How so?”

“You will be assassinated.”

“And I shall die in the performance of my duty.”

“But your mission will not be accomplished.”

“That is true,” replied D’Artagnan.

“Believe me,” continued Treville, “in enterprises of this kind, in order that one may arrive, four must set out.”

“Ah, you are right, monsieur,” said D’Artagnan; —
““啊,您说得对,先生,”达达尼安说; —

“but you know Athos, Porthos, and Aramis, and you know if I can dispose of them.”

“Without confiding to them the secret which I am not willing to know?”

“We are sworn, once for all, to implicit confidence and devotedness against all proof. —
“我们立誓,始终要绝对信任和忠诚,无论有何证据” —

Besides, you can tell them that you have full confidence in me, and they will not be more incredulous than you.”

“I can send to each of them leave of absence for fifteen days, that is all–to Athos, whose wound still makes him suffer, to go to the waters of Forges; —
“我可以给他们每人发放15天的休假,这就是全部了–给还在感到疼痛的阿索斯去弗尔热温泉; —

to Porthos and Aramis to accompany their friend, whom they are not willing to abandon in such a painful condition. —
给波尔多斯和阿拉米斯,陪同他们不愿意在这种痛苦状态下抛弃的朋友。 —

Sending their leave of absence will be proof enough that I authorize their journey.”

“Thanks, monsieur. You are a hundred times too good.”

“Begone, then, find them instantly, and let all be done tonight! Ha! —
“那就走吧,立即找到他们,今晚一切都要办好!哈! —

But first write your request to Dessessart. Perhaps you had a spy at your heels; —
但先写信给德塞萨尔请求。也许有人跟踪你; —

and your visit, if it should ever be known to the cardinal, will thus seem legitimate.”

D’Artagnan drew up his request, and M. de Treville, on receiving it, assured him that by two o’clock in the morning the four leaves of absence should be at the respective domiciles of the travelers.

“Have the goodness to send mine to Athos’s residence. —
“请您把我的送到阿索斯的住处。 —

I should dread some disagreeable encounter if I were to go home.”

“Be easy. Adieu, and a prosperous voyage. A PROPOS,” said M. de Treville, calling him back.

D’Artagnan returned.

“Have you any money?”

D’Artagnan tapped the bag he had in his pocket.

“Enough?” asked M. de Treville.

“Three hundred pistoles.”

“Oh, plenty! That would carry you to the end of the world. Begone, then!”

D’Artagnan saluted M. de Treville, who held out his hand to him; —
达达尼安向特雷维尔先生行了个礼, —

D’Artagnan pressed it with a respect mixed with gratitude. —
达达尼安充满尊敬和感激地握住了他的手。 —

Since his first arrival at Paris, he had had constant occasion to honor this excellent man, whom he had always found worthy, loyal, and great.

His first visit was to Aramis, at whose residence he ha not been since the famous evening on which he had followed Mme. Bonacieux. —
他的第一次拜访是去找阿拉米斯,自从他跟随波纳谢夫夫人度过那个著名的晚上之后,他就没有去过那里。 —

Still further, he had seldom seen the young Musketeer; —
此外,他很少看到那位年轻的火枪手; —

but every time he had seen him, he had remarked a deep sadness imprinted on his countenance.

This evening, especially, Aramis was melancholy and thoughtful. —
尤其是今晚,阿拉米斯在沮丧和若有所思。 —

D’Artagnan asked some questions about this prolonged melancholy. —
达达尼安询问了一些关于他持续沮丧的问题。 —

Aramis pleaded as his excuse a commentary upon the eighteenth chapter of St. Augustine, which he was forced to write in Latin for the following week, and which preoccupied him a good deal.

After the two friends had been chatting a few moments, a servant from M. de Treville entered, bringing a sealed packet.

“What is that?” asked Aramis.

“The leave of absence Monsieur has asked for,” replied the lackey.

“For me! I have asked for no leave of absence.”

“Hold your tongue and take it!” said D’Artagnan. —
“闭嘴,接着!”达达尼安说。 —

“And you, my friend, there is a demipistole for your trouble; —
“朋友,这是一块硬币,作为你的麻烦费; —

you will tell Monsieur de Treville that Monsieur Aramis is very much obliged to him. Go.”

The lackey bowed to the ground and departed.

“What does all this mean?” asked Aramis.

“Pack up all you want for a journey of a fortnight, and follow me.”

“But I cannot leave Paris just now without knowing–”

Aramis stopped.

“What is become of her? I suppose you mean–” continued D’Artagnan.

“Become of whom?” replied Aramis.

“The woman who was here–the woman with the embroidered handkerchief.”

“Who told you there was a woman here?” replied Aramis, becoming as pale as death.

“I saw her.”

“And you know who she is?”

“I believe I can guess, at least.”

“Listen!” said Aramis. “Since you appear to know so many things, can you tell me what is become of that woman?”

“I presume that she has returned to Tours.”

“To Tours? Yes, that may be. You evidently know her. —
“回了图尔?是的,可能是吧。你显然认识她。” —

But why did she return to Tours without telling me anything?”

“Because she was in fear of being arrested.”

“Why has she not written to me, then?”

“Because she was afraid of compromising you.”

“D’Artagnan, you restore me to life!” cried Aramis. “I fancied myself despised, betrayed. —
“达达尼安,你让我重生了!”阿拉米斯叫道。“我以为自己被蔑视、被背叛。 —

I was so delighted to see her again! I could not have believed she would risk her liberty for me, and yet for what other cause could she have returned to Paris?”

“for the cause which today takes us to England.”

“And what is this cause?” demanded Aramis.

“Oh, you’ll know it someday, Aramis; but at present I must imitate the discretion of ‘the doctor’s niece.’”

Aramis smiled, as he remembered the tale he had told his friends on a certain evening. —
阿拉米斯微笑着,他想起了他在某个晚上告诉朋友们的故事。 —

“Well, then, since she has left Paris, and you are sure of it, D’Artagnan, nothing prevents me, and I am ready to follow you. —
“好吧,既然她已经离开了巴黎,而你确定了这一点,达达尼昂,那就没有什么可以阻止我了,我准备好跟你去了。 —

You say we are going–”

“To see Athos now, and if you will come thither, I beg you to make haste, for we have lost much time already. —
“现在去看阿索斯,如果你愿意一起去,我请求你赶快,因为我们已经浪费了很多时间。 —

A PROPOS, inform Bazin.”

“Will Bazin go with us?” asked Aramis.

“Perhaps so. At all events, it is best that he should follow us to Athos’s.”

Aramis called Bazin, and, after having ordered him to join them at Athos’s residence, said “Let us go then,” at the same time taking his cloak, sword, and three pistols, opening uselessly two or three drawers to see if he could not find stray coin. —
阿拉米斯唤来巴津,吩咐他加入他们去阿索斯的住处,同时拿上他的斗篷、剑和三支手枪,徒劳地打开两三个抽屉查找是否有遗落的硬币。 —

When well assured this search was superfluous, he followed D’Artagnan, wondering to himself how this young Guardsman should know so well who the lady was to whom he had given hospitality, and that he should know better than himself what had become of her.

Only as they went out Aramis placed his hand upon the arm of D’Artagnan, and looking at him earnestly, “You have not spoken of this lady?” said he.

“To nobody in the world.”

“Not even to Athos or Porthos?”

“I have not breathed a syllable to them.”

“Good enough!”

Tranquil on this important point, Aramis continued his way with D’Artagnan, and both soon arrived at Athos’s dwelling. —
在这一重要点上,Aramis保持冷静,与达达尼安一起继续前行,很快便到了阿多斯的住所。 —

They found him holding his leave of absence in one hand, and M. de Treville’s note in the other.

“Can you explain to me what signify this leave of absence and this letter, which I have just received?” —
“你能解释一下这张休假准假和这封信的意义吗?我刚刚收到了” —

said the astonished Athos.

My dear Athos, I wish, as your health absolutely requires it, that you should rest for a fortnight. —
亲爱的阿多斯,我希望,由于你的健康绝对需要,你应该休息两周。 —

Go, then, and take the waters of Forges, or any that may be more agreeable to you, and recuperate yourself as quickly as possible.

Yours affectionate

De Treville

“Well, this leave of absence and that letter mean that you must follow me, Athos.”

“To the waters of Forges?”

“There or elsewhere.”

“In the king’s service?”

“Either the king’s or the queen’s. Are we not their Majesties’ servants?”

At that moment Porthos entered. “PARDIEU!” said he, “here is a strange thing! —
就在这时,波尔多斯进来了。“天哪!”他说,“这真是件奇怪的事情! —

Since when, I wonder, in the Musketeers, did they grant men leave of absence without their asking for it?”

“Since,” said D’Artagnan, “they have friends who ask it for them.”

“Ah, ah!” said Porthos, “it appears there’s something fresh here.”

“Yes, we are going–” said Aramis.

“To what country?” demanded Porthos.

“My faith! I don’t much about it,” said Athos. “Ask D’Artagnan.”

“To London, gentlemen,” said D’Artagnan.

“To London!” cried Porthos; “and what the devil are we going to do in London?”

“That is what I am not at liberty to tell you, gentlemen; you must trust to me.”

“But in order to go to London,” added Porthos, “money is needed, and I have none.”

“Nor I,” said Aramis.

“Nor I,” said Athos.

“I have,” replied D’Artagnan, pulling out his treasure from his pocket, and placing it on the table. —
“我有,”达达尼安回答,从口袋里掏出他的财宝,放在桌子上。 —

“There are in this bag three hundred pistoles. Let each take seventy-five; —
“这个袋子里有三百枚金币。每人拿七十五; —

that is enough to take us to London and back. —
这已经足够我们去伦敦和回来了。 —

Besides, make yourselves easy; we shall not all arrive at London.”

“Why so?”

“Because, in all probability, some one of us will be left on the road.”

“Is this, then, a campaign upon which we are now entering?”

“One of a most dangerous kind, I give you notice.”

“Ah! But if we do risk being killed,” said Porthos, “at least I should like to know what for.”

“You would be all the wiser,” said Athos.

“And yet,” said Aramis, “I am somewhat of Porthos’s opinion.”

“Is the king accustomed to give you such reasons? —
“国王惯常给你们这样的理由吗? —

No. He says to you jauntily, ‘Gentlemen, there is fighting going on in Gascony or in Flanders; —
不,他轻松地对你们说:‘先生们,加斯科尼或佛兰德正在打仗; —

go and fight,’ and you go there. Why? You need give yourselves no more uneasiness about this.”

“D’Artagnan is right,” said Athos; “here are our three leaves of absence which came from Monsieur de Treville, and here are three hundred pistoles which came from I don’t know where. —
“达达尼安是对的,”阿多斯说,“这是特雷维尔先生给我们的三张假期请假条,这是三百金币,我也不知道是从哪里来的。 —

So let us go and get killed where we are told to go. —
所以让我们遵照命令去送死吧。 —

Is life worth the trouble of so many questions? —
生命值得这么多问题吗? —

D’Artagnan, I am ready to follow you.”

“And I also,” said Porthos.

“And I also,” said Aramis. “And, indeed, I am not sorry to quit Paris; I had need of distraction.”

“Well, you will have distractions enough, gentlemen, be assured,” said D’Artagnan.

“And, now, when are we to go?” asked Athos.

“Immediately,” replied D’Artagnan; “we have not a minute to lose.”

“Hello, Grimaud! Planchet! Mousqueton! Bazin!” —
“嘿,格里莫!普兰谢!穆斯奎通!巴津!”四个年轻人呼喊着他们的仆役,“擦洗我的靴子,把马带来。” —

cried the four young men, calling their lackeys, “clean my boots, and fetch the horses from the hotel.”

Each Musketeer was accustomed to leave at the general hotel, as at a barrack, his own horse and that of his lackey. —
每个火枪手习惯于在总旅馆留下他和他的仆人的马,就像在军营一样。 —

Planchet, Grimaud, Mousqueton, and Bazin set off at full speed.

“Now let us lay down the plan of campaign,” said Porthos. “Where do we go first?”

“To Calais,” said D’Artagnan; “that is the most direct line to London.”

“Well,” said Porthos, “this is my advice–”


“Four men traveling together would be suspected. D’Artagnan will give each of us his instructions. —
“四个人一起旅行会引起怀疑。达达尼昂会给我们每个人指示。 —

I will go by the way of Boulogne to clear the way; —
我会经由布洛涅清路; —

Athos will set out two hours after, by that of Amiens; Aramis will follow us by that of Noyon; —
阿多斯会在两小时后,通过亚眠的路线出发;阿拉米斯会通过诺翁的路线跟随我们; —

as to D’Artagnan, he will go by what route he thinks is best, in Planchet’s clothes, while Planchet will follow us like D’Artagnan, in the uniform of the Guards.”

“Gentlemen,” said Athos, “my opinion is that it is not proper to allow lackeys to have anything to do in such an affair. —
“先生们,”阿多斯说道,”我认为让仆人在这样的事务中牵涉其中是不合适的。 —

A secret may, by chance, be betrayed by gentlemen; —
一个秘密可能会因为绅士的失言而泄露; —

but it is almost always sold by lackeys.”

“Porthos’s plan appears to me to be impracticable,” said D’Artagnan, “inasmuch as I am myself ignorant of what instructions I can give you. —
“波尔多斯的计划对我来说似乎行不通,”达达尼昂说道,”因为我自己也不知道该给你们什么指示。 —

I am the bearer of a letter, that is all, I have not, and I cannot make three copies of that letter, because it is sealed. —
我只是一个信使,仅此而已,我没有,也无法复制那封信,因为它是密封的。” —

We must, then, as it appears to me, travel in company. —
我们必须像我看来的那样,结伴同行。 —

This letter is here, in this pocket,” and he pointed to the pocket which contained the letter. —
这封信就在这儿,这个口袋里,”他指着那个口袋,里面装着那封信。 —

“If I should be killed, one of you must take it, and continue the route; —
“如果我被杀,你们中一个必须拿着它,继续前行; —

if he be killed, it will be another’s turn, and so on– provided a single one arrives, that is all that is required.”

“Bravo, D’Artagnan, your opinion is mine,” cried Athos, “Besides, we must be consistent; —
“好极了,达达尼昂,你的意见就是我的,”阿多斯喊道,“此外,我们必须做到言出必行; —

I am going to take the waters, you will accompany me. —
我要去用温泉,你们会陪我同行。 —

Instead of taking the waters of Forges, I go and take sea waters; I am free to do so. —
与其去弗尔日的温泉,我去海边沐浴;这是我的自由。 —

If anyone wishes to stop us, I will show Monsieur de Treville’s letter, and you will show your leaves of absence. —
如果有人想要阻止我们,我会展示特雷维尔先生的信,而你们则展示你们的休假单。 —

If we are attacked, we will defend ourselves; —
如果我们被攻击,我们会自卫; —

if we are tried, we will stoutly maintain that we were only anxious to dip ourselves a certain number of times in the sea. —
如果我们被审讯,我们会坚定地维护我们只是想在海里浸泡特定次数。 —

They would have an easy bargain of four isolated men; whereas four men together make a troop. —
四个孤立的人他们会轻易应付,然而四个人在一起就会形成一队。 —

We will arm our four lackeys with pistols and musketoons; —
我们会给我们的四个仆从配备手枪和火枪; —

if they send an army out against us, we will give battle, and the survivor, as D’Artagnan says, will carry the letter.”

“Well said,” cried Aramis; “you don’t often speak, Athos, but when you do speak, it is like St. John of the Golden Mouth. I agree to Athos’s plan. And you, Porthos?”

“I agree to it, too,” said Porthos, “if D’Artagnan approves of it. —
“我也同意,”波托斯说,“如果达达尼昂赞成的话。 —

D’Artagnan, being the bearer of the letter, is naturally the head of the enterprise; —
达达尼安作为信件的送信人,自然是这次行动的领头人; —

let him decide, and we will execute.”

“Well,” said D’Artagnan, “I decide that we should adopt Athos’s plan, and that we set off in half an hour.”

“Agreed!” shouted the three Musketeers in chorus.

Each one, stretching out his hand to the bag, took his seventy- five pistoles, and make his preparations to set out at the time appointed.