
It was a stormy and dark night; vast clouds covered the heavens, concealing the stars; —
那是一个风雨交加的黑夜;浩瀚的云层遮蔽了天空,掩盖了星星; —

the moon would not rise till midnight.

Occasionally, by the light of a flash of lightening which gleamed along the horizon, the road stretched itself before them, white and solitary; —
偶尔,一道闪电的光亮沿着地平线闪烁,道路在他们面前延伸,空旷而孤独; —

the flash extinct, all remained in darkness.

Every minute Athos was forced to restrain D’Artagnan, constantly in advance of the little troop, and to beg him to keep in the line, which in an instant he again departed from. —
阿多斯不得不不断制止不停冲在队伍前面的达达尼昂,并请求他跟上队伍,可他立马又走散了。 —

He had but one thought–to go forward; and he went.

They passed in silence through the little village of Festubert, where the wounded servant was, and then skirted the wood of Richebourg. —
他们悄无声息地穿过了弗斯蒂贝尔小村庄,那里有受伤的仆人,然后绕过里什堡森林。 —

At Herlier, Planchet, who led the column, turned to the left.

Several times Lord de Winter, Porthos, or Aramis, tried to talk with the man in the red cloak; —
德温特勋爵、波尔多斯或阿拉米斯几次试图与那个身穿红色斗篷的人谈话; —

but to every interrogation which they put to him he bowed, without response. —
但对于他们提出的每一个问题,他只是点头,不发一言。 —

The travelers then comprehended that there must be some reason why the unknown preserved such a silence, and ceased to address themselves to him.

The storm increase, the flashes succeeded one another more rapidly, the thunder began to growl, and the wind, the precursor of a hurricane, whistled in the plumes and the hair of the horsemen.

The cavalcade trotted on more sharply.

A little before they came to Fromelles the storm burst. They spread their cloaks. —
就在他们快到弗朗耐尔之前,风暴爆发了。他们打开斗篷。 —

There remained three leagues to travel, and they did it amid torrents of rain.

D’Artagnan took off his hat, and could not be persuaded to make use of his cloak. —
达达尼翁摘下了帽子,不肯披上披风。 —

He found pleasure in feeling the water trickle over his burning brow and over his body, agitated by feverish shudders.

The moment the little troop passed Goskal and were approaching the Port, a man sheltered beneath a tree detached himself from the trunk with which he had been confounded in the darkness, and advanced into the middle of the road, putting his finger on his lips.

Athos recognized Grimaud.

“What’s the manner?” cried Athos. “Has she left Armentieres?”
“情况怎么样?” 阿托斯喊道。”她离开亚芒提尔了吗?”

Grimaud made a sign in the affirmative. D’Artagnan groaned his teeth.

“Silence, D’Artagnan!” said Athos. I have charged myself with this affair. —
“安静,达达尼翁!” 阿托斯说道。这件事交给我了。 —

It is for me, then, to interrogate Grimaud.”

“Where is she?” asked Athos.
“她在哪里?” 阿托斯问。

Grimaud extended his hands in the direction of the Lys. “Far from here?” asked Athos.
格里莫伸出手指指向利斯河的方向。”离这很远吗?” 阿托斯问。

Grimaud showed his master his forefinger bent.

“Alone?” asked Athos.
“独自一人?” 阿托斯问。

Grimaud made the sign yes.

“Gentlemen,” said Athos, “she is alone within half a league of us, in the direction of the river.”
“各位,” 阿托斯说道,”她就在我们半英里的方向上,沿着河流前行。”

“That’s well,” said D’Artagnan. “lead us, Grimaud.”

Grimaud took his course across the country, and acted as guide to the cavalcade.

At the end of five hundred paces, more or less, they came to a rivulet, which they forded.

By the aid of the lightening they perceived the village of Erquinheim.

“Is she there, Grimaud?” asked Athos.

Grimaud shook his head negatively.

“Silence, then!” cried Athos.

And the troop continued their route.

Another flash illuminated all around them. —
又一道闪电照亮了四周。 —

Grimaud extended his arm, and by the bluish splendor of the fiery serpent they distinguished a little isolated house on the banks of the river, within a hundred paces of a ferry.

One window was lighted.

“Here we are!” said Athos.

At this moment a man who had been crouching in a ditch jumped up and came towards them. —
就在这时,一个原来蜷缩在沟里的人站了起来走向他们。 —

It was Mousqueton. He pointed his finger to the lighted window.

“She is there,” said he.

“And Bazin?” asked Athos.
“那巴津呢?” 阿托斯问道。

“While I watched the window, he guarded the door.”

“Good!” said Athos. “You are good and faithful servants.”
“很好!” 阿托斯说。“你们是优秀而忠诚的仆人。”

Athos sprang from his horse, gave the bridle to Grimaud, and advanced toward the window, after having made a sign to the rest of the troop to go toward the door.

The little house was surrounded by a low, quickset hedge, two or three feet high. —
小屋周围围绕着一道低矮的快速篱笆,有两三英尺高。 —

Athos sprang over the hedge and went up to the window, which was without shutters, but had the half-curtains closely drawn.

He mounted the skirting stone that his eyes might look over the curtain.

By the light of a lamp he saw a woman, wrapped in a dark mantle, seated upon a stool near a dying fire. —
在灯光下,他看到一个身披黑色斗篷的女人,坐在靠近熄灭的火堆旁的凳子上。 —

Her elbows were placed upon a mean table, and she leaned her head upon her two hands, which were white as ivory.

He could not distinguish her countenance, but a sinister smile passed over the lips of Athos. He was not deceived; —
他无法看清她的面容,但是阿托斯的嘴角露出了一丝邪恶的微笑。他没有被骗; —

it was she whom he sought.

At this moment a horse neighed. Milady raised her head, saw close to the panes the pale face of Athos, and screamed.

Athos, perceiving that she knew him, pushed the window with his knee and hand. The window yielded. —
阿托斯意识到她认出了他,用膝盖和手推开窗户。窗户被撞碎。 —

The squares were broken to shivers; and Athos, like the spectre of vengeance, leaped into the room.

Milady rushed to the door and opened it. More pale and menacing than Athos, D’Artagnan stood on the threshold.

Milady recoiled, uttering a cry. D’Artagnan, believing she might have means of flight and fearing she should escape, drew a pistol from his belt; —
麦拉迪往后退了一步,发出一声尖叫。达达尼昂认为她可能有逃脱的手段,担心她会逃走,便从腰间拔出一支手枪; —

but Athos raised his hand.

“Put back that weapon, D’Artagnan!” said he; “this woman must be tried, not assassinated. —
“放下武器,达达尼昂!”他说道,“这个女人必须接受审判,而不是被暗杀。 —

Wait an instant, my friend, and you shall be satisfied. —
等一会儿,我的朋友,你就会明白了。 —

Come in, gentlemen.”

D’Artagnan obeyed; for Athos had the solemn voice and the powerful gesture of a judge sent by the Lord himself. —
达达尼昂遵从了;因为阿索斯有着庄严的声音和像是上帝派来的判官的威猛姿态。 —

Behind D’Artagnan entered Porthos, Aramis, Lord de Winter, and the man in the red cloak.

The four lackeys guarded the door and the window.

Milady had sunk into a chair, with her hands extended, as if to conjure this terrible apparition. —
麦拉迪沉坐在椅子上,双手伸开,仿佛在祈求避开这可怕的幻影。 —

Perceiving her brother-in-law, she uttered a terrible cry.

“What do you want?” screamed Milady.

“We want,” said Athos, “Charlotte Backson, who first was called Comtesse de la Fere, and afterwards Milady de Winter, Baroness of Sheffield.”

“That is I! that is I!” murmured Milady, in extreme terror; “what do you want?”

“We wish to judge you according to your crime,” said Athos; “you shall be free to defend yourself. —
“我们想要根据你的罪行对你进行审判,”阿索斯说道;“你可以自由辩护。 —

Justify yourself if you can. M. d’Artagnan, it is for you to accuse her first.”

D’Artagnan advanced.

“Before God and before men,” said he, “I accuse this woman of having poisoned Constance Bonacieux, who died yesterday evening.”

He turned towards Porthos and Aramis.

“We bear witness to this,” said the two Musketeers, with one voice.

D’Artagnan continued: “Before God and before men, I accuse this woman of having attempted to poison me, in wine which she sent me from Villeroy, with a forged letter, as if that wine came from my friends. —
达达尼安继续说道:“在上帝和人类面前,我控告这个女人企图毒死我,用她从维勒罗伊送来的伪造信件和葡萄酒,假装那瓶酒是我朋友送的。 —

God preserved me, but a man named Brisemont died in my place.”

“We bear witness to this,” said Porthos and Aramis, in the same manner as before.

“Before God and before men, I accuse this woman of having urged me to the murder of the Baron de Wardes; —
“在上帝和人类面前,我控告这个女人促使我谋杀瓦德男爵; —

but as no one else can attest the truth of this accusation, I attest it myself. I have done.” —
但因为没有别人能证实这一指责的真实性,我自己作证。我说完了。” —

And D’Artagnan passed to the other side of the room with Porthos and Aramis.

“Your turn, my Lord,” said Athos.

The baron came forward.

“Before God and before men,” said he, “I accuse this woman of having caused the assassination of the Duke of Buckingham.”

“The Duke of Buckingham assassinated!” cried all present, with one voice.

“Yes,” said the baron, “assassinated. On receiving the warning letter you wrote to me, I had this woman arrested, and gave her in charge to a loyal servant. —
“是的,”男爵说,“被暗杀了。收到你写给我的警告信后,我逮捕了这个女人,并交给了一个忠诚的仆人。” —

She corrupted this man; she placed the poniard in his hand; she made him kill the duke. —
她腐蚀了这个男人;她将匕首放在他手中;她让他杀死了公爵。 —

And at this moment, perhaps, Felton is paying with his head for the crime of this fury!”

A shudder crept through the judges at the revelation of these unknown crimes.

“That is not all,” resumed Lord de Winter. —
“这还不是全部,”德温特勋爵接着说。 —

“My brother, who made you his heir, died in three hours of a strange disorder which left livid traces all over the body. —
“我的兄弟,将你视为继承人的兄长,在三小时内死于一种奇怪的疾病,全身留下青紫的痕迹。 —

My sister, how did your husband die?”

“Horror!” cried Porthos and Aramis.

“Assassin of Buckingham, assassin of Felton, assassin of my brother, I demand justice upon you, and I swear that if it be not granted to me, I will execute it myself.”

And Lord de Winter ranged himself by the side of D’Artagnan, leaving the place free for another accuser.

Milady let her head sink between her two hands, and tried to recall her ideas, whirling in a mortal vertigo.

“My turn,” said Athos, himself trembling as the lion trembles at the sight of the serpent–“my turn. —
“轮到我了,”阿多斯说,他自己在颤抖,就像狮子看到蛇一样颤抖—”轮到我了。 —

I married that woman when she was a young girl; —
我娶那个女人的时候她还是个年轻姑娘; —

I married her in opposition to the wishes of all my family; —
我违背家人的意愿娶了她; —

I gave her my wealth, I gave her my name; —
我给她我的财富,我给她我的名字; —

and one day I discovered that this woman was branded–this woman was marked with a FLEUR-DE-LIS on her left shoulder.”

“Oh,” said Milady, raising herself, “I defy you to find any tribunal which pronounced that infamous sentence against me. —
“哦,”米莱迪说着,挺起身来,“我挑战你去找出哪个法庭对我作出那个可耻的判决。 —

I defy you to find him who executed it.”

“Silence!” said a hollow voice. “It is for me to reply to that!” —
“闭嘴!”一个低沉的声音说道。“回答这个问题是我的责任!” —

And the man in the red cloak came forward in his turn.

“What man is that? What man is that?” cried Milady, suffocated by terror, her hair loosening itself, and rising above her livid countenance as if alive.

All eyes were turned towards this man–for to all except Athos he was unknown.

Even Athos looked at him with as much stupefaction as the others, for he knew not how he could in any way find himself mixed up with the horrible drama then unfolded.

After approaching Milady with a slow and solemn step, so that the table alone separated them, the unknown took off his mask.

Milady for some time examined with increasing terror that pale face, framed with black hair and whiskers, the only expression of which was icy impassibility. —
米莱迪嚇得无法呼吸地盯着那张苍白的脸、被黑色头发和鬍子围绕着的脸,那脸上唯一的表情是冰冷的冷漠。 —

Then she suddenly cried, “Oh, no, no!” rising and retreating to the very wall. “No, no! —
然后她突然尖叫起来,“哦,不,不!”起身退到墙边。“不,不! —

it is an infernal apparition! It is not he! Help, help!” —
这是一个地狱般的幻觉!那不是他!救命!救命!” —

screamed she, turning towards the wall, as if she would tear an opening with her hands.

“Who are you, then?” cried all the witnesses of this scene.

“Ask that woman,” said the man in the red cloak, “for you may plainly see she knows me!”

“The executioner of Lille, the executioner of Lille!” —
“里尔的劊子手,里尔的劊子手!” —

cried Milady, a prey to insensate terror, and clinging with her hands to the wall to avoid falling.

Every one drew back, and the man in the red cloak remained standing alone in the middle of the room.

“Oh, grace, grace, pardon!” cried the wretch, falling on her knees.

The unknown waited for silence, and then resumed, “I told you well that she would know me. —
那位陌生人等待着安静,然后继续说道:“我告诉过你她会认出我。 —

Yes, I am the executioner of Lille, and this is my history.”

All eyes were fixed upon this man, whose words were listened to with anxious attention.

“That woman was once a young girl, as beautiful as she is today. —
“那个女人曾经是一个年轻姑娘,像今天一样美丽。 —

She was a nun in the convent of the Benedictines of Templemar. —
她曾是坦普玛尔本笃会的修女。 —

A young priest, with a simple and trustful heart, performed the duties of the church of that convent. —
一位年轻的神父,怀着一颗纯洁信任的心,担任着那座修道院的教会责任。 —

She undertook his seduction, and succeeded; —
她策划了勾引他,并成功了; —

she would have seduced a saint.

“Their vows were sacred and irrevocable. Their connection could not last long without ruining both. —
“他们的誓约是庄严而不可改变的。他们的关系不能持续太久,否则将毁灭双方。 —

She prevailed upon him to leave the country; —
她说服他离开这个国家; —

but to leave the country, to fly together, to reach another part of France, where they might live at ease because unknown, money was necessary. —
但要一起逃离,前往法国的另一地方,以便因为未知而安全生活,需要金钱。 —

Neither had any. The priest stole the sacred vases, and sold them; —
两人都一无所有。神父偷走了圣器,并卖掉; —

but as they were preparing to escape together, they were both arrested.

“Eight days later she had seduced the son of the jailer, and escaped. —
“八天后,她勾引了狱卒的儿子,并成功逃脱了。 —

The young priest was condemned to ten years of imprisonment, and to be branded. —
这位年轻的牧师被判十年监禁,并遭到烙印。 —

I was executioner of the city of Lille, as this woman has said. —
我是里尔市的刽子手,就像这位女士所说的。 —

I was obliged to brand the guilty one; and he, gentlemen, was my brother!

“I then swore that this woman who had ruined him, who was more than his accomplice, since she had urged him to the crime, should at least share his punishment. —
“我发誓这位毁了他、更甚其同谋的女人,因为她怂恿他犯罪,至少应该分担他的惩罚。 —

I suspected where she was concealed. I followed her, I caught her, I bound her; —
我怀疑她的藏身之处。我追着她,我抓住了她,我绑住了她; —

and I imprinted the same disgraceful mark upon her that I had imprinted upon my poor brother.

“The day after my return to Lille, my brother in his turn succeeded in making his escape; —
“回到里尔的第二天,我的兄弟也成功逃脱了; —

I was accused of complicity, and was condemned to remain in his place till he should be again a prisoner. —
我被指控串谋,被判在他再次成为囚犯之前留在他的位置。 —

My poor brother was ignorant of this sentence. He rejoined this woman; —
我可怜的兄弟对这个判决一无所知。他重逢了这位女子; —

they fled together into Berry, and there he obtained a little curacy. —
他们一起逃到了贝里,那里他获得了一份小牧师职位。 —

This woman passed for his sister.

“The Lord of the estate on which the chapel of the curacy was situated saw this pretend sister, and became enamoured of her–amorous to such a degree that he proposed to marry her. —
“这位小牧师所在修道院小堂的领主看到了这位自称姐姐的女子,并对她疯狂地爱慕–以至于提出要和她结婚。 —

Then she quitted him she had ruined for him she was destined to ruin, and became the Comtesse de la Fere–”

All eyes were turned towards Athos, whose real name that was, and who made a sign with his head that all was true which the executioner had said.

“Then,” resumed he, “mad, desperate, determined to get rid of an existence from which she had stolen everything, honor and happiness, my poor brother returned to Lille, and learning the sentence which had condemned me in his place, surrendered himself, and hanged himself that same night from the iron bar of the loophole of his prison.

“To do justice to them who had condemned me, they kept their word. —
在向那些判处我死刑的人公道地道歉。 —

As soon as the identity of my brother was proved, I was set at liberty.

“That is the crime of which I accuse her; that is the cause for which she was branded.”

“Monsieur d’Artagnan,” said Athos, “what is the penalty you demand against this woman?”

“The punishment of death,” replied D’Artagnan.

“My Lord de Winter,” continued Athos, “what is the penalty you demand against this woman?”

“The punishment of death,” replied Lord de Winter.

“Messieurs Porthos and Aramis,” repeated Athos, “you who are her judges, what is the sentence you pronounce upon this woman?”

“The punishment of death,” replied the Musketeers, in a hollow voice.

Milady uttered a frightful shriek, and dragged herself along several paces upon her knees toward her judges.

Athos stretched out his hand toward her.

“Charlotte Backson, Comtesse de la Fere, Milady de Winter,” said he, “your crimes have wearied men on earth and God in heaven. —
“夏洛特·巴克森,拉弗雷伯爵夫人,米蕾迪·德温特,”他说,”你的罪行使人间的人和天上的神都感到疲倦。 —

If you know a prayer, say it–for you are condemned, and you shall die.”

At these words, which left no hope, Milady raised herself in all her pride, and wished to speak; —
这些话让米莱迪毫无希望地挺起身来,她想开口; —

but her strength failed her. She felt that a powerful and implacable hand seized her by the hair, and dragged her away as irrevocably as fatality drags humanity. —
但她的力量已经无法支撑。她感觉到一只强大而无情的手抓住她的头发,无情地把她拖走,就像宿命无情地拖着人类一样。 —

She did not, therefore, even attempt the least resistance, and went out of the cottage.

Lord de Winter, D’Artagnan, Athos, Porthos, and Aramis, went out close behind her. —
德温特勋爵,达达尼昂,阿索斯,波尔多,和阿拉米斯,紧随其后走出。 —

The lackeys followed their masters, and the chamber was left solitary, with its broken window, its open door, and its smoky lamp burning sadly on the table.