
As they rode along, the duke endeavored to draw from D’Artagnan, not all that had happened, but what D’Artagnan himself knew. —
当他们骑马前行时,公爵试图向达达尼安询问的并不是发生了什么事,而是达达尼安本身知道的情况。 —

By adding all that he heard from the mouth of the young man to his own remembrances, he was enabled to form a pretty exact idea of a position of the seriousness of which, for the rest, the queen’s letter, short but explicit, gave him the clue. —
通过将他从这个年轻人口中听到的一切与自己的回忆结合起来,他得以对这种严峻情况形成一个相当准确的概念,而此外,皇后的短而明确的信也给了他线索。 —

But that which astonished him most was that the cardinal, so deeply interested in preventing this young man from setting his foot in England, had not succeeded in arresting him on the road. —
但让他最惊讶的事情是,主教,对于阻止这个年轻人踏入英格兰极感兴趣,竟然未能在途中将他逮捕。 —

It was then, upon the manifestation of this astonishment, that D’Artagnan related to him the precaution taken, and how, thanks to the devotion of his three friends, whom he had left scattered and bleeding on the road, he had succeeded in coming off with a single sword thrust, which had pierced the queen’s letter and for which he had repaid M. de Wardes with such terrible coin. —
就在表现出这种惊讶的时候,达达尼安向他讲述了所采取的预防措施,以及如何由于他所留下的三位朋友的忠诚和血洒在道路上后,他成功地只受了一剑刺伤,这剑刺破了皇后的信,而他以那样可怕的报偿来回应了瓦德先生。 —

While he was listening to this recital, delivered with the greatest simplicity, the duke looked from time to time at the young man with astonishment, as if he could not comprehend how so much prudence, courage, and devotedness could be allied with a countenance which indicated not more than twenty years.

The horses went like the wind, and in a few minutes they were at the gates of London. —
马儿如风般疾驰,几分钟后他们就到了伦敦的城门口。 —

D’Artagnan imagined that on arriving in town the duke would slacken his pace, but it was not so. —
达达尼安想着一到城里,公爵会放慢速度,但并非如此。 —

He kept on his way at the same rate, heedless about upsetting those whom he met on the road. —
他以相同的速度继续前行,毫不在意撞倒了路上遇到的人。 —

In fact, in crossing the city two or three accidents of this kind happened; —
事实上,穿过城市时发生了两三起这样的意外事件; —

but Buckingham did not even turn his head to see what became of those he had knocked down. —
但巴克汉姆甚至都没有回头看看他撞倒的人的下场。 —

D’Artagnan followed him amid cries which strongly resembled curses.

On entering the court of his hotel, Buckingham sprang from his horse, and without thinking what became of the animal, threw the bridle on his neck, and sprang toward the vestibule. —
进入酒店庭院时,巴克汉姆从马上腾地下来,不考虑马匹的下场,将缰绳抛在马项上,朝着门厅跑去。 —

D’Artagnan did the same, with a little more concern, however, for the noble creatures, whose merits he fully appreciated; —
达达尼安也是如此,然而稍微担心些,因为他充分地赞赏那些可敬的生物; —

but he had the satisfaction of seeing three or four grooms run from the kitchens and the stables, and busy themselves with the steeds.

The duke walked so fast that D’Artagnan had some trouble in keeping up with him. —
公爵走得太快了,达尔塔尼有些跟不上他。 —

He passed through several apartments, of an elegance of which even the greatest nobles of France had not even an idea, and arrived at length in a bedchamber which was at once a miracle of taste and of richness. —
他穿过几个富丽堂皇的房间,甚至是法国最伟大的贵族们都不曾想象过的优雅,最终来到了一间卧室,同时展现了品味和奢华的奇迹。 —

In the alcove of this chamber was a door concealed in the tapestry which the duke opened with a little gold key which he wore suspended from his neck by a chain of the same metal. —
在房间的壁龛里有一扇隐藏在挂毯后面的门,公爵用一把小金钥匙打开了它,这把钥匙由一条金链挂在他的脖子上。 —

With discretion D’Artagnan remained behind; —
达尔塔尼谨慎地留在后面; —

but at the moment when Buckingham crossed the threshold, he turned round, and seeing the hesitation of the young man, “Come in!” —
但就在巴克金穿过门槛的那一刻,他转过身来,看到了这位年轻人的犹豫,“进来吧!” —

cried he, “and if you have the good fortune to be admitted to her Majesty’s presence, tell her what you have seen.”

Encouraged by this invitation, D’Artagnan followed the duke, who closed the door after them. —
得到邀请,达尔塔尼跟随公爵进去,公爵随后关上了门。 —

The two found themselves in a small chapel covered with a tapestry of Persian silk worked with gold, and brilliantly lighted with a vast number of candles. —
两人来到了一座小教堂,教堂布满了用金线织成的波斯丝织物,被大量的蜡烛照亮。 —

Over a species of altar, and beneath a canopy of blue velvet, surmounted by white and red plumes, was a full-length portrait of Anne of Austria, so perfect in its resemblance that D’Artagnan uttered a cry of surprise on beholding it. —
在一种祭坛的上方,一个配有蓝色天鹅绒帐篷,以及白色和红色羽毛的全身像是依然马上象躯,达尔塔尼看到这幅画时惊讶地叫了出来。 —

One might believe the queen was about to speak. —
人们或许会认为皇后马上就要开口说话了。 —

On the altar, and beneath the portrait, was the casket containing the diamond studs.

The duke approached the altar, knelt as a priest might have done before a crucifix, and opened the casket. —
公爵走近祭坛,跪下像一个牧师在十字架前祈祷,然后打开了盒子。 —

“There, said he, drawing from the casket a large bow of blue ribbon all sparkling with diamonds, “there are the precious studs which I have taken an oath should be buried with me. —
“看,”他从盒子里掏出一支用蓝色丝带系着的一大束闪闪发光的钻石,“这些珍贵的领扣是由我发誓要和我一起埋葬的。 —

The queen have them to me, the queen requires them again. —
皇后把它们给了我,现在又要求要回去。 —

Her will be done, like that of God, in all things.”

Then, he began to kiss, one after the other, those dear studs with which he was about to part. —
然后,他开始一个接一个地亲吻那些他即将离开的珍贵纽扣。 —

All at once he uttered a terrible cry.

“What is the matter?” exclaimed D’Artagnan, anxiously; “what has happened to you, my Lord?”
“怎么了?” 达达尼昂焦急地问道, “我主,发生了什么事?”

“All is lost!” cried Buckingham, becoming as pale as a corpse; —
“一切都完了!” 白金汉公爵大声喊道,脸色苍白如尸体; —

“two of the studs are wanting, there are only ten.”

“Can you have lost them, my Lord, or do you think they have been stolen?”

“They have been stolen,” replied the duke, “and it is the cardinal who has dealt this blow. —
“它们被盗了,” 公爵回答说, “这是基纽感我一下的打击。 —

Hold; see! The ribbons which held them have been cut with scissors.”

“If my Lord suspects they have been stolen, perhaps the person who stole them still has them in his hands.”

“Wait, wait!” said the duke. “The only time I have worn these studs was at a ball given by the king eight days ago at Windsor. —
“等等,等等!” 公爵说。 “我戴这些纽扣的唯一一次是八天前国王在温莎举行的一个舞会上。 —

The Comtesse de Winter, with whom I had quarreled, became reconciled to me at that ball. —
我与我曾为之争吵的温特伯伯爵夫人在那次舞会上言归于好。 —

That reconciliation was nothing but the vengeance of a jealous woman. —
这种和解不过是一个嫉妒女人的复仇。 —

I have never seen her from that day. The woman is an agent of the cardinal.”

“He has agents, then, throughout the world?” cried D’Artagnan.
“他竟然在全世界都有间谍?” 达达尼昂叫道。

“Oh, yes,” said Buckingham, grating his teeth with rage. —
“哦,是的,” 白金汉公爵咬牙切齿地说。 —

“Yes, he is a terrible antagonist. But when is this ball to take place?”

“Monday next.”

“Monday next! Still five days before us. That’s more time than we want. Patrick!” —
“下周一!我们还有五天的时间。这比我们需要的时间还要多。帕特里克!” —

cried the duke, opening the door of the chapel, “Patrick!” —
公爵喊道,打开教堂的门,”帕特里克!” —

His confidential valet appeared.

“My jeweler and my secretary.”

The valet went out with a mute promptitude which showed him accustomed to obey blindly and without reply.

But although the jeweler had been mentioned first, it was the secretary who first made his appearance. —
但是尽管首先提到了珠宝商,确实是秘书先出现了。 —

This was simply because he lived in the hotel. —
这仅仅是因为他住在酒店里。 —

He found Buckingham seated at a table in his bedchamber, writing orders with his own hand.

“Mr. Jackson,” said he, “go instantly to the Lord Chancellor, and tell him that I charge him with the execution of these orders. —
“杰克逊先生,”他说,”立刻去找大法官,告诉他我委托他执行这些建议。 —

I wish them to be promulgated immediately.”

“But, my Lord, if the Lord Chancellor interrogates me upon the motives which may have led your Grace to adopt such an extraordinary measure, what shall I reply?”

“That such is my pleasure, and that I answer for my will to no man.”

“Will that be the answer,” replied the secretary, smiling, “which he must transmit to his Majesty if, by chance, his Majesty should have the curiosity to know why no vessel is to leave any of the ports of Great Britain?”

“You are right, Mr. Jackson,” replied Buckingham. —
“你说得对,杰克逊先生,”巴克汉姆回答道。 —

“He will say, in that case, to the king that I am determined on war, and that this measure is my first act of hostility against France.”

The secretary bowed and retired.

“We are safe on that side,” said Buckingham, turning toward D’Artagnan. —
“我们在那一面是安全的,”巴克汉姆转向达达尼昂说。 —

“If the studs are not yet gone to Paris, they will not arrive till after you.”

“How so?”

“I have just placed an embargo on all vessels at present in his Majesty’s ports, and without particular permission, not one dare life an anchor.”

D’Artagnan looked with stupefaction at a man who thus employed the unlimited power with which he was clothed by the confidence of a king in the prosecution of his intrigues. —
达达尼昂惊讶地看着这个利用自己在国王信任下获得的无限权力来进行阴谋的人。 —

Buckingham saw by the expression of the young man’s face what was passing in his mind, and he smiled.

“Yes,” said he, “yes, Anne of Austria is my true queen. —
“是的,”他说,“是的,安妮·德·奥地利是我的真正的皇后。 —

Upon a word from her, I would betray my country, I would betray my king, I would betray my God. She asked me not to send the Protestants of La Rochelle the assistance I promised them; —
只要她一句话,我就会背叛我的国家,我会背叛我的国王,我会背叛我的上帝。她要求我不向La Rochelle的新教徒提供我承诺的援助; —

I have not done so. I broke my word, it is true; but what signifies that? I obeyed my love; —
我没有这样做。我违背了我的诺言,这是真的;但那又有什么关系呢?我听从了我的爱情; —

and have I not been richly paid for that obedience? —
对于这种服从,我获得了丰厚的回报。 —

It was to that obedience I owe her portrait.”

D’Artagnan was amazed to note by what fragile and unknown threads the destinies of nations and the lives of men are suspended. —
达达尼昂惊讶地发现国家的命运和人们的生活竟然取决于如此脆弱而未知的联系。 —

He was lost in these reflections when the goldsmith entered. —
当这位金匠进来时,他陷入了沉思之中。 —

He was an Irishman–one of the most skillful of his craft, and who himself confessed that he gained a hundred thousand livres a year by the Duke of Buckingham.

“Mr. O’Reilly,” said the duke, leading him into the chapel, “look at these diamond studs, and tell me what they are worth apiece.”

The goldsmith cast a glance at the elegant manner in which they were set, calculated, one with another, what the diamonds were worth, and without hesitation said, “Fifteen hundred pistoles each, my Lord.”

“How many days would it require to make two studs exactly like them? You see there are two wanting.”

“Eight days, my Lord.”

“I will give you three thousand pistoles apiece if I can have them by the day after tomorrow.”

“My Lord, they shall be yours.”

“You are a jewel of a man, Mr. O’Reilly; but that is not all. —
“奥赖利先生,您是一位宝石般的人,但这还不是全部。 —

These studs cannot be trusted to anybody; —
这些领扣不能交给任何人信任; —

it must be done in the palace.”

“Impossible, my Lord! There is no one but myself can so execute them that one cannot tell the new from the old.”

“Therefore, my dear Mr. O’Reilly, you are my prisoner. —
“因此,我亲爱的奥赖利先生,您是我的囚犯。 —

And if you wish ever to leave my palace, you cannot; so make the best of it. —
如果您希望能离开我的宫殿,那是不可能的;所以好好对待这一切。 —

Name to me such of your workmen as you need, and point out the tools they must bring.”

The goldsmith knew the duke. He knew all objection would be useless, and instantly determined how to act.

“May I be permitted to inform my wife?” said he.

“Oh, you may even see her if you like, my dear Mr. O’Reilly. —
“哦,亲爱的奥赖利先生,你甚至可以去见她。 —

Your captivity shall be mild, be assured; —
保证你的囚禁会很宽松; —

and as every inconvenience deserves its indemnification, here is, in addition to the price of the studs, an order for a thousand pistoles, to make you forget the annoyance I cause you.”

D’Artagnan could not get over the surprise created in him by this minister, who thus open-handed, sported with men and millions.

As to the goldsmith, he wrote to his wife, sending her the order for the thousand pistoles, and charging her to send him, in exchange, his most skillful apprentice, an assortment of diamonds, of which he gave the names and the weight, and the necessary tools.

Buckingham conducted the goldsmith to the chamber destined for him, and which, at the end of half an hour, was transformed into a workshop. —
白金汉领着金匠去了分配给他的房间,半小时后,房间变成了一个工作间。 —

Then he placed a sentinel at each door, with an order to admit nobody upon any pretense but his VALET DE CHAMBRE, Patrick. —
然后他在每个门口站岗,命令任何人只能让他的座房男仆派翠克进入。 —

We need not add that the goldsmith, O’Reilly, and his assistant, were prohibited from going out under any pretext. —
我们需要补充一点,金匠奥雷利和他的助手被禁止以任何借口外出。 —

This point, settled, the duke turned to D’Artagnan. —
事情已经安排好,公爵转向了达达尼昂。 —

“Now, my young friend,” said he, “England is all our own. —
“现在,我的年轻朋友,”他说,”英格兰完全属于我们。 —

What do you wish for? What do you desire?”

“A bed, my Lord,” replied D’Artagnan. “At present, I confess, that is the thing I stand most in need of.”

Buckingham gave D’Artagnan a chamber adjoining his own. —
白金汉给达达尼昂一个邻近自己房间的房间。 —

He wished to have the young man at hand–not that he at all mistrusted him, but for the sake of having someone to whom he could constantly talk of the queen.

In one hour after, the ordinance was published in London that no vessel bound for France should leave port, not even the packet boat with letters. —
一个小时后,伦敦发布了命令,禁止任何前往法国的船只离港,甚至连带有信件的邮船也不例外。 —

In the eyes of everybody this was a declaration of war between the two kingdoms.

On the day after the morrow, by eleven o’clock, the two diamond studs were finished, and they were so completely imitated, so perfectly alike, that Buckingham could not tell the new ones from the old ones, and experts in such matters would have been deceived as he was. —
后天十一点,两颗钻石纽扣制作完成,并且它们如此完美地模仿,如此完全相同,以至于白金汉无法区分新旧,就像他被欺骗一样,专业人士也会。 —

He immediately called D’Artagnan. “Here,” said he to him, “are the diamond studs that you came to bring; —
他立刻叫来达达尼昂。”这里,”他对他说,”是你带来的钻石纽扣; —

and be my witness that I have done all that human power could do.”

“Be satisfied, my Lord, I will tell all that I have seen. —
“放心,大人,我会把我看到的一切告诉给你。 —

But does your Grace mean to give me the studs without the casket?”

“The casket would encumber you. Besides, the casket is the more precious from being all that is left to me. —
小箱会给您添麻烦的。再说,小箱对我来说更宝贵,因为那是我留给我的唯一宝物。 —

You will say that I keep it.”

“I will perform your commission, word for word, my Lord.”

“And now,” resumed Buckingham, looking earnestly at the young man, “how shall I ever acquit myself of the debt I owe you?”

D’Artagnan blushed up to the whites of his eyes. —
达达尼安脸颊发热,直到眼白都是。 —

He saw that the duke was searching for a means of making him accept something and the idea that the blood of his friends and himself was about to be paid for with English gold was strangely repugnant to him.

“Let us understand each other, my Lord,” replied D’Artagnan, “and let us make things clear beforehand in order that there may be no mistake. —
让我们明白彼此,陛下,“达达尼安回答道,”让我们事先搞清楚,以免发生误会。 —

I am in the service of the King and Queen of France, and form part of the company of Monsieur Dessessart, who, as well as his brother-in-law, Monsieur de Treville, is particularly attached to their Majesties. —
我是法国国王和王后的臣子,隶属于德萨萨特先生的部队,他和他的姐夫特雷维勒先生都对陛下非常忠诚。 —

What I have done, then, has been for the queen, and not at all for your Grace. And still further, it is very probable I should not have done anything of this, if it had not been to make myself agreeable to someone who is my lady, as the queen is yours.”

“Yes,” said the duke, smiling, “and I even believe that I know that other person; it is–”

“My Lord, I have not named her!” interrupted the young man, warmly.

“That is true,” said the duke; “and it is to this person I am bound to discharge my debt of gratitude.”

“You have said, my Lord; for truly, at this moment when there is question of war, I confess to you that I see nothing in your Grace but an Englishman, and consequently an enemy whom I should have much greater pleasure in meeting on the field of battle than in the park at Windsor of the corridors of the Louvre–all which, however, will not prevent me from executing to the very point my commission or from laying down my life, if there be need of it, to accomplish it; —
您说的对,陛下;实际上,在现在讨论战争的时刻,我必须对您坦诚,我只看到您的殿下是一个英国人,因此是一个敌人,我更希望在战场上见到您,而不是在温莎公园或卢浮宫的走廊里–但是这些都不会妨碍我贯彻我的使命,或者在必要时把性命献出来完成它; —

but I repeat it to your Grace, without your having personally on that account more to thank me for in this second interview than for what I did for you in the first.”

“We say, ‘Proud as a Scotsman,’” murmured the Duke of Buckingham.

“And we say, ‘Proud as a Gascon,’” replied D’Artagnan. “The Gascons are the Scots of France.”

D’Artagnan bowed to the duke, and was retiring.

“Well, are you going away in that manner? Where, and how?”

“That’s true!”

“Fore Gad, these Frenchmen have no consideration!”

“I had forgotten that England was an island, and that you were the king of it.”

“Go to the riverside, ask for the brig SUND, and give this letter to the captain; —
“去河边,找船‘SUND’号,把这封信交给船长; —

he will convey you to a little port, where certainly you are not expected, and which is ordinarily only frequented by fishermen.”

“The name of that port?”

“St. Valery; but listen. When you have arrived there you will go to a mean tavern, without a name and without a sign–a mere fisherman’s hut. —
“瓦勒里;但要听好。一到那里,你会去一个普通的酒馆,没有名字也没有招牌——一个简陋的渔民小屋。 —

You cannot be mistaken; there is but one.”


“You will ask for the host, and will repeat to him the word ‘Forward!’”

“Which means?”

“In French, EN AVANT. It is the password. —
“向前进。这是密码。 —

He will give you a horse all saddled, and will point out to you the road you ought to take. —
他会给你一匹已经装备好鞍具的马,并指出你应该走的路。 —

You will find, in the same way, four relays on your route. —
同样,在途中你会找到四匹替换的马。 —

If you will give at each of these relays your address in Paris, the four horses will follow you thither. —
如果你在每个替换点上给出你在巴黎的地址,这四匹马会跟随你到那里。 —

You already know two of them, and you appeared to appreciate them like a judge. —
你已经认识其中两匹,并且看起来像个评判员一样欣赏它们。 —

They were those we rode on; and you may rely upon me for the others not being inferior to them. —
那些就是我们骑过的,你可以相信其他的不会比它们差。 —

These horses are equipped for the field. —
这些马是为战斗而装备的。 —

However proud you may be, you will not refuse to accept one of them, and to request your three companions to accept the others–that is, in order to make war against us. —
无论你有多骄傲,你也不会拒绝接受其中一匹,并请求你的三个同伴接受其他的,这就是为了对抗我们。 —

Besides, the end justified the means, as you Frenchmen say, does it not?”

“Yes, my Lord, I accept them,” said D’Artagnan; —
“是的,大人,我接受它们,”达达尼安说; —

“and if it please God, we will make a good use of your presents.”

“Well, now, your hand, young man. Perhaps we shall soon meet on the field of battle; —
“好的,现在,给我你的手,年轻人。也许我们很快就会在战场上见面; —

but in the meantime we shall part good friends, I hope.”

“Yes, my Lord; but with the hope of soon becoming enemies.”

“Be satisfied; I promise you that.”

“I depend upon your word, my Lord.”

D’Artagnan bowed to the duke, and made his way as quickly as possible to the riverside. —
达达尼安向公爵鞠躬,尽快赶往河边。 —

Opposite the Tower of London he found the vessel that had been named to him, delivered his letter to the captain, who after having it examined by the governor of the port made immediate preparations to sail.

Fifty vessels were waiting to set out. Passing alongside one of them, D’Artagnan fancied he perceived on board it the woman of Meung–the same whom the unknown gentleman had called Milady, and whom D’Artagnan had thought so handsome; —
有五十艘船只在等待出发。达达尼安经过其中一艘时,似乎看到了他在穆恩见过的那位女人–那位不知名绅士称她为米莱迪,达达尼安认为她很漂亮; —

but thanks to the current of the stream and a fair wind, his vessel passed so quickly that he had little more than a glimpse of her.

The next day about nine o’clock in the morning, he landed at St. Valery. —
第二天早上大约九点,他在瓦列里登陆。 —

D’Artagnan went instantly in search of the inn, and easily discovered it by the riotous noise which resounded from it. —
达达尼安立即寻找客栈,很容易就从里面传来的喧闹声中找到了。 —

War between England and France was talked of as near and certain, and the jolly sailors were having a carousal.

D’Artagnan made his way through the crowd, advanced toward the host, and pronounced the word “Forward!” —
达达尼安穿过人群,向店主靠近,说出了“前进”的口令! —

The host instantly made him a sign to follow, went out with him by a door which opened into a yard, led him to the stable, where a saddled horse awaited him, and asked him if he stood in need of anything else.

“I want to know the route I am to follow,” said D’Artagnan.

“Go from hence to Blangy, and from Blangy to Neufchatel. —
“从这里去布朗吉,然后去讷夫夏泰。 —

At Neufchatel, go to the tavern of the Golden Harrow, give the password to the landlord, and you will find, as you have here, a horse ready saddled.”

“Have I anything to pay?” demanded D’Artagnan.

“Everything is paid,” replied the host, “and liberally. Begone, and may God guide you!”

“Amen!” cried the young man, and set off at full gallop.

Four hours later he was in Neufchatel. He strictly followed the instructions he had received. —
四个小时后,他到了纳熙舍泰尔。他严格遵循了收到的指示。 —

At Neufchatel, as at St. Valery, he found a horse quite ready and awaiting him. —
在纳熙舍泰尔,就像在圣瓦莱一样,他发现一匹等待他的马已经准备好了。 —

He was about to remove the pistols from the saddle he had quit to the one he was about to fill, but he found the holsters furnished with similar pistols.

“Your address at Paris?”

“Hotel of the Guards, company of Dessessart.”

“Enough,” replied the questioner.

“Which route must I take?” demanded D’Artagnan, in his turn.

“That of Rouen; but you will leave the city on your right. —
“鲁昂的路线;但你要绕过这个城市。” —

You must stop at the little village of Eccuis, in which there is but one tavern–the Shield of France. —
“你必须停在Eccuis这个小村庄,那里只有一个小酒馆——法兰西之盾。” —

Don’t condemn it from appearances; you will find a horse in the stables quite as good as this.”

“The same password?”


“Adieu, master!”

“A good journey, gentlemen! Do you want anything?”

D’Artagnan shook his head, and set off at full speed. At Eccuis, the same scene was repeated. —
达达尼昂摇了摇头,全速前行。在埃库伊,同样的情景再次上演。 —

He found as provident a host and a fresh horse. —
他找到了一个体贴的主人和一匹新马。 —

He left his address as he had done before, and set off again at the same pace for Pontoise. —
他像之前一样留下了地址,然后以同样的速度再次向庞蒂斯出发。 —

At Pontoise he changed his horse for the last time, and at nine o’clock galloped into the yard of Treville’s hotel. —
在庞蒂斯,他最后一次换了马,九点整飞奔进特雷维尔酒店的院子里。 —

He had made nearly sixty leagues in little more than twelve hours.

M. de Treville received him as if he had seen him that same morning; —
特雷维尔先生像当天早上见到他一样接待了他; —

only, when pressing his hand a little more warmly than usual, he informed him that the company of Dessessart was on duty at the Louvre, and that he might repair at once to his post.