THE AUDIENCEM. de Treville was at the moment in rather ill-humor, nevertheless he saluted the young man politely, who bowed to the very ground; —
德特雷维尔那时心情有些糟糕,但他还是礼貌地向年轻人致意,而那个年轻人则向他深深鞠躬; —

and he smiled on receiving D’Artagnan’s response, the Bearnese accent of which recalled to him at the same time his youth and his country–a double remembrance which makes a man smile at all ages; —
他收到达达尼昂的回应时微笑起来,贝阿内斯口音让他同时想起了青春和家乡——这两重回忆让一个人在任何年龄都会笑起来; —

but stepping toward the antechamber and making a sign to D’Artagnan with his hand, as if to ask his permission to finish with others before he began with him, he called three times, with a louder voice at each time, so that he ran through the intervening tones between the imperative accent and the angry accent.

“Athos! Porthos! Aramis!”

The two Musketeers with whom we have already made acquaintance, and who answered to the last of these three names, immediately quitted the group of which they had formed a part, and advanced toward the cabinet, the door of which closed after them as soon as they had entered. —
我们已经相识的两个近卫骑士,对最后一个名字有回应,立刻离开了他们所在的小组,朝着内室走来,他们一进去,门立刻关上了。 —

Their appearance, although it was not quite at ease, excited by its carelessness, at once full of dignity and submission, the admiration of D’Artagnan, who beheld in these two men demigods, and in their leader an Olympian Jupiter, armed with all his thunders.

When the two Musketeers had entered; when the door was closed behind them; —
两位近卫骑士进去之后,门关上了; —

when the buzzing murmur of the antechamber, to which the summons which had been made had doubtless furnished fresh food, had recommenced; —
随着内室的低语声再次响起,显然刚才的召唤成了新的话题; —

when M. de Treville had three or four times paced in silence, and with a frowning brow, the whole length of his cabinet, passing each time before Porthos and Aramis, who were as upright and silent as if on parade–he stopped all at once full in front of them, and covering them from head to foot with an angry look, “Do you know what the king said to me,” cried he, “and that no longer ago then yesterday evening–do you know, gentlemen?”

“No,” replied the two Musketeers, after a moment’s silence, “no, sir, we do not.”

“But I hope that you will do us the honor to tell us,” added Aramis, in his politest tone and with his most graceful bow.

“He told me that he should henceforth recruit his Musketeers from among the Guards of Monsieur the Cardinal.”

“The Guards of the cardinal! And why so?” asked Porthos, warmly.

“Because he plainly perceives that his piquette* stands in need of being enlivened by a mixture of good wine.”

A watered liquor, made from the second pressing of the grape.

The two Musketeers reddened to the whites of their eyes. —
两位火枪手的脸红得发白。 —

D’Artagnan did not know where he was, and wished himself a hundred feet underground.

“Yes, yes,” continued M. de Treville, growing warmer as he spoke, “and his majesty was right; —
“是的,是的,” 德特雷维勒越说越激动,”他的陛下是对的; —

for, upon my honor, it is true that the Musketeers make but a miserable figure at court. —
因为凭我的荣誉,火枪手在宫廷里确实表现得很糟糕。 —

The cardinal related yesterday while playing with the king, with an air of condolence very displeasing to me, that the day before yesterday those DAMNED MUSKETEERS, those DAREDEVILS–he dwelt upon those words with an ironical tone still more displeasing to me–those BRAGGARTS, added he, glancing at me with his tiger- cat’s eye, had made a riot in the Rue Ferou in a cabaret, and that a party of his Guards (I thought he was going to laugh in my face) had been forced to arrest the rioters! —
昨天枢机主教在与国王玩耍时提到,语气非常让我不悦,前天那些可恶的火枪手、那些莽夫,他用一种更令我不悦的讽刺口吻强调,那些自夸的家伙,接着他猛瞪着我那只像老虎一样的眼睛说,枢机主教卿厌恶地说,他们在费洛大街一个酒馆制造骚乱,他的卫兵们(我觉得他要在我面前笑出声)被迫逮捕了骚乱者! —

MORBLEU! You must know something about it. Arrest Musketeers! You were among them–you were! —
该死!你一定知道点什么。逮捕火枪手!你当时就在他们中间–你在场! —

Don’t deny it; you were recognized, and the cardinal named you. But it’s all my fault; —
不要否认,你被认出来了,是枢机主教提到了你。但都怪我; —

yes, it’s all my fault, because it is myself who selects my men. —
是的,都怪我,因为是我选的人。 —

You, Aramis, why the devil did you ask me for a uniform when you would have been so much better in a cassock? —
你,亚拉米斯,为什么要穿上制服,你穿上神职服装岂不更合适? —

And you, Porthos, do you only wear such a fine golden baldric to suspend a sword of straw from it? —
你,波托斯,你系个这么漂亮的金色肩带,却挂上一把草编的剑? —

And Athos–I don’t see Athos. Where is he?”

“Ill–very ill, say you? And of what malady?”

“It is feared that it may be the smallpox, sir,” replied Porthos, desirous of taking his turn in the conversation; —
“据说是天花,先生,” 波托斯想要插话; —

“and what is serious is that it will certainly spoil his face.”

“The smallpox! That’s a great story to tell me, Porthos! Sick of the smallpox at his age! No, no; —
不要常给我吹这种故事,波托斯!他这年纪得天花! 不,不;” —

but wounded without doubt, killed, perhaps. Ah, if I knew! S’blood! —
但无疑受伤,或许会被杀。啊,要是我知道!该死! —

Messieurs Musketeers, I will not have this haunting of bad places, this quarreling in the streets, this swordplay at the crossways; —
各位火枪手,我不允许在恶劣地方游荡,不允许在街头争斗,不允许在十字路口挥舞剑; —

and above all, I will not have occasion given for the cardinal’s Guards, who are brave, quiet, skillful men who never put themselves in a position to be arrested, and who, besides, never allow themselves to be arrested, to laugh at you! —
最重要的是,我不允许给基纳的近卫军留下一些可笑的理由,他们是勇敢、沉着、技艺高超的人,他们从不让自己置于被捕的危险中,而且绝对不会被捕,更不会笑是现在的你们! —

I am sure of it–they would prefer dying on the spot to being arrested or taking back a step. —
我敢肯定——他们宁愿当场战死,也不愿被捕或撤退一步。 —

To save yourselves, to scamper away, to flee–that is good for the king’s Musketeers!”

Porthos and Aramis trembled with rage. They could willingly have strangled M. de Treville, if, at the bottom of all this, they had not felt it was the great love he bore them which made him speak thus. —
波尔多和阿拉米斯因愤怒而颤抖。如果不是被他对他们的深厚爱所感动,他们恨不能把德特雷维尔勋爵勒死。 —

They stamped upon the carpet with their feet; —
他们用力跺脚地踩在地毯上; —

they bit their lips till the blood came, and grasped the hilts of their swords with all their might. All without had heard, as we have said, Athos, Porthos, and Aramis called, and had guessed, from M. de Treville’s tone of voice, that he was very angry about something. —
咬着嘴唇流出血来,紧紧握住剑柄。所有人都听见了,如我们所说,阿索斯、波尔多和阿拉米斯被德特雷维尔勋爵召见,从德特雷维尔的语气中,他是在为某些事情非常生气。 —

Ten curious heads were glued to the tapestry and became pale with fury; —
十个好奇的脑袋贴在挂毯上,愤怒地变得苍白; —

for their ears, closely applied to the door, did not lose a syllable of what he said, while their mouths repeated as he went on, the insulting expressions of the captain to all the people in the antechamber. —
因为他们贴着门紧密地听着,没有漏听下来的每一个字句,同时他们的嘴巴随着他继续发表的话语不断重复,将军对大厅里所有人说的侮辱性的言辞。 —

In an instant, from the door of the cabinet to the street gate, the whole hotel was boiling.

“Ah! The king’s Musketeers are arrested by the Guards of the cardinal, are they?” —
“啊!国王的火枪手被红衣主教的近卫军逮捕了,是吗?” —

continued M. de Treville, as furious at heart as his soldiers, but emphasizing his words and plunging them, one by one, so to say, like so many blows of a stiletto, into the bosoms of his auditors. —
德特雷维尔勋爵接着说,心里与士兵们一样愤怒,但他的话语更强调,像插入听众胸膛的小剑一样,一个接一个往下插。 —

“What! Six of his Eminence’s Guards arrest six of his Majesty’s Musketeers! MORBLEU! —
“什么!六位红衣主教的近卫军逮捕了六位国王陛下的火枪手!该死! —

My part is taken! I will go straight to the louvre; —
我已经作出决定!我将直接去卢浮宫; —

I will give in my resignation as captain of the king’s Musketeers to take a lieutenancy in the cardinal’s Guards, and if he refuses me, MORBLEU! I will turn abbe.”

At these words, the murmur without became an explosion; —
在这些话语下,外面的嘈杂声变成了一场爆炸; —

nothing was to be heard but oaths and blasphemies. —
只能听到咒骂和亵渎的声音。 —

The MORBLUES, the SANG DIEUS, the MORTS TOUTS LES DIABLES, crossed one another in the air. —

D’Artagnan looked for some tapestry behind which he might hide himself, and felt an immense inclination to crawl under the table.

“Well, my Captain,” said Porthos, quite beside himself, “the truth is that we were six against six. —
“嗯,我的队长,”波尔多斯完全失去理智地说,“事实是我们是六对六。 —

But we were not captured by fair means; and before we had time to draw our swords, two of our party were dead, and Athos, grievously wounded, was very little better. —
但我们并不是正大光明地被俘;在我们来得及拔剑之前,我们的两个队友已经死了,而阿多斯则受了重伤,情况很不妙。 —

For you know Athos. Well, Captain, he endeavored twice to get up, and fell again twice. —
因为你了解阿多斯。嗯,队长,他努力地起身两次,然后又摔倒两次。 —

And we did not surrender–no! They dragged us away by force. On the way we escaped. —
我们并没有投降——不!他们用武力将我们拖走了。在途中我们逃脱了。 —

As for Athos, they believed him to be dead, and left him very quiet on the field of battle, not thinking it worth the trouble to carry him away. —
至于阿多斯,他们以为他已经死了,便把他留在战场上静静地没有再花力气带走他。 —

That’s the whole story. What the devil, Captain, one cannot win all one’s battles! —
这就是整个故事。该死的,队长,人不能赢得所有的战斗! —

The great Pompey lost that of Pharsalia; —
伟大的庞培输掉了法萨里亚之战; —

and Francis the First, who was, as I have heard say, as good as other folks, nevertheless lost the Battle of Pavia.”

“And I have the honor of assuring you that I killed one of them with his own sword,” said Aramis; —
“我有荣幸地告诉您,我用他自己的剑杀死了其中一人,”阿拉米斯说; —

“for mine was broken at the first parry. —
“因为我的剑在第一次招架的时候就断了。 —

Killed him, or poniarded him, sir, as is most agreeable to you.”

“I did not know that,” replied M. de Treville, in a somewhat softened tone. —
“我不知道这一点,”特雷维尔爵士以稍微柔和的语气回答说。 —

“The cardinal exaggerated, as I perceive.”

“But pray, sir,” continued Aramis, who, seeing his captain become appeased, ventured to risk a prayer, “do not say that Athos is wounded. —
“但请问,先生,”阿拉米斯继续说道。看到上级渐渐平息下来,他冒险请求道,”请不要说阿多斯受伤了。 —

He would be in despair if that should come to the ears of the king; —
如果这事传到国王耳中,他会万分伤心; —

and as the wound is very serious, seeing that after crossing the shoulder it penetrates into the chest, it is to be feared–”

At this instant the tapestry was raised and a noble and handsome head, but frightfully pale, appeared under the fringe.

“Athos!” cried the two Musketeers.

“Athos!” repeated M. de Treville himself.

“You have sent for me, sir,” said Athos to M. de Treville, in a feeble yet perfectly calm voice, “you have sent for me, as my comrades inform me, and I have hastened to receive your orders. —
“您召唤我,先生,”阿多斯以虚弱而完全镇定的语气对特雷维尔爵士说道,”您召唤我,正如我的同僚们告诉我的,我赶紧前来接受您的命令。 —

I am here; what do you want with me?”

And at these words, the Musketeer, in irreproachable costume, belted as usual, with a tolerably firm step, entered the cabinet. —
说完这些话,这位穿着无可挑剔制服、像往常一样腰间束着剑的骑士,步伐相当坚定地走进内阁。 —

M. de Treville, moved to the bottom of his heart by this proof of courage, sprang toward him.

“I was about to say to these gentlemen,” added he, “that I forbid my Musketeers to expose their lives needlessly; —
“我正要对这些先生们说,“他补充道,”我禁止我的麻坡不必要地拼命; —

for brave men are very dear to the king, and the king knows that his Musketeers are the bravest on the earth. Your hand, Athos!”

And without waiting for the answer of the newcomer to this proof of affection, M. de Treville seized his right hand and pressed it with all his might, without perceiving that Athos, whatever might be his self-command, allowed a slight murmur of pain to escape him, and if possible, grew paler than he was before.

The door had remained open, so strong was the excitement produced by the arrival of Athos, whose wound, though kept as a secret, was known to all. —
门仍然敞开着,由于阿多斯的到来而产生的兴奋是如此之强烈,尽管他的伤口被保密,但所有人都知道。 —

A burst of satisfaction hailed the last words of the captain; —
船长最后的话引发了一阵满意的欢呼声; —

and two or three heads, carried away by the enthusiasm of the moment, appeared through the openings of the tapestry. —
几个头似乎被当时的狂热所带动,从挂毯的缝隙中探了出来。 —

M. de Treville was about to reprehend this breach of the rules of etiquette, when he felt the hand of Athos, who had rallied all his energies to contend against pain, at length overcome by it, fell upon the floor as if he were dead.

“A surgeon!” cried M. de Treville, “mine! The king’s! The best! —
“外科医生!”德特雷维尔先生喊道,“找我的!国王的!最好的! —

A surgeon! Or, s’blood, my brave Athos will die!”

At the cries of M. de Treville, the whole assemblage rushed into the cabinet, he not thinking to shut the door against anyone, and all crowded round the wounded man. —
在德特雷维尔先生的呼喊声中,整个人群涌入了内阁,他完全没有想到要关上门,所有人都挤在伤者周围。 —

But all this eager attention might have been useless if the doctor was so loudly called for had chanced to be in the hotel. —
但所有这些急切的关注可能是没有用的,如果被如此大声叫来的医生碰巧在旅馆里就好了。 —

He pushed through the crowd, approached Athos, still insensible, and as all this noise and commotion inconvenienced him greatly, he required, as the first and most urgent thing, that the Musketeer should be carried into an adjoining chamber. —
他穿过人群,靠近仍然无意识的阿多斯,由于这一切噪音和骚动极大地让他感到不舒服,他首先也最紧急地要求将火枪手抬到隔壁的一个房间里去。 —

Immediately M. de Treville opened and pointed the way to Porthos and Aramis, who bore their comrade in their arms. —
德特雷维尔先生立刻打开门指引波尔多和阿拉米斯,他们用手臂托起了同伴。 —

Behind this group walked the surgeon; and behind the surgeon the door closed.

The cabinet of M. de Treville, generally held so sacred, became in an instant the annex of the antechamber. —
德特雷维尔先生的内阁,通常被认为是神圣的,立刻变成了前厅的附属。 —

Everyone spoke, harangued, and vociferated, swearing, cursing, and consigning the cardinal and his Guards to all the devils.

An instant after, Porthos and Aramis re-entered, the surgeon and M. de Treville alone remaining with the wounded.

At length, M. de Treville himself returned. The injured man had recovered his senses. —
最终,德·特雷维尔先生本人回来了。受伤的人已经恢复了意识。 —

The surgeon declared that the situation of the Musketeer had nothing in it to render his friends uneasy, his weakness having been purely and simply caused by loss of blood.

Then M. de Treville made a sign with his hand, and all retired except D’Artagnan, who did not forget that he had an audience, and with the tenacity of a Gascon remained in his place.

When all had gone out and the door was closed, M. de Treville, on turning round, found himself alone with the young man. —
当所有人都走出去,门关上后,德·特雷维尔转过头来发现自己和这个年轻人独处。 —

The event which had occurred had in some degree broken the thread of his ideas. —
发生的事件在一定程度上打乱了他的思路。 —

He inquired what was the will of his persevering visitor. —
他询问他坚持不懈的访客有什么要求。 —

D’Artagnan then repeated his name, and in an instant recovering all his remembrances of the present and the past, M. de Treville grasped the situation.

“Pardon me,” said he, smiling, “pardon me my dear compatriot, but I had wholly forgotten you. —
“请原谅我,”他笑着说,”请原谅我,我亲爱的同胞,可我完全忘记了你。 —

But what help is there for it! A captain is nothing but a father of a family, charged with even a greater responsibility than the father of an ordinary family. —
但这有什么办法!一个上尉不过是一个家庭的父亲,承担的责任甚至比普通家庭的父亲更大。 —

Soldiers are big children; but as I maintain that the orders of the king, and more particularly the orders of the cardinal, should be executed–”

D’Artagnan could not restrain a smile. By this smile M. de Treville judged that he had not to deal with a fool, and changing the conversation, came straight to the point.

“I respected your father very much,” said he. —
“我非常尊敬你的父亲,”他说。 —

“What can I do for the son? Tell me quickly; —
“我能为这个儿子做些什么?快告诉我; —

my time is not my own.”

“Monsieur,” said D’Artagnan, “on quitting Tarbes and coming hither, it was my intention to request of you, in remembrance of the friendship which you have not forgotten, the uniform of a Musketeer; —
“先生,”达达尼昂说,”离开塔布讷来到这里,我的打算是请求您,想起您没有忘记的友谊,赠送我一套武士服; —

but after all that I have seen during the last two hours, I comprehend that such a favor is enormous, and tremble lest I should not merit it.”

“It is indeed a favor, young man,” replied M. de Treville, “but it may not be so far beyond your hopes as you believe, or rather as you appear to believe. —
“的确,年轻人,这是一个好处,”特雷维勒回答说,“但它可能没有你所相信的那么遥不可及,或者说你表面上相信的那么遥不可及。” —

But his majesty’s decision is always necessary; —
但陛下的决定总是必要的; —

and I inform you with regret that no one becomes a Musketeer without the preliminary ordeal of several campaigns, certain brilliant actions, or a service of two years in some other regiment less favored than ours.”
我很遗憾地告诉你,没有人能成为一名近卫军士官,没有经历几次战役的考验,某些杰出的行动,或者在比我们 less favored 的另一个团队服役两年。

D’Artagnan bowed without replying, feeling his desire to don the Musketeer’s uniform vastly increased by the great difficulties which preceded the attainment of it.

“But,” continued M. de Treville, fixing upon his compatriot a look so piercing that it might be said he wished to read the thoughts of his heart, “on account of my old companion, your father, as I have said, I will do something for you, young man. —
“但是”,特雷维勒继续说,目光炯炯地注视着他的同胞,仿佛想读读他心中的想法,“由于我老友,也就是你父亲,如我所说的,我会为你做些什么,年轻人。 —

Our recruits from Bearn are not generally very rich, and I have no reason to think matters have much changed in this respect since I left the province. —
我们来自贝阿恩的新兵通常并不是很富有,我没有理由认为在我离开省份以来,情况有多大变化。 —

I dare say you have not brought too large a stock of money with you?”

D’Artagnan drew himself up with a proud air which plainly said, “I ask alms of no man.”

“Oh, that’s very well, young man,” continued M. de Treville, “that’s all very well. —
“哦,年轻人,那很好,”特雷维勒继续说,“那很好。 —

I know these airs; I myself came to Paris with four crowns in my purse, and would have fought with anyone who dared to tell me I was not in a condition to purchase the Louvre.”

D’Artagnan’s bearing became still more imposing. —
达达尼安的举止变得更加令人印象深刻。 —

Thanks to the sale of his horse, he commenced his career with four more crowns than M. de Treville possessed at the commencement of his.

“You ought, I say, then, to husband the means you have, however large the sum may be; —
“我说,你应该珍惜你所拥有的一切,无论数目多大; —

but you ought also to endeavor to perfect yourself in the exercises becoming a gentleman. —
但你也应该努力完善自己,学习成为一名绅士的练习。” —

I will write a letter today to the Director of the Royal Academy, and tomorrow he will admit you without any expense to yourself. —
今天我将写一封信给皇家学院院长,明天他将无需你承担任何费用就会接纳你。 —

Do not refuse this little service. Our best-born and richest gentlemen sometimes solicit it without being able to obtain it. —
不要拒绝这个小小的帮助。即使我们最优秀最富有的绅士有时也无法得到。 —

You will learn horsemanship, swordsmanship in all its branches, and dancing. —
你将学习骑术、剑术的各种技巧,以及舞蹈。 —

You will make some desirable acquaintances; —
你将结识一些令人羡慕的人脉; —

and from time to time you can call upon me to tell you how you are getting on and to say whether I can be of further service to you.”

D’Artagnan, stranger as he was to all the manners of a court, could not but perceive a little coldness in this reception.

“Alas, sir,” said he, “I cannot but perceive how sadly I miss the letter of introduction which my father gave me to present to you.”

“I certainly am surprised,” replied M. de Treville, “that you should undertake so long a journey without that necessary passport, the sole resource of us poor Bearnese.”

“I had one, sir, and, thank God, such as I could wish,” cried D’Artagnan; —
“我是有的,先生,而且感谢上帝,是我所希望的,”达达尼昂喊道; —

“but it was perfidiously stolen from me.”

He then related the adventure of Meung, described the unknown gentleman with the greatest minuteness, and all with a warmth and truthfulness that delighted M. de Treville.

“This is all very strange,” said M. de Treville, after meditating a minute; —
“这一切太奇怪了,”特雷维尔沉思了一会儿后说; —

“you mentioned my name, then, aloud?”

“Yes, sir, I certainly committed that imprudence; but why should I have done otherwise? —
“是的,先生,我确实犯了这个冒失;但我为什么要做得不同呢? —

A name like yours must be as a buckler to me on my way. —
像您这样的名字对我来说应该是一面盾牌,保护我前行。 —

Judge if I should not put myself under its protection.”

Flattery was at that period very current, and M. de Treville loved incense as well as a king, or even a cardinal. —
那时阿谀奉承非常流行,特雷维尔先生像国王或红衣主教一样,也喜欢被拜托。 —

He could not refrain from a smile of visible satisfaction; —
他情不自禁地露出了明显满意的微笑; —

but this smile soon disappeared, and returning to the adventure of Meung, “Tell me,” continued he, “had not this gentlemen a slight scar on his cheek?”

“Yes, such a one as would be made by the grazing of a ball.”

“Was he not a fine-looking man?”


“Of lofty stature.”


“Of complexion and brown hair?”

“Yes, yes, that is he; how is it, sir, that you are acquainted with this man? —
“是的,是的,就是他;先生,您怎么认识这个人? —

If I ever find him again–and I will find him, I swear, were it in hell!”

“He was waiting for a woman,” continued Treville.

“He departed immediately after having conversed for a minute with her whom he awaited.”

“You know not the subject of their conversation?”

“He gave her a box, told her not to open it except in London.”

“Was this woman English?”

“He called her Milady.”

“It is he; it must be he!” murmured Treville. “I believed him still at Brussels.”

“Oh, sir, if you know who this man is,” cried D’Artagnan, “tell me who he is, and whence he is. —
“哦,先生,如果您知道这个人是谁,”达达尼昂喊道,“告诉我他是谁,来自哪里。” —

I will then release you from all your promises–even that of procuring my admission into the Musketeers; —
我会免除你所有的承诺-甚至是让我加入近卫军的承诺; —

for before everything, I wish to avenge myself.”

“Beware, young man!” cried Treville. “If you see him coming on one side of the street, pass by on the other. —
“小伙子,当心!”特雷维尔喊道。“如果你看到他从一边走来,就从另一边绕过去。 —

Do not cast yourself against such a rock; —
不要撞上这样一块巨石; —

he would break you like glass.”

“That will not prevent me,” replied D’Artagnan, “if ever I find him.”

“In the meantime,” said Treville, “seek him not–if I have a right to advise you.”

All at once the captain stopped, as if struck by a sudden suspicion. —
船长突然停下来,仿佛被突如其来的怀疑打击了。 —

This great hatred which the young traveler manifested so loudly for this man, who–a rather improbable thing–had stolen his father’s letter from him–was there not some perfidy concealed under this hatred? —
这位年轻旅行者如此大声表达的对于这个人的深仇大恨,偷走他父亲的信件的事情-这下面难道不隐藏着一些欺诈吗? —

Might not this young man be sent by his Eminence? —
这位年轻人难道不是枢密院派来的吗? —

Might he not have come for the purpose of laying a snare for him? —
也许他不是为了陷害他才来的吗? —

This pretended D’Artagnan–was he not an emissary of the cardinal, whom the cardinal sought to introduce into Treville’s house, to place near him, to win his confidence, and afterward to ruin him as had been done in a thousand other instances? —
这个假冒的达达尼安–他不是枢机主教的使者吗,枢机主教想要把他介绍到特雷维尔的家里,在他身边建立信任,然后像在成千上万的其他例子中那样毁掉他? —

He fixed his eyes upon D’Artagnan even more earnestly than before. —
他盯着达达尼安的眼睛,比之前更加认真地看。 —

He was moderately reassured however, by the aspect of that countenance, full of astute intelligence and affected humility. —
然而,他看到那张充满狡猾智慧和假装谦卑的面孔后,稍微感到放心了一些。 —

“I know he is a Gascon,” reflected he, “but he may be one for the cardinal was well as for me. Let us try him.”

“My friend,” said he, slowly, “I wish, as the son of an ancient friend–for I consider this story of the lost letter perfectly true–I wish, I say, in order to repair the coldness you may have remarked in my reception of you, to discover to you the secrets of our policy. —
“我的朋友,“他缓慢地说道,”我希望作为一位古老朋友的儿子–因为我认为这个关于丢失信件的故事是完全真实的–我希望,为了弥补你对我接待时感到的冷淡,向你揭示我们政策的秘密。 —

The king and the cardinal are the best of friends; —
国王和枢机主教是最好的朋友; —

their apparent bickerings are only feints to deceive fools. —
他们表面上的争吵只是用来愚弄傻瓜的。 —

I am not willing that a compatriot, a handsome cavalier, a brave youth, quite fit to make his way, should become the dupe of all these artifices and fall into the snare after the example of so many others who have been ruined by it. —
我不愿看到一个同胞,一个英俊的骑士,一个勇敢的年轻人,完全有能力自立, 成为这些诡计的牺牲品并像许多其他人一样被戕害。 —

Be assured that I am devoted to both these all-powerful masters, and that my earnest endeavors have no other aim than the service of the king, and also the cardinal–one of the most illustrious geniuses that France has ever produced.

“Now, young man, regulate your conduct accordingly; —
“现在,年轻人,你要相应地调整你的行为; —

and if you entertain, whether from your family, your relations, or even from your instincts, any of these enmities which we see constantly breaking out against the cardinal, bid me adieu and let us separate. —
如果你抱有对枢机主教持续不断的仇恨,无论是因为你的家庭、亲戚,甚至是因为你的本能,与我们看到不断兴起的那种仇恨一样,向我道别,让我们分开吧。 —

I will aid you in many ways, but without attaching you to my person. —
我会以许多方式帮助你,但不会让你依附于我。 —

I hope that my frankness at least will make you my friend; —
我希望至少我的坦率会让你成为我的朋友; —

for you are the only young man to whom I have hitherto spoken as I have done to you.”

Treville said to himself: “If the cardinal has set this young fox upon me, he will certainly not have failed–he, who knows how bitterly I execrate him–to tell his spy that the best means of making his court to me is to rail at him. —
特雷维尔在心里想道:“如果红衣主教派这个年轻狐狸来对付我,他肯定不会失败–他知道我是多么恨他–会告诉他的间谍,讨好我的最好方法就是抨击他。 —

Therefore, in spite of all my protestations, if it be as I suspect, my cunning gossip will assure me that he holds his Eminence in horror.”

It, however, proved otherwise. D’Artagnan answered, with the greatest simplicity: —
然而,事实证明并非如此。达达尼安非常简单地回答道: —

“I came to Paris with exactly such intentions. —
“我来巴黎正是带着这样的意图。 —

My father advised me to stoop to nobody but the king, the cardinal, and yourself–whom he considered the first three personages in France.”

D’Artagnan added M. de Treville to the others, as may be perceived; —
达达尼安将特雷维尔添加到了其他人之列,正如你所看到的; —

but he thought this addition would do no harm.

“I have the greatest veneration for the cardinal,” continued he, “and the most profound respect for his actions. —
“我非常尊敬红衣主教,”他接着说,“敬畏他的行动。 —

So much the better for me, sir, if you speak to me, as you say, with frankness–for then you will do me the honor to esteem the resemblance of our opinions; —
对我来说更好。先生,如果您所说的与我谈话如此坦诚–那么您会荣幸地认为我们观点相似; —

but if you have entertained any doubt, as naturally you may, I feel that I am ruining myself by speaking the truth. —
如果您有任何怀疑,当然您可能会有,我感到我正在毁灭自己说真话。 —

But I still trust you will not esteem me the less for it, and that is my object beyond all others.”

M. de Treville was surprised to the greatest degree. —
特雷维尔大为惊讶。 —

So much penetration, so much frankness, created admiration, but did not entirely remove his suspicions. —
如此敏锐,如此坦率,引起了仰慕,但并未完全消除他的怀疑。 —

The more this young man was superior to others, the more he was to be dreaded of he meant to deceive him; —
这个年轻人越优越于别人,若他打算欺骗他就越值得畏惧; —

“You are an honest youth; but at the present moment I can only do for you that which I just now offered. —
“你是一个诚实的青年;但在这个时刻,我只能为你做我刚刚提供的那件事。 —

My hotel will be always open to you. Hereafter, being able to ask for me at all hours, and consequently to take advantage of all opportunities, you will probably obtain that which you desire.”

“That is to say,” replied D’Artagnan, “that you will wait until I have proved myself worthy of it. —
“也就是说,”达尔达尼安回答道,“你要等到我证明自己配得上它。” —

Well, be assured,” added he, with the familiarity of a Gascon, “you shall not wait long.” —
好吧,放心,”他还以一个加斯康人的亲密,补充道,“你不必等太久。” —

And he bowed in order to retire, and as if he considered the future in his own hands.

“But wait a minute,” said M. de Treville, stopping him. —
“等一下,”德特雷维勒止住他。 —

“I promised you a letter for the director of the Academy. —
“我答应给你一封信给学院院长。” —

Are you too proud to accept it, young gentleman?”

“No, sir,” said D’Artagnan; “and I will guard it so carefully that I will be sworn it shall arrive at its address, and woe be to him who shall attempt to take it from me!”

M. de Treville smiled at this flourish; and leaving his young man compatriot in the embrasure of the window, where they had talked together, he seated himself at a table in order to write the promised letter of recommendation. —
德特雷维勒微笑着看着这番言辞;离开年轻的同胞在他们之间交谈的窗口角落,他坐下来写起了推荐信。 —

While he was doing this, D’Artagnan, having no better employment, amused himself with beating a march upon the window and with looking at the Musketeers, who went away, one after another, following them with his eyes until they disappeared.

M. de Treville, after having written the letter, sealed it, and rising, approached the young man in order to give it to him. —
德特雷维勒写完信封好,起身走向年轻人,准备把信交给他。 —

But at the very moment when D’Artagnan stretched out his hand to receive it, M. de Treville was highly astonished to see his protege make a sudden spring, become crimson with passion, and rush from the cabinet crying, “S’blood, he shall not escape me this time!”

“And who?” asked M. de Treville.

“He, my thief!” replied D’Artagnan. “Ah, the traitor!” and he disappeared.

“The devil take the madman!” murmured M. de Treville, “unless,” added he, “this is a cunning mode of escaping, seeing that he had failed in his purpose!”