
It was evident that without suspecting it, and actuated solely by their chivalrous and adventurous character, our three friends had just rendered a service to someone the cardinal honored with his special protection.

Now, who was that someone? That was the question the three Musketeers put to one another. —
那位被保护的人是谁?这是三个火枪手互相提出的问题。 —

Then, seeing that none of their replies could throw any light on the subject, Porthos called the host and asked for dice.

Porthos and Aramis placed themselves at the table and began to play. —
波尔图斯和阿拉米斯坐在桌子旁开始玩。 —

Athos walked about in a contemplative mood.

While thinking and walking, Athos passed and repassed before the pipe of the stove, broken in halves, the other extremity passing into the chamber above; —
在思考的时候,阿多斯一次次地经过火炉管的断口,另一端通向楼上的房间; —

and every time he passed and repassed he heard a murmur of words, which at length fixed his attention. —
每次经过时,他都听到几个词,最后吸引了他的注意。 —

Athos went close to it, and distinguished some words that appeared to merit so great an interest that he made a sign to his friends to be silent, remaining himself bent with his ear directed to the opening of the lower orifice.

“Listen, Milady,” said the cardinal, “the affair is important. Sit down, and let us talk it over.”

“Milady!” murmured Athos.

“I listen to your Eminence with greatest attention,” replied a female voice which made the Musketeer start.

“A small vessel with an English crew, whose captain is on my side, awaits you at the mouth of Charente, at fort of the Point. He will set sail tomorrow morning.”

“I must go thither tonight?”

“Instantly! That is to say, when you have received my instructions. —
“立刻!也就是,当您收到我的指示时。” —

Two men, whom you will find at the door on going out, will serve you as escort. —
两名男子,你将在离开时在门口找到,将为您提供护送。 —

You will allow me to leave first; then, after half an hour, you can go away in your turn.”

“Yes, monseigneur. Now let us return to the mission with which you wish to charge me; —
“是的,大主教。现在让我们回到您希望交给我的任务; —

and as I desire to continue to merit the confidence of your Eminence, deign to unfold it to me in terms clear and precise, that I may not commit an error.”

There was an instant of profound silence between the two interlocutors. —
两位交谈者之间出现了一段深沉的寂静。 —

It was evident that the cardinal was weighing beforehand the terms in which he was about to speak, and that Milady was collecting all her intellectual faculties to comprehend the things he was about to say, and to engrave them in her memory when they should be spoken.

Athos took advantage of this moment to tell his two companions to fasten the door inside, and to make them a sign to come and listen with him.

The two Musketeers, who loved their ease, brought a chair for each of themselves and one for Athos. All three then sat down with their heads together and their ears on the alert.

“You will go to London,” continued the cardinal. “Arrived in London, you will seek Buckingham.”

“I must beg your Eminence to observe,” said Milady, “that since the affair of the diamond studs, about which the duke always suspected me, his Grace distrusts me.”

“Well, this time,” said the cardinal, “it is not necessary to steal his confidence, but to present yourself frankly and loyally as a negotiator.”

“Frankly and loyally,” repeated Milady, with an unspeakable expression of duplicity.

“Yes, frankly and loyally,” replied the cardinal, in the same tone. —
“是的,坦诚和忠实地,”主教以同样的语调回答。 —

“All this negotiation must be carried on openly.”

“I will follow your Eminence’s instructions to the letter. I only wait till you give them.”

“You will go to Buckingham in my behalf, and you will tell him I am acquainted with all the preparations he has made; —
“你将代表我前往白金汉宫,告诉他我已经了解他所做的一切准备; —

but that they give me no uneasiness, since at the first step he takes I will ruin the queen.”

“Will he believe that your Eminence is in a position to accomplish the threat thus made?”

“Yes; for I have the proofs.”

“I must be able to present these proofs for his appreciation.”

“Without doubt. And you will tell him I will publish the report of Bois-Robert and the Marquis de Beautru, upon the interview which the duke had at the residence of Madame the Constable with the queen on the evening Madame the Constable gave a masquerade. —
“无疑的。你将告诉他,我将公布波瓦罗贝尔和博许特吕侯爵对公爵与女王在女公爵宅邸共度舞会之夜进行的访谈的报告。 —

You will tell him, in order that he may not doubt, that he came there in the costume of the Great Mogul, which the Chevalier de Guise was to have worn, and that he purchased this exchange for the sum of three thousand pistoles.”

“Well, monseigneur?”

“All the details of his coming into and going out of the palace–on the night when he introduced himself in the character of an Italian fortune teller–you will tell him, that he may not doubt the correctness of my information; —
“他进出宫殿的所有细节——当他以一个意大利算命师的身份自我介绍的那个晚上——你要告诉他,以使他不怀疑我信息的准确性; —

that he had under his cloak a large white robe dotted with black tears, death’s heads, and crossbones–for in case of a surprise, he was to pass for the phantom of the White Lady who, as all the world knows, appears at the Louvre every time any great event is impending.”

“Is that all, monseigneur?”

“Tell him also that I am acquainted with all the details of the adventure at Amiens; —
“还告诉他,我了解亚眠的一切冒险的所有细节; —

that I will have a little romance made of it, wittily turned, with a plan of the garden and portraits of the principal actors in that nocturnal romance.”

“I will tell him that.”

“Tell him further that I hold Montague in my power; that Montague is in the Bastille; —
“再告诉他,蒙塔盖在我手中;蒙塔盖关在巴士底狱里;” —

that no letters were found upon him, it is true, but that torture may make him tell much of what he knows, and even what he does not know.”


“Then add that his Grace has, in the precipitation with which he quit the Isle of Re, forgotten and left behind him in his lodging a certain letter from Madame de Chevreuse which singularly compromises the queen, inasmuch as it proves not only that her Majesty can love the enemies of the king but that she can conspire with the enemies of France. —
“那么还要补充说,他的教皇陛下在匆忙离开勒岛时,在住所中遗忘并留下了一封来自夫人什伯底丝的信,这封信竟然牵涉到了王后,因为它不仅证明了陛下可以爱王的敌人,还可以与法国的敌人共谋。 —

You recollect perfectly all I have told you, do you not?”

“Your Eminence will judge: the ball of Madame the Constable; the night at the Louvre; —
“阁下会回忆起:宪兵夫人的舞会;在卢浮宫的那个晚上; —

the evening at Amiens; the arrest of Montague; —
在亚眠的那个晚上;蒙大怀的逮捕; —

the letter of Madame de Chevreuse.”

“That’s it,” said the cardinal, “that’s it. You have an excellent memory, Milady.”

“But,” resumed she to whom the cardinal addressed this flattering compliment, “if, in spite of all these reasons, the duke does not give way and continues to menace France?”

“The duke is in love to madness, or rather to folly,” replied Richelieu, with great bitterness. —
“这个公爵疯狂地爱上了,或者说是陷入了疯狂的爱情,”里舍留苦涩地回答道。 —

“Like the ancient paladins, he has only undertaken this war to obtain a look from his lady love. —
“就像古代的圣骑士们,他只是为了从他心爱的女人那里获得一瞥而参加了这场战争。” —

If he becomes certain that this war will cost the honor, and perhaps the liberty, of the lady of his thoughts, as he says, I will answer for it he will look twice.”

“And yet,” said Milady, with a persistence that proved she wished to see clearly to the end of the mission with which she was about to be charged, “if he persists?”

“If he persists?” said the cardinal. “That is not probable.”

“It is possible,” said Milady.

“If he persists–” His Eminence made a pause, and resumed: —
“如果他坚持下去——”他的尊贵顿了一下,然后继续道: —

“If he persists–well, then I shall hope for one of those events which change the destinies of states.”

“If your Eminence would quote to me some one of these events in history,” said Milady, “perhaps I should partake of your confidence as to the future.”

“Well, here, for example,” said Richelieu: —
“好吧,比如说,”里舍留说道: —

“when, in 1610, for a cause similar to that which moves the duke, King Henry IV, of glorious memory, was about, at the same time, to invade Flanders and Italy, in order to attack Austria on both sides. —
“1610年,由于类似公爵所要完成的任务,即使神圣的亨利四世国王当时正准备同时进攻佛兰德和意大利,以便从两个方向攻击奥地利。 —

Well, did there not happen an event which saved Austria? —
那时岂不是发生了一个拯救奥地利的事件吗? —

Why should not the king of France have the same chance as the emperor?”

“Your Eminence means, I presume, the knife stab in the Rue de la Feronnerie?”

“Precisely,” said the cardinal.

“Does not your Eminence fear that the punishment inflicted upon Ravaillac may deter anyone who might entertain the idea of imitating him?”

“There will be, in all times and in all countries, particularly if religious divisions exist in those countries, fanatics who ask nothing better than to become martyrs. —
“在任何时代、任何国家,特别是在那些存在宗教分歧的国家,总会有神经质者,他们渴望成为烈士。” —

Ay, and observe–it just occurs to me that the Puritans are furious against Buckingham, and their preachers designate him as the Antichrist.”

“Well?” said Milady.

“Well,” continued the cardinal, in an indifferent tone, “the only thing to be sought for at this moment is some woman, handsome, young, and clever, who has cause of quarrel with the duke. —
“好吧,”红衣主教以漠然的口吻继续说道,“此刻唯一需要寻找的就是一个年轻漂亮、聪明机敏,并且与公爵有宿怨的女人。” —

The duke has had many affairs of gallantry; —
“公爵曾经有过许多风流韵事;” —

and if he has fostered his amours by promises of eternal constancy, he must likewise have sown the seeds of hatred by his eternal infidelities.”

“No doubt,” said Milady, coolly, “such a woman may be found.”

“Well, such a woman, who would place the knife of Jacques Clement or of Ravaillac in the hands of a fanatic, would save France.”

“Yes; but she would then be the accomplice of an assassination.”

“Were the accomplices of Ravaillac or of Jacques Clement ever known?”

“No; for perhaps they were too high-placed for anyone to dare look for them where they were. —
“没有;也许他们地位太高,以至于没有人敢在地位所在的地方寻找他们。” —

The Palace of Justice would not be burned down for everybody, monseigneur.”

“You think, then, that the fire at the Palace of Justice was not caused by chance?” —
“你认为,议事厅的火灾不是偶然发生的?” —

asked Richelieu, in the tone with which he would have put a question of no importance.

“I, monseigneur?” replied Milady. “I think nothing; I quote a fact, that is all. —
“我,阁下?”米莱迪回答道,“我并不认为什么;我只是引用一个事实,仅此而已。 —

Only I say that if I were named Madame de Montpensier, or the Queen Marie de Medicis, I should use less precautions than I take, being simply called Milady Clarik.”

“That is just,” said Richelieu. “What do you require, then?”

“I require an order which would ratify beforehand all that I should think proper to do for the greatest good of France.”

“But in the first place, this woman I have described must be found who is desirous of avenging herself upon the duke.”

“She is found,” said Milady.

“Then the miserable fanatic must be found who will serve as an instrument of God’s justice.”

“He will be found.”

“Well,” said the cardinal, “then it will be time to claim the order which you just now required.”

“Your Eminence is right,” replied Milady; —
“您的枢机主教是正确的”,米莱迪回答说; —

“and I have been wrong in seeing in the mission with which you honor me anything but that which it really is–that is, to announce to his Grace, on the part of your Eminence, that you are acquainted with the different disguises by means of which he succeeded in approaching the queen during the fete given by Madame the Constable; —
“在您荣幸赋予我的任务中,我看到的一切不过是真正的一面–也就是,代表您的枢机主教向法国王公报告,您知晓他用各种伪装方式成功接近玛丽王后在康斯夫夫人举办的宴会期间; —

that you have proofs of the interview granted at the Louvre by the queen to a certain Italian astrologer who was no other than the Duke of Buckingham; —
“您掌握了玛歇那所给过的晤面准许信,这名意大利占星师其实就是白金汉公爵; —

that you have ordered a little romance of a satirical nature to be written upon the adventures of Amiens, with a plan of the gardens in which those adventures took place, and portraits of the actors who figured in them; —
“您已经命令写一部关于亚眠冒险的讽刺小说,附有这些冒险发生的花园布局图以及参与其中的演员的肖像;” —

that Montague is in the Bastille, and that the torture may make him say things he remembers, and even things he has forgotten; —
蒙太古在巴士底狱里,酷刑可能会迫使他说出他记得的事情,甚至是他忘记了的事情; —

that you possess a certain letter from Madame de Chevreuse, found in his Grace’s lodging, which singularly compromises not only her who wrote it, but her in whose name it was written. —
您拥有一封来自德谟什夫人的信函,这封信信上发现在他公爵的住所里,这封信不仅对写信者有着尴尬的影响,也对被写信者有很大严重的牵连。 —

Then, if he persists, notwithstanding all this–as that is, as I have said, the limit of my mission–I shall have nothing to do but to pray God to work a miracle for the salvation of France. —
然后,如果他坚持不让,尽管这一切——因为正如我所说,这是我的使命的极限–我只能祈求上帝为法国的拯救创造一个奇迹。 —

That is it, is it not, monseigneur, and I shall have nothing else to do?”

“That is it,” replied the cardinal, dryly.

“And now,” said Milady, without appearing to remark the change of the duke’s tone toward her–“now that I have received the instructions of your Eminence as concerns your enemies, Monseigneur will permit me to say a few words to him of mine?”
“而现在”,米莱迪目不斜视地说道–, 现在我已经接受了大主教的关于贵族的敌人的指示,阁下是否允许我对他说几句话?

“Have you enemies, then?” asked Richelieu.
“那么,您有敌人吗?” 雷什莱问道。

“Yes, monseigneur, enemies against whom you owe me all your support, for I made them by serving your Eminence.”

“Who are they?” replied the duke.
“他们是谁?” 公爵回答道。

“In the first place, there is a little intrigante named Bonacieux.”

“She is in the prison of Nantes.”

“That is to say, she was there,” replied Milady; —
“也就是说,她曾在那里,“米莱迪回答说; —

“but the queen has obtained an order from the king by means of which she has been conveyed to a convent.”

“To a convent?” said the duke.
“送到修道院?” 公爵说。

“Yes, to a convent.”

“And to which?”

“I don’t know; the secret has been well kept.”

“But I will know!”

“And your Eminence will tell me in what convent that woman is?”

“I can see nothing inconvenient in that,” said the cardinal.

“Well, now I have an enemy much more to be dreaded by me than this little Madame Bonacieux.”

“Who is that?”

“Her lover.”

“What is his name?”

“Oh, your Eminence knows him well,” cried Milady, carried away by her anger. —
“哦,贵教主很了解他,”米莱迪因愤怒而失控。 —

“He is the evil genius of both of us. It is he who in an encounter with your Eminence’s Guards decided the victory in favor of the king’s Musketeers; —
“他是我们两个人的恶魔。在一次与贵教主卫兵的交锋中,他决定了国王的骑士的胜利; —

it is he who gave three desperate wounds to De Wardes, your emissary, and who caused the affair of the diamond studs to fail; —
他给了德瓦德尔多处绝望的伤口,他导致了那个钻石耳钉的事件失败; —

it is he who, knowing it was I who had Madame Bonacieux carried off, has sworn my death.”

“Ah, ah!” said the cardinal, “I know of whom you speak.”

“I mean that miserable D’Artagnan.”

“He is a bold fellow,” said the cardinal.

“And it is exactly because he is a bold fellow that he is the more to be feared.”

“I must have,” said the duke, “a proof of his connection with Buckingham.”

“A proof?” cried Milady; “I will have ten.”

“Well, then, it becomes the simplest thing in the world; —
“那么,这变得世上最简单的事情; —

get me that proof, and I will send him to the Bastille.”

“So far good, monseigneur; but afterwards?”

“When once in the Bastille, there is no afterward!” said the cardinal, in a low voice. “Ah, pardieu!” —
“一旦进了巴士底狱,就没有之后!”主教低声说。“啊,上帝!” —

continued he, “if it were as easy for me to get rid of my enemy as it is easy to get rid of yours, and if it were against such people you require impunity–”

“Monseigneur,” replied Milady, “a fair exchange. —
“主教,”米莱迪回答说,“公平交换, —

Life for life, man for man; give me one, I will give you the other.”

“I don’t know what you mean, nor do I even desire to know what you mean,” replied the cardinal; —
主教回答说:“我不知道你的意思,而且我也不想知道你的意思; —

“but I wish to please you, and see nothing out of the way in giving you what you demand with respect to so infamous a creature–the more so as you tell me this D’Artagnan is a libertine, a duelist, and a traitor.”

“An infamous scoundrel, monseigneur, a scoundrel!”

“Give me paper, a quill, and some ink, then,” said the cardinal.

“Here they are, monseigneur.”

There was a moment of silence, which proved that the cardinal was employed in seeking the terms in which he should write the note, or else in writing it. —
有一瞬间的沉默,证明红衣主教正在思考该如何写这封便条,或者正在写这封便条。 —

Athos, who had not lost a word of the conversation, took his two companions by the hand, and led them to the other end of the room.

“Well,” said Porthos, “what do you want, and why do you not let us listen to the end of the conversation?”

“Hush!” said Athos, speaking in a low voice. —
“嘘!”阿多斯低声说道。 —

“We have heard all it was necessary we should hear; —
“我们已经听到必须听到的一切; —

besides, I don’t prevent you from listening, but I must be gone.”

“You must be gone!” said Porthos; “and if the cardinal asks for you, what answer can we make?”

“You will not wait till he asks; you will speak first, and tell him that I am gone on the lookout, because certain expressions of our host have given me reason to think the road is not safe. —
“你们不用等他问;你们要自己先说,告诉他我已经出去巡视了,因为我们的东道主的某些话让我觉得路不太安全。 —

I will say two words about it to the cardinal’s esquire likewise. —
我也会跟红衣主教的侍从提一句。 —

The rest concerns myself; don’t be uneasy about that.”

“Be prudent, Athos,” said Aramis.

“Be easy on that head,” replied Athos; “you know I am cool enough.”

Porthos and Aramis resumed their places by the stovepipe.

As to Athos, he went out without any mystery, took his horse, which was tied with those of his friends to the fastenings of the shutters, in four words convinced the attendant of the necessity of a vanguard for their return, carefully examined the priming of his pistols, drew his sword, and took, like a forlorn hope, the road to the camp.