
D’Artagnan was so completely bewildered that without taking any heed of what might become of Kitty he ran at full speed across half Paris, and did not stop till he came to Athos’s door. —
达达尼昂完全被搞糊涂了,他毫不在意凯蒂可能会发生的事情,他全速穿过了半个巴黎,直到来到了阿索斯的门口才停下来。 —

The confusion of his mind, the terror which spurred him on, the cries of some of the patrol who started in pursuit of him, and the hooting of the people who, notwithstanding the early hour, were going to their work, only made him precipitate his course.

He crossed the court, ran up the two flights to Athos’s apartment, and knocked at the door enough to break it down.

Grimaud came, rubbing his half-open eyes, to answer this noisy summons, and D’Artagnan sprang with such violence into the room as nearly to overturn the astonished lackey.

In spite of his habitual silence, the poor lad this time found his speech.

“Holloa, there!” cried he; “what do you want, you strumpet? What’s your business here, you hussy?”

D’Artagnan threw off his hood, and disengaged his hands from the folds of the cloak. —
达达尼昂扔掉兜帽,双手从斗篷的褶皱中解脱出来。 —

At sight of the mustaches and the naked sword, the poor devil perceived he had to deal with a man. —
看到胡须和赤剑,可怜的家伙意识到他面对的是一个男人。 —

He then concluded it must be an assassin.

“Help! murder! help!” cried he.

“Hold your tongue, you stupid fellow!” said the young man; —
“闭嘴,你这个蠢家伙!”年轻人说, —

“I am D’Artagnan; don’t you know me? Where is your master?”

“You, Monsieur D’Artagnan!” cried Grimaud, “impossible.”

“Grimaud,” said Athos, coming out of his apartment in a dressing gown, “Grimaud, I thought I heard you permitting yourself to speak?”

“Ah, monsieur, it is–”


Grimaud contented himself with pointing D’Artagnan out to his master with his finger.

Athos recognized his comrade, and phlegmatic as he was, he burst into a laugh which was quite excused by the strange masquerade before his eyes–petticoats falling over his shoes, sleeves tucked up, and mustaches stiff with agitation.

“Don’t laugh, my friend!” cried D’Artagnan; —
“别笑,我的朋友!”达达尼昂喊道; —

“for heaven’s sake, don’t laugh, for upon my soul, it’s no laughing matter!”

And he pronounced these words with such a solemn air and with such a real appearance of terror, that Athos eagerly seized his hand, crying, “Are you wounded, my friend? How pale you are!”

“No, but I have just met with a terrible adventure! Are you alone, Athos?”

“PARBLEU! whom do you expect to find with me at this hour?”

“Well, well!” and D’Artagnan rushed into Athos’s chamber.

“Come, speak!” said the latter, closing the door and bolting it, that they might not be disturbed. —
“说吧!”后者说着,关上门,插上门栓,以免受打扰。 —

“Is the king dead? Have you killed the cardinal? You are quite upset! —
“国王死了吗?你杀了枢梅?你看起来很慌乱! —

Come, come, tell me; I am dying with curiosity and uneasiness!”

“Athos,” said D’Artagnan, getting rid of his female garments, and appearing in his shirt, “prepare yourself to hear an incredible, an unheard-of story.”

“Well, but put on this dressing gown first,” said the Musketeer to his friend.

D’Artagnan donned the robe as quickly as he could, mistaking one sleeve for the other, so greatly was he still agitated.

“Well?” said Athos.
“嗯?” 阿多斯说。

“Well,” replied D’Artagnan, bending his mouth to Athos’s ear, and lowering his voice, “Milady is marked with a FLEUR-DE-LIS upon her shoulder!”
“嗯,” 达达尼安回答道,把嘴凑到阿多斯的耳边,压低声音,“米蕾迪的肩膀上有一个法国王室的花徽!”

“Ah!” cried the Musketeer, as if he had received a ball in his heart.

“Let us see,” said D’Artagnan. “Are you SURE that the OTHER is dead?”
“让我们看看,” 达达尼安说。“你确信另一个人已经死了吗?”

“THE OTHER?” said Athos, in so stifled a voice that D’Artagnan scarcely heard him.
“另一个人?” 阿多斯的声音压得低得几乎听不见。

“Yes, she of whom you told me one day at Amiens.”

Athos uttered a groan, and let his head sink on his hands.

“This is a woman of twenty-six or twenty-eight years.”

“Fair,” said Athos, “is she not?”
“漂亮,不是吗?” 阿多斯说。


“Blue and clear eyes, of a strange brilliancy, with black eyelids and eyebrows?”


“Tall, well-made? She has lost a tooth, next to the eyetooth on the left?”


“The FLEUR-DE-LIS is small, rosy in color, and looks as if efforts had been made to efface it by the application of poultices?”


“But you say she is English?”

“She is called Milady, but she may be French. Lord de Winter is only her brother-in-law,”

“I will see her, D’Artagnan!”

“Beware, Athos, beware. You tried to kill her; —
“小心,阿索斯,小心。你试图杀死她; —

she is a woman to return you the like, and not to fail.”

“She will not dare to say anything; that would be to denounce herself.”

“She is capable of anything or everything. Did you ever see her furious?”

“No,” said Athos.

“A tigress, a panther! Ah, my dear Athos, I am greatly afraid I have drawn a terrible vengeance on both of us!”

D’Artagnan then related all–the mad passion of Milady and her menaces of death.

“You are right; and upon my soul, I would give my life for a hair,” said Athos. “Fortunately, the day after tomorrow we leave Paris. We are going according to all probability to La Rochelle, and once gone–”

“She will follow you to the end of the world, Athos, if she recognizes you. —
“如果她认出了你,她会一直跟随你到世界尽头,阿索斯。 —

Let her, then, exhaust her vengeance on me alone!”

“My dear friend, of what consequence is it if she kills me?” —
“亲爱的朋友,她杀了我又有什么关系呢?” —

said Athos. “Do you, perchance, think I set any great store by life?”

“There is something horribly mysterious under all this, Athos; —
“这一切下面肯定隐藏着一些可怕的秘密,阿多斯; —

this woman is one of the cardinal’s spies, I am sure of that.”

“In that case, take care! If the cardinal does not hold you in high admiration for the affair of London, he entertains a great hatred for you; —
“如果是这样,你要小心!如果红衣主教对于伦敦一事并不很钦佩你,那他却对你怀有极大的仇恨; —

but as, considering everything, he cannot accuse you openly, and as hatred must be satisfied, particularly when it’s a cardinal’s hatred, take care of yourself. —
但由于整体情况,他无法公开指控你,因为仇恨必须得到满足,尤其是当那是一位红衣主教的仇恨,你要小心自己。 —

If you go out, do not go out alone; when you eat, use every precaution. —
如果你出门,不要单独行动;吃饭时,要小心谨慎。 —

Mistrust everything, in short, even your own shadow.”

“Fortunately,” said D’Artagnan, “all this will be only necessary till after tomorrow evening, for when once with the army, we shall have, I hope, only men to dread.”

“In the meantime,” said Athos, “I renounce my plan of seclusion, and wherever you go, I will go with you. —
“在此期间,”阿多斯说,“我放弃了隐居的计划,无论你去哪里,我都会跟着你。 —

You must return to the Rue des Fossoyeurs; —
你必须回到墓掘街; —

I will accompany you.”

“But however near it may be,” replied D’Artagnan, “I cannot go thither in this quise.”

“That’s true,” said Athos, and he rang the bell.

Grimaud entered.

Athos made him a sign to go to D’Artagnan’s residence, and bring back some clothes. —
阿多斯向他打了一个手势,让他去达达尼昂的住所,带回一些衣服。 —

Grimaud replied by another sign that be understood perfectly, and set off.

“All this will not advance your outfit,” said Athos; —
“所有这些都不会提升你的着装,”阿多斯说; —

“for if I am not mistaken, you have left the best of your apparel with Milady, and she will certainly not have the politeness to return it to you. —
“因为如果我没记错,你已经把你最好的服装留给了米莉迪,她肯定不会客气地把它还给你。 —

Fortunately, you have the sapphire.”

“The jewel is yours, my dear Athos! Did you not tell me it was a family jewel?”

“Yes, my grandfather gave two thousand crowns for it, as he once told me. —
“是的,我爷爷为它花了两千法郎,他曾经告诉过我。 —

It formed part of the nuptial present he made his wife, and it is magnificent. —
这是他送给妻子的婚礼礼物的一部分,它非常华丽。 —

My mother gave it to me, and I, fool as I was, instead of keeping the ring as a holy relic, gave it to this wretch.”

“Then, my friend, take back this ring, to which I see you attach much value.”

“I take back the ring, after it has passed through the hands of that infamous creature Never; —
“我拿回这枚戒指,经过了那个可耻生物的手 Never; —

that ring is defiled, D’Artagnan.

“Sell it, then.”

“Sell a jewel which came from my mother! I vow I should consider it a profanation.”

“Pledge it, then; you can borrow at least a thousand crowns on it. —
“那就抵押它;至少你可以借到一千法郎。” —

With that sum you can extricate yourself from your present difficulties; —
有了那笔钱,你就能摆脱目前的困境; —

and when you are full of money again, you can redeem it, and take it back cleansed from its ancient stains, as it will have passed through the hands of usurers.”

Athos smiled.

“You are a capital companion, D’Artagnan,” said be; —
“你是个了不起的伙伴,达达尼昂,”他说; —

“your never-failing cheerfulness raises poor souls in affliction. —
“你那永不缺乏的开朗,能让处在困境中的人振作起来。 —

Well, let us pledge the ring, but upon one condition.”


“That there shall be five hundred crowns for you, and five hundred crowns for me.”

“Don’t dream it, Athos. I don’t need the quarter of such a sum–I who am still only in the Guards–and by selling my saddles, I shall procure it. —
“别做梦了,阿多斯。我根本不需要那么多,我还只是个禁卫军,卖掉我的马鞍就可以弄到。 —

What do I want? A horse for Planchet, that’s all. —
我需要什么?就是给普兰谢一个马,仅此而已。 —

Besides, you forget that I have a ring likewise.”

“To which you attach more value, it seems, than I do to mine; at least, I have thought so.”

“Yes, for in any extreme circumstance it might not only extricate us from some great embarrassment, but even a great danger. —
“是的,因为在任何极端情况下,它不仅可以让我们摆脱某种困境,甚至一种巨大的危险。 —

It is not only a valuable diamond, but it is an enchanted talisman.”

“I don’t at all understand you, but I believe all you say to be true. —
“我完全不明白你在说什么,但我相信你说的一切都是真的。” —

Let us return to my ring, or rather to yours. —
让我们回到我的戒指,或者说是你的戒指。 —

You shall take half the sum that will be advanced upon it, or I will throw it into the Seine; —
你将得到抵押在其上的一半款项,否则我就把它扔进塞纳河; —

and I doubt, as was the case with Polycrates, whether any fish will be sufficiently complaisant to bring it back to us.”

“Well, I will take it, then,” said D’Artagnan.

At this moment Grimaud returned, accompanied by Planchet; —
就在这时,格里莫回来了,带着普兰谢; —

the latter, anxious about his master and curious to know what had happened to him, had taken advantage of the opportunity and brought the garments himself.

D’Artagnan dressed himself, and Athos did the same. —
达达尼安穿好衣服,阿多斯也一样。 —

When the two were ready to go out, the latter made Grimaud the sign of a man taking aim, and the lackey immediately took down his musketoon, and prepared to follow his master.

They arrived without accident at the Rue des Fossoyeurs. —
他们顺利到达了幽鬱街。 —

Bonacieux was standing at the door, and looked at D’Artagnan hatefully.

“Make haste, dear lodger,” said he; “there is a very pretty girl waiting for you upstairs; —
“快点,亲爱的房客,”他说;”楼上有一位非常漂亮的女孩在等你; —

and you know women don’t like to be kept waiting.”

“That’s Kitty!” said D’Artagnan to himself, and darted into the passage.

Sure enough! Upon the landing leading to the chamber, and crouching against the door, he found the poor girl, all in a tremble. —
果然!在通往房间的楼梯上,贴在门上蹲着,他发现那个可怜的女孩,全身都在颤抖。 —

As soon as she perceived him, she cried, “You have promised your protection; —
一看到他,她就哭了起来,“你曾经答应过保护我; —

you have promised to save me from her anger. —
你答应过要救我免于她的愤怒。 —

Remember, it is you who have ruined me!”

“Yes, yes, to be sure, Kitty,” said D’Artagnan; —
“是的,是的,当然了,凯蒂,” 达达尼安说; —

“be at ease, my girl. But what happened after my departure?”

“How can I tell!” said Kitty. “The lackeys were brought by the cries she made. —
“我怎么告诉你呢!” 凯蒂说。“仆人们被她的哭声吵醒了。 —

She was mad with passion. There exist no imprecations she did not pour out against you. —
她被激情冲昏头脑。她对你痛骂不绝。 —

Then I thought she would remember it was through my chamber you had penetrated hers, and that then she would suppose I was your accomplice; —
然后我想她会记得是你通过我的房间进入她的,然后她会认为我是你的同谋; —

so I took what little money I had and the best of my things, and I got away.

“Poor dear girl! But what can I do with you? I am going away the day after tomorrow.”

“Do what you please, Monsieur Chevalier. Help me out of Paris; help me out of France!”

“I cannot take you, however, to the siege of La Rochelle,” aid D’Artagnan.
“我不能带你去拉罗谢尔的围困,” 达达尼安说。

“No; but you can place me in one of the provinces with some lady of your acquaintance–in your own country, for instance.”

“My dear little love! In my country the ladies do without chambermaids. But stop! —
“我的宝贝小爱人!在我的国家,女士们不需要女仆。等等! —

I can manage your business for you. Planchet, go and find Aramis. —
我可以帮你接洽。普兰切,去找阿拉米斯。 —

Request him to come here directly. We have something very important to say to him.”

“I understand,” said Athos; “but why not Porthos? I should have thought that his duchess–”

“Oh, Porthos’s duchess is dressed by her husband’s clerks,” said D’Artagnan, laughing. —
“噢,波尔多斯的公爵夫人是由她丈夫的职员打扮的,”达达尼安笑着说。 —

“Besides, Kitty would not like to live in the Rue aux Ours. Isn’t it so, Kitty?”

“I do not care where I live,” said Kitty, “provided I am well concealed, and nobody knows where I am.”

“Meanwhile, Kitty, when we are about to separate, and you are no longer jealous of me–”

“Monsieur Chevalier, far off or near,” said Kitty, “I shall always love you.”

“Where the devil will constancy niche itself next?” murmured Athos.

“And I, also,” said D’Artagnan, “I also. I shall always love you; be sure of that. —
“我也一样,”达达尼安说,“我也是。我将永远爱你,放心吧。” —

But now answer me. I attach great importance to the question I am about to put to you. —
“但现在回答我。我对我即将提出的问题非常重视。” —

Did you never hear talk of a young woman who was carried off one night?”

“There, now! Oh, Monsieur Chevalier, do you love that woman still?”

“No, no; it is one of my friends who loves her–Monsieur Athos, this gentleman here.”

“I?” cried Athos, with an accent like that of a man who perceives he is about to tread upon an adder.

“You, to be sure!” said D’Artagnan, pressing Athos’s hand. —
“是的,当然!”达达尼安说着,握住阿多斯的手。 —

“You know the interest we both take in this poor little Madame Bonacieux. —
“你知道我们两个对这个可怜的小博纳西欧太太都有多么关心。” —

Besides, Kitty will tell nothing; will you, Kitty? —
另外,基蒂什么也不会说;是吧,基蒂? —

You understand, my dear girl,” continued D’Artagnan, “she is the wife of that frightful baboon you saw at the door as you came in.”

“Oh, my God! You remind me of my fright! If he should have known me again!”

“How? know you again? Did you ever see that man before?”

“He came twice to Milady’s.”

“That’s it. About what time?”

“Why, about fifteen or eighteen days ago.”

“Exactly so.”

“And yesterday evening he came again.”

“Yesterday evening?”

“Yes, just before you came.”

“My dear Athos, we are enveloped in a network of spies. —
“我亲爱的阿索斯,我们被间谍网所包围。” —

And do you believe he knew you again, Kitty?”

“I pulled down my hood as soon as I saw him, but perhaps it was too late.”

“Go down, Athos–he mistrusts you less than me–and see if he be still at his door.”

Athos went down and returned immediately.

“He has gone,” said he, “and the house door is shut.”
“他走了,” 他说,”房门已经关上了。”

“He has gone to make his report, and to say that all the pigeons are at this moment in the dovecot”

“Well, then, let us all fly,” said Athos, “and leave nobody here but Planchet to bring us news.”
“好吧,让我们都飞走吧,” 阿索斯说,”只留下普朗谢为我们带来消息。”

“A minute. Aramis, whom we have sent for!”

“That’s true,” said Athos; “we must wait for Aramis.”
“没错,” 阿索斯说,”我们必须等阿拉米斯。”

At that moment Aramis entered.

The matter was all explained to him, and the friends gave him to understand that among all his high connections he must find a place for Kitty.

Aramis reflected for a minute, and then said, coloring, “Will it be really rendering you a service, D’Artagnan?”
阿拉米斯沉思了一会儿,然后说,脸红了: “这样对你真的有帮助吗,达达尼昂?”

“I shall be grateful to you all my life.”

“Very well. Madame de Bois-Tracy asked me, for one of her friends who resides in the provinces, I believe, for a trustworthy maid. —
“好吧。德博特拉西夫人求我替她的一个住在省外的朋友找一个可靠的女仆。 —

If you can, my dear D’Artagnan, answer for Mademoiselle-”

“Oh, monsieur, be assured that I shall be entirely devoted to the person who will give me the means of quitting Paris.”

“Then,” said Aramis, “this falls out very well.”
“那么,” 阿拉米斯说,”这很合适。”

He placed himself at the table and wrote a little note which he sealed with a ring, and gave the billet to Kitty.

“And now, my dear girl,” said D’Artagnan, “you know that it is not good for any of us to be here. —
“现在,我亲爱的女孩,”达达尼昂说,“你知道我们任何人都呆在这里不是件好事。 —

Therefore let us separate. We shall meet again in better days.”

“And whenever we find each other, in whatever place it may be,” said Kitty, “you will find me loving you as I love you today.”

“Dicers’ oaths!” said Athos, while D’Artagnan went to conduct Kitty downstairs.

An instant afterward the three young men separated, agreeing to meet again at four o’clock with Athos, and leaving Planchet to guard the house.

Aramis returned home, and Athos and D’Artagnan busied themselves about pledging the sapphire.

As the Gascon had foreseen, they easily obtained three hundred pistoles on the ring. —
正如加斯康人预见的那样,他们很容易就用那枚戒指得到了三百金币。 —

Still further, the Jew told them that if they would sell it to him, as it would make a magnificent pendant for earrings, he would give five hundred pistoles for it.

Athos and D’Artagnan, with the activity of two soldiers and the knowledge of two connoisseurs, hardly required three hours to purchase the entire equipment of the Musketeer. —
阿多斯和达达尼昂,以两名士兵的活力和两名行家的知识,几乎不用三个小时就购买了金士兵的整套装备。 —

Besides, Athos was very easy, and a noble to his fingers’ ends. —
此外,阿多斯非常大方,也是位出生高贵的人。 —

When a thing suited him he paid the price demanded, without thinking to ask for any abatement. —
当一样东西他合心意时,他就付出要求的代价,从不想着讨价还价。 —

D’Artagnan would have remonstrated at this; —
达达尼昂本想提出异议; —

but Athos put his hand upon his shoulder, with a smile, and D’Artagnan understood that it was all very well for such a little Gascon gentleman as himself to drive a bargain, but not for a man who had the bearing of a prince. —
但阿多斯笑着把手搭在他肩上,达达尼昂明白说,这一切对于他这样一个像他一样的加斯康绅士来说是可以讨价还价,但对于一个有着王子气质的人来说不行。 —

The Musketeer met with a superb Andalusian horse, black as jet, nostrils of fire, legs clean and elegant, rising six years. —
骑士遇到了一匹极好的安达卢西亚马,乌黑如墨,鼻孔冒火,腿部干净优雅,六岁。 —

He examined him, and found him sound and without blemish. —
他仔细检查了,发现它健康无瑕。 —

They asked a thousand livres for him.

He might perhaps have been bought for less; —
也许可以以更低的价格购买他; —

but while D’Artagnan was discussing the price with the dealer, Athos was counting out the money on the table.

Grimaud had a stout, short Picard cob, which cost three hundred livres.

But when the saddle and arms for Grimaud were purchased, Athos had not a son left of his hundred and fifty pistoles. —
但当为格里莫购买鞍具和武器时,阿多斯手上的一百五十齎士已经花光了。 —

D’Artagnan offered his friend a part of his share which he should return when convenient.

But Athos only replied to this proposal by shrugging his shoulders.

“How much did the Jew say he would give for the sapphire if be purchased it?” said Athos.

“Five hundred pistoles.”

“That is to say, two hundred more–a hundred pistoles for you and a hundred pistoles for me. —
“也就是说,还要再多两百齎士–一百齎士给你,一百齎士给我。” —

Well, now, that would be a real fortune to us, my friend; —
“好了,现在,这对我们来说就是一笔真正的财富,我的朋友; —

let us go back to the Jew’s again.”

“What! “will you–”

“This ring would certainly only recall very bitter remembrances; —
“这枚戒指肯定只会让人想起非常痛苦的回忆; —

then we shall never be masters of three hundred pistoles to redeem it, so that we really should lose two hundred pistoles by the bargain. —
那我们永远也不可能有三百齎士来赎回它,所以我们实际上将失去两百齎士的交易。” —

Go and tell him the ring is his, D’Artagnan, and bring back the two hundred pistoles with you.”

“Reflect, Athos!”

“Ready money is needful for the present time, and we must learn how to make sacrifices. —
“眼下需要现钱,我们必须学会牺牲。 —

Go, D’Artagnan, go; Grimaud will accompany you with his musketoon.”

A half hour afterward, D’Artagnan returned with the two thousand livres, and without having met with any accident.

It was thus Athos found at home resources which he did not expect.