
D’Artagnan was acquainted with nobody in Paris. He went therefore to his appointment with Athos without a second, determined to be satisfied with those his adversary should choose. —
达达尼安在巴黎没有认识任何人。因此,他决定与阿多斯会面时不带助手,决心接受对手选择的人。 —

Besides, his intention was formed to make the brave Musketeer all suitable apologies, but without meanness or weakness, fearing that might result from this duel which generally results from an affair of this kind, when a young and vigorous man fights with an adversary who is wounded and weakened–if conquered, he doubles the triumph of his antagonist; —
此外,他打算为这位勇敢的火枪手做出一切合适的道歉,但不会显得卑躬屈膝,也不会显得软弱。因为这种决斗经常会导致一些问题,年轻而充满活力的人与受伤和虚弱的对手进行斗争,如果被打败,他会增加对手的胜利; —

if a conqueror, he is accused of foul play and want of courage.

Now, we must have badly painted the character of our adventure seeker, or our readers must have already perceived that D’Artagnan was not an ordinary man; —
现在,我们可能没有描绘出我们这个冒险家的性格,或者读者已经意识到达达尼安并不是一个普通人; —

therefore, while repeating to himself that his death was inevitable, he did not make up his mind to die quietly, as one less courageous and less restrained might have done in his place. —
因此,虽然他反复告诉自己他的死亡是不可避免的,但他没有像一个勇气和约束力较低的人可能会在他的位置上那样坦然面对死亡。 —

He reflected upon the different characters of men he had to fight with, and began to view his situation more clearly. —
他反省了与他必须战斗的不同人的性格,并开始更清晰地看待自己的处境。 —

He hoped, by means of loyal excuses, to make a friend of Athos, whose lordly air and austere bearing pleased him much. —
他希望通过真诚的解释使阿多斯成为朋友,他那尊贵的气息和严肃的举止,让他非常喜欢。 —

He flattered himself he should be able to frighten Porthos with the adventure of the baldric, which he might, if not killed upon the spot, relate to everybody a recital which, well managed, would cover Porthos with ridicule. —
他夸耀自己将能用绶带的冒险吓住波尔多,如果他没有当场被杀,他可以向每个人讲述,一个巧妙处理的叙述会让波尔多丢人。 —

As to the astute Aramis, he did not entertain much dread of him; —
至于狡猾的阿拉米斯,他对他并不感到害怕; —

and supposing he should be able to get so far, he determined to dispatch him in good style or at least, by hitting him in the face, as Caesar recommended his soldiers do to those of Pompey, to damage forever the beauty of which he was so proud.

In addition to this, D’Artagnan possessed that invincible stock of resolution which the counsels of his father had implanted in his heart: —
除此之外,达达尼安拥有他父亲灌输在他心中的坚定决心: —

“Endure nothing from anyone but the king, the cardinal, and Monsieur de Treville.” —
“除了国王、枢密大臣和特雷维尔先生,绝不忍受任何人。” —

He flew, then, rather than walked, toward the convent of the Carmes Dechausses, or rather Deschaux, as it was called at that period, a sort of building without a window, surrounded by barren fields–an accessory to the Preaux-Clercs, and which was generally employed as the place for the duels of men who had no time to lose.

When D’Artagnan arrived in sight of the bare spot of ground which extended along the foot of the monastery, Athos had been waiting about five minutes, and twelve o’clock was striking. —
当达达尼安看到延伸到修道院脚下的空旷地带时,阿多斯已经等了大约五分钟,时钟指向了十二点。 —

He was, then, as punctual as the Samaritan woman, and the most rigorous casuist with regard to duels could have nothing to say.

Athos, who still suffered grievously from his wound, though it had been dressed anew by M. de Treville’s surgeon, was seated on a post and waiting for his adversary with hat in hand, his feather even touching the ground.

“Monsieur,” said Athos, “I have engaged two of my friends as seconds; —
“先生,”阿多斯说,”我已经请了我的两位朋友当我的见证人; —

but these two friends are not yet come, at which I am astonished, as it is not at all their custom.”

“I have no seconds on my part, monsieur,” said D’Artagnan; —
“先生,我这边没有见证人,”达达尼昂说; —

“for having only arrived yesterday in Paris, I as yet know no one but Monsieur de Treville, to whom I was recommended by my father, who has the honor to be, in some degree, one of his friends.”

Athos reflected for an instant. “You know no one but Monsieur de Treville?” he asked.

“Yes, monsieur, I know only him.”

“Well, but then,” continued Athos, speaking half to himself, “if I kill you, I shall have the air of a boy-slayer.”

“Not too much so,” replied D’Artagnan, with a bow that was not deficient in dignity, “since you do me the honor to draw a sword with me while suffering from a wound which is very inconvenient.”

“Very inconvenient, upon my word; and you hurt me devilishly, I can tell you. —
“确实很不方便,我敢说你让我痛得要命。 —

But I will take the left hand–it is my custom in such circumstances. —
但我会用左手——在这种情况下我习惯用左手。 —

Do not fancy that I do you a favor; I use either hand easily. —
不要认为我是在帮你一个忙;对我来说任何一只手都容易。 —

And it will be even a disadvantage to you; —
而且这对你来说甚至是个不利; —

a left-handed man is very troublesome to people who are not prepared for it. —
一个用左手的人对那些没有为此做准备的人来说是非常麻烦的。 —

I regret I did not inform you sooner of this circumstance.”

“You have truly, monsieur,” said D’Artagnan, bowing again, “a courtesy, for which, I assure you, I am very grateful.”

“You confuse me,” replied Athos, with his gentlemanly air; —
“你让我感到困惑,”阿索斯以绅士风度回答; —

“let us talk of something else, if you please. —
“请让我们谈点别的,好吗。” —

Ah, s’blood, how you have hurt me! My shoulder quite burns.”

“If you would permit me–” said D’Artagnan, with timidity.

“What, monsieur?”

“I have a miraculous balsam for wounds–a balsam given to me by my mother and of which I have made a trial upon myself.”


“Well, I am sure that in less than three days this balsam would cure you; —
“嗯,我确信不到三天这种伤药会治愈您; —

and at the end of three days, when you would be cured– well, sir, it would still do me a great honor to be your man.”

D’Artagnan spoke these words with a simplicity that did honor to his courtesy, without throwing the least doubt upon his courage.

“PARDIEU, monsieur!” said Athos, “that’s a proposition that pleases me; —
“天啊,先生!”阿索斯说,“这是一个让我很高兴的提议; —

not that I can accept it, but a league off it savors of the gentleman. —
虽然我不能接受,但一个里外一里香的距离体现了绅士的风度。 —

Thus spoke and acted the gallant knights of the time of Charlemagne, in whom every cavalier ought to seek his model. —
这就是查理曼时代的勇敢骑士们说话和行事的方式,每位骑士都应该以他们为楷模。 —

Unfortunately, we do not live in the times of the great emperor, we live in the times of the cardinal; —
不幸的是,我们不生活在伟大皇帝的时代,我们生活在枢机主教的时代; —

and three days hence, however well the secret might be guarded, it would be known, I say, that we were to fight, and our combat would be prevented. —
然后,在三天后,无论秘密被多么密封,都会被知晓,我说,我们要战斗,我们的对决会被阻止。 —

I think these fellows will never come.”

“If you are in haste, monsieur,” said D’Artagnan, with the same simplicity with which a moment before he had proposed to him to put off the duel for three days, “and if it be your will to dispatch me at once, do not inconvenience yourself, I pray you.”

“There is another word which pleases me,” cried Athos, with a gracious nod to D’Artagnan. —
“这是另一个让我喜欢的词,”阿多斯带着亲切的点头对达达尼安说。 —

“That did not come from a man without a heart. Monsieur, I love men of your kidney; —
“那不是一个没有心的人说的。先生,我喜欢你这种性格的人; —

and I foresee plainly that if we don’t kill each other, I shall hereafter have much pleasure in your conversation. —
我明白,如果我们不互相残杀,以后我肯定会很享受和你的谈话。 —

We will wait for these gentlemen, so please you; —
我们将等待这些绅士们,如果您不介意; —

I have plenty of time, and it will be more correct. —
我有足够的时间,这样比较符合礼仪。 —

Ah, here is one of them, I believe.”

In fact, at the end of the Rue Vaugirard the gigantic Porthos appeared.

“What!” cried D’Artagnan, “is your first witness Monsieur Porthos?”

“Yes, that disturbs you?”

“By no means.”

“And here is the second.”

D’Artagnan turned in the direction pointed to by Athos, and perceived Aramis.

“What!” cried he, in an accent of greater astonishment than before, “your second witness is Monsieur Aramis?”

“Doubtless! Are you not aware that we are never seen one without the others, and that we are called among the Musketeers and the Guards, at court and in the city, Athos, Porthos, and Aramis, or the Three Inseparables? —
“毫无疑问!难道你不知道我们从不分开,被穆斯凯特和卫队以及在宫廷和城市中称为阿多斯、波托斯和阿拉密斯,或者三位不可分割的之一吗? —

And yet, as you come from Dax or Pau–”

“From Tarbes,” said D’Artagnan.
“来自塔布,” 达达尼安说。

“It is probable you are ignorant of this little fact,” said Athos.

“My faith!” replied D’Artagnan, “you are well named, gentlemen; —
“我的信仰!“达达尼安回答说,“你们名副其实,先生; —

and my adventure, if it should make any noise, will prove at least that your union is not founded upon contrasts.”

In the meantime, Porthos had come up, waved his hand to Athos, and then turning toward D’Artagnan, stood quite astonished.

Let us say in passing that he had changed his baldric and relinquished his cloak.

“Ah, ah!” said he, “what does this mean?”

“This is the gentleman I am going to fight with,” said Athos, pointing to D’Artagnan with his hand and saluting him with the same gesture.
“这位绅士是我要决斗的人,” 阿多斯用手指着达达尼安,并用同样的手势向他致意说。

“Why, it is with him I am also going to fight,” said Porthos.

“But not before one o’clock,” replied D’Artagnan.

“And I also am to fight with this gentleman,” said Aramis, coming in his turn onto the place.
“我也要和这位绅士决斗,” 阿拉密斯接着走到那个地方。

“But not until two o’clock,” said D’Artagnan, with the same calmness.

“But what are you going to fight about, Athos?” asked Aramis.

“Faith! I don’t very well know. He hurt my shoulder. And you, Porthos?”

“Faith! I am going to fight–because I am going to fight,” answered Porthos, reddening.

Athos, whose keen eye lost nothing, perceived a faintly sly smile pass over the lips of the young Gascon as he replied, “We had a short discussion upon dress.”

“And you, Aramis?” asked Athos.

“Oh, ours is a theological quarrel,” replied Aramis, making a sign to D’Artagnan to keep secret the cause of their duel.

Athos indeed saw a second smile on the lips of D’Artagnan.

“Indeed?” said Athos.

“Yes; a passage of St. Augustine, upon which we could not agree,” said the Gascon.

“Decidedly, this is a clever fellow,” murmured Athos.

“And now you are assembled, gentlemen,” said D’Artagnan, “permit me to offer you my apologies.

At this word APOLOGIES, a cloud passed over the brow of Athos, a haughty smile curled the lip of Porthos, and a negative sign was the reply of Aramis.

“You do not understand me, gentlemen,” said D’Artagnan, throwing up his head, the sharp and bold lines of which were at the moment gilded by a bright ray of the sun. —
“先生们,你们误会我的意思了,”达达尼安抬起头,阳光洒在他那分明而大胆的轮廓上。 —

“I asked to be excused in case I should not be able to discharge my debt to all three; —
“如果我没有能力偿还你们三人的恩情,我请求谅解;” —

for Monsieur Athos has the right to kill me first, which I must abate your valor in your own estimation, Monsieur Porthos, and render yours almost null, Monsieur Aramis. —
因为阿多斯先生有权先杀我,这必须减少您对自己的勇气评价,波尔多斯先生,使您的评价几乎无效,阿拉米斯先生。 —

And now, gentlemen, I repeat, excuse me, but on that account only, and–on guard!”

At these words, with the most gallant air possible, D’Artagnan drew his sword.

The blood had mounted to the head of D’Artagnan, and at that moment he would have drawn his sword against all the Musketeers in the kingdom as willingly as he now did against Athos, Porthos, and Aramis.

It was a quarter past midday. The sun was in its zenith, and the spot chosen for the scene of the duel was exposed to its full ardor.

“It is very hot,” said Athos, drawing his sword in its turn, “and yet I cannot take off my doublet; —
“天气真热,”阿多斯说着,轮到他拔剑了,“我却又不能脱下我的上衣; —

for I just now felt my wound begin to bleed again, and I should not like to annoy Monsieur with the sight of blood which he has not drawn from me himself.”

“That is true, Monsieur,” replied D’Artagnan, “and whether drawn by myself or another, I assure you I shall always view with regret the blood of so brave a gentleman. —
“这没错,先生,”达达尼昂回答道,“无论是我自己流的血还是别人引起的,我保证我总是会为像您这样一位勇敢的绅士的血而感到遗憾的。 —

I will therefore fight in my doublet, like yourself.”

“Come, come, enough of such compliments!” cried Porthos. “Remember, we are waiting for our turns.”

“Speak for yourself when you are inclined to utter such incongruities,” interrupted Aramis. —
“说这种不切题的话时,请代表你自己,”阿拉米斯打断道。 —

“For my part, I think what they say is very well said, and quite worthy of two gentlemen.”

“When you please, monsieur,” said Athos, putting himself on guard.

“I waited your orders,” said D’Artagnan, crossing swords.

But scarcely had the two rapiers clashed, when a company of the Guards of his Eminence, commanded by M. de Jussac, turned the corner of the convent.

“The cardinal’s Guards!” cried Aramis and Porthos at the same time. —
“红衣主教的卫兵!”阿拉米斯和波尔多同时喊道。 —

“Sheathe your swords, gentlemen, sheathe your swords!”

But it was too late. The two combatants had been seen in a position which left no doubt of their intentions.

“Halloo!” cried Jussac, advancing toward them and making a sign to his men to do so likewise, “halloo, Musketeers? —
“喂!”朱萨克大声喊道,朝他们走去,并示意他的士兵也跟着走,“喂,火枪手们? —

Fighting here, are you? And the edicts? What is become of them?”

“You are very generous, gentlemen of the Guards,” said Athos, full of rancor, for Jussac was one of the aggressors of the preceding day. —
“你们真是慷慨,卫兵们先生们,”阿多斯充满怨恨地说道,因为朱萨克是前一天的侵略者之一。 —

“If we were to see you fighting, I can assure you that we would make no effort to prevent you. —
“如果我们看到你们打架,我可以向你们保证,我们不会做任何阻止你们的努力。 —

Leave us alone, then, and you will enjoy a little amusement without cost to yourselves.”

“Gentlemen,” said Jussac, “it is with great regret that I pronounce the thing impossible. —
“先生们,”朱萨克说,”我非常遗憾地宣布这件事情是不可能的。 —

Duty before everything. Sheathe, then, if you please, and follow us.”

“Monsieur,” said Aramis, parodying Jussac, “it would afford us great pleasure to obey your polite invitation if it depended upon ourselves; —
“先生,”阿拉米斯滑稽地模仿着朱萨克说道,”如果这取决于我们自己,我们会很乐意遵守你的礼貌邀请; —

but unfortunately the thing is impossible–Monsieur de Treville has forbidden it. —
但不幸的是,这是不可能的——德特雷维尔先生已经禁止了这件事。 —

Pass on your way, then; it is the best thing to do.”

This raillery exasperated Jussac. “We will charge upon you, then,” said he, “if you disobey.”

“There are five of them,” said Athos, half aloud, “and we are but three; —
“他们有五个,”阿多斯小声说道,”而我们只有三个;” —

we shall be beaten again, and must die on the spot, for, on my part, I declare I will never appear again before the captain as a conquered man.”

Athos, Porthos, and Aramis instantly drew near one another, while Jussac drew up his soldiers.

This short interval was sufficient to determine D’Artagnan on the part he was to take. —
这短暂的间隔足以决定达尔塔尼应该采取的立场。 —

It was one of those events which decide the life of a man; —
这是那种决定一个人一生的事件; —

it was a choice between the king and the cardinal–the choice made, it must be persisted in. —
这是国王和红衣主教之间的选择——做出选择后必须坚决不移。 —

To fight, that was to disobey the law, that was to risk his head, that was to make at one blow an enemy of a minister more powerful than the king himself. —
战斗,那就是违抗法律,那就是冒险丧命,那就是以一击而使自己成为一个比国王更强大的部长的敌人。 —

All this young man perceived, and yet, to his praise we speak it, he did not hesitate a second. —
所有这些年轻人都看到了,然而,应该称赞的是,他毫不犹豫。 —

Turning towards Athos and his friends, “Gentlemen,” said he, “allow me to correct your words, if you please. —
转向阿托斯和他的朋友,“先生们,”他说,“请允许我纠正你们的话。 —

You said you were but three, but it appears to me we are four.”

“But you are not one of us,” said Porthos.

“That’s true,” replied D’Artagnan; “I have not the uniform, but I have the spirit. —
“这是真的,”达尔塔尼回答说;“我没有军装,但我有精神。 —

My heart is that of a Musketeer; I feel it, monsieur, and that impels me on.”

“Withdraw, young man,” cried Jussac, who doubtless, by his gestures and the expression of his countenance, had guessed D’Artagnan’s design. —
“退下吧,年轻人,”无疑是猜到达尔塔尼的意图的贾萨克叫道,也许是通过他的手势和表情。 —

“You may retire; we consent to that. Save your skin; begone quickly.”

D’Artagnan did not budge.

“Decidedly, you are a brave fellow,” said Athos, pressing the young man’s hand.

“Come, come, choose your part,” replied Jussac.

“Well,” said Porthos to Aramis, “we must do something.”

“Monsieur is full of generosity,” said Athos.

But all three reflected upon the youth of D’Artagnan, and dreaded his inexperience.

“We should only be three, one of whom is wounded, with the addition of a boy,” resumed Athos; —
“我们只有三人,其中一个受伤了,再加上一个男孩,”阿多斯继续说道; —

“and yet it will not be the less said we were four men.”

“Yes, but to yield!” said Porthos.

“That IS difficult,” replied Athos.

D’Artagnan comprehended their irresolution.

“Try me, gentlemen,” said he, “and I swear to you by my honor that I will not go hence if we are conquered.”

“What is your name, my brave fellow?” said Athos.

“D’Artagnan, monsieur.”

“Well, then, Athos, Porthos, Aramis, and D’Artagnan, forward!” cried Athos.

“Come, gentlemen, have you decided?” cried Jussac for the third time.

“It is done, gentlemen,” said Athos.

“And what is your choice?” asked Jussac.

“We are about to have the honor of charging you,” replied Aramis, lifting his hat with one hand and drawing his sword with the other.

“Ah! You resist, do you?” cried Jussac.

“S’blood; does that astonish you?”

And the nine combatants rushed upon each other with a fury which however did not exclude a certain degree of method.

Athos fixed upon a certain Cahusac, a favorite of the cardinal’s. —
阿索斯锁定了一个叫卡库萨克的人,这个人是红衣主教的宠臣。 —

Porthos had Bicarat, and Aramis found himself opposed to two adversaries. —
波尔多斯遇到了比卡拉特,而阿拉米斯则面对两个对手。 —

As to D’Artagnan, he sprang toward Jussac himself.

The heart of the young Gascon beat as if it would burst through his side–not from fear, God he thanked, he had not the shade of it, but with emulation; —
年轻的加斯科尼心脏激动得几乎要从胸口窜出来——不是因为恐惧,感谢上帝,他并没有丝毫恐惧,而是出于斗志; —

he fought like a furious tiger, turning ten times round his adversary, and changing his ground and his guard twenty times. —
他像一只狂暴的老虎一样战斗,绕着对手转了十次,变换着位置和架势二十次。 —

Jussac was, as was then said, a fine blade, and had had much practice; —
朱撒时常被称为剑术高手,并练习过很多次; —

nevertheless it required all his skill to defend himself against an adversary who, active and energetic, departed every instant from received rules, attacking him on all sides at once, and yet parrying like a man who had the greatest respect for his own epidermis.

This contest at length exhausted Jussac’s patience. —
这场比赛最终耗尽了朱撒的耐心。 —

Furious at being held in check by one whom he had considered a boy, he became warm and began to make mistakes. —
被一个他认为是个孩子的人制约,这让他非常愤怒,开始出现失误。 —

D’Artagnan, who though wanting in practice had a sound theory, redoubled his agility. —
达达尼安纵使缺乏实战经验,但依然有着扎实的理论基础,他的敏捷度倍增。 —

Jussac, anxious to put an end to this, springing forward, aimed a terrible thrust at his adversary, but the latter parried it; —
于萨克急于结束战斗,纵身向前,瞄准对手猛烈出招,但对手闪过。 —

and while Jussac was recovering himself, glided like a serpent beneath his blade, and passed his sword through his body. —
趁着于萨克失衡之时,达达尼安如蛇一般滑过他的刀锋,将剑刺入对方身体。 —

Jussac fell like a dead mass.

D’Artagnan then cast an anxious and rapid glance over the field of battle.

Aramis had killed one of his adversaries, but the other pressed him warmly. —
阿拉米斯杀死了一个对手,但另一个却在全力进攻他。 —

Nevertheless, Aramis was in a good situation, and able to defend himself.

Bicarat and Porthos had just made counterhits. —
比卡拉和波托斯刚刚互有攻防。 —

Porthos had received a thrust through his arm, and Bicarat one through his thigh. —
波托斯被刺伤臂部,比卡拉则被刺伤大腿。 —

But neither of these two wounds was serious, and they only fought more earnestly.

Athos, wounded anew by Cahusac, became evidently paler, but did not give way a foot. —
阿多斯再次被卡胡萨克伤及,明显脸色失色,但毫不后退寸。 —

He only changed his sword hand, and fought with his left hand.

According to the laws of dueling at that period, D’Artagnan was at liberty to assist whom he pleased. While he was endeavoring to find out which of his companions stood in greatest need, he caught a glance from Athos. The glance was of sublime eloquence. —
根据当时决斗的规则,达达尼安有权协助任何一个同伴。他正尽力找出哪位同伴最需要帮助,然后他看到了阿多斯。那眼神是无上的雄辩。 —

Athos would have died rather than appeal for help; —
阿多斯宁死不求援; —

but he could look, and with that look ask assistance. D’Artagnan interpreted it; —
但他能眼向某处,以那眼神请求支援。达达尼安明白了。 —

with a terrible bound he sprang to the side of Cahusac, crying, “To me, Monsieur Guardsman; I will slay you!”

Cahusac turned. It was time; for Athos, whose great courage alone supported him, sank upon his knee.

“S’blood!” cried he to D’Artagnan, “do not kill him, young man, I beg of you. —
“该死!”他对达尔他尼昂说,“年轻人,拜托你别杀他。 —

I have an old affair to settle with him when I am cured and sound again. —
我康复后还有旧事要和他了结。 —

Disarm him only–make sure of his sword. —
只要解除他的武器——确保他的剑。 —

That’s it! Very well done!”

The exclamation was drawn from Athos by seeing the sword of Cahusac fly twenty paces from him. —
这句感叹是阿索斯看到卡休萨克的剑飞出二十步而发出的。 —

D’Artagnan and Cahusac sprang forward at the same instant, the one to recover, the other to obtain, the sword; —
达尔他尼昂和卡休萨克同时冲过去,一个是拿回,一个是取得那把剑; —

but D’Artagnan, being the more active, reached it first and placed his foot upon it.

Cahusac immediately ran to the Guardsman whom Aramis had killed, seized his rapier, and returned toward D’Artagnan; —
卡休萨克立即跑到阿拉米斯杀死的近卫身上,抢过他的德国佩剑,然后往达尔他尼昂方向走去; —

but on his way he met Athos, who during his relief which D’Artagnan had procured him had recovered his breath, and who, for fear that D’Artagnan would kill his enemy, wished to resume the fight.

D’Artagnan perceived that it would be disobliging Athos not to leave him alone; —
达尔他尼昂意识到不让阿索斯独自战斗是不礼貌的; —

and in a few minutes Cahusac fell, with a sword thrust through his throat.

At the same instant Aramis placed his sword point on the breast of his fallen enemy, and forced him to ask for mercy.

There only then remained Porthos and Bicarat. —
剩下的只有波尔多和比卡拉特了。 —

Porthos made a thousand flourishes, asking Bicarat what o’clock it could be, and offering him his compliments upon his brother’s having just obtained a company in the regiment of Navarre; —
波尔多斯做出了一千次花哨的动作,问比卡拉现在几点了,祝贺他兄弟刚刚在纳瓦拉团获得了一个连长职位; —

but, jest as he might, he gained nothing. —
但是,尽管如此,他并未获得任何好处。 —

Bicarat was one of those iron men who never fell dead.

Nevertheless, it was necessary to finish. —
然而,必须结束了。 —

The watch might come up and take all the combatants, wounded or not, royalists or cardinalists. —
岗哨可能会赶来,把所有的战斗者,伤者或未受伤者,王党或主教党的人都抓走。 —

Athos, Aramis, and D’Artagnan surrounded Bicarat, and required him to surrender. —
阿多斯、阿拉米斯和达达尼安围在比卡拉周围,要求他投降。 —

Though alone against all and with a wound in his thigh, Bicarat wished to hold out; —
虽然孤身一人,大腿受伤,比卡拉仍然想坚持下去; —

but Jussac, who had risen upon his elbow, cried out to him to yield. —
但是已经起身肘部受伤的若撒克叫他投降。 —

Bicarat was a Gascon, as D’Artagnan was; —
比卡拉是个加斯科涅人,就像达达尼安一样; —

he turned a deaf ear, and contented himself with laughing, and between two parries finding time to point to a spot of earth with his sword, “Here,” cried he, parodying a verse of the Bible, “here will Bicarat die; —
他置之不理,只是笑了笑,在两次招架之间找到了时间用剑指着一块土地,“在这里,”他用剑模仿《圣经》的一句诗歌说,“比卡拉将会死; —

for I only am left, and they seek my life.”

“But there are four against you; leave off, I command you.”

“Ah, if you command me, that’s another thing,” said Bicarat. —
“啊,如果你命令我,那就另当别论,”比卡拉说。 —

“As you are my commander, it is my duty to obey.” —
“作为我的长官,我有义务服从。” —

And springing backward, he broke his sword across his knee to avoid the necessity of surrendering it, threw the pieces over the convent wall, and crossed him arms, whistling a cardinalist air.

Bravery is always respected, even in an enemy. —
勇气总是值得尊重的,即使是在敌人身上。 —

The Musketeers saluted Bicarat with their swords, and returned them to their sheaths. —
三剑客用剑向比卡拉行礼,然后把剑放回鞘中。 —

D’Artagnan did the same. Then, assisted by Bicarat, the only one left standing, he bore Jussac, Cahusac, and one of Aramis’s adversaries who was only wounded, under the porch of the convent. —
达达尼昂做了同样的动作。然后,在比卡拉的帮助下,他将贾萨克、卡胡萨克和一名只受了伤的阿拉米斯对手搬到修道院的门廊下。 —

The fourth, as we have said, was dead. They then rang the bell, and carrying away four swords out of five, they took their road, intoxicated with joy, toward the hotel of M. de Treville.

They walked arm in arm, occupying the whole width of the street and taking in every Musketeer they met, so that in the end it became a triumphal march. —
他们手挽着手臂,挡住了整条街道,接受他们遇到的每个火枪手,最终走成了一场凯旋之行。 —

The heart of D’Artagnan swam in delirium; —
达达尼昂的心中沉浸在狂喜之中; —

he marched between Athos and Porthos, pressing them tenderly.

“If I am not yet a Musketeer,” said he to his new friends, as he passed through the gateway of M. de Treville’s hotel, “at least I have entered upon my apprenticeship, haven’t I?”