
“Ah,” cried Milady and Rochefort together, “it is you!”

“Yes, it is I.”

“And you come?” asked Milady.

“From La Rochelle; and you?”
“从La Rochelle来;你呢?”

“From England.”


“Dead or desperately wounded, as I left without having been able to hear anything of him. —
“死了或者重伤,我离开的时候都没能听到他的消息。” —

A fanatic has just assassinated him.”

“Ah,” said Rochefort, with a smile; “this is a fortunate chance–one that will delight his Eminence! —
“啊,”罗切福笑着说,”这真是一个幸运的机会–这将让他的尊贵开心!” —

Have you informed him of it?”

“I wrote to him from Boulogne. But what brings you here?”

“His Eminence was uneasy, and sent me to find you.”

“I only arrived yesterday.”

“And what have you been doing since yesterday?”

“I have not lost my time.”

“Oh, I don’t doubt that.”

“Do you know whom I have encountered here?”



“How can I?”

“That young woman whom the queen took out of prison.”

“The mistress of that fellow D’Artagnan?”

“Yes; Madame Bonacieux, with whose retreat the cardinal was unacquainted.”

“Well, well,” said Rochefort, “here is a chance which may pair off with the other! —
“唔,唔,”罗切福特说,“这个机会似乎能与另一个配对! —

Monsieur Cardinal is indeed a privileged man!”

“Imagine my astonishment,” continued Milady, “when I found myself face to face with this woman!”

“Does she know you?”


“Then she looks upon you as a stranger?”

Milady smiled. “I am her best friend.”

“Upon my honor,” said Rochefort, “it takes you, my dear countess, to perform such miracles!”

“And it is well I can, Chevalier,” said Milady, “for do you know what is going on here?”


“They will come for her tomorrow or the day after, with an order from the queen.”

“Indeed! And who?”

“D’Artagnan and his friends.”

“Indeed, they will go so far that we shall be obliged to send them to the Bastille.”

“Why is it not done already?”

“What would you? The cardinal has a weakness for these men which I cannot comprehend.”



“Well, then, tell him this, Rochefort. Tell him that our conversation at the inn of the Red Dovecot was overheard by these four men; —
“那么,告诉他这些,洛切福。告诉他在红鸽舍旅店我们的谈话被这四个人听到了; —

tell him that after his departure one of them came up to me and took from me by violence the safe-conduct which he had given me; —
告诉他在他离开后,其中一个人走到我面前,用暴力夺走了他给我的保护通行证; —

tell him they warned Lord de Winter of my journey to England; —
告诉他他们警告了德温特勋爵我前往英格兰的旅程; —

that this time they nearly foiled my mission as they foiled the affair of the studs; —
这次他们几乎使我的任务失败,就像他们使小蹄事件失败一样; —

tell him that among these four men two only are to be feared–D’Artagnan and Athos; —
告诉他在这四个人中,只有两个值得畏惧–达达尼昂和阿多斯; —

tell him that the third, Aramis, is the lover of Madame de Chevreuse–he may be left alone, we know his secret, and it may be useful; —
告诉他第三个,阿拉米斯,是沙河公爵夫人的情人–他可以留着单独,我们知道他的秘密,这可能有用; —

as to the fourth, Porthos, he is a fool, a simpleton, a blustering booby, not worth troubling himself about.”

“But these four men must be now at the siege of La Rochelle?”

“I thought so, too; but a letter which Madame Bonacieux has received from Madame the Constable, and which she has had the imprudence to show me, leads me to believe that these four men, on the contrary, are on the road hither to take her away.”

“The devil! What’s to be done?”

“What did the cardinal say about me?”

“I was to take your dispatches, written or verbal, and return by post; —
“我要带走您的书信,无论是书面还是口头的,然后通过邮寄返回;” —

and when he shall know what you have done, he will advise what you have to do.”

“I must, then, remain here?”

“Here, or in the neighborhood.”

“You cannot take me with you?”

“No, the order is imperative. Near the camp you might be recognized; —
“不行,命令是明确的。在营地附近您可能会被认出来;” —

and your presence, you must be aware, would compromise the cardinal.”

“Then I must wait here, or in the neighborhood?”

“Only tell me beforehand where you will wait for intelligence from the cardinal; —
“只要事先告诉我您会在哪里等候红衣主教的消息;” —

let me now always where to find you.”

“Observe, it is probable that I may not be able to remain here.”


“You forget that my enemies may arrive at any minute.”

“That’s true; but is this little woman, then, to escape his Eminence?”

“Bah!” said Milady, with a smile that belonged only to herself; —
“嘿!”米莱迪笑着说,这种笑容只属于她自己; —

“you forget that I am her best friend.”

“Ah, that’s true! I may then tell the cardinal, with respect to this little woman–”

“That he may be at ease.”

“Is that all?”

“He will now what that means.”

“He will guess, at least. Now, then, what had I better do?”

“Return instantly. It appears to me that the news you bear is worth the trouble of a little diligence.”

“My chaise broke down coming into Lilliers.”


“What, CAPITAL?”

“Yes, I want your chaise.”

“And how shall I travel, then?”

“On horseback.”

“You talk very comfortably,–a hundred and eighty leagues!”

“What’s that?”

“One can do it! Afterward?”

“Afterward? Why, in passing through Lilliers you will send me your chaise, with an order to your servant to place himself at my disposal.”


“You have, no doubt, some order from the cardinal about you?”

“I have my FULL POWER.”

“Show it to the abbess, and tell her that someone will come and fetch me, either today or tomorrow, and that I am to follow the person who presents himself in your name.”

“Very well.”

“Don’t forget to treat me harshly in speaking of me to the abbess.”

“To what purpose?”

“I am a victim of the cardinal. It is necessary to inspire confidence in that poor little Madame Bonacieux.”

“That’s true. Now, will you make me a report of all that has happened?”

“Why, I have related the events to you. You have a good memory; —
“我已经向你讲述了事件。你记性不错; —

repeat what I have told you. A paper may be lost.”

“You are right; only let me know where to find you that I may not run needlessly about the neighborhood.”

“That’s correct; wait!”

“Do you want a map?”

“Oh, I know this country marvelously!”

“You? When were you here?”

“I was brought up here.”


“It is worth something, you see, to have been brought up somewhere.”

“You will wait for me, then?”

“Let me reflect a little! Ay, that will do–at Armentieres.”

“Where is that Armentieres?”

“A little town on the Lys; I shall only have to cross the river, and I shall be in a foreign country.”

“Capital! but it is understood you will only cross the river in case of danger.”

“That is well understood.”

“And in that case, how shall I know where you are?”

“You do not want your lackey?”

“Is he a sure man?”

“To the proof.”

“Give him to me. Nobody knows him. I will leave him at the place I quit, and he will conduct you to me.”

“And you say you will wait for me at Armentieres?”

“At Armentieres.”

“Write that name on a bit of paper, lest I should forget it. —
“把那个名字写在一张纸条上,免得我忘记。” —

There is nothing compromising in the name of a town. Is it not so?”

“Eh, who knows? Never mind,” said Milady, writing the name on half a sheet of paper; —
“谁知道呢?别担心,”米莱迪说着,把名字写在一张纸的一半上; —

“I will compromise myself.”

“Well,” said Rochefort, taking the paper from Milady, folding it, and placing it in the lining of his hat, “you may be easy. —
“好吧,”罗切福特从米莱迪手中接过纸条,折叠起来,放在帽子的内衬里,”你可以放心。 —

I will do as children do, for fear of losing the paper–repeat the name along the route. Now, is that all?”

“I believe so.”

“Let us see: Buckingham dead or grievously wounded; —
“让我们看看:白金汉死了或者受了重伤; —

your conversation with the cardinal overheard by the four Musketeers; —
你和红衣主教的谈话被四名火枪手听到; —

Lord de Winter warned of your arrival at Portsmouth; D’Artagnan and Athos to the Bastille; —
温特勋爵被警告你到了朴茨茅斯;达达尼昂和阿索斯被送进了巴士底狱;” —

Aramis the lover of Madame de Chevreuse; Porthos an ass; Madame Bonacieux found again; —
阿拉米斯是夫人德·舍夫勒兹的情人; 波尔托斯是头驴; 发现了邦纳西厄斯夫人; —

to send you the chaise as soon as possible; to place my lackey at your disposal; —
要尽快送你那辆四轮马车; 将我的仆人让你随意支配; —

to make you out a victim of the cardinal in order that the abbess may entertain no suspicion; —
说你是红衣主教的牺牲品,这样修女院长就不会起疑心; —

Armentieres, on the banks of the Lys. Is that all, then?”

“In truth, my dear Chevalier, you are a miracle of memory. A PROPOS, add one thing–”


“I saw some very pretty woods which almost touch the convent garden. —
“我见到了一片非常美丽的丛林,几乎与修道院花园相接。 —

Say that I am permitted to walk in those woods. Who knows? —
说我被允许在那些丛林里散步。谁知道呢? —

Perhaps I shall stand in need of a back door for retreat.”

“You think of everything.”

“And you forget one thing.”


“To ask me if I want money.”

“That’s true. How much do you want?”

“All you have in gold.”

“I have five hundred pistoles, or thereabouts.”

“I have as much. With a thousand pistoles one may face everything. Empty your pockets.”


“Right. And you go–”

“In an hour–time to eat a morsel, during which I shall send for a post horse.”

“Capital! Adieu, Chevalier.”

“Adieu, Countess.”

“Commend me to the cardinal.”

“Commend me to Satan.”

Milady and Rochefort exchanged a smile and separated. —
“米莱迪和罗切福特互相微笑着分别了。” —

An hour afterward Rochefort set out at a grand gallop; —
“一个小时后,罗切福特以飞奔的速度出发;” —

five hours after that he passed through Arras.

Our readers already know how he was recognized by D’Artagnan, and how that recognition by inspiring fear in the four Musketeers had given fresh activity to their journey.